TIIK BEE: 0fATT.. RATIJI1DAV. NOVKMPER 18, 1011. nnnnn SOUTH OTilAEIA JL Mi 11 UU U 20 DEL017 OMAHA PRICE HOT QUE DAY BUT EVERY DAY m 1 Get Our Rug Prices 27:54 Velvet Rugs for .$1.00 27x54 Axminster Hugs for '..$1.45 T ABOUT HALF t7. 9x12 Brussels beamiest Hugs for $9.75 9x12 Velvet Seamless Kugs for $12.50 v 9x12 Axminster Kugs for ... . . $17.00 What you pay other tailors, wc make you a suit or over coat. You will marvel at the materials and workmanship at 8 FOR US E3F Large Size Couch covered in for Quick vv e sell for Wo sell for Solid Oak China Closet Well Made Sew ing Machine, complete with attachments, go Sahlin Perfect Foriri and Corset Combined We) Are Exclusive Aseata far Sahlle Waists. $1.50 to $5.00 Mall OHtra Proatatly Filled. WEINLANDER & SMITH l SIT tOITU 1STH. SI 'J, SPECIAL 5 HOMESEEKEES' J BATTH I SOUTHWEST TO MISSOURI, ARKANSAS, OKLAHOMA. LOVIS1ANA, TEXAS, IVANS AS. Tickets on sU first and third Tuesday in tstn iBontb. Stopovers allowed on both the going and re turn Journeys. TIIOS. F. GODFREY Fata, and Ticket Agent. 123 Farnam Street, or I'nlin Station Omaha. $14.00 feai i4.oa irTr TV1 1 I ilT ST t 1 best chased leather $12.50 Low Prices on Good Stoves ACORN RANGES AND HEATERS ROYAL ACORN BASE BURNERS THE WORLD'S BEST IN ALL SIZES Meal Ranges a good 4-Lole range $21.50 a good G-holo range $26.50 SET UP IN YOUR HOME SUGAR PRICEjS DECLINING Amount for One Dollar i Increased by One Found. OTHER FOODS STILL ADVANCING Oatmeal Gora Hp Hint? Per Ccat la rrrlod of Thrca Moatha aal Coffe la Slated for a Jatup. Buyar la oomlns down from ill high ,rlca buala, but aeverul othtr commodltiua ira attll advancing. Wugar. which liaa Lrn at flftiti pounda for fl for aoma time, will ba aold Monday by aunia at lxli.cn iiounda for 1. Indication are that It will come down to aaventeen lounda for II, according to Manager King of liayden ilron.' grocery doyart tncnt.' Coffee la atlll going up and It la ex , ectrd that the rlce before January 1 .till bo I or 3 renta a pound higher than iuw. The jump In tva In the laat few uontha ha bwn greatrr than that In .ol'Ko. tlunpowder tea that wholvaalera utiiht three monthx' ago at It cvuta a uund la now 2H cvnta. itice haa advanced 3D per cent In the .at three montha. Whole grain rice la ivtalli'd at "Vi to 10 tenia a pound and broken rlc at ft ccn. On lineal In bulk haa gone up about 60 per cent In tho laat three montha. That which waa aelltng at tea pounda for a Quarter la now aelllng nine pound for a Quarter and the quantity .will be ru ducvd to eight pounda Monday. UNION PACIFIC HAS QUICK MAIL SERVICE The . Union I'aclflc's mall department has been installed In the new building and Is In perfect working order. It la located on the flrat floor. In rear of the Dodge stroet side, where six men are em ployed. All over the new building there are mall chutes on every floor and In all of the general offices. They connect with a mall boa about 2x06. on the first floor. Dodge street aide. From thla box the mall I collected by the regular city car riers and taken to the poatofflce, the com pany mall clerka having nothing to do with handling the outgoing mall, but with the Incoming mall. It Is entirely lit their charge. It la brought to the office every hour by company carriers, who pick It up at the poatofflce. Taken to the company mail room. It la sorted by the company clerka and distributed through the building by company carriers. ELAINE SOCIETY GIVES "THE SCARLET SLIPPER" The Elaine society of the high aehool beld its aecond program meeting of the year In the asseoibly room at the school Thursday afternoon, about twenty-five members and friend being present. A piano aolo by Hut.i canford opened the program, "ine Kcariet Clipper, a humoroua one-act playlet, was then pre- eenUd very auoeeastully by Lula Mae t'oe. Minnie Johnson, Minerva Fuller and Maurlue liuchiuore. a3 N V Solid Oak Chiffonier with plate mirror Local Capital to Build Community Industrial Home Two local capitalists have come for ward with offer to build the "commun ity" factory building which the Commer cial club haa proposed aa a home for Infant Induatrlea now unable to find ade quate, up-to-date quarter. The real eatate committee of the club, of which II. A. Tukey la temporary chair man, will meet Monday to talk over the two proposition and to mae arrange ments for a personal conference on the scheme, with the men who offer to fur iilnh the money. If either of the two will agree to eroct the ort of building desired, with leaae term that will be acceptable to manufacturers, the Commercial club will undertake to fill the building from umotiK the fifty or more small factories now located In antiquated and cramped quarter. Chairman Tukry thinks It beat at pres ent not to make publlo the namea of tho men who consider building. Moth have definite location In view lu the present wholesale district. Graff Breaks in on Suffragette Talk Principal of Omaha school assembled In the office of tho superintendent became belligerently militant when a demure little iiiIhm broached the subject of Mra. Kmellne Tankhurst, and her mission of promulgating the doctrine of woman suf frage. Said the demure little iniss: "What' the use of all this fuas ubout women voting? I don't want to vote. I don't even want to work, but I have to. I want to have a home of my own and keep house, and" Here lu r plaintive remoiutrance was abruptly quelled and a maid more mili tant in her manner than the famous Kng- Uah leader pronounced nuch an utterance absurd and udvanced the cause of the dlstlples of equal suffrage. We have a right to the ballot," she emphatically declared, "and we ought to auforce our right. We pay taxes like men, but we have no voice In levying thee taxea. I tell you It is taxation without repre " "Oh, well," observed a quiet, girlish principal who had hitherto merely taken passive Interest In the argument. We've heard both sides, and I, for one, don't rare. I don't think It matters much anyway. If we had Vjie ballot, do you think I'd go to the polls and hang around talking politics and awe-" "Don't have to do everything a man does," Interrupted the militant maid. "and oppose men. Why, the flrat thing we knew they would be treating us )ust like they treat other men. I don't want men to treat me like they treat other men." "Meu must be all kind to you and mighty nice," scornfully came from the m. m. "As for nie " "U-fcs-hh. Superintendent Graff la com ing," aald the suffragettea and the op ponenta thereof and with pink cheeks they began discuaslnu of the demure little maid's new coat, which waa a peach. M S6.75 ffy BOLD O.V , YVL ' v PAYMENTS VHeI Key to the B.tuatlon-Bee Want Ads. To Any Man's Measure Von have heard nboul tm, tor we are erewt Inp a wtlr wnoti n e OrtiwHw never Had bclore EVERY GARMENT HAS THE UNION a satisfied tstomi:k is 0111 best asset llaycSen iOS. Meat Prices Lower Than Ever CHICKENS 10Vac Ilindquarler Lamb or Mutton 6c Forequarter Lamb or Mutton 5c Mutton Chops, 3 lbs. for 25c Mutton Stew, 10 lbs. forN 25c Voal Koast 7c Veal Chops 10c Veal Stew 5c Tot lloast, 8c, 7c and '. 6c Hound Steak ; . .10c Sirloin Steak 12M:C Porterhouse Steak 15o Hamberger Steak 7M;C Pork lioast 8c Julk Sausage 5lJ Xo. 1 Hams lSM'C No. 1 Pncon 17VjC Bacon Strips 12MjC Hoyden Bros.' Cleat Dept. TiaaWin III II I Gash Basis-No Credit Is the secret of the wide popularity of Haiti's Market. No credit means no loss from bad accounts, no ex pense of bookkeeping collecting, to be inarto iip by suhhtltutlng Inferior quality. We pay cash for our meats and groceries and sell for cash and no delivery. That's why we can sell only choice goods for the same price or lesa than we would have to charge for Inferior meats and groceries If we conducted a credit bustneNS like other dealers. Remember we have the only choice home dressed chickens, kept In cold dry air so as to retain their natural ciilcken flavor. For Saturday Home Mado J'ork Sausage .... 1310 Home Made Hamburger bteak ..loo hpecial Rendered lard 13'ic chuck cSteaUi. I0o Pot Koant, choice VaO, So, Vo JOS. BATH'S GASH MARKET 1931 rarnam fit. Tel. S 6984. If) Pounds Best Cane Granulated Sugar 8 fin hX , tt You Purchase 91 Order of Other Goods. fj f JU If We carry a full line, ..f Teah. Cuft'ee, Spites, iix- l tractH. HakiMR powder, etc JL Ttt Our Coffee. BpeciaJ at. a lb., 35o. Moyuno Tea Co. 4?.R4BS MANUFACTURERS PLAN G00DFELLOWSHIP DINNER A manufacturers' goodfellowshlp dinner will be given by the Omaha Manufactur ers' association at the Commercial club some evening between December 1 and li. . A committee headed by F. E. Zeller will j have charge of arrangements. The association has decided to use the advertising columns of the newspapers to tell the publlo about Its trade mark con test. RENZE IS BACK FROM NEW YORK LAND SHOW Cius Hense has returned from New Tork where he constructed a papier-mache scenic exhibit for the Milwaukee rond In the Land show at Madison Square garden. Mr. Heme Intended to bring back some pictures of his production but couldn't get them because the garden management wouldn't allow flashlights In the buldlng. Look Out order Aycs Sarsaparilb, well and good. If something else, stiH well and good. He knows best. Trust him. f;.f,r 1 5 Dundee Woolen IVIIlls Northwest Cor. 15th and Harney. Council Bluffs Store 400 West Broadway. ,7 RYE Bottled in Bond full quart, $1.25 Our Home Made Grape Wine is Just the thing for Thanksgiving. unequaled la quality; gal., $1.00 Maryland Rye, full quart 75c Maryland Rye, gallon .. ; . . .$2.50 'Most any standard brand bottled In bond, full quart $1.00 Sunklst California Wines, qt.. .30c Angelica, Port, Sherry, Muscatel. We Olve Trading Stamps. CACKLEY BROS. WHYS MEKCHAJTT3. 121 North 16th It Opp P. O. Kail Orders Promptly rilled. 2446 POSSIBLE PROTECTION For your Jewels and Private Papers by renting a Safety Box In our mod ern ' Steel Safe Depoalt Vaults at a coat of from M OO upwards a year, ac cording to alae and location. Let ua have the pleasure of show ing you how strong, roomy and con venient they are to see them la place your Valuables there. to Omaha Safe Deposit & Trust Co. Street Level Kmtraaee te Vawlta. 1S14 Faraaas Street i fj I I lwTr I ssMBmiiaarirn TT" 1 Make no mistake. Use only those medicines the best doctors approve. Should your doctor SUIT or OVERCOAT 1 una QtcroSJe C CKX)t QSXtGG&QpSfitgfr QVJffigl gvstt Omaha's Pur Food Center SATURDAY Fresh Truit and Vegetable Sept. 400 boxes cooking and eating ap ples, per box 91.00 New black walnuts, per pock 40o Spinach, per peck 40o Bellavue celery per bunch . .35o and 500 New strawberries, per box . .350 Dates, per pkg 100 and 16o Head Lettuce, Cucumbers, fresh Mushrooms,- new Tomatoes, Car rots, Turnips, beets, Unions, Tangerines, i'eifelii.nions, etc. Imported macaroni, assorted, per pag 15o 2t Mule Team Borax, per pkg. 100 Citron, orange and lemon peel, im ported, per lb SOo S cakes "Magic Washer" soap, does all the wark 35o 12 pkgs. "Argo ' kIohs starch 45o 1.7&, 5-gai., oil or gasoline cans, special 60o 3 cans "Nabob" soups SSo 2Mb. cans b tewed and Strained tomatoes ISo 1-lu. can Golden Crown asparagus tips SOo Qt. Jar Queen olives ....60o Johnson's sweet cider, per Jug 30o and Boo 4 pkgs. Uneeda Biscuit ISo Batter, Erf and Cheese Sept. "Lotus" creamery butter, in car tons, per lb 36o Our best country butter, in sani tary Jars, per lb 35o Domestic Swiss cheese, per lb. at 8210 Imported Roquefort cheese, per lb 40o Large Kdam cheese, each . .91.15 1'ancy jar cheese ,.10o, ISo, B5o Cottage cheese, per pkg. ....10e Chow-Ohow or celery relish, per quart ,...S0o QfBRpgk C5 CGEr COC0" 0KB 0 Ca ... wiiisjM! 11 iu. .. t..lillllllLUtJlii,y 1 1,1 WTOWW FRESH DIIESSED Sl'lUNQ C1UCKEXS. AT THE PUBLIC MARKET Steer Fot Roast. GW & 7? Steer Steak . 10? Pig Pork Roast 8 Voung Veal Chops 10 Voung Veal Roaat 10 Veal Stew 5 Spring Lamb Legs. . . . -05 Lamb Chops 10 Lamb Roast (C Lamb Stew, lbs 25 DELIVERY WAGOKS LEAVE AT 10:30 A.M. and 3 P.M. Fresh Dressed Hams or Spring 11 1j Chickens, Per Pound, . . . ilil2 Pig Pork Shoulder Roast 8 Choice Pot Roast JO He. 7H Veal Roaat, per lb 10 Mutton Roast, per lb. . .7's Calumet Dacon, by the strip, per lb., 13jc CENTRAL rJlARECET Kulokofakx 210 North 10th Street. tTTT w v. J LABEL a. FIT AXD WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED m SPECIALS Visit Semonstratloa of OZO OXO Bouillon Cubes make dell- ' clous bouillon; convenient, econ omical, seasonable, per box lOu and up. Maple-Nutpuff, the delicious con fection that is creating a furor wherever Introduced, on sale Saturday In our candy depart ment, at, per lb 40o Whipped Cream Chocolates, melt In your n.outh, our own make, Saturday only, per lb 40o Courtney's "Turkish" Fruit Cake, the essence of sweet meats, per lb 40o X4QUOB DEPARTMENT. Special Bale California Wines. Home made sweet wine, por bottle 75c; per gallon 91.00 Port win, large bottles, 33o to 75a Sherry wine, full qts 60o Madeira wine, full Hits boo Angelica wine, full qts 600 Muscutel wine, full itx 76o White Tokay wine, full qts. 60o High grade Blackberry, full (it., at 7 60 Peach Brandy, full qt ....91.00 Apple Brandy, full qt SI. 00 Apricot Brandy, full qt ...91.00 Old Ohld Kiesllng, per paL 91.00 Zlndfandel Claret, per gal. ..75a to 91.F0 Courtney's "Lotus" whiskey, 8- year old, per gal 94.00 "Lotus" whiskey, full qt. ..91.00 Cedar Brook whiskey, full qt. SI Guckenheimer whiskey, full qt SI Atherton whiskey, full qt .,.'.91 I. W. Harper Kye whiskey, full qt 91 J. E. Harper whiskey, full qt 91 Warwick whiskey, full qt ....$1 (Saturday Only.) free, with each full quart whis key, small bottle Wine. su ease easa a e ea H tj Small Hams 10 5,000 lbs. No. 1 Skinned Hams at 13 No. 1 Calumet Bacon. . 174 J Sugar Cured Bacon. . . .1 KriCIALS. From 7 P. M. to 0 P. M. Lamb Chops 5 From O P. M. to 10 P. M. Pork Chops . ... . .-. . 10 1610 HAR NEY ST. 2144 lnd.A-2147 riiwwtt'.'aaismi Steer Sirloin Steak 15 Steer Porterhouse Steak. .15 Loin Mutton Chops. .. .12 - Veal Chops ...10 Meat Co., Trop, A-2141; 1) 1700.