i , T1IK HKK: OMAHA. itKSDAY, XOVKMIIMK I'-. I 'D. ' NEBRASKA CORN IS REAL Tlkpi&j . : --, m - Corn from Antelope State Ortdei . Better Than Neighbor!. COMMAND S ! I; UK I ' J IT it I 1 . ln.n.rt !.. Vni-lr.... I:.,,-..- I Illpealagr tondltlnsjs Ideal, S Cora Mar Be hil e Hoathern rrfa for Eaaort t In Other atatee. Nebraska raised batter corn thla year than anr tat In tha rn belt, according te Chief Inspector Powell of tha Omaha Grain exchange, who haa made a. com. parlaon of reaulta In hl orflce with thoae In other market on the testing and grading of new corn. Practically every car of corn which hae "arrived on the Omaha market haa erased No. I. which U aa high aa It can grade early In the aeaaon. and all of it haa a moisture content of than 3 per cent which -vill permit It to be exported through the aubtrople porta. Only a small portion of the corn ar riving In Chicago. Kanaaa City and Rt. Loul la grading No. I and moat of It haa percentage cf moisture that will pre vent Ita being hl.d through the south, as warm weal her makes moist corn rot. Thla la due. to weather conditions during ine ripening an(j harvesting of the crop iaie crop conditions In Nebraska and weetern Iowa were Ideal and the quality or the Nebraska crop Is much higher than for the average year. Thla means bet ter price for Nebraska growers than the farmers of other states will get. aside from any difference that may result one or auomer irom the distance to market. Lind, in Confession, Tells of Burglaries vnane una, arrested by Detectives Zunn and Fleming at Thirteenth and jraniam streets, on suspicion of having roooea tu residence of R. Waxenbsrg, sua urant street, haa confessed to hav. mg broken Into and looted homes within lb last few days. . i. When arrested I.lnd was carrying uii case, trie description of which Dunn and Fleming had Just received. Und at .una. according to his own story; James The following places were entered by una, according to his onw story: James Carmody, 1730 South Twenty-sixth street K. T. Weeks, IBM South Twenty-seventh street; Gordon ltrll, mi Poppleton ave nue; M. F. Halm, 1,123 South Twenty eighth street; R. . Waxsnberg, 2UJ Clrant street, and J. T. HaJllsey, tm Nerth Twenty-second street. ' in every instance entrsnoa was gained by raising windows. Und said that he committed the burglaries while he was under the Influence of liquor. A complaint was sworn out against him by Acting Chief of Detectives William Devereeae, and Und .will bo arralnged on a charge of breaking and entering Tuesday morn. Ing. THIRTEENTH IS LUCKY FOR CHIEF' C5NAHUE "Tlu.-'.ecn" it Chief of Police. Donahue's lucky' number. Twelve years ago. on the thirteenth day of November, Donahue re ceived his appointment as chief. This was te administration of Mayor Frank Ji. Moo res. ' "All good things hav com to m on I lie thirteenth," said the chief, growing remlnlNcental. I came to Omaha from Iowa in 1X91, twenty year ago next month, and started to work oh the thlr teenth day of December." Prior to his appointment aa chief, Dona hue had been acting chief for a few months. . HI appointment wag made on 'MM evening of th thirteenth. The chief lias no creepy feeling about "thirteen" not even when th thirteenth la also Friday. BANKRUPTCY BECAUSE LOAN SHARKS GOT HIM Fred Whltted filed a petition In bank- rucy la tbe United State district, clerk; s office, and in hi petition stated that hi debt amounted to 13 and hi asset were exempt. Whltted is a brekeman In the employ of th Union Pacific a&fl aay that last February he needed money to liquidate some depts, and he borrowed enough from Charles Burdg and M. Sander, salary loan specialists, and In return for th money he gav th loan men a salary assignment Unforeseen difficulties bobbed up and th. payment of th loan waa deferred from February. Th Interest compounded monthly and at a high rat Increased th debt, despiu th small payment already made, and now Whltted claim to be hopelessly Involved. PLAY AS WfcLL AS WORK FOR LEAGUE DELEGATES Th delegates tu the Nebraska League of Municipal I tlx meeting here Wednes day, Thursday and Friday, have a pro gram of hard work mapped out, but th convention will not conalst of all work a ud no play. Wednesday afternoon the city council will give the delegates a Joy tide In autos about the city and In th evening will entertain tbem all at . the Orpheuro. Thursday evening the Com mercial club will give th delegates, who ar expected 3U) strong, a banquet at th Commercial club.. THIEVES STRIP PLUMBING FROM THE NEW HOSPITAL Robert Wolfs, boiler inspector, reported to the committee of the who) of th city council that thieves had stripped th bras from th furnace at th ew Emergency hospital, donated by th lalu Ann Wilson to th city and had also taken out large sec tions of th plumbing, so that an expenditure of at least UI Is necessary to again put the heating apparatus in condition. . GETS ADDED SENTENCE FOR ATTEMPT AT ESCAPE Frank Wllklns, th negro who mad his acapa from the city Jala by using a dumb waiter and was later arrested at the Union station, waa given an additional twenty-five dys by John Crawford yes terday morning. H wti previously un der tlilry-dsy sentence for petit larceny. OMAHA GUN CLUB TO HAVE TWO BIG TURKEY SHOOTS Th annual turkey shoot of th Omaha Gun club will be held at th club' arvunds. east of the Douglas street bridge Hunday afternoon, November 18. and Thai.kxiflving day, November JO. A ear load of turkey and geese hav beta ui do t4 )-e afcJi tur, 49. HEAVY WEIGHT UNDERWEAR For Women and Children. Women's Fino Ribbed 'Cotton Union Suits, fleecy lined, special, garment Women's Fine Ribbed Cotton Vests and Pants, fleecy lined, regular-50c quality, JJg Women's Fino Ribbed Silk Fin ished Li.?Jc nion Suits worth up to $.'5 at, ;i garment. Childrtn's Fleecy Lined "M" Waist Union Suits, long leeve and ankle lengths, regular 50o values, at $1.59 i, on 29c Boys and Girls Gauntlet Gloves Hough Rider and Military stylos, largo cuff, some pat ent leather, trimmed with brass buttons and leather lnnge; Ileece lined and unlined, worth up to ., UOK, ibc a pair- -at, pair. BLANKETS SPECIALLY PRICED lm Our lllunket and Comfort Dept. Ilaaemcnt $5 ALL WOOL 11-4 BLANKETS AT $2.98 PAIR. Fine soft wool; plaids, tan and white, blue and white, black and white, etc. They are double and made for full size bed; weigh 5 pounds to pair. Never offered before for less than $5 a pair at, pair 1 $8 and $9 Extra Fino All-Wool Blankets at $5-Full .11-4 and 12:4, sizes and weigh 7 and 8 pounds to pair. Tins is one of the best, bargains in wool blankets ever offered at, pair $3.50 Fine 11-4 and 12-4 Wool Nap and Australian ) Blanketiat$1.98-lIardto1tellfromallwool; (P AO $3 and $.150 valuesat; pair.."... .'. VlwO , isranaeia 1 exciusiT umina agcnn xor tne celebrated ur. Jaeger' camel hair lmporlei blankets, auto rugs and ateamer ' ruga. ...' ,. t WEDNESDAY IS OUR MOST EXTRAORDINARY SALE Women's Tailored Suits The Bargains Will Be the Most Sensational in Our History. " Watch for Later Announcements. BRANDEIS STORES Cheery, Office EnYironments lias one of the most pleasant atmospheres of any office building in the west. The beautiful court, ; with the new decorations land the large fountain and the substantial appearance of the whole a structure, make the offices here full of cheer 7 and , give pleasant surroundings in which to work. The building is one of tho most modern, , with new elevators, high class janitor service, an excellent heating and lighting equipment. The location of the building, in the heart of the business section, with up-to-dateness in arrange ; ment and service, makes this an ideal place for . the particular man to have his office. , A few offices on the, court and outside arc vacant now. Boom 40 Sis xl f, having a frame and glass partition aorois renter of room rushing two goud s sad office with every convenience, and tba rentaJ piles only, per niunth $18.09 Boom a4 Having iT.l square feet makes a very pleasant office: having an east exposure ami being near r amain istreet side of tlie buili1in, JKent very reasonable, for month 930.00 fcoom 619 Don't lV for desk room space when you can rent a private office for the same amount. This room is 8x14, lias a largu window on the court, affording plenty of light und ventilation. Trice per monih 1 910.0 j Koom 44 Directly opposite the new court house faclnir Kurnani street. Our front oiric.. are much In demand on account of the prominent location. Thlt. room 1 U xU (, feot in sue. unl la mUaivi.ln.l with frame and mca partlllun, giving two office In one. Itental price, par mouth , ,...9.1000 Sooia 30 Is a choice corner office having a north and west expomire, making this spate attractive at any season of the year, on account of gouil -1 lf rtt and ventilation. We will arrange this sace, l'Jx-9 suitable fur tenant, and there being a vault In the room, It afforua extra protection for valuable llent. rcr month ...90.00 THE BEE BUILDING CO. Bee Business Office. 17th and Farnam Sts. sHMsgwtisjsiijj 'ti . '.,'., Aiij.M 'Wt'Tt y .'?,: JLA.'.", I '.f iWfl.W-Hitfh Grade Furs fclXPrJUT REMODELING Corner lioit and farnatu. . Telchonoliouglas :itm LEG IS BURNED OFF .: ? WHILE VICTIM SLEEPS To have his left leg burned off Crow the knee down, was the experience of John Johnson, a negro, while he was sleeping In a boxcar Id the Union Pacific railway yards. Jyhnsoa was cut attended by a doctor, but was locked up In Jail, aa the Ira be had burned off we a woouen ens. , . . Johnson and another "son of reat," by pjliw ul y. U. Cri'H, gvtcit la a bus- car last night. In order to kep warm a fire wte built on the floor. Johnson ued his wooden leg aa a poker. While the fire was smouldering the pair went to a.eep. While asleep Johnson rolled over so that hie wooden leg came In contact with the fire. He was awakened by Special Offi car Vlxxard and placel under arrest. When Johnson attempted to get up he fell, and then to his dismay he found his leg had gone up In smoke. II was car ried to the patrol wagun. Persistent Advsrlis.iig Big Mi t'ln, is lue Itoad to Dresses Are Coming Into Their Own Dresses ore gaining more nnd more popular favor with every succeeding daywhich fact tan be traced to the growing demand for tboie fine coats we are selling this season and because a dress can De used Tor so many different occas.ons. A dress I3 a complete costume In Itself. Grand selections at this store, made of fine serges, velvet, striped prunellas, mesaallnes, etc. very dtesay and plain' styles as you may happen to need. Dralds, velvets, lace sets and embrol .ery 'WWW are used In the various trimming schemes and navies and browns are the most favored colors. Prices begin at 11.50 and rang upwarda, by easyi stages, to the highest price that Is reasonable. Ml A D rea Fpecial-'Th's cress has a of. a t woo skirt and a messann.' uaist with short tie v an J 'a round neck. Comes in navy, lack and bro i n and a 1 nizes from 16 to 42. The best cheup dress offered at. INSPECT THESE NEW REVERSI BLE COATS AT 17.50-They're made of fine, soft, all wool blanketing In com binations of red and navy, tan and grey and grey and purple. Button up close to the neck, have belt in the back, large pockets and roll cuffs. Sizes 14, 1C and 18 for misses and 36, 38 and 40 for women. . K Wt mens Sweater Coats at $3.75--A Special Number Heavy all wool and worsted yarns In grey, red and whlt. This is a num ber we purchased to sell as a special at 13.75 and It is extra value the whole way through. Sizes 34 to 4 4. .; Flannelette Gowns, Wrappers, Petticoats an . Sacques Warm, fleecy garments made with a fullness, of cut ajid design that is un rlsual in wearables of -thla 'character. PaUprn" are pleasing and the prices still v tnore. so. V fcneqaes at 50c and up to $5.00. V Uovrrts ht BOc, Sl)c, $1.00 and $1.50. Petticoats at U5c, 50c and 50c. , Wrappers at $1.25, $1.50 np 'to $2.75 iave ever 'iZDiict !H: California llootli of the big fiucK anil the loud imian: eiirm they gave away flvo Hires 01 orange laml to the iiifwiT 011 me jar or nuta. Tne land of ere, oranges, graie fruit, lemons, figs, date. . Olive, and alfaifn fim var rmmH inilraei North t-alt River Valley Irrigation Co., Phoenix. Ar! California California California Colorado Colorado Colorado terms of one-tenth. Ad coLoMdo 1I1H bushels pctst Koa Angeles. San lMetjo. Tne booth where you kaw eveiy thins wortn while and then some! Including climate and oiiport unity. Address l.os Ar.Reles Chumber of Coiimicrce, or San Uleeo Chamber of Cimn.ma Uetter still, go out and wee for yourselves. Where you aaw the famous ,'ananien to Valley Kxhlblt Inquire abut the next excursion to this beautiful counfy. Nov 16. Trowbrldgo A Holster, 404 City Natlon.il Uank Uulkllns Omaha, Nebraska. Atf the Tulare County Uooth you saw tho bin peaches, potatoes, con, pumpkins, prunes anil jluins. Also tho fino oranxes, lemons ami citrus fruit. Vou can farm lor pleasure and profit In Tulure County. Adorns, Tulare County Hoard of Tij-, Vlsalla. California. Patterson in the humous Han Joaquin Val ley. Why not go with ua and see this Para- dise for Plain People. Payne Investment Company, Omaha, Nebraska. here yon saw the Platte lvr Tallsy PJxhlblt, ehowlnj; wheat, oats, llux and torn raisei on ub I'TiRate'l aoll; land .hat pay for ltsslf In twa year.. ,o aull this laud on terms of one-third to or.e-hair cash, balance 3 to 6 years. AUdresi Hatto l'.lvor Valley Land Co.. Sterling. Colorado. ApplcH, Ai.ilon, lilB Hed nnd YellowApplen! nice clean potatoes, timar oeeU, (rrains an grown at Uetchklss, Delta Countr, Colorado. "Tou remem ber? l'.etncmber also lands from $50 per acre nnd upward. Address Gould and WUloaabby. Hotclikis. Colorado. ' Where Jim saw the San Uula Valley Kxhlhlt, Khowlnfr cFpeclally tho big (trains and field peas, une'!UHl!e! fur hop fcjJ; heard ahotit the new sugar factory; and vhore you learned that you I Mil bllV tlrlfraftt.l lon.l. In I hi. .I..I. haII.u iJIj'ieJLtliAddre''a A. Itoblnson, lt Nafl Hank Denver, Colo. J he Klo Grande Home Co., of Alamosa, Colo., oc cupied nootU .No. 1. rhln is where you saw the fin cabbage., colery nn.l other vegetables; afso 80 varieties of Cnlnrarin crRRReM nntn tho.t vlAi.iArl bushels ner aero. 7214 bushels oil wheat, wonderful alfalfa, choice oes, etc.. from the Sunny San I.uis Valley, Colo. Write them today! Id ap Where you saw especially the fine Apples, Potatoes I? f and Kr"'n raieed in Marsh Valley, the "Garden H IfS Spot of Idaho." Address Dowcoy Improvement Co., Downey, Idaho. Nen rasua Nebraska Where you bought those Te Be Cea for a Nickel and the Trnds for a Dim. You Remember! Tracy Bro. Co., who sell more cigars In Omaha than any other house. Why? Quality. All first class dealers sell our goods. Tracy Bros. Co., 1416 Doug. Bt., Omaha. Neb. Sliinn Lightning Hods, the booth that In terested many showing the (Trade Mark) of tho best In Lightning Protection. Address, W. C. Shlnn, Lincoln, Nebraska. Northvestcrn ; ,1 Where you saw' the beautiful alfalfa anil stock raining exhibit.' You remember! L.arge " a of cattle and sheep. If Interested : irer Agent, Chicago end . Northwestern It, K upject ' panorama pa in alfalfa raising .vrlte to tieneral Pasaen t'maha. Nebraska, for pamphlet dealing fully with the Oregon i - Addr Wnero you saw the attractive cyolorama of the City pkiioi hiiu viio vu4iuiite TiuuT createa Dy teo. hreiher.'The artut is identified with leading art in Chicago and the country. II Is also super of drawing In the Salem grade and hleh chn,la. . Address Geo. t,. Schrelber, '09 Dlv. St., 8alem. Ore. Over-the-Counter Sale of Watches, Diamonds, Gold and Silver Good3 (list goods excepted) is now on. Take advantage of these reduced prices. Buy your Christmas goods now. , Look for the name. . ... S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 15)6 Dougl s Street .. c3 p 9"a Famoui Oregon m lis. Alb oualy fertile Willamette Valley Booth was the est agricultural and horticultural disnlav. Vn. rigated fruits, nuts and vegetables. No billiards. or urouitis. io crop failures.-lve new rail Write to Commercial Club Secretary at rorml. Ibany or, Salem, Oregon, OREGON eriiy monthly payn v rie Hecker & Hea South lt u explain' to you how to own a 6 or, 10 acre fruit and garden tract. Albany, Oregon, one of the beat towns in Oreeon, and in the very heart of the famous Willamette Valley. I1.2S0.00 for the entire tract. pr tnts. No taxes, no interest, good markets. Call or m. HiS Hrandela Theater Huildlng, Omaha, Where you saw the two-headed caif. the large cabbage, the flax grown en aod, and the wheat grown without irrigation Audra AxAmor Cosucar clal Club, rdmore, South Dakota. Dakota 1JL I The booth with the elx-foot wheat; th 100 buuhel oata; I ITiSSl th perfect apples; tho national silver trophies won In 10 Bid 1 I competition against the fruit and farm section of the k world. Th famous Gunnison Valley in the heart of Utah. No boom prices yet. Alfalfa's natural home. Spalding, Livingston Inv Co. (10 Newhouse Bld.. Salt Lake City. 813 City Nat. Bk. Hldg., Omaha, Neo, Wypmin g You don't have to be rich to start farming. and sold on crop payments. Remember the fine products of this year's crop. Address C. L. Beatty, Pine Bluffs Wyoming. "The Wylle Way," where th ticket was given awaj daily. Our new folder will be published Deo. 1. No charge. Write for It todav WTLIB PEBMAKEHT OAKPHfO COHFAMT, imMOSTOW, MOBTTAKA. Yellowstone Park Jonn bays: A f dowa? They look J T V Uke a elroaal My fvi 7 'Ftp Bait rv' r,X-9 1 Sal 1 on and r 1 . J err -one 1 falling over th other on te get 'otntnln' far aoth.' a'. n T. S. Smoke Trust Buster Cigar. John's Cigar Store .i2l .vio. Jot i St j AMUSEMENTS. rhonea: DougUs 494; InrL A-14D4 Maun tviry waySUS. Cvary ailg-ht, Chynn Days loolan and X.nharr, ronr crlglnal I.ondoii. Caoets Da tia- corfna, Karl, raullrstU and Piquo, Kuight and Beyer, Xluetossope, rpham Concert Orchestra. Frio. NlTht, 10c, 95c, B0C, 75o Metis lOo. best seats asc, except Sat nrday and Sunday. 1EALTHY HR!R; YOU BY USING SAGE AND SULPHUR Hisses' end Young i'Jomcn's Gun Metal High Cut The Gun MetaJ High Cut Is tha new style) In Button Shoea . for Misses and Young Women. ' are always first to intro duce the now styles and this one haa proven , exceptionally M popular. . These arc school shoea that Lave ail the style found in mother's thoes combined with same wearing qualities and comfort. u to 2. . S3.50 Young VVomfc'ii 3H to . .....83.00 :lrM.l.ldiM.,liy BPXCIAI, MATINEE TODAY Tonight l.aat Time OEO. EVANS, ' "HOTBT BOT" MimigELI WiDSESDAT MAT. ABO IfflQKT. WILKEB WHITZ3IBB and Kl notable Company In "THB MAGIO MELODY." November 19. 80, SI RICHARD CABLH A Harmless Remedy; Make the Hair Grow and. Restores .Natural Color. The Woman's Relief Corps No. 08 Auxiliary to Oeo. Crook Post, Omaha, Wabraaka, Presents SOFIA . I tIA.II In Concert Lectures Brnlce l-athroi at the piano At Itarlght Hall, IVth unl Far- nam Influence of Music." Monilay, Nov. ,H3th, 111, 8:15 p. in. ' Music and Childhood." Tuesday, Nov. Uth, 111. :30 p. m. ' Music and Life." Tuesday. Nov. Uth. 1911. 8:11 p. ni. What a pity It Is to observe so many people wlt thin and faded hair and then real! at the most of these peo-' pie might ...o a fine healthy head of' hair if they would but use the slir.ple "xage tea'' of our grandmothers, com bined with other Ingredients for restor-' ing and preserving the hair. . No one, young or old, need have gray hair, weak, thin or falling hair, dandruff or any trouble of the sort If they would b.ut use Wyeth's nge and Sulphur Hair Rem edy. On the contrary. It l possible to i.ave healthy, vigorous hair, of ye r feet color, by a few application of this ro ...arKuble preparation. Wyeths and iSulphur Ilair Item- dy ;ulcKly removes aanuruff, leaves ...e scalp clean and healthy, promotes nie growth of the hair and restores lue i.atural color of the hair which haa becoiiie fuded or gray It is a clean, wholesome dressing, which may be used at any time und with perfect safety. Don't neglect your hair. Btart today with Wyeth's hage and Sulphur. This preparation U offered to .the public at lifty cenj a bottle, and in. recommended und sold by all druggists. riennan & McConnell Drug Co., Cor. lth and Dodge, Cor. 16th and Harney, Cor. 24th and Farnam, 07-3 No. IStli St., Loyal Hotel. aBaKSSsaS Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 rarnam'St 4UvirixtiCAi THEATER Tonight Mat. Tomorrow, IThursda and Saturday. TBtwxau viLY lla t and th VOODWAtO HOCK COMPAKT THE DESERTERS , aTaat Wfc "ArYoaa Btaaoa.J vmaki1! rnn Center. fAii ay at ja-as-sj JCIICf BiTlV8-6O-S0 t Jet Man Friday Overlooked. RObiNSOiVS "CRUSOE CUIS" EITmATAaAKIA iSB VABDETtLLt K.'eiitcally the ettual or mum J pu ductious. Ft i euty TChm -u lAue KRUG THEATER (Ut. a JO, JlUfht 8:30. Beat Bast 60c THE Hl'AU SHOW GIKI.S ud . , rAHMEIiO'ri I.IKK 1DSKS Laols' PaUy a Btu. Itfatlae. Free Land Information The Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet the demand of its readers for land information, has gathered and compiled data on soils, climate and fanning conditions in all parts of the country. It is willing to give out thU information, free, if postage is sent with inquiry. Do You Want to Know About government land laws; location of land , of fices, etcN "How to get irrigation lands, location of projects, laws governing same, etc. Best sections for fruit growing, general farming, stock raising or dairying." Your questions will get prompt attention. Stat plainly and specifically what you want to know. Write, Land Information Bureau The Twentieth Century Farmer Omaha, Nebraska llffulii- i aKTrrvma Comic Secti&7i The Sunday Bee .- mafliisiii.1,. lMYen - I With Happy Hooligan. Littli Nemo, the Katzenjammer Kids (nd the whole intereatinj fanily '""' 1 " ' -a-MalnMHTiriiiiiial i