Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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. A)I X1EH r,V KLtWAlliJ ItueUWATKK.
Kntei-vt at Omaha oslofflce a second-
Sunday hee, one year KM
Ceturdsy Bee. , ne year I W
I 'ally Hoe (without 8unly, me ) ear. 4 0"
lally IH anj Punday, nne yesr
Erenlng Hee (with ffundav). per month.. ZVc
l'atly lie tlnctudln Piin.lm). Tr mo,.K
lJally He (without Xiinriay). per mo... 4Jc
Addrea all rnmplalnts of Irrea-iilarttle
' delivery to flty rtrrulatlnn lept.
Remit by draft express or r"StsI order,
nsysbl to The life publishing enmrany.
Only t-rent stamp received In payment
of email account Perianal checs. -;rt
on Omaha and eastern enchaaie, not
OmahaThe Bee nullrtlnf.
floufh Omaha Etl N St.
'"ounrll M'Hffe 16 Pooit ft.
t.lncoln 2. I.lttl BulMlnr
fhlrao 1M Marquette Pni'ldtrn.
Kanraa City Reltnnre ftiilldlna
New Vork-M Wwt Thirtv-thlrd.
Tahliiirnn 7 fourteenth St, N. Vf.
fommunlratlon relntltm to newa and
"iHnHal matter ehou'd he addressed
Omaha nan, ftOirnrtal repartmnl.
State of Nebraska. County of T)ousl. .
I'wlKht Wllllama. circulation manaer
of The Bee Puhllehlnir rompanv. btn
duly sworn, say that the awrag dally
'tre-i'atlon. Ire polled, unused and re
turned copies for th month of October,
:.'!!. a M.;os.
Circulation Manaaer.
Hihscrfbed In my presence ami sworn to
liefore me this 1st day of Nnvemher, 1911.
Notary public
Subscriber leavl; the pity
temporarily ahsald hay The
lie moiled In hem, Addrea
rlll we rfcaaar uftea aa
req vetted.
Ah, quit your kidding. Jack Frost,
Maryland refuses to disfranchise
Itt colored voters.
The tidal wave keeps beating
against the shore of time.
The Impact on the coal bin from
the mercury's fall was som'fln' fierce.
To fond parents the best part of
the foot ball season Is Its shortness.
Oee, someone forgot to get the
Maine out of the mud before winter
came on.
Washington must quit playing now
and get back to work the president
Is at home.
Are they going to deny the chief
witness, Mr. Lorlmer, a bearing at
his own Inquest?
Maryland seems to be a democratic
stale only when there ( Is really no
luBlnens to attend to.
Those cross-country aviatois can
make the trip a little quicker than
I'edestrlan Weston, anyway. ..
"I will not ask. for a Becond term,"
a) s President Madoro. That was
hat Mr. Bryan said too soon.
Tha reigning dynasty may shelf
Ting-fang, but they cannot keep
u good man down In a republic.
It must be just a coincidence that
most of the known democratic bosses
over the country are for Harmon.
Covernor Aldrlch might easily file
a u jplemental Thanksgiving procla
luatiou, adding several more reasons
Just about 650,000 automobiles,
re owned In the United State. We
.till have about 24,000,000 horses
Tho reason why the democrats
find nothing significant In recent
state elections Is that the aigniflcanue
Is nil agulnst them.
"Do your Christina shopping
early." - Those words seemed to
strike painfully upon a man's' ears
with ever)-" gust'of that fierce nor'-
Tho fioston Transcript evidently
thought ItUle of the Massachusetts
state election, (or H passed tt tin
with only a two-column and a half
editorial parariaph.
Had Governor Dlx's first ' legisla
ture been republican be might today
be a stronger mm in New York, for
it might have saved him from shock
ing his Tammany band.
oe fise new school building in
Omaha has eight varaut rooms while
others are crowded. It looks aa if
the School board might lt profitably
us a board of equalization.
-Now If democrats are aa grateful
u republics ought to be, our old
friend, "Jerry" Howard, may land
eouje-hr for a meal ticket when
the new sheriff-elect takes posses
sion. The democratic court bouse com
bine is now getting In a hurry to
deliver the goods before tbe turnover
In January.' Anyone can tell who
belongs to the combine by watohJag
the rollcall.
Senator Hitchcock's local demo
ratlc organ has discovered that
Woodrow Wilson did not voce for
Hryan In 1896, alto that h)s original
pocsor and rhampfon Is Harper's
Weekly, commonly edited with be
ing controlled by J. Plerpont Morgan,
til of which raises him several
tU- iu Its list of deiuowTatJc ellgl-bha
Narrowing the List.
Not long ago The noe called at
tention to the fact that that
old democratic war-horse, Edgar
Howard, had ruled Champ Clark off
the democratic race track, and was
gradually getting down closer to the
choice of a democratic standard-
bearer. It gois Without saying that
Edgar Howard give no thought to
Governor Harmon or to Oscar Under
wood, both being under the ban of
Mr. Rryan, Whose viewpoint be tries
to adopt.
Now comes Edgar to the front
again with another blackball which.
he puts In the box against Wood row
Wilson, whom he has disqualified be
cause "his home state went buck to
republican rule," leaving him, unless
there should be a quick recovery,
"without a serious following In the
democratic national convention."
Still, Edgar Is not going to render
the democratic rldor entirely horse
less. One man still remains to an
swer the call, as witness the follow
ing: With Wilson elmlnsted by the, republi
can wave In his home Mate, and with
Champ Clark put out of the running by
the working of hi own mouth on the
annotation of Canada utlon. there re
main but two men of prominence? in the
flsjit for the democratic nomination
Folk of Missouri and Harmon of Ohio.
As between three two It oupht to he easy
for any weatrrn democrat to nmke a
quick choice, and that choice must l
So, wo take It, It ts all settled now,
and the forthcoming primary and
subsequent national convention are
merely to go through the motions of
ratification. Hurray for Folk as
the first choice of Ncbruskn democ
racy. Nebraska's Farm Outlet.
President Howard Elliott of the
Northern raclflc Railway company
recently called attention to the fact
that tho value of farm products In
this country last year was nearly
,uuu,uuu,uuu, ana luaftne farms
annual crop value hod nearly doubled
in tho last eleven years.
That being the case, what should
happen In ther next decade? The
farmer of this country has advan
tages and knowledge "which he did
not lhave eleven years ago by which
he ought to far more than double his
output. He has at least a rudimen
tary knowledge of Intensive fanning
and each year this knowledge should
grow and he has the advantage of
certain governmental aid, as re
clamation and irrigation in swamp
and semi-arid territories upon a
larger scale and he has larger and
bettor railroad facilities, therefore,
more advantageous markets. But
aside from all this, and yet quite a
part of It, or, at least, a connequence
of it, he has access to an immensely
greater area of land for cultivation
than he had eleven years ago and
each year this area will trow.
The farmer of the rich and fertile
state of Nebraska should, mark these
facts, for they have a very deep
tnvnnlng to him. Does be realize
that hla potatoes, hay, alfalfa, rye,
barley, oats, wheat and corn In 1910
made up $219,190,977 of that
$9,000,000,000 total for the United
States? This Is taking no account of
thren of the state's chief Industries
dairying, poultry and live stock
raising, to say nothing of fruit, all of
which are products of tbe farm. But
these prodigious figures bovo their
larger significance to Nebraska farm
ers only when used as the basis of
computation of what can bo done in
the years to come, when more of the
great fertile prairies are brought
under ronquest of the plow and the
sower and tbe reaper.
No state In the union makes a
stronger natural appeal to the home
seeker today than Nebraska. H not
only has the soil, purchasable at
reasonable prices, but It has the rail
road equipment, the market and the
climate, than which there Is no bet
ter. .
Statistics show' that Nebraska
faroaera are not laUlug as much corn
and small grain per acre as they
were la 11575. but neither are the
farmera of Missouri or Kansas .or
Iowa. They nerd, therefore, to apply
the methods of intensive farming
with more diligence. They havw
made some headway but not enough
to get the greatest value but of their
land. Of course, it is only fair to
note the difficulty of making tbe
yield per acre keep pace with the
increase in acreago cultivation as
compared between now and 1875.
Hut the average acre yield of grain
then was only thirty-two bushels and
no agricultural scientist will rare to
admit that land like Nebraska's can
not reach that ao,w. i
Our First Cold Ware.
The year t sustaining Its record
of phenomenal weather rather well.
The fact was surely not blown out
of our minds by any of the recent
gales that 1911 has set some paces
of its own for heat and drouth and
now people are wondering ir It will
also cuwplete the gauntlet with un
seasonable cold. Some unofficial
weather prophets incline to the be
lief that the present winter 1911-1$
will be intensely severe, though
tor one's own comfort he need not
accept thU as Infallibly true, for two
reasons: Tlrst, that the official
weatherman has not made the pre
diction and second, that those who
have base their forecasts upon noth
ing more tangible than that the year
has been unpreeedentedly dry, in
Tbe cold wave which broke upon
this section Saturday night ith such
abruptness and intensity, ecti'.s to
have come all t,he way from northern
Europe, thus, evidently, gathering
force and momentum over its wide
sweep, so that it is no wonder It
pierced the marrow so keenly. Zero
wenther, though, later In the season
In winter, for this Is yet autumn
would be endured with very little
ado. The system would be ready
for It. i '
Even the discomfort people of this
section felt Is not to bo thought of,
though, for In other sections desola
tion and death lay in the wake of
the storm. We have much to be
thankful for. -Chicago seems to have
been a pivotal point of this cold
wave, aa It usually Is of most cold
waves. . There tbe thermometer
dropped from 74, sbnormally high
for November, to 13, abnormally low,
in a very few hours and much suf
fering snd some death ensued.
Surely Nature is on exhibition this
year and its displays have been over
poweiingly Impressive.
Are Good Men Wanted T
The common cry in politics Is,
"give us good men," and the effort
is constantly made to arouse the
more substantial elements In tho
community to the need of better men
in public office. Every polltlral
party and every reform organization
proclaims its purpose to put good
nun in public positions, but alto
gether too often the avowed object
Is forgotten when the test of practi
cal work ts prosented.
In the recent local election here in
Omaha we had. the same cry before
the primary and the customary diffi
culty to gut good men to consent to
run. Notwithstanding these diffi
culties the outcome of the primary
on (he republican side was particu
larly fortunate, and the ticket nomi
nated aa a whole made up of superior
material, (whlle the ticket of the
democratic opposition was loaded
down, with a few exceptions, wlih
ward heelers or chronic Job hunters.
Yet as a matter of fact, two or three
of the best fitted and most capable
republican candidates were elected
only over the virulent opposition of
the very people who clamor for good
men the sort of opposition calcu
lated to deter good men from ven
turing to run for office in tho future.
It Ib such exhibltidns as this that
discredit the sincerity of reformers
who try to make the "good-men-for-offlce"
slogan their political stock In
trade. It makes it look as If they
bad some other and more selfish In
terest, and that It is not bo much
good men that they want In office,
as it Is their men that they want in
office, which are not always Identical
Tha Lincoln Journal trios to make
cut that holding first place on the
ballot is what elected Judge Hamer,
and that if the ballot rotated In the
election as it does in the primary,
the result would be different. This
assumption, shuts its eyes to the
fact that Judge Dean.'the only candi
date on the democratic ticket who
came wllhln gunshot, alco held first
place oa the ballot, and that rotation
would have set him back Just an
much as It would Judge Hamer.
With the rotated ballot there never
would have been any question what
ever as to the success of every man
on the republican state tlck.H.
Take nete that the scheme of our
Lincoln friends to beat the candi
date for Tjniverslty regent living in
Omaha by making a combination in
favor of the other republican candi
date and their favorite democrat,
went to pieces. Had they succeeded
even in pushing their local democrat
over the line, they would merely
have beaten their preferred republi
can. Senator Hitchcock'a World-Herald
persists In listing Governor Harmon
and Oscar Vuderwood among the
ellgibles for -the 1911 democratic
presidential nomination, Mr. Bryan
to the contrary notwithstanding.
When is a democrat?
tt( tarh a Uratle'inaa.
' P.ultlmore American.
The lueufflc department haa recon
sidered Ita tan and will deliver 'Sant
Oaus" tetters, t'oxle Sam. like the true
man and gentleman be to, could not bear
the da of breaking up a Merry ChNitt
maa for twe kids.
Novelty im Aceeor YVurehip,
Cbirairo Tribune.
The Imperial clan wanta the Chine
recent, Jritce Cliuw to Commit aulculi
for the I'urpotie'of atonliux to hla ances
tors. Theae are the dava when Prtin
Cttua would doubtleaa tie e ad to be a
"Tojmy" t1 utirublel by
Shadow auil HatHitiinnr.
Philadelphia UullrUn.
The defeat of the amendment regarding
oenetltutlunal prohibition in Maine la now
officially recorded, fcut the announcement
In the prexs dlHiuuctiea that "Maine tayi
dry" l nm warranted. Malue "uteya,-'
stands pat, but not 'dry." It never was
Awful KImI.
1 la Metnea Capital. -
Mr. llryan advttws the t
nominate Mr. 1a Toilette for ftreaxtout
next year. Mis excuue for "buttias in"
is that U a democrat cannot be elHtd
ie would Mke to see the next beat t1iln
happen. Such aulleteeaneaa In poUtkua la
as beautiful as tl Is rare.
Ualward Me 4 Serenity.
li t-more Amrr.can
Vhe millionaire summoned in the gov.
ernmetit'a case afalnat the steel truat
have been making llinnutelves -ery
axreeabte to the government aummonere,
Tried snd found wanting, the dodging
t r-oe has been dropt-ea for an lu-bajie
caui-teay uhlch tflvea human Intereet to
the colj offlc.aliMn of "ttust-bu.ulug."
pjookin Backward
I Ills On v inOmnlin
r coMtMLr.p rifoyi nr,e riLr-s
yr-rl SOX. 14. L--j
Thirty Years Ago
Jlie diMappearartce of H. M. Briscoe,
who had been In partnership with I'eter
Hoyer, under the name of H. M. Hrlacoe
A Co., safe dealer, la attracting' atten
tion. e(.ocllly of hla creditors.
The November tnrm of Ui Cnlted
Stairs court opened with tunny attorneys
prerent from adjoining- rltlee. but ad
journed out of respect of Vaton H.
Smith, clerk of the court, after appoint
ment of a committee to drart the renohl
tiona, conaiatlng of O. M. I-ainbertaon,
A. J. foppleton, E. Extabrook, O. W.
Ambrose, W. II. Munger, J. C. Cowln
snd W. M. Unrtlett.
Here- la a typical advertisement:
Not lce0 wine; to the'terrlble condition of
atrrets and otir Inability to procure extra
teams, we will not deliver to points be
yond north to Davenport, south to
Howard, west to Klxtecnth and cant to
Ninth. We will resume out usual de
livery aa soon as rouda will permit. H.
A. Iluntonn, Ager.t fsclfle and 1". S.
Kxpreaa company; H. 11. Brown, Afccnl
American Kxpr company."
Senator and Mr. C. H. Van Wyck
spent the day in Omaha, returning from
Pullman Conductor llej-man Itenmrr
haa resigned his position and will return
to his home In ClrecnburR. l'a., coming
back to Omaha In the spring.
Among the army order I one to sur
vey consisting of Major Marshal I. Iml
dlngton, . quartermaster I'nlted Rates
army; John V". Kurey, assistant quarter
master, and Atslslaiit Karl 1). Tliomus,
Klfth cavalry, to ascertain cause of and
fix responsibility of shortage In an In
voice of granulated sugar shipped frum
Mrs. Alma E. Keith. 1222 Farnam street.
Informs indies that she "has reduced her
cut-hair awltchea from $ to 15
switches to 1; $3 switches to tl.CO. Nat
ural waves a specialty.
Twenty Years Ago
Mrs. H. H. Mcday left for Chicago.
Mr. John It. Blair, a bright lawyer
from Den Molnea and nephew of John I.
Blalr, millionaire, wus in the city.
Superintendent KiUputrlck of tho pub
lic echools returned from Chicago, Kt.
Paul and Minneapolis, where he visited
Mrs. Fannlo O. Lynn and dnughter, Bes
sie, of Chadron, were guests of the family
of II. . Coryell.
Charles T. Dlcklnron, the newly elected
county attorney of Burt' county, was In
town, and called at The Bee office.
jlohn A. Miller and wife, with Miss
Laura Annette arrived from Kostoria,
Ore., to reside at 207 North Twenty-lhtrd
street, and Lnuls Angene established his
home there, when he was not traveling.
Governor John M. Thayer Issued hla
Thanksgiving proclamation for the state.
In wliluli he said. "I beg those with an
abundance not to forget the poor and
needy, but to give to them freely of their
own bounty. It all the people rejoice."
A committee of enthusiastic Omaha an.l
Nebraska men left fn"a special Pullman
car for Washington, hoping to return
with the location of the next republican
national convention, la the party were
Dr. H. D. Mercer, Colonel C. H, Koott,
Church Howe, tx-Oovernor Alvln- Saun
ders, Maior T. t. Clarkson. John L." Web
ster, T. J. Mujors, K. p. Rogen. Mayor
elect tteorge P. Beml. G. V, IS. Doisey.
Edward Hose water, U. Jt. Hoggs, - Cadet
Taylor. A. L. Strang, T. L. Kimball, C. J.
Greene, O. A. t-'oe, Thomae rl, McCaue.
At a meeting the republican city and
county campaign committees. City "hair,
man Smith reported that - the total
expense was Itss than $3,000, while Coianty
Chairman liave Mercer said the county
Job cost about S1.300.
Ten Years Ago
John I.. Klrd of Crete assumed charge
of the regular series of German clauses
at the Omnlia High school.
After negotiations pending for three
months the cliy and the I'nlon Pacific
eme lo terms for the transfer of certain
land lying along the river front to be
used by the railroad for Its big shops.
The railroad waa repesented at the final
conference by President Horace It. Hurt.
Oeneral Solicitor Ketlry and Chief F.n
glneer Berry and the city by City Attor
ney Cemnell and Krulneer Hosewater.
The Young Men's Christian association
directors gvva a banquet to Fred B.
Smith, international secretary of that or
ganisation. The Douglas County Democracy sent
resolutions to Governor Savage urging
tilin to convene the legislature In extra
session to pas a proposed amendment to
the constitution providing for a larger
suttreme couy
Mr. Boy A.,b Frye and Miss Hannah
Saline were married in the evening at the
home ef the groom's sister, Mrs. A. p.
Brady, by Rov. C. N. Dawson.
Mr. Fulton M. Berlin and Miss Jennie
M. Donaldson were united In marriage at
the homo of the bride's mother by Itev.
K. H. Jenks. The young folk went Im
mediately to then- owsi home, IMt Chi
cago street.
Harry P. I,uol, reaWr of deeds-elect,
names his office staff as follows: Frank
lliristman. deputy: C. J. Kmerv in.lov
olork; P. H. Toblri, clerk; Charles Kauf
man, olerk; W. 11. Clmdwu'k, clerk; Miss
F.dna Unfflttw stenographer: MiH cia
Cretghton, ciipy-lst.
Jokn Kush'a ktphitmetit a national
bank examiner te succeed c, K. McGrew
waa announced. 11. a: Doud succeeded
Mr. Kusn a bookkei in the office of
collector of lutemal revenue.
Anle Severaa, 1-year-olxl eon of Mr. and
Mre. J. IJ. tievema, Twelfth and Daven
port street, etioked m artichokes and
was revived by Emergency officer Dan
Mr. R. A. Cudahy was hostess of a
luncheon lo sixty-live women, one of the
targvst functions of the kind ef ttra
breaardtasr Ituaaaa Uavklae.
Kanbes C.ty star.
The adoption of tt out age pcasiou
syttem for Us emluyes by Armour A Co.
Is another indio4.iui .f U.erwuur reoog
nltlou of tlte fact Uai a bumra sou u id
provide lor the arrawang ha feom&u
suacliutee a wail as of Ms Inanimate plant.
The Heed of making torn aoit of pro
vlon for the eld age of many classes of
workers is becoming too Insietent to be
ft vet i y 4 t'aatal barpla-a.
St. I. out Globe Democrat. .
For the first time the Powtoffic de
partment shows a surplus at the end of
a fiscal year -and u i nearly a quarter
of a nullum at that. Shipping the maga
1ne by freight has aavpd money and
reduced th railway complain; aOnmt
I if lit tiafflc.
14. 1011.
The Divorce fllll.
OMAHA. Nov. H.-To the Kdltor of The
l-e: The I'.oe, of eoftrse, l rUht, In a
measure, when It ra-.S: "The divorce l
the effect, whllei the evil li-s In the
cause, snd the caisAe is to he fo'ind. very
often. In tho r?cklcs mnlne." Uut Is
not the r cities rna.-ilugo, very often, the
direct rrsult tr toj eay dlvnrte? If men
Htid wotren feel that ttinre is an easy
way out or it, tliey wHl be fur less 31s
pjjsed lo reason and weMli the proposl
Hon to wd than the would be If the
way out of it wns extremely difficult, if
not wholly Impossible. Aa things are,
there does not appear to be any very
urgent reason why ordinary people should
be other than reckless as to marriage.
Divorce Is easy. It Is no longer a dis
honor to be divorced, with as clear a
field to wed stain as though the divorcee
were, instead, the faithful survivor of a
former man Inge which death dissolved,
not a divorce court. There are too few
consequences following any sort ef di
vorce to make unprincipled poplo shun
It. They are cordlully received Into the
most exclusive circles of society aa
though nothing at all had ever happened.
Even the co-respondent, on account of
whom a divorce was sought and given,
rtiny be the man whose wife she wronged,
without forfeiting her social privileges.
She lost nothing at all that the world
could give, perhaps not even her own
selfrespect. She f nind her society frlendj
ready to make parties for her as well
as a "Christian minister" to marry her.
What did sho lose in giving rein to paj
slon at another woman's cost? , i
it Is difficult to see whence the remedy
for the divorce habit Is to come eo long as
the public conscience about it Is as de
based as It Is now. If Christian people
condemned It by word and act; If they
refused to receive people Into their so
ciety who sought a reckless divorce after
a reckless marriage, there might be Borne
hope. If Chtistlan ministers refused to
have anything to do with the remarriage
of divorced people, there might be hope.
But they do not refuse. At least many
of them do not. The average protestant
minister will refuse to go behind the
state license. He will marry any one
bringing, that. There was a great ado
made about the Astor case, but similar
cases occur everywhere. In Omaha a
elsewhere, without rebuke from the press
or people. If Christian mln.stfrs Would
obey the law of Christ by refusing to
rolemnlze, or to legalixe, the marriage
of divorced people, there would be fewer
divorces. The state divorces them, let
the state marry them, and clvo them
What blessing It has to bestow upon the
work of its own hands. But let the pre
fessed minister of Christ refuse 'to bless
what Christ condemned. Or If he will
not, let him be consistent enough to refuse
to deplore the prevalent evil of divorce
John Howard I)r.
HARTINGTON, Neb., Nov. 11. To the
Editor of The Bee: In the year liMKi the
writer was appointed by the governor of
Nebraska as one of tbe delegates to the
National Prison congress. The session
was held at Lincoln. 1 have always been
a nudinirer of John Howard, because 1
nave regarded him as on of those rare
exceptions in the of humanity, one
of those unique persona, an absolute
altruist. At tViat congress I offered the
following preamble and resolution.
Whereas, It Is meet and proper to com
mcmoiaie the name and services of the
ituhtr oi prison relorm; now, tlierefora,
be it
HtSvlved, That we recommend to all
ISist.n aeiorin assoc. ations and societies
throughout the United M lutes and to ail
frlenus of prison reform the proper ob
servance of the sfcmd day of September
of each succeeding year, to be known and
deslcnated as Howard day, the same
being thu anniversary of the birth of
John Howard.
I moved that a committee be appointed
to consider this resolution and report at
the next convention. The president, a
beefy prison warden from some state
which a dlgreinember. either through a
desire to kill the resolution or through
ignorance of parliamentary courtesy, did
not appoint me on the committee; and
that was the last heard of the resolu
tlon. In 1909, 1 happened to be secretary
of the Judiciary committee of the house
of the Nebraska legislature and drafted
a bill, which Victor Wilson, the chairman.
Introduced, making Howard day a legal
holiday In all prison and reformatory in
stitutions In the state. This bill passed
the house, but failed in the senate. The
next session, at iny request, James Mar
tin Taicott introduced the same bill, and
with characteristic energy pushed It to a
passage and apitroval; and It la now a
law In this state. I wish every state In
the union would take notice of the action
of Nebraska and follow suit. The effect
upon prisoners in raising their self-re-specj
and bringing to their minds the
work of John Howard will have a greater
effect for the reformatton of the human
race than anything I can conceive. When
men cease to gloriry their butcher the
name of John Howard will stand out as
on of the great namea In 'human history.
People Talked About
Forty-five hunters, mmt of them mis
taken for game, havo been slatn this year.
The fool and his gun are on the Job all
rlerlit this year.
Luther Burbar.k has turned out a
thorniest! blackberry bush. Something of
the kind la needed to till the gap left
by the Iwrbank wonderberry, which came
two years ao and faded away exton after
it wns tried in the pie.
Italian visitors to the Garden of Allah,
iu Tripoli, are not enjoying the acetiery
and climate as much as anticipated. Be
sides, there are more natives In the locality-
than the census Indicated, and their
ciow ding adds to d:womfort of visitors.
Uncle Sam's celestial rhi ra, former Am
bassador Wu Ting-fang, Is one of the
head pusJi of th revolution In china.
Owing to the amount of business on hand
Wu no longer Indulges his habit of quia
sing, but la working bead and hands. To
save both ite must win.
Time who think the tariff had some
thing to do with the defeat of the repub
luaa candidate lor governor of Massa
chusetts are aoeut a inile off. Lbuia A. a bachelor. A number of
wi men a cluba declared the bachelor can
dklate was no good. That settled Louie.
IauUi Kettner, fusion candidate for
alderman In New York City, lost out,
nore's tha pity. Just as he waa begin
rlnrf a eteiu-wlndlug campaign speecu
Saturday night he was handed a meesare
Iron bonie. "It's a girl." Tho speaker
dasrsrd from th state and hiked far tbe
roost ef the etork. Voters agreed that
hisme was the place tor Lou.
Drs Molne capital: Omaha elected a
democrat sheriff Turslav. In the opinion
of the esteimcd Wohl-llca'd thaf makes
It a foi egtme conclu-lon Hint there will
le a sweeping natlonul democratic victory
next year.
New Tork Trlb:n: Jamis K. GsrAeld s
defeat In his effort to he a delegate to
the constitutional convention seems to
Indicate that It Is only in Bourne's Salva
tion Army that they s:areclate "Jim
mies" pec-ullsr talents.
Chicago Kecord-llernld: Socialism Is
ported ta have gained much ground In
Ohio. The general supposition la that the
socialists have gained, hot because the
people of Ohio love socialism more, but
because they have an idia that certain
parties may Je scared into being better.
Brookljn Ksgle: One: of the new men
In the assembly will be Theodore Douglas
Isoblnsnn, nephew of Theodore Roose
velt of Oyster Bay snd the Outlook of
fice. Young Mr. Itoblnrun has had a
long and tedious struggle against the un
holy forces of bosslsm In Herkimer
county. As a chip of the Roosevelt block.
be will be a welcome factor in newsmak
Ing kt Albany. There are too few news
makers in the assembly.
Pompous Citizen I vote for my honest
convictions. I repent
Practical Politician Well, If you do.
man. have you no more sense than to
shout about It? Baltimore American.
Intending PasFena-er I low lonir doe the
next train stop at this plsce?
mail' i.masier p our minutes. r coin
two to two to two two.
pardon; was that von that tooted or the
train ; Chicago inoune.
'Townlry says you'll have to count him
out of the theater party."
"Kh? What's the matter?"
Hp'ii so hoarse he can't speak."
"Tell him to come anyway. You can
Absolutely Ptire
Light Biscuit
Delicious Cake
Dainty Pastries
Fine Puddings
Flaky Crusts
The only Baking Powder niade
from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
You'll Find
Want at Peacock's
If you intend buying anything in gems, jewelry,
silverware or like articles for gifts or personal
use. Peacock's splendid stocks contain just
what you want- Nowhere can you select from larger,
more varied or exclusive collections and nowhere are
prices so attractive- Our buying power is not exceeded
anywhere and our 74 years in business Is your surest
guarantee of quality. We are never satisfied unless
our customers are.
Our eorreapondeno department affords satlafaetory servios to tkosa who ahop
by letter 224 page ilhutrated Bureri' Guide Mat on rwpMst.
(Established In 1837)
CT A TIP A V 1T" inn in rwi-,r-,-... .. - .
W " - - - i wi uiu
. . r I I . n iui , A I if r -v
SMOOTH going in a pair of Crossctts. Style the
latest Comfort the greatest. Look at the lines
of this Russia calf model Here's 44 dash " for you.
a . a 4.1 ..
Ara tne Dreaatn gives plenty o: toe
94. to $6. everywhere
Lewis A. Crcnsctt, Inc., Maker
North Abington, Mass.
t ri
pair him off with the Gabber gtrl-sjie
won't give him a chance) to say a word.
-Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"All that glitters Is not tdd," quoted
lb. moralise!- ....
l rue. reirieo mr ...i.. .-
'..rtimatrtv the malorlty of people are
swllsf.ed with glltter.' -Chlcagt) News.
t ook St thnt creeping vine along the
rcadslde." , ,
Ves; quite a rural panic, ls:t t Hi
Hural panic?" ...
...-, it nklnar a run On tod
bank? "Baltimore American.
J. M. Foley in New York Time.
Father is patting his shoulder
And lifting his firlp:
Proud of him as he grows older,
(But biting his 110.
Aunty Improving his going;
Pv giving advice.
And mother, her tears overflowing.
And wiping her eyes.
Father pretending to Joke him
While salng good-bye:
Sister seemi trying to choke him
While flximf his tie;
Vnrle Is chatting and winklnk.
IHsgulsIng his sighs,
Wlilie mother Is standing and thinking
And wiping her eyes.
Old chums are wishing successes
And shaking his hand: .r(1..
Girls with pink bows and white dresses
Are hoping he'll land
Top o' th heap In his classes
And mo'ther s6whlte handenhlef passes
While wiping her eyes.
Towser's tall wagging and shaking-.
He must understand;
Litile 'li.m-brother Is taking
Him last by the hand.
Standing on tiptoe to kiss him
And piping good-byes.
And mother who knows how shell miss,
Just wiping her eyes.
Father Is counseling him
Of college and den; i
Buy, as we yesterday knew him,
But never again. 1
Mother once more tnny caress him
And -then the good-byes.
And murmur and whisper "God blesa
While wiping her eyes.
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