O Daily Bee 1HE- WEATHER FORECAST Fair; Colder NEWS SECTION PAGES ONE TO TEN VOL. XLI-XO. 132. OMAHA, SATUKDAY MOUSING, NOVEMBER IS, lull TWENTY' PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. AlUAFS REGIME WIT.T, 1 1 P. lUHVP China's Fint Experiment with Con- " ititutional Cabinet Docs Not Promise Much. MEMBERS DECLINE TO SERVE Suspicion that He Selected Ministry i that Could Not Continue. MANCHUS BECOMING JEALOUS I JThcir Removal from Power Another r-' Source of Irritation. ITGHTINQ AT CHANG CHOW Thousand Hrporlct Killed and ' Wounded la Three Days' Dtttlc Foreign Troops Parade la Tien Tsia. PEKING, Nov. 17.-(7:40 p. m.)-Chlna's first experiment with a constitutional cabinet dominated by Chinese does not promise much except as a stepping-stone to something mors permanent. Tho news papers are not enthusiastic and express the opinion that the administration of Premier Yuan Shi Kal will be brief. Some of those selected as ministers al ready have declined to nerve. ' The suspicion exists In some quarters that Tuan deliberately constituted a gov ernment, a continuation of which he knew to be Impossible. - ' Minrhm flecominsr Jealous. VAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 17. A Shang- lijcl dispatch to the Chinese Free Press .kere says that since the new cabinet was formed Manchu nobles have lost much of their power and that great Jealousy has I rejilted.- lThe situation In tho Manchu family greauy sirainea anu irouDie is ex f -- c . v. .no uinfniv.il. Another dispatch said that Liang Chi lilao, the new vice president of the ard of Justice, had made great efforts to fain the Dremlnrnhln end that li ajirl Tuan Shi Kal were not friendly. . iionff Kong uiBpatch said that the I revolutionary army from llu Peh had ar- I t-lved nr. Clilnir Tins'. Hnnornl T.I I. Ui 'command. An attack Is expected soon. V JSight thousand volunteer troops com xiiVded by General Tom Yl have started frohKwang Tung province to aid in the onslaught I'iuhtlnir at Chans; Chow. . AMOY, Nov. 17. Interior towns in the southern half of this province, Foo Kien, having been abandoned by the imperial officials, are appealing to the revolu tionists to send magistrates to preserve order. From Bloke, near Chang-Chow, comes word that the anti-foreign White Fans are becoming active at Sloke. According to native estimates ' more than l.OOo casualties have occurred up to -ltst evening in the three days' fighting at Chang-Chow. The rival factions In the revolutionary party In Amoy are trying to adjust their difficulties. ' Pacific Fleet Goes to Hawaii. "WASHINGTON, Nov. 17. Events in China have so far caused no change In the plans projected for the winter exer cises of the raclflo fleet and the big hips will sail for tho cruising grounds off the Hawaiian Islands. Foreign. Troops Parade la Tien Bin. IjONDON, Nov. 17. A news dispatch from Tien Tsln, China, says that iirltish. Fioch and Russian troops made separ ataemonstratlons there today by pared VVJpf In the streets. fARCH FOR MISSING SIOUX CITY MAN IS FRU TLEi.S -RirITY riTV To Knv 1.7 All ffni. to unravel the mystery surrounding the disappearance of Raymond B. Frost of J3!oux City who dropped suddenly out of ight on September 3 hnve been fruit less. Mr. Frost was 7 years of age, was graduau . cln, ha 1 ..baulig at graduate of the University of Wit had won notable honors In de- ig at that school. Frost was In the employ of a Chicago publishing house. I- "'Not the slightest leason for dlsannear. ! a nee has been found. Friends fear he ' jnay have been Injured and search. 1 . Toeing made la hospitals la this section. , -Frost was about five feet nine or ten Inches tall, spare of build, with a light "complexion and blue eyes. THE WEATHER For Nebraska Fair; colder in west por lion. for Jowa Generally fair; colder. Temperature Comparative Local Itrpord, 1911. 1910. 19. 1908. Highest yesterday Lowest yrate-du Mean temperature . l'li'iipitallo.i i 4) ; 24 0 21 2S 4 rJ Zi l'i .02 .00 .01 M .oo de- Temperatures and precipitation liartures from the normal: Normal temperature , 37 litflciency for the day 6 ToimI excess slnc5 March 1 r,99 Is'oi inal prei lpiliitlon 03 Inch Deficiency for the day 01 inch Totnl rainfall since March 1... .13.1 1 inches at Omaha Yesterday. " "" 'j Hour. Deg. i tdvertlMi la th I S a. m 26 n who oan "1- II 6 a, m 24 llvsr tb good.- I I 7 a. tn 23 i ilia, til 23 itvl 8 m 23 1 , mrLV f 10 a. M 2S I . CZS ( 11 a. ill 28 I J&ri a i 13 m 21 B '.i 13 1 i p- m z: Ps. a c4l t 2 p. rn Si K.WrfiJ ? p-m : I XlL 2$2s' 4 P- m f I AH T 6 P- m S9 U L "W fj 6p.m Jg i'Jeilcle ncy siih'm Match 1 14. !'i inches jjk 1 eficleiii-y fir cor. period. 191i).14.27 iinhes hf j Jixcess lor cor. period, Ijo3 i'.D2 IntncS J ' Ileorts Irani Station tt T I'. M. Fiction and Siute TuMiii. lllsh. ltaln- of Weather. 7 p. ni. ext. full. Cheyenne, lart cloudy.... ' 4' .o0 Davenport, cloudy VI 4S Jtenver. clear 4J 4S les MulneK. char 31 Zi Lander cloudy 44 4i .uu North riatlH, cloudy 4 41 .no i liulia, pait cloudy W.S 4) ..' PfeVJiehlo. clear 4i r, .Oi J'rtUld City, cloudy : 4.' .01 lt Lake I'ily, cl.iuJy.... :. :i .in Kanla l-'c, cleir V, Vi .neridun. snowlim S4 40 .01 bom I'll)', cloudy - .m Vaientine. char M 4! .01 1.. A. ti'lLili. Local l-VucaMer. American Troops Will RemaiirAlong Border of Mexico WASHINGTON. Nov. 17.-lanser of an other well organised and formidable revolutionary movement in Mexico has caused the suspension of the return to their home stations of the American troops sent Into the border country dur ing the Madero revolution Tho attitude of the United States Is one of apprehen sion of further trouble, against which every precaution is to bo taken to Insure the strictest neutrality. AUSTIN. Tex., Nov. 17. Two captains of Texas rangers today were ordered to the border with instructions to prevent any activity In Texas toward starting a revolution In Mexico. Theso movements were made after a conference between Governor Colquitt and ranger Captain Hughes, who claims to have evidence that part of the prepare- tions for a Mexican revolution are under way In Texas. From a heretofore reliable source It was learned that uencrai iteyes. now at San Antonio may be placed under the surveillance of the Texas authorities. The rangers have been ordered to prevent mnrauradlng on the American aide of the border. WOMEN CANNOT BE PRESENT Trial of Tar Case Resumed Behind Partly Closed Doers. JUDGE OBJECTS TO PUBLICITY Reporters Cautioned Not to Color Stories, as County Has Had Too Much Notoriety Already. LINCOLN CENTER. Kan., Nov. 17.- Twelve Jurymen, all subject to challenge, sat .In the box when the case of Sherrlll Clark, a wealthy merchant and brother of Everett G. Clark, who already has pleaded guilty; A. N. Slmms, a mill worker, and John Schmltt, a farmer, was called In the district court today. The three are' charged with assault and bat tery in connection with the tarring of Miss Mary Chamberlain of Shady Bend, Kan. Farmers from surrounding counties who had driven as many as forty miles to hear the "tarrin' ' case, and every citi zen who could "knock off!' from his work filled Judge Grover's court room so that the Judge himself with difficulty got in side. Following Judge Grover's order that no women or children be allowed in the court room because the Judge believed the testimony would be unfit for the ears of any mother or daughter of- Lincoln county,; the few women regulars who have been attending the trial were no ticeably absent and the men had the court room to themselves. . Judge Objects- to Colored Stories Judge Graver passed around A "quiet tip" to the pewspaper reporters that it would be distasteful to the rfourt to have to exclude them from the oourt room for sending colored stories to their papers. The man who carried the message said Lincoln county has enough detrimental advertising a a result of the tarring, The Judge's order to exclude women and children and to curb sensational news- paper reports followed a petition from the Women's Clvlo league of Lincoln county, New Venire Summoned. The first panel ot thirty-four talesmen having been exhausted in securing the twelve men In the box, a new venire ot 100 was summoned during the night and early hours today and was In attendance when court convened. The defendants are asking each venireman If he would consider the separate guilt of each de fendant, although the three are being tried together. Unwillingness to do this results in challenge for cause. The possibility of securing a Jury be. fore night led the prosecution to declare that Miss Chamberlain would take the stand tomorrow and tell her story. Ac cording to Miss Chamberlain three men did the actual work of tarring, while the remainder of the moo looked on. One man held her prostrate, another held the bucket of tar and a third smeared the black mess over Miss Chamberlain's body and limbs. Jury Mar Be Completed Boon, Tho defense by noon bad used half of its twelve challenges, and both sides be gan to hope that a Jury could be ob tallied by late this afternoon. Miss Chamberlln was expected to go on the stand then after a short opening address to the Jury by County Attorney McCan Miss Chambcrlin arrived at the court room early under the Impression that she would be placed upon the stand at once. She appeared greatly chagrined at not being able to do so and remained with her mother screened from obser vatlon In the county attorney's private office. RUSSIAN PRESS CALLS SHUSTER AN ADVENTURER ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 17.-Accusln W. Morgan Shustcr, the American who is supervisor of finances for Die Ferslan government, of Intriguing against Kuasla and overriding the authoilty of the gov eminent at Teheran, an inspired press has begun a bitter campaign against him. The semi-official Novo Memya eay that when Russia's troops havo enteied Persia tlie expulsion of Mr. husler inus be demanded. It adds that the "expodl tion Is directed principally against th American adventurer IShuster." Troops have been dispatched to Fcrsl to be concentrated at Kashiu, l'JO miles north of the capital. PORTUGUESE MONARCHISTS BUYJTWO WARSHIPS LIbRO.V, Nov. 17. It Is reported that another attempt to restore the monarchy wl 1 l-eVi -iue. Two warships are t sM to have been purchased In an attempt to overthrow the republic. They yru now lu a litrman port. Tho prots is aritaied by report that the Franco-German accord In Afrlcu pro vided that n part of AnK.-iu. tha TorM guee ixHi'EK'on in .?ftifti Afilci, tiioulj go to Germany, and In call n? on Great Liituln to protect I'oitugueec ri;jlit. PACKERS EXPECT COUUTTICTOKI Judge- Kohlsaat Asserts Effective ness of Custody of Defendants Not Questioned. WILL GIVE DECISION TODAY Government Seeks to Quash Habeas Corpus Proceeding's. COUNSEL FINISH ARGUMENTS Court Asks for List of Citations in the Case. REMAKE: AROUSES ATTENTION Judge Asserts There I Not Much Question, but that Packers Were In Custody Sufficient to Justify Writ. CHUCAGO. Nov.- I Indicted packers who are seeking a ruling from the United states supreme court on the validity of the Sherman anti-trust act. expressed themselves as much encouraged late to day, when United States Circuit Judge C. C. Kohlsaat said ho saw little reason to question the effectiveness of the custody of the defendants, upon which tho dis puted habeas corpus proceedings orig inated. Although Judge Kohlsaat announced that he would not band down his decision on the government's motion to quah the habeas oorpus writ until tomorrow morn- ng, the defense hailed the court's prac tical decision of the point of custody as 4 forerunner of victory for the packers In the habeas corpus fight. Comment regarding the point of cus tody was made by the court while United States District Attorney James II. Wll kerson was concluding his arguments against the packers' writ "I don't think , there Is much question but these parties were In custody that would Justify the Issuance of the writ,' said Judge Kohlsaat. The remark challenged Instant atten tion from lawyers, defendants and. spec tators In the court room. Counsel for both sides today finished their arguments on the government's mo tion to quash and Judge Kohlsaat asked for a list of citations advanced tn the last two days. The court then announced that his decision would be ready tomor row morning. Says Roosevelt Does Not Know All Facts . About Steel Trust WASHINGTON, Nov". 17.-Cha(rman Stanley of the house stftel trust lijfvaall- gaung comnuitee nad a conference to day with President Taft after which he made a statement regarding former President Roosevelt's editorial In the Out look on the government's prosecution of the United States Steel corporation. I doubt that any one man," said Mr. Stanley, "will make up the minds of the American people as to the good or evil of the steel corporation. I believe there are a great many facts In the case which Mr. Roosevelt does not know. I doubt that Henry C. Crick and Judge Klbcrt Gary made Mr. Roosevelt their father confcFsor with perfect candor." Mr. Stanley said the Sherman antt-trust law was a competent statute, but he be lieved It could be Improved. He indicated that his conference with the president related to the subject State Auditor Issues Disputed $10 Warrant (From a Staff Correspondent) UNCOLN, Nov. 17. (Special Telegram.) The Issuance of a $10 warrant on the appropriation provided for by the Gross man medical college bill featured today's proceedings at tho 6ta( capltol and Indi cates that Auditor Barton has doclded to comply with the provisions of that meas ure without further delay. A suit started In the district court of this county sev eral weeks ago by Dr. ftimuel Stewart of Hastings to prevent the operation of the law and decided In favor of those supporting the new statute appears to have been definitely set aside by the action taken by the auditor today. Auditor Carton refused for some time to issue any warrants under the new act unless he was given nn indemnity bond by Omaha business men or those who were Interested In seeing the medical col lege built up in Omaha. His change of front Is said to have come from a rigid peroral of tho. new bill and a discussion ot Its merits with members of the state legal staff. Fifteen Men Drowned in River Near Quebec QUEBEC, Nov. 17.Fifteen of a crew or eighteen men lost their lives last night when, the Norwegian bark Antigua was driven ashore at Martin river. The Antigua was loading at Martin river be low Quebec. GOVERNOR GETS CREDIT, BUT HE DOES NOT TALK (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb.. Nov. 17. (Special Tele gram.) That Governor Aldrlch, who was quoted by papers as making a rousing speech at the Transmlssissippl congress at Kansas City. Wedm-tday, did not ad dress the meeting at all, has Just leaked out here. Governor Stubbs of Kansas was also crowded off the program, he being on signed to a disrubaliiii of the address, which the Nebiuska executive was to have given on vtule's rights, and the tr; ncportatloii prob!t:n. ' "The mldreis wan tlven out for publi cation Just tha same." ta!J Governor Allrii-h, "so th.it account for I tn ap iii rarn-. t-'i n.-itor (iv.ni lojk up t?io en tlrt i m- vith l;is api-ecii i n the fedcrul Uounl of health. Iiscii!-iiotis ci t' mat. ler (xci.pitj all the Miit of Ciu time-to I. Jon." 4.. From the Cleveland Plain Dealer. WRITES ST0RY0F HER LIFE Millionaire Stronss Hired Patterson to Marry Girl. ACCUSED OF KILLING HUSBAND Dlographr Tells ot Trip to Curope for Purpos ot Studying; to He come Suitable Wife for Sup. , posed llenefactor. DENVER, Colo., Nov. 17,-Gertrude Gibson Patterson, who will be placed on trial next Monday on the charge of mur dering her husband, Charles A. ratter- son, has written a biographical sketch for the use of her attorney, O. N. Hilton, In which she accuses Emll Strouss, the millionaire clothing manufacturer of Chi cago, of having ruined her life and of having bribed Patterson to marry her. She and Strouss, she avers, lived to gether as man And wife for five years. Excerpts ot this story of love and tragedy, made public today, are charac terised by Attorney Hilton as being as black a record of betrayal as ever Jury listened to. When seen at the jail today Mrs. Pat terson seemed much less ooncerned oVet the fata a Colorado Jury ha In store for her than the effect ber story will have on her mother. -'Oh!" she moaned, "It will breaX my poor mother's heart to learn that I was never married to Emll Strouss nor di vorced from him." The biography read, In part, as fol lows: "When I was 18 years old I went with my sister, Mrs. Farnsham, and her hus band to Chicago. We stopped at the Auditorium hotel, where a friend of my sister Introduced me to Strouss. He was much older than I, for at that time my hair hung In a braid down my back, but he was very kind. He asked me to marry htm, but said that first I must go to school and study. Trip to Paris. 'After many conferences with my peo ple he finally took me to Purls. His in tentions always seemed to be honorable. In that city he provided me with a tutor, paid for my muslo lessons and departed almost immediately. I was very happy and work very hard at my studies, aa I wanted him to b proud of his future wife." Mrs. Patterson says that they cor responded for five months, at the end of which- time, responding to a cable gram from Strouss, she returned to New York and, in company with her supposed benefactor, went Immediately to Culcago, where, the biography states, Mr. Strouss registered . for both of them as "Miss Gibson" and "Mr. Strouss." helr rooms were adjoining. v It was here, Mrs. Patterson declared, Strouss began to renew his promises of marriage, but always ha postponed the wedding day. I was so miserable and unhappy, al though he gave me everything," the narrator exclaimed, "for when I thought I had him persuaded he would put me off again until ons day he sent ma back to Paris. The fall of tha same year he came for me again. This time he told me that he had given out the Information that we were married and that everyone be lieved it. "So we came again to Chicago, where we stopped at the Stratford hotel, In wlrfch Mr. Strouss was financially Inter ested. "For five years I lived with him as his wife. He introduced rue as Mrs. Strouss wherever we went and to his friends. No one ever questioned that I was married to him least of all my peo pleand all that time I begged and pleaded and coaxed him to marry mo. I wanted so nu'ch to be like the other women I knew." Meets Futtersoj. Miss Gibson, as Klie waa then, met ber futuie husband, Charles A. I'atterson, at a skating rink. Thoy became greut friends and, although she told hlin hf-r story, he asked her to beconio bis wife and ex- preab-ed a deulie to' meet Mr. Strouss. "After his talk vlth. Mr, I'atter-ion, Mr. StrouKS camo to me and said that he was glad that the blggr-st thing In life had come to me and he wanted me- to be happily married," the narrator continued. "It waxu't until boino little time ufter ward that I learned that I had hi -en made Hie dupe of two mn. IniHglne my feJlug. I was crazed with soitow." r trout-s the ntomaphy nayx, had trKeu Palteruon I1..V0U, which Mis. I'atterson uppu8d was u weiidin u-htnt. Junius a quarrel with her huVbum!, sho asserts that she liained tl.ut th!a w.m the Mini Riven I'litlerson '.or in.il.!n; her his wife Thereafter, hu drc-Iims, llfo wa n lo:ig humirutlim. f.llfd w!th r.itters-jn' It t-utiUUtl iu ir'tcunj l'ue.) Who Would Bo a Hero?, "Is That Your Hero, Sist" Next Move in the Harvester Case is Up to the Combine WASHINGTON, Nov. 17. Tho next move looking to the voluntary disintegra tion of the International Harvester com pany rests with that corporation. Th negotiations between the Department of Justice and tho company have been tem porarily suspended pending action by offi cials of Uie so-called harvester trust upon the department's objections to the plan ot dissolution submitted by tha rep resentatives of the company. SAYS SHERMANAGT IS WEAK Senator Cummins Criticizes Tobacco Reorganization Plan. WILL NOT RESTORE COMPETITION Senate Committee eu Interstate Commerce Begins Inquiry lato Worklacs at the Autl Trust Law. WASHINGTON. Nov. 17.-Change In the Sherman anti-trust law to prohibit such a reorganisation as that sanctioned In. thav.AmeT4can Toobacce oompapx. t"e and VV prevent such delays 1A prosecwion as hve uu: urred in tha beef Jlrust hear ing. -were Ueulared tiecestary by Senator Cummins today at the hearing before the Interstate Commerce committee of the tenatd. "Questioning II. 13. Martin of the anti Trust league, who opposed any amend ment to the Sherman law, Senator Cum mins referred to the decroe In the to bacco company case authorising the re organisation of four companies and called attention to the announced report of the Deportment of Justice not to Interfere with the reorganization. "I do not believe the organisation of four companies will restore competition, but in the minds of the authorities, It is apparently In harmony with the anti trust law," said Senator Cummins. "In my opinion the anti-trust law will not maintain competition and it ought to be amended and strengthened." Amendments Hugajeated. Senator Cummins referred to a pos sible limitation of the capital stock ot corporations, a deforcing of manufactur ing business from sources of supplies and a separation of business and transporta tion elements as changes In the law would lead to better competition. Mr. Martin said the Anti-trust league of which he Is secretary, proposes to fight the dissolution decree In the Ameri can Tobacco case on the ground that it docs not comply with the anti-trust law. He declared that succeeding officials of the government in the last twenty-one years had failed to enforce the law prop erly. 'Do you claim they betrayed their trust?;' anked Senator Cummins. "That Is strong language," said Mr. Martin, "but in some canes I believe they did." Senator Cummins said that In his opin ion when a certain course had been pur sued over a period of year by puhllo officials It Indicated there was either something essential lacking In the law or that all public officials constituted "a band ot rascals." "It Is hardly conceivable," he said, "that ail of our Judges, attorney generals, presidents and other officials have been In a conspiracy to defeat this law. It would teem that the law could be so amended that questions of doubt would be removed and that public condemna tion would fall on the man who fulled to enforce Its piovHons.' Socialist Editor Is Again Indicted rORT SCOTT, Kan., Nov. 17.-Fred D. Warren, the suclallat editor of Glrard, Kan., who was pardoned by President Tatt on the occasion of his conviction for using the mails Improperly, was Indicted a second time by the federal grand Jury here today. Tho charge is, circulating Improper matter In his paper. He gave bond and was released. Three Vessels Fly Signals of Distress CHATHAM, Manx.. Nov. 17. -Three ves selu tvero tlglileil flying tlKiials of dis tress off Monmnony point ut il.i'-vn today (mo of them .n ten mi lea off thore, s heeolld ttus anchored off Great Point ri;i, with two mill lathed in the rlngliitf. kill a llilnl V.MM taken In tow by tliu revenue cutter Aciinlinct for llyannl.i. A heuvy liui'thvv.-.st fcatc prevails. 7- HB JURORS AMS IN THE BOX Panel for McNamaxa Case ii Nearly Half Completed. PEREMPTORY CHALLENGES NOW Six Men Will Hem In, and 1'nseluly Seven, When tha Weeding; Out Process lias Been Completed. LOS ANGELES, Nov. 17. Two more Jurors, making five In all, were sworn In the McNamara murder trial today. They are J. B. Sexton, a retired farmer, and William J. Andre, a nonunion carpenter The state exoused talesman Arthur Grlbllng, William Urunner and Clark McLain, The defense excused Drewster C. Kenyon, A. C. Heath. T. It. Elliott and Jacob Lansing. The defense now has eleven and the state five peremptory challenges left. Judge llorwell announced that he would draw a new venire ot forty during the day. Tha excusing ot McLatn by the stats and Kenyon by the defense and ins failure ' ot the defense to excuse ABare, were the surprises of the session. Brawster C. Kenyon. whose occupation ls looking after h Interests In Tarillus kinds ot Investments, admitted on tlie aland that be had no aanurauon tor mi ef ar Harrison Utay Otis,' proprietor the Tlmee. . He was being considered tha slate for peremptory Challenge as .It m hi was thought he might hot be Inclined to give due weighty to testimony from em ployes of the Times If called as wit nesses. Morton Will Try Other Cases. District Attorney Fredericks announced today that be had assigned G. I;ay Hor ton, chief trial deputy, to try the case of A. M. Muhla, F. Ira Bender and B. II. Connors, indicted for an alleged attempt to dynamite the Hall of Records here a month before the Los Angeles Times wes destroyed In the fall of U10. Counsel fur the McNamaraa likewise are defending the three men and the case Is expected to be a corollary to the McNamara trial. Horton has been the most active thus far In court for the state other than the district attorney himself, and his delega- Ion to try Mahle, Bender and Connor will mean that the state will lose an im portant member of Its staff In the Mc Namara trial. The trial of tho trio Is scheduled for December 1. but Attorney Darrow oe- clared today ho thought a postponement until after the McNamara hearing was over could be secured. Bender is president ot the Blacksnrths union here and Connors Is a member of the Bridge and Structural Iron Workeu' local. FEDERATION ASKED TO AID President Goraners Opposed to Ap propriation for McSamaras. ATLANTA, Go., Nov. 17. Anticipation that the California delegation to the con vention Of the American Federation of Labor In session here will make further attempts to obtain recognition for , a resolution appropriating 170,000 for the defense of the McNamara brothers, held the Interest of delegates today. The successful efforts of President Gumpers and other labor officials pre vented tlie introduction of a resolution for the appropriation yesterday, the last day on which resolutions could be placed before the organization. The unanimous consent ot the convention now must be obtained before the matter can be In troduced In the form of a resolution, but according to a ruling of President Gum pers, It may be introduced by a delegate as a sUPHlltuio lor a pomou oi a com mittee report. Another matter of Interest pending Is the probability of Mr. Gompers and four teen other labor leaders now members of the National Clvlo Federation being asked to serve their connection with that body. Tlie adjustment committee will hear arguments on the recommendation of the executive council that the carpenters and Joiners and the steam and hot water fit ters and helpers, suspended from the building trades department of the federa tion last year, be reinstated. MARYLAND DEMOCRATS WILL CONTEST ELECTION BALTIMORE. Md., Nov. 17.-Friends of Arthur it. Gorman are preparing to con test the election of Phillips -o Golds boroiiKh, republican for governor, and within a few days It is expected court pn reedines providing for the opening of tlie ballot boxes will be liiHtituted. Tbe democrats claim tlie supervisors of elections tlld not have the legal right to put the name of William II. prune mi the ballots as a "pronreshh e democrat can dhlHte for Judge of the orphans' court of I'ultlmore. EARTH SHOCKS IN r.RNTK A t E1TK0PK Violent Quakes Do Large Amount of Damage Both in Switzerland and Germany. I NO CASUALTIES ARE REPORTED Huge Avalanches Rush Down Mount Blano at Chamonii. PANICS OCCUR IN THEATERS Houses Rock and Pictures Fall from the Walls: FAMOUS OLD CASTLE DAMAGED tatuea In Ilohrnaollern C'aatla Uam- aaed aad Wide Cracks Appear In Totrers Cathedral at Constance Damaged. BKnNK, fiwltserland, Nov. 17. A rlo- lcnt earth shock wot felt throughout Switzerland at 10:W o'clock Inst night. This was followed by lesser quakes. The movement wns especially strong in the cantons of llrrne and Zurich, In tho dis trict of Interlaken and througout the region of the Alps. So fur aa known there were no casualties. In Geneva street cars were derailed. In this city and In Zurich theater audience were thrown Into a panic and ruxhod Inn the streets. At Chamonlx enormous avalanches rushed down Mont Blanc. The selsmlo motion was from north to south. lllstorlo llulldlus; Damaged. BERLIN, Nov. 17,-Tho earthquake ot lst night, which was felt in a wide area of Tir?F?0V'Tryj-aT.'9?? VuVOVITJ Ui lUUriiaUIIN II Via 1 1 1 VI IVV t nui" lerberg. near Hechingen, Prussia. Statues were disfigured and great cracks ap peared In the towers. At Constance, in the Grand Duchy of Baden, the spire and cross of the cathe dral, the most imposing building In the city, tell. A colossal statue ot Gcrmania, which crowned the postofflce building, tumbled into the streut. The buildings of Wertrnberg was shaken hard. In Ehlngun BOO frightened persons spent the night around fires In an open field. Hallway communication with that plats has been interrupted Earth shocks are unusual in the dla trlcts affected and the alarm generally I was greater than would have been In tha case ot countries where selsmlo disturb ances are of mors common occurrence, At Frankfort, where houses were shaken. the populace rushed into the streets panlo stricken (Stuttgart felt the movement etrongly, I Houses rocked, pictures fell from the I n, ..m luraiiiir. u. tmnhlad ahnut. Keports from . Munlah, Btraasburg. and Mayenoe tell ot slmJJar experiences. - - Pa alb In Theater. There wee a panlo In the theater at Heidelberg, Near LauUtngen. a rail ay viaduct fell in. Several buildings. Including St. Steph en's church, were damaged at Muel hausen, and a large stone was shaken from (he church steeple. Bricks and tiles from disturbed buildings - littered the streets. A. theater audience stampeded from the playhouse. The shock was felt less severely at Vienna, Austria, according to reports. SCHIFF ASSAILS ATTITUDE OF AMBASSADOR ROCKHILL NEW YOUK, Nov. 17.-Jacob 11. Schlff, the banker, today assailed the attitude of William Itockhlll, while American am bassador at St. Petersburg, on the pass port question. Mr. Schlff said that while President Tatt was assuring delegations of Jews that the government was making every effort to obtain a change of atti tude on the part of Russia, Mr. Itockhlll had asserted that he considered the mat ter of no great importance, but was at St. Petersburg "trying to get business fur American manufacturers and did not in tend to Jeopardize those interests." DENIES THAT WITNESSES WERE GIVEN LIQUOR CHICAGO, Nov. 17. -Charges that wit nesses in the trial of Lee ON til Browne for alleged bribery In. the election of Wil liam Lorimer, as United Statees senator, were taken about Chicago and with tbe consent of the state's attorney were given liquor so they would talk freely," were today denied by Assistant Attorney Victor P. Arnold before the investigation committee. MACK SAYS ROOSEVELT IS CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT DETIIOIT. Mich.. Nov. 17. Norman K. Mack of Buffalo, chairman of the demo cratic national committee, said In an in terview here today. 'Hoosevelt Is now avowed candidate for the republican nomination for presi dent. It Will be a neck and neck race between him and Taft In the convention. The recent article by Roosevelt in the Outlook Is subject to but one Interpreta tion. DalzelFs Ice Cream Bricks. Tickets to tlio Amcricuu Theater. Boxes of O'Brien ' Candy. All ar given away free to those who find their names to the want ads. Head tbe want ads every day; your name will appear some llme- -maybe more than once. No putties to solve nor sub scriptlons to get Just read tbe want ads. Turn to tbe want ad pages there you will find nearly every bualntbs house In tbe city rep reseuted.