Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1911, Image 12

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Light Receipts and High Cablet In-
ducemcnts for Trader to Buy.
At Present Price I oontry Holder
Art l Inclined to II anil
Better Prices Are An
ticipated. I OMAHA, November 15, 111.
There h l.cch a very lirm lone to the
het matket nl the dure for two day
and tilKhor tabic lulu morning, coupled
wliu wry llht receipts at an primary
point, nave me ttane a reason tot taluti
ihe buying Hue ( the marset, al vam ln
value, i lie siow i ash demand, heavy
Mors and the exceptionally heavy vUihie
supply air the bearish festutes which
pre.ent an otherwise stinng s tuat.nn.
1 here wms also a much iietier feeling
n the buying ld ot.corn. 'I her are ni
large Blocks nt mm and the seaboard
i icpurtmg laire sales for leoember
nlpnii nt
At present prices the countrv holdersi
aie nut mciim-d reri and better prices
arc ioukel tor.
Very mi.ii.k cables and light receipt
atarted buns un.i wc short to buying
and price were stesdlly advanced. casn
price weie blither.
Corn i firm, ami tiie general sentiment
rules bullish, t'nies tne movement of
new corn Increase rapidly, prices should
wotk blKher.
I rlmary wheat receipt were "Kg.fmo
bushels ai.d shipment were 444,0nrt hush
tIh againtt receipts lust year of Wl.OOO
bushels anil Mlnpiiieiitii nf 4-O.imi bushels.
Primary runt receipts weie 37K.OH1 bush
els and shipments were 2f4.oii bushel
agalm-t receipt last year of 404. o hush-
.a and shipment of IM.O") bushels.
Clearances were 4J.IW0 bushel nt corn,
lot) bushels of oat and wheat and tiour to 219,ott bushels.
Liverpool Hosed -jd to ltd higher on
whest and 7d higher on corn.
The following cssh iale were reported:
Wheat: No. X hard, 1 car, One; No. J hard,
2 car, HTvkC. Corn: No. I white, 1 car,
7Vc; No. a yellow, 1 car, 7l4c; No. 4
yellow, 1 car, iUp: 1 car, new, atiysc; No. 4
mixed, 1 car, tt.c; 1 car, Mlfcc; 1 car, new,
Omaha Cash tr:e.
WHEAT No. 2 hard. 1TV4c4iI1 00i; No.
I hard, S7i:v; No. 4 bard. .'?r?4jC.
l.'OKN-No. 2 whlta, 704fc71C, No. S
wlilte, TOVrtTlo; No. 4 white, eSiT0r ;
No. 3 color, 7iYU7lc; No. 2 yellow, 1liff
No. J yellow, "llflVic; No, 4 yel
aw, KHVflTUq; No. 2. 71(ri71Ve; No. I, 71S
ng; No. 4, fiumc.
ATS No. 2 White, 47t,047Hc; standard,
4Wfi47'4,c: No. 2 white, 4K4&47e; No. 4
while, 4;'4tl4tiV4o; No. I yellow, 4frB464c;
JSC. 4 yellow, 45Vit4AV'.
HAKI.K Y Malting, 1.14l.24; No. 1
leed. 2-fitl.07.
RVB No, 1. Wc; No. 2. WtfS'M.
tarlut ltee)pia.
Wheat. Corn. Oat.
talcago n IIS
aJInneapolla SAD ... ...
Omaha U 12 11
iUluth 154
aTeatarra of the Trading and Closing
I'rlcea oa Hoard of Trade.
t'HU'AfJO, Nov. 15.-Ttaln threa.tenln
to etoll the Argentine harveat formed the
inaln source of etrengiti today In the
wheat market. The clime ran from the
aame aa lam nlrht to advance,
torn finlahed He to HflSo down, oata
eff '-jc to -M?Sc and pruvmlon with 7'c
to T.'c dln.
The Argentine dlapatchea attracted
reater attention on account ot ttuenoa
Ayrea lirlces having- rlnen lHflto from
l.t nlKht a cloae. erpool reported
that ottering from Ruulh America were
nnaller and the KrlllMh trade nervoua
over the tallt of rain. On the other hand.
olthnuKh aouin wratern receipt In the
1'rtlted tjtaie wera light, the two princi
pal aprliift wheat terminal had more In
romltiK wheat thn at nil the prlmarv
ffntera a year ago. l?ah demand here
wa tame. Announcement of a renewal
of the recent much talked of &.iKi,ti) bu.
bid brought out only comment that the
trade would like to Hee Home Important
rwUuitlon In the big local atock and bear
lea about olfera for almont limreilible
amnunta. The fact Hint the bid wa n
fueed did not prevent the future market
from having an eaay tone at the clone,
lietween the opening and the wlndnp May
ranged from fc.lVi:uic to Mo, wllh the
lact a!e Uo net higher at WHtcMll.Ooyi.
Connlderuble Intercut wa luken In a
trade bulletin Htutement here that the
exportable iirpliia of wheat from No
vember 1, I'lll. to July 1. 1'.il2, ghnwa a
total of !il.t',0X) bit., an n mount ri,ii,0i)
hu. lee than last year at this time. The
bulletin aay: . ,
"Katlrr.uting th wheat crop ot the
1'nlted State at ff6,0i0.Uio bit. and allow
log W.ftO.OiiO bu. for aupplle In nil poal
tlon on July 1, MIL the aggregate up
plle for the twelve month would ap
proximately 7&l,mio,nim l,u. Allowlnr W...
txo.CW bu. for consumption about Hj.OOO.ftO
bu. for erdlng during the hiirvt year
and JM.Ooo,iw bu. expoitod to date amount
for fio.Vfli'O.OW bu., and thero would rem In
for export during the current eight
triontha and for atipnlli-a on hand July 1.
liHi. about W.IAI.OuO bu."
The romparlMin of M.Onn.AiW bu. ten I
with a c ruMpon.lhn rallinate of Ift.OiO (K0
bu which u yeur ago vitj made bv the
tT.e authority.
Several large commlHalnn boureg aotd
torn on all the hard lt today. Ac-
f oroingiy that cereal ruled a heHvv nV
wluat waa strong. Country offering
were retmrted aa looxenlng up. Mav
fluctuated from tV4V,c to .".'ie, closing
weak down at M,c. t aati grade were
firm. No. 2 yellow wg quoted at 'i
at declined on Billing by local trader
Including Home from the corn pit. High
and low level touched bv Muv were
W:c and 4!Tc. wllh the cloe at 4JV: a
net loaa or VtfXe.
stwk vard bouse were nctlve buyer
c-f provision. Hog cholera rejiort had n,
good deal of Influence. In the end pork
wa air."c dearer and other products
W'vinwvt t te 124c
guotatlonon leading future were:
Af. -c l Uutfn- I I CowrfcioaeTlYet'y?
Wheat! I I
.1 M
Juiy . !4Vuii
Corn, j
lc.. 4'
July. I w
tai. I
WHl Wig
b4! i
he', I
u I
! 52 Si
li (C'S
7s rs
W 46'aHai
i'ork, j
is rm
16 bi
1 174, 1(1 40 14 17U
1 7V,i 111 7?4 1 fc.s,
i f r?H
52S, r t
40 I'
1 lllbs. I
a t'.'VI
4.-. t.'VI I 45
I 1
( 87"
K hU : k I k W
k '. I
n quoiationa were a
l UHH-Nruuy: winter paunt. $4 low
hju: atraighui. M jViU,, pr;n patents,
r..!'.uo; snaigtit, t.ivj4 .i, bakei
i j. iiy 4.1)
ht t No. t, 9o j .
UAKL.KV feed or mixing. kifjUW
,flr to choice tnallliig, tl.Kil .'j. '
ISKKI) iitnotny, vll.ji()ij..'j. Cloter,
I liil IriONH Pork. m... ..... i.i.i
fiUJ:ilg.2j. lrd, per l.) ib., taui'
ot rib, aidts tloote), a.17.
'iotal cleaiance of wheat and flour
were eijuai 10 si.i,ij0 buil.ei. 1'i.inary i-
- l t .-ie 7a,uj bumieu, roiupiim wlm
-hAVJ bushels the corrxpoiul ug day a
esr ago.
I j.umted rcwts for tomorrow
ii vara; io.n. IX ct, oat. M
ii: hogs, iJ,M btad.
Chicago Cash Prlt-eg WHKAT: No. 2
rrtl. .-ii!,'.ic: No. I led. Ji('.ii;c; No
Z brd. ;'&c(l.(iii ; No. 2 hard. No"
1 northern. II vul. lH; No. 2 northern'
No. i northern, fl u.tfi i.ow: No
i Kiting, tl.UJAl.04; jNo. i spring, II mf
J04. No. 4 spring, lii'.w;; velvet ctian
V.- 11.04; durum, lxH.w$t t. I'orn: No'
:'. 73y; No. 2 nlte. "iy: No. t yellow'
.lim-i; No. J. 77He; No. 2 new, hie!
No. I while, 74. :'. So. t whlta. new
1c; No. t yeiiow. .4nBi4Wc; No. I
lu. iww, ti.',i(t)wk!; No. 4, 7l1jt7l-- 0
4 new. t,ltj2c; No. 4 while. 71r.7Jc- No'
4 white, new, .n.2o No. 4 yellow 73vc:
No. 4 yeliow, new, tJuo. ois; No i
white. jui,e; No. I white. 4i!Sc; No
4 white. 4 , n ifnc ; tanr,rd, 4AlJ'.-e
; r;K-Casi.. No. 2, m.',.t, ni. V '
, HAkl.l.V-g.tll.
, i isio'i -iiif-tuo,-ii :5
I fljVKIl-lu JirttM.'A.
Ut'TTfcH r-teauy; rregmei le. Wttiiic
ddlrioa, L'tioc. 1
.Jd-eieady; receipt, 2,W7 c.s; at
mark. ce Included. I'd21r; flrala, 22ft
i'fic; prime flii, ;n2sr.
t'HKh;SK-r'lrtli: dairies, HHfTljr; twlna,
H'-t-c; oung Americas lfiUic; long
horn. It-ulSc.
lift ATiKt-Stcdy: cholcg to fancy, M)
tifc'c; fair to good, Jtflsoc
It.'fl.TllY Kirm; turkeyg, l.V; c'llck
n. kr; spring, ln't.
VKAI-h.asy. W to flo-lb. nt., 7ftllr,
farlot Keceipt- neat. 2 ar. with 2
Of contract grade; corn, lto car With
17 of conrra' t glade; oal. iu car. Total
rerelpta of wheat at Chicago, Mmheatxill
and l)iilulh today were w, caro. compared
with H71 car lnit week and :!1 car the
corre-potiding dy a year ago,
NKW VOItll liRjj:;.-.j. Al A ft K It 1
Qaotatlona of the liar oa Vhrfoa
C emnodltlrt.
NKW YORK, Nov. IS FI)L"R "tegdy ;
eptiiiK patents. j ifkjnY.V); winter airauhi.
M 2, wlmer p..iens, t4.'f4.;tf; apring
inars, 4. AyrM; Ktintr exiia. imi. I,
t.i., winter eiia. No. 2, 1.1 4 i B&,
Kanmi tralght, t lA'i t.lC.. Hye liour,
quiei; tair to good,
ei . i "''M I" ; choice to
easy; ttii to good. -t.7f.4.Hn; (ilioico to
amy,"ff., Buckwheat lloui, yulct,
M.e..'.tu jier luO Iba,
cuit.NAtt-.Al-stcudv; fine white Hlbl
yolioM', tl fHr-tl t,i; coarrlf, i ::tI.Cu; kliO
KYK Wmet; No. 2. c. I. t., lltiffalo,
to an 1st
UAHLo-.Y-Steady; maltlnu, ll.l'ITjl.K, c.
I. I . Hullslo.
v tl i-.A i - ipot market, gteady; No. 5
ted, elevator, export nam, to ar
rive, a if i l.'-j':, i. o. ii. atloai; No. 1
northern Imi nun, Ill.tVi, f. o. 1. atioAt.
Kuture mat kei wu firmer on the
tiengih aoioaii and In Buenos Ay re,
rani.1 in nurthein Argentina, smaller re
ceipts, firm cash tnaiaeta und covering,
bin loft part ot the advance under realis
ing. Closing 'Vii-tno bet hi;ner. lccemhcr
ciueeu at ', ..iay at tl ''!'-.
COKS WiMit niai-Kct, ear); new export,
Wrf f. o. I), atloat, to arrive. l''uiur:a
market waa nominal.
OA I'M ctpot maiket, ateady. Kutureg
mat Met waa nominal.
HAV-Firrn; prime. $1.30; No. 1, $1.2;
No. , 11. 2.; ,S"o- a-
MOl'B-Klrm; atate, common to choice.
1911 crop, MifWc; ) ft 1 ) crop nominal;
Pacific coast, 1911 crop, 4r4;c; 110 crop
nominal. ,
ltlIKH-Iull; Central America, Ilogota,
l.KATMKH Firm: hemlock firsts.
27c; seconds, 2af24c; thirds, WIW, re
jects, 15.-.
PKOVIHIONid-Pork, steady; mesa,
I7 otiy 17.lir; family, tSo.oya 2l.m; abort
elears. IH.ofVu 17.76. Rsnf. staudy: tne,
I2."( IJ.OO; family,; bnitt bains,
!2elUgl.oO. Cut riieiitu, quiet; pukleA
beiliu, HI to 14 lb., HO.r.fc ll.K; plnltlwT
hams, tll.OxUll 25. Lard, ateady; middle
west prime. Il).3.ri9.4f); refined steady;
continent, t!.Ho; South America, 10.W);
compound. V.XSifT.tiO.
TALLOW Quiet; prime city, hhd.,
STic; country, 6'ift7c.
Hl'T I KK Hteaoy to firm; creamery
flrata. 3l':i2c; creamery held, peel. lis,
S'tfiiUc; extra,. ait.Uc; proces flrt,
33?!lStc; second, 22f(i22l4c; factory, cur
rent make, first, 22'(224c; geconds, 2IHc,
CHKKHB Firm; ststo whole milk,
Peptember and enrller specials , lfiVic;
average fancy, 1M( I :.'.; state whole milk,
current make, speciuls, 13c; average
fancy, 14Vc; under grades, )2!f 14S4C
WlOSt steady ; fresh gathered, extras,
7'&.Wc; firsts, tltjXlc; second. ZD'a.Dc;
thirds, 2:t2(ii:;. refrigerator, firsts, sea
Knia charges pnld, 21t22c; western gath
ered, white, 33f(!40c.
roi-'LTKY Allvii, Irregular; western,
10VHi'IIVie; fowls. Kkjtim.:; turkeys, llijf
Pic. Kressed, steady; wesfern chickens,
UtclBc; fowls, "416'.ic; turkevs, lT)juo.
gt. Loots OeaermI Market.
, HT. IXICIM, Nov. 16. WHUAT Caah,
firm; track No. 2 red, WVkli 7o ; No. i
hard, ll oiKilotl; Uecember, 4'o; May.
COKN-Hlgher; track No. 2, 7.r74o; No.
2 white, 7;i74o; I'tecember, . iKWntUHc.
OATS Dull, track No. I, 4fVii!4c; No.
t white, 4M,; December 4Hc.
UVK t.'ncliangod. Wo. -
FLOCK Ouil; red winter patents, 10D
ft6.0u; extra fancy and straights, U.rtbty
4.a; hard winter clears, 1.1. 4Mi 3.46.
. HtCKo Timothy, 14.1l7j 15.00.
URAN-Oull; sacked, east track, tl.Mtf
MAY-"carce; timothy, 2o.r(jr24.W; prai
rie, tUOIVfjlH.W).
PltoVltilONH Pork, higher; Jobbing.
)7t). I ard, higher: prime steam, livun
K.isj. Dry salt meat, unoltanged; boxed,
extra shorts, Mi2; clear riba, 12;
short clears, !N7vs. Hiicon, unchanged;
boxed, extra short. H.m, dear rib,
snort cle.irs, $H.k7.
I'Ol'LTHY Firm; chickens, gc; springs,
3'ac; turkeys, lc; dlicka, 12c; geesn, Uc.
ItiJTTElt Firm; creamery, 2vuX'c.
LUGS Higher, 27y2lic.
Iteeetpts. Shipment
Flour, bbls .. , 13,(I0
Wheat, bu 13.x l'4,0il0
!orn. bu .)
;uta, bu! )&.U"v 1U.0AI
Kansas City Oraln and Provisions.
KANSAS CITY, Nov. 15.-WI1KAT-Cush,
unchanged to jc up: No. 2 hard,
Vvia1.0&; No. X, Kikill.oS; No. 2 red, KOc;
No. 3, ltV(ili,'c; December, 9dc; May,
tl.t0ihi July. MUfcWSc.
COHN steady to Ho higher; No. S
mixed. 70 H( ; No. 3, 74U'7e; No. 2 white,
toe; No. i, 'il')74Hc; December, KH'VntMd.
OATS steaoy; No. 2 white, 4tSHtHej
No. 2 mixed, 4.J47Viu.
HAY I n hanged to $1.50 higher;
choice timothy, 1.50& Ai.00; choice prairie,
UU I'lKll-Creamery, 32c; flrsta, 30c;
siionds, 2hc; packing stock, 20c.
Kliils Kxtras, V.c; firsts, 28o; aec
onds, l"c.
Hecelpts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu IH.uw 74.1X10
Corn, bu SLOW 1.M
Oats, bu S,ouo n.uuo
.Mlaaraaolla Grata Market.
December, ll.O4Wl.04'; May. tLiiil.Uk;
July, tl.Wt'i; Cash No. 1 bard, 1.(; No.
1 northern, tl.utVvt)10-': No. 2 noithern,
tKSUI.lUH: No. io. J Ori'titlOl.
FLAX--Ciofd at r-'.0J.
11 A KLK Y J'k wl, IS.
COKN No. 3 yellow. ?3e.
OATH No. t whit, 5VtHKBc.
RYK No. 2. 7o.sttl.ltt.
FLitl'K First patenta, tj.loijS.W: seinnd
patents, H7i"iiAiw; first clears, $J.tii J.j;
Stv-vnd clears, U (i! ii.
Liverpool Grain Market.
' LIVLKl'OOL. Nov. 13. WHKAT fpot,
ateady; No. 1, Manitoba. iSkSd; No. 3
alanltobu, .stTvd. Futures, firm; De
rrmber, 7slHl; Matcli, ,1U; May,
l l.d.
COKN Swot, firm: Aniciliau mixed,
CaStid. Futures. r.liotig; Januar),
i a ''S'i, F bruary, Lu 0A,d.
IVoik AiaiWet.
PKOK1A. 111.. Nov. ll.-liJKN-Flrm;
No. I whit.-, (',(-; No. 4 white. Die; No.
$ yellow, tru4c; No. 4 yellosv, tile; No.
2, mixed, t). -.-', No. 4 mixed, tile; aample,
oAXri-SttaiSy; No. 2 while, 4S'4c:
It-UCard, 4v, No. 2 white. 4". V'.
Mllviaukve tiraln Market.
1 noithern, ll.tii'OI.Ovt: No. 2 northern,
jl.Of.'itl oti; I 'ecenibcf, VU. -, May, '.i.' kcfiJUlO.
iiAKiiKi M.iiiii.g, :s.
Philadelphia Prodaee Market.
PHILADF.LPU1A, Nov. 1.V Hl'TTF-H -Firm:
extra mitin ir.utnery, Zmc; extra
nearby prim, SN
KiKiS r it nt; l ennsy Ivanla und other
nearby fit si. tlo.a per case; l'ennvl
vuma and otaer nearby cm rent recelpta,
Vj 60 per caie; weiern fliats, $10.J) per
case; western curmu. receipts, t'J.W per
I'ilEESK-t'irm; New York full creams,
fumy, l&'j ; fair to good, H'uito.
toffee Market.
tures cloned steady at unchanged
points net advance. Pale, J'J.iljO
Novemler, 14 S;.o; lecemler, 14 2.M-;
ary, 13 koc; February, U M'; March,
April, 1145c; May, 13.41c; June, U40'
to 20
iaitvu; ; July,
l3.Sc: Auguv, 14.27c; rleplember and
ber, 18 s.a: .-Ht coffee, fiulet; Klo
l ,1l.St ; ttantos No. 4. 1V'. Mild,
Cordova, ltw iV. iiun:lnal.
No. T,
Dry Goods Market.
The cotton good market Is quiet with a
tendency toward more steadiness In heavy
domestic lines. The Jobbers are doing n
eeaaouablu trade In small lots. Retail
tiads has been stimulated by cooler
Oils and Koala.
SAVANNAH. Oa., Nov. la. TLKl'EN
Tl N K- I'll m.
KOSIN-FIrm, type F. god O., t .27V
Position Weakened Considerably by
Exteniive Realizing.
Recent Advance Chiefly Affair of
Professional Traders Who Are
Left Wlthoat Haera at
Higher Price.
.,NhW-,ORK- Nov- 1-That the por
tion of the stock market had been
weakehed ronsldeiably bv the extenane
realising of the last few davs was Indl
"1 by the movements of ptb-es today.
The tone was heaw and at times weak
and the market exhibited a lack of stay
ing power, which discouraged the bulls.
I he period of declining price w hich
rnllowed the recent advance has not
lcen extended beyond that of n normal
reaction, and with no evidence of, cou
lstent support for the market from
either Ihe public or the largo banking
Interest, traders became more tiearlsh.
Realizing wa continued and eliott sell
ing m conducted on a larger scale.
A view of the mdrket which finds con
siderable supiort I that stocks are being
closed out In - anticipation of the as.
xemhllng of congress next month. Radi
cal tariff Inirlslatlon and attempts which
inny he made to procure legislation hav
Ing to do with the government control of
corporations are feared.
The recent ndvance, according to the
common explanation, was predicted on
the court acceptance of the. American
Tobacco reorganisation Plan, hut the
nctlon nf Independent tobacco Interests
today in again opposing the plan In
court slowed tha't Wall street had not
heard the last of that cane,
The advance, msy tie said to have
been chiefly an affair of professional
traders, who now have no one to whom
to sell the stocks which they have
marked up.
The collapie of the snernlstlve move.
""'' In the coalers, which have been
pushed ftp actively for several daya,
added to the heaviness of the market.
LchlgH Valley led the drop with a di -cllne
of 3 point after announcement
that the directors had tdken no action In
regard to distribution of stock repre-
inn i mm uny s local holding.
Canadian P.iwfl,. h.,w.t ., v,.....i-..
loss among the lending
at the end of the day with a decline of
more man u point. Home Important
Issues, Including Cnlon Taclflc and
Houthem Pacific, virtually made up
their losses.
Standard Oil itinres made no response
to declaration of the lusl mmrlnlu rilvl.
dend on the entire capitalisation and th
announcement of the terms on which
the stock distribution wnnM K
PIlHhed. The prlcea of the old Standard
Oil atock and the stock "eg-subsldlarles'1
me oeen stationary on .the curb for two
works and not a share was sold today.
American Tobacco, after remaining quiet
for some time, today rose 15 points.
. A larger business In some of the
lines of heavier finished steel products
waa reported by the trade reviews along
with a continuation of Increased buying
by the railroads. Whirs h,... i,.,
changed they have been lowered further,
...... ii "n bo i u mai in aome direction
profits were being cut Into deeply by the
L "'niTTiiii.iii tor ousinesa,
Ihe bond market wu rim.
sales, per value. t-l.llfi.Ono. United States
uuiiua uncnangea on call.
iNUinOer ul a no .eadlng QUOlaCiunk
on siocka wem as Hob:
.... , Bales. High. Low. Clous.
Allli-Chslmsrs pf4 loo i 14 j3v4
Aiiiausinst.4 t.ngper .. t:,luo kVs 47(4 fra
ameriisa Agrlcuu ursl j
Am.rlc-.n liMt gugir.... l.ww K, 66 u 6t4
Aiusrlcsu On l.auu llsi 11-4 1
American tsr Fclry.. t,um 61- 41 kiis
Aiusrlisa l.'uttnn Oil l.KJU 41 44 4 4414
Am.rkis H. a U ptd it
Aissrltsa lo. tlscuriilss uu,
Amerlisn LliiMsd
Anisrlwn uumotlv ' ... . 11
Amerksa a. A It tl,3is It 41 10
Aintrl.a S. as It: pit... itxt lojv, lui iuiia
Aiuerl. n Steal P!rt .... imi tit lti tl
Ani(U Sugar. Hellnlng sua lllW 111' 117
American 11. A Tal.... 1, 100 UH HIS
Aintrlcsu Tuhaeco ptd... 4tw 1
Ainsrtcaa Wooisn ao
Anaionaa Mining w st jt,
Atchtw , 4iv) loiu liwi, liHii
Aichlaoa pit l. iti,, m ln
Atlantlu vat Line .... god 12 III I2av
Haltlmar A Ohio t.loo HnH4 n imvi
Hetblabem HtMl 2M at II (g
Urouklya lupid Traaall. 4h 7H 1'Va 77
anadlan Parltlo I.UW I3HS I17S4 117
I'entral !lhr 70 US US 3JS
t'eniral iMikar ptd 13
1 'astral et Nasr Jsraey , J15
Chaaapeaks Ohl .... 1,700 71 74 74 S
1 hloaso A Alton lu
I'hloago Uraat Waatarn., I(M to l4j 11
t hi. ot. Weat. ptd aoe Mi l7St II
C'lll. N. W tl 1V.S l41 1441
Chi., Mil. A lt, f 11.M0 IMS liu-s 1104
('., C , C A gt. bouts., 100 tUVt I'S '
ColnrailS Fual A low Z7
Colorado A Southern 49
(',.. Ild.tao Claa al. dir. a,7iW 141V. lton 140U
'ota Products i toil. X'V 10-k lovi
lvalaware A Huda.Ml lSa
Danrar A Rio Mrab.ia... 100 t.VS I1 1.1
I). A It.' O. ptd 100 4 4S 4t
Planners' aarurilla .... fai IIS ' I'tk
Krl. 4.IW0 lt U S2H
Urls 1st ptd I,M US IIS
Brla 14 ptd 44
llansral Klactrlo loo IMS IMS IM
Oraal Northfrn ptd T.WiO 117S lS "4
Orest Ndrthars Oie ctta. too 4.1 41 42S
llllnola Central 100 141 141 4411
lntartxirauihalat sou I5S U 15
Imarnatlonal Harvsaiar.. 400 104 104 liS
Inter. Marin -ptd 14S
lnternayonal Papar 10
International Pump .... JW MS U U
Iowa Central .X 17
K. C, Soiitharn loo Is : :H
K. ('. gouthara ptd 100 tfc si 44
baclade Oas l.o PJ6S PUS 104S
Loulavlll A Nailtvllle .. too 14S 141 14S
Minn. A gl Loula U
M . at. P. A S. gt. M 100 HIS l't
M . K. A T 10) IIS US S
M,, K. A T. ptd 44
Mli.aourt Pa.KW l.;l0 41 , 40 u'l
National Blaeull, x. dlv. i"0 141S ll 14
National bead WW 4S 41 44
N. Hv. ot M Sd ptd S
Naw York Cantrst Oil 107, liS III
N Y.. O. 4 W 400 40S 40 4
Norfolk rVastera I.w 110 10'4 )0S
Nnrth Amorlrsn HlO 7: "I 73
Northern Partita 17. M ll"t HIS
fa.-Illi- Mall 10
lnn. ' I.M Ul 1:'3 HIS
Vanpla'S Uaa -00 1'U I' 101
Pitta.. C C. A' 8t. L MS
Pllul.ursh 'u.1.1 100 IDS 1S 1S
Preaaad glael 1H
I'ulluiau Palare Car .... 1U0 t.MH, UIS M
Hullw.t steel spring tov.
Heading 1M.7U0 lb! 14S HS
llapuhlla gtoel BU4 S lS tl
llapuhlle Sisel pta oo liS 1S oS
Kirk I. land p t.tuo 17', Ut ft
H.Hk Island Co. pld . K'1.. W M
at. u a a K. td ptd... 100 41s 4o'i 4
l boula S. W M
Hi. lyitila a. W. 70S
Ml.t-(haltild R. A I 0k,
Hlo Khef fkeld. H At '
Soulliarn p.cltt. I SM 11 IDS l"t
Siiuil.arii ftallaay IJ 30 S I'S
anutliarn Hallwav pld 1I,
Tetttiaiiaaa t'uypar to0 .14'a l& StiW
Tenaa at Pacific 1K t44 14S '-''S
Tl., St. b. W S"0 1S US !'
Tel.. at. U A W ptd.. t'W 41 4:", 42
In lu PaolflQ 11S 14S 1"S
I'nlna Patlfto prd loo K'a J' -'
I nit ad g'aiaa llrally a
I ntled Statas HubLr... 47 4
I nii.d siatai gtael ....llt.TOI in ait,
t mud mataa gieal all.. 40 10', 0, 1S
I'tah "i.ptar 1.3.W 41 47S 4TV
Vlmlnla-CaroltRa I Tiara . 0 t!S W't US
Waba.U M US S US fd 'S nS MS
W'arlein Maryland l lS K'a b"S
WeaiiiisliuuK Klt'lrta .. W 4
W.U.II InloB HO 7'U "if 7IS
Wliaallng lAk Krl.. I'M 4 4 4
Lrlns'i Vail) S.4oJ lwi 176S IT!S
Tuial lal.-a lor th day, b4.S90 aharaa.
Ktenr York Money Market.
CAULr-Steady. IStVS P'r cent; ruling
rate, 1. per vent, closing bid, 2 per
rent, offered at P per cent.
T1MK lAANS-:aster-SU-dav and W
dav, m per cent; alx months. iJ'j per cent
per cent.
HTKH1.I NO EXCUANaK-Bteady, with
actuul bulnesa lu bankers' bills at
per cent for uo-duy bills, and at 4.17 per
cent for demgnd.
COMMKKClALt FIU-S l.fcUa per cent.
B1L, tUVl Mealcan dollars,
I1OND8 Government, steady, railroad,
f. g. ret U rg...lSlnt -Met. 4Si .... 7S
la roupoa lovlst. M. M. C.t.. M
do 3a rag 11 S Japan 4a tt
da csupua S do 4Sa I4S
es 4a r Il4 K. " 1m J. ...7H
4u coupon- UHSU a deti. 4a llv.lllS.lth
Allla-llial. Ul ia . S U g N un. 4a.. I
-Ain. Ag. a ivi-ai.. iv. & 1. tat 4t9lj
A. T. g T. t. 4a 1S do 4S I7
Am Too. 4a ;.. 41 Ma IS.IIIc 4 Ti
do Sa 1I7SN. et It S ...S
Armour a IS S ' N Y. C. dab ... :w
Auhlion t. 4a.. 4SN'. T. C. g. Ivia Jtk
do cv. 4a lula.M y N H A
do 0. la 1"4S la ihil
At C b. Ul 4.. MSN. A W c. ta MS
0 A O. 4a MS do ev 4s u,
4o ISa MSN Paclltc 4a lot
do S W. IS-... MH Mb Is
Br. Tr t 4a aa'.O. g L. rfd. 4a .
I', of U la I.SPaua. av. Ia (mil i
Cs Ualk. a MS do see. 4 Is-'S
nilllg nan 4. ',
B 1. P. F. I 4" '"
d S' O t.a .'
t I- . c 4 Tl',
do Ut gnM tt.. IS
g. A U 4. l
so. p ific 4
lo rv. 4. 7
do let ret 1 .
So P.I. it .
(to It w 4.
tnlon Pnilflr
do rv,
... 75'.
4a. . I'll
77 S
do Ut
f. a
Hi I 4
StO.1 ?l1 !... 101 S
Viahaoh 1.0: 54..
do Ut 4.
WeM. M1. 0 ...
Wit Kl. v. an
Wit. I'm 4a ...
Mo. Pa.-ifli .
. r.4
. 14
. MS
. 10.
. P.aanis Iff
on the the .Stock
Ainal. t'opp-r ....
A U A a...
Arlt. roin
B C. aV M...
Bull. Coallllnti
t'sl. A Harla ...
('!. A Arl
Itsek llnrket.
. I j. Clofini? qiiotat'olt
to Mnhsek
IS Nevada ti( n...
ltKipUtir Mmaa
30 Nfn-tli llntla
I North bake ...
17 riid Ikoiiinlon
. 4
. '",
. :p.
. 4
. 44
, 4
, '-'1
. '.
, 47
. 15
, 47S
. I ".
Mo o.'oia . .
MS P.rrott (3
to u.ilmy ....
RSikannon ...
US aierlor
1 Soperlof
10 I , X s It
t'oppar Hange -on
t.sat nu.t t.'op. M.
tllroui t'on
Oranby ('on
Oraena t 'a nana
Ul P.oyalls (C.I..
Kerr fka
liake topper
Laoalle lpper
Ulaml (.-oppor
B. M
7 ilo pM
ItSftth t on ...
t'kl'tali Copper
2 W'nona
'Sen York .Mining; toLa.
NEW YORK, Nov. l.'..-Cloi;lns quota
tions on mining. eoclt were:
Alice J00 Ontario 1M
l'"0 Tinnel. stock. Ii Unit hlot 4
do bonds it Mrilian 0
Con rSl. A Va.... 71 fiplilr 170
Iron SIHr MO Sian.l.rd loo
beadvlli Cos 10 Yellow Jacket til
London Stock Mnrkrt.
t)NION. Nov. 13. American securities
apened steady and a fraction higher to
day. Later the inatket advanced under
the lead of 1 "tiloti Pacific mid Southern
Pacific. At .noon prices raiiKed from .s
to a point above yesterday'fc N..-W York
London closing stock quotations.
Consols, money ..71 7-14 Ixiultvllls A Nh 1..4
do scrcunt IsSMo.. K-n. Tel. J3S
Amal. Copper ...... eoSNew York Central. .1104
AnacondA 7SNor7olk A Vt'eatcrn.tliS
Atchison 110 do pld 1
do pfd 107 Ontario - WsTtarn. 4IS
naltlmor, Ohlo..l04 I'ann.ylvanla
l-an.llatr Pacltlc ...IIS Hand Mlnea 6S
t:haapeaa a Ohio. 74S Heading 77S
t'hl. (Iroat Waatarn. II southern Ity fn
f'hl., Mil. A HI P.114S do ptd 7
Da Baers 14'4jMontiiarn Pai-uic ...114S
Uanvar A Itlo 0... MS Union Paclflo 1'fiS
do pfd to, do pfd M14
En. l.lSt'. g. Kteel 4:1 S
do Ut pld Its do pfd 11!
do Id ptd 4S Wabaph IS
tlrand Trunk Js do pld ....! 54S
llllnola Central ...144
MILVKlt liar, fiulet at 2d per ounce. 14 per cent.
The rate of discount In the cpen mar
ket, for short bills Is S',jvper cent; for
three months' bills. 3S'3 7-18 per cent.
CHKESE Imported Bwiss. e?c; Amerl
0n iswlss, ZM: block Swiss, Ike; twins,
17c; daisies, 17c; triplets, 17'ac; young
America, lie: blue luhel brick, 17Ho; 11 111 -oeiger.
3-lb.. isc; iimbeigoi, l-ib.. Inc.
iiUTTER No. 1, 1-lb. carton, il4c; No. 1,
In eo-lb. tubs, S4o; No. 2, il-'e; pacaing, o,
. POULTHY-Brollers. Iko; sprlnga, 12c;
hens, iic; cocks, lnc; ducks, loo; geese,
loo; turkeys. &c; pigeon, per dog., $1.60.
Alive, broilers, U'rjc: hens, ,tc; oid
roosters and stags, 6c; old ducas, full
feathered, lie; geese, lull feathered, lnc;
turkeys, ,1m:; guinea fowls, lie ach;
plgeons, per dog,, itc; homtr. ter uoi,; squabs, No. 1, 11. DO; No. S. sOc.
. l'THH 1'ioKtfrel, 11c; While, loieo; pike.
Tic; trout, lliifibic; latge cruppie. lixui.Sc;
Hpanlsh mackerel. lUc; eel, ec: haddocks,
lHo; flounders, loo; gieen oatiUh, lAyiix.';
loe shud, ll.uO each; shud roc-, per pair,
loo; talnion, Uc; nulibji, uvi-lc; yen.iv
perch ci buffalo, 8c; bullheads, lie.
.. POCL.TRY ilroilera. Is:, epring. 1M;
hens, lie; cocks, tc; ducks, lac; geejo,
lo; turkeys, Joe; pigeons, per dog,
Alive, broilers, UW, liens, eu oli
roosters and stkg. 6c; old ducka, full
tdatbertid, liti; geoee, full te'.unered, 10c;
lulkeis, lac; guinea lows. Uo eaob;
pigeons, per Jos., 7c; lioineis, per duA,
li.w; suuaUs, inu. 1, lUw; No. X, &uc.
lilcT Cut t'ticuM it.Oh: No. 1, lie; No,
i, LirtC. No. 1, lac t-uinx: Mo. 1, iiVo.
No. 1, Use; No. 4. He. Chucks: Mo. i.
tVkc;' No. i, 6Sc. No. a, 6So. Ituuuda: No.
1, Uc; No. i, se; No. t, s-c. i'laioa;
1, do; NO a, IhuJ No. S, 4S".
Filt'lTS Apples Cookmu varieties, per
Lbl., 4U.16; Jonathan, per ubl., 44.0U; bull
bavls, per bin., U.oo. CaiUorn.a belle
tlowei, per bog, 1..; Colorado Jonathan,
extra, laricy, ber box, IL16; Washington
Hpltaenberg, per box, 4W.0O, iVashlngton
tt. lieauiy, per box, i.lO; vaoh.ngton
tstanian wintaaps, per box, li.oo. Ha
nanas Fancy ', select, per bunch, llii'ty
I. 60; Jumbo, per bunch, )2.7ou4.7o. Cran
berrlea Wisconsin taney, per bbt., .UU;
Per box, I3.0u; extra large Jumbu, per
Lbl., 110.00. Dates Anchor brand, new,
30 1-lb. pkg.. In boxes, per box, 4U.&0.
trigs California, per caae of U l-ounca
Pkgs., biic; per case of 38 1!-ounce.
i!.oo; New Turkish, 6-crown -In Ho-lb.
boxes, . per lb., 15c; -crown in 20-1 b.
boxes, tier lb., 10c; 7-orown in 80-lb.
boxes, per lb., 17o. (irape fruit Florida,
lo-So sixes, per crate. 4t.75-g-5.00; bti-64-61
Siaea, - iier crate, go.zi. Orupes Califor
nia. Tokays, per 4-bsk. crate, ll.HS: Malaga
grapes In bbls., tVi.oOJi.OO. Lemotig .1
fnonelra bland, extra lancy, a'u-iMO alxta,
per box. Id. id; Luma L-lmoneira, fancy,
IM-3iiQ sixes, per box, $6.00; 240 and 43)
slses. . bOu per box less. Orange
Niagara .ltedlanos Valencia, 00-1211 slie.
Per box, 16O-17-aK--'l-Zu0 sigrs, per
box, $0.60. leaebce California and Colo
rado, pep box, $100. feats California
b. Clarlgeau. per 60-lb. box, 13-00.
VKUKTABLKS lieana-etrlnir and
wax, per inkt. bsl;., 11.00'l.i, Cab
bage visconsm. j-vf Vj., 1'tilViC.
yeler- -Michigan, per dug., 40c; Colorado
utnbo, ' lier dox., SOc. Cut-umbers Hot
house, per doit., li.Ow. Kgg plant fancy
Florida, per dox., $.'.00. Uarllc K.xtra
fancy, while, per lb., lie. Lettuce Kxtra
fancy leaf, tear U.... 40c. Onions Cali
fornia, winte, pet- lb., 3c; Wl-consin, yel
low and red, in sacks, per U., ic; tipan
h, per crate, 1.7o. t'arsltry Fancy
borne grown, per dos. bunches, 4oti. Po
tatoesMinnesota F.arly Ohio, per bu.,
II. 00, Wisconsin white stock, per bu.,
Hoc; in lti-fack lots, lie less. Uweet po
tatoes Ii gmla, per bbl., lil.JO; per bu.
bsk., II. te. itutabdgas lu acUs, per lb.,
ISc. i'omaicMia 1 ailioima, per crate,
MlSCRL.IANKOl.iS Almonds Tarra
gona, per lb., lbtc; In suck lotf, lc less
tliaul nun -i'er lb., 14c; 111 sack lots, id
less. Coionnuis Ff i- oars. Xi.6u. Fil
berts Fcr lb.. Mo; in sack lots, lo leas.
Feanuis lloasted, per lb., SHic; raw, 'per
lb.. i"Vo- Pecans Large, per lb., ltao; in
Sack iota, lc less. Walnuts New crop.
It'll. Calllornlu, per lb., lPe; In ck lot,
lu less. Cider New Nebawka, per 15
gg. ',t bbl. 13.00; per 30-gal bbl., 3 Ju;
New ork Mott s, pet U-gul. bbl., ti M.
pet 30-gl. bbl.. Io-50. Iloney New, U
I't-anies. H78. Kraut Per li-gl. keg,
fl.W; Wisconsin, per i bbl., 13.50.
. 0
Metal Market.
NKW YORK. Nov. Li MKT A 1.8
fltandai.l copper, steady; spot. 12.3.Ky
1110; Jailuary, 1?.i U 4.'.: elc.'ti olvtlc,
Itl siHI?!-' '6; catlng. $lS.i"i(i(l!.50. lin,
firm; spot, 43. u y u ; Januarv. $3J73n
43.2i. Lead, quiet: 4.' New York,
and RU4JIIS Fast St. l.oula. rlpelter,
firm; o.4AX'tl.&0 New York and i.'6i.50
Fast St. Louis. Antlmouev, dull: Cook
sons. S O.'MX l.'K. Iron, quiet; northern
grades 114.7.-0 li:'5; southern. 14.7jfi lli.i..
bar silver, MV'. .
BT. LOCia, Nov. 15 MKTALS Lead,
Steady; 14.16, spelter, firm; .0.
t'uttoa Market. .
NUW YOI'.IC. Nov. 16. COTTON' Bpot
closed 10 point lower; middling uplands,
l).6oo; middling gulf. k.Tfec. Sales none.
t.oTlON Future closed stcudv. Closing;
bids: November tt.CA-, lecenioer, 0 3;
January, .tc; February. K.lSc; March,
l,c; April, .SHc; May. !.J7c; June, 3wc,
Ju:y. 34-; August. Kite; September,;
Octoht r, 4e; October, 9 i4c.
L1VKUPIK.IL, Nov. 15.-COTTO.V-Spot
In better demand; prlcea 6 points higher;
Anleruaii middling fair, &.7SK..; good
ollng, 6.43c; middling, 6 Hic; low middling,
Uc; giKvl ordinary, 6.OI0; oidinary 4. sic.
The sales of the day were I.OuO hales, of
which 1m) bale were for scu!atlon and
fx port and included 6.MO bales of Amcr
gan. Receipts. So.OoO liales, Including S.'.t'a
bales of American. Futures opened firm
and closed quiet.
Sugar Market.
NKW YORK. Nov. lu. KUGAR-Ratr.
nominal; muscovado. U test, 4 .-en-trlfugsl.
W teat, 6.1.V; molasses auger, 'J
st, 4.17c. UeflncU, sitgu).
of V. J. -n t
O 4V.. ....
dn ref. -
(.- A. -14
'.. U Q I 4...
do an 4
f M tt S. P g Jt,.
O It t. A P e a.
i Tt 4.
Cole jnil s.
ln Mid' 4 ...
C. at r -. 4S.
n. It. rv 4..
D. It Q 4a ...
rf I.
tlst1 1 )ra' 6.
Krle pr lien 44
no er II
. do gen. 4h
do ' v. 4 aer. A
tl'n. l:l . r. ;,t
II '. t r 4. ....
. "tilt. "Uttered.
Cattle Receipts Moderete, with
Trade Slow to Lower.
Pat Ikerp nail Lambs Steady to Ten
tent Higher. While Feeder
Conflnne Moving la About
tcatly Notches.
poi.'Tir omama. Nov. r.jsui.
Hecelpts were: Cattle. Hogs, gheep.
"rficlal Mon'iay .,!. 1,93 14M
Official Tuesdav i lst t.,M7 19,kl
Kstlinatc i edricxc.uv.. tMi li.iOo
Thieertay this v. eek.19..".T
"H davi last iveek...i,fao
faaie di.y.t i w k ago.u,ir3
t'amo tug ,1 w k ago.2i,;9
4am day 4 w as agn.So.o.'O
Same da.m last vear...25.r",3
li, i
t'llS flihoHilni. I n 1. 1 - : .1.. n.lnl.
- - - - . . . H . .1 mi.i.,1. 11.- , 1 . - . 1
of cattle, hogs ml snerp at Sotitu Omaiia
. " ear to uuie n comp:ii cu w iin
aat year. 1:110. inc. Dec
Catll l.l!'ii,:iJ7,t,C ,."il8
1'i'ga 1 ,, ii; Ul'.t. !!.
Sheop i,;.i6,8,- 2.71.S ll.HS
The following table rliowo the avrrog
prlcea paid for bogs nt houlh Omaha lor
the la-t few days, witli compai--;ui: 1.
Date. 1 lull. Unlu. !!!. 1 -
Nov. i 1 t, ir,,,, - I . .., - ..,
.ov. 7. . 14'xt' 7 !k. 1 o ii 4 .o . tiji
Nov. 8.. tjtn j uij 7 ; 1 '..! b
4 vl
4 dl
4 7.1
4 SO
ciiv. .. H Ui, , Mil 7 ,Hi 5 6-'; 4 Mi ti,
10.. o il , , 7 7i I bo! I 07
11. 1 HiS: 7 Ml 7 7tii i oil 4 ICl I I SJ
12-1 I 7 6S, 7 M ii Vt 4 tti 6 W
la. I j1Hi 1 7 te u 74 1 4 701 h Hill 4 SO
11-1 25; 7 74 I 6 i 4 Nil 6 8 4 73
lo-! M 7 wi 7 U7, I 4 li4 t u6 4 i
Hululn y
Kecelpt and dlaposltlon of live stock at
tho I'nlon pitock Yard. .South Cnnaha, for
tiio twenty-tour hours ending at 3 p. iu.
ycstcidny :
Cattle. Hogs, tflioep. Il'r'g.
c, Hi. i r-i. j 7
UabiiHh 1
.Vliesoiul I'ucltlc J
Union I'achlc 34
C. A N. W.. east.... 14
1'. & N. V ., west.. 87
7 5..
2 1..
40 2 1
3 6..
4 10 I
1.1 2
11 4
'3 1 V.
IBS 60 3
I C. bt. 1. M. A O.. 6
C R A y., eaet ... .1
C, K. tt west... 7
C, K. 1. A C, east. 9
C. H. 1. & H., west. I
Illinois Centrul 3
c. ti. W
Total receipt.... 217
Cattle. Hugs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co.... 4ti0 1.S22 ?
Hwitt und Co 6S3 2.H48 1,7
Cudahy .Fucktng Co.... l.ay) 8.367 . 2,iH)l
Armour At Co 035 3,1(18 900
Morrcll 83
VV. H. Vansant Co HI m...
Benton Vansant ee L'h. 14
Hill oi Bon 228
F. B. Lewis 116
Hunt on & Co -Mb
J. it. Hoot & Co IWt
J. If. Mulla 1S2
L. F. Huk 112
L. Wolf 170
McCrcary & Kellogg... 147
Werthelmer tt Degen.. 132
H. F. Hamilton 113
Sullivan Hros 60 ..... .....
Lehmer Broa 14 1
Lee Rothschild 123 f.
M. Kans.-Calf. Co.. 1S4
Cllno A Christy 7
Other buyers 1,133 11.2tW
Total 6,429 11.045 17,305
CATTLK Cattle reoaipta continue mod
orate, only tin cars being reported in.
'Ihis makes tne total for trie week 19,576
head tne ncnieat tor any similar period
sin oti.., the .net week In August, and
lighter than lor tho corresponding period
a year ago . oy .over 6.14) head. The
iliiatity ot the arrivals waa very ordinary,
consisting- largely of tiasti with hardly
anything that could bo called airictly
With moderate receipts and with so few
desirable caAtlo on sine It would seem as
tl the market on beef steers aiiott:d liuve
buen atrong anu miint. but tmicrctnaiely
the lecelpi at oilier selling points, es
pecially Chicago, weie verv targe and
advioes from there Indicated a heavy
slump In . prices. As u result of this
local buyers were very glow about taking
hold anu the general market would have
lo be described aa wcuk to loo- lower
although poosihly a strictly go6d bunch
of western beeves might have sold at
steady prices.
It wouui bit well If shippers would bear
in nuna that the eastern market on tha
meuium tu pretty decent kinds of corn
led steers has been In very bad shape
lor aome little time back. In tact, the
market un that kind of cattle has been
described by tho Chicago papers us rot
ten, prices tnere having declined as
much as 40(3600 last week. This condi
tion of the eastern market Is having a
bad effect on the local market lor corn
teds. At the same time that the medium
to pretty ileccnt, cattle are selling to such
poor advantage strictly prima cattle are
bringing fancy prices, but t will be un
aerstoou that there are very few of that
kind coming to those points and none
whatever cumlng bore.
Cows and heifers weakened toward tha
close, yesterday and they were again
slow and dull today, with prices any
where from weak to 100 lower
btockera and feeders of good quality
were extremely scarce this morning,
but there .was a world of trash. As a
result, while there was a feeling that good
cattle would bring lirm prlcea, the com
mon kinds were Slow and weak.
- Quotations on native cattle: Good to
Choice beef steers, a6.75n.t7.75; fair to good
beef steers, lu.54Vg6.7o; common to fair
beef steers, $4.75j6.50; good to choice
heifers, I4.MK&U.26; good to choice cows,
4.404)6.00; fair to good cows. J3.7iiU'4.40;
common to . fair cows, I'.'.ioy 3.i6; veal
calves, 3.6(17.75.
Quotations on range cattle: Good to
choice beef steers. i.d'ioUl.ih; fair to food
beef steers, S.0Oi5.75; common to fair
beef steers, M.tottO.oo; good to choice heif
ers, I4.40U6.16; good to choice cows, 4.40'd
6uv: fair to good cows, 4.ti6(4.25; comiiiuu
to fair cows, l-.75iJS.6i; good to cholco
stockcrs and feeders, !6.UKMi.O0; fair to
good siockers and feeders. gi.4o-&3.0u; com
mon to fair etockera and feeders, ."..4"i
4.40; stock heifers, .').25';4.2ii; bulls. tuu
etc., I3.26JI41.90.
Representative vales:
No. A. Pr. No. a. r.
:t l(Ut i 15 JO 1174 I ;j
l li 6 ti 11 HIT 4 ii
II 114 I 40 10 liw 4)
WOO ,6 ! :. mi W
17 1! a t tzo 4 ti
10 a 10 4 440 4 i
4 "0 SO a avo 4 10
4 Wl a 7a 1 107i 4 11
I 5 a Uil 4 4
1 10W 4 e
441 I It 4 140 4 14
13 krs 5 4 1.11 4 :0
I t" I 75 il lal I 00
I '151 4 00-
I ill 1 lo t s:o 3 is
JAL ta.
1 444 4 : I St I lj
k 341 4 i.0 ' 1 134
14 4-0 4 40 - 1 i;o 7 Sa
Blll.iibij ANU
is i 4 :i 7 m: 1 rS
1 117 4 Jo tt m.i 4 71
a Cl'l 4 a 4 ;j 4
14 MO . 4 ai 4 , toO 4 W
II tli 4 10 : -o 6 to
Ul 1 M
17 calves... 1:1 4 S3 caives... 416 4 JO
. j leedffl S. .11 JO 6 40 10 toWa B;; J , j
15 feeder.. 776 4 60 16 teeuers. . !k,7 4 bj
Platte Valley C. Co.
C feeders.. M 1 6a 14 steers.... 960 4 23
C. Ii. lliiinltun.
78 feeders.. i6 10 14 steer... .101 4 76
V. O. ANetlanl.
'." steer.... 77J t 36 17 lu iters. . 777 1 60
U cow '.ISO 4 40 6 ealve... 67J 6 lo
George Morgan.
tS steers.... 113 k Jo cows 1030 1 20
6 steers... .11-1) 6 26
O. Turnquist.
10 feeder . MS 4 76 : cowl 600 J 50
I cons o-M S 25
S. J. Gels Wyoming.
15 cowa it'.l 3 6 12 cows Kil 4 4
3 steer.... 77S 4 60 6 calves... 2i 7 w
!.o 7k0 3 80 16 calves... JW 4 60
Julin t'earson.
t steers. ..
54 co....
47 calves. .
14 cows...,
U cows
16 calves..
S7R 6 10
i cws-hfs. MS 4 Oi
833 I ..
II cows 72 3 10
L. W. Lewis.
648 3 .'O
TaJnter t Bon
3-a 4 w
. 7.10 S o0
S70 4 !i
M t 00
37 he'fers. .
.7 4 )
6S6 3 66
t0 4 2i
136 t 76
37 belters.,
a feeders. .
I calves...
HOO.S-The country furnished its first
liberal run. of hog for today a market
lu a period tkleuJlng aevatal mouths
"ick. about h:id showing Hp. The
170-log i estimate brought In weights
ranging from choke heavy down to
trashy pig stuff but the big end of re
ceipt consisted of butcher and lard
classes, the same as recently. With thl
shnrp Increase In supplv a a bearish
tirgHtnent. buyers all started out with
the Idea of cheapening cot and managed
to mase a few small purchases earlv
at weak figures. The market quickly Im
proved under the Influence of broad de
mand, howecer. and bulk sold steady,
lato sales ruling strong.
Fverythlng showed getd action after
movement was started In earnest and the
yards were practically cleared at 10:30
o'clock. Shlpjirrs and speculator bought
rather Sparingly n compared with
breadth of pacKing demand. Only fifteen
or sixteen loado of anlm.ns gold on oot
slde and speculative orders.
I.aim r droves had an up-and-down ap
peal or.".-, bulk InndltiH at W.&rttii.J.".. Light
iiok.- ranged from Kal down to less than
.''.HO and pigs, especially the doubtful
Kim's, wets nurd tu clear at $4.6"'.i5.2.!i.
The bst lartl- offerlne made a top of
. !", Identical with yestenlay g high
llcpicsentatlvp sales-
M. A. th. IT. N.
t il ... im .-..
I.4 ... 00 It....
W...... IM 10 I 1.1 u....
- UJ ... 4 10 13 ...
w im ... t 10 gj...,
174 ... t 10 4,5....
W :0 ICS I 10 77....
4 lf ... I 13 12 ...
9- M7 240 4 lo," 7S ...
11 ! ... 4 II 41...
U !"1 160 I li 71....
"o l"0 ... I 15 40....
Av. Ih. Pr.
...117 40 I I76
. 34J (I) 1 tTW
..:4 in iq
.-'H SO 4 to
. Sl tO I 30
..nt i3o t
..144 HO t so
. 343 im 1 34
..t-t 10 lo
. 341 It') I 30
..IT. to ;i
..313 H lit
... 130
..i.3 im 1 to
..1M 49 I 10
i 32 lr to 4 tt 4....
' II IU 1.0 4 It a....
IM ... 4 II to....
76 lilt ... I It.
12 J"l 40 I 14
t4 m m 1 to
M !73 to t to
tl 3.17 240 10
10 ?47 100 I 10
17 37 to I 110
II l?t 160 I 30
tt ItO ... I 10
it tut to I SO
tt 3ol 160 I 30
21 "4 100 I .10
tl J:-8 . I SO
C tut 120 I ;o
13 2M ... I 30
4; m ... 1 .10
II 311 120 I 30
f.T ; nto I to
It too 10 4 Jo
M Ml 1?0 I 30
M !7 1M t to
7J S7t ?I0 I SO
-t tn no so
3; 244 ... I 30
It .100 120 t fl'tj
44 341 41 4 3?,
tl 214 10 4 3S
II 373 ... I Sii
12 2I4 10 I 30
43 230 4 3a
17 Sit ... 4 So
40 315 10 4 to
12 3.19 400 4 IS
tt 2M 110 4 36
27 IDi 100 4 tt
80 lot 0 t IS
43 241 120 t tit
It 335 10 I 40
77 2(i4 M I Ii
77 211 110 4 10
3 240 120 t to
71 :7 l-.'O t lo
7! --"2 20 I 20
41 It ... 4 20
7 rot ... t 10
3t 213 ... 4 20
24 207 ... I 1214
75 1S 120 4 !2V4,
77 229 10 I U
71 117 to I u
49 Ill 0 I tr,
t IM 2"0 4 25
71 2-4 10 4 25
24 t3 ... I
2t 2fi0 ... 4 25
2 ?31 ltd 4 !5
hi 11 l-'O 4 2t
27 ... 4
71 208 ... t 15
74 529 100 t !5
SE 115 ... 4 TS
79 Ill 140 4 25
77 245 J00 4 2
72 135 40 I fo
23 10 10 I 26
1 251' HO I IS
II tit 121. 4 ii
2 Ill M) 4 25
40 i4t 160 t :r.
31 211 ... 4 1
tl tM 10 I Si
12 1.17 ... I 24
11 230 ... I 25
II ill 120 I 25
1". 154 ... I 35 101 1B4 ... 6 60
47 14 ... lit 115 17 ... 6 25
M4F.fa.j-' The market for fat sheep anfl
.amb continued to chart its own course,
regardless of trade conditions elsewhere,
and everything In ' the way of good
wethers, ewes, etc., sold readily at firm
to dime higher figures. Fat lambs were
In equally healthy demand, but failed to
show any Improvement, as the South
Omaha scale of values at present Is al
ready too lofty as compared with prices
In the east for this class of stock.
Fair-sized receipts, amounting to about
15,400 head. Included only eighteen or
twenty loads from the range, the big end
of the run consisting of fed and. warmed
up stuff under corn belt billing. At
tractive fed clause were favored and
lambs of western origin made a creditable
top of 16.00, Identical with yesterday's
high price. Fed wethers reached
3.W) and fed ewes scored a limit of I3.5u.
I crcentflge of yearlings proved limited, aa
usual, but offerings weie sufficiently
high-class to claim a $1.60 top, the price
being paid lor a bund of fed westerns.
Lamb prices had plenty of range, of
course, and stuff that Was merely
warmed-up sold at liberal discounts under
the cream of supply. There was very
llll,t business In canner ewes.'
Native bred animals were the exception
to tne rule, but scarcity of farm raised
product did not cause much regret in
buying circles, as the tidy- western arti
cle usually gets preference when variety
permits of normal discrimination.
Trade in feeders waa scattered' and un
certain. There seemed to be plenty of
orders for strong weights to Hike back
into the country ami ilnlahv but packers
bidding over $4.50 for lambs, leaves the
country buy ifnder this figure pretty slim.
Steady prices were generally paid for
bulk of unfinished stuff, feeder ewes that
were warmed up going back a second
time at 12.75. Yesterday's' feeder pur
chase amounted to 16,300 head. .
r Quotation on sheep and lambs: Lambs,
good to choice, $; lambs, fair to
iood, .").l.V(jd..S0; lambs, feeders, Il!.2&i4.50;
yearlings, fair to choice, l3.kXi4.50; year
lings, fetders. $3.26i3.Vi; wethers, good to
choice, J3..X63.00; wethers, fair to good,
JS.4"iij3.S5; wethers, feeders, $2.9Cr3.2o,
ewes, goo1 to choice) $3.2.Vi'3.50; ewes, fair
to good. $2.siS3.26; ewe, breeders, $3.2.sJi
2.75; ewes, feeders $2,.UWj 2.T5; ewes, culls,
91.lBtil.76. . . .
Representative sales:
No. , Av. Pr.
77 native lambs 1 6 00
710 Wyoming lambs, feed eta .... 63 4 35
510 -Wyoming ewes, feeders .... 69 2 60
243 Wyoming ewes, fd d rs, culls 80 2 00
28 Wyoming yearlings, feeders 60 3 7t
515 South Dakota lambs 50 4 75
363 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 51 4 35
143 Wyoming lambs, feeders ..51 4 36
63 Wyo. Iambs, fd'rs. culls.. 44 176
61 Wsomlng lambs, feeders.... 40 3 60
Shi Wyoming lambs, feeders .. 4i 4 2d
302 Wyoming lambs, feeders .. 64 4 60
100 Wyoming lambs, leoderg .. 46 4 00
74 Wyoming lambu,y,feedera ..43 S 70
174 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 61 4 26
H Wyoming lambs, feeders..., 33 3 2S
tU Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 37 3 23
373 Wyoming lambs, feeder.... 43 4 00
174 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... IH 4 00
60 Wyoming lambs, fdrs, culls 48 S 35
64 Wyoming J igs, feeders 76 3 75
77 Wyoming ylgs, feeders 76 i 75
.412 ewe, culls 83 1 75
81 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 4:1 8 65
833 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 67 4 46
lt.70 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 67 4 45
604 Wyoming ewes, feeders 14 2 75
110 native yearlings 74 4 75
21 native ewes 114 3 60
146 native cues 10S 3 50
3:!7 fed lambs S3 6 00
109 Idaho yearlings, fdrs 75 3 70
112 Idaho yrlgu., idrs., culls 73 2 7.1
500 Idaho oarlingH. feeders.... 75 3 70
5..S Idaho wethers, feeders 100 3 60
"5ti Idaho wethers, feeders...... 100 3 60
do Idaho wethers, feeders 1M 3 00
639 Idaho wclhere, teoders 104 3 60
4!1 Idaho withers, feeders p't 3 60
163 ted yearlings M 4 60
24S western ewes, feeders !7 2 75
in native lambs Ii2 6 C
127 western ewes 107 3 00
ICS led ewes 105 S E.0
15 wethers 94 2 60
43 fed ewes K'l 3 -6
242 native lambs 73 6 60
-o native lambs, culls 60 4 00
244 t-oulh Iuikoia ewes, feeders V) 1 70
70 lambs, feeders, culls H) 3 25
175 South Dakota lambs, fdrs.. 60 3 75
270 native weihers 117'., 3 ml
( blcago Live Stock Market.
ceipt. ol.lM) licud; market dull, at early
decline: beeves, HOOyiUo: Texas steers.
$i..Jit.; western steer, $4.3i(!7.30;
rlo.keta and letders, $3.Ott;5.70; cows and
heifers, l-.iio'pa.b.".; calves, 5.50''8.25.
HOGS' Keceipu, 2:;,000 head.:- market
slow and attady ut jilu'iilng pruts; light,
$5.K,"i0.b,; mixed. $ti.i".ij0.6U; heavy, 8t.tiui
6 65; rough, n WjO-Lt; good to choice
heavy. ii.;.i665; uis, $l.vOt!4.50; bulk of
sales. $i.3(H.55.
MIKlil AND LAMBS Receipts. 42.000
head; market slow; native, jjMn.l.W;
Western, 2 65J3.S0; yearlings, 13.751-4.70;
lambs, native, t3.75Jjtf.ou; western, 1-1 i&y
St. I.oala Live Sleek Market.
8T. LOC13. Nov. 15 CATTLK Re
ceipts, 6.5"0 bead. Including l.Oit) Texan.
Market ateady to lower. Native
shipping and export steers, $7.60tj0.ii:
dressed beef and batcher steers, $5.uOt(7.50;
steers under l.ftt lbs., fCUKftS.OO: Blocker
and feeders, $ l.nOti' .411; cow and heifers,
J.oOtif 7.:a; cannors, U.iX'ii t oo; bulla, .;.7.V
5.2o; calves. 14 "tie 60. Texas and Indian
sters, $l.u Ji; civs and heifers, $1.60
HOGS- R..eipl. 1.700 lieaj Market 10c
higher. 1'lgs and light, t4.50ljii.50; pack
er, H.2O0.t5; butchers and best heavy.
IO..'.Vy6 mi.
tf 1 LILT I AND LAMBS Receipts. 6,200
head. Market lOtilkt lower. Native mut
tons, $J i(ia.75; lamha. I4.ut.il5 s6: i ulU unj
bucks, tl .till 3 of. stockers, tl.5ojiC.:5.
Kansas t Ity Mas' stork Market.
ceipt. 13.t4) bead. Including 4tl southerns.
Market eteady to 10..- lower Pressed beef
and export sleers, 86. 7it)0 25: fair to go id.
$o.00i4-5u: western steer. 7'.UM); slo. k
ers and feejei-s, $; souitiei 11 steers,
t4.'Kiuin: southern cows. $J 7.''.i4 '"; tatlve
cows, I? 75 'I .. - 1 ; imtne heilei.-. cl.'Oij I'.ta..;
bulls, kv 1; ialvc!, 5i.l"t;.Ui.
HOUd-ltteelpt ls,1. bead. Market
steady to H'o b.i;lier; bulk ot i.e, tklodll
I 4.i. Heavy, .. j1; paekeig and buuu
ers, $tJ.jto-t6.ii; lights, eo w-'ilO Vk; P'a. '-
416. i.
niilCKJ1 AND LAMl'f Rcc!ltS, S,P(V
bead. Market for laml sirady. sheen
lfic hiKher. Lamb, (In!1; yearling.,
t3.7.Vit4 7S; wttliers. I-I.-'V-M tai; ewes, t-o-'U
3.60; stoikers and feeders. . J.tKJi. 76.
St. Joseph l.lve "loek Btnrket .
Receipts, 2.100 head; market eteadv to
weak: steers. 84.60r.iS21;: cows and heifer!
2.:efii.MI; calves, t3.Onj7.50.
HtUS Receipts. 10.oo head; market
slow; top, bulk of sale. 8ilrkfIii40
6HEEH AND LAM lifl- R.cai,its. .X .W
head; market 10c lower; Inmbs, tl.50-tj6.Ou.
Kloek In "lab!.
Receipts of live stock at the five prin
cipal markets yesterday:
Cattle. Jlogs. Sheeji
South Omaha 6 m 11, turn 15,5,0
Kt. Joseph .. 2. l-m ii,iVi
Kansas City 13,tt d.r. i
Mt. Louis fi.ooi l.7t ,'JMi
Chicago 3Uni I.l.ttal 42,iy
, .5S.200 73,7J 75,3)0
Metal Market.
Standard copper, stendy; spot, November
and December, $l2.24Kii 12.40. Liondnn mar
ket, firm; spot, 67; futures, tr,,- 1:1s Ski.
'- copper, l."S,'ttl-,c: electrolvtlc, IL'N,
trltlac; canting. I2'ftil2v. Tin, firm;
Jpot and November, Ht.iOfn43.ri0; futures.
342.25.Ti4;i.60. London market, firm; armt,
17 hjb; futures. fls liw. Iad. qi,ict.
34.2o(ji4.it0. New York, and tl.lOn4.15, Fast
St. Louis. Ixindon. 115 17s Oil. Speller,
firm; tt4vfj.5. New York, and $t;.2yfi'
East St. Louis. London. ..; 15s. Anti
mony dttll; Cooksons. Ss.fKiOjS.iaVii. Iron.
Cleveland warrants, 47s 3d In London.
Locally, quiet; No. 1 foundrv northern,
tlo.OOUi 15.26; No. 2, tM.7nrn'15.fii; No. 1 south
ern and No. l southern soft. lln.ixVu 15 &.
HT. IfllTIS ' i;mi.-p.i t ,
steady; $4.2o. Spelter, firm; K-40.
Wool Market.
ST LOt:i., Nov. 15.-WtiorSteady
territory and western mediums, 171, Vk
fine mediums, mtinc; fine, UJ,l5c. -v'
All Mohaiiimedans
Involved in Crisis
Arising in Persia
WASHINOTON. -Nov. 13.-The crisis In
Persia Invades the peace of all countries
In which Mohammedans have found a
footing and not alone the future of W.
Morgan Shunter or the American financial
structure which he has endeavored to
raise In the eastern country, acoordlnt,"
to Information reathlntf official , circles
In Washington from various parts of the
The ultimatum from Russia to Persia
that apology must be made for the seizure
of the property of the deposed shah's
brother Is the culmination, apparently,
of developments that have been pending
since American financial experts wcro
selected by the new nationalist govern
ment to attempt tho regeneration of tho
flnancees and commerce of the country.
It Is claimed here that the grant to Mr.
Shuster, treasurer general, of complete
executive power did much to irritate
Russia. The vigorous assertion by Mr.
Shuster and tho Persia assembly of tho
complete Independence oX the country and
Its freedom from any obltguMon to Russia
or Great Britain has been a source of
Irritation to the former and of criticism
from leading sources In Great Britain.
There now is a disposition among lead
ing figures In Mohammedanism to con
strue as a concerted assault on the
Mohommedan people the continued at
tack upon Persia nnd the situations In
Tripoli, Morocco and parts of India. How
far this unrest of the Mohammedans will
develop If Persia becomes more seriously
Involved with Russia officials here are
not ready to say.
Two Omaha Women
Are Bridesmaids in
Wedding at Chicago
CHICAGO, 111.. Nov. 15. (Special Tele
gram) The marriage of Miss Hazel
Ford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Charles
E. Ford, to Joseph Stephen Wilson, took
place tonight at 8:30 o'clock In Kenwood
Evangelical church. Miss Alice Heath
wag maid of honor and there were two
matrons of honor, Mrs. Frank Stuart
Lewis of Toledo, O., and Mrs. Otto K.
Osthoff of Chicago.
The bridesmaids , were Miss Louise
Dinning and Miss Miriam Patterson of
The bride wore a white satin gown,
trimmed with real lace embroidered with
pearls, with a court train. Her lac veil
was-sheld In place by strands of pearls
and orange blossoms, and - she carried a
shower arrangement of whito orchids und
The maid of honor was attired In -white
chiffon over white satin .trimmed with
an embroidered border of lavender or
The matrons of honor and bridesmaids
were dressed alike in white chiffon over
white satin, with empire trains of pinl.
satin overdraped with real lace. They
wore head dresses of white aigrettes and
carried old fashioned bouquets of pinii
bovitrdie and roses.
Eugene Edward Ford, brother of the
bride, attended Mr. Wilson as best man,
and ushers were C. Lewis Woodruff,
Jack Wiley. Hally Smith and J. T. lieu
NEW YORK, Nov. 15. The easier ten
dency recently noted In the coffee market
was accentuated by a sharp decline in
the quotations for spot supplies In tho
local market late today.
SUcks of coffee have been accumulat
ing rather rapidly at Brazilian pons,
more than 3,OjO,000 bags now being re
ported at Pantos, and during the last day "
or two offers received here from Lra
illlan shippers are uaid to have Hion
increased willingness to sell.
Local mcrcliunls today quoted the gradu
known as Rio 7' at about 15'a cents, and
In aome Instances as low as 14", cents
comparing with the recent high pricu ,,f
10 cents per pound.
STANTON, Neb.. Nov. i:.-(Special.)
The Stanton High school boys have or
ganized for basket ball, r-tantou Higii
school has always held a reputation of
supporting a winning basket bull team un l
challenges are daily being received from
neighboring high school teams. The first
game of the season will probably i,e
played about Thanksgiving time with the
Elgin High school boys. The girls have
already organ. zed and played one game
thl aeasun. Class teams will bo organized
at once and will fight for the champion
ship of the school.
Persistent Advert.tlng is in Read ta
Ui- Returns.