1 4 12 HIK TiKK: OMAHA, FniDAY, XOVKMRKK 17. 1011. J2 REMNANT DAY ! P''M wyi-..mn...i i i 1 1 i i li inn in i m r pi ov. m q ra -s - 1 0 lAfcyLro j i-n--ti---ir ii auM iiwwmi na imipf Over- coats Two Cases of Hill Ends of Dress Goods All wool dress goods from tho Botany Worsted mill?, in cluding one ease of nil wool chnllies all at a fraction of their worth. Pieces ranging from 12 to 8 yards, in var ious weaves, fine all wool suitings, serges, iPV henriottas, Victoria suitings, etc. bargain jfO square, yard .... .' . . . ; MATCHED PIECES all WOOL IMPORTED SAMPLES Two to ten of a kind, in Mack and all colors, nil matched and pinned together for easy selection on two bargain squares, main lloor; at, each 29c and 15c NAVY BLUE SERGES . 50 plows In various widths from the bPHt mills: strictly all wool, of selected yarns. 4 2 Inch width, at Of)t H lqch width, at 60 Inch width, at ' MHf- 54 inch width, at ftf ' 56 inch width, at 91.10 Remnants in Basement Several hundred yards of various . broken lines droits goods, 36 Inch and 40 Inch, Including basket weaves at Icbs than V price, yard 20c Single pieces travelers' imported aamples of dress Roods, at, ech 5 and 1Q 27 inch silk and cotton Kosco Jacquard SUks, 2 4 Inch glace Kengal- ines, etc., nil go on mala floor, at, N yard ; ....... , 36 inch Poplar Suitings, cream, pink, blue, brown, grey and black, 2 Do values Basement, at 1 yard IOC 25c 8 REMNANTS IN THE BASEMENT Regular 39c and 50c Mercerized Table Damask, in 2, 3, 4 SI and 5 yard lengths, at, yard Jy Q waists, Mercerized Black .Sateen, soft as silk, desirable lengths, f T aiyard ,..... . . . XUC Cotton Batta, nlco white cotton for making comforters, 25c Madras Shirting and fine Pongee, suitable for waists, etc., at, yard 3,000 rolls on sale .Friday, at, each Duck1ng aiid vclour Flannels, for kimonos and dresses, 15o values, on sale at yard. . 10? Light and. dark Outing Flannel, on sale In mill remnants, at. yard 5 Robe Prints, suitable for making comforters, alo price, yard at 3H zy2c 12V4C Dress Ginghams, fancy styles, mill remnants, at yard, Q?4 1,000 yards Bleached 'and Un bleached Muslin, "la long lengths, at, yard 5 Odd lots various kinds Printed Cotton Goods, fcucb aa sllko llnes, dress calicoes, etc., great alo, at, yard 2tt MANLFAdTRKKS' SAMPLKH AM) RKMXANTS OF AIXOVKK IiACKH, 1N8KHTIONH, GALLOON8, NUT TOP LACKS, KTC All kinds, white, black and colors 'two big -tf bargain lota, at, each 1UC-.CVC FRKXC1I ANI GKIUIAXYAL LACKS AND INSERTIONS Linen Torchons, narrow crochet, cluny and Armenian effect also curtain cluny laces; values up to 12Vo yd. at, yd. 5c RAHDEIS STORES FRIDAY'S CLOTHING SPECIALS ' In Our BASEMENT Boys' Suits, in heavy weight wool mixtures grays, browns and tan, Norfolk 'styles Included, worth up to $4, sixes 0 g ao to 16 year . aPlVo Boys' wool mixed and corduroy k nl c k er bocker p a n t a. all nizch. gome SI. 00 val- MKN'S OVIUU OATS Long coats, with convertible col lar, in gray and black velours, also black and oxford shades, with velvet collars, all sizes. A good S7.50 W i ItMl HOYS' OVKKCOAT8 $3 aud Si values at SI. 98. For the little fellows we have the Russian atylea in various shades and fabrlcH, ages 3 to 8 yeara. For the larger boys, ages 8 to 15, dark gray couvert-l ible collar long eoats, at valuo at $5 SATURDAY IS BRANDEIS GREAT SALE OF DRESSES For Womcu, MUbca and Otllilrvn - Hundreds of dresses, in all sizes and all desirable materials, will go on sale Saturday on our Second Flour. The values will be the most extraordinary in tho history of Omaha. See the window displays. hi Ccrr.e in and select a pair cl tan or black shoes $3.50 $5 Latest Stylos A 13BB WANT AD will rant that vacant house, fill thoae vacant rooms, or itoati Lfearders on short notice, at a vary ink.U coat to you. at con CgSCTQ QJJRJk C5" (JCUViUj I o I s 9 OMAHA'S PTTSX xooo ciirtia Fiiday Specials rta Trults and VrttaUa (ou boxea Apples, per box l 3 plain Lettuce Be Bauauas, per dozen ....10c Freah Cocoanuts, each . .fte Fresh Mushrooms, Fresh Tomatoes, Cauliflower, fresh Strawbeirles, New Carrots Beets, Turulp3, Onions aud Kadlbhes Mlnoe Meat. bulk, per lit. loo Ci J'rr Jar ....lfro, Sbo and 40a a Sew tiuni 1'iiiIIiik. x-r I'n, t 3oo, Mo and oo i Johnvoii'M lioiird Cidpr, it. 35o fi New Itycr Knlns, in MrtoiiH, (3 at io y Citron, oriKiK ituii lni..r. I I'rrl, prr Ilk too llui kwlirut and I'anraka l'tour. (J .r pkK loo a ad BSo f :;r cau vuiumet tiiUkina ! f B Jir ISo T at a vary till? 4 )0c Jm K asa II , Hill 1 7 i a pitlt l or J. .!., it wnvlnacd. K I jt- Cmi fuini AltautuuriK. -., if " re tal SOo l; """ Zrz?& Bolls! Dolls! A Rig Kale Hat unlay to IIH-j Voa Get Rea1y for Cliriotinaa V) ) m Vi ' J J For Other Friday Bargains- l 1 Jy See Advertisement in Daily News J 1 Winter Quarterly Style Books of the La dies' Home Journal Patterns Now Selling This Will Be along Cold Winter Four Big Lois of Fur Sets at Special Prices Friday 12.50 IU, A OK FOX SKT.S-largo collarette nnil Friday. . . $29.50 $12..r)0 13 LACK LYNX 'SKTM, consisting of an ex tra large sliawl collar and a large muff, specially Friday at. $10.00 MINK MUFFS that us ually sell at $L';i.5() or more, they last. . $19.50 $10.00 BLACK CONEY FUJI SETS, consisting .of head-and-tai 1 trimmed large shawl - collar aud Jarge pillow - A. muf f, Friday J I .V O Thirty $35.00 Suits at $29.5Q These are our extra high grade models of fine diagouals and serges in blue, black, brown and coro nat ion shades. Have velvet trimmed collars and skirts with paneled backs. Sizes for women and misses. Plush Coati at $19.50 to $35.00 Each Pny Fur Coats at $55.00 to $95.00 Each Cloth ComtB at $6.50 to $35.00 Each $1.25 Wide Wale, Navy Blue Serges at 69c This great Friday bargain will en able you to seeuro a new suit, coat or drees at Junt about half price. These serges are full 64 inches wide. $1.00 Black Taffeta 69 c a Yard A good, heavy, soft finished silk, full 36 inches wide, guaranteed to give satisfactory wear. Suitable for dreBS ea, petticoats, waists, linings, etc., (A ca4 Broken Lots of Corsets For Friday's Sale Three lots of up-to-date cor sets that have been selling at $1.00 to $8.00 arc specially priced for Friday only at . ' 89c, $1.49, $2.49 In the various assortments you are sure to find a size that will fit you and a model you will like. Tbey are made of finest Quality ba tistes, coutll and silk brocades in white, pink and colors. Tastily trimmed and supplied with good, strong hose supporters. Winter Gloves for Women and Children Women's liigli grade, 2-clanp gluce gloves with Paris point embroidered backs; tans, greyB, browns, navies, greens, black and white; made from the flnaat imported skins; sizes from C to 7,6 inclu sive: '$1.25 values, at 08c the pair. Heavy, imported, single clasp gloves for winter wear; black and white and a variety of shades; cut In mannish Btyles; SI. 00 values, at $1.19 the pair. 1,000 pairs of woman's and miaiaa' g-olf g-iovaa of fln marcarltad cotton" and wool ; " a aampl lot from one of tha bait makeraJuthVcoun- rT; plain and fancy flealgna, worth np to 60 conta tha pair, Trld'ay, or whlla thay last ... 77 15c Two Hosiery Specials for Friday Only Woman' SSa fall rarnlar mad fcoalary, with wlda Welt tops, MkH H1lreil IihU and double Iih: blHi-k: 17o the pair, or a pairs 60o. Woman's aaamleaa silk boot boa lary.wlth wide aarler topa and extra , liravy hoela and toxx; trl.tly fut black; regular iuc values 35g. A Sale of Women's Knit Underwear Womon'a fine ribbed, fleeced and plain unklo lonpth union aulta In white and poelvr otdy; nmclluni and heavy weiKhta ot an excep tionally uuod 4allty yarn; huve lilah neckM and lonit Klevr.i; slxea four io nine; regular ll.oo and l.2a value, Friday, 890. SOO woman's non-ahrlukabla Auatrallan wool vaats' and paatiT ofa sof t jflnlalTihat wUlao Irrttata the moat tender sklai alaea 4, "aad ; reruUrly l.00 - ttsjliatrlday. OtC AVomen'a Jpraey rlbtiod. fleeced and plain, outalaa vests In pevler or white; uixoh 7, H and v; reau lar J 6c and (1.U0 valued, to close, 41o each. U'uinun'M iiiedluiii weltilit, fins ribbed vests In rream or wlilte; aura H uud 9. fonntrly add at T6i: and 11.00; for Fridays aclllng. 60o each. Women's, boys'. mlssesand children's cashmere and i"olf floves in a larKe amiortnieiit of fancy colorlnKa; valu up to 7rc the pair at 23o for your choice. Women's Heavy rieooe lined cashmere aloves In navy, brown, urey and blactcJtiHt tho right sort of a glove for this aeaaon of the yearall Hlzea, 35c the pair. Linens, Domestics and Bedding on Sale for Friday Only 72x90-inch seamed bed sheets-a number -we purchased to sell as a special at 5oc each -Friday, 39c. Kemhants of 10c outing flnnnela in pink and blue striped patterns; a good, heavy weight; Friday, 5Hc the yard. Full ttlxe blanketa, in colors, with either pink or blue borders; regularly $1.50, Friday, ft. 19 the pair. On e lot of 25c and 33c fancy linens that are slig htly soiled otherwise in perfect con, ition Frtday; c xoice at . . . J tTC 15c, extra large sle huck towels with red borders, excellent for hotel and rooming bouse use, Friday only, lOc each. Full size, good weight bed apreada in all the newest designs; the $1.10 kind. Friday, 85c each. tiook Specials for rri day's Sellin ) "The White Ilouae Cook Hook." 1'rliUy only 680 llvl:ilty cut. Kilt edaed. text Ulliiea Willi 111 J8traiit.na ami iniHia. FriiUy aae The new book, by Frank Ilauin, "The Kea Iwlrlea." 8o A U'Kttii'lcr Curkey'a arcat book, "The Victory of All 1111 UutlcdKc," Friday 50c tive Great Cut Gla$s Bargains t af, five and six Inch footed comports; all cut or eda'd mid cut lu very hamlbome tlealana, choice, Frtday. at 6O0 each. I'lve-ini'h. deep, Amarieaa eat glass aapplee 111 ix iitfereut beautiful (utterna, at 91.00. i'lfty 10.00 eat (lass water ' oets eonelitlajr of a pitcher aad aim flas, very brll- llant cnttlnis, whlle tUaylaeC jrrlday.7775 ' Kla-tnch brllUaat cat class nap pies In elln different vtylca, either plain or haiiuW-U, very apa- nai, at ai.as. Ilundnutiie cnt (laaa boa To dlaues lu u auo-l variety of beau tiful uitvnm, i-Yluuy, wbilo tney lat. only 1.8S. . Household Needs from the Hardware Store IPO heaiy japunned dust pans, 10c l.?i wulte tiauieled vhajnbvr pullb Mo ibr l.luhtulug- eve and rrva.11 whip lo 18c. i-tuait a'anite preacrvlnx kettlct 10e Cic nickel plated riuiKe ki'lllea, e so iui'kcI plated bath romit mi for 8So II. 75 tbur bruahea, 14, 1 and ID- Inch ule e I.lek'a t i 7 6 double roAatera. Sl.a IVc t uukie cutter of heavy tin, bo Ivc hard wood bath tub arala. 3oo 100 Pairs of W omen s $3.00 High Shoes at $1.4 5 Friday Only AVomeu with little feet will do well to get to our shoe department early Friday morning for th is tho beat bargain we bavo featured this season . Shoes that have actually been selling at $3.00 the pair aro reduced to $1.45 be- . cause only amall slzea are left. ' A There is a good variety of GT 4el styles and several leathers to qjw B ' choose from. Find them ou the iT ff Bargain Tables 1.000 Pairs of Misses" and ChVdren Shoes at 95c. All arc worth at least $1.50 the Patent tip, vicl kid shoes in button and lace atylea and sizes S Vi and 11 A to 2. They will prove still more attractive wheu viewed at close range lor the quality U something that must be seen to be ap preciated. THIS OFFER IS FOR SATUii DAY'S SELLLNG. FRIDAYS SATURDAY Are Cut Price DQijsInThe Big Pure Food Grocery Hennetfa best coffee. and 20 atainpa. lu. 54 3 lhx. Uennett'a beat coffee and i at'pa, 91 Aaorted teas, and 71 atatnpa lu. 3o AnorteJ teas, and ftampM lb 880 Tea Kiftluaa. and 15 atanipa, lu. 15e beetled raisins, and 10 atampa, pktt ltHc lteauty AHpuraaua, arnl 10 stampa, can ....800 H. liaklna powder, ami JD elanip.1... lo. can fur . . . .4 t"le Itennett'a t'apltul ex- tractk, aud iti) ataiupn, bottle for 180 rvll i ream rbeeae, and 10 atniiipa, Uv. aoo. Vlrctnla anisa rheeao. aud la alainpa, lb., SSe Hrlck rheese, and 10 atuir pa, lb 90o AMurtel picklua. und 10 stamp, bottle . 10o !-lb. pka Bennett a Cap itol oala, and lu atampa 10c 1- lb. ktr. Kennett'a t'ap Itnl wheat,- and 10 ataiiip 10c 2- lb. pkr. i'.eiinett'a Cap itol ptincaka flour, s'ul 1 0 atampx 10c I-lb. pka llennett'a Cap itol buckwheat, and 10 atampa lltfce 3 Jar., peanut butter, and 10 atnnipa ....aOe 3.Fio guart can Franco Americas soup tor BOe 3 caWej Yolk Huae toilet soap, and 10 t ph, 85e 3ui- bollix C.eu. ti:'.UIet'a inuruai'hino cherrteti for goo Diamond C'r atal table alt and 10 atampa, aai-k loc tnld:r'B Mwlud dreasinu and 15 atampa, liot. 850 Halliard's olive oil very specially priced, at, a ' pint can for 40e 'iTiroo 10c cana Hrock port bliced plueuppie for aftc 15 ll. OltANt'UVKIt Sl'ilAll for ...9143 Freshly baked hump made rookie. K..18V,o 40c Jar Tea Oarden presrrved liga for 8 So lOc Jar Tea Harden proferved figs fur 10o Combination hioney-Saver 13 lbs. .rnulatrd 8uaar for SOc 1 lb. C. bakina; powder ...1:40 1 buttle tialllard'a olive oil. . . .a&e 1 III. liennett'a ( apltol coffee ttoe 3 pki;. Itennett'a Cupitol in Hu e meal 83eJ H IPO i That people believe this will be a Ion cold winter Is evi denced by the way they are dlHpotdnir of their mnall Moves and uuylng- tha Howe Ventilator, the Urxest Hase Uurner In the world. The Howe was made in response to a general clamor for a larger Ilaae Burner by people who have tried the different aiiea and found that the larger the Move the better. The Immense aize of the Howe is not the important feature. The Important feature la the wait it dis tributes heat to all part of the houKe. It'ls mnde different from others and works different. It Is tho only ane Kilmer made that has a double boe. peneratlng; twice the heat in the base that any other does. It 1m the only Hbko Burner made that has a double heating, ventilating and circulating sys tem In one Move. It has many other features too nun.crous to mention here that others haven't got. Call und pee It in operation In nr store and alao ee how It is made different from others. This is what people who are using tho Howe say about it: Mr. Van SicM?, 1701 N. 23d, South Omaha "Wo heated j'ive rooms with two and a half tons of coal last winter and kept every room eiiually warm while our otner stove ournei near n half tons and' then did not the rooms." Mr. Peterson, 1102 Miller "Our 1-ouso was never as warm in the winter lis it is since we are tielnir the llowo itnd we never burned as little coal. We could not distribute tho heat to every room with ther llase Burner no mat ow much coal we burned UUo we do with the Howe." y warm while J irly four and not warm all "T "Our housn pagiL.. ' tho hi m l I our ot JU ter ho We Are Selling- Two Howes This Season to One Other Seasons, One Out or Every Three Goes Out of Omaha. We Sell It on Small Monthly Payments or a Cut Price for Cash. Stoefee. Stove 714 South 16th St. Www I Vi Interesting Fashion lews The McCal1 Fashion Pub" lications for December are now on sale at Pat tern Depts. Be sure to et your copy of the new McCall Fash ion Monthly. It's free. Every page is a revelation in fas cinating Winter styles. The new Decem ber Patterns are here also. Prices, 10 cts and 15 cts. McCall Pattern No. 4559-LadleV Dress Now is the time to subs.ribe for McCall's Magazine While other high-claSs magazines have raised their prices to $1.50 per year, McCall's still remains 50c Per Year With Any McCall Pattern Free Begin your Subscription with the superb Christmas number which is now on sale. This issue-. reflects the Christmas spirit from cover to cover and offers you a real Yuletide feast. Single' copies, 5 cents. The McCall Company 236-246 West 37th Street, .... New York Citr, N. Y. ,J y NUKES TOO LOI mm GRAY mil By Using a Harmless Remedy Made from Common Garden Sage, Gray hair Is a mark of ug. and nothing- that can be said as to Its beauty will offset the disadvantages of this mark of nge aft noon your brow. Wyeth'a Kagc and Sulphur Ilulr Rem edy darkens the hair and restores It to It youthful beauty. Our grandmothers und their grandmother before them used sage and sulphur for darkening their hair. Nothing has ever been found more effectlvo for thi purpose than thebe two tlme-honon-d remedies, but Wycth, a modern . chemist, has com bined the two with other lutfredienta. which makes a delightful dreuslng for the huir, and which not only 'removes every trace of dandruff but promote the growth of the hair. It also otops tho hair from falling out. and inuUes it beautiful. All druggists aro authorized to refund tho money If it falls to do exactly as represented. Don't neglect your huir and don't re sort to old-timo hair dyes. IJet u bottle of Wyeth'a Sago and Hulphur froai your druggist today, and notice the difi'er ance In your hair after a few Uay'a use. Thla preparation is offered to tho public at fifly cents a bottle, and is recommended and sold by all druggists. Shermun & McCunnell Orug Co.. Cor. 6th and Dodge, Cor. ltith and llnrney. Cor. !lth and i an. am. 207-9 N. 16tli St . Loyal Hotel. Special Price for JTrtdajr and atudar $1.54 The Thing To Do If yon lose your pocketbook. umbrella, watch or some other article of value, the thing to do la to follow the example of many other people and adver tise without delay In the Ixst and Found column of The Bee. That is what moat people do when they lose articles of value. Telephone us and tell your loss to all Omaha in a logle afternoon. Put' It In ' The Bee f 1 1 A t 4 1. . i i. ii' r - 1 1 a. -J