Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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Many in Corn Trade Who Are
Friendly to the Ball Side.
l'rora All A ppraranrra the Taming
TttlBt 1 o Fur Ahead anil
Market (iris f.ooit Rapport
ia .Moilrrtlr Uresis.
OMAHA. Nov. 14, 1911.
With cables lower ino n- definite cash
demand, wheat sagged lower today In
touching th lata anvance yestciday,
aim the gm-iai ecnt.incnt regarding tne
..tarkci i h stiungly in tavnr of only a
r-caiping alimr mi- the present.
noweM-i, unv tiav niH)- bring a rhsnge
In the iiunacier of Ih na from Ar
gentine, in mo meantime stuck are
neavy anil the vls.hie supply enormous,
unil the trmptr o the trailo bearish.
ihtre ill, inuny In me nun trade who
iii inendly ti the huil mile ot coin for
o. lung pull. Fur the tune being tlia clear,
ill. I w.ailicr ia bearish and marketing
ihnuli in. i rase, From ail appeal am en
ti.e tin nniK pulnt la not far aheail, and
tue marki-l geia guod support on all
luoiliraie breaks.
nneal liml tne advance-made at ye-l-rrtiy
a i-losu and the market M a
teigg.nn oirmr throughout the session,
l ami wheat was 'f limher today.
Kxiremeiy light letmpl In l.':e strength
enlng feature in corn. Weather rondl
i.iiiif me very lavoiamc lor uu llicivaae
in llie rountry inovenieilt.
liimaiy wheal receipt were 704.000
b itlirM and bIiii iiH-nt were M4.O-10 bush
el. UKairirt i...eipt Inst yenr of Mmi.tsw
hiir-htm liml shipments nf 72J.t"iO bushels.
1'l.inary enrn lerelpta were ,ill.OJ bush
i la and shliuiient wrr; 22ii.Oim bushels,
bKainet receipt Inst year of 4K.a hush
i ii and shipment of 373.110 hiiHhel.
i'uaiaiiit-H were l.Mu hiinhci of corn,
4M' buMiels of nut nml wheat ai;d
l.iur equal to 211.0011 lu-ln ln.
I.lveipool cioned Kt'u'&L lower on wheat
and u higher on corn.
The following ciin s.iies were rcporieu:
car. tew
2 mixed:
No. 4
1 car.
WHKAT-No. 2 hard:
linrd: 1 car, Ir'.c. No.
t ORN-No. S white: 1 car. W.c. No. 2
yellow: 1 car, 71c. N". 2 mixed: 1 car,
Wv. No. .1 mixed: I car, 70ie. No. 4
lulled: 1 car (new) (m.
OATS No. 3 while: 4 cars. 4fiic. No. 4
yellow; 1 car, 4.
(Imnlia (a!i Pr'.ecs.
WHRAT-Nn. S hard, 97Hc';f tl.OO; No. I
hard, v'tti.'ir; No. 4 hnrd,, 9."ii'.iiC
Ci'RN-No. 2 white. iii'4 Wi'O't-iv. No. 3
T.lilie, 704Q7AH; No. 4 white, t,S 10i f:
Nil. ;! color, "(i'lr70V; No. 2 yellow. 7ff
7lc; No. 3 yeliow, ?.iM771e; No. 4 yellow,
70' ,i7l-'iC; No. 2. 7' vdiOVlc; No. S, 70'41f
7'.c: No. 4. tn'(ito.
OATeV-No. 2 white, 4T-? 47 ' i ; standard,
4'l'i4ic: No. J w hite, tuwtl 'c; No. 4
vldi, W'ttnVy; n. t yeliow, WfiWAm
No. 4 yellow. 4tVi!i."itic. I
HA HI. KV Mamnx. 114S1 ?4; No. 1 feat).
B'-'i-m 51.1..
K VIC No. 2, KgiMc: No. X. W'uWc.
.arloi iteeeipti.
Wheat. Corn. Okta
Chicago 240 116
Mlnneayolla M ?SH ... ...
tin. alia ! R
Uuiuih 71
Featare ot the Trading! and
I'rlrea oa Hoard of Trade.
CHICAGO, Nov. 14.-rrellctlona that
Dim Argentine crop will reach morn, titan
hk,uv,uuv biiHhella In exceva tit the bari,er
.em of I.HJ1 liewlidered wheal apeou
laiora today ada put a atop to an up
turn hem In I'aia market prlcea. The
clone waa wtlhlt. a aliade either way from
lan night a tiKu.'e. in corn tha outcome:
waa a net udvnm e of WHi'no to o. oata
flnlahod unchamteo to Mio higher and
no piouucia tn.i name aa twenty-four
lioura previous to 10c below.
The world a available euppllea of wheal
whs ahown tooa.1 to have climbed to
aunoat the colosaKS total of a year ago.
Mcattered ConimUdon aourcra abaorbed
11 pit offering, traited every raid, and
U ought the marktl haclt from each do
cline. One reaxon waa that winter wheat
receipt aouthweai: wero aeiiaatUinany
email, presumably owing to recent rough
vralnrr ana low p.'lcea combined, trend
ing cash mtereata hare reported aalea
large, though namlag no apecirio quan
in the end the oppoHlng Influence ap
peared to be evenly' baumced and the
iloflng tone waa atewlv. Ourlng the
M-HBluii December fluctuated between
fHjiS,o and K)c, with iat aalea
(u:"ic, a net gain of a uliade.
( urn developed atrength o account of
(mail reielpt and lli.'iil country offer
ing. December rangm from 61ic ii
,i.v,r, cloning ateady (' up at UI'ip. Caali
giadea were firm. No t yellow waa
ginned at 73Vr'i4c.
1'vircliasing by group of local dealer
maua a better market for oata deaplt
lair aulea from elevator aourcea. liign
and low level touched b the December
option proved to be 4ic and 47Vc, with
the, cloao 4iSc, Jut tho same aa laat
With the run of hog wet reKrte4
nearly a third more plentiful than for
i no correftpuiidlng day a year ago, pro
vision Nbowed a tendency to drop. To
night lard had eunk bo tu 100 and other
pioduce trailed from laat night a flgurea
u 7 decline.
Quntatlona on leading future were:
.1 ii
l I
, 'IA1U"I
I r,. 47
laviatl-Jal ..
... ' i y
vis ',1'V9V
1 W'til
8.. V,
Aitlu'll Open. High. low. Cioae.Ya'y.
1 K'C.
D. c.
W4 itS
S',i ev,,
l4i. x 6
fcsti 4t.Hi
16 17',; 1 KM 1 17M 16 IT'a'l 14 V8
ay.! ) bZ'.ti Hi IS U
I 39
It M
I 30
23 1
I 57 J
lii &; in :i
4 iVa
i r,u 1 40
lit 1 I 67V,
cnmpnred with .Vl car lt week and 414
i nr the cort' eponding ly n ear ago.
.Nr.tV YnilK lillMrl.l, 3I4HKF.T
m Varloa
Oaotatlone of (lie Kay i
NKW TollK. Nov. ll.-rlin-I'ull;
fprlng pntent. l.i :.n .'. .Ml; winter iraihi,
M21I .i, wlmer paien.a. 4 .v.'n 4 7; airing
ii aw, M.4.mj; winter extia. .u. I,
k.i.1, j.ji; wifiu-r rli. No. il, .14.i
Kann.i rtiaixht. 4V,4I.. live linitr,
omit; lair lu a'""1, llft iv; ehok'H to
eanv; tmr to good. a4.7.u4 ln; cliolca to
innry, !', nr-,11..,. Bin k whet t tloiir, tpllel.
$i '-.' hi per III.
t'oll.NMKAl riteady; fine white and
yellow, i.wn(ii.t; coariie, ?l.55tj 1.0U; kin
urieit, a.;.iii i.
lty r-W"iet;No, 2. J5c, r. I. f.. Uuffalo,
to anlvc.
MAlti.ivV-Slcady; maltlnt. lMrl., c.
1. I . Iiorialn.
Wil i-.a I -fot market tegily; No. S
red, HiWc In eievntor. export bam, and t.
o. b. atmnt; No. 1 northern iniuiih. tl.U'A
f. o. b aimnt. 1'tituiea ninrket waa tin
ettnd with hiikiII price cuangea. Foreign
crop new a WO very favoinine and price
abmad were lower, tint receipt were
eniHiler In the north wet and tnfeiinga
were limited. I'rlrea cloxed unchanged to
c net lower. December, ':; May,
$1.04 3-1'i.
t MlN-fiiot ninrket firm; new export
No. I torn, ;u'i: I. o. h. afloat to arrive.
Future market nominal.
OATH Spnl maiket firm; atandard
white. Mo in elevator: No. I. u4'-; So. t,
Mo; No. 4, .'4c; iiMluinl white and wlilio
tiippeil, Wi'ulM mi trat k. Futuic market
nil num. mil.
HAV-Duil; ptlnie, 1.2r,; No. 1. J1.20;
No.' J, II. !; No. , 11.1
HOI'S-Firm; elate, common to choice,
Kul crop. Wurnr; iMo cni nominal;
Faclfii; coast, 1W1 crop, 4Vi4ic; lull) crop
HIDKS-Sloudy; Central America, Io
gota, 2.;'u:t'.
I.l.A rn Fill Fit ni; hmnlock flrta, t:tj
27o; aeeond. Ka24o; third, l!cy21c; ro-
eet. lio.
J'KOVMIONS-rork. atfady; mea,
11 0jii7.'!..; family, IM.omiil.'O; anort
riei i;.orti i;.T6. Ilnf, aleady; tnM,
(112 &,i 12.UU; family, 13 .torn 1 1 W; beof Iihiiih,
ir.'iliim Cut nulla, nuiot; pickled
Lelllea, P to 14 lb., IU i II 26; lclllod
lianiM, tll.0mfjll.J5. en mlrtdie
weal pilme, I'.i.Mll.tfi; refined ateady;
continent, tlMo: Hnullt Anns, ICR, $10.60;
compound, . . J:Y,17..ri0.
TALLOW unlet t,rlm city, hhd.,
fi",e; country, tiSi'Hic.
Ill'TTKK Sieaoy; receipt; 10,B."3 tuba;
nremery filet, WuXS'W, creamery held,
HpetilllH. P.V', extra, ;ilUoic; proce
ill hi, aecond. liHiHic; lactory,
current make, Ilrl, 22yW'tc; acconda,
CHnKSn- FIt m; reeelpt. 3,211 pound;
atntc wbolo milk, fteptember and earlier
gpetinle, t'.'.ic; uveiilgo liiucy, liValbc;
tnti whole milk, cm lent imike, Npwalala,
H-'4r; average funcy, 14'ic; under grade,
lOdUa ateady; freali gathered, rxtraa,; tlrHtH, IH:uc; aeeond, 2l'WXc;
third, 2.!iiJe; reirlgerator, firta, aea
aon'a charge puld, ZlZi'c; weatern gath
eied, white. SuoK'c.
POl'bTKY steady; wetern chicken,
rOSMl 1 1 ViC ; fowl, lWllV: turkeya, lt'(f
ldc; dreened, e,in ; weatern chicken, 'nj
Uc; low la, 17c.
St. I.oal tleneral Market.
BT. I.OUIH, Mo., Nov. 14.-WHF.AT-Caah,
firm; track, No. 1 red. Witi!i7Ho;
No. 2 hard, ".k-fl.o;,. December, MVtc;
May, WHlBmeHc.
COHN-rlrin; track. No. 2. 7207SHC;
No. 2 white, 72c; December, 630.
OATM-ltlghrr; track, No. 2, 47fcc; No.
2 white, 4MVc; December, 4c.
HYK- Steady; 2c.
FIaiUK-uull; ted winter patent, $4
(ibtio; extra fancy and atraighta, t3-lWil
4. .V.; hard winter cliara, t 4rUJ.5.
8KKD Timothy, tl4.U 14.60.
COKN M k.'A l-.'t.3.
HHAN-Flim; aacked, cait track, 11.14
ill 16.
HAY-Steody; timothy, tJO. 00324.00.
ritOVltliNB l'ork, unchanged; lob
bing, 116.60. Danl, lower; pnme ateam, Dry alt meata, unchanged;
boxed, extra ahorta, tn.t24; clear lib,
tXM'i; ahort tieara, tK.g7i. ltacon, un
changed; boxed, extra ehnr'.s. Ih iUh; clear
riba, t.t2'.4i; abort clear, $a.8',.
FOl.'LTKY Firm: chicken, He; aprlnga,
DWc; turkeya, 14c; ducka, 12c; geeae. Ho.
UHTTEH Steady; creamery, 250j32c.
fcUUS-Hlgher; 2B2Kc.
KecelPt. Shipment.
Flour. bbU .i"0 I.ti0
Wheat, till I5.0O0 ."W.O1I0
Corn, bu IIH.OW !M.Wii
Oata. bu 14,ou0 . 34.0W
Kanaaa Cltr tlrala and PrtTllona.
KANHA8 CITY. Nov. 14-W'HE.iT-Cnh,
alow, unchanged; No. t hard. Mofl
tl 04; No. 3, Wc'$1.02; No. I red, 7H1!Siio;
No. 3 hard, 86tfM;vc; Decetilber, WVitjleasc;
May,; July, MVe.
CO UN One cent higher; No. 1 mixed.
74.17fc; No. S T44e; No. 3 white, 76o. No.
3. 74c; December, May, ei'flaic.
july, tiWVUSo-
OATS Unchanged; No. 1 white, 484
t'.Uc; No. 3 mixed, 47ViC
MAY hteady; choice timothy, $13 500
20.tx; I'hoiee prulrle, $13.00:1J.50.
HUTTlilt-Creainery, 3Jc; first, SOo;
aecund. 2c: packing atock, 3fi.
Fuost-F.xtrua, oc, flrata, Zbc; aeconds,
Ttecelpt. Shlnmentt.
,t) 63.e3
lt.tmn lt.4aH
,0U0 11.WJ0
nol thern tl.OTitl l.tlS'i ! No.
io. a wnent,
t north
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu,.,
Oata, bu....
MlnneaDtilla (iraln Market.
December. $1.04; May, $1 WStl 0; July,
. . j.n . I I. ..l. ( ....4 1iHlt.'.
ft.viru rioniinai, tain, a iiatu,
No. 1 normem. i
cm, $I.UJVyl.Wi
Fl.AX-$2.0iitf2 0.
KAKl.UY iftctll.lR.
COKN No. 3 yellow, 73c.
(lATH-No. 3 white, 4JV4iC.
HVK-No. i. MWe.
FUILU Fliet patriita, $5.1V13.4il; ep
ond patent. It 'dilTiO); fll'nt clear, t3.u0
U3.Xt; aeeond, S2.uutu2.7a. . , i
Liverpool tlrala Mnrkrt.
I.lVF.rtrOOt.-Nov. ' 14 -WlIKAT-Sbot.
e:tv; No. 2 Manitoba. 7 J".d; No. 6 Mani
toba. 7 C'jd'. fulurea, eay; December. iia
U'ml: Mnrch. 7 Sd; May. ll',l.
CORN Spot, eaay; AninMcitn ntlxedj rt
2d: future, steady; January, 3t 6Hd:
Fein uai v, 6 6d.
FIAjI'U Wuner patent. 27l Cd.
Catli tUuailon were aa follow:
FLOL R tjulet ; winter patenta, $4.1(lf
I 2i); atralgl.t. l-t 7ly 4.i; api lnc patent.
f. vio(i, atialglil. t4.4tMei.'.v, bakcia,
ItYK No t. Mo91c.
HAKL.F.Y Feed or nilxlns. SOctjJl.WT
fair to choice malting, tl l.V(il .26.
BKKDrt Tiinutby, lS.inttlu.ij.. Clover,
I'HOVISIONS Pork. niea. per Mil.,
J!t 0o.yUi.2i. lrd, per M0 lbs., $9.0J'i.
M.oit lib, aide (loose), tS 16.
iotal clearance of wheat and flour
were e.jual to 2li,00u buahela. I'rlmaiy
leoeipt were 704. 0U0 busbela, compared
Willi Ool.OJM buhel the correapnndiiig day
a year ago. The world vinlbloaupp,y,
ra Bhown by Ilradatrtet . Intiraned 7,v."6,
tun bunbel.
Ketl mated receipt for tomorrow:
Wheat, 90 care: coin, IM car; oata, bj
cura; boga. M.ouO head. ,
t aiih tiuotatloiia weie u folluws:
CbicaKu Caah I'rlcc-a WIIKAT No. 3
red, WvVt'J'tO, Ntt- J r"d. WiiSIc: No. 2
li:nd. tKnil ul; No. 3 hard. !Mt; No. 1
iiortheri!.; No. 2 northern. tl.Oi
4H. Mi; No. 3 nortlieiu. tl.tuu 1.07 ; No. 2
HHllii:. lVltl.'2; No J uprlug. B.rtlt.0f ;
,o. 4 l'iiiig, ') uti; velvet chatf.
fli-J; iliuuiu, .'.cn31 0.1. Corn: No. 2, 71',
t'."'c; No. 2 white, 7Ji7'.;c; No. 3 veliow,
7.IW'74v; No. 3. 71i7!c; No. 3 new, i.Jm.ic;
J.o". 3 white, il'va.c; No S while, new.
t.:uAV. No. 3 yellow, "3''u74c; No. 3 yel
low, new. tw'.VuU xc: No. 4. 7unyf71c: No.
4. new. 0V.-ule; No. 4 white, 7o-j1ile;
No. 4 wiiite, new, tti'; No. 4 yellow.
i.KiiiVjc: No. 4 yellow, new. tiJ'titUc.
1 a: No. 2. 4r'V47,o; No. 2 while, 4',
i- nj tc; No. 3. 4T'c: No. 3 white. 4tf 4IV.-;
No. 4 white, 47'Hic. Itye: No. 2, gov
Mr. Barley: hjcia tl 24. Hay; Timothy.
1 nKi l.i J i: tlover, ii 6&3u iki.
HI i l; treumeiiea. H'fjUe;
ti.ui l,i. Z-"i
Kiiijd -M-vdy: lecrlpta. ISM case; at
n.ara. caaea included, ivy.'tc; fllt, 2jif
w. ordiiary, J'iiji
. ii t.lhrbleady; dalxle. 14Svl4c;
twin. lvult'c; Voung Anirrkai. lt4y
i'trrATOKS Bteadv; WIconin. 7."k-:
Mi. a Kan and Miiineaula, dMyiVk ; revalptg,
D4 taie
ii M'l.TRY live, firm: turkeya, 14c;
Cbltken. I'vt ; auriug. loe
VkCAl 4leo,dy, w to Ul-lb. wis., IStli
t al lot Heteli-ta W beat. S9 car, with
of contract giadu; corn, 40 car, with 11
nf coiiliact grade; oau, If. rata. Total
ii- ci-ipte vt wheal at tiiicago, lllnne
upuU wiid Duiutb (wday wr 3U vi.
Pricei Drift Slowly Toward Lower
Level Dunnr Day.
No tieaeral Inieatroeat Demaatl llaa
Appeared aad Abaorptlve Power
of the) Market t'onaeqaeatly
la Higher.
NEW YORK. Nov 14 Price drifted
alowly toward a lower level during mot
of today's trading In Mock. At no time
we tue movement abrunt and a later
rally reduced Jfi largmy, eo that at
the cloae rhnes for the moet part weie
email. Profit taking waa continued In a
moderate war and the wllilnane of
holder of long focW to eell whenever
atorable opnortilhll l . were preaented,
apparently waa largely reaoonnihle tor
the couine bf tha matket. No general In-
veatmcnt demand ha apercd, with the
reeuit that tb Absorptive power of the
market Is lighter, althouah It hn been
sufficient to prerve the greater part of
the recent large advanra. Trading at
time waa lletleei and profcaxlonal deal
ing made up the bulk of the total.
in, rallv in nrlce anonrentlv wa
oasen on tne lecent order
merea court granting a
ot tin; coiu-
tempoiary In-
l'. t Ol 4a
i of N J aan. (
r a- r 44a
i' a ti. r.t it...
f. A. IS
C . H at IV 1. 4a.
An 4n. 4a
' M. P. f
C R. I. r r. 4a.
4n rf 4t
iv.lo Init.
rnln. MM 4
r. t a. r.. 4'4.
wl. A II ev. 4a..
11 t- R. c: 4a
n H. o. rut 4a
IMatlllera' 4
Krle or. I. 4a
do n. 4a
ilo cr, 4 er.' A..
flo aer a
(Ian. t.'. cr la....
II n. lat t. 4..
Int -Met 44a
In -M. M. 4Uj
1)14. Offered.
HHIteailns tn 4a... H
ill . I.. a l". f 4
lHH ill n a
tXt. U S W. i- 4a :',
4 , 49 l-t (nM 4. . . . l S
MH A. L 4 V' t
H",,. Par If lo cnl. 4
H 1i r. 4a T'
73 X lo m ref. 4a M4
St'tgn Rr M 1114
74Va do- n. 4a
fnlnn ParlMc 4a.. IM't
74J, do rr. 4 llijtti
H dn lat V r. 4 .
K'H I'. S. Ruhter a. . I"tl4
T'4f. a. Hteel td ta .KIIH
774Va J'ar. 'hni. ta lk's
KlHWanarti lat l-m 14
7U dn l-t et 4a . U
714 Wt. Md. 4 7
77i Weal. HI. c. 4a... t'1
irt Wla. tn. 4a H
MS Mn Pre. f, 6a ...Hi
7"i Itnann U ID.'i
junction in the Inlerriiountaln ireight rate
case, the tell of which wa made known
today. Much was made of the rel'.'-
tlona laid on the Interstate Commerce
ctmittilaalon In regulation of rate under
the long and abort haul clause.
I hat tha court thu rulea aaalnnt what
la probably the commerce communion's
moat Important order of the kind was re
gaided its one of great Importance. Hall
road stock were bought heavily on pub
lication of the text of the court's order.
Union 1'aclflo derived the createat benefit
with a ilae of neuily 2 point. The whole
market lmbioved motlerately. -
The bear found ammunition enrller In
the day In the ouattr decree of the Mla
iKjrl (nipreina court galnt the Inter
tiatlutial linretcr company. The Btuck
1. ad been ntovina uncenaJnlv for aeverai
days on leport that the company had
not ncen anie to agree with tho Depart
ment of Justice on a plan of reorganisa
tion t6 Improve Its standing under the
Hherman law. When the decision of the
4Uouil .court was nnnounced it broke
is point. Iho bears attacked the Hat
vigorously and succeeded In depressing j
u itm n.inicn nut. out tne itinaea were
small except In the oae of International
Harvester Itself. Which subsenucntlv le-
CcVeiei half of the decline.
The coal roads were asa In nrnmlnent.
I.ehlgh Valley touched 1MV, equalling Us
high price for the present movement.
Heading fluctuated widely and after
gaining more than a point, cloned nearly
points nrt. nr. I'nul again showed
weakness and t'nlted 8tatea hteel laaand
behind, A vlgoroua ae.llng movement
tai ted late In the last hour. Much of
the selling was reported to come from
London, owing to apprehension there over
the falling ot a colonial bank. F.arller
In the session London aent over buvinar
orders amounting to perhaps 2f,0u0 share,
taking United fttates Hteel, Amalgamated
Copper, t'nlon Pacific, Heading and Hock
mi ana on tne recension In thl market.
inn bono market was lrregu ar with
American Tobacco lasues again showinu
conaplcuoiis firmness. Total sales, par
value, 14.660.000. Fnltcd States bonds were
unchanged on call.
Number of saies and lending Quotation
on stocks were as f dlows:
81. Hlfh. Low. Close.
Allla-Chalmers, pfd 100 US4 ll'i
AmaltamatKl rvpser.... U.uog Vt 6t' t
London Mock Market.
I1NIK1N, Nov. 14. American securities
opened firm and higher today. The mar
ket wa supported during tho first hour
and prices continued to advance. At noon
the tone was firm and value ranged
from '40 to a nolnt higher than yester
day' New York closing. Canadian Pa
cific waa a weak exception and lost about
a point.
London closng stock tjuotatlons:
Oralis, money . .71 f-lt boulSYille a Naah 1S4
... 7S Mo . Kan. TVs.. Ill
... 40H York Ontral.
... 7H t'orfolk W'aatern.lll
...1104 do pfd VI tmtarlo A WMtarn. 414
naiiimor er 1 nio. 111414. rennavivaoia
fanarllan racldr . ,Un Hind Mltiea ...
t liaaapeat at Ohle. 7 Heading
t hl Urrt Wsatarn. tl goulhern By ...
thl.. Mil. aV St. P. III4 ilo pfd
fie nr IIS Southern Pai-IMa
lan A Rio a.... It union Pacific ..
da rfd M'i do pfd
do rroant
Amal. t'upper
Aani-ond .....
do pfd
ta 3.14k U. . Steel
da lat pfd 44H do pfd
. 7t,
. I"S
. 73S4
. 4t,
. 4414
. 11
d Id (d 40 Wlliaall
Grand Trunk 47 do pfd
liunoia 1 entrai ....14414
HILViiK Bar, steady et 25 15-lGd per
MONET ml per cent.
'I he rate of dlncount In the open mar
ket for ahort bills I SV per cent; for
three months' bill, 3V43 7-1 per cent.
Tloaton Slock Market.
TIOSTON, Nov. H.-Clowlng quotations
on ino the siock etchnnge:
4ni lu: 10414 111214
IU0 3 II 41
in lift4
lt4 1344k
7.4110 HK.S 1U14 1IM'4
JuO UM 103 loH
10114 101 vk 111114
7S4 7a
4 lit
ll'i 23
104) I'll 300
400 71 7444
Aniarlnan AarlouUaral
Amarlran Beat guaar 1.704
Amarlian lsn I.tia)
Am. Car ft foundry I.SoO
An.arlran Cotton fill 1.700
Am. Hid ft Mthr, pfd
Am. 11 aecuritSM
America Ltuaaed
Amarlra Uwooiutlv..,. 100
Am. Bmalt. ft iUf 11,001
do ptd
Am. Btal Koundrla...
Ainerlia Sussr gaf 40A m
American Tl. ft Tal 1,(00 131
Amerltan Tonacil, pftl
American Voivlen 100
Anaconda Mining Os. ... loo
Ati'hlMtn pfd
Atlantic ('mat Lin....
Ualtlmor ft Ohio
Hat hi cham Otaail
Hranklrn Rapid Tnnalt.
C anadian - Pa. ltlo ,
Centrl Leather
I'anlral Leather pfd
Central of Nw Jaraar..
fhawpaak ft Ohio ....
t hlraio A Alton
thl. Great Wat 4U0 H0H
tin. tit a cat pid 4a a ii
thl. ft N. W IK) 14iVi 14DH
(Til , Mil. ft St. r...... 11,100 113
15., C. C. ft St L
Colo, fuel "A Iron
tVlnrano A goutbtra
I'ouanlldated Uftl ...
Corn Products
Dclawsr ft Hudaea 104 171
1). ft II. O
U. ft It U. pfd
Iiiailllar' gacurltln ...
Krl lat pfd
Rrl M ,fd
Menaral Klai'trlc'
Oraat N'nnham f4
tiroat Nuctharn Ore olfl
lllnela Central ,
lntrnorult-Met tM 1 4 Vg td.... I.4W) II
liiiarnatluual llarvnatar . 4.4VO 104
litter. Marina ptd
Intrrnatlunal Pauar .... H4
International Itlfflp....... loj
low Central 10
K t'. SoUlharn , 109
K. C. goulharrt ptd
Laded (J 440 lo.t
Lotltavlll ft Nahllla.. 400 liO
Minn, ft St. Vul .....
M., HI. P., g. ft gl. M. 2M 114S
M , It ft T.. ., HO 1)
M . K ft T., .ntd f..
Mlaaeurl Pari tin
Natluual 111 eon It ........ 1,440.
National Lead l.o4
N. Hy. et M. td pfd.... MO
Naw Yerk Ctnir! ...
H. y., Oft W
Norfolk I WaMem...
North Aniericsn
Nun hern Paattlc. .....
Paclllc Mall
People's baa
I'ltta. C. C ft t. L...
I'ttlabursll I'osl -
Pullman I'alaa Car
Praeaeil Su-el .Car
Hallway aieel Sprlug'... f4
lletullns .....lot'
II .4
Amal. Copper ....
a a. l. ik g...
Arlf. Com
b. c. c ft a. m.
Ituiia Coalition ..
Calumet ft Arts..,
Cel. ft Heel
II4 Mohawk
. M Nevada Con
. H 14 Nlplaaln Mine
. 10 North Uutte ...
. 4 North Lake ...
. 17 Old Dominion .
. tlUlmmli
.:. I'arrott IS. ft
iO'4Cjulnrr .
Copper rtang Con. 41 Blianniin ....
Ruat Mutt Ci. M. lOtkRuperlor ....
ft M.
Hi Superior ft D. M.
30 I'. 8. 8 R
T4 Pfd
1H ' 'ti Con....
l4Vtah Copper
H Winona
4Vk Wolverine ..
.... 7V4
14 V4
MS 44
74 ti
ltovk 1114
4, IDS 14SV, 1421k 14114
100 10k 10 10 S4
171 1TO1S
.... 33 V,
.... 41
41 vk
4, lot
104 Ui 1M
110 1S
4oft 41
17 vi 1J74
43U ,
1414 14U,
ltj 111
10il 10444
Lire 10K14 V
414w '41
Ui 141v
40 4
3.401 UOS4 lOSVa 1'"'4
, MlleTankep tlralii Market.
MIUVAl'KEK. Nov. 14-Vll:AT-No.
1 noitheiii, 1.0;d l.tft; No. 3 northern,
4l.uv.iiuu; No. 8 hard, winter, 1.0u10l';
leceniber, 04 Vc; Mity. i'9'i:.
Ai S-Standard, 4S,c.
HAHLKV-Maltiiig. It.lSJtl.'ii'.i.
Dalutli (iraln Markrl.
rU'LUTH, Nov. 14 WHKAT No. I
huru. tioi1: No: 1 northerii. tl. 04'; No
i nortlicru, tl 0l14; December, Il.t'ltji; May,
Kvaporated Apple ami llrlcil I roll.
AITLKs Hicady with a small .mntiiiu
tunle. tm the spot, fancy, ltic; (iiulce
o'A'tl'X': Plitlie. gifiNi.c.
lDtli:l KHl'ITH.
I'runca are Ilim but rather titiit: quota
linn range from T to U'c for Cullfoi .! up
to 4u-0a nlid lu'i'dCc for (iregtiii. Apri
cot, quiet and steady; choice, IMi I.Vrc;
extra iliolce. liin H.i -; fancy. IT.i'.sc.
I'ruche. ntestly with small offering;
Fbulce, lIV,iill'so; extra tiiolie. ll4il.c:
fancy, KV'I-'V'. ltaivlns. latrely steady
with more llUtal offerings; looae' Musra
teli. tio7c; chobe to luni y seeded, TV
Iih'ttc; tet'dloea, tnjlt : London layers, 11.40
111 4i.
I'hlladelukla I'rttdae Markrl.
Bttady; extra weatern creamery, JCc; ex
tra marby prints.' Hoc.
LOU.s Firm; l'ennaylvsiila and other
nearby fli-ets, free case, tlo.10 ier caa;
cuirent receipt, free caaes, V..M per
rue; western first, free caaea. ltX20 per
case; current receipt. Uu per cane.
ClIEKcE-Kltiii; New York full fleams,
fancy, 16c; New York full creams, fair
lo good, 14 '.j 'u 16c.
Dry Uooda Market.
NEW YOHK. Nov. 14.-lRr UOOIV4
The cotton good markets are moderately
quiet, older being amall but numeroua.
I'rlrea art aomewbat Irregular. There la
a fair mlacelianrou export trade In cot
ton pasKlng. In men wear center pro
duction I increasing. Yarns rule quiet.
baser Markrl.
4T York 4,eaeral Market.
NKW YORK. Nov. 14 -St'HAK-Raw.
IK'tim a'; nioecovado. HO teat, Hie; centrl
Xi K il. 'J teat, lit.. Mouses, W lest, 4 J7c,
H01.ul.H0 Htcl
Nepunllo Sleet pl.l ,
H0.S l.latil ('
llok lland l-. ptd
St. L. ft g 1. 2d pfd..
M. IjJUH 8. 4V
It.' Lea Is g. W.- pfd......
r-li,-S)iorfte!j S. ft I..
font hern Pl.-lfle
oulheru HallwaT
Ki.uthcr Uailwar pfd...
Tennca.ea Cnl'l'cr
Teaa ft I'li'ith- .......
Tnl . St. L A W
Tul . St I. ft W. pfd..
tnl. .a Ps.'lfl
I o lull Pacific pfd. .....
1 nlted State Haalty...
I'mtetl Htatea ltubber ..
t ntted 'Stetes-Sleel 1 ...
t'nilld Klates Sled pfd..
t'tali Cupper
vii am'.a-c areMna Cham..
WaoaiUi pld........
W'eueni Xlary'.aua
cetlnati iu.e f.ectrlc ...
Wae'.ern t'nliin
wtireiini ft lake in..
Letilah . valley
. 14, 1M' 111
.' 11,1
too itio 1041
30) iv'i ii'u
K.St, lina
o 304
15:11, i:,.i
30 4
IT. no i;:s
14 '4
IN w
1 2 'a
17014 170H
a: i, ri
: 10114 11114 iok
04. .ID HIV, 17l'
Total tele, lor tit day, 17. ioo aharea.
77 1
' eer York Moaey Market.
NEW YOHK. Nov. 14. -MONEY On
call, ateady,' H4JH Per cent: ruling rate,
k per cent: close, 3-n per teut; offered
at rVj per cent.
TIMti 1X1 A Nl Easier; sixty days and
lilnelv days, 3Htr3 per cent; gig months.
tl'4iS per cent. .
till MB MrJilCANTll.K tAt-EK 4pm
per rent.
actus! business In banker's bills at
tuj M for sixty days and for de-
h HI LV tit-liar. t6Vi Mexican dollars,
4 'sc
11UNDS Qovernment. ateady; railroad
Closing quotgtiona oa bonds today wer
a follow:
V. g nt k m ,.14uSlana 4 44 '
4e eaapoa I"" do tt : C4
4e 4 res ,0:HK' L' - 1,1 ' .. 7J'4
4e eeuiw 1I'U g. deb. ta tlMl)J4
4, re I'")'' s 4.
eupo ilt'iM . K ft T let 4 H
Alle-That. 1st 4S.... A eu. 4H 4
Am A. 4 .14t . rmclfle 4a .... til.
A T. ft r. ce. 4..lul4N. H. ef at. 4l,a .
A Tob-4a...- 41 14 T. C. a. Jlse.-k
io la da eb 4e U
Armour ft 1 4t.. 14 N. V. N. H ft H
At.nieu sa. 4.... 4S4 ev. 4 HIV
4. f 4e 101. N. A W. tMt. 4a.. M4
de re. 4.... ! N. ft W re. 4a.. .104.
Hi (' 1. l.l I... KttNii. Paclfl 4a lie)
B ft O 4 M4 de I 44
da IW SOe. a. U rfd. ea. sk
do W 1 jrnn. re. Je 11114 SIS,
pr, Tr, iv, 4.,., 44S 4v we 4 lo 244
All Desirable Kindt of Cattle Strong
and Actire.
Prices oa Fat and I'eedlag gheep
and l.amlis Itange All the Way
from .ateady to Tea
t ent Higher.
KOl'TH OMAHA, Neb., Nov. II. 1!U1.'
Hecelpt were; Cattle. Hogs. Hbecp.
Official Monday K.iHi l,st 14.0JI
(timate Tue-uay b.Wi o.iss) :4.t")
Two days thl week..).'.r;'2 ,tS3 !o:8
fame days last week.. .17,4:11! J.onS u.0.4
tiame days J Wks aao.17.i7rl ,6i"4 ..-il
Maine daya t w'ka bko.2I.74IS 10,hH 101,&4.
bame daya 4 Wks ago.Zl.TIs 6.1W) nt.2.U
fame days last year...l,itef t,T4H ;,0d
The following table shows the receipts
of cattle, hogs und sheep at Sontn Oinana
tor the year to date a compared nit 11
last year. lan, mo. inc. Ic
'ttle 1.U44.443 l.tiTsMTTJ 31,
Hogs 2,(IT.ii,04.i l,Bxi.04 37.1,r ......
Sheep Z.iio.SM 2,744,4 10,004
The following table shows the average
prlcea paid for hogs at South Omaha for
the laat few days, with comparisons.
I 1W1.'.l.lWT.lit.l0-i.
Nov. I , ji
Nov. t.. wn 1
iiov. 7.. I g H'i 7 )'
Nov. .. OH I g 02
Nov. B K4 J so,
Nov. lu.i CM 1 , w,
NOV. 11. 1 g4, 7 S4
Nov. 12. 1 1 7 S!)
Nov. 14.1 A ,Hi I
Nov. 14. 8 2ft" 7 74
a Sil 4 Sat A sal
7 70 6 71 I 1 6 M
I fi igi 4 V0 t DOI
7 7 j 4 7b( 6 Oej
7 Tsi 6 62; 4 slj ( 0J
f t-j. a u! I 1,7
l 9 W I v.l -
7 7 6 ell 4 9f. I 4 tl
1 I4 5 7S 4 bl t 00
7 sa, 6 74, 4 IO 6 V 4 KO
- j t , e Bujiio
4 M
4 hi
4 H
Hecelpts and disposition of live stock at
the Union is tuck Yards, Mouth omsha, for
tins twenty-tuur hours ending at II p. m.
yesterday :
Cattle. Hogs, tiheep. H'r's.
Glroux Cen
tlranbr Con
Ornene t'snsne .
Iele Hoyale (C).
Kerr Lake
lke Cipar ...
lHalle Copper, ,.
Miami Coppor ...
Neve Y'ork Milling; fltoeka.
NEW YORK, Nov. 14. Closing Quota
tions on mining stock were:
Alice ." 140 Utile Cblef I
Com, Tunnel Block. 17 Meilnn 4M
do bcisda 17 ihilarlo lot)
Con Pal. ft V 71 Ophlr ISO
Iran Bluer loo standard loo
Leadelll Cod 10 .Yellow Jacket 44
CHEE5T0 Imported Swiss, tSc; Ameri
can Hwis.t. 22c; block Swiss, llw; twins,
17c; dalties, 17c; Uipleis, 17w; young
Ainerlcaa, lsc; blue label brick, 17Hc; II 111
Lei get , i-lu , 18c; iimbeiger, 1-lb., loo.
UUT'lKK No. 1, l-i 11. tarton, 4ci No.1,
In trO-lb. tubs, .Ho; No. 2, iUc; imcslng, IWn.
PUULTKV broilers, lku; springs, llio;
bens, 12c; cooks, lvc; ducks, Ibc; geese,
loc; turkeys, 2oc; plgeona, per dog., tl.&O.
Alive, broilers. uo: hens, .,c: oid
roosters and stag. 6c; old ducks, full
leaihurcd. Ho; geueai, lull lealheieu, luc;
turkeya, lso; guinea fowls, loo aach;
pigtona," pc-r dos., 1S0; homers, iter uu.,
42.0O; gguabs. No. 1. l.uO; No. 1, (Oc.
I'lSn 4'iunerel, lit; white, iuitoc, pike,
10c; trout, iluisc, largo ciappies, )6g 1 8c;
opanlsi) uiackeial, UK.;, eel.'sc: haddooka,
13c; llounaers, lite; gieen oatush, 104,10c;
ioe sliau, 4-oo each; sliad roe, per pair,"
uoc; aaliiiou, Uc; nallbui, UvHc; yell.w
perch, 8c; butfulo, Uc; bullheads, 14c.
l'OUI1 ity Uroilers, lsc, springe, 12 j;
hena, 12c; cocks, oc; ducks, eke; geegd,
loo; turkeys, 2oo; pigeous, pel dog, H-X
Alive brouera, . uu, heiuu, set oil
roosters and staga, tu; oid dliok. lull
feathered, lio; geae, full leiaiierad, 10c;
turkeya, lu; guinea low is, iu eacn;
pigeoua, par dos., 7m; bomei.t, per tlus.,
4i.uv; sciuaos. No. 1. tl.ov; .no, t, 60c
otvet tin i'nua ivio; No. 1, lot; NO
i, Uo; No. It, 7o. LaiitiS; No. 'L lUc,
No. t, 13c; No, i, 9o. Chucks: Mo. i.
ivso; No. 2, u4o; No. H, o'to. itouiidtj. No.
1, lie; No. 2, stc; No. , i-c. rii4ii No.
., cc; .10. t, 4c; No. a, 4kc
KHl'lTtS Apples Cooking varletleg, per
bl'l.. ii.'U. Jonainan, per obi., 44.00, Jben
L'avis, per bbl., 4-'.u0. California belie
itower, per box, tl.Hl, Coiorauo Jonathan,
eitia talicy, per box. 44., Washington
Upltsenberg, per boa, 42-00, S'gahinglon
it. Ueauiy, per bux, lU.tAi; Vvash.nvton
btaman wmessps, ' per box, ti.&O, Ha
ns nan Fancy seicct, per bunch, Ilfcy.
2. u0; Jumbo, per bunch, I2. lotiil.iu. C:an
bariiea Wlacuiiain lam y, per bbl., tbt.uO;
peV box. 4300;- extra, large Jumbo,' per
bbl., tlo.00. Dates Anchor brand, new,
30 l-lb. pkgs., In boxes, per bux, ti.W.
Fig California, pr case of 12 12-ounoe
pkgs., Sc; per case of 36 12-ouuce.
tou; New Turkish, 6-crown In )-lb.
boxes, per lb., lie;- e-crown in' 20-1 b.
boxes, per ,lb., lsc; 7-crown In 90-lb.
boxes, per lb., lie. . drape fruit Florida,
4d-W Sises. per crate), 4l &il.oo; to-M-ti
sixes, per crate, 6.ti. Uiapes Califor
nia Tokays, per 4-bk. crate, 41.2S; Malaga
grapes in bold., $60Ji.oo. - Lemons L.I
moneira biand, extra fancy, S'O-NO sues,
per box, t.i6; Uoina l.lmoneirg, fancy,
lkio-300 - slses, per box,. Jm); itO and 44)
s4ue, 6oo per . box Kt. Oruuges
Niagara Itedlahds Valencia. 'J6-ltj aixes,
per box. tO.ti. loO-iTs-UMKld-ieaO alxeg, pr
box, Vi-4t) teache California and Colo
rado, per box, 1W. tears California
H. Claiigeau. er -60-lb. box. t3.00.
VEUETAUI.IlS Beans-String and
wax.- per mkt.- bsk., l.tXml.2S. Cab
baga v isctthsin. per lb., l'igfl'o.
Celery Michigan., per dos., 40c; Colorado
Jumbo, per dos., 800. Cucumbers Hot
house, per ttoa., I'-.Oo. Egg plant r an. y
Florida, per dos., ti.00. Ciarllc Extra
fancy, white, per lb., lie. Leiiuc Extra
fancy leaf, par dog.,- 40c. Onions Cali
fornia, white, per lb., 3c: Wlscnnaln, yel
low and ltd, in sacksiier lb.. 2Sac; Hpan
isli, pec crate, . Parsley r amy
home grown, per dos. bunches, 4730 Po
tatoes Minnesota Karly Uhlo, per bu.,
(1.00; Wlecoiisln , white stoctt, per bu ,
ISA: ; In 10-sack lute, to less. Bweet po
tatoes Irginig. per bbl., tH.50: per bu.
link., tl 15. llutabsgus In sacks, per lb.,
l'c. 'lomaiots California, per crate.
II. .0.
MISCELLANEOUS Almonds-Tarragona,
per lb., ls'tt". ia sack lots, le less
liraxll nuts Per lb., 11c; in sack lots, lc
leaa. Cocoanuts ter sack, to.50. Fil
berts ter lb.. 14c; In sack lota, lo lesa.
teuntits ItoasieU, ier lb., kVo; raw, per
lb., 7Sp. tec ns Large, per lb., loc; in
sack lots, lc ' leas. Wslnuts New crop,
lull, California, per lb., 174c; In sack lots,
lc leas. Cider NeV Nehawka, per 16
cal. iv bbl. tJ.00; per 3o-gal bbl.. $3 SO;
New York Mitt 4, per la-gal. 14 bhl., Ufa)
per SO-gal. . bbl., 4,i0. Itoney New, 24
riames. UTS. Kraut 1'er 16-gal. keg,
110; Wisconsin, per 4i bbl.. IJ.60.
Coffee Market.
NEW VOHK. Nov. 14 -Futures opened
Irregular at a decline of t points to an
advance of 2 gotnts. November and Le-
cember being lower under a renewal of
yesterdays liquidation ana in aympatny
with reporota of lower firm offers In
lirsill, while other positions were un
changed to 1 points highter. CaJilee re
flected rather steadier European markets
than expected and -with the early offer
ings well a haoi bed. the market turned
steadier during the afternoon, following
the rumors that leading Intereata were
giving support In the primary market.
The cUr waa steady at a net advance of
fn 17 point on covering and bull aupport.
Kulee. 64.760 bags; November, 1413 bags:
Iiecember, 1,4C bags; January, 1.3x3 bags;
Bales 64 750 bags. November, 1,411 bigs;
April, 1.430 bags: May. 1.337 bags; June
and July. l.SM bags; August, beptember
and October, 1.H3& bugs.
Havre was .net unchanged to H franc
higher. Hamburg waa Vdl, pfeunlg
lower; Rio, To rela lower gt k4775: Han'os
4s liO rels lower ai MM; 7s nominal. Re.
celpls at the two rtraaillsn ports, 7J.0U0
bags, against 44 t has laat year. Jun
dlahy receipts. 43.U0O bags, against Jt.Uot)
bags. Today a special bsntoa cable re
ports 4a 34 rels higher at tl U mom
ing. Pao Pnulii rwelpts. 47 ma) bsga today
against &H.04I bogs vesterday: bhowcre
or tain were repoited In Sao 1'aulo. New
York warehouse deliveries ylrdwv of
Kt'iO bairs. ag ilnst lu,5e0 bags yesterday.
Coat and freight offer from Hi sail were
reported unchanged to 15 point lower.
rlpot coffee, tiulet; No. T Hlo. ltVfjlSV''
nominal; Panto No 1 4a.,.; m!j, dull;
Cordova, lo'tiilbV, -nominal.
C. M. A St. P 6 t V
Waba-ih 2
Mlaaourl Pacific !S fJ6 1
I nion I'aclnc M 16 ID
C. & N. W. (eaat).. 4 7 1
C. N. W. (west).. 6S 21 40
C, r4t. f., M. ft O.. 15 6 2
C, 11. A (j. (east)... 5 5 4
C, it. et W. (West)...l(H 1 5
C, K 1. at F. least) 11 6 2
C. It- I. ft p. 1 west) 1
Illinois Central 14..
Chicago Ot. West.. S .. 1
Total recelptg...27.9 " M 82
tauie. iiogs. eneep.
Omaha Packing Co 624
Swift and Company M7
Cudahy Packing Co 1,140
Armour ft Co 4D0
Morrell 77
W. H. Vansant Co 68
Benton, Vansant A L.. 327
1.207 146
k.iOs l.'ilu
1.4XS 1,401
Z,9 108
Hill & Son
P. B. Lewis
Huston ft Co
J. B. Koot & Co
J. H. Bulla
I P. Husg.
L. Wolf
McCreary ft Kellogg.
Werthelmer .ft Degen... 376
H. F. Hamilton 101
Lehmef Bros
Leo Kothschild
Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co
Cltne ft Christie
Other buyers
Total 6,542 6,4113 15,694
CATTLE Receipts of cattle were mod-
grate again today, making the total tor
the two daya tn.s week only 12,60t head,
a falling off of almost 6,0uo bead ag
uomoarea with laat week and of V.OoO
head aa compared with three weeks ago.
Ueceipis also were close to 7,ou0 head
tnaiier than the same days last year,
in tlio laoe.or sucli ngui receipts the
market hero as a wuole Was In spienaid
condition in spite of the tact that Chi
cago waa reported weak 10 lower.
uuyere 01 ail kinds ol cktue were out
In tue yaroa in goou season in. the morn
ing glut tne . uesiraoie ginua of both
g'liers und leeaars cnangeu nanus quite
tieety ai good, strong prices as compared
wan yeateraay. 1 in is means ttiai tne
market waa uround luc lugner than last
week, In fact a big loo iitgner. 011 goou
steers. Interior and medium grades did
not sell quite as lreeiy as tne better cat
tle und oid not -snow quite so muci ad
vance, but that la to be expected and was ot utile importance, xi.e .
bulk of ail tlio tuettle lit s.ant ciianueu
bunds ai an early hour in tne morning.
teluotaliuns 011 hauve cattle: Uoou to
choice beef stevera, 4.i6j7.iu; tair to good
oeei ateei H, 0014,0., 0; common " to lair
beef steel a, 4. 1141.6.00; good to choioe
Heifers, 4.(nX('j.2u, good 10 choice cows,
e4.40uo.uu; lair lo good cows, .l.7iip4,.ci;
common to fair cows, Ii6ia3.i6; veal
culvea, e3.6u4j7.i6.
Viuoiations on range cattle: . Good to
ohulce beet steers, .oiuj i.2o; fair lo good
beef steers, e6.iAHf6.ib; common lo fair
beef steers, t4.4tyo.oi; good to choice lieit
ers, t4.4uuj6.15; good to clioioo cows, t4.40i
o.Ou; lair to good 00 wa, M.rij4.if3; comiu.i
to fair vows, 2.7rgJ.o; good lu choice
stockers ana feeders, so.tM,i,t. 00; fsir to
good stockers ajid feeders, 44.4043.6.O0; com
mon to tair . siocxers ana feeders, t3.4itu
4.40; stock heifers, U-Mii-i-'2, buils, stags,
etc.. ta.ai4j4 W.
iVuprttiBiuatlve sales:
Ne. A?, rr. Ne. Ae. Pr.
10 4 24 21 UM 4 44)
14 44 i 4 44 141 74
1 1114 iU
1 414 I It 1 104S t 44
1 434 ' ti 4 1141 4 00
t..v. IU IU ' 10 V47 4 04
4. ,..llW4 I 41 41 17) 4 J
It .'44 114
4 744 t 34 I...,, 457 4 SO
4 Ill f 40 4 44U . 4 S4
tl A... 744 4 14 . 7 724 4 40
4 424 4 2 S 40 4 40
' UALV totfi. .
1 444 4 44 . 14 174 4 40
14 4110 ' 4 44 4 4J2 4 74
1 444 4 44
Biuc.te.itd AND FEEDERS.
1 440 I 00 II 437 . 4 44
44.,... WIN 14 4ta 414
2 44 4 Si 24 1047 ' 4 44
II 414 4 40 4 441 .4 10
4 141 4 40 It , .4 1
4 440 4 40 4 10V4 4 40
JO 704 4 44 11 170 4 40
No. . Av.
40 feeders. ,U4il
. WH
. 7t)7
. KW
. 4X1
. 0
12 cows...
7 bulls...
it cows...
7 cows. . .
$2 hellers
8 steers..
9 cows...
20 steers..
110 feeders.. 102i
20 feeders.. s3
30 cows tl)3
11 feeders.. 15
11 cows IMtt
:D cows 910
22 calvea... 10
33 feeders.. Sit
12 calves... isJ
10 feeders..
6 heifers...
i cows
6 feeders. .lull
7 heliers.
82 steers..
24 steers.,
42 steers.,
6 cows...
19 cows...
15 cows...
110 feeders. 1107
til feeders.. 1002
II cows.
I steers.
4 bulls...
4 cows..
16 cows...
.. 26S
6 S
4 00
3 65
II ift
3 35
4 7i
5 00
4 20
6 35
6 Hi
4 85
t iO
5 to
4 60
J S5
4 56
4 tO
4 00
Sypher Nebraska.
4 "S feeders.. 577
4 00 5 cows
3 60 6 cows
t 25 16 heifers...
W. Brewster.
1 cows.,
t steers
36 cows..
t rows.
34 cows.
32 com.,,.
It cows....
15 cow s. .. .
46 feeders.
14 cows..
44 feeders.. 1076
6 00
4 25
4 DO
6 10
4 75
4 U
3 10
4 35
6 40
4 85
4 40
4 40
4 00
4 60
4 86
3 90
5 70
4 50
4 1J
3 25
TOO 3 65
6 60
3 60
3 65
. 9ft9
. 112
(7 cows 906 446 31 rows....
H. R. E. Horse.
37 cows sVO 4 ti
O. L. Swallow.
113 cows.... Sit 4 40 6 feeders.. 760
T. Tyon.
It cows 910 J W 7 cows 695
4 OS
6 00
4 05
t7 43
11 heifers.,
46 cows....
53 feeders.
17 feedera..lOS0
It ralvea... lit
23 feeders.. 1007
14 heifers... 376
II steers.. ..1140
;e cows.
T! cows.
13 cows...
14 feeders.
I cows...
I calvea..
19 feeders.
4 10
4 40
4 HO
4 60
7 60
5 60
4 00
I 5
4 25
t 4i 10 corn s
4 ts) 6 cows
Clark F-.-tate
990 t M 13 cows
15 5 10
n. O.
W0 5 U
. 990
. Ki
. 940
22 steers..
7 calvea..
t COjgS....
II calves..
15 feeders.
4 to
3 10
4 40
4 65
7 Oil
t 40
t 00
4 76
875 4
4 4
4 C
HutW Buyers In the bog yards turned
ceetrlsh, some Increase In receipts and
lower advice from the c.t enabling
them to force an average decline of tullv
a dime. Hulk moved Into second hands
St the big 10-cnt reduction, hut there
wa some little bulne late In the c.
Slon that Involved price prftlV: under
those paid yesterday. The demand from
local jacking concern early had a fair
degree of activity, hut ns noon s the
more pressing orders were filled Inquiry
slackened and the marTiet became rather
Receipts amounted to about ninety
seven loads, mostly averages shout 2.4)
pounds. These classes were favored, the
same ns recently, and brought usual
premiums over ordinary hacon and very
light offering. There wss only a limited
outlet through shipping and speculative
channels, not more than a hatf dozen full
load selling to buyers working 011 mar
gins or commissions.
Bulk of suppay landed around Wli'Tj'
ti, as compared with yesterday's close
bulk of tl..l7,i6.4o. The bent lard animals
on sale made a top of 16.40, g dime Under
the highest price paid yesterday. Light
hoR sold from 36.20 down to less than
f.oo. the list ot quotations being de
cidedly elARtlc.
Representative sales-
Ne. . At. Sb. Pr. Ko. At. SU. Pr.
I 146 ... wN 4ti .izf ... jo
114 ... 4 Ml 41 MS ... o
71 Ii 120 4 OS 44 Ut ... 4 30
44 114 40 04 47 ll lu 4 aj
l'l ! ... 4 4 40 lit i-0 I to
4 U4 ... 4 04 44 121 40 4 10
4 144 44 4 04 14 131 400 4 W
- I'D 40 4 10 20 , 200 4 10
41 194 ... 4 10 ,0 Ill ... ,Vl
4 144 )0 4 10 44 a If. ... s tu
" ! SO 4 ID 41 Si 40 I to
4 14 ... 4 10 44 3H IHO 4 It)
mi ... 4 2 It i 100 4 in
11 ... 4 to ( 24 lao 4 40
1 M4 ... 4 10 10 tnl 110 4 W
.4 114 ... 4 10 47 i4 Ml
1 .i. 4 10 41 301 20M 4 10
.4 lit) ... 4 M 4 140 Ml 10
"4 til 120 4 to (4 ill 40 4 10
11 Ill ... 4 20 II 2SI 140 4 40
t 174 ... 4 n li tl 40 4 30
m Ill 14 4 I2S4 47 244 toil 4 SI0
1 IU' W 4 tl 41 2U 1H4 4 30
(I 40 44 4 t6 41 lid 140 4 40
2 20 420 4 21 44..' 120 ... 4 40
44 Ill ... 4 2 (1 till ... 4 lO
40 220 40 4 34 44 1'O ... 4 40
41 lat ... 4 54 94 2ft !0 4 SO
44 2.1 10 4 24 47 IK0 240 4 90
44 Ic7 20 21 41 171 220 4 40
M ins ... 4 25 4 27 120 4 10
17 IW 200 4 24 24 17 .1. 4 to
41 445 40 4 Hi 14 141 40 4 40
10 Ill 10 4 It 44 Ill 10 4 30
It 44 140 4 tS 40 214 120 4 40
44 230 ... 4 it 4I....A.t7. 40 I 10 .
44 If I 120 4 45 43 171 V I SO 4 30
II 2M ... 4 24 41 177 140 4 !2tt
71 244 440 4 24 4 MO 40 4 1114
11 242 400 4 14 44 Ill 100 4 32V4
I 22 10 4 45 It ' Ill) ... 4 JIV4
7.V 211 80 4 tS 61 314 1S8 4 314
44 124 80 4 14 4 !0 ... 4
44 214 SO 4 24 14 It! 10 4 34
t 14 ... 4 2S ' 44 124 ... 4 33
11 14 40 4 M 41 271 ... 4 IS
74 214 320 4 II il H ... 4 84
St 244 ... 4 25 41 till SO 4 34
41.'. 210 10 IS 48 rt 80 4 34
44 ! 80 4 40 M 171 ... 4 85
44....... SIW 280 4 30 44 316 80 4 3714
244 -44 4 40 48 Ill 40 4 40
12 ..244 80 4 40
19 141 ... I 40 11 43 ... 4 26
71 141 ... I 74 II 124 ... 4 74 ,
SHEEP In . all Important respects.
beep and lamb trade was only a con
tinuation of yesterday's lively market. A
brisk packing demand canned some Im
provement that was rather spotted and
practically everything at all suitable for
Slaughter sold readily. Prices steady to
about u dime higher bought offerings
early, good fed stuff as well a straight
g issuer finding an outlet on this basis.
Strings - that were merely warmed-up
drew backward Htds, however, and were
usually avoided In killing quarters .at re
cent discounts of a dollar or more from
prices paid for stock sure to dress out
t'or a late season run, the supply had
very fair slse, amounting to about 23,000
head. - This estimate Included a good
Contribution from the corq belt and the
Various feeder arrivals from the range
carried average quality (hat was more or
ess trashy, an annual feature ot tail-end
marketing of the western crop.
Killing purchases made early In the
session were given a nhowy appearance
by - movement of ltl.00 fed native lambs,
17176 range wethers, 33 ttXcfOM fed native
ewes and fed western wethers and year
lings at t4.0uV((4.30. Canner ewes changed
hands under 13.00, but the volume of busi
tiess In tins branch of the trade proved
Nothing new developed In the feeder
market to ' materially change the list of
Values. Strongwelght lambs and good,
thrifty ewes atti acted a reasonably fair
inquiry from buyers on country account,
but packers are working down Into the
low-grade stuff at present and finishers
rhiist take what they can get. Yester
day's buy on country account amounted
to only .4,3110 head.
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs,
good to choice, t5.60&.6o; lambs, fair to
good. t5.lXtj5&0; lambs, feeders. t3.t4.50;
seal lings, tair to Choice. $3. 4."4f4.36; year
IIiiks. feeders, 33.27fii3 S6; Wethers, good to
choice, 33.66S3 90; wethers, fair to good,
3.4V(3.66; wethers, feeders, t2.90t&3?5;
ewes, Rood to choice,' t3 2.Vtt3.50; ewes, fair
to good, 32.9li3.26; ewce. breeders, tlf-Vii
1.76; ewes, feeders, t.OOg'2.70; ewes, culls,
64 Wyoming ewes, feeders..-.:.
liW Wyoming ewes, fdrs., cull
506 Wyomlnu ewes, feeders..
tA Oregon ewes, breeders.....
Mi? Aiontana ewes
175 Montana ewes, culls
46 Idaho ewes .
S21 Oregon lambs, feeders....
mi Colorado lambs, feeders..
2.11 idano iambs
62 native lambs
80 Iduho lambs
62 native wethers
50 native ewes, culls
9 native lambs ,.
103 native lambs
14 native ewee
339 native lambs, feeders
in3 Montana -wethers
116 western wethers and yrlcs.
47 western yearlings
26 native ewes
67 native lambs ..,
s 7H
. 81
. SI
. 81
. 76
. o
. 37
. 77
. 64
. 87
. 75
. 62
. 9u
. 91
. 78
2 25
1 66
1 23
2 60
1 75
t 75
4 35
3 50
4 75
6 75
4 25
5 03
1 50
6 00
6 00
3 50
4 00
3 75
4 00
4 30
3 26
Demand for
tattle Weak Hogs
Sheep Loner.
CHICAGO, Nov 14. CATTLE Receipts,
lO.ono head. Market weak: beeves, 4 4x.(rf
9.10; Texas ateera, l4.00-g5.80; western
steers. t4.3fjfi7.:M; stockers and - feeders,
t3.oogd.7o; cows and heifers. ,$2.0o&0.85;
calves. t5.50triii.U0.
HOOS-Receipts, 34,000 head. Market
more active at opening figures; light. 3 75
t6.40; mixed,; heavy, to.9o&6.65;
rough, 5.95'6.20; good to choice heavy,
tii.3noi6.55; pigs, 138:5.40; bulk of sales,
to.L'5ni6 45.
SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts. 42,000
head.- Market 10c to 20c lower; native,
1260390; western. 2.6ii'4S.S)0; yeaning,
t3.75i4VuO. 1-ainba: Native, t3.75tl.20;
western, $3.75tj6U).
Kanaaa City l ire stork Market.
Receipts, 18.W0 head. Including 600 south
erns; market steady to 10c lower; dressed
beef and export steers. 6.77jy.25: fair to
good, tj.3V6.50: western eteers, 3i.Ocft7.2i;
stockers and feeders. M.7u'ii3."5; southern
steers, ' t2.70tu6.25; southern cows, i7ujj
4. jo; native cows, t2.80uo.10; native heif
ers. oV(j7.00; bulls. $J.5oty4.75; calves,
HOUS Receipts, JO.OoO head; market 10c
tower: bulk of sales, $rt 0b7j41.40; heavy,
j.StVn6.45: packera and butchers, t6.2ty
6.47i; lights, K0tni6.S5; pigs, t4.fl5-50.
' SHEKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 13,010
head: . market steady to strong; lambs,
44.l'."4i6.00; yearlings. t3.7Tyri4.73; wethers,
13 2Ui4. 00; ew ea. ti-0Dt)3.ti0; stockers and
feeders, II.OOij3.75.
St. Loals Live Stork Market.
T. IX)1ia. Nov. 14. CATTLE Re
ceipt. 6,200 head, including. 1.90O Texan;
mm ket strong and 10c higher; native
shipping and export ateera. f7.5Ou9.U0;
dressed beef and butcher teers, t5.Oii7.50;
steers under l.OtX) pounds. ll.oofi'S.OO.
stockers and feeder. t3.0oj4.00; cow and
heifers, 1710087.00; canners, tlOOTiSOu;
bulls. H7im6.25: calVe. t4.ufias.t4); Texas
and Indian sieers. HuiV(j7.0w cows and
heifers, t4.Vy7uO.
HOUS Receipts, 15,6tw head; market
lOo lower: pig and lights, t4nun6 40;
packera. to looi6.4o; butchers and best
heavy. d.2ui.u0.
SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts. 4. 993
head: market steady; native mutton.
eV1.Ooti3.7f; lambs, t4 2S.i4 90; culls and
bucks, tl.2640-1-00; stocker. tl.50a3.26.
St. Joaeph Liver Stock Market.
ceipts. S.OuO head. Market 10c to lc lower;
steer. 44 joy 9 J6 : cowa and heifers l-fitf
too; calve. tiOO7.60.
H041S Receipt. 12.000 head. - Market
10o lower; top. I.I0; bulk of sales. tti.K3
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,500
head. Market l'Xfi 13c higher, lambs, $4 30
gioek tn "Itrht.
Receipts of live stock at tli five prin
cipal markets yesterday:
Cattlflu ling. Sheep.
. .. 5 6,atl -'4.4n
... S.H'i KM")
imiii ro.not)
... 6.2ia) 15.50
...10.014 3I.0HO
Pouth Omaha...
St. Joseph
Kansas city....
St. Ixiuls
....43,700 sT.SoD 8S.5
Visible Sapply of lira to.
NEW YORK, Nov. 14 Social cable,
and telefrraphlc commu.iicntion reccivetl
by Bradstreet s . show the following
chrinife In available supplies as compared
with, previous account: Available sup
plies.! Wheat, I'nited States, eaat Rock
ies Irfcrreasc.i 1.4'V.,000 bushels. Canada,
iiicreas-d 4.12,(1:10 bushels. Total I'nlteti
States and Canada Increased fi.5i5.tMI
liushels. Af'i'ai for and In Europe In
creased l.fiOt-ftiaj buhelH.
TotsJ American find hTuropean BtirplV
Ifirrenntd 7,07.000 bushels. Corn, United
States and Canada, tlccretised 1 '.!)
bushels, tiatw, I nltcd States and Can
ada, decreased 72H,i"j0 bushels. The leart
Ing Increases rA'mrted this week follow:
Manitoba and Nvrthw-cpt. 7-,0ou bushels.
Ooderlch. lJU.Ooti' bushels. Minneapolis
private elevators.. lno.vOO bushels. Nasli
vHle. 50,ij00 busla-ls. Rochester, &0,0"t)
bushels. t.
Metal Market.
Standard copper, trutet: spot and No
vember, tl2.aO"ii2.3i".; V futures, 312.27Wi 12.47,.
London market, tjuicil; spot, t5ti Pis 3d;
futures, Lil , 10. Lali.- copper, tl2.2'rii
$12.75; electrolytic, tl2li21't)13.i'; casting,
tlt.26'lil2.30. ; Tin, flmr but unlet; spot
and November, H2 0t C.oo; futures. t4l.."i
H3.00. London rnnrket, firm; spot, 1!45;
futures', fl88. Lead, timet, t4.23tyi.30. New
York; t.25(Bt!.ri0, East Pt, Louis. London,
15 ltS 3d. Speller, uuit.-t. tu.30ffj4.50. New
Y6rk; $6.25$ 6.50 East St. Louis. Iondon.
f26 16s. Antimony, dull; Cookson's, 18.00
J:r,4. Iron, Cleveland warrants, 47s In
London. Locally, quiet. No. 1 foundry
northern. tl5.U0fBlfi.2o; No. 2. J14.75fH la.OO; ,
No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft,
I1&.00-4 lo.Ml.
Wool Market.
BOSTON, Nm. H. WOOL There has
been some relalfon In narrower linen.
Values remain practlcsilly unchanged, and
dealers are more inclined to hold to (tak
ing prices. Fine fli-ece are In fair and
active demand and lii cents Is being- paid
for unwashed delaine. Montana clips In
original bags sell at . to 21c, while the;
scoured wool basis, at territory la SO to'
63c for finest stairle. Texas wools ara
selling liberally with- twelve months at
42c scoured. The dentnnd for pulled wool
Is moderately good.
ST. LOUIS. Nor. 14. WOOL Un
changed; territory ahd western mediums.
l6HtJlo; line ineuiums, ltxg'isc; -tino,
Cotton Market.
NF7W YORK, Nov. 14.-COTTON-Spot
closed quiet 10 points hlpher; middling
uplanils, 9.60c; middling gulf. 9.83c; sales,
940 bales. ''.'
Cotton futures closed sternly. Closing
bids: November, 9.27c; December. 9.41c;
January, 9.16c; February 9 lc; March.
9.2c; April, 9.32c; May, 9.3fic; June, 9.39c;
July, 9.43c; August, 9.41c; September. 9.43c;
October, 9.43c.
38 bbla.;
bbls.; re-
950 bbls.;
Tnrprnttne and Rorln.
TINE Firm. 44440; sales, 701 bbls.
receipts, 803 bbls.; ahlpments,
stocks, 35.625 bbls.
ROSIN Firm; sales. 2.525
celpts, 3.617 bbls.; shipments.
stocks. 91.904 bbls. Quotations: B, tt.12H;
D, 16.20; E, ttS.2o; F and O. S6.23H; H and
I. 16.30; K, tW 35; M, $6.30; N, $6.65; WO.
$7.36; WW, $7.65.
Commercial Club
to Bridge Opening
Headed by Charles I). Beaton, Omaha's
delegation to the Plattsmouth celebration
of the opening- of the new brldgo at Ore
apolla on the projected Omaha-Kanstir
City automobile highway, will leave Six
teenth and Furnam streets at 1 o'cloc).
this afternoon In automobiles.
This will give two Injurs to resell
Plattsmouth In time for tho afternoon
program. Plattsmouth Is nineteen miles.
The Commercial club is organizing tha
party 1n conjunction with the Omaha
Automobile club, and it wants all who
can to bring their autog and Join In tha
trip. President E. H. Sprague of tho
Omaha Automobile club, and Louis Nasli,
Gold Diets and J. E. George of the Com
mercial club, have announced that they
will go.
Formal exercises will be held In tho
Parmola opera house at 3 o'clock this
afternoon and tho Plattsmouth people
will give the visitors an entertainment ia
the evening. '
Sooks Seeks Battle,
Cop Satisfies Him
Peter Sooks, aspirant for honor as tha
white man's hope, while under the influ
ence of Mquor Monday night challenged
everybody In tho Second ward to a fistio
duel. When no one seemed willing t
accept his challenge, ha fought out 4V
policeman. He found Officer Wentz and
told him to take off his star to recelva
the. .Worst beating of his life. Went
changed Sooks' mind and landed the other
In Jail. The prisoner was very rneek whett
arraigned this morning ahd wag fined
$1 and costs by the police Judge.
James V. Chlzek, bookkeeper in the of
fice of Sheriff Edwin F. Urailey. will
be made chief deputy county clerk by
County Clerk-elect Frank Dewey, whea
ha takes his office the first of next year.
Announcement to this effect was niada
Tuesday morning by Mr. Dewey. Tho
change probably Is the only one Unit will
be made in the county clerk's office.
Politicians are speculating aa to changes
to be made In other offices and as to ap
pointment that will be made by tho
Board of County Commissioners the first
of the year, when the democratic major
ity will give place to a republican major
ity. Nothing definite regarding these
matters has been said, however.
There probably will be no changes In
the offices of clerk of the district court,
surveyor and county Judge.
Enua A. Mills of Estes Park. Colo.,
speut Tuesday In Omaha, visiting the
public library and calling on people in
terested lu preserving the natural beau
ties of the United State. Mr. Mills la
well known aa a writer of books on out
door life and lu an advocate of better care
and control of national parks. Hj is
going east to attend a meeting of tha
National Civic association, to be held In
Washington December IX At this meet
ing It Is expected the association will
Inaugurate a campaign looking to otn
gresalonal action that will place all the
national parks In the care of 0110 depart
ment of government and appropriations
sufficient to develop them more fully and
keep them In better physical condition.
) An I air
should be covered with clean bandages
saturated Willi Uucklen's Arnica. Salve.
Heals burns, wounds, sores, piles. 2 -c
For sale by Reaton Drug Co.