Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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    Oh, Cheer Up! The Street' Cleaners' Strike Isn't So Serious at That! - .
By "Bud" Fisher
( G,reuir&.,p. r -mii n ion; ma )
IT SMi uitliU.CtD4 ) VC iO-TTW i; TO 1
wit &T.vKfBc(sn.J Jt c-Rjei!in t f ' . GAtitWfVl j
Sffet psiiig J 'P''
Minnesota Charge Wisconsin with
Violating Spirit of Conference.
Statement loaned Uursflons Kllnl
Mlltr of Four U lnninaln l'larr
ad Asks Ihamaah laimll
Han of Standing.
MINN KATO 1.13, Nov.. IS. -The Vnl
fnily of Minnesota's foot ball Wain will
i meet that of Wisconsin at Madison next
faturday and Captain Karl Pickering,
Minnesota's fullback, will not be In the
Thsae two question were decided here
today nfter conferences of Die Minnesota
eligibility oommltteo and the ethlc-tfo
heard of control. Thai Pickering would
avt be played wua declrled shortly after
aoon after a conferenen with . W.
Ehler. athletic director of the Cnlverstty
a Wlscnn.ln. who yesterday protested
lackering on the charge that ho
'played professional base hall.
Whether the game should b cancelled
s not decided until lets this afternoon
Svter a session at which It In Bold two
of the nine member of the athletic
fcoard of control favored the cancellation
the (ame.
The committee's statement that I'lcker.
would not be playeu Balurduy also
contained an Intimation that Minnesota
questioned the eligibility of four Wlacon
in playera, Moll, Mackmlllcr. Tandberg
and Hnerfel, on the lame charges a
brought against riokerlng.
Statement Issued.
The statement sstied by tho Minnesota
authorities I a follows:
"The charges against Unrl Pickering
were not proferrtd until four days be.
lore the game, whereas the spirit of the
conference requires aufflciont notice so
that adequate Investigation can he made.
"in view of the shortness of the time
it la Impossible for us to Investigate the
charges before the game.
"We, therefore, have decided to with
draw Mr. dickering from the game, even
at the risk of doing him and the team
an Injustice and, therefore, to undertake
a thorough investigation of the case at
the eeriiimt possible date.
"We alto v.lch to add that we have re
cently received evidence tending to show
that four members of the Wisconsin
tam, Moll,' Mackmlllcr, Tandberg and
Hoeffel, are guilty of professionalism
under the conference rules and we must
request that the athletic authorities at
Wisconsin Immediately undertake aa
thorough an Investigation of these cases
as they claim to have made In the case
of Mr. Pickering."
Wlscoualn Silent.
MAUIBON, Wis., Nov. 14,-The athletic
department of the University of Wiscon
sin refused to make any statement today
when Informed that the eligibility of sev
eral of the Wisconsin players would be
questioned by Minnesota.
The Wisconsin authorities are raid to
have held a conference early In the sea
son with every member of the squud re
gaidlng the professional standing of each,
and it is said the coaches thenceforth
have not' question their amateur
Creighton Scrubs
to Meet All Stars
In the absence of the Creighton eleven
at Creighton field next Saturday the
Varsity scrubs will elash with a crowd
of warriors who formerly starred at the
college during 1905-0 and 7.
During 11M.-C. while representing the
High school team at Cielihton, they Were
hera'ded as the champions of Nebraska
and Iowa In their class. I.amphler, who
succeeded In limiting the Army eleven,
and Jamleson of the Notre Hume squad,
were former members of the team. The
present roster cunUlns several athletes
who have shone in foot balldom during
the last two seatons. Cjud's brilliant
work earned him a position on the ft.
Jouls unlveislty anj Notre Lame elevens,
end John Ooushcrty s punting ability se
cured him a p'.uce on tho Dartmouth
freshmen team. The tower of strength
on the All-ftar's llnu Is expected of
Lrtcoll, who dears an excellent reputa
tion with one of tin large eastern col
leges. The All-Klar lineup Is as follows:
McCafrey. light end; Malmiev. rlplit
tackie; Lirlscu.i, rlstit guaiu; Hmvine,
center; Bouivan. Icit guuid; d'Conimr.
left lackie; herns, quarterback: Roche,
i.tcht l.altback: iVwJ, left haltuck;
I'ougherty, fullback; auhNtltutes; M", Carroll, iugun, Conigan, Mu
Mahon. Hastings Deadlocks
Over Game Officials
HASTINGS, Neb.. Nov. 15.-Hpeolal
Tiltgrsm )-Owlug to a deadlock over the
election of officials the Hastings oollege
team may But go tit Uncoln Krldsy for
the deciding cliainpnonahlp foot ball game
with Wealeyan. Hastings Inelbts on hav
ing officials who have served In some
college or university gsms this year,
leaving the choice to Wealeyan, but Wes
leyuu refuses to agree to these terms.
Juhimon, Crossen and Marvel of the
Hastings team are recovering from die
aUUtlea and may not be able to play be
fore next week.
Tha key to success In bu-incus li the
judicious and persist! u'liis of uewepaper
Only Touchdown of Yale
. 1
a. 1
N v ,
Tile finlv ttnifliflnwn rif IIia VulA.IIPAuin
game U depicted in. this photograph,
wnicn snows young waiter enmp tum
bling over Ki'own'a line between the Roal
posts. Camp Is one of the revelations of
Iowa Puj Given Boujh Reception
When Knocki O.ut. Piteri. "
Acting as Second for Hob Heller In
WIH with. .Henry I'ecrrs When
tlolck'.WIiidup Co usee
MNCOLN, Nov. li-(Speclal Telegrom.)
Hob Heller of Avoca. lu., knocked out
Henry raters of Havclock lust night in
the second round of a sparring match ho d
In t'nlon hall at Itavetock. Heller hud
the belter of the fight from start to
flnlKh, although Peiers put up a gams
In the second round Heller landed with
a right hook to the Jaw and put Peters
out. Peters was not counted, but was
down lunger than time, and thw match
was awarded to He'lcr. The fighting
c!enn. but Die actions of some of the sup
porters of Peters did not meet with the
approval, of the Lincoln sports whj weie
present. When rVters wai knocked out
a number of Havelo: k men Jumped Into
tho ring gnd for a time It looked us If
Heller and his seconds would be mobbed.
"lon't do this, gentlemen, von nrc
spoiling our show." said tho manager of
thu fight. Nevertheless Duckies, second
for Heller, was struck a blew by one
tnthtislsstlc Peters supporter and It Was
with dliflculty (hat Heller was gotten out
of the ring to his drcelr. room. Kit a
few aoconds serious trouble si-enn d cer
tain, but the escape of lit, lor ended the
Previous to the match of the evenins
two preliminary events were staged. Kid
ItoKflra of lluvr'.iiil; knocked out the
"Nebraska Terror" of Omaha In the
third round of u go rcheduled at four
rounds. Jackson an I Clnrk. both of
Haveiock. fought a six-round preliminary
to a draw.
Omaha and Cotner
Will Play Saturday
After cancelling the game of foot ball
for Friday, the I'nlve'slty of Omaha and
Cotner have scheduled a game to be
plBed In Omaha Saturday. The Omaha
snd Council Bluff m,h school teams
play In Omaha the same clay, and In
order list there will not be divided sin
port, the iminug-iiient of th. two local
teams has ariangd to pull off a double
header at Roiirke park.
The Superiors and HhatmocUs are rivals
fur honors on the gridiron end the former
lias issued a sweeping challenge f the
is iter, ofteilng to wager any amount on
their ski. I. Tbe Gupeilurs prefer thu chal
lenge gume to be played next 8undy on
neutral grounds, the t'o.t Omaha giid-Hua.
r ' , ; rl vJri-iz nrrr ' --v1
the 1911 hcuhoii. In the Itrown game he
ripped tho opposing line time and again
and put up an exhibition of punting and
defensive Work that has seldom been
equaled In recent years. On this play he
Haller to Represent
Cornhusker Club at
Michigan Game
ANN AlUtOIl, Mich., Nov. U.-(Spoclal.)
As the result of a drawing held last
night by the members of the Cornhusker
club, composed cf the Nebraska students
at tho CnlVerslty of Michigan, Louis P.
Haller of Omaha will he the representa
tive of the club at the Nebraska-Michigan
game at Lincoln on November 3.
The Nebraaka students, each of whom
Is mightily interested in having the uni
versity of his choice make a good show
ing against the Nebraska team, realised
that a trip of auch lotiKth was not pou
slble for any one of them and so con
ceived the Idea of ulubbing together to
send or.e representative. The plans for
the drawlni; were lu the hands of a Com
tnlttee headed by L'rue J. Miles of Fre
mont and Haller was the lucky man.
The club's representative has taken a
prominent part In the life of the univer
sity and will muke a most acceptable
representative at the big game an! at
the Michigan buuquit which is to follow
t. At the banquet Haller will respond
to a toust.
llean Keller.
APHLAND, Neb., Nov. lt.-tjSnf rial.)
Ralph B. Iean, oldest son of r ean
and Miss Ada Keller weie married this
sfttrnnun at the residence of the bride's
Parents, Mr. Mrs. Oeorge M Keller,
by Ite. Victor Clark, p.ialor ot the First
Congregational church. Thcv left this
evening en a Wtddlng trip to Omaha.
Wayne, Neb., and Sioux City, la.
The key to success in busines is the
My Father Was a Substitute
Hy WILLIAM F. KlliK. .
(Tho Latest Foot Ball Br.l'aJ; Uvery Line a Moan.)
, , . (Cup) right. 19U. National News Association
TUa fcot ball eauie vi over cua (lie crowd was go.nx home,
Picking their y most gingerly aero.'s the frozen loam.
Here uu ear and there a check,
Heio a ar&lu and there a boak.
Yonder several tresses from a gallant half-back'a dome.
Tl.em Beetles so brutal tut me like a knife!
I tever Been ettch cgrnate in my life!
A dying tackle raided big head as wa were passing by;
Kuld ho, "I am a tackle, and am not arrald to die."
Aud Juit before ho breathed his la.'t on that eventful day,
Theoe quter worda. these clear words, these here words he'dld say:
My faiber was a substitute, ho alwaya had good luck.;
And when It came to battle, father always passed the buck.
He subbed four years at Princeton, and never made a kick;
Each time a coach apprcaohed hlni father murmured "1 am s.c'..
I know I'm dying, people, but Td not be lying here
II 1 uud beva a substitute, th same a father, de.irl"
- Brown Game Made by Walter
-" -'' .-"r fTwtei
' ' .-Ah
if ' : '
f . r t
4 .
f '
bored through the lirown forwards for a
five-yard gain to attuln hla goal. The
Brown line was torn and rent asunder by
the plunge of ths husky Ell, and a half
dosen players aro seen sprawled out on
Coach Burnett Puti Boys Through
Hard Scrimmage.
viral Shifts In th I. In Made
.Necessary by Injuries and by
Men Unt of Plar Hcesoi
of Studies.
The Omaha High school foot ball squad
held Its first practice of the week yeater-
day afternoon at Creighton field. Coach
Hurnett is putting tho lads through a
stiff line of Work In preparation for tho
gume with Council Uluffa High Saturday
und hard scrimmage will be held with tha
second team every afternoon during the
remainder of the week.
naldtlge, the purple and white's big
center, is not out for practice this week
because of an Injured knee he received
dining the later part of the Ht Joseph
game last SiSLrday. Pullman has been
shifted from left guard to Hi the position.
"tave" Uowman, captain and right hair,
la still out of the game hi-cause he Is
down In his studios, llglleck Douse, who
played end last year and who recently
returned from Canada, Is hot out fur
piactlce this veek and Uould has b-en
taken off tho "scrubs" to fill a sub end
Persistent Adsert.'slng is the Iload tu
Pig Heturns.
Woman Thief Arrested.
1 V ICI . A V II V..., 11 tf.....
" - . ...... . iiu noer,
alias Itsnser. v: years o,d, whom the po
nce claim lonlKht ooufesseil to having
Mdn money from big department stores
ot the laigu elites, Is under arrest here
.he was caught In a store today after ehe
had iMK.n jioin a cushlci- her cash box
containing sljo, by pomng us a store
1 -eaaaeaawsaa jraaBBBaaiaaaaassisii i aaa-aaaaaaaaBaasjSHH
i. ... f.
i J
the gridiron. Besides Camp's touchdowA,
Yale scored ten more points, all made by
the to of Captain Arthur Howe, who
booted three perfect field goals and also
hoisted the goal attar Camp's touchdown,
Bread Cast Upon
Waters Returns to
Convict in Utah
Btead, In the shape of a $100 loan and a
gift of two theater tickets cast upon the
waters In Fan Francisco two years ago,
has returned to Albert t). Walk, how
lervlng two years in a L'tah prison for
obtaining money under false pretenses.
In the shape of a pardon.
Walk met B. 11. Brainerd. formerly an
Illinois sheriff, on a train enroute to
San Francisco two years ago. Brainerd s
first buuiness venture failed and he
found himself without money and greltly
discouraged. Walk accidentally learned
of Bralnerd's misfortunes, loaned him
100 and sent Hralnerd and his wife to
the theater to cheer them up.
When Brainerd, who had prospered In
the Insurance business, heard last Sep
tember that Walk was serving a sen
tence In L'tah, he appeared before thu
Utah liuard of Pardons and mada au
earnest plea for hie former bsnefactor.
He promised to give him employment
at a good salary.
Tho board notified Walk today that he
will be released lu custody of Hruinord
provided he agrees to repay the money
wrongfully obtained and reimburses the
state for the money expended In extra
diting him from Pennsylvania.
Three Boys Drown
When Boat Sinks
WICHITA, Kan.. Nov. H.-Thiee small
boys were drowned In the Little Arkansas
river tills afternoon when a iteel boat
in which they were rowing sank in a
deep hole. A fourth boy swain OBhore
safely. The dead:
tll'Y HUKWEIl. 13 years old.
1UN KKEWKlt. 14 years old.
WILSON DOUU. It years old.
The boat sunk in a hole where a sand
boat had been operating all last summer.
Two of the bodies were recovered this
evening, but the third has not yet been
Three Brothers Die Hnildenly.
WATERLOO, la., Nov. X.'.-( Special
Telegram.) Kodger 1. Mraycr dropind
dead of heart lullure In his shup th s
morning while attending to his duties.
I He was ,1 years old. His brother. Clay
i ton, was electrocuted three weeks ago
I while working for the Cornbelt Tele
l phone company. A third biotJier died
I suddenly of upoplexy a tew yiirs ago.
Iowa llortlealtnrtata Meet.
WATERLOO, la., Nov. li-(tipeclal
Telegram.) Northeastern Iowa horticul
tural society opened tta session today in
this city. Officers are: President. U. 1.
U!u k. Independence; vice president, K.
Blakeman. Decorah; secretary, Charles
K. Uardner, Osage; treasurer, Mev. C. If.
True, Edgewood. The meetings will last
Ihreu Uas.
Key le the 8 tuatlon-l ce Want AJs
i . '
Camp, Jr.
making the tally 15 to 0 In favor of the
New . Havenltes and Riving them their
hard-sought revenge for tho defeat handed
out by Hprackllng and his Brunonlons a
year before.
Legislation Will Hit "Inducements"
for Athletes.
Would Compel Athlete Who Leaves
One C'Inb to Itemaln Unattached
for Two Years Before He
t saining Activities.
NEW YORK, Nov. 13.-lleforms of a
radical nature In the policy and consti
tution of the Amateur Athletic union
will be proposed at the annual meeting
In New York on November SO. Further
conservation of the amateur enlrlt and
character of the athletics fostered by the
Amateur Athletlo union is the aoal aimed
at In the proposed refroms. and the ath
lete whoae services practically are boue-ht
by means of Inducements which are o
the same moral effect as fees Is aimed at.
according to officials of the union.
Two rules In particular will be tiroDoeed.
One will provide that an athlete wh
leaves a club affiliated with the Amateur
Athletlo union must remain anattached
for two years before he will be eligible
to membership In a different club
The second provides that no student In
a oolicge or university either as a grad
uato or pot graduate may belong to an
athletlo club other thuti that of his own
Other provisions euggeeled are that no
athlete may onguge In i contest under
the Amateur Athletic union rule who has
not previously filed with the registration
committee of his district u boiia fide cer
tificate of four months' residence In that
district, nor may lie enter a champion
ship contest until lio has filed a certi
ficate of residence of six months In the
"The object pf these rules," in officer
Id the union who Is Interested In the
reforms said today, "Is to reirre the
scandal threatening ths Amateur Ath
letic union every now and then. There
is no denying that when a small club
develops a good athlete there is a rush
by the big and wealthy organisations to
tske him awsy from the club.
"This means professionalism In n thln'y
veiled form, as it nets clubs tdddlng
against one another and encourages ths
athlete to lend himself to the organization
making him the best offer. It prevents
th small club that brought him out from
profiting by the 'find.' This condition Is
found In purely athletlo clubs as well as
in ollcges and It la the condition desired
to have st-imped out. The new rules are
designed to make It Impossible."
Ilaltleshlp (Joes to Richmond.
WASHINGTON. Nov. H The battle
ehlp. Nebraska will arilve at tiie
tou navy yard on November -0 to be umu
as au exhibit In the trial of James Leeks,
who last May shot and killed a negro
inees attendant aboard the ship while it
luy st the yiiarieetnn jsra.
Ritrs Dividend Declared. I
BOSTON", Mass.. Nov. 14 -An extra d!v- I
Ideml of 1) per cent waa declared today
by the directors ot the I tilted Krult oom
psny. to be applied toward the payment
t suLtcriyuou tut saw stock at v'.
em- r m sr f
Cornhuskers Have Difficult Time
Advancing: Ball.
I'nless t'oadttions Changrr. l.lkell.
Itoori that Llneop May Leak
I iifaumlllar Eleven Will
Leave Tonlaht. '
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. 15. (Special Telegram.)
On the eve of their departure for Jay
hawkerdom the practice of the Corn
huskers at the state farm Wednesday
night was disappointing. Three times
straight the freshmen line held firm and
the regulars were unable to make the
necessary ten yards to score.
Htlehm gave the varsity the ball nine
times on the freshmn ten-ytrd line, but
In all nine attempts the regulars were
unable to lug the ball the remaining nine
yardn. The scrimmage was the longest
and hardest of the season, Stlehm keep
in gthe regulars going until late In the
The lineup of the varsity today prom
ised several shakeups In tha Kansas
game, Kwanson and Anderson playing
the guards in place of eParson and
Hornberger, while Elliott was stationed
at center. The halfback situation also
looks like a Chinese puzzle, with Purdy
and O. Frank playing the haf and with
tho stellar little K. Frink apparently held
In reserve to sub as uuarter.
The team will leave tomorrow night at
10 o'clock over the Missouri Pacific for
Kansas City, to remain there until Sat
urday morning, when they will go to
Lawrence, but a short distance away.
The Innocents have arranged for a big
torchlight procession Thursday night, and
will give the team a rousing sendoff..
The same squad which went to Ames
will make the trip to Lawrence, and In
cludes the following players: Captain
Shnuka, Harmon, Hornberger, Pearson,
Elliott, Chauner, Lofgren, O. and E.
Frank. Purdy, Gibson, Warner, Potter,
Hussoll, Haceley, Anderson, Swanson,
Stelk, McKea and Mulligan. - - .
Jseoli C. Kapaer.
CLAY CENTER. Neb.. Nov. S.-(8pe-clol
)-Jacob C. Kapser died at his hom
in this city at an early hour this morning.
He was SS years cf age and leaves a
widow and four children. He had for
the last eight years been connectod with
a local elevator company, prior to which
timo he lived at Roseland. this state,
where ho was In the grain business. H
was a member of the Masonic lodge and
will be burled by thnt order. Ha !,!
from heart failure and was sick only
about ten minutes.
Only by removing- the cause cart
any chronic Ulcer or Old Sore bo
cured. No one will question the
truthfulnegg of this statement. The
cause is always from an inward source,
never an outward influence, and there
fore the only possible way to g-et rid
of these places is to take internal
treatment. Pure blood is the one
unfailing" cure for chronic ulcers;
just as lotij as the circulation is al
lowed to remain in an impure condi
tion the place will be kept open from
the constant discharge of impurities
into it from the blood. But pure
blood will change this condition and
the flesh tissues will be nourished
and made healthy, and then nature
.will promptly and permanently heal
the ulcer. S. S. 3. is recog-mzed as
the greatest of all blood purifiers and
therein lies its power to cure old
ulcers and sores. It goes into the
circulation, and removes every trace
of impurity or infectious matter, and
so enriches this vital fluid that it
nourishes all flesh, tissues instead of
irritating them with impurities.
When a. S. 8. has cleansed the blood
and the place has healed over it is
not a surface cure, but the ulcer is
filled In with healthy flesh from tbe
bottom. Free book and any medical
advice will be sent to all sufferers who
will write us. 8. S. S. is for sale at
dm or stores.
With Two Collars
These are tha shirts you've
seen advertised In tbe street
cars the newest, nobbiest
shirts men ever wore. They're
another of the famous Lion
Brand productions.
$1.50 and $2.00
If you've hunted for them,
look no further. Come In to
morrow. We have this line of
ahlrts a big atlectlon In neat,
Inconspicuous patterns.
Tom Kelley Co.
315 S. lGthSt.
Tom XsUey
Jack McQalUaa