Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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nil IWA): OMAHA. TtlKNtUY.. N( )vi:miu:u 14. 1011.
More 1 Socialists Than Democrats
Vote in Banner County.
director of I n Ion IMrr UianiN
Company Say a He Waa Pavld to
Withdraw aa a Member of the
Bonrd of Dlrectore.
LINCOLN. Neb.. Nov. U-(Speclal.)-l
or tha first time in the hlatory of the
Plato there have been more socialist than
democratic votes cuet In one of Its coun
ties. The county" Waring thlH distinction
ivns Bnnncr, the vote being listed aa fol
lows In that county, according to return
filed with the secretary of state today:
republicans 114, socialists 4?, demo
crat to 42.
Banner however was not tho only coun
ty In tho stato to show a decided In
crease. In the number of Boctalls-t vutes
cast there were several others as well.
Including Lancaster and louRlas coun
ties, th following fifteen counties record
ed a vote from that party which runs
up In three figures: v
Socialist vote. Total vole.
County WW 1911 1WJ l'.ui
Adnma 71 liVI -hm :;;
HliffaJo (' l.Vl 40:15 4414
Cass 4 1 M0 K'lH
4-herry CI ?47 Wl 2141
Cumer V2 S2S (Wis til 2 J
'J lodge i 1V2 40it 1!H
Mall , U a S:
Harlan " i4 r:! mm
J roll ) in 8"W 8450
.lefferson 4i m Z(t:i S2.3
Lincoln 120 :'43 i'saj S2
Hed Willow H! l-'7 LlM'i U2
Sinmders f.7 112 4i!l 442
fcotta Bluff kTi :is 13-'7 HMO
Webster Hi lu -',S 2754
ToqoJs II 4 C732 4,70l X)'.!D7
The comparieons of the various votes
were made on J. It. Burlelehu vote this
year and tho vote on A. T. Hunt and
William Wemmer In 130&-the previous off
year election. J. R. Burleigh was a can
didate for slate railway comm.ssloner
at tna late election and his two col
lcgeaus were candidates for regent of the
state iyilverlty two years ago.
The aoulalist gain recorded above was
3i0 per cent ns compared to 1W while
the ga.n In the total vote of tho fifteen
counties was slightly above five per cent.
Waa Paid to W ithdraw.
J. A. Donovan, a former director of the
Vnlon.i Fire Insurance company, today
filed an affidavit In district court In
which he declares that J. Jl. Walt, sec
retary of the company, gave him a check
for $2,000 to withdraw as a members of
the directors' board. He Bays he accept
ed the offer.
This la another move In the case
wherein Charles Rose of Grand Island
is suing to prevent the Union Fire and
The Woodman Fire Insurance companies
from consolidating.
Donovan, who lives at Chapman, Bays
that he refused to take the money at
first, but when told that other officers
of the company had accepted compensa
tion to step aside, he agreed to the prop
osition. In the answer of the defendant com
pany Saturday it was denied that any
money had been paid to officers of the
Uitton- Fire Insurance company. .
, "Wheejer Elected to House,
II. H. Wheeler, whoso name has been
known- over tjie state for several years
past, has been elected a member of tho
Nebraska house of representatives from
this county. Mr. .Wheeler fills the place
vacated by the death of A. J. Minor. No
nomination! were made by either politi
cal party for this place during the pri
maries and' the ballots at the late elec
tion were left blank in the space calling
' for a choice to this office.
new Office for Lincoln.
The city of Lincoln has at last made
provision for the establishment of the
office of sealer of weights and measures,
a position which promises to bo a fat
one if renumeratlon therefor Is to be
made on -a, fee basts. The law. creating
the Hew office seta out that the city en
gineer shall be the chief, but that a
deputy shall do all the work set out In
the enactment creating the office. Sev
eral applicants have already appeared on
the scene and it is possible that more
will be forthcoming In the next few days.
The engineer and the mayor will fill the
plaoe by appointment according to the
ordinance which was recently adopted by
the city council and approved by Mayor
Bonud Declared Forfeited.
The bond of Theodore Stanlstcs, wanted
in this1 state for arson, and now being
held at Utlca, N. Y., was declared for
feited In the district court of this county.
Judgo Cornish held that Ptanslcs la at
present outside the jurisdiction of the
court and therefore a fugitive from Just
tloe. Btanlslcs was sentenced to seven years
In the state penitentiary for the crime
In which he was alleged to be a co-conspirator.
He appealed the case to the
state supreme court and gave bond in the
i :-
.T . a .a -
No younsr woman, la the joy of
coming- motherhood, should neglect
to prepare her system for the phys
ical ordeal shr is to undergo. The
health of both she and her coming
child depends largely upon the care
she bestows upon herself during the
waiting months. Mother's Friend
prepares the expectant mother's sys
tem for the coining event, and its use
mates her comfortable during all the ,
terra. It works with and for nature,
and by gradually expanding" all tis
6UC3, muscles and tendons, involved,
and keeping the breasts in good con
dition, brings the woman to the crisis
in splendid physical condition. The
baby too is more apt to be perfect and
6trong where the mother has thus
prepared herself for nature's supreme
function. No better advice could be
given a ytmng expectant mother than
that she use Mother's Friend ; it is a
medicine that has proven its value in
thousands of
friend i? iXdat ' M()tll6fe
drug stores. Tr i
Write for free rPlPTXfl
back for expect.
ai": mothers which contains much
valuuMe iuforinatiun.and many sug
'gcsliui.a of a helpful r.r:turc.
district court for his appearance before
the Mate supreme court when the matter
should come up In that tribunal.
Attorneys for the state argue that the
felony with which Ktanslns Is charged
Is not bat'.able and that he should have
been remained to the care of tho sher.
Iff pending the action In the Plata co;itt.
Judge E. P. Holmes, attorney for Ptan
Islcs. contended that his client could
go anywhere he desired to as long as
he reported some time during the pres
ent term of the district court.
A requisition for the return of the la
cal man to this state will now be arked
for unless FUar.lsles declares Hint he will
return of his own volitljn.
Grand Jury Will
Probe Deeper Into
Sellers Lynching
VALENTINE, Neb., Nov. U-There Is
to be another Investigation of the Kellers
murder case. Judgo Westone haB agreed
to call a special grand jury to more fully
probe the lynching of Chailes P. Kellers,
the young ranchman who was hanged to
a telephone pole on the ranch of his
friend, G. H. Jack, one night tist June by
George and Alma Weed, Hurry Heath
and Kenneth Murphy. Tho four murder
ers were sentenced to life Imprisonment
on September 17 by Judgo Westone. who
accepted the'r pica of r.iu.-.lPY In tho sec
ond degree. '
Many residents of the section where the
murdeT occurred were displeased with tho
result. It Is said others are likely to be
Involved In the lynching.
New Public Service
Company Organized
BEATRICE, Neb., Nov. 13. (Special.)
A new corporation to be known as the
Nebraska-Iowa Public Service company
haa been organized to take over the plant
of the Beatrice Electric company and of
the eloctrio business in this city and eight
othdr towns in Nebraska, Iowa and South
Dakota. The Nebraska-Iowa company la
Incorporated under the laws of an eastern
state. E. A. Bullock of Norfolk, Neb., Is
president, and his son, Clyde Bultock, also
of Norfolk, Is ''secretary. The company
will control the electrlo business In the
following towns: Beatrice, Blue Springs,
Wymore, Norfolk and Blair In Nebraska;
Magnolia. Logan and Missouri Valley In
Iowa, and Fairfax, S. V. This company
la to succeed the Bullock Public Service
company, which has been a holding cor
poration of the Beatrice Electric company
of this city and the electrlo service com
pany which served Wymore and Blue
Springs and the plants in the other towns
BLAIR. Neb., Nov. 13:-(Special.)-The
warehouse and storage rooms of Mccor
mick ft Koopman, fruit shippers and
proprietors of the Mount Hope fruit
form, was burned Sunday morning. A
fierce gale was blowing from the north
west and the cold was Intense.' Showers
of burning embers were carried over the
buildings southeast of the burning ware
house, which was prevented from catch
ing fire by the slight rain and sleet that
fell on Saturday, i The volunteer firemen
did excellent work, confining the fire to
the one building and thus saving the
Holmqnlst ' elevator and Blair canning
factory, which stood about 200 feet away.
The building contalrfed a large supply of
knockdown berry crating, empty barrels
and about 100 barrels of choioe . assorted
apples. "The building was originally the
Sioux . City & Omaha railroad ' freight
depot and was bought by Mr. Koopman
about two years ago and was Insured
with its contents for tl.OOO. The fire is
supposed to have started from a stove in
the building which had been used . the
day before.
. SUTTON, Neb., Nov. 18. (Special.)
The German Congregational church so
ciety. Rev. John D. Gross, pastor, dedi
cated tnelr extensively re-built church
yesterday. The Improvements cost over
M.000, all paid for. The dedicatory ser
mon was preached In German by Rev.
Dr. M. E. Eversz of Chicago, who came
especially for the occasion.
The afternoon aervlce sermon' was
preached by Rev. Mr. Hawkes of the
First- (English) Congregational church.
The evening service was participated in
by all the protestant church pastors of
the city, who made short addresses.
The music was etnborate using for the
occasion the new pipe organ.
Mrs. Urorg Youua; Accidentally
Shot by Small Hoy -Deck II out
ers Docked.
ASHLAND, Neb.. Nov. II (Special.)
Mrs. George Young, who lives with her
family on the farm of J. It. Long, north
west of Greenwood, was calling on the
family of Peter Knulzen In East Ashland
when the young son of Knutzen went out
to shoot a chicken. Keturnirtg to the
house, not thinking that the gun was
loaded, the boy pulled the trigger. Glan
cing, the bullet struck Mrs. Young In the
left hip, making a flesh wound. The bul
let waa removed this morning and Mrs.
Young 'Is recovering.
George Slmlngtoii and Charles Young
had a narrow escape while hunting ducks
northwest of town. While In the center
of the lake adjoining Swift's big Icehouse
the boat the men were In overturned,
throwing them In water to their trinplts.
Young fell three times In the Icy water
In wading to shore and sank almost ex
hausted. Clinton Richardson, another
hunter, saw the plight of the men and
had a fire built on shore with which to
thaw them out when they reached the
bank of the pond
Rev. Leslie Lee Sanders, pastor of tlit
first Baptist church of Ashland, last
weelr signed a contract with the Radpath
Lyceum bureau for a Series of fifty lec
tures, for which he Is to receive ti.ZVl.
Ha is known cer the I'nlted Htatea as
the "Bey Preacher" and has been preach
ing since his eighth year. He is nuw U
ears old.
Moat Food la Pol bom
to the dyypellc. Electrlo bitters cur
dytprpaJa. liver anj kldnty complaint
and ceb.lity. Price Wc. for ml la Ly Utm-
I Uu 1 I U CO.
I t ....
Miller, Stewart & Beaton Co.
Exclusive Omaha agents for the original Gustave Stickley Crafts
man Furniture. There are imitations, but Gustave Stickley
Craftsman is the original
Fiirititure With the Very Breath of Majes-
u m j -ci u. itJL -
tic Forest in It
Craftsman Desk
(Llko Illustration) '
Four drawer, spacious and
strong; writing space, 30 ina.
wide; very pretty design
for 32.00
?VT I 1.1 al al .e - 1 1
' i u niMiifi iiiiw 1:11111 nit: vt::initjr .urfiws :irm now
I v tJ I ' ' -t
i blindingly the snow blows through the city, chilling
all humanity that is caught upon the streets, the home
supplied with Stickley 's Craftsman furniture is the
place where bliss and comfort are found. How easy
it is to picture the family drawn up by the fireside
and resting in those rest-giving Craftsman pieces.
Yes, the very breath of the forest is in Craftsman
furniture. Just as the hardy woodsman, who lays
his axe to the huge trees, stands as an example of
the most rugged of humans, so does the beautiful,
staunch and massive Craftsman represent the hardi
est and most durable of all furniture character. Craftsman is possessed of greater 'wearing
qualities than any other furniture and its modestly beautiful lines give it a certain appropriate
ness for the home that is represented by the highest character and the strongest minds. In
Craftsman there is an unyielding strength, that makes the chairs, settees, tables, and all, express
the very majesty of the giant oaks of the forest. When one buys Craftsman he gets ;furniture
that goes into the home to become a part thereof and to give service for years and years! '
1 it 1 . . .
ji'uuut sup scat; seat tapered in
back to 19 inches; strong legs; very
comfortable $9.00
Craftsman Arm Rocker or soft
Craftsman Reclining Chair
(Like Illustration)
Adjustable back ; spring seat
cushion; sheepskin scat, 22x23
inches; strong . .$31.50
Craftsman Tabouret Height, 16 incheft; . di
ameter, 14 inches; one of the neateBt tabourets
made; strong .'...$2.50
Craftsman Sideboard Top small drawer lined
with ooze leather; four drawers and one largo
compartment; size 48x18 inches . . v. $34.00
Craftsman Reclining Chair Adjust
able back; spring seat cushion; size
of seat, 21x24 in.; very excellent qual
ity ..." $25.50
Craftsman Arm Rocker Spring scat
cushion; .sheepskin; size of seat,
18x20 in.; mude to give comfort and
Batisfaction $14.50
r Craftsman Bookcases Stationary
shelves on line of nviHions; two rans-
sive doors; excellent article $26.00
Craftsman Writing Desk Neatly
arranged designed cabinet; . broad
top; heavy legs and excellent qual
ity $24.50
Craftsman Writing Des Very well
constructed and a neat model; one
large drawer; handy cabinet arrange
ment;' height, 39 inches.. $20.00
Craftsman Arm Chair Rush r soft
leather slip seat; height of back from
floor, 38 inches; a very pretty de
sign '$9.00
Craftsman Rocker Hush or soft
leather slip seat; made for durability
. and comfort; seat tapered in back to
15 inches .$4.75
Craftsman Chair Rush or soft leath
er slip seat; high back and strong;
easy-resting seat $4.75
Craftsman Arm Rocker Rush seat ;
size of seat, 20x19 inches; broad
back, wide arms' $9.00
Craftsman - Arm Chair tush seat,
broad and high; lull of domfort and
beauty $9.00
Craftsman Reclining,1 Chair
(Like Illustration) , '
Adjustable back; 'spring seat
cushion; sheepskin; strong
- and' comfortable;, size 'of scat,
23x27 inches ' . . . .. .. $37.00
Craftsman Dining Table Height, 30 inches:
top, 48 inches; five big legs; one, of the best
tables made $36.00
Craftsman Serving Table Two large drawers;
neat design; size, height; 38 inches; width, 42
inches S 18 flrt
Craftsman Library Table
(Like Illustration)
Hard "leather- top; -two wide
drawers; strong, majestic
legs; heigth, 30 inches'; .width,
32 inches ...$58.50
Craftsman Sewing Table Height, 28
inches; top drawer fitted with cedar
tray; fine article with beauty in every
line ...; $18.50
x Craftsman Dresser Width, 48 inches;
depth, 22 inches; height, 33 inches;
French beveled mirrors; ends solid
panel 1 .$50.00
Craftsman Chest of Drawers Height,
42 inches; ends paneled ; five spacious
drawers; highest quality ..$26.00
Craftsman Settee Spring seat cush
ion; soft leather; length, 48 inches;
depth, 23 inches; built for comfort
and strength $35.00
Craftsman Settee Spring seat cush
ion, "soft leather; length GO'" inches;
depth, 30 inches; just full of com
fort . $50.00
irartsman Arm Rocker Snrine seat
cushion; sheepskin; size of seat,
21x25 inches; high back; easy rest
inff $27.00
Craftsman Ann Chair Spring seat
cushion; sheepskin; size of seat,
21x25 inches, height of durability,
fr ...$27.00
Craftsman Bed Width, 36 v inches;
head board, 4G inches; foot board,
40 inches; full of good quality and
comfort $16.00
Craftsman Costumer Height, 72 ins.;
made strong and a very neat arti
cle ..$7.00
Craftsman Child's Chair Sheepskin;
size of seat, 13 inches wide and 12
jui'iitrn uffi; strong anu comrortaole,
Craftsman China Cabinet Stationary' shelves
run lint ( . . I1! ! 1 1 ' 1 J
ui iuujiiuns; one large glass door;
height, GO inches; width, 3G inches. '.$32.00
Craftsman Arm Chair Rush or 'soft father
slip seat; height of back from floor, ;40 inches;
wide, easy-resting seat .$9.00
Snrine seat ' "
Craftsman Bookcase
(Like Illustration)'
Four large ' shelves;' two
doors; height. 5(5 .inches;
width, 42 inches;; depth!' 13
inches; excellent nriicle,
for . .$37.00
Established 1884
The Tag Policy House
Craftsman Settee . "
(Like Illustration)
Spring seat cushion; , Spanish
leather seat; sheepskin pil
lows; high back; excellent
quality -.$68.00
Craftsman Hammered Copper
Tray Handles of heavy
brass, twisted together, length
16 inches, square or oval
t $4.00
atom Co.
413-15-17 South Sixteenth Street
Mr..Rex Roberts of Broken Bow ii
Fatally Injured in Smanhup.
Mm. Cbarlra Hhaw, Who We Mcu
ber l Party, . I'oliurt Driver
Ilaa Collarbone and Three
Hlba Hroken.
B ilO KEN UCW. Nel., Nov. 13 (Hpeclal
Trlegram.l A aerloua automobile arcl
jent occurred early eveniBU Unit
in ilea northrt of ton when Mra. He
Hcberts, 'li yeas of age, waa thrown from
il.e mai' ami prrlu.pH fatally Injured,
iir. and Mm. Iloberti, accompanied by
Mra. Charlea Hhaw of Omaha, werti re--.urnliig
fiom Mrrna In a ar driven by
H. Ke.miil, ui thU place.' Mr. JUb-
li la waa In a hurry to catch train No. 44
ut thla point and the automobile wa
speeding along' at the rat of forty-flv
mllea an hour when It atVurk a knoll,
awerved to the aide and made two com
plete revolution'. Mra. Roberta waa
thrown twelve feet and atruck on hei
head. Kennedy received a fractured collar
bone, three rlba and a broken hand. Mr.
Roberta waa badly Injured. Mra. Shaw
eaiped Injury. Dr. Pennington waa no'
tlfled and conveyed the Injured to the
Hroken Bow hoaplt&l In mla automobile
Mra. ltuberta la Buffering from conculoi.
at t lut bane of the brain and la not ex
pected to live.
DUtrlet Court la t lay. i
ClJiY CKNTEH, Neb , Nov. 13. (Spe
cial.) ..e regular November term of the
DUtrtrt Court convened here th.a morn
ing. U a. Hurd la the preitldlng Judge.
There are C5 civil raaca on the docket
for trial but no criminal caxea.
KKAItNKV, Neb., Nov. 13. (Special.)
The Htute executive committee of the
C'hrlatlan Endeavor haa aelected Kear
ney for the convention of next year.
Uhe geaalon will be held aometline In
I'atleut J am pa Krout Window.
'LAY CKNTEK. Neb., Nov. 13.-(t)pe-clal.)
The funeral of John Deeder will
bH held Tueaduy at 10 o'clock at the
luhldence. lie wa.v taken to Lincoln a
week ago to be operated on for ap
ptiidltitU. The operation waa aucceaa
fill and lie. woa getting along well, Thura
day morning about 4 o'clock he became
deranged and while the nurne waa au
Kent he opened a window ailu Jumped
to the ground about ten feet. lie waa
captured by the atteiulMiita and taken
baik but t lie ahouk mured coinpllco-
tlona from which he died Saturday morn
ing. He waa a foreman In the M. M.
Johnson Incubator factory, lie leaves
a widow and three ohildren. He waa a
member of the K. of P. and A. O. U. W.
lodgea. -
He Heard that Meat v
and Lumber 'Men
Were for Lorimer
CHlt'AdO, Nov. 13. Heporta current la
f-'pringflcld that the meat packing and
lumber Intereata wero urging tha election
of William Lorimer aa United Statea jteiir
ator becaume he waa an advocate of lilgU
protective tariff, were related before the
Hcnatoiial Investigating committee today
by State Senator Albert .. Juicy, a dem
ocrat who optioned Lorimer. Isley Unti
tled he gave thla Information to Alfred ti.
AUktrlun, an attorney Just before the
flrat Lorimer Investigation, but aald It
waa based merely on rumor and ha had
no evidence to.auatain it. Attorney Aua
trlan waa IntereHted In obtaining evi
dence In the, Lorimer cuse.
V. . V. HoUtlaw, who previously had
Confeed to having received $J,&uo In ona.i
auni and 1700 more from the 'Jackpot''
for hia vote ad Mate aenator, waa re
examined concerning .telegrama and let
tera relating to hia coming to Chicago..
After lorimer waa ' elected In 1I tha
wltneiia aald ' h came to Chicago in
renponae to a telegram from John Hrorf.
erlck. then a ctate iienaliir, from whom
he aald ho receded the niorej-.
The wltnraa Identified a bank deposit
allp for 70O, wtilcri lie aald represented
bnhe money reivl .vd by hlir. from iiu.
crick In August, lacj.
The key to eucctHa in bnalness la Un
Judicious and persislu t ufc cf iiewji'.unor
j advci t.bln i