T1IK HEE: OMAHA. FH1DAY. XOYEMHEK 17. 1911. MOXF.Y TO IiOAN mil Chattels. UUrr OFFF.KKIt FOIl ltF.NT d t ullage. fttU Ml "WHY USE OUU MONEY! T1ROAU5 M you can borrow It on voiir noi.sKimLD kvlmturk. manoh, ,UTOMO'4n KS. RANK ROCKS. tVAHK MCL'SR TtKCKl PT, RF.AL KB T ATE and SAl-ARILS In a few hours' time, pri vately i,id CHKAPKR than any othei concern, NO HATTEK HyW CIlivAl" TIIKV . vDYKPTIfHS. Y'oti iimy refund tho loan In small welilv or nemthly payments that soon get you out f debt. nnd your friends, relatives anil einplov : j wow not n rug at. ant tt. No demy. t-.acn. ai plication given prompt attention. Tall mi -us for money to ray all your liiln and vou will fiuU it guicU and easy. KE LIABLE CUED IT CO. TJhlrd Floor, SM Paxton Block, 21? S. 16th. 'Phones;, Douglaa 14U and A-1411. HALF MONTH DISCOUNT U-r . rt. wat., gas, t our. tola, lion 1 fence, car W blk., at Hurdettr . .. .l;3..' l.'-r., city water, ,s Bancroft I0.o I .' r., modern, 2J04 Maple 20. 0u U-r ., modern, close, KtB N. .".1st U.in --r., city water. 2W23 S. 17ti lu.ti' r.( part modern, Salt Hamilton 11.00 4- r., lots, 1 blks to ear. In Benson.. 10. oO -r..-rnod., choice, 2. Seward M.OI -r., mod., close In. 2.12 Caldwell W D 6-r., c. w., arn. 4101 N. Mh Ave 10. 0" -r., mod., best repair. lLOrt Corby 1 4 -r., will repair, ism Meredith Ave... l.f 6-r., c. w., good repair. Martha.. l.Vo 5- r., toilet (colored). '.'107 llranl 14. V 6- i. tnod., choice. 1W locust IS.Oi Also several others, $l op. P. V7. RUSKKLI, ft JI KITHU'K I'D, 'tVJ Ramge HMg. l.Mli and Harney. 'HIIMI'IIHI IIHMIMIlin Money ior Everyboii) $10 to $iou. y H S4 !l I !4 4 48 4 8 LOANS ON VmNlTl'ItK, PIANOS, U SALAKIK8. ETU M at charga-a you can a f lord, and without toe, led tpe and ile.uy you cxi)il0s- wnli oilier cuintmnlva. K. l AU'ulSIl VOl'll r It K U I T lililtii lt a at t-iOOU AH A HANK .UVU'.'NT IN TIME tK NtKU. NOTK TIHCtflU RAT KM: (hi, you pay tuck III. .". you ay back tW.Vi. IJi... you puy bark f.'vuc. VK) you ay back .a W. Ni) OTUKK I'HAKtllift, AVeel.ly ur Monthly I'aymentJ. OMAHA FINANCIAL CO , "(K-lu !irB Illk. Oppoaite Uran- Ids. . i:. Cor. 1Mb and louslait. . , 'J'lionu Uuuiil.is LMjti. For Rent Brick House Four bed room, l.itn and toilet on econd tloor; lata family room, dioina ro"in, buttery-kitchon. r tt lKrator room, hall and veftibuie.cn flint floor: full cement bavemont; furnace beat; every thiiiK flrjst, ciass and atrldly modern. IxK'ated at liU Ucotsla Ave. See llio owner at l.'itW Oeoit:ui Ave., or 4'liono Harney l.'rfv. V-UuDai liotiHe, .l; n-rwm lioum-. Hanscom park district. AU modern, t'liono ttnrncy liitii OFFKRKO FtU SAI.F. Kuril 1 1 arc. lMANO l.chtly tited, at u ImtKnlti. SeBoiatrom 1'iuno Ml, t'o. lfflli and far tiam Sis. t tiimrlirra, I.ItJHT TOUCH "Mt'iNARt'll VISIBLE for rent. THIS MONARCH TV'ti Vtl lLK CO.. 411 B Inlli. I'ticne l.i. I5KA1. F.STATF. t ltv I'liorKltn hill alfc i!;'5"s"i)i:Ti'ni ill s rm:i7i $1,800 No. ti RmlnKton, tine condition .... No. 2 Kmllti-t'iemler. fine condition No. 3 Oliver Visible, fine condition.., No. 4 Jewett. tine condition No. 2 Monaich Vlib.c, fine condi tion No. & C inlcrv.iHit, like new. No. 2 l C. tJmllh Mjlblc, II k Dew.. vMlllams' Vlnlblc No. 4 I ii nsmore, line condition r till tiuaiaotce t ush or time fiayincntM. II. SWAKSON CO.. IRIii Kmnani ntiect. DiiihIik, Nib. -M.co aii.tai J.V J.' I 4 . . .o.i ! 10 0t l H K MOV A L la king ot t pew mors-tn. 6 .tit lit l'j.t.Mlh.K.'t mm.elit ,No. i or .o. 4. Ill excellent condition, rcntvu three months lor tv. 5. M11U i itKMlKi: TYl'KWRITKK CU . I Hill Hiid Moi'K'as. v. r. . ( vMii'i,!'.! h LI.NK of all n ia K on ot typcwritet s. factory rebuilt. I'llree t lvbt. it will pvy you t we ua betoio buylnK. TVI'KWMITrJR INSPECTION & SIP Pl.Y Cl , l'Ot PA UN A M HT. HUNT an Oliver typewriter from tlitver Tvptwrlter t'n., louls iltiti thv t''l fc.-HOiM cottaKe, modern but hem, Wttint, line repuir. Hartley :itil4. Mho. u-rooin i'i.lK'. lino tep r. II. i!4 iiiiinr.IKii.il i.i)i.ii i.- packed, tor tttiai'ii; ciieup 1'reinnt inlea: nioving and stormy. Kxpi eamiien s In-livery Co. Vil. Hon. ul. c.iy otftco L'lo e-. litti trt-, ue W rtK. ' J Houses, Inu. Itlnawalt. HraiideiN 1 h, UhlU. tm. Van und ftorugo Co., packs, iiiovck, atoren household ttooda. f'ircproot stm--u.v &H H. ltiih. lltanch, Mt H- lah. tel. V. 41); A-U;. CO 1' I' AUK 1-1 ve rooms, bain una fcu. illu N. J'tn 8t. Harney 60T.I. UnMMI IMHMI Chattel Loans, AT HKAXUNAHUS H.VTK1-. Nebruska lonu Co., ..W Hee KldK. LHiUKla 1V.5. A-VXA JIONKY loaned salaried people, woiuun Ucuplim house and lUhera; without se curity; easy payment, oulcua m 67 prin cipal cines. lolmun, Omalm nat'l l-au tilo:.. formerly N. Y. Life tld. "DlAWONU loans at and 5 per cent. AV. C. 1 lutau, lal 1 'udto. ittd 6tll. ' i. : .itr,T.."."iir:i.'TMinini i.ut.u ana k.utiu. 1J. hauls trunks. 1. till; A-Wll. . ui iu.ii, lan.ny noivt, att Av torii. ot. jbiiivH iiotvi tini niMt. uam, 'i.uiiie iuo.na; wpiier ratva tu luw couples ,i .uii ve' iio.; uiij, i.i... iwf an iuv-i- r. Vi.vttM luoliia aim e.veciKiu nieuio. .S. 3..10 .-t. i i. one Ooutj. Jl-ti. .'lKM-t.i.Asa room una uoum in B.ucny pi wato laniHi ( wtuMUJ o.tunt'.i, lat9 p4 Ulll. lUCllOli; tlVtel'UHIK H.IU loooiil. ouliBa i.Kaav vo .ul u.iW' ..uuia e iW, liijv. ,u.i,o t.aoi-incakta loom, v.n. buaru; .n uiin. e. lot ... )thjot- ilUiNlT-ifrtaj room 'ana board tor fcc.l.. lei.iu'. in t'"'v;m ciuu uistiici. hei uWic uxcnaiiuu. Itarney lull. t .1 1 jU j, ii-ont ruotn witu aicove ru.iii, Mioani i.uu; e. aoiu, m nmifwm v4 c.- ...ii.i i; win tuae otsnabuj yuu... i i-rtvu coupic, with or wunoui bouiu. ui akQ,.u.biy mull tu nave. ij,..pany io u.j ,..;, K.aiutta mqioitu. ..uuiw k'uruudea inioui.. UOOP roomi. jwiaonable. liioa DouKlaa. L-l.tfCr, ji'in loom Hi. vl.saiu iM.ouy, clotw ,o t.rikihiuu ouneau, icko.iuiv. j.iik: Hauiey wuh. Iwi', 6.1,1 i'uiriiBiitiii room tor ciukmvi jWei b. Ii-tli r. 1 'oimiaa Wilt. t'.At; tor two oi.ntf muiex; ..oa lam 11., vtiy i onvenniii. . iiuiih ilurniiy twos. .'Ij.-lH.lltl.l, nil. ni.in iu.. idi N. iii Livrttey i-.uropiaii lluu I. OMAHA KAP. stora-. Tmnaa, 41U N 17th. CO., muvinii vans ana buiiguue Uel. LI. VM. POH HKNT jleven rooms, strictly niod ern house; hot water heat; close to 41al and Lafayette Ave.; iHitiglas IttK.'. MUUKKN IIOl'SE, !l ltcToMsi. CLOSU In, l-'arnam or tlari.ey curs, now fuiiuue, rent now for only Wi.fw). Tel. I'onnUs 1J. Tfiinvnu I" a't pails of the c.ty. Cicull Poll KKNT Moucrti apartment, rooms, two uuili rooms; apartment 4, Oh Hnda, Jlst and Farnaiu. t-'lX and water heat, six. The sevon-room modern nut. hot lor Ki. Tel. WeliHter Win. iOK MAF'l.fci ST., i rooms, modern ex cept furnace, iv. Kail, 4 Humu. I Hn;. A 44J. iu i ronma, S. Ji'th; li. 6 rooms. Sllu N. i.'4th; 1117 Park Aw, mydurn, -WM. Tel. Webster l77. THKtCK block court house, b-room cot taite. inouern except heat- Iflli. I 715. ( 'O't'T A U U of riionii aiid baih, In tine Oruer; pobsrsHlon Hocembtr 1, InipHre on premises, Ut:!i' y. lillh rtt. KOM, HK.N 1 t'lonci in, new 7-room brit'K house, entirely modern and lust uias, locutid on Kainam csr line at Hit H. linn Kt. Paone UouKias 4s7i). Kliidllrit. t4 load. Voii' ' SALl-:- Ne eaioin tinO pncHet llleellHBVOUB. II. tiros Well built f.-rocm house, on eiot front lot: plenty of room In rear fur garden; block to -ar; Rood liM-ation: p ed street, pavlnn l pn'd; handy to ilcimts. Smsll pHVmcn down, baiance like rent. YA'orth investlgatltiK. Scott & Hill .It'T McCskus Mldir. 1. IMS; I ml. A-17&J. Brand New Home Six roons, full two stii-ies. itrlctly moaern, obk finish, In Konntse iMnce dls tilct, i i ntent waikn. Mimteu yartt. scieens. and atorin wliutows. t onipleto In every wny. Pi Ice ;t. JiA Jl'-O i asu, balance :t i moult ly. he tbis; It s u home you will like. 1 mme owner, Harmvy .k!li, lor more Intortnatleii. PAKMiC.Vlrt !M and C'nldnell Pt.- 311, and Kvuus tl. and secouj-hand nii.t pncHet btiiiam tatdes au.l bowling alleys and accessories: bar fix tures of nil kind; easy payments, 'i he Prunswlck-lialka-Oollatider Co. 40"-l'.i Soutn lmh ft. rllX-l-OOT book keeper's tlenk. oak f.n Ish, for sale at Apply iloorge v'. AVrlitlit. Hee Publishing Co. ""KOU-HAl7k Two "scliolurslilps In "the (iinahu Commercial colluse nri one in Boyles loUese. liuslness office, tunaha pee. ""r'OTl SAIJC lS pair Rlrlmrdsoii's " ibd ler Sksles. flrst-clHBS coliultlon, cheiifi If taken soon. Ailctre-S A. ,1. Echuilz, Woonsockct. S. I. A SNAP Kxtra large, iiev.. tun mouniud gi ey wolf rug. Murk Woodward, Miller, o. Pak. AUCnolTSALK of 17S lots of unredeemed household goods, NovemUr 27, i!. 'i. Omaha Van and Murage Co , ll'jn N. 10th s. 1CASY Cash i, room nointe, Price 11,4'iQ. tm Cash t.-room tioiikv Prlco l,y.Vi. fctoO Cnsi-1 S-room hunKH low Itt ditt ed to l-.l.V. pKAl I S U-rouin new nuiiMalow. licdticed to (3.109. Cash- room.-., ;.,ii. Ut., ncur Lake. -Price l.'.'-'-i1, t'.'OM Canh r romim, on Lake, jn-sr St.-Price ItMu ' . . f WKHTKT.N ItlCM. KSTATP CO, Phone - lhuij,'in- M - Incl. A-.4f. LVLN lihiN'l klvlSC.'. Hi:V hlle.. lil l icit MONTH. .'.() CASH. Drui.u new, in-lit, 4-rooiu cotiaae. t-tlV aaier, electitc Ikiii, cement walki. cho.ee Curiier lot t.exIL, ran sell a ailjninini; tola If dislred; b.Kli, cnoice locution, .1 h,of-k to car. Will aod baCi or addit toiiiil iooiii.-i. HeiCs it baiain at 61. Dim. We have i room, mmlern nouses on similar pasls l-t i proportion, ..U and IJ.s.'O l'lione l. Kn at-out tliei.e, end find bow to save rent. P. I Ml'.l.l, .Sf AIMTUlCtv to. ;? iinniwe lllilu. l.Mli and Idirney. iu . 1 pi. .1... let' nyttiniK ballpens. I (icihi I'mnililiiH C i. in uoi plnnie a loiinei i Kiiikihs II litis. MA h'Ln-Overstocked with eecond-uand safes, all sizes mid makes; bargains. American Supply Co., HID l-'arnam Hl r. Vn.K i pei-eon knows who I'. J. (T Helen la becuua he has made Omaha famous with his randy, II P. O. Mo ping, Apt. 7, The rtheiinan. will come lo The Bee office wit Inn three days wo will give him an order lor a wl-cent box ot i ' In len s candy free. I'KHSOXAL FOK HKNT. ;3C.0O-Z!lll Hewey Ate., line 5-room flat, modern. $ 6.00 wju n .it ne y PI., nlco S-room brick, . terrace, modern. U. V. rlHOLKS & CO., fl'l City Nat'l Hana tnug. Tel. Oouglaa 4i. l PKH MUNI H COTTAUB. oven luopia, pear car Jinc; good loca tion; mouern except heat; good condition; lent reduced for immediate rental. I'm a la a Elian. Metier em I up, Wuter lent pain. BAHNL.-4 ac WILMON, 40! Boo. V. Wei. -loi IXH UI.At-. i looms, nioiiern txeeia heat; w per month. Tel. uougiaa lie. MOOKRN -rooni ttuusc. Ave. Harney 14o4. Zilo c'aplioi 1 OOlll, Ave. Cioati to 1-, - l.tll l t 'i nain. UKH-HAui-u. luiiiisntd loom, p.ia. laiitic , ,m i. tin u. rhune Wcustef iOia .M. K large eoutti romii, auuub.u to. Iwu gQticu.ti; at'ittly inu.,eii. waik.iiaf u.a'ince. In h. ith .we. U. i4UI. fli N. utli til., two ntce.y no nnsneil w.im roonib, lnouetn. loufcua f'ttuN'l purlor for on. Oougiaa oils. two geluiuiueli; li.ou- ItoOM in tnoucin House, pilsaiu taiiuiy, i.con loeauon. tlarney Mi). io N. ii't ll ot. jNo car tare, conuoi'i upto home tor particular yeiulenmn, cou start aieaiu heat, running not water, t ua trie ii. ill. tain, teieppcne, half u.Qck tie to po4.ouicc, 1-j .. juti. '1 nuu t teiH4. r'UtV.Morir,- loom in private inuuein Jiutiia; n cmiureii; u.oso in. l.ainey .ulu iHiDUb, loom anil uoaru tor two t tin. iUrt.M- t.i-, i looms. lurntaiiuU, 3j.w. 'tile Howard, beq 1.1 w.il, two- muni apattmenls; il.Uv. Vial ttua liow-.tia. tv :Ri ukjUX envoys an evening witn llio vvoyowaiu Btyca company, it Mrs. A., tillinaky, Ml Vvcst bioauway, Cou.ioii jj.uit. wilt come tu The lice oltica witn.n uijee days we wi.i fcivo hoi- uu uidtr tot i. uir ot ttcketa. t uiiiltrit ItouaeUeeiiluu KoHiiua. The Msnud and Howard, 21 & Howard, ami r-i . apte. tojA 'j'o very oesitab.o houseut-eping :oomu; win give iail rent io nun una wile lor cure ot lainaCt; also two tioui pctilois tauiiolicd compliitu. frjw -8. jtutu J.vt . TWO or three 1 eepmg i uutns, i-'uttnport. mcely tui lushed house io per niom(u- itilK . urulaUed llousea. VtCOOil b.vuae. loi.1 N. It ill tSt, 0. C. KP.UlClv, 1, 17 Karnam ,st. lulV t'Altlv avenue, Pnuna liney 6tl7o. auveti-ivom lioune. 70S NORTH 30TU STREET strictly modern x-rooin house, fine coo dltion, waiams distance, cioou to car, cpuicii ana scnooi. ciieati iwiu the win ter tu good tenant. ' R.H, Landeryou ill poara ot nu.iu Pnone 1 ougia iloi. ALL. moilern s-room uooae, N. HUH P)i., best furnace. 'l'-.bu. Phone debater lias. .VtOLicittN, u-rouui nouse, i.u capuui Ave.; Harney ItiH. l-'OH HKN'i. 8-i ooni inoiiein house. iSJii Capitol Ave., uunuec; batu, A-osaeaaiou isovtiiibtr 1. V. L. SELDY. Phono Doug, l.'tlo. 1'iUS Kornam8t. 1. lo. joul rut Her, -r, nioa. ex. heat, .o-J cuiaweil, 6-r, mud. e.t. heal, 4hi Ames Ave., o-r, mod. ey. neat, io. Hi. tu. 4ltii Ave., -', mod. ex. neat, lij. tlli No. fold. -r, mod. ex. heat, fit. m.i iso. i.tli, tr, mod. ex. heat. ! Hit omo Rt., O r. mod. ti. neat, t)i ou. itlli. b-r, mod. ex. heat, -d. o.J No. ui, b. Omaha, 0-r, mod, ax. Ittat. t2. 1702 Liorcaa, 4-r, city water, 111. dpi ague, 7 r, mod. ex. heat, .'0. .ulj tvi-iugue, 6-, niod. ex. heat. tU. iujl Heea lit., 5-1, mod. ex. heat. 19. ivis Keea fct.. 4-r, part mod.. $1X 40uii Aia.un, s-r, all mud. oak fltnan, hot wu,tr heat, 2 blocks fiym tar Huea, 4t. altcrmun Ave., 4-r, mod. ex. heat, 113. fcUKKliTT & T1CBBKNS, 421 Hee Blog. Plionea U. 4iM. A. 1754. MOOrJP.N six-loom house, .ilu Capitol Ave. Harney Hul. UK. MAXWKLL Cl'llKH I ILL.-4. 40j Orn. Nat. Uk. Hldg. PAY nllKN CURKu. ii.fl.A 1 i.i.i .i) iie.AI niadisii Pnaimuc, 1ili and tiodgo. KAHsiU.X lliNSKI'll, Bwedish muv nieni and massage; graduate ot Or. Kelt bo b' Inst., htoekholm, Kweden; uuy pm.iic U. i'X: tilgiit, O. aHH, 4-XI Oiti. Nui. Lank linig. Mttu;e, Ritteiihoiihe. ,U Old Hosion Hid. Mrs. i leree, stititnpoo, nan dressing and manictii lug. :1..l l i.rnain. il.6i.iM, A-H. 8 YolNU vno.mLN coming tu tniaha u atiangera are nuneU to visit tile toting Womoin . itrisi.un aasociaiion building at tleventeentii and HI. iviaiy's Ave, where they wul be dltectcd.tu aultabie bout ding places or otherwise assls.ed. Look lor our Have. era aid at the Union station. lies JAClvSON-lsleaui rooms. heated, mo) Jt it DON'T UK A HENTKIJ When ou i an own a tin o, control initio, modern cottage for only luo rami and w per month, Including Intetesl. One block irtun the lur, near .1st and A Inlon. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Otalgias 17M. A-H&H Dundee Home Light looms, ail mouern, extra toilet room, sun loom, ilieilace, laundry, etc, 'I hi gees at actual cost direct from owner. Telephone liattiey flu. HARRY H. PUTNAM. 6140 Hurt fct. " ivvii apttl in. flit noiisea: will se.l a.ll gle or do ti !.'; Income 1st) month. OttOsiH. Mil rt. d Ht. H IN I O0 Stll.llijlll.lt, TAHLK'IM trnc. ii', I.L will build, brave, OKllU CO. WW rein anu lipa.1 all kmua ot scvvinj tnacniins. ind. A im3, Oougias nM, NKliKAhKA t-'VCbtv t.'O.. Mb and Harney rtts. Ilia mi lit. vMrs. itucl, liil i, Liln, 2d lioor, rm a. MASSAOE ilAHsAUiJ-Bwedlati movement; coliuug better tor rheurnaitstn; luilles, i; gontlu Inen, (1 6". Apt. ii, IseS rarnain. I ti.4i. 'I'M dThA I. vXl'ltilN AltAi""oTiciia i-as oti ciotuiiig, In lact, an tiling you do not neeii; vva collect, repair ano ecu, at 1.14 IV. litll Ml., tor cost ol coi.ertloli. to the wot thy oor. fail pliunc cuugla4 41i and wagons w.il cult. AlHil Kl ayer, ,11111 1' hulr tooti Kiowa liuu. jklme. Megeatn ?ta. Co., lTh .v Cut nam. M ASSAIIK uaili, sail glow aromatic u.--kjo.-j.V li ireaiuuni. Mine. Alien Chicago, KM SHth ML. lstf,oor. D itidj. Or. Burke, women a uiseaaea. 41 LougLIk SrTAXl in'( tTeaimts7'Mrii Steefe,ex- 1-.T1A IplLliHlH HY has opened new ban dieaslng I. a tiers at 8"J Netnle, L JitKi. MRS ,S.NYU1U. Mwodish mairagc, baths, ran. u tor and vibrator treaimeni. Ilia Ininsany, l-'lat - hah and Pierce. D 4lv). ItAZLI. i.KAl'' PlUi t'ONK. - Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrud ing piles; .'ioc. pot paiu; aatnpie fii-e. Hhertoan A McConnell tnuq Co., Omaha. K. Brott. "lu tloor. ti Isj. Call Websier olJJ. IKJUIJ ttOrflfc. MAGNETIC n.h. "d Uabies Boarded ll.UIIKS to oro tor. WeOMier 6uin, NL'RHKHY tare, amatl ch.ldren. V ;.4n. Mt4 LANU Manicuring and vioratoiy tnaaaage treattueuia. J too in 1, aecoini lloor, uo6 Ooiige st." M KL'HAN ICAL i Hl.A'l M KNT. Kernel liing new, reitewa tne nervea, mu-sclea und ailuiulalta the circulation; lelief at once. H. C. P.OMINOKH. Douglas 7.S4. iaiirri, lnth St. WANTKO Voung or middle aged lady. imenoumuerea. aa Housekeeper and com panion for seml-invaliu lady in tamlly of two. Write, address, ng tj Uu, pc-. A LA I; 10 opl'OH I I'Mi Y KOK A eM ALL 1 N VKHTAI KN T. I ran ofinr a prosperous and profitable parlor millinery business, well located, for steady traoe, and ten rooms of Hii nlture for a very moderate prlco. My business Is reliable, and rooms all occu pied. Rctiirna from rooms pay all ex penses of house and establishment. Am leavina citv only reason for selling. De tails and price to Interested parties. Phone Harney Kinm. C-OO kTrBT mirtgage, 0 Kr cent, on Hi) ticrcH. tinder Irrigation: land sold for (11. 'JW); purchaser- paid (7.X) tmsh. mort. pane ft..Ni0; no better security known than this; who geta thla gilt-eilga mortgage PAYNK IN VKSTM KNT I'll., ISth and Karnam His., oinalui. IIKA1. KSTATK, iiiim jt ii ii i.tMi ion uu: t iilllorala. Some Day Some Day How often have you said to voiirsolf Hint some oav you would get out ot the city; that nui would give up our salaried position and net back to the Intnl. Are ! v on Httv nearer that "some day" today , lhan you were ten vea's na? t Anv man who baa a-nhltion enouiih to! llndfl take the development (if a anuill tract of Inn. I In California l bound to mtiku gtMid. Nature Helps You At Patterfon nature l ottr ally,, not your enemy. Nature never hampers, but hacks yoj up. Never buy chcup land, patilctilst ly cheap fruit land In California When you are getting, get the best, California men ho have Invested declare lliat Patter, sou N one of the best priuosttiona In the state today. Patlrrnon land at (lift to $Je0 per acre la a much better Investment than lands In lite southern purl of the state which are selling at JVxl to i?,MA) per acre. The water supply at Patterson Is abnn- jdnnt for every need anil there la no koi n h iiacs ot ins euppiy. i aiierson nas ptloiity of water right and one ot the best svateina In the United Mtalea. not excepting any of the government protects. It beams to look now as though we would have two cars on Our Next Excursion Nov. 22 Peopln who are going with ns ft re not lov riders, hut those carefully luvestUat Ing what we have to offer. If you cannot go yourself, why should not several neighbors unite and send one man to In vestigate. Let him be the Judge and divide 'he expei ' i of the trip among you. Would like to I . k with you about ratter son. Payne Investment Company FHH SAI.K Hit i:.( HANOI! I'INi: :Ot lellii'iittslimenit. tiuee miles to town Weld conntv, Colorado. Il.tim. K c. Sinltli Pen-lval. 1. I- I N K i haixie. unilrlit piano f..i v hat have votr' sale 3' N. or ex- l.ith. vv A N I r. I A mo or goiHl itrlvina team .or two H'od vacnnt lots in Missouri vallry. fa. or what have you.' Addres '. A Wharton. Woodbine In. i-H I K V.AL K ' O It : T II A 1 1 V. A large new buck liiil'dlng 4lxlit tnow nfcut'led by a clean, "iip-to-itnta" alorg f furniture, carpets, undertakers com plete -outfit, etc., also for said. Onn of the largest, best equipped furniture loomn tl Nelnak. Incnted in one of the most ihrlltv cities of lt class inbout popu. at ton! In eaalern Nehru.d.a. Ileavllv nctinihcred prpeiiv nor far west Islids not wanted In exchange. Kulldina and stock of goods may be sold separately ir toaethcr. Address Klist National Pank, Hebron, N.b. FiTHAMSIIU'M Anchor Li hp Stcinnsliips New Yolk. Londonderry and iliasgow. New Yolk, Palermo and Naples. Attractive tales for ticket between New York and all Scotch, Lngllah, Irish, Continental and Mediterranean point.. Supeilor accomtnndaf Ions, excellent cui sine, efficient Hcrvlce. Apply promptly for reservation to local agent of Anchor Line or Henderson Pros., Ccnetal Agents, Chicago. III. HAIIiU'AY TIMK CAHII I A IO.V 1 At IMA- -itiitn at Miami Arrive. 7 40 pm a 8:4n pm a ;4& am a 4 lo pm a s... pm a J il am all am a 4 So pm a 8 o pm il.K pin alt) . Ht am b LIS pm Sd-hand gocds WANTKD TO I ll'Y Klesef, P7U Center. l. iflC Colonlxiitlim Agents. Omaha, t oiwrndu. Neb. Lot Bargain The two choice Iota southwest corner aUi and Charles, loOxli ft., only IJ.OW. Hoom for four buusea, A simp. SELBY Ki Board of Trade Pldg. Phone Douglas loin. l-'OH 8AI.K-Two-aiory trante building. 40x24, five rooms on second floor; lot 1 40 x4o; east front; good well and barn; ni ght consider tiude for Omaha resilience. Ad dreas Cg.ll Box 'J4, Malum, Neb. KOl7 "BALK 6k irii"Nlv-cine 7-rooni, all modern house. 'iul und V Bta., aloulli Ouuiha. Mouth lltsl. A SNAP. KellnqihmrnL guarter section, good Improvements; cuiient block house, well, tank, stable; all lenced; ." acres broke; nnistiacM and stock yams .on pluce; train stops uu n-ig. I his wul make a lim n site In near tut tire; II miles from county seat; flue, smooth land and gnod rlcn aoll; must sell this month; price, (ijd. (lillilund Woodslde, Wlllsrd, Colo. WANTKO TO IlKNT lit ' iK K KKI'I Nti ami clerical work evenings and riaturdajs; use typewriter. Aoitrcsh 1.-74:1. Hee. I-AMII.Y ot tour set ks htali-class board ing place; must be suitable for cultured pi epic; neighborhood ami bouse must be nlgn-i lass; near West Putnam Ht. Ad- nresa 1 1 n.Mt, care Bee. HAN I Kl'- l u nils 1 1 eil aulte near goo-l bonruinK place, suitable lor tamlly ot three adults and child. No obje'tion tv outi-klitH it' near I at nam HI. only htgn- glade plat c consiUeieil. AUdrtas N a-si. care nee. mKiM't atlii.is ami 4-eni-oitt watit completely lurnishrd apartment. Pleas do not reply unless nelgliboriiood and ail else qualifies for mined people; vvesi Karnam district. Address C .imi, care Hee. t alon Pacific Deport. Pan Fran. Overl'd L.tl mm l hlna t Japan P. M..a LIS pin Atlantic l x pi ess ehegon Kxpteaa all:.tpm Ijc. Angeles Llm d. ...aU.46 pm Denver ttpecial a 7 "I am i enten'al Htars Kp c l.all Ittl pm Cclot atlo Kx press it "Ml pm t egon-Wash Ltm t d.L;oo pm North Plnlta' luteal. .. a :15atn tltantl Island luteal... .a : Jet pm Stromsbiirg Local bl'L4l pm v.aba.h . (muha-St. Louis Kx...a 6 SO pm I I) am Mall and P.xpisas 7 ol am elLlS pm ftaiib'y U tfioiu C. 11 ) tx G :U ptn blU liam Chicago, Hock Island at Pacific IE A ST. Rocky Motintln Ltd alJt'JS am alO M pm Chicago Local Paaa....blO:Hri am h!0:t'ipm Chlcaao Dny Kx a tt l'mni a 4 Jo pm ChlcaK" Kxpresa a 4:10 pm a 1 :p pm pee Molnea Local P..,.a 4:KJ pm alH:H pm Chh ago-Nab. Ltd a U:nS pm a 1.17 am WKST. Chl-Neb. I.md to Lin coln a 8 id am a 8 .A pm ol t'al. l-".xpres a l:l.1pm a 4.'Kpm Okl Ai Tex.. l-;xprcs..a 6:( pm all'45 am Rocky Mountain Ltd. .alO; 45 lull a'.i 30 am t hit-ago t Nwrlhweatera NORTHBOUND. Mlnn.-Bt. Paul Kx. ...h 7:tW am Mlnn.-Ht. Paul 1,'t d . a :0i pm win City r.xpress....a 7:4n am Sioux City I.ocul a 3 i:-pm Minn. I liaaota r.x. .a i :ii pn. Twin City Limited... a 8:45 pm Minnesota Lxpress HAHTBOl'ND. Carroll t.ocnl ajoatn ayllght t hlcago l l:K)mn Chicago laical alt:tpm Colorado-t hicago a& IOpm Chicago Ppeclal a ;02 pm a.-, i oast-t Hlcago a :.o pm os Angeles Limited. .a 8 6" pm Overland limited a 1.56 pin arrnll Lo. al a4:Htipm Past Mall a H.W pm Cedar liaplda, tiloux & Crnanii Centennial Htala Urn.. 12:40 am WESTBOUND. Long Pine a Oil am Not folk-Dallas as:tx-am Ising I'lne. Lincoln a Mi pm Hantlnas-fliiperlor ,...b 11:15 pm Deadwoed-Hot ttp'gs.. l.Mpm asper-Lanner ....... .a J no pro hA.M'KP-A loom In suite ot oltloes, with use ol steiiogiaplier and phone, Ad iltess K 7tei, car Lee. WANTFIl NITVATIOXH l-oit a tlrst-clnss, pisctn al nurse, call Mia. Boynton. II. It",. I. A-at.t. HI fsDLK nashlng wanted, liar, M.I. W Jiitil loij ami curtalna (tone. I . It. 7tOi. i u.il f lo.x by ilnru-year li.gu scnooi boy; will work from 13 to 8:lsi p. in. M iSJ, Bee. vv 1 1 1 I r, and clean woman desires day 'Phone i. tTflt). work, neat MICAIION WAN! Kl-A manager ot general stole, country town; experienced. .1 tll.'l, Bee. hV lilgn .-.cnool graduate, alenograpner, clerical or bookkeeping; unexperienced I, iiltl, Bee. .MS einicntiil woman ut-eirea work i.l uinnlia or elsewhere 111 Institution or lam. .y lo assist in keeping and letting care of Midirn. W elialer .ill I. lul Ail ltiun wants position as bai tenner; experienced. H (thv, Bee. t.eorglH. CHEAT SOUYll UEOH0IA Traversed by the ATLANTIC, in KM LVO 1 1 AM Aa ATLAN TIC HAILROAD. Lands adaptable to toe widest range of crops. An the money crops of the amitn V'l-ii(Mlly ijemlne. 4 l-'or l.terature t.-iak-.ii g with nils coming country, its soil, climate, church and school advantages, Wl'lltt W. If. LKAHY, DKPT. K, tlaneral Passenger Agent, ATLANTA, OA. W Ais, I Li . position by a young lady with one years experience us atenog- rapner; aalury aocoiuoig tu ability, it wi, wee. A OOOO, suaoy Jon. .-.duress v 40, Art coachman by II 724. Bee. bal'iHsr Bee. wanta a good rellauie young man. a S 00 am alteit) pm a 3. a pm a 1 1.'. am a TiAi am all. 00 am 8:10 pm a10:4d pm a t .M pm a J :4 pm a 6 49 am a fs pm al2 W pm a H IS am a lie 00 am a (:86 pm ( S5 pm 11. hi pin all 00 am a!015 pm a 8 a) pm b :W pm a 4 X pm alLOd pm ..bS Wpm bLWpm Premont-Albtun - llllnwla Oatrik Chicago Fpraaa.. Chicago Umlled.. Mlaaimrl 1'aelfl K. O. Bt. Im Kx. K. C. ac Bt. U Kx. t hleaito, Mllasakea at St. rat Overland Limited a 7:89pm Perry Local a;:)am Colorado Kxpresa. a8:tpni Colorado Mpeclal a 1:1 tin Perry Local b &:15 put t hlcago Ureal Weatera Chicago Umited a :.K pm I'wlu City Umited... .a :UB pm a T:4I am Twin City Kxprens... .a 40 am a l:4 put Chicago tCxpieaa a 8.46 pnt local Pasaeugur a S:W ua llurllngton Stallaa Teat I 4k llaaaa. ..a 7:00 am a 8:45 pm ,.a D;oQpm 1:00am ..a 8 (0 am a 7-40 am ..all: IB put a 8:W pm :1Jam " 110 pin -M:'A pm 6 f.0 am VJOJpni loni, KKiHT-ROOM iniderii house; excel lent tutnutx-. t'lionu iiurney -.j. Luu-d.e H4-J N. ;.tu bi. 1-lve rooin.s, modern ex cept lurnace; gouu rcpuir and cio-ie m. rimy lis and waier rent, Phone Ked Villi r.lflil.li, i.riitv i.nlv -llli ii. , ..hil. ilren; win give use of foul-room cottago I in icturii tor aood care of bullae ttnd land eiuuud.s lor wlnu-r; four UlvcUa Irom car i. ne. Write A i', Lee. riVK-KOOM nouse, ail moOrrii, rent reduced j0 turntslied, t-5 uiiiurolsiied. i none Oouglua i.i.lti. llolrla uuil A iar luwiiia. "NXCKLY FT'RNLSHED UOr.MS fo.- gen. .id. .nit n. I'HK CHATll.tM, Ilu S. l;;th St. Hub hotel, sieam Utaicd. Lus Ooug. St. " DODG "S"Jlorl KLTTiuii and" Dodge: ail ool uutsiilo rooms; special week rate. ICxceHer.t meals, ;n3 N. Mh. Bo. omulm. Howaid Hotel, elegant is. Ml Howaro. Elk hotel, i ooma 2jc and ooc. sTj rN. iith. HuTKL A LB A is," y ; niusi eh gantl uoino". wati-i ; tii epi not ; prices not a,..t reasonable both phones. Ill) Douglas. Bin llngtMi. ntio rooms, i bin, k To orpot. CABd HOT KL, nice rooms. l,(u i'hm Bt. WINl'SOK HoTKL -Rooms uh: to l.i. 4)XKORD and Arcade, special w kly ';ate Ugilca 1 loteLV' 'uitJunii . , eo lo xi.oo per weea. HOTKL ULOMAB. W. Cor. I7TH AMD CAPITOL AVK Just open for business. New. model n. He m-heaied rooms. 1-or lutes py day . ..o eer. pliOlie tiollglui. 13UH. AtMrtoietta Mud Ir'lula. NO. 1 u-rooin houi-c, uewiy panned papered, inorotigiiiy itUHiein. neu owner, Ui Paxlitu Uk. ""bHuioM nice warm ctiagu at WW fc. nth, (J J. ' l-'OU a dainty dessert nae ogigeil s ice cream. If Mrs. B, l. VA tlils, j.io Cum. inn st, will come to 'I ne II. o ottico within thteo duys we will give her an order fu. it quail buck ot mis titio ice creamy h-ROOM cjllage, uiudcni. Dll B. ::s.li. liMiney 4l7t. jKi Aita tui i-un wan inu v.oju ward Btix-k coinpauy at tne American theater, it Mrs. vv . M. Wi mjii. Apt. , 'i he Albion, will tome to The iee uiilco within mreo days v.e win tlve her an otoei- for a pair ot tickets. IH)VliTHV AMI I'KT ISTfM'K lu i'.siMtv i ui run 1 1, , 1 1 i . lo ivOO.no, Al.,1, An iuc.lt A. Ve have a isiu-upariiueiu tiouou, 'con taming 14 rooms, iv,u uatna rooms, ac.uii utu looms, wan pal tor uiuiiig l oom una kitchen lu chi ii uiai tniciit, wuu new piuioiiing ami good utaniig p.ani. Jhis pioperiy la too uiirfe tor personal owner ana it is a spu-nuiu proposition ioc some one who Vfin buy it ana uiviuu H into four three-loom uiiai tmenta. Owing to tins arrangement tne House m.a work can be uone at a very email c peuu und wnen ci.i.ii. icteil the aiiart inenis v.ni rent ior -j tain, me ouer can live in one apatimcnt, rent the teat and make a good iiivtistmeiii out ui your 'i he building Is well built and In good' condition; oniy thirteen minutes' riae to the center of the city; one block from the Uodge street car I, no and in good real uenco district. illil NL'MHKR 13 2619 N. W1H 8T. It Is Juab north of Ohio on the Flor ence Bivd, A good six or seven-room modern houso wul po taken In exchange at the right price. This proposition is certainly worth looking at. NOKH1S & aJAHTIN, 400 line llldg. Doug. 4l'70, A-4270. PHICE, $:,r)00; HENU's s.uo Brick store Luiidinu; on 21lh Ht., perma nent lonant; ll.ficO cash, balunce u )cr lent; good 10 per c-m net Investment. BlfJCK FLATS ;;:.(1X) Hint ll.im, four apartments, hot water heal, well located, half block t,f Put nam sit.; ulvvays leitel. Clover Kcalty Syutlicatt! THU easiest way lo find a buyer fop your tat in is to insert a small want aJ in the Ilea M trine c'apnal. largest cir culation In the state ot Iowa, kt.ouu dauy. The capital la read by and believed in by the atanupatvera ot town, wuu simply re fuse to permit any other paper in their homes. . ttutts, 1 cint a woid a day; 1.A per Una per month; count six oioinary words lo the line. Aduruss Des Aluliics i apital, Des Moines, la. Louisiana. . "Go South, . oungiHan" Rulhl j outsell i. ..oiiiu cm the flulf Coast, tvo exiremea oi weuther, either hot or cold, No Uruuth, t.ood rich muds from (lu up. We own them. Kasiest ot terms. We want farmota. Wiito for our booklel. COAHT HIsiALT Y & COLONY CO. Pascagoulg, Mlsa. Atsuraaku. HOMKBTKAD SiU acres for 17o; about 30 inl.es oui; rich farm land, not aunU. Was an old entry, now cancelled. Worm .ui,o. J. A. 'l racy, Ktmnail, Neb. " s iir-iu list of improvkd Howard, Oree ley, valley, hneimuii and cuaier county arms, lor peopia of Hunted means waut tiig tioines on easy leinis. i. irau,cj', It olhaen, Neb. tllllitiii. Ktll htlL. .,1 com t ollatie, inudern, :jU Chicago r-t., (lion. Turkington. i-Oi Beo Buig, AloOKKN' s-rooin Hat. lading llanscom park. g-. 1701 1'ark Atre. '"a liiiOO a.-vvii-rouiii. niouein liouoe. iv'24 N. lath St. Webster 4.;H. Murri und utllct-a. OI-TICK to rent. Mulligan, tl) B. IJTt 1. Wish to subiet suite of live looms In City National bank King. Call l. 41JB. koi t- casny tuieti uy uuo nn.icsj Roup Clin-, m-: bu. Jf your uealer run- . not supply you, write ua direct, swnuiiig ! rt . 1. M ..u n... t 1,1 U 11 I I La ' .N. Kill St.. omaba. Wel.Mer utaii. ' I, ACHES. Pi miles north of HI'. VL l-'STATI-' aa wuu, vacita in auiai. n un ""pi:DlijitKK Atiriule puppies, aien-d.-tli Ave. Phone Webster H'iM. CONKKV LA ti IaiT ;iO7i"! i.'O.SIv K Y'ri KOI'P CIJRK ARK Til K 1IKHT. Till: NIOiiRABlvA 8KI-.D Co., Phone D. l-il. loll Unwind ! ItKAI. KSTATK AU I all 1 a tu.' 'I i t I .fcH " ' CO., Itumn ' I Kl. T. Bientiaii. 31 Brauduis i ll. t I I J til'AKAN I KI-: ABSTRACT 7, Pat lei Hon Hlk. I Abstracts. BiOC'iv h lOliK Ciote lo 1 4 tu om acbo Ji 19t; H lltlw Douglas J4H4. 1-AXlO.N Bl.lv.. Pilll 1'AIINAM Bio. W. l'AHNAM SMITH Ac CO., t-arnam Bt. OPKIi.fc. und reception, tat Bee Bidg. , iiKKK und . I'-lll and six room vV eleter. iluis. Alartla -1 ooinrit on hi ermaii Ace. Web. 67ii... PI VK-ROoM tuiis; Miiictty modern Vslklng ulataitee. Webster 0ks 41b rt. I'.Ull hi'., aecuud I loot, uoj agUu.o feet office space; attain heat; t-'j P-r mouth. OAKVIN BROS., .'51 onialia Nat l Bank Bldg ut ii.dkii' i.xnmii tiiOA. Kiectilc pras fixtures Omaha Silver C Florence, W III MClt ut a low prh e. I :1 acres, west of l-'im ttni r ; this will niako .1 fine lulure liouie: quite well Im proved. Mt'AIH'i; INVKBT.MKNT COMPANY CW D-idge Bt. ' A. P.tukey &Son are selling 5 and h'-si re ttacta west of ' .ImwiM.tl l ark at 8.7. i per acre. Buy a w roics near oiiinliii and they ar nound to make you nionev. will muke epeclul j.rlce on t-i gcp-H If dealred A. P. Tukey & Son t!-4l7. Board of Ttade llldg. Phone Dnuglus ;IH). toil sAi.t-uiit! siLiioii ot Bliendan cm, my land, neur ttoidon, Neb.; wen mi piu.td, .cVtu-iooni house, huge barn and giaitaiy luiiidiiigs, two wein.. winunnlia aim lauks; lenteii and cross-iencen ; two i.ontlieti acres tinnei cultivation; lalgj pay intadoiV and p. i nly ol paniin e. r r leinis. v.tite owiieia, ilii-ktnan Hon., Bog i ., i, onion, Neli. le, t BO V i-.o t-.L-tton in iviinoaii, .Sen., ai.u I'm an in nlia.il. i, Wiut.u.iU, vv yo. H. ,,io. , ;u B. 2.M. POBitlON warned as telephone oper ator. Call Douglas 17M. VAN'rKt--Blluatloti as cook or general housework, by co tired woman, C Itt, Bee, llurllaaloa Depart. Denver ; Catlfornla. .a 4:iu pm I'uget Bound Kxprass..a 4.10 pin Nebraska points titwitii Biacit lulls a 4.10 pm Lincoln Mall o M pm Aurthwest Lxpies....all:ii pin Nebraska poitita .at -Ham Nebraska Kxiuess aV.l-iain Lincoln Local M-huylar-Piaiiamouth b 1A1 pm Lincoln Local plattsmnuth-lowa a a:! am Belleviie-Plattamouili l: pm t hleago Bpeclal. ...... .a l:Uim Lenver Bpeclal. all-Hi pm v. hlcago Lxpreia a4;.Mpin Chicago l aai Lxpiess a:4Upni luwa Local a a: 15 am Creel o-i tla.l Local. .. .0 u;w pin di. L:i c.xinsa a 4.4u pm K, C, A 9). Joaeim.... alii; put, Iv. K, C. WANTKD Job helper in kitchen. aa dtanwaeher and Phone Harney I12WI. NURBK girl desires werk by day or week. l.Us.ie to go home nights. Phone vebater KtliH. ' WANlr.D By respectable lady under middle agu pos.tlon as housekeeper. Ad- oresa Y 4J, Bee. KOtt a dainty dessert use ualieti a loo rieam. Il Mrs. Nellie Nt. Heed. Mil B. loth Bt., will come to Thu Bee uffics within three days we wld give her un order for a nuari brick of nils Una lea ileum. OMAHA THK OKA I.N MAUKICT WKKKB UltAIN CO., grain merchants, consignments solicited. ,:-J Brandels. rsebraska-lowa liialu Co. ,114 Biauuels. caVKBM M.hv'aiuil CO., whoiesalu deaieia in grain, bay, chop teed. 7-U Brandels Blug. , KOljLH I B I HLVLS CO.. grain cousigti-nu-nts solicited, grain bought to arrive. i.'S Bratuleia. IHW Ul'illKh UltAIN merits carefully handled. Co , consign Omahu, Neb. Key to the BLuutlon Bee Advertising. 1,1 VK STOCK MAHKFT OF WFST Chip your stock to Bouth Omaha; save mileage and shrinkage; your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. L1H STOCK COMMINKIO.N MlClt C11ANTW. Ryera Ilroa. A Co. Btrong and responsible. WOOD BROH. 2UI-at Kxcnange Bldg. Oreat Wert. Com. Co., Oinalia & lienveT! W. It. HMITII & BON Just handle aheep. W. P. DKNNY i pp., i Kxch. Bldg, Simla Dakota. A 1-'KV htiapa In Brule county. South Luke la, lanus; win pay lullioad fare to buycia not eatislicu. J. A. Btranaky, 1'okwnna, B. U, vV yomliig. m, lltlllllATKD, ail In alfalfa; Wlilt lunu', Wyo : sect. on ail Improved. H. OitOSB, Mil s, IlKAl. KNTATi: IOANS loans a.- i o., und wairuuis. 1 t-i) Karnam Bt. Idt al Cement Blone I o., 1 it ti and i inning Amer. Buly. t o., rooi'g, ta.nts. no.) Nieh. Kucha. Bon At Blind, pa nti n g,"d ecora 1 1 tig! WAV IKIJ iu UI V. WILL pay cash lor 10), 2t). or sisO acres improved, not more than 10 mllct t loin Ou.aiia. Owner only. Addreaa J 7:si. Bee. LIST your city properly for sale wiYtl YoKel. 4i'.t Karl.a.:ll Blog. KVKJ'.Y person knotva who 1 1. j. O'brien Is because he pat made tiinahi lamnus with his candy, if Alia. Pred K hi.alfir, I N. 21th St., will conn, to 'lit,. Bee ofiire wilhin three uays vva will g.ve to r an order for a oo ccnt box of O Bin it's cundy tree. ItOi' water lioated, -rooin new flat; all ii. :. Ut B. till. Pel sy.stem boat, ."lardnood f n.dii. I alui'sl.bril, Ituuaii. :il.'. J'ARNAM. 4 TToini-. r IVii loonir, uuluin shed. nudeiii id floor. iO blocks fiotv poatofflcc, (L. 2twu Dodh'G Bt. Douglas ;tst. liufcirii tuitl Cullaitra. Wall I'ailOl'. PHlntltic paper liang- ' liift. glagiui,. put lamina- Uoiiaon, fc).; Park Av AT 7oi) S. 1'il'H ST. Loom ILxSu; i up piled with steam heat: now being put In fine conilitli.il : price leasonable. PKERS Tltl'ST CO., 17th and Fat nam. HutL.. WA.-iHINtJ'loN HALL Lodges Langoet... C. C. norenseu. D. dancer. iAJt. A 2J-. liFFKHKD I OIl KAI.K Purulturr. SiiW Ouitav Btlckley library tabla und elertrlo lamp, cheep. Call Duuglaa 1UL. -eiiir: all vvoik pioinptiv ClI'V PMDPLBIl 8OII UK. ;m cash, j;u pi:n month. i Buys for you u dandy, nearly new, '. loom cottage, model n except in-at. walls paered. Boerus anil atorm window a; cemeiii.d cellar; uO-foot east front lot: inear Allies avenue. Possession at once. Tills is a dandy, and tne price Is only t- 0. This 1 aurel , u go oeu t, pilitUii.,.. for some one. It rs you.' Imiulre of J. W. RASP CO. iiSu Brandem Building. KOR BALK Nt-w strictly luoderu j7 room house In synd rale Park. South Omilia. Will take lot In location us putt payment. I. mane In ninthly pay. i i nts. liopiiie Wit K Bt , Pliouu Boulii IlKAl. KSTATK I'tllll A. It AM II LA Ml I'OH KAI.K t auau . Do you want a farm In western fanndn, where the crops tins year aie lu advance of an) tiling grow n on the cum nient '.' For wheat grotving, ua. tying, mixed tanning and ran i- rulsing the pro suit e of Alberta is unstirpaancd. Lands aie now offered hv the CANA DIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY at pilopa ranging from Ilu to (Mi an acre on LONti l KBMS of puymeiii or on the clop pament Plan. this is paying t ir your u' in with a portion of your crops each year. Land valors lave incieared ;i per cent In ivvo yeais. Ureal opportunity for the l.onieseeger Call or wilte for full particulars, book lets, maps, etc L. B. I'LoR, lieiil Agent. Cana-llan I a' Lie Allien Land Company, 410 Board of Trade Bldg. Kxcursiou cveiy Tuesday. Bet- mo for rates W AM KD-Clty W. giiiaiu Btnliti UJi.Ui.i lioperiy and .M-ina-ka i.anda. hkKKHi-; bkal Kb i a i k co., 1016 New omaha Nat'l Bank Building. W A .VI KO City loans, peters '1 rust i o. lo i to iii,i"jo made promptly. . ij. Wi ld. Wead Bldg., lsth and I-hi nam. AtO.NKV to loan on luiHinei-s or teal deuce properties, ll.ooo to .iou.ooo. SV. II, inoMAS. om.I I'irst Nat'l Bank Bldg "WANlT- 77 "FARM LOANS, iv lose TrT vestmenl lontpaiiy. Omaha. LOW I1ATHH CO., UI0-8I TAIIO BROS, bundle cattle, hogs, aheep Co B. Clay, Robinson tv Interstate Co Mt Kxch. Bldg. tier resiilla. Ship to us. BUUKK-lticKLY t i)., 2DI kxch. Bldg! irK"RtBKI4'rB r I I i.TliTflxeh. llTdiT t ox At Jones Com. Co., bunch of hustlers. i'arineis I B. Com. Co.. Sou Kxchange. Depoult proceedg of shlpliienta In Stock Yiiitlw Nat I Bank. Only bank at yards "" W INN" BROS. Ut)., Kxchange" BldgT"" la v kTci Y"ii)'o"s.7 ili'-4oKxchiuig7" Martin Bros. At i n,, Jui-4 KxBlilg. l-fx. ; dg. Arrive, a 8:48 put a K.4J put a .P pm a 8.4a put a 14: to tint a i :tkj am a :l put a :1 pin b s.ox au, bl0:iaiaiii b :ua am a 8:u0 am a 8:40pm all :18 pnt ll:ts pm a S:& pro a 8:vlu am a)U:tMam bl0:tf am alLou am a t:44 aw C. tj tu Joepli....a 8;lo am atUOpm C at el. Joaaptt....a 4:4U put Webeler atatloa- Mlaaoarl Paclfl -13H aid YVcbaler. Auburn Local utoaau, t. Uwaha Arrive. Depart. b 8:60 put blLai am Paali SllaucapolU n Ai'rlve. .b 2:23 pm filotix City Kx press omana corai Bioux City Pass Twin City Pass b 8:46 am ICmeraou Local b t:b& pm lb) dally except Hunday. W) only. 14) dally. Depart bli:tx ttni 0 8:28 pm a V l pm b":iatVi Bunoa Ogden Firemen Are Fatally Injured by . Shattered Glass OUDKN, Utah. Nov. W.-A fire eotall- - lng a loss of about (750,000 and reaultlnr . In the fatal Injury of two firemen. . wrecked the Kcclea building here tonight. , The fire started In the basement an4 r rapidly spread through the slx-storjr -atone structure. . The equipment from the two central statlona waa rushed to the scene, but the -fire waa In such a position that Hie firemen could not get at It. Aa the build- r lug wag doomed, efforta were d I reeled to the protection of the adjoining buildings. ,s Haghert Anderson and Ooorge Ward low were Injured by the falling of plate , glass. Both will die. At 1Z:I8 o'elocl the fire was still burning. 'Ttia"e4 mated loaa to the building and to II . tenants la (760,000. I Alex U. Buchanan A, Bon. Ralsluu At Fonda, live slock co.o. nier. I.KtiAL .NOTICKS. BKMIB-CARLBKRi) Brandels 'in.aier Bldg. h A RM lA NB. no coiiunlsslon ; optional puvmcfiis; cneaji inoiiey. ipnck ic.vice. orm B Merilll. Illt ltyNut'l Ilk Bldg. II. ill V li I'll"''- .iiaii.i .Nail Bang. LAIUIK I.OANB, muni: Ipal bonds tnori gages bought and sold, si'l 1.1, l'.tto.-4. KOK SAM.' lt KXCHANfiK WK exchange Welsh, kl.-l.l 1 1 pro N you a or t line pelties of nielli. C. W. I k nldg. Doug. 7..i. jewt ll7 ll d of 'I ra tie. 1 1. lij.. tiader? I Hade anything Ui Nevilli; Blk. KhIIc Kxchaiiycs ARK Whet e FfiR BALK or exchange f r stock of merchandise, 7o-hll. grist mill and resi dence property, both at Ashland, .Neb. N. Sneil, Lincoln, Neb. "SKCTItiN of liiiul lu Blown Co.; sou l linpiovt-tnenls; oWter living on It. Will take residence propel ty for p irl, (I'.'.b) uer acre. Ida Nclf, 4M Bee Llda. NOTH'K TO STALLION OWNKRB. The bill stallion registration law re tjulica ail males, puie-bnd, croaa-bred, giade or Jack, lo be examined by a slate ini-peclul. An inspet lor will bo at i'iH 1 amain alieet, in Omaha, at 8 a. in . on November X', and at the tlrecr hotel in South Omaha at :M ii. in. on November 2', und ut I' lul nce at 8 a. in. on Novem ber and at Benson at 1:40 p. ill.. No vember i, tor Ilia purpose of inspecting all stallions und Jacks in the vicinity ut rexptctive towns named. The Inspection wlli cost C.i lor t-acii uuiiiial and will Login at time set each day. Coplea of the law may be had Loin W. It, Aiellor, sec retary Nebraska Stallion Registration Boaid, Lincoln, Neh. .i7-d-lt NOTICK TO CON Tl t ACTO RS. Sealed bids will be received until noon, December 1. lull, at the office of the undersigned, for the construction of a building at Curtla, Nebraska, for the School of Agriculture. Plana, (specifica tions and bidding blanks are on file at Hie office of Burd K. Miller, Arcuiiect. oil Brandels Thti.ver Bldg., Omaha, and thu ulfice of kccrtlury ut state, Lincoln. ADDiBO. WAll, NH-d-hit eiacrotary of Btaie. GOVKK.NMKNT JiOTlCKS. BAITl "l ) l'" 1 TC Ft" A LO "oVlrcoa lrB- Deu.it yuurterinaiter'a oilice, 2. u and Hltkoiy Bis., Omaha, Neb., Oct 2. lsi.i. Sealed proposals will be reifived at tills office until 11 a. in, Nou. 22, lull, and then opened, for the sale of 100 Oenu.ne Luffulo Bkln Overcoats. Full inlorinuUoii and blank forms fnrtilshtd on appl. ca non to l.t Col. Jctin K. Baxter Depot Quartermaster. N3-4-IO-11-17-1J. QUALITY OF HOGS SENT TO MARKET IS IRREGULAR CINCINNATI, Nov, I6.-(Bpec.lal Tcle gram.V Price Current . aaya: Th vxtt now i'ulel has been ona of liberal mar keting of hogs and considerable Irregu larity In quality, there being many un finished animals among receipts, these seeming to go mora lo larger center than to Interior points. Total western slaughtering were 040,000 hogs, compared with ultl.iO) the preceding wtek. For tba corresponding week last year the rigura was 415.000 and two years ago 540.000. From November I the total waa 1.2tii,0"0 as against s'..i a year ago, an Increase of S70uot hogs. Prominent plaoea compare ae follows fruin November I to 15; Pill Chicago Kansas City.... Sou tti Omaha.. Bt. Louis St. Joseph Indianapolis ... Milwaukee Cincinnati ottuitiwa. la... Cedar Rapids... Sioux City St Paul Cleveland ..28i.0O0 ..150 oi ,. 11,014) ..lto.itw .. 85.0 i .. W.OoO .. 60.000 .. 81.000 .. JH.000 .. 18 0)0 .. 82.001 .. 4'i.ts) .. K.OtO 19I& 30t)OA 70.00) 40.IUO S6.0oil 43.UOO tSM.vkt) 8 Out. 25.0o. ll,( H.Otk) is.noi 38 . JU.OOD TROOPS OUT TO PROTECT T0RRE0NFR0M RIOTERS TOHKKOX,, Mexico, Nov. 16. Excite ment bordering on panic among foreign resl.lrnts was relieved here this afternoon when troops ordered to I-ampasoa to fight rebel were ordered detrained to protect Tort eon cHIjoiis from riots ot the 7.000 Persons oti ttrlke here. When it waa learned the troops were to leave Ameri cans churtered a special train to take Joo foreigners to Fagle Pass on the Amer ican frontier. This waa donas after a mars meeting was held at the Foreign plub, when It was decided to urge United States AmbOMtudor Wilson to demand that the garrison remain. Fearing quick action could not be taken by Mr. Wllron the train wuu ordered.