J' lilK it Eh: UALU1A. vU.LgiAi't M) v'KMHivis lo, 11)11. 1 1 e J 5 it J ' I,- 4 f I i L 1 i f i ;. !! I TlIK OMAHA DAILY FOl NI'KI) HY LinVAKU HOSKWATEIt. VICTOK KUSKWATKII, KlMToll. Knter.d at limiht poetoCIice as second class matter. TKRJIS OK SflWhrlTluN. Pnnday bee, one year Saturday Kee. one vrar Islly t' (tthnut Sunday), one jeer. 4 0' Ial,y He an. I Sunday, one vwr IiEI.lVKKKI) 11V CAIUUKH. Kvenlns Bee (with Ktindavt. per month. .T-e Ially Hee (including Sunday), per mo. Ially Pee without Sunday), per mo.... Aildrmn all eomptalntn of Irregularities In delivery t Oty ireulRtlon Iept. It KM ITT A NC'KH. llemlt by rfraft express or postal order, payable to The I!m Publishing company 'nly -cnt at amps received In payment rf small amount. Personul rh'k, e rept on Omaha anil eastern exchange, not accepted. Omaha-The He. Hullrtlng. South Omaha ills N St. council Hluff-15 Hcott St. T.incoln 2 Little HnlMing. rhlreso IMS Marquette T! jM1 In aj. Kansas City Helanr P.ul1dlng New York-..l West Th!rt v-lhlrd. Washington 73f Fourteenth St., N. COTtRKKPON I'FNCB. Communications relating t,i news and editorial matter shouM h stressed Omaha Bee. EiWortal Pepnrtment. OCTOBER CIRCULATION. 50,703 Ptale of Nebraska, County of Douglas, r. I'wlght Williams, circulation managsr t-1 The Bee Publishing company, twins duly eworn, rays that the average dally circulation, leex spoiled. unused and re turned copies for the month of October, was 60. m DWIUIIT Wl M.I A MS. , Clrculntlnn Manager, fritbsorlbed In my presence and sworn to kefore me this lei day of November.' I9ll. (Seal.) . HUBERT III NTKH. . Notary I'ubllr. Subscribers leavla- tha city temporarily ahonld have Tha . Hea saallrd in Ihns. Address will b changed as oftea as requested. If the new novel, "NIne-Tentbs," faakes the hit the "Nlnety-and-NIne" Old It's all right. : Tba dance ball ordinance will 4nc attendance upon the city coun- tll a little longer. : Well, Mr. Turkey, tell us, do you towt higher or lower than you did tats time last year? It la singular what a grudge the burglars seem to bear toward both f Mrs. Qulnn'a late husbands. It la to be ho pod alao that Mrs. fankhurat proves successful at the box office on this American tour. r That proposal to use old ceme teries for play grounds strikes us as making light of a grave subject. ' Tho ball player who does not get post-season call to the stage these days la not a star In the diamond. Council Bluffs declines to follow salt In the commission plan of gov ernment, but bridges It to Omaha. i The' "apparent spread of social ism" indicates nothing more than that every political Ism hns Its day. . It seems too bad to have got such a good book as the lilble mixed up in thla Lee O'Neill-Whlte-Lorlmer mesa. '. That prematura burst In the . Weather must have been Medicine Hat getting used to tho new fuzzy stylo. New York City is said to have the only woman blacksmith in the coun try. Many a hammer, though, does not strike an anvil. Chicago restaurants advocate abolishing the "small steak." They might aa well, since they long ago abolished the price of It. The fraudulent registration of poor house Inmates ' by the demo eratlc bosses does not seem to inter est our red-ink reformers. j (t looks as if the city were to be a party to a will contest. Heretofore none of the bequea'.a which It has received have been questioned. - Not much interest In polities In Texaa these days. The llwt of as pirants for Mr. Uulley's aenatorlal toga has tlwludled down to 734. There will be plenty of timber to select those commissioners from uext spring, but too much of It is likely to be saplings or buss wood. The democratic county board com blue bas suddenly gotten in a tre mendous hurry to let all the remain lug court house contracts. Why such haste? , The average majority for the republican state ticket will figure out about 12,000. which is also the Average republican majority Id Ne braska. - "I hardly understand w hat caused the turnover In politics this year, said Governor DIx of New York. Not i' the first statesmau not to know w hat lilt him. It is reported that Champ Clark might have been more popular with Nebraska democrats if be bad not invaded the slate with his cheap Ca nadian annexation talk. If Champ Clark could only sum mon to his side aon.e of the "gangs" for which dttar old Mlzzoo was once noted he might take Canada with out waiting for the aid or consent of any other governmeut on earth, and md all this suspense. Send In Your Nominations. Although the llnt will not be formally opened for two months, peo ple are beginning to look around for tho right rnnn to start off Omaha's M'W commission, plan of government, and would-be rominlnsionors are sprouting like aprlng weeds. The tblof trouble sure lo be encountered Is due to tho fact that the rocn who push themselves are not neccsnarlly the beat qualified or the most de serving, while tho men who would make most creditable commissioners often either have to be drafted, or re fuse to entT the public service on any tertna. The seven commlsslonera w ho are to administer the municipal a Hairs of Omaha for three years, beginning next May, will correspond to a com bined board of directors and execu tive committee of ft great business establishment. The city of Omaha Ih a corporation representing more than $1 fiO, 000, 000 worth of prop erty, with revenues and disburse ments varying from $1,600,000 to $2,000,000 a year. Ita activities are varied and manifold; It la not an In stitution to be run for profit, but for the co-operative benefit of all of the Inhabitants. The people, as share holders, are assessed In the form of taxes, and 'draw dividends In the form of municipal service. Tho peo ple, naturally want the biggest divi dends and the smallest asseHment to be brought about by economic, and efficient management. In view of the magnitude of the Job, It devolves upon the sharehold ers of thla municipal corporation to hire the best executive direction they un command. The place of com- mlHsloner should not go to a man merely because he wants It and needs the money. That Is not tha way a person would hire another to do his business for him. ,Tbo commission ers should bo selected from among those available who may be reason ably expected to make the municipal corporation yield the best returns. The Dee will open its columns to Its readers to suggest names for con- Idcratlon for commissioner under tho new plan of city government. The letters should not exceed 100 words, and should set forth the merits of tho writer's choice- In concise lan guage. Each communication must be signed by a responsible citizen. Whom do you want for commis sioner? Bend In your nominations. Good Turn for the Settlers. The, ruling of tho secretary of the Interior which permits settlers to give up what land they cannot culti vate without forfeiting their entire claim, letting their Installment pay ments up to date fall back and apply on the tract retained, should provo a genuine boon, not only to the settler, but to the government, as it Is In teres! ed In weatern development. It seems manifestly wrong to cause a man who, for instance, has filed upon a quarter section and is unable to hold and cultivate that much to lose the full claim, his right and what he has paid out, only bocauue later his resources will not enable Mm to handle the full 160 acres. Not only does this relieve and help this one claimant, but it makes room for other settlers and should thus stim ulute colonisation, settling up the country faster. Then there is the big element of intonslve farming Cut down the area of each man's land to what ho can personally cultl vato and we instantly promote a bet ter line of husbandry, hlch Is one of tho chief objects sought now by public and private enterprises. It is also ono of the most desired ways we have of getting "back to the soil." Tho highest state of cultiva tion is found where the owner of the land works it himself, and that is never the caBe, of course, when the owner has so much land he cannot work it himself. It is important mererore, itiut the government should do Its best in this and other ways to promote these great ends In agriculture. " Minority Changes Orpamc Law. California adopted eight amend inents to Its constitution this fall and not one by a majority of its voters. Not one of them could mus ter as much as one-third of all the qualified voters in the state. The amendments were adopted by from -0 to 33 per cent, woman suffrage by 20.8 per cent. Initiative and ref erendum by 2S.1 per cent and the recall by J9,7. per cent of the total cf .000.000 voters.' ... Instantly one la told that it Is not the fault of the minority that the majority does not vote. Hut most of these eight amendments are part of the program known s direct legis lation, letting the people rule. Evi dently the people. of California are not greatly wrought up in anxiety for legislation after all, or more thaa one-third of its voters would have taken part In thla 'election. Of course, a man cannot be made to go to tho polls and vote. ' That Is ex actly why these newer devices can not be expected to work as faultlessly as Its exponents represeut. They In themselves contain no more inherent power of driving the majority to vote and to vote Intelligently than the ol I system. Tho Hsn Francisco Chronicle ven tures to assert that In such caes aa this what Is blazoned forth as the "voice of the people" Is really the "rolce of the politician." I3e that as It may, it cannot be argued that the majority of the people, that Is, the voters, of California brought about these changes In the coiiRtitu tlon. What is manifestly shown by theee returns, though, Is that the majority did not care enough about tbem to take the trouble of going to the polls and voting. War on the Tipping Nuiiance. If the commercial travelers of this country really do go after the tipping system with all the power they pos sess they can nearly, if not entirely, destroy It. Their national president avows bis determination to rally the organization to un assault upon this graft, which,, ho says foots up $.10,000,000 n year In the Tnlted Rtates. If thoso figures even ap proximate the facts, tipping Is more than a nuisance to Individuals, It Is an enormous tax upon business that should not be tolerated. It bas made parasites, not only of a horde of ser vants, but of ( ertaln Hues of business, which thus, through underpaid em ployes, prey upon other businesses. Tipping might find some plauslbll ty if It amounted only to grat-.ittles to a faithful servant seeking to please, but everybody knows that It goes far beyond thin. The tip is more often given, not for extra service. but to get any kind of service at all. Hotels and the managements of sleeping and dining cars on railroads long ago divined the profitable possi bilities of American l'ttlsc pride and eveled their employes' wages down to the place where, to get a living, the employes would have to depend upon what they could extort from the patrons of tho place or railroad So hat the Bystem of tipping under these conditions is simply the overcharged and undeserved patron paying a part and probably the larger part of the servant's wages, all of which should be paid by the employer. When a man will stand for this outrage he Is set down as a "good fellow," and when he will not he is sneered at as a "cheap skate," or "tightwad." It Is not surprising that commer cial travelers think of organizing ,a united attack upon tipping. Tho sur prise Is that they have not done so long years ago. They practically live "on the road," In hotels and trains a good part of the year. That sort of life is hard at best. , To make the most of It they pay tips that they may obtain a living existence, so to speak. The commercial travelers cm de stroy the tip if they will. They can get no-tlp hotels when they unitedly demand them and they can get, at least, somo Improvement In condi tions even from the sleeping car company, if they succeed they will have the thanks of everyone who ever travels away from home. Socialists and 1912. To the man who thinks on both sides of a subject, the local successes of the socialists indicate merely that men under1 tbe sharp stress of dis content and unrest are likely to turn to most any theory or experiment for a time, but to the socialists it is quite another matter. , They read In the recent election returns formidable growth cf tbelr cause and Its ulti mate unfolding Into real political power. They believe that the elec tlon of several mayors Is but tbe culminating force of that larger- vie tory which centers In Mayor 8ctdel and Congressman Berger of Mllwau kee, nnd that their movement Is eventually to be all-embracing. They do not admit that in both Heiger and Seidel, instead of scoring victories, they have encountered defeat, be cause neither has been able to make good on what he promised, or on the platform on wnlcn he was elected. Congressman Derger, him self, on the floor of the house said that our constitution is in uutagon-1 ism with the fundamentals of eoejul ism, and therefore before socialism can hope to operate with fruitfr.' re sults, it must have a new Bphcre of legal action. But all this Is BHlde to the rank and file of the socialist p.irty flushed with the Joy of this apparent triumph. Therefore we may look for the first real competition, we imagine, among the socialists for the presidential . nomination next ear. Who will get It? Will Berger or Seidel, or one of these eight or ten small town mayors? One is prone to believe that enthusiasm will be entirely too high to let It go by de fault as usual to Kugene V. Deb, and yet, since Debs has borne tho heat and brunt of the day in hopeless en deavors, he may bo and doubtless is ready to try again. Governor IMx asserts that the New York legislature wUI couttnue to mact "profitable" legislation. Since tho next scsslou will be In republican hands, we venture to predict that the people will share more in the profits than they did under the Tammany legislature Just turned out. Tbe cull to "Let the people rule" was so Insistent in California that nearly, one-third of tbe legal and reg istered voters went to the polls and vcteJ on the constitutional amend ments submitted at the last election. Some of our local elevator men seem to be looking up time the United States supreme court handed down a decision permitting the rail roads to pay elevation charges. lEookii Backward IliisD.iV fnOiniiliai i lOMfar.u tKurvi ur.r, tu,t j , fcnirJ Mv7lo. L-r--j Thirty Years Ago The Standard club tendered ft reception to Mr. and Mr. Robert Harrison and Mr. and Mr. Louis Mendelsshon, two of the mod recently married members of this popular orxantsatlun. Julius Meyer, M. Goldsmith and II. M. I'ecvy were In clinrRe. The Ancient Order of lllberninns cave a pleanaM ball at Masonic ball this evening, A surprise party Invaded the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flslets, on South Twentieth street, for their fifth wwldlng annlvrrnarj . A pleasant party took place at the resi dence of Mr. und Mrs. Gvorge I. Gilbert in liunnr of Mrs. C. F. Catlln. Mis. W. A. I'nxton entertained a num ber of her friends this afternoon at her eljMnt residence on Kaitiam street. A second farewell party was nlven by Mr. Touzallri to his Omaha friends, with eighty-five Inventions out. Manager l'hllbln will liKht tho new rink by electric llrht. Mush: will be furnished by the Musical V'titon oichestra. Two hundred pairs of skates will be kept for rent and an accomplished skalur en gaged for exhibition skating. J. 11. Millard has returned from Chi cago. Frank T. Hansom nnd Kdward J Murphy of Nebraska City paid The Ilea office a pleasant call. Mrs. V. I.. Vandenburg and her sinter, Miss Sophia Mc.Kntyie of San Francisco, are vlclllnu a week with tho family of J. J. Klckey. Wash" 1'ortor of Toiler Dros., ex tensive fruit dealers of Chicago, Is In Omaha for a few days. Ita wus accom panied by his cousin, who resides 111 Kngiand. It. Llley of Yokohama, Japan, and an Infant daughter are visiting at tho resi dence of Mrs. a. II. Kennedy In this city. Mr. I.lley'n wife, who died In Japan three years ago, was a niece of Mr. Kennedy, The Joscffy concert at tho Boyd was a musical treat, but It Is noted that it la far from flattering to Omaha's apprecia tion of tnuslo that an audience of less than 300 people were present. Twenty Years Ag Captain Ilattle Htnlth of thu Balvatlon Army, It transpired, had a chance to re cover after all, her case being leMS dan gerous than was at first thought. In the trial of alleged lynchers ot George Smith, Captain Cormack took the witness stand and testified to recognizing four men under arrest at the scene of the lynching Grevy, O'Ponahuc, Oilerne and Fltxgerald. Captain Mostyn, Thomas McShane, Officers Bloom and Marnell also were on the stand. General Manager Clark of the Union Pacific and Missouri Pacific and General Manager Holdrege of tha Burlington & Qulncy had a consultation over the ques tion of the use of the liurltngton & Qulncy bridge at Plattsmouth by the two roads and failed to yome to any agree ment. H. H. Harrows, "the versatile and ac complished chief of the advertising de partment vt tha Union Pacific," was at his desk for tha first time In two months, He had been laid up with a severe at tack of Inflammatory rheumatism. Frank liurns, the pickpocket arrested at tho depot by Officers Mitchell and Fleming, turns out to be a great catch. Tha argus-eyed Detective Savage dis covered he was none ether than Arthur Mullen, a member of tha notorious gang that held up the Chicago stock yards. Ten Years Ag, Miss Delia Itlch entertained twenty of her little friends on the occasion of her sixth birthday anniversary. Mrs. 8. 1. Harkalow. entertained a small buffet luncheon In tha afternoon for Mlsa Macrea of the Browneil Hall faculty. Mrs. Barker and Mrs. Joseph Barker gave tha second delightful afternoon of tho wsek. It being a whist party, while the former was euchre. Mrs.' 8. A. McWhorter and Mrs. G. W' Mexeath returned from a trip to fcan Francisco and other Pacific coast points Mrs. Fred Rustin entertained a party of women In honor of her mother, Mrs, How, ot Massachusetts. The Jolly Ten met at the home of Miss Clara Helmrod and had a Jolly time with these preterit i Misses Isabel Proctor, Edna Iloss, Lunlla Holnr, Clara Helmrod, Mabel Caldwell, Lulu Htroms, Mary Scott, Lama Rlioads and Florence Kohn. Slsed 1 t. w,Nw York Sun. The sup.'Trtreadnought Utah will carry the fiics of Hrlgham Young on the coffee tray of Its silver service after all. No one, however, would take tho. picture Of the head ot the Mormon church fur that of a prophet nnd seer. Krlgham Young with his keen ryes, square JoWt, well clipped whiskers and air of smug pros perity looked ntoro like a captain of In dustry thiin a man of holiness. People Talked About lit (he rice lo die poor Andrew Car negie Is tUi.0tX.0CU ahead of John IX Rockefeller. The new lord mayor of Loudon, Kir Thomas Hour Cruaby, la tho first phy sician to bold Hi' job and the oldest one to be thus honored. 1'r. Crosoy Is four fecore and ten, The oldest voter in Colorado or In the I'nlted Males Is Cherokeo 11111, a resi dent of Grand Junction. lllll Claims to be 110 je.irs of age and declared that he had no other name. To avert needless noise and destruction of property, a tullruuJ Ftatlon agent In Kansas hung this legend where It would do tho most good: "lieaau don't blow this safd. Turn tha combination around once to the4'lght and it will open." Mayor Shank uf Indianapolis perst&ts in throwing cold storage air at the commission men. A fanner failing tu get a fair prt-e for a carload of pears sent them to the mayor who sold them at one-half the market price. The farmer got his pries and the consumers got the benefit. John Auaiis. W ) ears old and be old est voter In Holdsn, cast his seventy sixth (tralght demoi ratio ballot , last Tuesday IH'xtsr Dullard ot Spencer cast his seventy-fifth ballot In lh.it town for governor. He la M years old and has always voted for tllusr a whig or a republican. A Sure Winner nni of tbe Wonderful Th'nn Col. Henry Wnttersou. will llu When lie Urrnsira president. Amid the Jangle and wrangle of rival bandwagons carrying aspirants for the demoa-atlo nomination for the presi dency there comes a tlote of peace and Joyful comfort for the confused multi tude. Colonel Henry Wstterson, the premier vocalist of the old Kentucky home, comes forth witn a presidential platform worth while. Not only Is It sound timber and fire proof; It has the grain thst Improves with rubbing. Mr. WalU-raon bas not formally launched his candidacy. He prefers in give advance notice of the wonders he will perform when ho gets to the White House, well knowing how readily the sovereigns of the country will rally around his standard hs soon as they comprehend what's com ing. All other candidates will get th hook. Mr. Wutterson's announcement was made by himself in his address nt he Press ciub banquet In honor of President Taft In Louisville on the Sth Inst. Here are the Joyful words: Gentlemen, my motto hns always been Never ray die." It Is not yet too lato for me! Don't think it. Andand when I am president til show you a thing or two. In the first place loving my ease and meaning to choose my own company l snail put a Rtop to the all-uround-the. circle handshaking business. No more peripatetic spee hmaking shooting ar rows Into the air. No mora White House rccept Ionslevees, aping royalty, they call them t Washington. No more offico seeking rushes In mine. Preceding the fateful announcement Colonel Watterson gossiped about the presidency and presidents ae follows: ' "It Is my fixed belief that presidents are born, not made; born to the presi dency as surely as those little puppets over yonder wo call kings and emperors are born to the purple. "Since 1S45 but two or three, Buchanan and McKluley, maybe Taft, were seri ously thought of two years before their nominations. You can figure It out foi yourselves. In ISM, Polk was a weak aspirant for the vice presidential nom ination. In 184.1. Franklin Pierce quitted Washington, wherq he was doing no good for himself, to return as presi dent in mi-ten short years later nothing except 1Ib nomination In 1N52, Which took even the convention that mado It by surprise, having happened in the meantime remotely to Suggest him In that connection. Five or six years before he took tlw! oath of chief magistrate, Qrover Cleveland, a sheriff In western New York, stood upon a scaffold .and hanged two malefactors. Two years before his, nomination. Lin- coin had not bad the famous dehaia with Douglas that brought him Into the running.. Taylor and Grant and Roose velt were the merest creations of war. Tyler was christened "His Accidency." Hayes, Garfield, Arthur and the second Harrison, were to the Inst moment un expected and might have been, so called, except that "destiny" were yet a fitter and more applicable title." Access to the executive mansion may ba obtained only by card, or countersigned appointment, t shall at one abrogate the civil service law, abolish the civil ser vice commission and give General Black and hla Interesting colleagues twenty-four hours to got out of. town. Then I will recreate tha official fabric In my own likeness and fill tho places of honor and trust and profit to ault myself according to the merit system of my personal pre ference and regard. . Let them call It "favoritism" as much as they please. None but friends tried and true will b allowed to hang about tha premises. Tha letters that spell the word "nepotism" shall be dropped from the alphabet. I will dissolve both parties. No man's coat no party labels shall stand betwixt me and any good fellow. Being a devotes to peace and In favor ot arbitration and the two Taft treaties with England and France, 1 will take Mr. Turk and Mr Dugo each by the scruff ot his nck and Pitch them Into the Mediterranean sea und hoist tha Stars and Stripes over Tripoli! I will readjust our loose currency. No more poverty. I will emasculate the trusts. "J. Plerpont" and "John D, shall roar so gently that even William Jennings Bryan shall say "let them roar again," Kvsry man shall have his pockets crammed with treasury certificates; be cause my system of fiscal reform 4s simple and us dead easy us falling oft a log putting Aid rich and his monetary commission to blush will be to estimate the exact value of all tha gold and silver In tha earth und Issue legal tender notes for the full amount; saving the expense of mining, minting and transportation saving argument, time and trouble. In short, I Will make Teddy green with envy, end old Taft to turn over In his deep and murmur, "Lord, why didn't I think of It?" If I have not unite put you to sleep let ma tell you a story. Just after the In auguratlon of Garfield, he was Impor tuned to make a place for a friend, of courso from Ohio, by turning a certain old gentleman out ot a law office he bad tor 'a long time held In tha Treasury de partment. Garfield refused and per sistently refused. "Why J" ha was atked. "liecause," said he, "1 cannot reconcile It t my conscience to turn a capable and meritorious old man out of a little post like that who came within a single vote of being where I now am." "What on earth can you mean, Mr. President?" he was asked. "This," tald Garfield. "Dur ing the whig convention of lst, just after the nomination of Zachary Taylor, the friends ol' Martin Fillmore of New York and Keniieth Kayner of North Carolina warm frlunds nnd rival aspirants for the vice presidential nomination, who had served together as whig members of con gi ess ha d a conference. At last when thu talk was threshed out, It was agreed tliat a ballot sliould be then and there taken lrtween the two. Hlmore led Hayner one vote. Gentlemen, that Is the reason w ty I will not turn Kenneth IUy Her out cf the treasury." What I do want to say, especially to you young gentlemeu of the press. Is this that there Is no one ot you who may nut be headed for the White House. Iiol: at Archie Butt. Yes. I know. Y'ou need not shakeyour head In solemn warn Intf. .Archie was not a common re porter, lie was born a swell. Good clothes and good looks and good man ners came natural to him. He bad been a greater than presidents the guide, phll. ot-oj ht r and friend of u pair of presidenta. He once to'.d me they were a giod pair to draw to: an J maba J sha'.l make three-of-a-ktnd. It was his gentle luflu- enre which kept Theodore Hoosevelt from declaring hlmelf a dictator. It Is said William Howard Taft considers Mm nil mascot hikI looks to blm to Insure his re elect lun. When I reach the White House I expect I shall say to him. ".Archie, when you were a poor young man, f was your friend you'll not desert ma enow." ANTI-TIPPENO CRUSADE. New York Tribune: If traveling men will refuse to pay tips others will follow, and It will not be long until hotel pro prietors pay their help out of their own pockets, . Instead of the pockets of their patrons. In the meantime I will wafer that President Dowe's circulars are being read with smiles by the hotel proprie tors. , St. Louis Republic: To drive a great nation-wide campaign aginst tipping seems as ridiculous as tj electioneer In behnlf of wooden toothpicks against quills, or for red socks versus green ones, or for parting tha hair In tHe middle ver sus on the side There Is bo settling a question of taste fqr the other fellow un der the American constitution or any other constitution. New York World: The Issue, backed as It is by so powerful a body as the Travelers' league, promises to bo Inter esting. The first battle In the campaign will probably be precipitated within the league Itself. For when some commercial traveler Is anger to get his breakfast ahead of some other man who has pre ceded him at the bn-akfast table or Is de sirous of getting Just a little bit better service than the other fellow, the teinpta- .Ion to tip the waiter will be keen. The league officers in the crusade, will, there fore, have to keep closo watch on their followers or some of them will betray tho cause. Just I.Ike Men Juries, Philadelphia Ilecuid. There was no conspicuous difference between the first woman Jury ever em paneled In Los Angeles and Juries of the male sex. The ladles failed to agree on a verdict and were discharged; but many n.lndedness la not peculiarly a feminine trait. Moreover, the twelve women in this case wei'e not of more than two minds. Eleven were for conviction and one, the "foreman, was for acquittal. We believe that we have heard masculine Juries referred to as consisting of one reasonable person and eleven stubborn ones, who could not be convinced. In the Los Angeles woman Jury all appeared to bo open to conviction but one. Ilovw Outside tha Trusts. San Francisco Chronicle. The evidence that tho "trusts" are not having things all their own way Is Increasing. The census figures show that during the decade the population ot the country increased 21 per cent,;, the gain In the number ot farms was 10 per cent, and tho gain In Improved agricultural area was 16 per cent, while the gain In the number of manufacturing establishments was 24 per cent. Jn view of the fact that the Increase In the number Of manufac turing establishments Is greater than th growth of population, It Is absurd to talk bout the small concerns being driven out of business. ABSOLUTELY PURE Makes delicious home-, bake4 foods of maximum quality at minimum cost. Makes home baking a pleasure The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No Alum No Tha High Gauge of Excitement in Recent Fiction WELLS HASTINGS' NEW NOVEL The Man in the Brown Derby Mason Ellsworth answers a personal In the Herald call ing for a younp; man "capable of deciding .important questions on the aour of the moment." The important question he finds demanded of him is whether he will marry on the instant the lovely niece of an eccentric old gentleman. No sooner hai the marriage taken place and tbey have retired to the farm provided for them, than Nancy is kidnrpprd by a man of whom Mason knows nothing except 'that he wears a brown derby. Then begins a , pursuit as psrplexing and as thrilling as anything afforded in recent fiction. Pkturtt Herman Piier. Pric Sl.tS net. At all BookstUtrt TVS BOBBS'MERRI LL (OM PAN Y InS LAUGHING GAS. Talkative Passenger 0ing to S-'l into conversation;. I see er you vo lost your arm. Gentleman (trying to ieaa. bo How careless of me! Taller. "You don't seem to bo making much progress in golf." ",NiK ' replied Mr. cumrox. il worri". tin, von know 1 sometimes wish I was back In business so as to have something to take my mind' oft tha same. etii- tngton btor. i ran across nn old friend of mini? lately, and he was not a bit glad to ine." Why not ." 'Because 1 tan across him In my au tomotive. 'Baltimore American. "You made a quick recovery." "Yes, You see I employed two doctors." "Two?" "Mure. Thev soent nearly all their time quarreling over my treatment and that aave mo the chance 1 needed." Cleveland plain Dealer.. Mrs Coalby. huh? Mr. Coalby. What's matter, honey V Oh, Ah Jex' teals blue. Cheer up, honey; jo' dut's all! Mrs. Coalby. ain't. Puck. The trouble with you. Dobby," said Wllkins, "Is that you bother loo mucu over little things. H has become a haUt with you. we . t would become a naou wmi you. too, If you had a pair of H-months- old twins In the house," retored Dot . Harper a Weekly. ..,.. "I am afraid," murmured the crar, as he listened to more reports of projected assassinations, "that uiy namesake is breaking out again." "Your Majesty's namesake?" queried his minister, respectfully. "Yes," replied the csar. "Old Nick." Baltimore American. "What's the matter, man? Tou look like you had u bad case or grouch." "I have. I told my wife this morning that I was going to put my foot down on her extravagance and she told me sht wouldn't put up with It. Of course, that put me out, especially as there was not ' another word I could put In." Baltimore American.. "I don't know whether I ought te recog nize him here In the city or not. Our acquaintance at the seashore was very slight." "You promised to rmfrry him, did you not?" "Ye; but that was all." Washington Herald. "When a man talks continuous about de ungratltude of folks," said Uncle Eben, "it may be he's on o' dem people who does folks so few favors dat dey expects a powerful big celebration." Washington Star. THOSE CLEVER KIDS. Herbert Adams In Judge. Jack and Jill went up the hill To fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown, While Jill came tumbling after! Jack quickly bound a "hanky" round His head, with care affecting; While Jill stood near wl'h silent tear, The broken pail inspecting. They dare not fall to fetch a pall Of water home, for drinking; So what to do tbe shaken two Got very busy thinking. Then Jack saw Jill was frightened still His hairbreadth 'scape from slaughter Had made tha maid a little pale, In which they fetched the water! Lima Phosphaims S d