HIE BEE: OMAHA, THITHKPAY. NOVEMBER 10. 11)11. Mtl:v T( UAX Milary nrt.l t linlirl.. win use ouii .MONEY . Ll'.C'AUSK :.o'.i can borrow It on vnnr 1IOI .-KHOLD FI HNHT KK. PIANnS. AI 1 O.Mulli i.KS. LANK LOCKS, W.Utr, HOCSK ITV.CKil'i, LKAL KSTA'l'li and SAl.AKIhS l.i a fee.' hours' timr, pri vately and I'M KA PKK Umn unv otnei loncerh. MATTKJl HOW, i'lltAl' 'j 1 1 ICY ADVKK1TSK. Ion nay ret ui.d the loni In small v. ecluy or monthly pnvmnits that mo.i i.et you out ot debt. Our business la an private a .4 a bank ; ml our irlrnds, relatives and rniptoe. i.now imtluHK about it. No delay. Lacn i.pplicut.oii siven prompt attention. all mi ii.t t'n nuiiuy t .1 pay hII your 'nia ami on will und It uiwk and easy. K ELI ABLE CREDIT CO. Tniid Floor, XS Tuxlon V.Uhk. 217 P. lOlh. x nones. Douglas 1111 and A-llll. WVVV.',tftl 4 W i, li Moucy for Everybody $10 to $100 LOANS ON 1'UU.MiLilE, 1 1ANOS, 4 ;$ SALA1ULS. Lit'., ut ihurtes you can .a turd, nud without ilia mi tape and delay you expo leiice wu.i other companies, lib! AbLlSll Vutii CKr-lhT licUe.,, ll a is Gi.iOD AS A BANK. ACCOUNT IN T1A1K OF NKliU. will. lltc.11, 11.1 1 D. uu y ii k n.ki0. )uu J .y buck, Sli.oo. tia, you pay back 2vui. ?o, jou pay back boi.OiV. .V'.l Ollliko. V I lAllvil'..-'. Weekly or Monthly Fuyments. OMAHA FINANCIAL. CO., 2W'-;o iii own urn. opposite uian una. b. i.. Cor. 101 h and Douglas. Phono Douglas ACii. k w t it i . S S I f t 1 1 $ $ $ S I $ M t $ $ $$$ $ SX Oil 1.HLD J OU ItKAI UUAdi MlIU llbrflM. M. :. hau.a trunks. 1 . r.!L A-K1L ioi loiu, laiiiuy hoiei, A v. at liar. el jiui.cb noiel oiewiu ileal, bain, bunie cooaing; w.mtr iu to lew coupiea hi suu por uiu.; uan !i -v. Ner all meat us. w .vllAl rooms una t xcttiiuiit mcaia. . rolll M. 't'lloliv t;oUj. lAJrtUn. lionl loom wiln aivuve bra :ooni, blean: lieut; tso. Zb.u, in llansuuni lul'K dibUitt; win taK ues.laoiB youiitf jiiumed cuui'ie wnli or Wiuioui uouru ac iL-UaOliablb lUlCH 1J lUlVe UOllll'aliy lOI' iny ue: rttui tntts iui'j:ieu. Audreni is J 31, lies. .v ott.NU nv tiiiiiifiinid panor j.n, vuli uoaiii, tor two; won i b oi. n .uit. jiii!.iii, name Si. l''lKti.l'-CJAas room ami board In Biilciiy luivrtiu laimiy; wuiKins uioinnce; Main pi ire and location; bouiUiriH and looming liuiiutB l'Uaae oo lul untu'. uiurcha 1' ii.', Hue. ft uruAaitril Ituou.a. i'.OCIj louiiit, i f..u..anit'. i-02 t-'ougia ui.ivjin, xo.1111 muni in pnvaio lan.Uj, iiufcC lo 1.1U1.IH.OU koncis, leuaonaoio. . ooii iiaiit-y uo& iu,! iuu.ciivu louui ior Huniiemva. OL j 7a . loin PI. uuumhw wii. j.j, viiy cull v tjuitmt. riiuna xii.tivj llJ.,....ULi 11U..L iUUlll, W.O iO A1 nam car. l.-l N. Hint Ave. lwy u,uiuican nuim, ii n t r ai nam. uvdut.iuLu auj iiuiiiu iuoill, V'lvat f:imiiy; iii i-h. zvui. fiioiic .v tfumr uju. .NiVt' lattot; voui.il loom, au.iauie 101 ttu ai'tiWcLiu ; oliickiy luoai'ii. i. aiK.n tiiBiancc. It7 oouiu Itdb Ava- 1). iw. . M(ll Ot. k. t U I..CC4 lul lliM.ivu, wuini rooms, modem. Loua- 'uH. 1 I.OiS I IMIlol1 lul IWO lallklOtdcUi luou- .iu. lyuuiiiH o4io. ., iiUMAi in uiouou uLiU.-, piii aie luiuuy, ituvu lucucion. Harney -jj iN. liiil Si. o Our lum, ootiiiori uuiu noma tor pai liuuiar aon.ieuiun, co.i u.nl sieaiti Iical, luoiiiurf noi wutri, v.cLnic nam, wain, iciepuoue, Halt ooci 4Ultl llOakOlCU. iml lull. '1'llwliu f ttttSinnhu roo, ii in pin ,ue iuou.n iioiua. iu iit.itaien; c.omo in. naiiivy lo-u. Juiu oouuiii, loom auu uoaiu ior two. t uruiakcu lluuav UetiluK Hooiiia, Till Munuoi and itov. aru, zi & Howard, t lUlu -llu. IIKi,. uy.i., -J to IJ. i'VVU wr tiuev luceiy luriuaiiaa oouav Kct?jvl,a rcuillf, il-U pWl' IllOiilll, aAll il ellpol't. b'on reliable party only, with no ehll CJicii; uin bivo um: ot iiui'i'iuui uotuiiia 4ii ivttuin ior liovti am o liouu n Ki'ouuuii lor wniici , luu. oiucKa lroiu u' i.nc Nviiie a im, i.eo. NICELY rUiiNIoUr-K UOOMli for gen licmcn. 1 1 1 1, Cii.aiii.iM iij is. l.i tn M. i.uo Iioiei, butt,.. uVuiLu, iuua ijoug. bu . liODuii. uu.M, ikii ana isuuga; uii cooi uuujiu .wen,!,; apeciui wtci, rule. cjkceii. in. nivaiS, ooj is. .,111,. bo, OJlluila. iioi.uia lauiai, eiei,aui -. jui4 nowaiil. 1 ,u.e., looina Juc ami iak ol, in. littn. . . AL.H.C.N t , niomi u.euiu 1000. a, , . u..k. wviv. v.a.ct, iiiej'.uoi iriuus :csu.,ole; uotn piioiie.4. ilii Oouiwa. i .vl'Oitl tiiu Ai'tut, Special w ki lata. .illlQU. U.Ce ropllla. 1 LIO. K to depo.. lAlio UUIL. Iilce lkulli. liulCmt bl. '. I AI aO k. 11O 1 Uii lloouia .too 10 l.ao. ( lirilci' lintel Council lull. Is. uoouia if0uvii uuiu u, tl w ivr W(.e4t 11OTLL i"Lo.UAU. W. i'oi. 11111 A..j LAi'il'Ul, AVK. Jest open tor buslines. ,,en, inodein, slv.um ticaieu roouiii. eur la lea by uay ..iiu weea li.oliu Houglus l.x. .1 yl' 1 uic-u la ituu 1'lula. 'fllKl'.l-; uhu Blx-room flats. Martii b.ot a, ivj.il and W coaler. '.-.00111 l.al 0.1 buerinaii Ave. Woo. k?ui. 1'T VL-KOt il lluis, Kki ietTy irioeieiTu VtiiiA.n: oiaiunce. ycbaier imI. r.JS 1). SiTII AVK. New, modern. I'TiK u dainty deaden usu Ualxeil a Ice cieuin. li Mis. uan Uedua, 111 iaufora CliL'ie, wi.l come to The Heo otlice wiinin Hnte iVys we will givo her un order ior u 'liiurt brick of this fine ice cream. ctif Miai9tieU iiuuiiia, It 'fit roi.ma. lM'a S. !0th Ht. i'i hsii um. 4 rooiiiH. ilouaea uuil loltuuea. WALLPArEiiimlns ptr n- , , . ""ing. glaiuig, pictuie iiamlng. Moneon, Ma 1 ark Ave. 11. 690. tor Kent brick House Four bed rooms. Lath and toilst on ic.o.iu: 11001; lu..) .auiuy loom dining loom, buttery-kitchen, refrigerator aponi I. ail snd ea1IL11le on fli.i floor: fall cement basement; fuiiiaca heat; every. Hi. ii;,' firbt clus-s and siiici,y modern j.oi attd ut l ill Ueoigla AvD. fcee lbs owner at liWi clocigia Ave., or I'lionu ilainey lV.y 1 loom nouae. 4-4. s-ioou. liouaa, Jlanaeoni para district. All inodein. Phone Harney 155. fue-.ooin cultag:. modern but beat. Bjm. fine ina.i. Harney 3ii44. 'OD 0-rooin eottai.'e. fine rep'i. II. ii44 1 1 il'SKiloLiy OOollS "pjTk. forT wardeil; c..ep fralijiit rules; inoviii; nnd Hormg. Kxpieasniii's licllvery Co. Tel Louii. XH. City office I'l ; . 17ih b... Bee I'lOk,'. litnne. Ir.a. H iiewaltBr..ndils Th. B.ii. - in. Van i feltorage Co.. pa. ki7 moves" I l J1CS I'OUaullolU KO..L. Klirpionf blor- Ua:. MM S. Ibth Lranch, am jj. t;m t vi. ' HB. A-U.-A. OH i:UKI) KoK l.l'.NT Iluniri a nil I li-Ha. COTTAl'l! -Klvi. I nnm lalh ui:t f,,M CI" N. nt fi !t Hninrv , t .t,.ti, co,ninl',y Hall, 4oJ llan.Kr. L. ;ai. rmnlrin. t.o.u,!. OMAHA KXi-'. li)., iiKivitit; vans mm stoiage. Trunks. bat;aaa I'. 9.U.4. li ITlli. i'KH HKM-! looma, wlnclly niudvi n hnimt; bot :it r btai. ciose l. 4iBt and Lrnt(- Ave ; tl... L)..uflii4 SW. li I hit .Mi i.N i n- v , . , i .vc, r.. C-reonis. rinp location, ail inourin pxcpl furnace; tioiixe in wood lonttitiun and . barisnln; rrduced In order lo rent for enmiiir winti-r. "J!L?" xvit,sov, 4iv, n,.e. ii. r.iid. 21 OI 'KILN 1 1 0 L - ,s li Ti too A 1 t-C LO ii K In, KariM.ni or Harney cars, haw furnace, rent now tor only j-'i'.io. iul. l'ojij. lioUst'S!""'' -,iUl 01 Lie en '-ivtth rui; 1ii,a i .nuuui n ,.i:ti luotnt. 1 conns, two ualn .uuiiiv uiu.iuik 4. Iiei.'l3rimi.i, iii ana rarnaui. eL anu tevcn-iooin inuueui i.ai, hoi water neat, tor . km. MgiiHiti il'jo. Hit Alup.u ol. o-riioni mocei ii except furnace, .j. iUI., 4o K.miae. L. .-. A. litti. l-rixjiiu, s. iiun. j rooms 34iu N. 2Hri. llli fr'ar. Ave., modern, ju. lei. Ii'to. lt;7. t-ltciOAi collude. liuHieni exceiii neat, nooq locution; a moiiiii. Vvelier ioiv. 'J lltlr.l'd 1.1. .t UM c-ii.il t tit....... ..-I.. ..tn cotlatiu. inodein except boat, iiw b. Ittlll. 1'. I1..A. lUiiALt, ot u iiioiiin and uatn, In ti.ie uiuei; i.oiL. esKion ueccmoer i. Inuitc on rennHe8, 2uU iSttutn Jt.i n street. ! urt iic. i cioa in, new i-iooni brtca lloufe. eimieiy inouein and liii. ciaaa, tocuicd on fa. nam cur l,n at i.il boulu i inn til. 1 nolle lioumImh 4K1V. FolT K KN 7. PU.tiO !10 Dewey .it., i.ne 4-room flat. inoaei n. $15.0) -( Harney St.. nice 8-room brick, leiiace, nioueril. U. V. MiULIiS & CO.. 81" City Nat I Hun u.og. Tel. Dou'. 49. KuouSev eu-room an inouein remaence, near 4id and Cuiiioiina. 1'lioue llaiucy 1 r"Ii;H MONTH COi l Alili. Seven rooma, near ear line,; gouu loca tion; modern except beat; good condition, tint reduced lor immediate rental. T Ida .s a Knap. ietltr can up. Water lent pu.ni. MA UAtii At WILSON. 40 i.ee. U. -lie N. Mitri, i) rooms, U.5o. 1'tnii ooatje, 0 room, ti.uo. tul Loaxt, j room and ba-semcnt, $15.00. Will i tm. to coloica people. A. K TTJIvKV 4c SON, Tel. JLong.21M. 444- isoilrd ot liadp Hldg. -1-7 IXiLubAB. S looniM, modern excel" heat; .fJ p.r moritn. lei. Doug. to:d. ilaoue.ri.iN ta-iouni noLoa, a,n capnoi" Ave. Harney 14o4. liiUlii loouia, atnotiy modern, iJ.'S Poppleton. .). fliono UoukIus 2KA). lol r.tttK ;ivenua, acv oil-room liouae. fnone iia.ney btilo. 70S N0KTI1 30TH STREET Strictly modern S-rootn house, fine con dition, waiKimr UiKtance, cioho 10 car, cnuicii and acnool. Cbeap rent tlio win ter to good tenant. R.tL Landeryou 44i 1'ouru oi i.uut .j.v.. 1'none imiikiu -lo.. All mooein. k-iouiii nouae, a, :nn ot. beat menace, Jiiihu. i ei. w euwter li!'.'' AiOUryit.v, D-rouin nouse, iitio tapitoi Ave.; Huriiey llol. t'OH KKINT H-rooin monern houne. iug Capitol Ave., jUunuee; barn, rohbesaiun iNovetnber Id, W. L. SELBY. rhone Doug. I51U. 1U03 Farnam St. lsiil 2S. 34th, 6 room and "TiVth, lea b. 3otn, 5 rooms and bath, Jl. Imil Miami, H iooiuh, ail mud. .u. 5ui and oo fl. aih Ave. i heae are D-room attaclied houaes. All modem. i.U. A. K I'LKtiK At dUA, Tel. Doug. 21W1. 444-a H'd oi Hade Lldg. MUL'tHN Mix-room house, iii'i Capitui Ave. Harney 1404. 1T"!4 an excellent thow at tno American theater. It Chaa. Levinaon, ISA, N. 4tn St., will come to Tne bee oftice wltnln three caya wo will give mm an order for a pHlr of tickets. a two una outer. OKKICK to rent, mulilyan. 5U s. U16. bliu lu suiiiai auiia ui k i-ouu.a ia City aiionai iana uiu, cull ij. ilia, limclv. biOKK k.i0!.u to ljucom school llvu S. Hi 11. lioiikjias 2-W4. itaaiua iiliv., lom jl fails a m &itf. W. hvn.NAAi SAiiin e cJ., J.iiu eariiuiii m. ijU'rii-ti and reeep'tion. 404 lieu Bldg. olu b. in 111 el., seconu iioor, owj acjuaia feet oilice fcpacu; alcuni ncai; p.:' inoiito. CJARV1N UKOi?., 3U Omaiia NaiT i.uiik Bldg. Halts. WASHINGTON HA LL Lodges, dances, ballkluela. C. C. Soienseu. U. .Jjj. A-il.1.6. UHiaiKII FOlt MALE a uiultaik-, NEW Uustav Bt'-ckley library table and electric lamp, cueap. Call Ou.ig.aa )'jlt. l,oW vvILl, buy tlio lurnuuic oi mou ei 11 nj-rooiii liouse and an esiuollsned purior millinery bueiui; up-10-uuie alocii; flnu tratiai house lun-ol rounitiia, income ol rooms win puy expenses, oil b. 4tli ht. VIOLIN' repairing; ail work pcompny done una guaranteed. .)i IIM m. PIANO ai.giitly used, at a baigaliL Soheisirom 1'iaiiu Mig. Co. 13iii una rur 11. un bts. '1 peirll. I LIGHT TOUCH MoNALCU VISIBLE ior rent. 11-iu; aio.nahCII TVft s.HIlCit CO., ill H. luiu. r 1,011a U. iJU. T I1IJ IlUi'Al. is king ol iypewiiieiai,! bAlllll 1'llliMlK.KS moueia No, 1 vvli. 4, 111 cxceiieiik conunioo, reineil three moniliH tor ... SAilltl 1-rtLaUK.K TYi'EWrtlTKIl CO., Hull and ioi.gla. "irTL-vvt-. Aeoiii LT.ik link oi all maked 01 typewriters, lactory rebuilt. 1'llcea iiglu. it V. l.i pay you lo sue us beloie buj lni. 1 VI t.v HI li.lt INSPECTION & SL'P 1'LY CO., lyri KaHNAAI til'. Ur..N 1 an Oliver typewriter troin the Ouver Typewriter Co., Douius allaeellai ruu., Kindling. 4 load. H. firnss, w. FOK carom 6ALt New and aecond-liaud and pocket b.iuard tuulcs an 1 bowling ulles and accessories, bar Hx turea Ok nil kinds; eaay payments. The Hrunswlck-Balke-Collantlci Co. 4I7-4)V Soutn Pull St. WX-HlOT bookkeeper's desk, oak f n Ifch, for sale at fin. Apply (Jeoree W. Wright, lee Publishing Co. fN.ill SA LK Two ech.ijirsiiTp in the Omaha Commercial college, and one In Boyies college. Business office, Omaha Bee Foil SALK list pair Ita lia! da., 11 s liiTT ler Skates, firat-clsss comilti.n, cheap If taken soon. Address A. J. dchuitz, Wotinsocket. S. I. A SNAP Kxlra laiije, new. lull niuumad grey wolf rug. Mark Woodward, Miller, bo. I'ak. Ml'lll' I.M UOlll 1.'.' '1 lltll-HIOlt T.I..I.I 1,. board, hai rack book cac, tables, pic luies, ..c. lsj.'. N. l'lh. KVKllY person knowe w no O. J. O'Brien la because be hai made Oiuaoa famous with his. candy. If Morris Levin son. 1M1 N. 2id St , will come lo The Bee office within three daw w wi.l give bun u i-cent box of O'Brien's caiiriy fire. PKKSOXAL, DR. MAXW KLL Cl KKri PILKri. 4"ii dm. Nat. Bk. Bids;. PAY WHI N fri'.KD. -1-DAV BLOOD IIKMKDY. Gia.ilsn PnainiuiA, I!ih and Dodge. K A K8TON" TON.SKTH.S wTe I is h" "in. ive innit and iiiassiiKe; madjala of Dr. Kell. btrg Inst.. Stockholm. Sweden; day phone D 71M; nigni. J). SKil. 4' J oiu. Nat. Bank Bldg. PIIUSOXAL , Miishi-p, H:ttHnli..o i old ) "ten 1I.I Mm. I'l.-r miinitut Itiic '. s!.iniu)o. h 1 mi i fvfti ii 4 mid ;4.l 1'nrtiani. H iw, A-UH ! l NO WoNiKN comliiK to I'miihn n" ! stranitera ate imileii to iclt t ie .:n.! omen a tlirl-toi'i its---i Union n.al.l.nK ai Sfvrtiti fiitii ami Mi. .M.tivs Vvr.l ! where tlie will be l:n'ttr.l lo khIIhIi j bcaHltnK i'lace or t.herwii n?i.ril j U.ok for our trnveirrg aid in the L'nit n i Imatlon. ' lllN'L'UO l AULK I .- w.'l iniao. o.aef. i mien It n ?". HKI.I, I'HV'I I'H I . V. L. itiil ana lei u.t ah i..iiut n .'c..i'i ! I macliim I ml. A-l u. liia:aa iCii, I M.HK.ISKA I'VOl.K CO. I.'illl and Harnev MA I i Trtatnienl. Mr. iYOOiULj!,,; ,1 I,, n. :H iioor. t-1. et?. rni. 6 MAebAtiK wed. mi mft emt li' , neiln.itj bftler tor rlieuniai.em. Ladie. (1, gentie. men, ll.&. Apt. i. Im'J l'ainani. I. oS4. 'llllv bALi AllOA .vi. Ail aont.ia cat olf caillnng. In laci, iiiiyiliina ou do not need. We collect, repair ami i-eii, ul 131 N. llth St., lor coxt of collection, lo th-.' worthy por. Call pliune louii,ii4 and waaoiin wltl eall AbKLKIHI hair tood growa lull. Mine. Kiayir, Metieatti M. ti l.'tth Ac Karnam. M X( I Lath, nail xiow uu inai.c Vl10iOVI Lj iieinnieiit. Mine. Allen Chicago, K H. Lth m. ii floor. O. .wi l.'l. iimae, Women u.ce.ib.'K. 4t I'ttng. llik. Si I A M l'( )( ) l'!"l "leete. ex- 1.1'IA C.Oi.l'oi.L 1. 1 liundi eaalng I ai loi a Ht tiaa oj.enea new ;uj Neville, ti. il'aj alra. ciiue., fweu.au tiiaeai;f, bailie, ruUiulor una Yibiaiur tieaimeiii. in Luitbany, rrlut ;-, letn anil 1'ieicu. O. 44 " 11 AZKL-lTTaT' iTlK CON KS Boat remedy tor itciiing, bicudlnx or protrud ing pileu. UM poal paid, oampte Hue. Klierman A Aid onncli I'rug Co., Oinana. IjIOI., ,.u nor. U-.CML iiabios lioardeil Cail W eo. iwJ!v. OOOl llOAIc MAltih..-. 10 caie lor. Wensier ii.v lNl'ivoKivt caia. amaii cni.ureii. w. i,4.u. WOt'LU like 10 tune chtv ot ehi.d J or 6 yeuin ot age lor uiu wiuie; w id Oojid Slid cure lor it tor per iiionlti; beat of leieuncea 11 N. ilMli St. MISS LAAU Aiumcuiing ana vitnaiuiy niuaaago tieatmciila. :.uoiu 1, accond Iioor. nj.") Iionite St.' JiLcu.l.MlAL 1 rtbA 1 All'...' 1. Sotiutinng new, rollevcA tliu nerves, muaclea ui.d xiuiiiiiaiea Uiu clrcu.uiiu Itt.R'i ut once. II. C. KOMINGEH, loiiKlan iJ.14. IJ..1 Mtiitn 1'iHi Street. Vv A.N 1 fc.li 1 oung or luiddle-agd latl.v, unencumltei ed, mm Housekeeper anil cj.i, panioii lor acini-invalid laay ,11 lumliy of io. Wnte, andieaa.ng n .lb, I ice. t'OH a dainty uaaheil use uuixell a Ice criiviu. 11 Aim. 1'. OibNon, litn.-.on, iNeb., will come tu The Leu ottice wiinin three das wh will hivo lior an order lor lor u uuurt brick ot this fino Ice cienin. I'OL'M'KV AM) PKT STOCK " KOL1 fiiaily cureti by Uoo -.tuna a Koun Cure, uoo box. If sour dealer can not aupniy you, write iim nircct, aenuing 1 t.talei a name lion tvillil', to. 29i4 N. llith St., Omaha. Web.sler fciC7. IUCAli KSTATK Alt III All Ol'' Tlli-t;. CUARANTKH AtfdTHACT CO.. room , hatterNan Hlk. Aoairacis. M. 1. biennau. rirandela in U tll.HIK!)' IM llh,UVIiO., Klectrle. gas fixture. Omaha Silver Co. loeai Cement ccono Co..., 11111 anu Cuming Ailier. nniy. Co., 1001 g, painis, litis INicn. b ucna. nun m ui.iiu. pa. king uecoi kiag. WAMUU IO UUV. LIST your city property for cala with Vogei. 40:1 Karbarii Lldft. ' CITY I'MOPKHTV KUlt SAI.K. A Genuine Snap Here is on b-rourn, atrictly i.iodern houre. about 5 years old, located at Dull Miami ft. Lot 50x128 foet. There ure five large rooms on the flrBt floor mid three on the second. Full basement, cemented. Good furnace. We have Just received a letter from the owner Instructing us to telegraph him tho best bid we get on the house. wo down, balanco same ai rent. A. P. Tukey & Soh, 414-415 lio-iru ok .uue llidg. Phone 1 ou4ms I'ldl. Ll LAI piuiiiovr . i.w, a iwwm, 11 any thing Happen p.ov.. utiu., ij.a. twod 1 lut.ikiii.a 'i. I' 1 itc bALW uy owner, inooein 6-r,im house, wliii r.e.v not water beating plant; goou Cistern, bii.i. gnu ciuca.cn iwi.se, cemeiiL waiks, paved a.reei; lull lot; one bioeli to Mieei our anu in lun-class tieigliboihood Priced lor quick aula m iil,.tHi.i.o. Can une good span on muu-a or noises If priced rint. icrms, one-half. ITiunu dm.ng tho uay, Dougius wju; ui nigbi Harney 1041, ttua bouin iJd avenue, 1 rooms and sleeping porch; new, oak finish first Loor; bircn, second fiooi ; hoi water ucui, iui lilxUi. iTice UWi. A. J. McShaiie, 219 First National Hank iiuildilig. Te!o phoiie Otiugta-t 1j75. llOt Jackson, steam heated, modern rooms. Boulevard Lots We offer for faie lour lot.-, tronilng on the boiilevaiil, between Kim and oak Sta., just ruur uiochs soutn 01 Jianscom Park. Prices; f.M.0 to f."C".. 'Icilus; Ji cash and fa per month; interest ut ' per cent. Letter look lino this at once, a.-, lols In CrelKliton s l'list addition, direct I v norili I of our lots, are selling ai fl.-'W lo fl iVjo. The Byron Reed Co. Until 'Phones. j;i2 s. Kth. 1XJN "V 15 rT A " J KS TEU-1" When you can own h nli-e, comfortable, modern cottiiKe for only I1 cash and 20 per month, Including Interei-t. one block troni the car, near 21st und Vlnlou PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Lgl Lki. A-l IhH. Walking Distance Near Union Station 1 1. mai, well-bd'lt, 0-room house, newly papered and puluteu; 011 jmied Klreei; hum sewer, water und aa; loceiy located one mock from car, nea' llui and Koreas Ms., a lew hcnuitd iiullui.1 um Handle Hi, 3 uiai, buiance like rci.l. SCOTT A HILL, Doug. 0S15 luu, A.-iiuj. jicCiigue Bldg. buu iii AAU i'7ArTrcoJ, i LOl 4 4X1(14, 111 ikuuuuif Piiie; jjooa living looms witti uan: ovti' entire Uurd utory; bouse htiTctiy uioui'ih inclumng tilo bath' room; toilet In baneinbi; hardwood finien, good barn or garago, with drlvtwu.v; evirytliliig In flrsi-class rondiilon; (uant at preaent anil is wi ll wortli I $7,.r)UO.i;0, but you tan buy thig iiron- rty right anil trade in a smaller inoprrty. K. P. HOSTWH'K, 12 2 3 'ity Nutlonal Hank llld. Ml'HT HAVi: MiiSMY Therefoie will a ' rif ! e new all modern home, at 2'UI S' "'h St.. just H. V. of Hanseom l ink It bus 1 fin larire llvlna rooms oak fiilsh. deeoraied wails; full n meiitttl cellar; three coats of lead and oil on ou'slde: la rye lot; faced sneer. Price '"it for this w.-.-k to $J.tir0. $'2Vj taaii v ill do. .1. W. It ASP CO.. Biandeia Bldg. II ritopi.it i t nu i.t: WHY PAY RENT Win n You Can liuv ;i ,.v. Well I'.uilt. Uooin Modern Cottiigo. Like the I'ielure Below. ly ( )iy l':i ins; $275 Cash-$27.50 a month, including int. A . w M.'t::.:rV': 'i:;':::- .-r.-.r.:;:--.. -r 2 ' ajjSiStw'Ti-"-- - 1 .1.:. .;..'..''',.. . w - n Tiv. well I. i ll l.i:-.i'f,:,.r.' I xiitcl lit r::. Mnplo Kt. bull' '1"'1 ea of " '1 1 1 1 St. wlili li alreel lum rtteiiMv I ecu lined Willi aiplmll. only one block from new,' mi In ol Iti.iUlliik nt ;;ii!, mid Sli'ple SI , half block In at reel ;ir and atort-M, In a locality wTicie nearly nil t ew homes have reeeritly been built. limine, bus entry hull, pitil ii, nlnliig room, kiltiien ami two bedrnoms, ni"l hiith on Ihe firat floor, nil well n 1 1 uhki'.I . hIso hm alulr to -attic; cemented cell.ir; gas 11ml electric llnht; lurmice can le put In if vi'iue.l ai a aniall extra expense. The house la nl.'ely dot (iriiloi. tliroiiKhoiit ami is well-built. hv continue miylng rent w hen you can just as well live 111 h home of v-mr ow n II' on have '-'" 5 In pay down- House Is readv to move Into ut once. Will be pleased lo show you through the house nny time you will cull us up by phone or call 11I the. ITUe HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1(')14 Harnev Street. Poppleton Park WEST FAHNAM DISTWICT We bale aeicial lots In the vicinity of 4!u and 1'avoiipoiT which uie the best lots on the market. at the price. All Im provements mad" and piild for. Con venient to car and school. Within two blncUii of Hie most v.ilunblo building lots In town. IYIcch only t.'.'t to t'O per f.int. L' you rtcslro to luilhl u house at i noe wo can luiil.e ou terms on the lot. Tch' pliono for a pUit of "Knob II11I." A. P. Tukey & Son, Hi-aZ Hoard .f TrHlo HldK. West Leavenworih Five new dwellings, locnieo .01 Ine west side of Sttli St., between Ainrcy and Muson, one biocK 1 1 ..in c.ir. paietl sued; encn one u nilo lul its own; funsiicd 111 oak; beam ctiiniK In tlinuiK room; ex cellent urrMtigeiiiciit ; foundations of Colorado red Miielslolie; best furnaces; lust-class plunibiiig: kus and electric liglit; mod"i'u n every dotuil. Prices 1 1 o 1 ti l.s.l',.,1 to ?r,,iKj. 'leluis in suit pur fhuit i'. Bemis-Carlberg Co. n.-ij riianoa.s 1 i.e- .dg. 1NVKSTM K.4T OPPOL i lj.MT V. lb LOOMS, ALL iloUKKN, We bavu a twu-upai inmui house, con tabling 1.4 rooms, two buiA' rooms, seven lied looms, wiiu pui.. 11. u.nins 100111 and kiiuhen in tuuii apanniunt, Willi new piumoiug anu gout, ntamig p.ant. Tins p.opeii) is too lurge ior personal Owner anu 11 is a apieiiuiu propoa.uo.l tor some one who win uy 11 una uiviaa 1,' lino .'our ihretf. loom upai tineiits. owing lu tho at 1 a.iaeiueiii ol uiu uousu tins wors can be i.oiiu at u Very amait oi peliau und when ceinp.eleu tlio apart luems win relit ior -a eacii. ins uuytr can uve 111 one apai nueiii, luiu 111 isai Uiu lest anu luu&w a goou iuviiiiaiii uui 01 your home. The buuuuig 11 well built and In good couuiliuii, oiny ili.iieeu nuuuies rius 10 ll.a ueiuer 111 me c.ly , one uioca liuiu tge liougu ckievl Cut line ami 111 gouu ii uenca Ulbkliul. lill aUJIBHH 1b IN. iUill Si. It Is Just 1.01 in ol Ou.v oil the Flor ence Bkvu. A goou six or aeveii-room inouei 11 uuase Win be lakeu III excuangs ui L'lu ligut pi ice. '1 Ins piopoaik.wii is corluii.iy k.oriu looking ai. ' Noivrllb uc jiAillTN. 400 Bee diu. wn...i. 4.11. A. 427d. FOB BALK Two-story frame building, 40x24, live mollis uu aacond Iioor; 101 lit x4o; east ironi; goon wen uutl burn; migiu I cuusuit'i' tiuuo ior umu.iki 1 ctiueuue. iu uiefS vail box M.i 1 uu 1, Neb. Foil SALK or i.oiil -.Jiio inouein house, 21 t and u ontuhrf. btiuiu l.i.M. i-iuoui, uu bis., bouvii iuuce $;,5oo; ki:nts $0-8.0.) Bjlck stole building on 2llh St., pel ina nenl tenant; fh.i'to cush, huiunce ii per cent; good 10 per cent net investment. mUCK FLATS tI3.00O-P.ciit $1,410, four muniments hot water heat, wi il indited, half block of Fariium St.; always rented. Clover .Realty Syndicate New Home Cut Price Vest Farnam District ll.'i North .'list Street we have iim k-rnoin, all tnorlern, brand new ottered for sale lu the West Kar- At best home nam rlisirict tor Hie money. It Is xsxJ'i Het. full two storv itiul etllo, wnli Milendld Insemciit and good i.ihiiii psul, porcelain laundry tubs and iae.r druiii. Ir.nhle and outside ollui wnv. on the Hist floor there Is a lame living room llxls feet, also reecpilon hall, beautiful dinliiu with pHiiiiei walls ami plate rail, beamed ceilings throiigioui. iteautitul onk tlulvh and flouts. Lare liitcheii and thoroughly cpilpped piintiy, with huge rear enti.v and liui k porch, tin closets ami cupboards uutl every pos sible convenience f ir the wife, on the n'coiitl i:oor there ure tour russ. i .trti ti.'ilroo'n!. iicii one nuvin windows on two illes, alsj a goo, closet in com hcriMioin ainl in lolrliiioii a hesutifid a. . , i .i Ml. el il I ikr tit. It'll tttvl? Ic. mi the east Fide of the bouse. Lvtrv room In the house has beautiful waxed, oak Poors. 'I lie bedrooms ere finished in while enamel, sluined blich doois. All of he rooms aie dece rated with line paper, I'm besl of pliiinhin; and lighting fixiur.-s throUKhout. KroutiiiK on the heautllul gtoumls of II W. Intel. Alfev In tne rear and nice room for a garage. There is IK itllll.M lliekin;' 111 this boils.'. Il It, cheap ul t'i.Osi. but II tin ho I . n ifj h I now fttr I". 7e". Has iit-Vfr been oi-eupled uuil Is absolutely complete lu ei.ty sense of Ihe wttid. In ore: of the verv b sl res I'l tire dlk trh ts In the t Ity. 11 r rsh r. -iiulied, balance to B ill iurclu:.e.r. Seu this today. Norris k Martin ll 0 He. Huihlina'. um; n.pr i-on I 'IHK 4'.'7n. M At'Ki'S. l'j liineh noitli of I'T'.renre, Wi.l soil lays well, u ucui in Miiall fruit ut u low price. 21 niTt s, west of Florence; 11, is make a fii.e future home, cuite will u t il mpi'oi ed .MCAGl'i: 1NVKPT.MKNT COMPANV, l'.'". I lodge St. f-LK Mirs Lung lu Ihe Deserter" ai the Aniivan II. cater. If Mrs. Anna K l.'iwit.an. H''-4 N. 1Mb St , will come to ! T he la e otliio wllhln tluee ciavs we will I iiive ht-r en order for a pair . f seats. i'ne ley tj e.iun in biaiti' its Is the Judli lous anl IKiMUcIit u.io of newspaper edvci liblng ;i:i. r.sr i v.. I'llOI'llHTI MM i n i r. 'MX 7' ir; '-'. ;::'. ..I . ;irys,l ;v.tLt .1.2. ST. .laft.. : ! , UKAIi KSTATK j I-' It si H,CH l" ,',Ul I IIIIMllu, C'uloraklo. l'lU'lT lam) biirgaliM. Intel niountnin Land Co , Hi: Farnam. Phone D. '.UJo. A SNAP. I LeiliKiulalimeiit, ipiiii ier section, kooil I lmpi ovemeiita, Ce.neiu block house. I Wen, 'I it nk, nlabie, ail fenced, 16 iicies bikike, MUc Iratk ana eloek yaida 011 place, train slops oil nan. nils will make a (nun-site In near Inline; II miles from county rial; flue, smooth hind und good rich aoii, musi sell this month, pi It Gillilund and s ooilslds, Wll- liud. Col. lirttrKlii, CHEAT SOUTil 0E0KC1A Ti a versed by lh ATLANTIC. H I It M I N U II A M ft ATLANTIC It A I I , It O A D ' mill ui.Hptabie 10 tlia widest 1 u rise of crops. All the money crops of the booth ntif ully pioriiiie.1. For literature ueat um w.lh this coining country, lis soil, oil mat. 1 hurcli ml school advantages, , 1 1.0 V. II. LKAllY, I KPT. K. Cenciiil Passenger Ageni, ATLANTA. HA. Iowa. TIIF. easiest way to find a buyer for your farm Is to Insert a small want ad lu I lie Lies Moines Cnpltal. Lurgeat cir culation In the siaie of l.iwu. lo.oo.i daily. '1 lie Cuplin! Is read uy and believed In by the Hlurapatters o. lowu. tvhu simply re fuse 10 permit any other paper In their homes, llutv. 1 cent a word a day; fl.U per line per month; count six uidinnrv words 10 the line. Addreua,' Lea Moines l apllal, Dea Mmnes. In. l.uiilalaiia. Genesee Farm Homes Ready to Move On Wo own 2.i,0oi acres of Bond land nenr main line 01 Illinois Cent. Ity. in order to Induce del eiopment of this land we arc building complete farms of any s.ce. We elect bouses, burns, fences, sink wells and prepare place ready 10 move into. Land sells for f2.1 nn acre. Improve ments at rust. Tirniu, out -sixth cash, Luiiaticc 6 yearn at li per cent. W rue for booklet, UENriSfcK LUMBER CO. Genesee, Omnliii olllre, 424 IOu.Hiana. lira inline. N viiruaka. IIOM K8TEA D Tnu iciei f ir J.73; oboul tO miles uui, rich latin land, noi luua. i as an old cuiry r. nv cancelled, Woiiu K.vw. J. A. Tracy. Kimball. Neb. Freo list of Improved llow aid, Greeley, Valley, bherii.au and Cuali.r oouliiy laims, for ptopi ot iniiilaU mans waul ing bullies on eaay l.iu.a. v.. Uluuiay, Wo.LUk.ii. Neu t I Full o.n'. olio neciloii of slit riuan couniy land, near Goruon, Neb; well nu piowU, leve'i-ioom liouae, iuige bai II und giunuiy buudiii.'js, I wo weiia, w.nd nuns ami lunks; leil.etl unU irosa-ftuiueu, two bundled acres unuvr cuill valion, n. iK i.uy nieuuokV und plenty ui pualuie. por leriiiS, wine uwiicia, Iteikmau li.ua., ilox si, ioroon, iNeb. NorlU Carolina. FA KM for prollt In eastern North CdioiiiM, Hie liuiion's Gulden Spot, Leads other localities lor veKctuoiea, nulls und riapie lurmiiig on sinuii cauui. Homi" recalls ituu liiMsiors wilie I'uioimu j i ui'ikini; 1 icveiupmelii Co., (2 So. lllili;., W iimliiKtoii, N. C. holilli lliikolu, A I''KV snu.'s in Bnne couniy, Soutli Dakotu, lauos, will puy lanroua fa.e t ljucis i.et saliaiieu. J. .1. Biraiisgy, 1 unkvai.U, kS. li. UKAL KSTATi: I.OAXH W A N I LiJ-Cny W. Furii. uu hiiiuli ai.u warrant. 1 ,i Kaonim Si. ii.ii. iiil I'.uiti.ij aim ....n.i.-ku laiiius. II Ikl.bl .. Uivil. I.SiAll. CO.. ,t p. . . .. to ...uiu Nul l Hank Kiupilll.'. i.y i... I I il .1 l u. II1AI ea.l O flti.tAtu III..UO p.ompli. F. vv .in 1 lu-. is. n anu ruiiiuui Li. MUAi'.l lo loiili on bus. loss or lest- llcllke Inoperiita, to .VI,t0. . li. lilt i.MAS l'lisi Nul li.tiK Bitlu. A .1 l 1. - All.il iiinp my l.i lAN.- lu., th. i iNloku In- i ii u eni ! 1.1 ot II, l I !,.., it. -.i!2 Inaiioein i.L.lll. 'i'llelt ti A..i.U..K'i CO , Hltls-. I mtuia , I h- '' n In. 2 , i'l Nf t:k ii'Utf. M 1ST Tli CST CO. tilWfl 1A1I11K Loans, i:i.inKi.ui o.ui.ia. moil fa'.b. ik-Lito,i ami AoiU. rulJi.L BltOS. 1 OH k.vi.i: OU i:X('IIA.K W L CXt l.anj V elan. M2-1 t pi oprrtics N l.k it: Il lllelil. C. W. ig Hong Ih'i i . aoe. 1 1 I -ti 1 xchiiu. es jt w. ii. i. d ..I i.i ALL you u liaucr'.' 1 liuue anytli.ng nlmn or time bellt-y. 2j.i Nevilla ink FOU h.tLl1. or ixchaniiv Ior stock u. luei ciiandie, 7o bhi. gi is. mill und lesi deiu e propirty. bolh at Ashland, Neb. N. '. hiiell. Lincoln. N'eb. Sr. t 1 It i.n oi ! Illlpr elm ut -; I lake i i'Miicnee . per It. I e. pbl .uutl in Hrowu Co.; bmu.i o w in i .IviiiK on it. W ill plop, rty lor pai t. $12. ab ..-II 41'. Bee lllilg ! Fne 2-0 enuiui.L i.iiieul. II Iui miles tu , town, Welti c.ointy. l oioiuil'i, l '. Smith, 1 'erelvu i, la. fl.isij. V.. UM. eliatik:,. l.l'IIK'lt piallo lor sale Mit hake uu'.' Iwrk N. It lb. .',-Ai'itl', suliuiban home, iiiipruiLd with 7-ioom It ' ti , ill dte locution mid inane tnlknl lo teaiiiica; lalue, fi.,tsu; easy teiin.-, or wlil exenuiii-'e I..r Omaha or roulli Om.tl.,1 li.t(.tn- property. An op p. ii i unit I ii k es; ikiate. oltIN . MKKItll.L CO., Booms l-lo L'll I'Hy NaUouul Luul; Bldg Kill sai.k on i: li i mi i i t am .'.'.I M wllliln II tl.t :lil lit tel t on,. If Mm. Mary Cue. wlil come lo Th t Uree c I : t in u t will i 'nine I c u r mini. :ilil N. ' Her office Klve lo-r an order fi c .-am. T II tlllHtt btiek of Ilil4 line lie 1 SIKAMSIIIl'S Anelior Lino JSteanisliips I New Vork, l.cniloinlerry and l!iaow New V.ik, I'nlirnio aim Napiaa. ' Aninctle la in for ti.'kitn lutnren Nt ! oi k and nil Scotcli, Kngilap, lnn, 1 t oniiiiemrl ami Metlneri uiieun 11.11111! I hilpu lor At cull. m idhinni.t. l..ie.leni cw une, Lliicieiit cervue Appiy promptly lor I'.i i.'i . ution t.i lot al m,. hi 01 Alienor Lille or HendelHcn 1'lolliria. Vtclieiai Alt 111'. V till Hgo, III. WAN TKluT'lU :V Sd lin titl gooil. Kit jei, 111.11 Center. U-amU. WAMKl) Tu ItKXT I' .l.Ull.1 O. lottl itt'tts II.41I CHf It. U..I .ll piute, lull. I lie i.itiuov In iim. let! ittiple, liellii in liettd hiiti not. e Lain, be llllill Ctll4, nrill Weal 1.111,111,1 o.. An ,ti , a- t ' ti. tat. I tee. W t A I I'.I -- c u. lout... i 1 ...i.- lit ..1 HOtl.l i In llluins plllte, .-k. . , u 1 1 1 e- lo: t.'llllly o. three uttults and enil4 No olt.nci.on 10 out.-klns ii 1. car l iiinaiu .M I'm.,' uls.i ikiude p.. no ronstdcitd. .'.o.lrcsj N , ,'nrn Pee 1 llltkl-.., atititt-. itiitt .-j i'i.i - o. 11 witlil completely fuinlhed epu: tinent. Please tlo not 1 eiily unless nishhoi hood and a. I else nua'lfles for refined people; West I'lirnum riletiiol, Athlress C Iss. cars Itce, WAN'TKI'-A room In suite of m flees. 1 with use ilii'ss K- of stenographer and phone. Ad it 11. enre Her. WAXTKO- NUTATION'S KOIl fust Mis. Hovnlon. claan praetii'Ml H 147.-. A-'.M4, nuras, call HON III I-, wiiMntiiw vkH.iiMii i.sr. ', WASHINO stol . - ii - o . . 'i 11 ,i.v POSlT'ioN uy inlrd-yeiir blichiKf boy; will work from 12 to i.iii p. m. M 42. Bee. Wltl iL wt niiiii ot'Mies nay woik; neat and clean. Phone I' 11740. M M A I'IU." u AM KM A manaaer 01 Henri si sloij. country town. Kxperlencea 1 1-1 1,1. Her. BY hijih school giadiuitc. sieiioifi apner, elerlcKl or bookkreptnu.. unexiierlenced. L HHi Bee. AN educated woman desliea work lu Omaha or caeuirre in tusittiitlon or fiimlly Li nialst in keening and taking cure of children. Wehster 3177. SCL'Nil 1111111 wuiils position telitler, t xperiencrd S 61ft. Bee. as bar- l A ,N I Kll A with one yea 1 nl'hei ; kslal y 1 Hee lo.iiion i.y a )o.inu la.ly s atcpeileuce us strnog . co. tuna to uhhlty. 11 (t-l, A GOOD steady bai ber wanti Job. Address, V 4(1 Bee. good COM ITOThN I- biuy wants position ai housekeeper or uny k'nd of position. Adtlress. (i 72:1. rare Bee. As coacninun li:24 Bee. by 1 citable) young muii. POSITION wanted ss telepnone' i'ier a lor. Cull Douulas 172b. WANTKD Situation nn cook or Kenerul hoin-rwoiK by coloretl wonitin. C 7.12, Bee. WANTKI) Job as dlshwnsher"und helper In kitchen. Phono Harney haul. OltAOi A IK til'usHlsts oi'Siles position. City or country . Linguist. Usi W. Court, Bean Ice, Neh. ..1 kk.i. mil oeaiies work ny day or week. Drslro lu go liotne nights. Phone w ebster 2tti4, KVKltY pei son knows who D. J. O'P.rlen is because he has lit ado Omaha famous with hist candy. If Miss Marituret Youna. li.SU Pacific St., will come to The lieo office wllhln three days we will glva her ,111 order for a U0-cei.t box of O Brlen's cundy free. OMAHA Till-: ;itAIN MA11KKT WKKKS IlitAIN l'l., coiiali.tiioeius sollclleil. I! rain merchants, 70.1 Brandela. Nebl'HHka-lowa Grain Co, 7t't4 Brandels. l'AVLrt.1 I'.LKVA ilTli ivj.", horesate" ileslrrn In giuln, i", chop loed. 721 Mrandels Plug. BOBKKTH GHAIN Co.. gialn consign ments Mi.lclteu, grain bouglil to arrive. 72s Biandnls, 'illhl I.'PIMKK GKAIN Co., Ckinslgn cents carefully handled. Omaha, Neb. I.I VK STOCK MAHKKT OK WK8T ship your sioeli to South Omaha; save mileage and shrinkage; your consit.ii meiiis receive prompt and careful aiien tiun. LIVK STOCK COMMISSION MKU CI I A MS.. Byers tiros. A Co. tron nn 1 ropcnslblov 'vvoiili BUOS2a4-A F.x'cnunge. 21'dg.J Ureal West. Coin. Co . Omaha Ar Denver. W. K.J4MITH & I4Q Nl tist hand uTw nee p, W. FDKNN Y Ac' CO., j. "kxcIi. Ultlg. TAOtl BROS. liHtnllki ratiir boga. slieup. Cia. ikOuioao .kSI IVXCII. IliUg. Interstate 'o. I.ektar laau.is. amp lo il. IILItlkl-.-ltlCKLl CO., -to K.vcfi. Bldg. lu. Kcii.r.lllb kW k.w . .p I'.xv'il. ulna Cox i .idles mil. Co., kt.iucii oi nnsi.a s. frarmcra 1,. b. com. vu.. .xouaiis. I'epuati pioceeu l.i Nsi'l Hank. oi aii.piiieuis lu ctuca tinu i.unk at yard. WliNN iiiki.a a: ...j., i.s. lianas mug. LAV lull il u.io.i., i.w-ti r.xcu. 14iug. Aia.nn i.roa. k co., r.xcu. bik.g A. ex v. liuk'liuuuil . n.ili. i..4- a,x. UiUs. l.a.Lluii a. i ui. uve 'utii com. mar UAIIiWAY TIMi; CAUI l. Niu. Iliiiha ii'ulli u. Aiaauii I nloil Pacific Depart. San Fran. Ovcrl'd L .au.wa.n I hlnu Ac japan 1. M. a 4.i6un Allanll.. r.xicss Ores'. ut i:xiieas all Juplu Los Aureu s lain d. .. ,l.4u pm Denver Speciui a nolam Hilt nul Sisie sp o I. all :;io pni Colorado l':xpress a 2.2V pm Ort kjon-Wash, LimT'd.aL:ju pm Norili Plane lsocul a H I,, um Giund Isiuiid laical. .. a O.eu pm Stionibbuig Loial Iil-';ll pm Arrive, a i .40 pm a 6:45 I'm a tt:4!i um a a in pm a b:.m pm a 7 21 am a 12. i.'. um u 4 -bo nn a H .M pm a 4 to pm alii Jit am b LJ0 pin Omaha-St. Louis Fx. . .u t SO pin a 9. l.i am Mall und Kxpresa H 7 :t'2 am ull :l.i pin biaub'y L. tfroni C. 11)1) 6:unpm bin la am Hni'imu, It.it u Island av Pnolltc EAST. Itocky Mountln Lld.al2:2S am alO ;Ui pm ChleUHO Local Puss bill Xi um bio. I'lpm Chicago Day Kx a b:41 am a 4 :to pm CblcuKo Kxpress a 4 hi Ion a I 1 .u i lies A. nines Local P. . . a 4:2i pm ul2: 12 pm Chlcsao Neb. Lid a u.tM pm a 7. 1.' am W K.ST. Chl-Neb. I.tnd to Lin coln a K ill am a 0:,iS run Ci'l-Cal. Kxiiess ii I l.i i in a 4:i"pin Ok' A Tex. l-.xpn as. .a S:(i pin ull 4f. am Kocliy .Mountain Ltd. ,ul0:45 pm a.2.3tj Uiu tu.eugu A Nor Hi m es.erii . SOUTH BOUND. Minn. -St. Paul Kx . . . .b 7 ;0u am iMInn.-St. Paul L t d...a ti (l pm Twin City l.xpiesa a 7 4u am r'liiut City Lot ai a 3 l.i pm Mum. Ai Dakota Kx. .a 7 .Ui pn. Twin city Limited . . . a k.ii pm .Minnesota Kxpress a b oo am ulii .o pm a S .-K pm a lj am a 7:11a am ull :00 am a s 10 pm al'M'j pm a 3 :t pm a 3 ii pm a 0 4'J am i 1.2' pin al'2:.IO pm a b:l.i am KAHTBOLND. Carroll Local ai;toam i aylikht l nlcugo .... a 7:40 uui I'lurfaKo Local al2 HI pui t oloi udu-l hit uno a 10 pin I hit auo Special b:02 pm puc. i oiisi-Chicuiiu a I. 0 pm Lea Anacies Limited .a b :0 pm tivi rlunil Llmitid a 7 4 inn Carroll Lot ul a 4:20 pm 1 ait Mull a b.20 pm Cellar Hap. ds, Sioux A; Uuaiia Ceiitt m.ittl Slate Lim . 12-40 am alo ei um I a j .Jj pm a 3 :25 pm 11:1. pm all tifiain alO IS pm n 6:1.0 pm b 6: '.ii pin 6:1.0 pm a 11:00 pin b 1 .55 pm WKST BOUND. Long Pine .a s On am .a N;i4) am .a 2 IS pm . Ii :16 piu a S aw pm a i i,u pm .b 6 .20 pni Not folk-Dallas IsMlig Pine-Lincoln. . . HasiinKs-Siierlor Deadwonu-Hnl Sp'gs. t'aspei-liiitler Fi eiuuiit-Alblon Illinois Central Chicago Chit ufco Kxpress. Limited. ..a 7:i) um a .1:45 pm ,.g ti.'Xi pni a b oo am Mltannrl I'nelflr K. St. t.. Kk.... 9 2A in 7 4 um K. V. 4V St. L. l . . . . .a 11 1 '. pin ii ii l, pm t hlrnini, Ml i tin whet- A ., I'aiil Overland Limited I'erry Local I'olnrudo r.xpriaa ... tiloriiitii .pecUil . .a Vi pm Ml am 1 1 .' pm A i pm li.iVj am l-' .lij pm .a li .m am a ii.' pm a Li-' Hiti ti u:io pm I'erry lnal I u.fiiini (.rent I ITiiiao 1.1 m ltd 1 w in City Iviinltati. . I w 10 1 1 1; l.-vpr.'.-ia. . Ciiiiasd e.xpic.n I J.oilll I'aabillaio' I lltir.lllllltl,i MMIIUII- . a it H5 pin .a pin a 7:4 ant .a in um h.ti pm a i.iu pm .a ti P. pm lemu aV Alaaun. Ilurllngti'n I Deport. Lender .t California, .a 4 :iv pm i'itk,et SoiinU i-.kpie.-.s..a 4.10 pm Nt oraska polo, a a v.'tim mac., ml. u 4 10 pin LIiicoiu Alan u I .. e i..i .Noriii'Msi 1 ;xpi es. , . .h 11 iwo pm Arrive, a ll;4o (tin a 3.4 p. 11 a ti iu pni a f :4J p'u aU 1,1 pu, a 7:oj am a . w pm a b.lu pm b y.trt ahi bhcju am b .0-i am II IliOU Bill a H.4V pm all 16 pm a 1 '-' pm a 3.uo pm a b is) am tile:. to am bli):4ii am all .iKi am a 4ki ant .1U pm Ncbratlka p .. r utll J.lo am Aettia.-ka raiiihyti. Lincoln hm si Miiuyiei I'laiismouili b 3:03 pm Lincoln Lot ai 1-lailsmouin-lowa .... et il.'V ue-i'ltitlHlliolllil .a s.ls am ul2:.tii pm rhicaiio Special ;h'i am 1 1 u it specmi. . . . 1. Incuao l-.xpiess... .ali .Kt pm .a 4 -V pm c incaao last r.xpic.is a b...u pm ioa a : A'i'iii a am i icsh .i tin I Local. . . .h 3 .til pm .-t I ..Is il.pies4 11 4. .1.1 pm IV. C. w nl. Joae.ol . . . .Will 4.i p it K. C. k'v ct. Jo- ph. . . .a :I6 am ! ''. At Si. .loseph . . . .a 4 .;i pm Wrbaler ga Inn I Alh and Webster. Mlasourl Pacific Arrive. Depart. b 3 Mi pm bit :1V am Pa a I, Mlnnrnpnlls A; Auburn Local tlilpagn, si (IiiihIim I Arrive. tiepurt. Ul.-kitv f-llt 1,'v....... 1, 'J-7ln., hlv ia mi. lomalin Local c b;Zi pin bioux City Pass c V.2j pm Twin lily Pass b tl 46 am Kmrinon Local b 6 V. pin bs lOai l Ibi daily except Sunday. tc Sunday .unv in 1 dully (H'KAN HTKAMSHirS. GRAND CRUISE TO THE ORIENT By lbs aiot pslstlal rnilslaf steamer sfloat S.S."V1CT0IA 101SE" (19.500 Tons) Sailing from New York JANUARY 10, 1U Tn Mir rrnls t MAPRIItA. SPAIN, Ibe MIlUI I ICIlll 4AF.A.NJ ihe ii4ii;.-j l. Cent aa.i ml lipwsni. Tb VICTORIA 1.1TS;" la einili'ii1 with eer modern fssturr, prorlUlnn errry luaiiry and comfort wi kui( ciulae. ill cVsbir f Wul Ceufk a starlet, atroasi lk iraiis. Italy oss Jfaypl, elo. Send fur Uliutratel Booklet. L. HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE,1 ltiii W. Handolph St.. Chicago, or local agt ClOVl'.KXMKNT NOTICKH UOVKKNAiKiNT SALK INDIAN bANLi.4 Absolute Title Given Tho unallotted lands of the Choctaw anil Chickasaw Na tions ot the Ktvo Civilised Tribes In Ok lahoma, and not Including the, coal and timber iirRiegatlona, will he sold at pub lic auction to the highest bidder at th following terms, times and places at not less than the minimum price stated In the advertisement: Grady county. Chick slis, b.s tracts. Xi.isx) acres, November J, a, 4; Stephen county. Duncan, 741 tracts, 03. aid acres. November, b, 7, H; Jefferson county, Kyan, ioi tracts, 4H.4VJ acres, November , 10, 11; I-ovs county. Marietta, aal tracts, Ti.COU acres. Novem ber 13, 14. l.'i. Ill; Carter county, Ardmors, I. LA trams, yf,:4u0 acres. November 17, l, 20, 21, 22, xil; Murray couniy. sulphur, 26J tracts, .ti.OiM acres. November 24, 20; Gar vin county, Paula Valley, 2i tracts, fb.isM adres, November 27, 2. 2u; McClalti couniy, Purcell, fS5 tracts. H.fsOO aorea, December 1, 1; Potitotoo toumy, Ada. 6j0 tracts, 4.,:sX acres, December 4, u, b; Johnson county, '1 ishomlngu, M4 tracts, W,2ui acres. December V, b, ; Marshuli, county, Madlli, 2a tracts, lli.bou aorea, December 11; Bryan cuiiti'.y, Durant, 6o4 tiHcla, 2ii,lo0 acres, December 12, 12; Atoka county, A't'ka. l.mw tracts, 124.0UO acres, Liecember 14, ir,, lb, IK. 4;i; Coal county, Coaigate, OoO tracts, M.bM) acres. Decem ber 20, 21, 22; Hun lies county, Calvin, 4a? tracts, 6o,70o acres, Deoernber 26, 27; Pitts burg couniy, McAlester. LMO tracts, Ibi, 100 acres, December 3b, 2ti, JO. lull; Janu ary 1, 2: Haskell county, Hllgler, 41 tracts, 20, .400 acres, January 8. t; Latimer couniy, Wllburton, lul tracts, 15,000 acres, January f; Leliuro county, 1'otrau, 2i tracts, 21. MO acres. January o; Pushma taha county, Antlers, t41 , tracts, bj.oiai aens, January b, M, lo; Cnoctaw county. tiui,o. .Ail tiacta, H7,DOo acres, January 11. 12, 13; MtiCuriuIn county, ldabei, Lb . . r"ts, D4,MHi acres, January 15, 16. 17, Is ll12. Not more tiian Itto acres of agri cultural and b40 acres of otner lands will be sold to one prison In ahv nne nation. Agricultural lands are loose having minimum valuation of fs.oo or more per acie. Terms are 26 per cent at the tuna of sale, 2u per cent In twelve months, and bo per cent In two years, with par cent Interest. Payments must be made In Him form of dratt or certified chock, payable to J. (1. Wright, commissioner. I T'on mil payment being made at any went 11 b - n ii on time deed will issue, immediately alter approval of t-ale certificate of purcbaaa ' wnl Issue and possession be given, but cutting of timber or drilling, , nr. .-nlnlnif for miueiuls tin-icon will not be leViiiiiiad until lull payment of purchase price. Right Is reserved to reject any or all , bios. For Information apply tu the Com missioner to tne Five Civilized Trlbea, .MuskoKfc, Oklahoma, or .any ot the Dis trict .igeuts us tu lands within their re-,' spectlve uistiicts. last ut these lands -nave been prepared by counties, showing the terms ot tale, the description of tha vailous i t arts and minimum pi lea. It" will be linpi actlcable to lurnlsh cucll In uiiuer ad ol these lists, and It Is tug-"1 acste- mat pel suns desiring such infor- ' inauon speciiy tne locality In v.'iuch they uie Intel eateo. blueprint of the various' counties, showing lue lot atlon uf the land 10 be ao.d. will bo turmsiicd upon appli-' cation lo Uiu understated upon Hie pay--uiiiii ot l"..4 lor each couniy, In tan' iui m ot ut ait or postal money order. J. U. WKiGHT, CouiiiLss-loner tu lb j ' l'lvo Clvinxed Tribes, nauskogee, Okla lioma. August 1, lull. I.KCJAL NOTlCl-i. NoTICK TO CONTUACTOHB. Seuled bids will be revolved until noon, December 1. I'll, at the olflce of the null.. I aluned. tor thu L'Olls tl' UCI lull of a. ! bunding at Curtla, Nebraska, lor th School uf Agriculture. Plana, speulfiua-. tlous and biuu.ng blanks are on tile, at ihe olllce uf buid !'. Miller, Arcuiieol,. '.,1 1 Biuudeis 'lT.eu'.cr Bldg., Omaha, ami the olflce of secretary of state, Lincoln. ADDISON WAIT, NH-d-ia bccroiary ut Stale. TAFT WILL JSELhUI SUHKtME ; COURT JUSTICE JANUARY 1 WASHINGTON", Nov. la.-Presldentf Tatt will wait until January 1 before naming u successor to Associate Justice llurlan on the supreme court bench. Three or four other Judicial nominations will bo made ut the same time, including -a successor to Circuit Judge Groascup.' uf Chicago, who resigned recently. Tho president received from Morton Jouidan of St. Louis, president of the Mlasourl Pur astociutlon, a letter asking , him to .lcl his nrxl appointee to the u pienie court from that state, in recognD Hon of lite fact that Missouri in ninety one years of statehood has never had a representative on the supreme court bench. Bequests from Indiana asking recogni tion for the same reasons are being re ceived ut t He WliUe House,