Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1911, EDITORIAL, Image 11

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Fhe Omaha Daily
Evcrybtdy reads
Th Deo
YOU XLI-XO. 132.
Sale of Fh'wers
Ijtrge freshly cut rces, worth
$1.00 the dozen, on sale n
Saturdny at JiC
Choice chrysanthemums are
specially priced for Potur- t
day only, each, 15c and. . . .1 UC
Candy Special
60c fresh fluffeta t-hocol.itcs at
20c the lb. 4 0c, chocolate Uiiio1
caratnc.s at the lb. 2 3c Vniikee
peanut brittle at 15c the. lb. or 2
lbs. fur 25c.
Saturday Extra Specials From the China Store
Tea. piece brown and whit cook
In f sets consisting of one covered
ca.serole, two slzci of round bowls,
six cuMurd cups and one asbestos
mat; Saturday, tho entire net twl
for only $1.00.
Heavy colonial water tumblers
that sell regularly at 75o the dozen.
Saturday, nix for lBo.
X.arffe ehlna plaoques In pretty
1 nit l decorations, regular 60o val
ues, Saturday, at lo each.
UJ? Everything for Everybody
Everything for Everybody
verything for Etsrybc!)) ,
Every Store Has Advertising --Bennett's Has the Goods. Examples Follow:
v 1
t if
Mens Column
Distinctive Suits and Coats
Are Lessened in Price
l)isfmpflvrnos in lnnoffA ry.Mfmnnf c is nnf a-lnr.nnlm.f rm
pricc-for many well-dressed women p;iy comparatively
iitle for their clothes-aud could you look at the name inside
the collar of these inexpensive gar
ments you &o much admire, you
would, in many cases, find it to bo
"Bennett V Our $15.00 serge suits
are splendid examples of what a little
money will do. Some of tho better
fcriced trarments are reduced for Sat-
;Tf urday's selling only.
.Auoui liny coven, reversiuie una ikjiu
coats in greys, tans and mixtures and sizes
14 to 38, previously marked at $17. CO and
$19.. '0, Saturday. $12.50.
Twenty-five heavy weight mixture coats
In plain tailored, seinl-fltfed styles in
to 40; splendid colorings; were priced at
ft 1..YX t If L
Mm MtZ4 i
y Ml 1
fell; iff
v f ii t . n. i m i
r a ii ii ii i ,.i
f . 1 . IT . I 1 I , 1 If: -A
A Great Opening and 5a?g for Saturday Only
Benin Christmas Prevarations Now
At this storo you will find dolls of every size and kind from every reliable, g&l
maker on the globe-kid dolls, bisque dolls, wool aous, rrencn jointed aous,
rubber and celluloid dolls, dressed dolls, character dolls, etc.; every kind of a
doll to delight a llttlo girl's heart. The money you will Bave on these dolls will
go a long ways towards purchasing the other children's presents on your Christ
Bring the little ones with you.
All dressed French and kid dolls that are slightly soiled from
hanalinq, a out 250 that are worth from $2.50 to $5.98 each.
wPl be sold to make room for the other dolls Sat"
urday at, your choice for an even
$22.50 and $25.00, choice Saturday, at $15.
One lot of extra high grade suits con
sisting of various materials, colorings and
stylesonly one of each kind in tho lot reg
ularly sold at $25.00 to $35.00, to clean wp
the broken bizee, Saturday $10.50. Free al
terations on tills lot.
Taffeta silk waists in fancy
braided styles with three-quarter
length 8 eeves and high collars at
The very special ' d r Q
price of . . . . p JliJ &
$5.00 soft tafft silk petticoats In pretty"
Persian patterns over light and dark grounds,
Saturday only, 83.95 oarh.
Haw eiderdown dreailng aaqnes In, red and
grav colorH. $1.50.
Flannelette rowna In white, pink, blue and
tan pattern; round neck etylea or with collars,
Saturday, bVc
Sale of Fur Sets Continued Saturday
Mink muffs that usually sell at
$23.50 or more, specially priced tor
Saturday at $10.50 each.
$10.00 Mack coney fur seta con
sisting of head-and-tall-trimmed
large shawl collar and large pillow
muff, $7.05.
One lot of bisque dolls at Bo
Large character dolls, specially priced. 91.00
16-Inch Frcnrli iolntod dolls with .movable
,eycn, both light and dark, Saturday. . .600
24-Inch French Jointed dolls with movable
eve and natural eyelashes, cither dark
or lisht, Saturday l-00
15-lnch "Our Pride" kid doll with mov
able even; supplied with eliors and stock
ings; Saturday SOo
17-Inch "American neauty" kid dolls Jointed
at the blpH, knees ami arms; vliorn and
stockings ami moving eyen; Hatuniiiv,
at 91.89
You Wi Find Bennett $15 Suits in Eu
eryLine of Business and Professional Life
Ask the men who wear Bennett 115 eutta why
they wear thetn and variously they will anawer;
"Heuaime I have alwaya found them thor
oughly satisfactory In looks and wear."
"liecauee they coat about a fourth leas than
Other clothes of the aatne smile."
"Jleraune the ltennett variety of etylea fab
rics and patterns la so large that I can always
get exactly what I want."
These are the reannna for the clothlnir pres
tige of thla atore: these are the reasons why OS
per cent of the men who compare the values
around town eventually buy here: three are the
reaeona why you should come here If you want
value-received for every dollar of clothes money
you upend.
Onr 918.00, 990.00, 99S.S0 and 935 00 suits are
equally food la their olaas.
One big lot of all-wool cheviot
and cassimere suits for men and
young men --every one new this
season odd lots from our $18 to
$20 lines, but every size in the
$;J2.50 black fox seta consisting of
large collarette and muff, Saturday,
$20.50 the set.
T $12.50 black lynx sets consisting
Of an extra large shawl collar and a
large muff, now priced at $10.00 the
, Women's 25c full reffnlar
made hosiery, with wide
Welt tops, high spliced
heels and double toes; fast
black; 17o the .pair, or 3
pairs SOo.
' Women's seamless silk
hoot boslery with wide
garter tops and extra
heavy heels and toes;
strictly fast black; regular
&0c values, 36o.
Three Clove Specials
Women's high grade, 8-claap glace gloves with
Paris point embroidered backs; tans, grays,
browns, navieB, greenu, black and white; made
from tho finest imported skins; sizes from 6 to
TVs. Inclusive; $1.25 values, at 980 tho pair.
SOO pairs of women's and - misses' golf
gloves of fine mercerised cotton and wool;
a sample lot from one of the best makers
In the country; plain and fancy designs,
worth np to 60o tne pair, Saturday, y K
or while they last -AJC
Heavy, Imported, single clasp gloves for win
ter wear; black and white and a variety of
shades: cut In mannish styles; $1.00 values, at
91.13 the pair.
-vv ViVU
$20,000 Worth of High Grade Millinery Now on Sale at
25c on the Dollar
Women's and Children's Trimmetl and Uutriiiuiied Hals.
Guaranteed Villow Plumes. Guaranteed French Tlumes. Itird ot l'ara-
dlso and Aigrettes. Inipoi teil 1'ancy Ostrich, Fancy Featliers,
Whigs and Flowers. Ornaments. Fancy Hands. Veilings,.
811k KibtMiii. Velvet Uihhon. Import mI HUks and
Fine Velvets and Hundreds of Other Millinery Supplies.
Christmas business and (he advancing season demand that we
reduce our mlllluery stock to tho lowest possible notch. It' Isn't a
question of what the goods aro worth, how much we paid for them, or
anything else of a like character It'a simply a cbbo of getting rid of
them some how. A small deposit will reBcrve any of the bargains for
future delivery.
As You Love a Bargain Don't Miss This Sale. If
You Can Possib y Use Another Hat Be Here- Early
Saturday Morning. The Enti e Stock Must Go and
Here's How We Are Pricinj It. .
$10.00 Trimmed Hats at.,.".". $2.50
$5.00 Trimmed Hata it.... $1,25
'i $40 Trimmed Hats at $1"
$20 Trimmed Hats at $5.00
Guaranteed willow plumes at a half of tho already reduced prices.
Guaranteed French plumes and bird of paradise at half price.
Imported untrlmmed drees shapes, worth to $10.00, at $1.00,
Imported Velvet dress shapes, worth to $10.00, at $1.98. .
And hundreds of others equally good In their class.
assortment to
clise Saturday
"National Student" clothes for youths and
young mrnboth suits and overcoats In a gener
ous selection of fabrics and styles $7.50 to $15.00
Comfortable Overcoats at Smail Prices
$15. OC $18.00, $20.00 and $25.00 eachto be more exact. Made of all wool
rasstrnercs, cheviots, tweeila and rough material tn to 02-lm-h tmiRth. Have
velvet, self and convertible collars and come lu tans, browns, grays and black.
All of our $12.50 overcoats for men All wool cassimere and worsted
and young men-ali wool materials trousers, worth to $3.00, at $1.95.
in wanted atylea and colorlnga-on Another lot of all ' wool trousers
- The Mothers '"Who Come Back
" tPtem. Wo aTe noticed that this fall and winter season
' itli especially the majority of the mothers who come to
"'ii .iTrtAi our 8tore anl Bee tne K'r'8' wearables we have pro-
YMMj 'F'A vided and then go somewhere elBe to make compari
sons eventually come back lor the icings tney want.
The judgment of the "mothers who come back" is
infallible it should be your reason for outfitting
your girl at this store Saturday. Here's evidence of
our reasonable pricing:
Children's $1.25 sweaters for ages one to five
years; high and low neck styles of best Saxony yarn
In blue, red and white; Saturday, 08c each.
Sweaters for girls and boys from eight to twelve
years of age, regularly priced at $2.00 each, Saturday,
Children's coats of bearskin and pretty
coating materials, ages two to s x years;
choice of blue, white and d r
red at ....... ,pj& L
Child's drawer legging of the best quality yarns, 59o
and 89o.
rifty pussy hoods that sold up to $2.50 and $3.76, choice,
Saturday at 7 So
Children's robes of heavy flannelette in beautiful pat
terns and colorings, very warm and comfortable, ages 2 to
14 years, values up to $2.25 marked down to $1.60 lor Bat
urda only.
q i
t 4
a I:. 71 ii 1 W-W
Framed Pictures
of scenery, fancy beads and noted
people finished in sepia tones and
mounted in one-inch frames with
mats that harmonize; sizes 10x12,
9sl2 and 11x14, worth 75c, Sat
urday 35c Each
Irish Crochet Collars, 69c
One lot of Irish Crochet Dutch col
tars worth $1.2& each, Saturday, OOc.
X.arge chiffon veils In all tho wanted
shades, a foil yard wide and two yards
long; excellent values at 3.60 each.
riobus, side Jabots and lace Butch
eollars-a bltr lot at SSo
Tretty new styles la flohus, side
Jabots, frills and lace coat collars, var
iously priced at 60a to 98.00 each.
Sale of Corsets
Standard made corset in mod
turn bust' styles with girdle tops
and long skirts; down-td-date in
every respect; all sizeB in the as
sortment, Saturday, while they
$1 Values, 50c
Men's, W omens. Children's Shoes
Will. Say "Goodbye" Saturday
For one reason or another we find It expedient to move out these fine shoes
Saturdjy-Bometlmes It's because or broKen lines, nnoiner niwn mT
surplus lot, etc.-'and no matter what price you pay you will get considerably
n.ore shoe value than you have ever had before.
Women' $3.50 and $4.00 high shoes of patent colt leathers wllh cloth topsj
button styles, ofduTl leathers, with wide high toes; and button styles In other
not every size in
1 Vcr V
leathers with high arches and Cuban heelt.;
every style, but every size In the lot; Saturday, the pair.
Misses' and children's high Jockey and pony boots, like the Illustration at
rite-lit of this section, are priced r'turday as follows.-inisse s sizes.
11 V4 to 2, that sold at $4 00 the pair, for 82.85J s lies 8Vi to 11, that sold
st $3.50 the pair, for 93.45; chilli's sizes, that aold at U00 the pa r, for
83.26. We advise bringing the children eany in me u
assortments are aure to be con.plete.
Boyg' high top, two-buckle boots of the best wearing
leathers; good comfort, hie styles--little
sizes. JO to 13 1-2: $2 75 the
rA Pints
I to 5 1-2, $3 25 the par.
TVi. Bat mmCiyTsm
The Men's $3.50 Shoes at $2.35 a Pair
The assortment consists of men s tan Russia cair shoes in button and lace
styles and sizes 6 to 9; and black, dull leather, button and lace shoes in styles
young men will like the kind you have always paid $3.50 or more for, Satur
day, while they last, $2.35. They have welted soles and contain many of the
strong points found in shoes of a much higher price.
"Quality considered More Jora. dotfar t&azz a (Jotter will buy elsewhere
q i rk specials;
r.emiet'.'s best coffee and 20 stamps,
:b 350
lbs. Dennett's best coffee and 60
stamps 91
Assorted teas and 75 stamps, lb..88o
Assorted teas and t0 stamps, lb.. 580
Tea SlftlnKb and 15 stamps, lb..l5o
fceeded raisins and 10 stumps, the
I'uckage 13H0
Beauty asparagus and 10 stan.Ts,
can SOo
B. C. baking powder and 30 stamps,
lb. can for 24o
Bennett's Capitol extracts and 20
stamps, bottle for 18o
Full cream cheeso and 10 stamps,
lb 30o
I a' aal s I a
irVV Tork Itoast . ,10c CK jr
Polk nu,ts ' 1-c XvSiia-
TT , ft Tot Roast, ...Hc ?S!vi
Veal iU ,ud 7MC frVLarrit,
j Hoast, Shoulder Steak, 8 K
" lOlr Ft lbs. for 250 tV nops,
U in!. 6 Hamburger, 3 lbs. 10c.-
10C V for 25o
V No. 1 Skinned Hams J
Veal lb 13?ic L&ml'
X Xo. 1 Lean Bacon, J gtniv
chops, lb ioic &ley.,
1 IOC, V 0 lbs. Iit af Ird $1 Jf 42C.
a a ' v. i
Virginia Swiss cheese and 10
stamps, lb a Bo
Brick cheese and 10 stamps, lb..flOo
Assorted pickles and 10 stamps.
bottle loo
2-lb. pkg. Bennett's Capitol outs
and 10 stamps lOo
2-lb. pkg. Bennett's Capitol whe-at
and 1U stamps lOo
2-lb. pkg. Bennett's Capitol pancake flour and
10 stamps lOo
2-lb. pkg. Bennett's Capitol buckwheat and 10
stamps 13Ho
2 jars peanut butter and 10 stamps SOo
i!Cc quart can Franco-American soup for...aoo
3 cakes York Rose toilet soap and JO st'ps SSo
35c bottle Ueo. Dalldet's maraschino cherries
for aoo
Ulanond Crystal table salt and 10 stamps,
sack loo
Rntder'a salad dressing and 15 stamps, hot. 850
Cialllard'a olive oil very specially priced, at,
a pint can for 40o
Three 10c cans Brockport sliced pineapple
for ao
15 lbs. UKANULATKD SUGAR for 91.00
Freshly baked homemade cookies, lb 12VfcO
40c Jar Tea Harden preserved figs for 25o
3uc Jar Tea Uarden preserved fib's for 16o
Combination Money Saver
It lbs. granulated sugar.. SOO'
1 ib. B. C. baking powder. 840
1 bot Halliard's olive oil. 850
1 lb. Bennett's. Capitol
coffee 300
$ JKgs. Bennett's Capitol
mince meat S5eJ
Special Price
for riiday
and Saturday
iw ira i mei
V i i Bacon,
Y 163c.
Extra Fancy Red River White
Potatoes, $1.05 a Bushel
Fancy C'upe Cod c ranborrles, quart lOo
folul rabbases, lb liO
Fancy lienver caulllower, lb 8vtc
t'ancy Red Olohe onions, pecU 4oo
Z large beads plain lettuce lOo
3 lbs. sweet potatoes for 10c--the pe k 40c
New York catawba grapes, a 4-lb. basket.. SOo
New black walnuts, peck 30o
Fancy new KiiKllsh walnuts, lb 2so
lancy chestnuts, lb , lao
Select Your Thanksgiv
ing silver from the Largest
Stock in Omaha.
Community Silver
Is guaranteed for 60 years and Is
eiual in every way to the flnent
sterling. All tea, dessert and
table spoons are heavily rein
forced on bottom of bowl, giving
double wear. We will break sets
of knives, forks and spoons so
you can purchase any part you
wish and odd the remainder at
your convenience.
Priced lower than other silver
ware of the same quality.
Toilet Goods and Drugs--Extra Values
Have your prescriptions filled at this store.
Only competent, registered pharmacists employed.
They aro careful and the charges are reasonable.
Bourjols $1.00 perfumes, I 25e Sozodont tooth paste
Kuturday. tier ... 6O0
Plnaud's "So 1. litis ile
France toilet water. 64o
COu crab apple, white
rose, lily of the valley
and other perfumes,
per ounce S5o
25c R. & U. rice pdr.SOo
Mine, lsabell's 6Uo pow
der 34o
25u gossamer p'der.lSo
Jereenit 2To rice pdr,19o
Pond's 250 vanishing
cream 19o
for 180
25c Sanitol tooth pdr.ieo
60c Pehero t'th p'ste.39o
ColgaXe's and Mermen's
25c tulcums at 15e
25c ltalhuswcct rice
powder lOe
Williams' and Colgate
luc shaving soap..,6o
10c Palmollve soap, 2
i aki'.H for 16o
25c box Armour's s'p.800
15c lb. borax for. . . . lOo
$' Scott's Kmulslon.8o
d'ayonly at $9.75 day only 7 $2,95
Special mention In made of a very extensive showing of new bath
robes und smoking Jackets or house coats. $2.95 up to $7.60 as style and
Quality warrant.
Reduced prices are now in effect on all fur coats.
$5.00 Buys a Boy s Fine Suit Plus a
Second Pair of Trousers
Somehow, boyB trousers have a faculty for wearing
out Booner than the coats. And when you get an extra
pair of such trousers as these we give with boys' suits
you are practically doubling tho life of the suit.
The suits are made of good quality serges and
other honest materials pure wool, guaranteed fast col
ors, thoroughly reliable workmanship, a good variety ot
Even without the extra trousers they would be tin- '
surpassed at the price. If $5.00 Isn't the price you wish
to pay, we bave other two-pants suits at $3.50, $4.00
and $6.00.
' Wg challenge comparison of our boys blue
serge suits mt $4.00 and $5.00. Of heavy
serge c'oth, full lined, pej top trousers,
double-breasted coats,
TWO SUIT Il.VRAINS-One big lot of all wool
suits of this season's selling, In every size; medium and
dark patterns we wUh to close out because the lines
bave become broken; up to $4.50 values at $2.08, up to
$3.60 values at $1.08.
Overcoats, in Every Popular Style, at a
Great Saving, If You Consider the Quality
The various lines may be briefly summed up as follows : -Little fel
lows' coats with convertible collars; or collars that button up close to the
neck, $1.98 to $4.98; boys' long overcoat for school wear in all of the
latest styles, specially priced at $3.98, $4.98 and $5.98.
Chinchilla, fur and fur lined caps at 60c to $1.75.
Children's all wool rompers in plain blue and grey shades guaranteed
to hold their color; actual $1.00 values at 75c.
But If there are we haven't seen them. And we know quite a bit about
hats, too. This bat buyer of ours has been studying and buying hats ever...
since be wus a boy studies heads and faces, too; strives to make the
combination of credit to you. Here's what he has provided for you this
season-notice he's kept the prices below what you have been In the habit
of paying.
Hats In the rough effeots and staple
shaves for fall and winter wear, $2.00
to $3.60.
Tew English walking hats tn nobby
rough effects, gray and tan, $2.00 each.
iw stiff hats In all of the fashion
able blocks, l.'.dO. $2.60 and $1.00.
Tine Imported beaver hats at $4.50.
Imported valour hats at $3.00.
Men's and boys' winter caps at 25c to
$1.60. . ,
Men's fine eape and English seal for
caps at $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00.
Men's extra fine quality
jersey sweaters in sizes 34
to 44: maroon, grey and
navy colors, regularly $1
eachgo on sale l
Saturday at
Great Reductions on Stoves
ft Fvery one guaranteed to give
$9.00 Peninsular heaters, to
close out i.75
$11.50 Peninsular heaters, to
close out $7.50
$30.00 Peninsular stoves
at ,. $10.00
$0.50 air tight wood
stoves at $1.50
$28.50 Peninsular cook
ing stoves .... $17.00
33x33-lnch wood lined
stove boards $1.10
6-inch common elbows
at 10c
Large japanned coal
hods 25c
C lnili cast iron damp
ers o
Good quality fuin.'i.'s
scoops 49o
Slove pipes, 6 -Inch sIzh,
at 10o
Nickel plated stove
pokers So
FreeA Pample Can of
Stove i'Jpe 1 name I
vSi: , "t ' i-d
Saturday Sac
of Underwear
Women's fine ribbed, fleered and
plulu tinkle length union suits In
white and peeler only; medium
and heavy weilits of an excep
tionally Kood quality yarn; have
high necks and long sleeve: sixes
four io nine; regular $1.00 and
$1.25 values, Saturday, 890.
SOO women's non-shrlnkeble
Australian wool vesta and
pants of a soft finish that
will not Irritate the most
"tender skin ; sixes 4, 8 and
efVegalarly 91.00 C)
the suit, Baturday OsC
Women's Jersey ribbed, fleeced
and plHln. outalze vests in peeler
or wnile; cizes 7, and !i; regu
lar .5c and $1.00 values, to close,
490 tuch.
Women's medium weight, fine
ribbed vests In creum or white;
sizes K and K, formerly sold at 7uo
and $100; fur Saturday s selling,
600 each.
Plvs bis- lines of sweater coats from
plain and contrasting trimmed colors in auto, military and V
$2.50, $3.00 fs.bu ana i4.uv
the famed Ascot Mills of Philadelphia,
neck styles; $3.00.
Underwear for Every Purse and Need
Men's $1.60 fine rlbbod union suits,
Saturday, $1.00.
Men's elastic fleeced union suits at f 1.
Men's $1.00 wool fleeced shirts and
drawers at Mic tho garment.
Men's sanitary fleeced shirts and
drawers at 4'Jc the garment
Five big lines of men's wool under
wear froir' the foremost mills of the
countryWright's, Cooper's, Rlteslze.
Superior and Wilson Hros.the union
suits at $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50; the shirt
and drawers at $1.00. $1.60 and $2.00
tt.o garment.
KX1 RA SPKCIAI. FOR RATURDAY ONl.YAbout forty dozen of our regular
$1.60 wool shirts and drawers; extra well muile, drawers are reinforced and nicety
faced; reduced to 81.00 per garment. Remember, this Is for the one day only.
Wooden Ware he ns
You, Perhaps, Need
Large six-arm towel racks ...25o
Double padded sleeve boards 50c
Hardwood rolling pins 10c
Holly wood potato mashers ..10c
Japanese scrap baskets, any size,
8 rolls toilet paper for 25c
25c round aud square bread
boards for Kc
"Justrlte" washing machines be
sure to see them the first time
you are In the store extra special
value at $5.00
Advance Holiday Book
Sah Saturday
One table full of standard works,
cloth bound, several hundred of them at
15o per volume.
Alexander Oorkty's new book, "The
Testing Fire" now on sale at 9126.
This author scored a big success tn "The
Victory of Allan Rutledge."
Books for the Little Tots
"The Mag-to 'Aeroplane," beautifully
Illustrated, SSo.
The Alrehip Boys Serlesfasclnatlng
adventures lu aero-navigation--76o per
The Aeroplane Boys series, 49c a copy.
The Aunt Jane aeries, splendid books
for girls, 49e per volume.
7 -'