Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1911, Image 2

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    Come R.ghl In Tomorrow
And Gel Some Warm Clolhes lor Yoarscll and Ibe
o-r. Children.
rirst Your flanls
Are the first to set
nipped, because they're
the noit exposed. We
have warm gloves a
plenty; fur Hue I gloves
for outdoor folks, boys
and girls, mon and
women; and (lores of
every weleht and color
up to tho blR heavily
lined kind fcr the mo
torist. Eiclueive agen
cy for tbe famous Mark
Cross hand-sewed
gloves at
Dig, hospitable coats
for man or boy Just
the very style you like
best. In the color and
fabric you favor.
Convertible collar on
bo mo othert.wfth
wide revers. Not a
freakish coat In tbe
house, but some new
ideas you'll look for In
vain cisewhere.
Boys' Overcoat
83.75 na up.
Larger Hoys' Overcoats
85.00 nd p-
Wen's Overcoats
$18 to $35
Nred a Smaler?
Everybody wears them
now slip one on right;
under tbe coat and tho
coldest wind loses Iti
sting. Whether you
walk or ride, stay In
doors or out, a sweater
Is lndiRpenslble.
GlrlV and Misses'
81.25 o S2.25
83.50 S0.50
Boys' bi to
Men s. 82.50 to 30
Girh' Coats, $5
And more-tho warm
est and bPKt looking
coats you'll 1 find any
where. Mannish mix
ture, caraculs, chin
chilla, pi us hi and vel
vet, made In tho latest'
and prettiest at) leg.
Coats that your little
girl lui been wishing
for now la the besi.
time to 'one for
her. . I
With snug fur-lined
ear covering, for mn
and boys.
Boys. 50 "! 81
Men's 51 and gl.50
m wjia rtmro
Its the underwear
which Is responsible
for 50 of your win
ter comfort.
Mentor t'i.lon fults
featured here, because
they're worthy of It;
give conEtaat comfort
and iirotott'on ; they
don't shrink, loso
Rhape, purlicr or rag."
It's the bet underwear
you can buy, which Is
tho only kind you run
For women
81.25 o 83.50
For Men
81.50 to 83.00
Two-pleeo Suits, per
. garment 81. OO and
For Iioys and Girls
Fanls and .Shirts, per
garment 20 to $1
Boys' two-plcce gar
ments, 30c values
now 30
Girls' Union Suits
11.25 regularly, now,
" 08
Nent, styliHta and
warm, pull down over
the ears
84 to 815
Xiunber of Detectives Reduced to
; Bank of Patrolmen.
Dlsarderty' KIrsaeat ' la Tanle Over
Saddest fhaasre . MaeVlrer In
Coatrol of Departaieat May
er's Da lira M ted.
President Gompers Makes Annual
Eeport to Federation.
far laltlallvr, neferenatam
Ileeal Lares fa Protect
Lira aaa Health of
ATLANTA, Oa.. Nor. 13.-Prsident.
ferrnolly opening- ths thirty-first annual
Oonventlon of the American Fedwateen of
Labor tod)-, declared ba and the two
ether labor leaders sentenced ' to -jail fur
contempt of oourt ware, ready and will,
las: to serve tbelr sentences If thaymuNt.
The subject C the aornpere-Morrlaon-a?ttohell
eontempt ease ;wm bronchi op
la the course f a wsloomlne; adflreee ta
Iba delegate. " ' ' i ,.
President Oitmpor predicted,..-ai-eat
sjttsnge In American method "of govern
ant. particularly with regard to political
partios. lie guv to tba referendum. Inl
Uatlve and the recall liio unqualified en
Our semen t of organised labor and da
elated that a real reprcariitatlvt demoo.
racy had never been known ' In the.
Vnlteg atatci, because of the aanerol ab
awoHa of these provUiona
"This erml-delficetlon pt judex," ha
aid tit defense of his endorsement,
"tale canotemonlous can't about 'mob
aula.' some of which was In President
Toft's message vetoing the Arlsona
Statehood bill, is mere drivel."
President Com para' report, which covers
OUty closely printed pates and would
stake mora than thirty columns ta a
newspaper, says tt leaves many sub
jects untouched ot inadequately presented.
What Labor Drmaeds.
is the mala, the report declares
aid says organised labor demands:
The referendum, the Initiative and the
-aaage of the co-called anti-injunction
bills at the next eoaaiuii of i.-onareea.
flaetrictlon of Immigration.
further raatrlctlun of cunvlct labor.
LesiaiaUun to lelleve civil earvlce am
bloyaaa from the executive orders prohlb
liin them to petition runsraaa.
Uniform laws for protection of Ufa and
health In factory bulldlnga.
A department ef labor In the federal
Employers' , liability and workman's
comiwaeallon acts throushout the atatna.
iiavara orralnarmant is mode of so.
called sclent I flo er efficiency systema.
Urantk ta Memharahla).
"With Its membership, now mora than
1.7W.000. the (icateat In Its history, and
its financial condition excellent, the or
sjUsatlon. often called the greatest
altmlaUo Institution ot the times, enteri
tba thUty-flrst year ef Its work.
Despite all opposition ot the most
releutlrae kind the American labor ruove
rncnt grows and thrives, Its beneficent
influence for the common uplift of labor
una all out- people exntso all fit-Ida
of useful activity, and Is becoming niori
generally recognised. The power which
labor holdn within Its gruxp Is under
stood by our opponent porheps better
thsn many of the tollers. The fact Is
that labor's oppont-nlM, like the Tories of
the past, many of whom are still with
us, are afraid te truxt the people.
The McNamsra e ase, how over. Is taken
up' at some length ,and fully reviewed.
Prnsldent Uompers t-xprcasns Ills faith In
the innocence ot the mm now on trial at
l.o Angoies fur alleged dynamiting out
rsf and denounces In unmeasured terms
their removal from Indiana to Cullfernlu.
Org-anleatloa is Prosperous.
The meniberKhlp of the organisation
was never so K'eat. According to Secre
tary Morrison's report. Its financial con
dition Is excellent. The treasury shows a
haleure of nearly liiW.noO on hand. Nearly
',0oo.a)0 was disbursed . In support of
strikes by the various unions which are
af Heated wlfh the frderatlon. "During
1H1 the federation Issued tit charters te
unions, bringing the total of Its oixn.i.ia
tlon nieiubarsUlp te Mt. Io Individual
mombcrshlp the feduratlon gained nearly
;u,OOU during the year.
; : TtFrnnr, Staff . Corrrspondi-nt.)
IE3 MOlNF:S. la, Nov. H Special
relegram.) An liitcrestlng pltiiittlon d--cloped
this nftrrhoon In relation In the
sffort to rtorKonlio the police depart
nnt by thn ilty coinmltHlon, when four
f the men eniployed ns detectives were
irilerod to report for duty se patrolmen.
Two of them Tally refurrd to do so and
' he otbent t),n resign before they are At the, same time It became
ltnonn that a 'new chief of police Is
probably to b named within a few tlavs
ami some men who a year ago were re
duced In rsnk, will be given their old
Councilman WaeValr, who Is the new
man In charge of the department, com
menced ot once the work of reorganis
ation, and the heads of various' dopart
men is In the police forc.t were called
upon for Immediate report. The dis
orderly element of the city anj those
who hav. conducted Kainhllng games and
other forms of vice, ore In a panlo over
the sudden rhnnge made.
Dutlrs of Mayor.
The cltv legal department this after
noon devilled that tliu council 1ml acted
IKtgally Ih tranHforrlng Iho street de
partment to Mayor Hanna, Tim Irral
department held that the council Is within
Its authority In giving Councilman Mac
Vlear control of the police, but could
not I nc re me the duties of tie may 01'.
Mrs. Anna Henry, colored, was severely
burned and probably will die from a fire
In her home this morning. She Is the
mother of T." FroJ Henry, the bandmas
ter at Ingersoll park fur many years, and
one of the most popular musical conduc
tors of lows.
(Continued from First Tags.)
A Complete Cure of
Bladder Trouble.
I am pleased to testify to th merits
of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Koot, which I
had occasion to v;i for bladder trouble,
which my phjsklos we 3 unable to re
lieve. Keur fifty cent bottles ef your remedy
effected a complete cure.
Your truly,
CreenvUle. Mich.
Mate of Michigan i
County ot Muihi a:ra (
Tbe foragulng has this 12th day ot July,
38, been subscrlbtd and sworn to brfure
i me a Notary In and fur ilontcaim
County, Michigan.
KKk.ll A. UUAbuN.
Notary I'ubllc.
Ites te
Br. svu4ur e Oa.
K lugOaia, M, S. T.
Ire Mhst sia-IUet H1U Ce Ur Yes.
kwid te lr. Kiluter Co., xtlogbanitan.
N. V.. for a -uunple bottle. It will con
vince anyone You will also receive a
booklet of valuable tnf ors atlon, telling
all about the aldneys and bladder, Wnea
writlcg. be sure te roeutloa The Omaha
Dally ties- Kesjular flfty-eeat and ana
oullar iIm bottiee for sole at all drug
foreign warships today notified their
consuls that tbey could not protect the
lives and property of those who re.
uslned Inside thl city.
Martial Lav at .ssklss,
LONDON, Nov. .-A dispatch to a
London news agency from Nanking says
martial law has been proclaimed there.
General Chang Jen Chung, the viceroy.
Is executing all suspects, including some
of his own men, snd Is enlisting num
bers of roughs. Ths rebels hay e retired
te their nearest camp, fifteen miles dis
tant ' The government troops are bring
ing up artillery to attack them, but are
respecting tbe neutrality of tbe railroad.
Food supplies In Nanking are becoming
A Tien Tsln dispatch to the some
agency says that Shantung province de
olered Its Independence on Friday, the
government officials taking office under
the new regime. One of the first acts
of the sew government will be the re
moval of Import duties and the Imposi
tion of a heavier export duty on cereals.
The declaration ot Independence was
precipitated through .the governor. Sun
Fao Chi. In trying .to raise a loan ot
1.000,000 taels through a Uermsu bank to
replenish the treasury.
Advices from 'VYu Chsng say the rebel
leaders there bope to arrange a general
peace soon.
At a secret meeting of the National As
sembly la I'eklng Saturday It was de
cided to Invite each provincial aseem
bly to send two dclegstea to discuss the
early opening ot Parliament.
Aeeeatbly Seads Memorial.
The Assembly decided to further me
morialize the throne, demanding ths pun.
Ishmer.t of those persons responsible for
the Hankow massacres. The royal fam
ily are contributing to the paymeot of
the Imperial troops. The empress dow
ager given tO.OUO taels. The p:sn is
to bring to the fullcet strength tbe
guarde dlvlelon at the summer palace,
tits Th.. .anchurtan at ths Western
Hunting park and the mixed brigades In
I'eklng, ss well as the field force at the
Southern Hunting park. This would give
a potential reserve army at Peking of
M.uGO men.
C'b:na seems to be split la two parts.
with the Ysngtee as the dividing line
snd, says the correspondent, the situation
may take months, tf not years, clear
up. since ths palace has proclaimed that
It will not use furca. Even the loss ot Its
arsenals does not hamper tbe overnmeut,
because Uerman firms at Irking are
uUvrlog to supply the entire army with
arms, ammunition and eiu pment on lung
credit. It la evident that a species of
ceuuter revolution hs commenced, mak
ing the upshot very doubtful.
A dispatch from Shanghai to the Dolly
Telegrai b says the rtbtla have captured
Batow, a treaty pert In the province ef
Kwsng-Tung, XX miles from Canton. The
I'eklng correspondent of the Dally Tele'
rraph represents the dynasty aa being in
an Improved position Hecrultlng among
the young bannermen of the three wings,
Msnchu. Mongol and Chinese, baa com
menced oa a formidable scale, under the
supervision ef Trine Teal Too.
John R.Dobbins
' Denied Rehearing
DEH MOINIC3, la, Nov. 13.-A petition
for a rehearing of th ecase of John U.
Dobbins of Council Muffs, whose con
viction of a chuiKO of larceny In con
nection with the J. C. Mahray swindles
was afflrmnd recently by the supreme
court, when filed In the eupremn court
'l be attorneys claim that the taking of
money on 'sure thing" bet Is not lar
ceny, .and that the court erred In per
mitting the testimony of other men who
had been "stung" In the Mubrey games
to be submitted for the purpose of prov
ing a conspiracy.
Dobbins was convicted of dafrauding
one J. K. Hallow, out of several thousand
dollars. . , . .,
noONE. la., Nov. lI.-(Bpeolal.)-8at-urday
evening four horses were shot at
Ogdon after being under the care ot the
state veterinarian for the last ten days.
All of the animals' wars suffering from
the glanders, having developed the symp
toms when the state .veterinarian wee
called lit by a loeal veterinarian there.
The . horses were the property ot Rsy
Williams of Ogden, a rural mall carrier,
and both ef the teams were used for this
purpose, aa the young man had an extra
long route. ' This Is the first appearance
of tbe dlsesse In Doone county and horse
owners are at a .loss to know where The
animals contracted it. ,
The loss Is a severe one to the young
man, as he depends upon this work tq
support an aged father and mother. He
estimates the loss at tfioo, as the state
does not stsnd any part of the loss when
animals suffering from this disease are
orJered shot by the state veterinarian.
All four of the horsea were led Into a
trench which had been dug for the pur
pose, and killed. A large class of stu
dents from Antra examined the animals
before they Vers killed.
(fentlnued from First Paje.)
while being tsken to a hospital. John
son was a well known" republtcsn p"'1"
tlclnn In Chicago for many jears. Hs was
a member of the Illinois legislature flf
fen years ago and was sn attaitie ot
the Cook county sheriff's offb e for ten
years. At one lime he was a deputy
county clerk.
The coal, freighter John T. VTIM'atp.
whh h was driven aground nenr the mouth
of the Chicago river yesterday was re
leSFed early today after three t igs had
woiked for hours to pu'l the big boat
Into deep water. Only slightly damaged,
the Williams proceeded on Its Journey
across Lake Michigan.
Kteam Yarbt I. on a Ovrrdae.
DfLL'TH, Minn.. Nov. 15. No word tins
been received of the aiht Alvinn, which
Is more than twenty-five hours over due
at te Poo. It Is a staum h. steam-driven
vessel, however, and It Is believed I'
can ride out the storm.
I.anneh and Harare Safe.
The ls.Lnch Evening Ftnr and the barge
Delta, which were driven out on Lake
Michigan Haturday night efore a gale
snd w hich were I hough to have foundered
with crews of fifteen, are both ssfe on
the MIchlgitn shore.
The Delta, efter breaking Its towllne.
wss blown Intu South Haven last night.
Esrly today word was received by the
Hvanaton life easing station from Pt.
Joseph. Mich., that the Kvenlng Siar
landed there rafely.
Captain Carland ond li!s crew wero
making prcparatlor.j to start out at dawn
for a rriils along both r-horc of tho lako
In thnlr life host when word was re
ceived from Michigan that the hunt for
the missing Hunch will be unnecessary.
The storm on Lake Huperlor was severe
sml It Is feared several vessels have been
Nearly a Score Dead.
The torpedo which swept over parts of
Illinois. Wisconsin and Michigan Satur
day night caused the death o( nearly a
score of persons. Near Janeevllle, Wis.,
nine are known to be dead, two are fa
tally wounded and others may rllo.
The property loss In tho vicinity of
Janesvtlle wss heavy. At Ronton, III..
two persons were klllcl snd seven se
riously Injured. The town tt Virginia,
111., suffered a heavy financial loss by
the tornado. '
At Owwssn, Mich., two persons were
killed and ten Injured. The money loss
there will reach IjOO.000.
Hand Diggers Marooned F.lght Hours
QCINCY. 111., Nov. 13,-eorge Pcott
and Al Davy, sand dlggern, were ma
rooned for eight hours on a sarul boat
in the middle of the Mississippi river
Paturday night, with the thermometer
falling and a blizzard raging. They were
rescued Ht ll o'clock by Hoy and Hay
Rostter In a skiff, and were nearly
frosan. It took two hours to row from
the sand boat to Qulncy, a distance of
one mile. .
Michael Sullivan, P2 years old, a farmer
living six miles south of Monroe City,
Mo., was ,founa lying In front rf his
gate yesterday morning frosen to death,
He waa caught In the storm that swept
this section PsturdMy night.
Oklahoma Hunter lroscu in death
M'ALESTER, OKI.,' Nov 13.-Charles
Phillips,- a hunter, of Hartshorn, Ok!.;
was found frozen ta death in the woods
near this city today. ,
Four Drowned off Fort Terry.
FlSHEHLAND. N. T., Nov. lS.-The
schoener' K.llth Dennis Was sunk In Plum
Out ff Fort Terry Met night. Cepwlij
"Cook was saved, floating to Fort Terry
shorq on 4 piece of Wreckage, but his
wlfo s,nd child and two men who made
up the crew were drowned.
WXJAN. la.. Nov. lt-(8Declal.)-"Not
guilty" and recommending that the cost
ae taxed up to the complaining witness,
8. J. Maurer, deputy gome warden of
near Denlson, wss the verdict ef the
Jury In the esse of Iowa against A. Bol.
lord., arrested for the allesed offense of
violating the gome laws In catching
muskrats on the farm of Mr. Millard and
Mr. Hmlth while lit the employ of the
two farmers reeently. I
It seems that the muskrats were dam
aging the oont for the two farmers and
they employed Mallard to traD and kin
them, the deputy gome warden believing
mat while Mr. Ballard had a right to
kill the rats while In the emnlov of th.
two farmers, ha hod no right to take
the Hide at this time of the year, hence
the arrest and unusual verdict of the
The cose was tried at Woodbine Mon.
day and shortly before the Jury returned
Its verdict the county attorney withdrew
tbe action and began the case before
v. u cose here yesterday, st which
time tbe defundant demauded a Jury trial.
PES MOlXKS, la. Nov. ll-Poilce
Commissioner Zell Hoe was summarily
removed from his position as head of the
publlo safety department by the city
council this morning. Nserepaprr critic
ism of tho department recently was given
aa the causa for the action. John T. Mao
Vicar was assigned to the police depart
ment, while Hoe becomes head of the
health snd- fire departmeuta
J4INNEAPOL1S. Nov. 11-Tlie llawley
Interests will extend the low- Central
railway from Albla. la, to St. Louis by
the construction of SOD miles of new road,
according to the announcement today by
CI. Wi tTevrrs, general counsel ot the
Minneapolis ft. Louis raltwsy and Iowa
Central lines.
Mr. Severs will leave tonight for lee
Molnea, where he will confer with the
state executive board.
Take laxative pronie (sbleta
DrugsUie ret mid mousy tf 11 (tils tu eure.
lW Oreve's signature Is ea each po. ino.
Key te the B tuatlon-lWe Wont Ads.
Stricken Are Quarter Mile Wide
a nil Thirty-Five Miles l.angr.
JANKUVILLK, Wis., Nov. . With
the ' death ot Albert riohmldt today the
death list from Saturday's tornado will
reach nine. .Schmidt wss found burled
under several tons of hay Saturday after-
noon, cut about the lc and Intestines.
His father and two slaters had been in
stantly killed.
Heporta from the stormswept district
estimated the los sat $750,000 to tl.OU0.00O.
The stricken families, suffered Intensely
from cold Haurday night and yesterdsy
and while the majority of them found
shelter In neighboring farm houses, which
escaped the storm's fury, their condition
Is pitiful. In some esses ones prosperous
farmers todsy are penniless. The Intense
cold which followed the tornado In
creased their losses. The temperature
dropped from 74 to 11 degrees above xero
In twelve hours.
The tornado district extended from
Broadliead, twenty miles west of here, to
a point about four miles beyond Milton,
which is twelve miles oast of here, mak
ing a total distance of about thirty-lour
to thirty-five miles and about a ouartcf
of a mile wlue.-Jt la swept entirely clear
of all buildings. An commit
tee Is being orgsnlxed to raise funds for
Immediate relief.
Twe Killed said Hear? Property
Lass at Orroaso.
OW08SO, Mich.. Nov. 13. -Two persons
killed, more thsn a score injured and a
property loss estimated at foUO.OOt) Is ths
result of the tornado which struck
Owosao esrly today.
The dead are:
HARRY CORWIN. ogd 3J, and his
wife, who were crushed to death oa they
lay In bed. '
Miss Queenle Robinson, a school teacher,
was the most severely Injured, but she
ts expected to recover.
The storm swept a path more than l.OCO
feet wldo through the center of the city,
demolishing twenty houses and d4niaglng
hundreds tt others.
The three-story plant of the Estey
Furniture company was raxed ai.d the
City lauudry and several stores were
badly wrecked.
JTwa Killed Bad deves Persona Are
Srrtoaslr lnjnred.
PPRINGKltl.D. III.. Nov. 1 -Two-were
killed and seven seriously injured
in a storm which struck Eautou, Jl.,
Istt night, tearing sway telegraph and
telephone wire, and which left the city
Isolated and the tragedy of the storm
untold to the world until tonight
The dead:
JAMES PHATLK. Hod." founu i'u
from the home, which wah demolished
MRS. ALLir: II KN N, TJ years
old. died ot fright when Urn home col
lapaud. .
'Iho Injured;
James Prater, back wrenched.
car U liuur. leg broken
hamuel Plater, iad crushed.
Mrs. Janiaa Prater. Injured internally
Two other children of Mr. and Mrs
James Prater, eligbuy Injured.
outer rienulnsei. whoo mother was
kliUd. badly bruued.
Tbe Prate- home was tbe only one
la the teen prvper which was much
Are We Making, Madam,
a Million-Dollar
When we select our wheat
When we wash, brush and
scour it
When we r.iss it through 2C
When we situ ,l 10 times through
No doubt this is adding a mil
lion dollars per year to the neces
sary cost of our milling.
Is it our mistake?
Or is it your mistake when you
fail to get it -when you fail to
specify Gold Medal Flour?
Think what this means:
Gold Medal Flour now far outsells any other flour
that's milled. ;
" It feeds 24,000,000 folks daily.
' Just because housewives millions of them have
, found that Gold Medal excels all other flours.
Next time you order be sure you get
- ' ' ' ' ' ; j) II
"37 Washburn-Crosby's j
Vgpl pja.
III ,M,?!!e6 J
i :
damaged, snd it wss demolished, killing
the baby, which was hurled agslnst a
tree, and Injuring all other members of
the family.
Farm hoiiKce snd barns in the vicinity
were topplod over and here the others
were Injured.
Beattie iS.Denied
Appeal by State
Supreme Court
RICHMOND. Va.. Nov. U.-The su
preme court of sipesls today denied the
petition for a writ of error by Henry
Clay Seattle, Jr., convicted of murdering
his young wife last July.
This decision on the appeel from the
Judgment of the Chostcrfleld court, whicli
sentenced him to die In the electric .chalr
November "4 la final. Clemency or re
prieve by Governor Mann only ran save
the condemned man.
Ilea tt lea last hope of judicial Inter
ference was dashed when the supreme
court aunounted that the' trial court was
plainly correct In Its ruling and the ap
peal Is therefore denied. No further
comment was made on the ease.
All five Judges were present when
James Keith handed the decision to the
clerk. Beanie's father told lilm this
stternoon of the court's decision. The
old man wss trembling and in tears.
The son was unmoved. le lighted a
cigarette snd then proceeded to discuss
the os.iibl)lty of executive Interference.
lowerful Influences ore said to be at
work on Uovernnr Mann for snd agslnst
either commutation or pardon. It la not
believed he will intervene. The governor
said that he would Issue a stateineat tomorrow.
Dr. I. K. Ha wee.
KAIRUL-RV. Neb., Nov. 11-Bpeclal.)
lr. 8. K. Hawea died suddenly st his
home on North K street at T a. m. Sunday
from heart failure. He had been a suf
ferer from heart trouble for a number of
years. However, Haturday he was n
bis office as usual and waa down town
Saturday evening. He apparently waa In
good health and spirits prior to bis sud
den demise.
Dr. Hawes was one of the leading eU
sens ot Fairbyry ajid hod often taken
active Interest In the municipal affairs
of tho city. He was onoe sn unsuccess
ful candidate for miyor on the law and
order ticket.
A telegram was sent to 1:1s son. Wil.
Ham, who Is a medical student in
Crelghton university. He has another
son in Omaha.
Sauiael Ilnnirhton Urates. 1
OTTAWA. Ont., Nov. U Samuel
Haughton Graves of Chicago, president
of the White l'ass A Yukon railway, was
found dead In his bed st the Aylmer
aertmcnts bore today. His death was
due to heart failure.
May be promoted by those who
cently cleanse the system, now and
then, when in need of a laxative
remedy, by taking a deseitspoonful
of the ever refreshing, wholesome
and truly beneficial Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna, which is the
only family laxative generally ap
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Capitol Card Ce Sept. 894, Topexo, Xasv