Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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Mara moot Frint It.
ITptlaa Chooolates SOe. Mycrs-Plllon.
Oae, Ilia, mature,
Omaha Macs. Wki. Expert auto re
pair.' Wllaoa Joins ftealty Banks Carl C.
Wilson has been elected to membership
In the Omaha Ileal Kstate exchange.
Dlvorc. Suit Start.! Beatrice Wal
ton utarted suit lor divorce aalnt
Frank Walton, alia Morris Wattenbur.
In district court Wednesday.
Memorial to General atandersoa A.
memorial on the death ot Oneial Charles
K. Manderaon has been prepared by a
special committee of the Commercial club
and adopted by the executive committee.
Ba.a for Tall From Car Joseph
Vlllneky. who fell from a street car at
Tenth and Hickory streets, and was hurt
on AuruH 27, lias started suit for $5,000
damages against the street railway com
pany. Btroup is . Mde Delegate F. A.
Ptroup of the Payne Investment company
has been named by the executive com
mittee of the Commercial club to repre
sent Omaha at the National Irrigation
congress to bo held i. Chicago beginning
ljecember 5.
Hew Members Accepted The follow
ing business men have joined the ranks
ot tho Commercial club, their name
having been acted upon at the meeting
of the executive committee yesterday: I..
, A. Keller. Maurice Meyer, J. Kossoff,
r. D. OUn and Dr. W. O Bridges.
Mrs. Btroud Unimproved Mrs. M. J.
Ftroud, 308 North Twenty-fourth Btreet,
who is confined in the Swedish-Mission
hospital suffering from concussion of the
brain, the result ot falling from a Twen-ty-fotirth
street car. Is still in a serious
condition. No developments either for
better or worse have been noted.
hopper's Moner Is Stolen Mrs. W. T.
' Denny. Mil North Twenty-fourth street.
reports to the police that her hand bag
! containing f-12 and several rings was
utolen while she was shopping In a
' downtown store. She placed the bag on
a, counter while she looked at some goods
I and a thief walked away with it.
Bankers Go to New Orleans Luther
Drake, president of the Merchants Na
tional; V. B. Caldwell, vice-president
f the United States National, and De
i Forest Richards, vice-president of the
Omaha National, are Omaha bankers
i irho will represent their respective In
stitutions at the meeting of the Amerl
I an Bankers' associations at New Or-
' leans. They left for the south lust night.
McTann Presides at Banquet E. J
I McVahn, manager of the traffic burenu
' a the Omaha Commercial club, will
I leave tonight for Chlcugo, where he is
to preside Thursday night over the an-
. nunl banquet of the National Industrial
Traffic league. C. K. Spens, general
freight agent of the Burlington, and J,
M. Guild, commissioner of the Commer-
, stal club, will also attend the banquet,
' Mr. Guild Is a member of the classify
' cation committee of the league.
Bass for Death of Bon Suit for
tiO.000 damages for the death of J.
Thomas Meeks was started against the
Northwestern railroad by M. L. Meeks,
father and administrator of the estate
ef Meeks, In district court Wednesday
, Meoks, a lineman for the Western Union
Telegraph company, was run down and
killed by one of the defendant's trains
' whl!: at work on the Union Pacific rail
road bridge between Council Bluffs and
Omaha, August 24. 1
Complaints for Short . Weight City
Welghtiecetjohn- Grant Peak tllefl
, complaints In police court yesterday morn
ing against the Beehive Grocery company
1 at Sixteenth and Cuming street, and N
8. Short, a grain dealer located at 1747
outh Twenty-eighth street, for short
.weighting customers. The Beehive Gro
cery company la alleged In the complaint
to have sold five bushels of potatoes to
Mrs. H. Shurman, 1610 North Thirty-sec
ond.,and Instead of giving her 300 pounds
of potatoes gave her 277. The grain man
1 alleged to have sold sacks of grain
short two to three pounds on the sack
Implement Men Hear Strong Argu
menu lit Their Contention.
Convention lie More llanlnras
Than Waa Km peeled and A IH
ItolU Over I ntll Fri
day Morning.
Advertising working in conjunction
with an effective sales plan Is the key to
modern commercial surcpts," said A. 1.
Gale of the Darlow Advertising agency In
an address before the Mld-'e: Imple
ment Dealers' association.
A few years ago, 'Does It pay to ad
vertise?' was an actual question," said
Mr. Gale. "Today there are more busi
ness men who say they can't afford to
do without advertising than there arc
those who express any doubt whatever on
the same question.
"Advertising has put the name 'Monnen'
In the mind of practically every person
in the country. As a result, Mrs. Men
ben Was offered several million dollar;!
for the name alone and refused it.
Every dollar that the Cudahy racking
company has put into the advertisement
of 'Old Dutch Cleanser,' Is considered an
asset. The Cudahy plants may be de
stroyed by fire, but you can't kill their
business In 'Old Dutch Cleanser,' unless
you take away from them the name and
trademark. Constant advertising creates
confidence In goods.
The mall order houses aie ahead of
the implement dealer and the Implement
manufacturer In their use of advertising.
It is tho mastery ot scientific salesman
ship on paper that made it possible for
Bears, Roebuck & Co. to take In $73,000,000
last year."
Farmers Have Money.
Mr. Gale said the rural districts are an
especially good field for advertising, as
the farmers have more money than any
other class of cttlsens and are now buy
ing bathtubs, heating plants and auto
mobilesluxuries that they didn't think
of a few years ago. A canvass of 90.000
farmers by a farm paper ot the middle
west, said Mr. Gale, disclosed the fact
that tho average annual Income of these
farmers last year was JJ,10, not Including
the food they used on their own tables.
J. A. Craig, a manufacturer ot Junes-
vllle, Wis., addiessed the dealers on "The
Relation of the Manufacturer to the Re
taller." C. M. Johnson of Rush City,
Mlrm:, who was to have talked on "Cost
Accounting," was unable to be present
fend the subject will be discussed by
others Thursday morning. Senator G. M.
Hitchcock will speak Thursday morning
on "Business and Politics."
Owing to the amount ot business to be
disposed of the convention, which was to
have closed Thursday night, will con
tinue through Friday.
Laborer is Fatally
' , Injured at the New
Flatiron Building
Tony Buca, employed In the construe'
tlon of the Pasco building at Seventeenth
, and St. Mary's avenue, was fatally In
Jured when he attempted to run under an
I elyevator at 7 o'clock yesterday morning
The elevator, which was descending, war
I lpaded with waste wood and struck Buca
on the head, crushing his skull and break
ing his Jaw. Buca was taken to St
Joicph's hospital, where he was attended
by Police Surgeon T. T. Harris. Dr.
Harris said there was no hope for tho
' man, and ho would probably dio before
Buca was working on a mixer with sev
eral other merr, when he left to get an
other sack of cement. Just before he
reached the elevator shaft R. B. Warth
nab, the engineer, received the signal tc
drop the elevator. Not seeing Buca about
to go under the elevator he dropped the
Six boys were brought into the juvenile
court and confessed to having played pool
at various pluses' for the last three weeks
and said they had spent and lost some of
their own moiiify and money belonging
to their parents. Probation Officer Bern
stcln discharged the boys after giving
them some advice and announced his in
tentlou ot compelling the pool hall pro
prietors to refund the money spent by the
boys.' the amount In each cuse to
turned over lo the mother of tho boy
All the lads were under IS years atfe,
' f ,4- ' " V ...
f .; ;..:v. H;
Tliej Demand Sm Levi Be runished
on Charge of Fraud.
l.ry Snrrerila to ItnMnesa of fif
rrl "apply Company nil neap
Leaner of That Concern'
Khortranilnaa. .'
President Crciishton Culver; Ity.
Omaha is Described as Diamond
Stickpin in Bosom of West.
Corn Being Rushed
to Omaha Market
by Rural Holders
While Omaha dealers are 2 cents a
bushel above the Chicago market price,
Nebraska farmers are rushing their new
corn from the fields to market as fast as
they can. Instead ot declining with the
arrival of pew grain, corn prlcfs have
been advancing on the Omaha exchange.
The current price is 66ijf$7c a bushel for
new corn, compared wJtli',70,4 cents for
old crop. : , ,
Very little of the new grain has ap
peared In Omaha, but It is eolng into
country elevators at a rapid rate. The
Beal-Vincent company alone, at one small
country station, took In 2.D00 ' bushels of
corn Tuesday and has contracted for
25.000' bushels to be delivered within ten
Nebraska's crop this year will be worth
a couple of million dollars more than the
same quantity of grain in other states
is worth, due to the superior quality of
the Nebraska product.
It linn n llnnl-rali(eil Scenery or
i'raarnnt l'lonrra, lint Abound
in Thliiui tlmt Make It n
t'ouiini'rclnl ( enter.
Methodist Men and
Religion Heads Come
Next Tuesday evening will be perhaps
the most important .of the year for the
members of Methodist churches here, for
hot only will the semi-annual meeting of
the board of 'managers of the Methodist
Brotherhood in the I'nlted States be held,
but there will be a bit rally ot tho Metho
dist men and boys to tulk over the coming
Men and Religion Forward Movement
campaign. Thsse two events will be held
in the First Methodist church.
Prominent ministers and laymen from
all over the United States will be here
to speak next Tuesday nit,'ht and some
of the members of the board of managers
of the brotherhood will be In the city
Sunday. A number of these early ar
rivals will occupy the pulpits ot the sev
eral Methodist churches In' Omaha.
Among these will be Rev. Fayette I,.
Thompson, who is associate manager of
the Men and Religion Forward Movement
of New York; Rev. F. K. Day of ft.
Joseph, Mo.; Rev. W. M. Wilson, Ithaca,
N. Y.; Rev. F. li. Toslier, New Yoik,
and Rev. II. F. Wall, Denver, Colo.
"Tho Tale of a City Told In Facts ami
Fluures," descriptive of Oinaliu, it the
title of a booklet published by tho city
under tho direction of City KnKlnecr
Oeorpe W. Craig and compiled by Krra
H. Hemming.
The booklet Is an epitome of Omaha's
financial, commercial and manufucturins
resources. The city Is described as "the
diamond stick pin In the bosom of the
west," a "city of uctivltles and oppor
tunities." in the preface to the booklet Mr. Crals
"Omaha has no hand-painted scenery,
sor does It attempt to lure tho unsus
pecting into subsisting ulone- upon the
fraKranco of Towers and the lusclousness
of fruits, as is sometimes done."
Here are some of tho facts set forth,
followed with tile reasons therefore'
Omaha has a lower death rate per l.ouO
than any other city in the United States',
with the exception of three.
The average annual rainfall for the last
twenty-five years has been 31.(51) Inches;
the mean temperature has been 50 de
grees; for the summer months tho moan
temperature has been 74 degrees, for fall
months 53 degrees and for winter months
21 degrees.
Omaha has 121 churches of all denomin
ations. There are thlrt-flve graded school
buildings with 000 rooms and 1S.177 pupils;
the high school has 2,157 pupils enrolled.
Omaha also has fourteen Catholic
churches, ten pnrochlal schools and four
academies with a total enrollment of
Tho Young Men's Christian association
and the Young Women's Christian as
sociation have an enrollment ot 2,115 and
3,272, respectively.
There are three evening and two morn
ityft newspupers and fifty-two weeklies
and monthlies. : .
The public library, established In 1877,
contains $3,748 volumes and has a reading
patronage of 21S,Kl!.
Omaha has seven theaters, with a total
seating capacity of-10,500.
Tho Auditorium will scat 5,000 and the
Ak-Sar-Ben Den 7,000 and more.
There are fifty-nine modern hotels.
Heven hospitals and various other In
stitutions for the helpless and the un
fortunate are located In the city.
. Among some of the other Institutions
are the army headquarters for the De
partment of the Missouri, ten national
banks, twelve-story ITnlon Pacific rail
road office building, $2,0u0,000 postofflce,
$1,000,000 court house, a postal savings
bank, the largest ore refinery in the
world, $7,000,000 waterworks plant, plant
of the Omaha Klecttlc Light and Power
company, the best paved business streets
In the United States, thirty-one fraternal
organizations, Omaha & Council Bluffs
Street Railway company, and Omaha Is
the center of eleven railroads.
Sam Lev i Is In a pei U f trouble,
frantically endeavoring to dispel ' the
i nth of at leiift 2-V women.
Sam purchased the Interests ot the
(ii iK i al Home Supply company, funnel ly
located at ;ii South Nlnctc-mli
street, which concern oruanlzed clubs
mnoiiK women, collected l"e from every
Individual once a week, promising them
that a beautiful piece of furniture would
be presented to the club lo be laflled oft.
It appears that for months the supply
company neglected to fn.flll Its Niit of
the agreement, though It collected nioii'y
regularly, and when lcvl succeeded to
the business, announcing that lie would
open his shop at 2104 Cumlne street Tues
day afternoon there was u mob of women
on hand to Insist on their right.".
Women luimlr More.
As the doors ot the furniture club were
thrown open Tuesday afternoon tho mob
of frenaied women rushed Inside.
1 want my furniture," urc.inicd on"
woman, while similar outcries rent the
air. When the proprietor tiled to speak
his voice whs drowned by hoots. He re
treutcd and barricaded himself behind
several tables and dressers.
"Stand up while 1 knock you.- head off,"
lid one. But l.cvt deemed It wise to
remain where ho was. lie lnansiied to
get to a phono and send in a riot call.
Detective Van Deiiscn arrived and after
almost an hour managed to quell the dis
Karly yesterduy morning women began
to appear at the police stutlou and when
City 1'rosecutor Dickinson. arrived he was
met by about 100 of the frenzied women,
who demanded a complaint. Dickinson
argued that Levi was not the man they
wanted and there was nothing on which
he could file a complaint. Just as tho
women were being dismissed by Dickin
son Levi appeared and ' again , he was
stormed by tho mob. Ho retreated Into
Dickinson's office and for half an hour
was cornered1 'n a two-foot spaco while
the riot act was read to him ' by the
women. They left shortly after Levi had
promised to make everything good and In
a short time the office of County Attor
ney Kngllsh, on the tenth floor of the
Omaha National bank building, waa
stormed. ICnglish managed to get the
women out of his office without any
I TV T-l ...
: Mil MM A
I ,
Buy Your Boy a
"2-in-l" Overcoat
Ages 8 to IT Years
Just Like l)1u$tration $5.95
Hero's a boys' overcoat for which there has been a
erylnK ned An overcoat that will keep tho boy perfectly
warm. ven In the coldest weather, without making hlra feel
"w.'lghteti down." Miirte ot fine sort woolens strong and
durable lti toxtyo leantly lined expevtly talortd
plenty of warmth without an ounce of exces.4 weight. Has
the new '2-lu-l" collar tlmt buttons up unuRly way up under
tho ears or quickly transformed to n neat, flnt lying Ches
terfield collar a twIM ot the fingers does the trick. Wo
had two hundred ot theao roata made to our order Just lu
by express worth every cent of $S specialised hy us at $G.9o.
Omaha's Largest and Best Equipped C)o thing Store
svosjrast ls aa sail tsnsnn-rPB iptfWr
Heirs of the estate of Martfn J. Flti
gerald, killed In the yards of the Union
Stock Yards company of South Omaha In
October, 1907, were given a verdict '- for
$S,100 by a Jury 'in Judge Sears' law
division of the district court yesterday,
The company will appeal to the supreme
court as soon as its motion for a now
trial Is overruled.
If the verdict Is sustained and the
judgment paid the heirs will have; re
ceived $12,200 for Fitzgerald's douth.',
Fitzgerald was a brakeman and lost his
life while coupling cars for the' stock
yards company and the- Northwestern
railroad. A settlement for $4,100 for Its
share ot the responsibility was' effected
by the road. "' .
The suit against the stock yards com
pany was instituted by Mary Fltxgerald
as administratrix of her dead son's
estate. She died in January, lull, , and
her daughter, Mayme Fitzgerald, was
mude adminlstra trlx- do - bonis non-rand
continued the fight. She and her. father,
Patrick Fitzgerald, are the heirs.-
lvry cook in Omaha is delighted with
the rich, nut-like flavor of "Minnesota"
macaroni and spaghetti. Kven people
who never liked these foods, ray Uiey
uould eat "Minnesota" macaroni every
Good macaroni and spaghetti are eaxily
digested and they are ulnays appetizing
because they can be prepared in so many
different ways. They arc fine for ch 1
dren making their bodies strong and
halthy. and they give grown people the
power of endurance without overtaxing
the stomach.
' Hut If you Want that Ii' li, nut-like
flavor be sure and get the deilclouj
"Mlnnessto'' brand macaroni and spa
ghetti made from the finest northern
Durum wheat, with all the nourishing
Gluten left In. It Is easily digested and
never gets soggy. All good Omaha groc
er tell It
Some Delay in Moving
Union Pacific Offices
Owlnrf to tin noijurt Ival cl desks and
other furulluiu the exodus (t officials
and clerks from the old Union Pacific
headquarters building, scheduled for
Thursday, has been postponed until next
Monday, and it is now probable that
there will be no more moving until that
date. In the meantime, even with the
pieseut mild weather, tho company Is
burning a carload of coul every two duys
heating the few offices that continue oc
cupied In the old building.
The school of Instruction, presided over
by Chief Bucll, und which teaches rail
road employes technical lessons lu the
various departments of the. load, and
which is now loeuied in the Pacific Kx
pnsh company Lulldinu, will feo to the
first floor of tUc new building, occupying
about all ot Ihu gpu'-c in tho iiortn cnu
of the taot wing. Tlieic arc two large
work rooms and a private office. The ad
vertising department of Ihu road has
been a suit; lied tho spaco on the filtl
floor near the middle, of the east ins.
Alexander Corkey
Presents New Book
"The Testing Fire," the lutest book
by Rev. Alexander Corkey, author of
"The Victory of Alluli Rutledge," lias
reached Omaha and It has been dedicated
bv the author to an Omaha man, Henry
l' Kieser, manager of the book depart
ment for The Bennett company. In
dedicating the book the author says,
"To Henry 1 Kieser, whose friendship
I prize and to whose counsel I owe so
much, this book In respectfully dedi
cated." "The Victory of Allan Kuiledge"
was one of the biggest sellers of any of
thy new books lust 'year, and the iiu'jllsh
i rs, the II. K. Fly company of New
York, predict that the new book will
far eclipse anything of the ear.
"The Testing Fire," Is u direct and
sincere uriulgiiment of the race question,
lie has not attacked the suheet In u
spirit of bombast, neither lias he sought
to find an an'idote In sympathy or
The junior class of the Omaha High
school held its first business meeting ot
the year In the assembly room, at. the
school Wednesday afternoon, about IDC
students being present. -
Lavender and black were chosen as the
class colors. It was also decided to hiva
class pins and a very attractlvei pic, de
signed by the Shook Manufacturing com
pany of this city was voted as the offi
cial insignia of the class. ." '
The Truss-ell Studio
I MS",
Frank Huehler of Kvunsvllle, Ind., fell
twenty feet today from a water tank on
tho Armour reservation in S mtli Omaha
at noon yeoterday. His U ft wrist wai
broken ami he was otherwise hurt, but
not tcilously. Alter IkIiik cured for by
a surgeon he was able to walk home. I le
ts employed Inslullln Hn automatic j
sprinkling plant at the Armour plant.
. Ay :. ! '.
I'hoto by Trussell.
Just the tlilnif for a Christmas pres
ent u beautiful $ sepia eoluiKe
nient of yourself, any size from hKlO
up to 160, free with JH.oO wortli of
photography. To obtain tiie benefit of
lliis offer, you must bring this ad with
you. Also onr order must be taken
after Nov. 10 anil before Nov. 15, J HI I.
No better photographs ure made thsu
are produced at the TriiKHell IStudlo.'lU
So. I'ilh St. We lire reeoanl.ed uh lead
ers lu the production of artistic photo
KriiphM for theatrical prul'essfvuala.
liolh phones. ' . n. i russeii, ami.
ii a
E l
B I m mm a? m X 1 v m m T
i IT FOJNTiii.uorii . ni ii nivsf
They're Your Biscuit,
No matter how much we help
The credit all goes to you.
And all the failures due to faulty
flour are charged to the cook.
So this is your question, Madam.
When you order simply "a sack
of flour," you do yourself an in
justice. Flours differ immensely.
By simply saying "Gold Medal,"
you make certain of getting the
best flour ever milled.
Here is one of tjie proofs:
Gold Medal Flour, in the test of time, has come
to outsell all others.
Millions have made their comparisons. As a re-
suit, 24,000,000 folks daily
are now fed on the bakings of
Gold Medal Flour.
Just because they have
found, in the actual baking,
that no other flour gives the
results of Gold Medal.
a. M'W aV JRW W WVa.aK, I '
I mr . I r
Gold MedalFloub
Next time you order be
sure to say
r;,. h t
saaWMBSSjayaajjMSWWsJMSMM " H1WlWWi HI 1 1 SI list s n - -
Ptimm J
vJmmmt0mammmmmmmammmmmmMmmiimnmiimti m tituvJammmwm.imimmivmm0mitmmmmmmimmM
Hliknes In Omaha Ih on the lncrca:e,
aceordlntj tu the reports made ut tint !
monthly met tin; of the Visiting Nurse'
association yesterday at the fu.itiu
hotel. The hui'hch dent out oy thy
riatloll made im IhIIh durinn Ucluoi-r
more by ulimiKt VJ thin for nevia
montliN prevl'.iif. 'l'li re ul.-o wen
extia iiurbus employed during the nuntii.
KOtr.STON, Minn., Nov. 1.',. ulc llalver
bon, aged iWeais, wan loiind frozen ti
death a half mile from here today. He
had been missing since Friday night. I
when he walked with his daughter to I
town. She took a train and the fathr '
started back to the (arm. I
l) niultc Wi ci-Uh tluildluu.
us completely a.i toiml,'. ami colds viecl
luiiys. Cine theni li. i k v.ltli r. K In;: V
New Iiiicoveiy. rc and I'or hah
ly lit atoii liri.'K Co.
Key to the Hil .ation llee Want Ada.
G.t th.
Original and Genuine '
'0fi.ci4,a te Jmiiatlcn
Hot ia any Milk Trust
1 CqT Insist u 'HORLICK'S'
Many in Omaha me. now UHlng the
.In, pie bin ktl.orn hark and KlVcerine mix
lui'ii known iih Adler-I ku, the new (Jcr
in.iii Appendicltiu remedy. A HI N'UI.K
UUi; lelli vib coiiNtipation, Hour ttom leli
r fun on the tttomaeh alrnoht INSTANT
LY. Thl.i Hinple iniMure antiseptlcit s
the diKelivc I'lfKMM and ill.iwn off -the
im ji i ii i ri k and pi uple are hin prlhed how
i " K I . V It helpH. The Klierinan A: !
'oiir.ell I m-uk Co.. '. Il h and liod;-;e,
i'or. and llaine, for. I'lth and I'm
i luin, .''ji North Pith HU
If you lone your pocketbook,
umbrella, watch or some other
article of value, the thing to
da In to follow the example of
many other people and udver
Uho without delay In the I8t
hud 1 'on nil columu of The Hee.
That 1b what moist people do
when they lose articles of valuo.
Telephone ub and tell your long
to till Omaha lu a utug!e afternoon.
Put It
The Bee