Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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Trans-Mississippi Concn Kesoln.
tions Touch it Lightly.
a TTT o TF
MMeas wares is sr
111 i . . urn in , i.uui " I mm tm 11 1 i tm i7iiM i.iuui ' niiiwimsioiiiM !' ''' 11 "" " umiiil ' m'i 1 1 l 1 1 i 1 1 i i ijrjui mnw n jmji .mm yynf J' "c.v , m . mmihwi in i , T,, . VN
(omnHtrr Think II Would Menstea
De elnptneat of Umall Tnesn
Fight I tarried to
the Floor.
KANSAS C1TT. Mo., Nov. 17. -Having
failed In Ihrlr efforts to have their pot
measure accepted by tho coinmltteo on
resolutions, friend of stale' right ami
the parcel pot rarrlcd tholr fU;lit to
the floor of the Tr-nsmlsslMlppl Com
merclsl conKro"i toi'.ny vhen Hie rtfolu
llon rommlttre'a report rame up for
adoption. A vltorouM verbal ilmma
followed. OnrlnK which charges were
made that " a ateam roller" was belns
operated by thoce In rontrol of the meet
In and that the tendency of the con
gress waa to ke"p In the middle uf the
road and take no definite stund on an
When the congress adjourned at noon
the atate rlKhta advocate, led by W. W.
Garwood of Denver, who ejuyht tho
adoption of an amendment oppoidne; the
taxing by lease or royalty of any natural
reannrcea of a mate by the nalloniil gov
ernment had lost their fiRbt, and the
parcel! poet question had not come to
The monetary question, which It waa
thought would proclpllate 0. butth-, did
not cauae a ripple. A resolution recom
mending the careful consideration of the
plan fostered by the national monetary
commlaalon waa adopted.
The officer, headed by A. C. Trumbo,
Munkngee, Okl., for president aa sub
mltled by the nominating committee were
Chairman Ilalph Faxon of Garden City,
Kn., presented the revolution commit
tee' report. U dliectly opposed the par
cela poat and waa not firm enough on
tate right to satisfy some of the dele
gate. IHInorltr Report Sabmltted.
Several time during the reading of
the report Dr. Geyrgo P. Neal of Fort
Madison, la., a member of the committee
Who failed to attend the meeting last
night, gave notice that he had a minority
report to read. Upon completing hi re
port, Mr. Faxon kuld:
"Mr, Preeident, a I understand It there
la no authorized minority report to be
heard. I therefore"
But Faxon got no further. Ir. Neal
waa on hi feet and ahoutlng:
"There la a report," he said. "Fur
thermore, I demand to be liuard. I am
old enough to be thl nian'a father and
I think I have a right to be heard."
Mr. Faxon agreed to hearing the report
and, amid cheer. Dr. Neal read It. Tho
report atood for the parcel pott, an en
largement of atate' right and vote for
women. After reading the report Dr.
Neal began to discus the resolution and
then hi opponent began to una parlia
mentary tactics to beat him. Under the
rroaa fir Dr. Neal became aomewhat
perturbed and ihouted an Indignant reply.
A motion by Martin Egan, a delegate
from the Philippine, to lay the report on
tile table waa adopted.
(iirwoooa Charge tlx Rule.
When the discussion of the report of
tho regular reaolutlon commlttco vu
begun, the discussion centered for more
than an hour on the Hhafroth atate'
right reaolutlon defended by Mr. Oar
wood. Believing that an attempt waa
being mad to prevent the resolution re
ceiving due consideration, Mr, Garwood
arose and deaplt the Insistence of var
ious delegatea that he was out of order,
There seems to be a desire on the part
f many In thla convention to shut off
discussion. This should not bo permitted.
Everyone haa a right to be heard. And
that 1 not the only fault of congress.
"Why does It not declare for something.
A man that rides In the middle of the
road never get any place. Yet that 1
what thl congress appears to be doing.''
The majority report declaring against
the parcel post wag adopted thl after,
noon by 90 to 11
After a strenuous session that ex
tended Into the early hour of to
day, the resolutions committee of
tha Transmlssisalppl Commercial con
gress framed a act of resolutions
for presentation to the congress, declaring
that the A Id rich currency plan ''may be"
a step In the right direction, but refusing
to give complete endorsement to the plan.
The resolution adopted by (he committee
on the aubjoct of currency reads:
"We realise that tho monetary system
t the United State i Inadequate for the
need of tha country and atrongly urge
upon congress the beceaalty for remodlal
legislation. We believe that the, plan aug
geated by the National Monetary commis
sion may be a step In the right direction
and recommend Its careful and consorvn
tlve'confeKleretlon. There I no more Im
portant question at thla time before the
American people and It should be consid
ered strictly from the standpoint of
economies and business."
Parcel Poet Rejected.
The committee rejected a resolution
favoring a parcels post, declaring such a
law would be a menace to the develop
ment of small towns, and commend the
Interstate Commerce commission for be
ginning action Intended to lower the ex
pires rates on small parcels.
The committee rejected i evolutions fav
oring woman suffrage.
Summarised, the resolutions recosnlaa
and pay tribute to recantation and di din
age work, both national and biaio as
elements In Western development.
Urge the nations to Is.-.uu IM.Ofi t In
bonds for the Improvement of the rivers
and barboia from the Atlantic to the
Pacific and from the lake to the suit.
Endorse the establishment uf na
tional department of health.
Declare In favor of government aid for
the construction uf good roads.
Endorse the action of the Daughters
of the American levulutlon la niuvlmt to
build a national hiuuvwiy fii.m ocan to
wean and k national aid for It:
Favor the tfecpei.n.;, of UaHeatoa har-
Whiskey or Beer Habit
ORRIN'K u the i-ui.iimd inn dv t,M i .s
everywhere rejourn;;! as ilia ii, ,:c..
eessful and rolmulu tion.e tirMn:w:t lur
Hie "Urliik lUhit." jt i ),iKaly ira!srd
by Ibuuwnd, of wonu'ii, Uuiati.e It has
rvvtored their lovrd oura lu livrs f
briety and uaetuli.ess. and the Wfukly
jfe wkirh at una tune rr i.i,t til
"twliik" are now uc-d to .urchac the
nessarlr and many cumfoMs lur
Any wire or uiuKer who wam to bve
lir huhand it sun frori "lruik" win he
Klud to know that sue run .uirtisi,c iii;
illNK at our store, and ( no U
obtained after a tllul the niuiiey ,e
Ask for a free booklet tellng till abaut
t-liriinen UtConnell IVug 'o.,
and 1h.1k, 24th and Karnani and iJ,-oj
.iorth 1! ti hi., Omaha.
Owl Liua Co, lto and Kjrniry.
At a
Main and Second Floors
2nd Floor
Old Store
Hoy.' Wool SorKe
Suits with two
palm of imr.U;
$7.50 valu'nH,
at 3.30
Po.vb' Wool Chev
iot Suits worth
up to
lit $2.UH and 3
Children's Over
coats, values up
to 7, U.0H, Sp
Hoys' Overcoats
specially priced
at fU.OH to f3
Every Overcoat and Suit in This Purchase is
Overcoats and
Worth up to $10.50
Overcoats are fancy tweeds, cheviots and velours some cut
extra long, some with convertible collars. Suits are extra heavy
medium and dark patterns very well made.
'21 For Men's Pants 2 ,0
Men's extra heavy, all wool worsted, casslmere and cheviot imnts,
regular or peg top many blue serges and fancy stripe materials all
IM mM1 MSwmmJ
bor to thirty-five feet at low tlda by the
national government."
Urge the federal government to paas
law that will prevent railroad from ootv
trolllng steamship lines engaged In
coast-wise trade, and the national con
greas to authorise the president to ap
point a commission to make auch recom
mendations a will result In the upbuild
ing of an American merchant marine.
Endorse all effort to deireas the
waste from fire losoes.
The committee on permanent organi
sation recommended the following offi
cers to the convention for the coming
Tresldent, A. C, Trumbo, Muskogee.
Uk!a.; first vice presldont, II. V. Moore.
Kunrart City; second vice president,
Walter Hill. St. 1-ouis; third vico presi
dent, l.ewlit KlFher. Calveston; fourth
Vic president. lUclurd 8. Jour s, Seattle.
Vuu of the features of the closing duy
wus un address on the Philippines by
Mai tin KgHU, proprietor of the Cable
News. Manila, 1. 1.
"The time has gone past," said Mr.
Kguii, "when It avails practical men to
discuss the wisdom of the Philippine en
lerpi Ura.
"Tho man who propnae to sell or give
away tho I'hlllpplnea and their peoples,
the majority of whom constitute the only
L'lirlsUsn race l: ll.e orient, doe not
know the temper of the Clirlbtlun people
uf thi fulled Plate. Such a bartor or
abandonniet t would be ait act of bar-
burism to tli Tilliilno people that would
i. al.u t lie naiuu 'Ann lieu n' a tvproiicl) In
llio orld.
"Tlic.e can be but one rhlllpp'ne policy
ar.d Un co:ire I trt cU'Hi'ly di-fmed that
no recusable map can inlsUike or
uvold It. It l l'l tl.e education, the up
lift, tlio atvantement "t tlio Klllpinn
1 eo le to a po.iit v.heio they shall be
i .11 utile of eslabl:::h'lk' end liialr.t jlnlnp
a CoviTiimcnt .le.isonubly certain In an
Internal tcime mid icaouab!y c-rtuiii of
external rote tion.
"This gobl lies many years ahead and
whin !l l. reached It i-hull bo for the
KiUl'lii'i pvople to lay hav . .'"l;itlonsiiji
"wuid the I'nlted utes the''
(tables (.trundled
I" croup oiisl -i or e 1 is aie inatantly
relieved' luij ijl-ll:' i'ik'I v.'I'.'.i I r.
'CliU'a .S'cv li.coeiy. ;. und ;i..!. !'o"
ui; Ly 1 eatc.t I rug t o
Tl'e key 1 sue ess hi Uajine.'s Is the
jiailtlous and puisietcot use ol newspaper
acrifice of About One
r-c rV'V Don't wuit longer for ff5 Ji"' ""N-
yft&SK J3lHS that overcoat or suit. jT-; V .:.0- V
rday W- Q4
Z"Jr P t Jt now wljcu you need it. S&?r t&&QK
feAK'iiA w .s--' m ;, k Mil mmmmmmmi If
71 i S Yya Vy Vi? fscs 7-.,- :.i.:-:W ' ' Un W $s$&Y: .if
' , " u a n 11 i&tfJS A Km tfi 8 Afeff tef4 v fl
t ?H U It ' 'i.V , - 5ki,i kr f? i, m.':ht Y
Suits (QM
Hen Select , a Stetson Hat
It you' want the very best, the name "Stetson" on a
hat means hat perfectlou. Brandeis is Omaha
agents for these stiff and soft hats, '
Wilson English Hals
Unmatchable valuus.
Made ot
neweRt fall styles.
Velour and Silk Plush
Jlul - Newest fall
styles; regular I3.U0
values, at . .$2.00
Men's Sample Hats
Soft and stiff hats; values up to
Man' Wlntar Caps at
too.- Value up to
fl.aS, at EOo
Boys' and Children's
Wlntar Cap. fur
llnoJ uttr baada, fo
and 49o
Butter and Egg Board Bcfiuei to
Make Quotation! on Extras.
UachamsT UefendlnsT Itself
Aaralnst the Charge of .'
splraer to Hals
CHICAGO, Nov. 17.-Freh eggs In Chi
cago today wore like jewels, beyond
price. At least, ao the butter and eKg
board here would have the public be
lieve. "There are not enough frenh eggs com
ing Into Chicago to make price quota
tions worth while," said l'resldent U. YV.
liui! of tho butter and egg board. "We
cannot place a value on fresh eggs if
there are none and this seems to be the
condition. If we named a quotation, it
would have to bo an Ideal one what
would be th price In case freish eggs
were being brought In."
Quotation on the two hljrhest grades
of newly gathered egss, 'extras" and
prlino f.iMs," have beet suspended
und the butler ond eg board will take
action tomorrow on a resolution to dis
continue quotations on "lu.ts" and
"ordinary fiiiis." If tho vole Is ut
fiiinuiive It will mean that theie will be
no prices from Chicago on rtitu of uny
sort, aa cold atorsge and red igcrulor are not quoted.
The Chicago butter und egg board la
just now cVfinujiit In the federal court
proceedings In which the government
alleges i-onsp racy to unduly pat up tho
pitcu if kfc;. rrcsh and other aise.
AHKRDKKS, D.. Nov. 17 (Special)
After olng Into executive session, the
hoard of city commMonera at a special
meeting leninvcd Set It r.'.chniond, chief
of police, and appointed utrlck Kii ley
temniaiiiy i fill the vacancy. It Is
claimed l'.::hliund advanced )I0 of a l-S
b-oid rc jiii. d if a 'imi n who was ar
utted at night, to Injure her appear-
: auee rit morning. The woniait appeared
(or Ula , and vias luie l, and paid the
Line and rrfuntiel the chief s share uf
ll.e bond u oney, but the commissions s
High Grade All are New Styles and Desirable Patterns The Bargains are Wonderful
Worth up to $25, go at $14.90
The greatest lot of men's hand tailored clothes that we have
ever offered at this price in the history of Brandeis stores.
uvercoais ore iinesi maienais ana
lest styles. Hults are hand tailored
all wool bine serges, fancy mixtures in
est new ruts, new form fitting models,
$18.00. $20.00 " $25.00.
at $2.50
fine fur felt
Imported Velour and
Heaver Hats at $4.00
We are the exclusive Omaha
agents for this splendid shoe
button or blucher lace styles in
gun metal calfskin and patent
leathers new mannish lasts,
high toes, high heels and short
fore parts heavy, over weight
soles natural finish. The best
ot leather and the best of sboe-
making. Made to give the max
iiuura of servko. All e ac
sizes and widths,
priced according to .
size, $2.75 down to . . . ,
at $1.15
$3.00 at ..$1,15
Man's Baalskln Caps at
M-BS, aa, (7.50, tio
and 819.00
Natural Muakrat Cup
at 99.00
contended the chief action wa lm
proper. The affair of the bond occurred
on July 21, but no action was taken until
Thureday of thla week. Chief Rich
mond's resignation wn asked by Police
Commissioner Rasmussen, and when he
refused to resign, tha board removed him
from office.
YANKTON. Nov. 17. (Speclal)-The
Yankton Commercial association ha re
organised her with 130 members. Di
rectors chosen were Messrs. Ferris, (lur
ney, Uoau. Magner, Lusk, W. J. Kantle
M. M. Bennett, Olof Nelson, John Max,
and V. H. Heaton.
Little Dob Roy MacOregor. 6 years old,
was attacked by a vicious dog here and
received three very serious bite in tho
face before he was rescued.
reralstent Advertising Is the Road to
Big Returns.
The coffee oil delignts
you 13 developed in the
terry by the roasting.
Koast it too
much or too
little and the
oil isn't there.
Tone's Old
Golden Coffee
is roasted to the
instant of per
fection. But
more it is the
te thsl h Seal
It ankrekta
pick of the world's ccfte
growths carefully milled
packed to keep the strength.
Just tit a pound and sea
ovr much finer it U.
3SO 0 fsoauscf
TONE BROS., Ds Molnaa, la.
There are two kind of pices.
Voae'a and "vtktu.''
- Third Their Actual value
and Overcoats
newest cias- m J
and include 11 A &?U
the clever
etc., worth
A Sale
Samples and odd
Mm it a
are all this season's leading styles.
Detached soft collars or neck band
styles values up to $2.60, at
Men's $1.00 Negligee and Golf
Shirts 50c
Manhattan and E. & W. Shirts
at fl.50 to $3.50
Men'B Wool Fleeced
Men's and Boys' Wool
and Worsted Sweater
, Coats some slightly
soiled at.
firtii.sriini iiisii.i'nWsiiiy.
Lakt Short Route oftht 20ih
The most perfect and modern of all
railroads, maintaining unexcelled
service between Chicago and Toledo,
Detroit, Cleveland, Niagara Falls,
Buffalo, PittsburRh,Rochester, Syra
cuse. Albanv. Worcester. Boston.
New York and all
20th Century Limited V!
Leave Chicago 2:30
Arrives New York 9:25
v. i v r.v.n vmr iccomujosiuinii aasi
ail InJunusUou call on ar address
.Omaha Office:
323 City National Bank Hldg.
.1 4 tVltLhrat.,4.
General Aut Pascuer Department
" . '""i .: ' f'l'U'in i.'H ii i J ism -m
WHOLESALE TAILOR -y;:C .Lyj'.Jl. feA.;:
Overcoats and
Worth up te $16.50
Black Kersey Overcoats with Astrakhan collars, fancy velours,
etc., also fine Cravenette Overcoats. Suits high grade $9,90
$149 For
These are all wool cassimere pants, light and dark patterns
neat stripes, heavy weights. Actual $2.50 values
of Men's Shirts
lota that we bought from a maker
Men's and Box' Swaatar Coat,
Australian lamb' wool, hand-
ir.ade, at ta.60 to ilO.OO
Men's and Boya' Gloves and Mit
tens 850 to 91-00
Winter Underwear
Root's Medicated Wool Underwear at $1.50 to
Norfolk and New Brunswick Underwear, wool and silk and
at ; $1.50 to
Muns'iiig Union Suits lor Men at $1.00 to
and Derby Ribbed underwear, nvc,
Men's Negligee and Golf
Shirts samples worth
upt o $1.25,
at, each 0Jl
' lia -.;-.-r.:.:v....- .,.,yT
Century LiatittJ.
Michigan Cntral"Th4 Nutgar fails Ranis"
points east
p. m. V
a. m.
Jrr. . -!.- l- -Y t . i - .
The Price at which
Brandeis Bought
This Stock Was
Less Than Its Actual
Cost to Manufacture
Hoys' Reefers in
Mges to 8
years. Reefers
or Russians
at 1.08
Boys' 0 Over
mats, ages 8 to
f 16 years, .BO
Men's Overcoats,
regular and
convertible col
lars: values up
to $12.60,
at $3 and 97.50
Men's Suits, new
fall models;
values up to
$15. S to $10
Men's $8.50
Overcoat with
velvet collar;
50-inch length,
with convert
ible collars,
at $3
Pants wt2.sS to
at 79c Ea.
and they
ow, gm.
..,,.(;...,;-.(-y,.,--.r....-..f.y-...--jf t, ......
-a m 1 if Ti i
S3f n