(Hn ri.ty. The lns to (lie tohHTO crop iii te more than lm'( a million. The vnum Trrek features tvrte present. The Pmlth fa tufty. Uhl.li wse alrriost Iped out. wtrt seated at the table at their horns near Janeavllle. The hoe nas thrown to tli road and landed on the roof of another. Mm. Jtht tlowdrr, f yearn old, was , aione in tier iioini near urioravme. j ne house tras dctnollshrd. Mrs. Frod. a, bride of (Is ;eeke,.wa In.tAntfv hl!r1 nl hrr limna In whli-h he had lived hut a fr w ilnye. Her hus band Was. not far from I lie house when Hie storm came up. He remained !n the barn, carina; for his Mrk. until ho re alised that the storm had developed Inio a tornado. Running toward the house In the darkness, he discovered that It had bn demolished and that his wife i killed. Frank Welsh, a rich lin , , . lath of the storm, fat tn hla home when he aaw Ma bam. tobacco and atiiep sheds and other buildings torn from their foundatlona and demolished. The trnad also damaged the bouae. but the family scaped unhurt. He, placed hla lost at 1 15.HO0. Bar Sleet a Death. UOCKPOItD. III., Kov. 13-Ilenry Meyers, 12 fears of an, of Hclvldire 111., waa killed yesterday when the aturtn tore the roof from barn Jn whlih he had taken refuge. Horkfurd, In Wlnne bugo counry, suffered a heavy property loan, but no fatalities. i Torneda Mite X Ir.lala, 111. SPIUNOFlIiLU. III., Nor. JI.-A tor nedo swooped down upon Virginia, 111., Kt'430 o'clock yeaterday afternoon, dealing destruction right and left and leaving tuln In Its wake. A score of persons were seriously Injured, while the town wsa completely vrrerfted. ' Many had miraculous escapes, but none was killed. The moat seriously injilreti were Karla Whlttaker, the littler son of William U'hlllakfr: Pad French and fills Mid. dleton. The WhlKuker l.oy was the most sort. ouKly Injured, being caught Under the wreckage of the Whlttaker heme, which waa demolished. The storm swept with terrlflo force through the renter of the town, not a business building or residence that lay la Its wake escaping damage. One hun dred dwellings were unroofed or sua. talned serious Injury In another manner, while the business section la a mass of . wreckage. A drenching; rain followed the violent' wind, and tonight the town was In total darkness. The path of the storm was half a mils wide. Many email buildings were wrecked,. Telephone wires are down and II la difficult tu get details from nearby town In the storm's jiatn. Tlw tornado followed a hot, sultry day. At noon tho mercury stood at 80 degree. Knln turning to suoV followed the wind and rapid fall of temiwrature began. At 10; o'clock tonight the mercury stood hi 23 degrees, ' fltoraa Hits Peoria, TEOlilA, 111.,' 5jov, 12.-A wJnd ' and fain storm swept over I'uurla at o'clock enterday, cuuelng property damage of several thousand dollurs. The wind reached a velocity of fifty miles an hour. An Inch and a quarter of raltl full In half an hour. Tha tern not lurc1rod 07 degree In eight hours, registering '15 do sr. at J h'clock. t. Telephone anO,' tele graph communication tonight Is iraotlv !ly at a standstill. The storm aeeniod to fullow Wie rlvtfr and more than twenty motor boats were suult In the river. Uu one was JnJur-.-d. . DEATH RECORD. tan hailiif Lrirar, . CEXTHAX. CITY. .Neb., Nov. i:.-(8o-rlel.)-The funeral of Curl Uustave Lo vene was held here Suturday. The serv ices were Irutn the Freo Methodist church, of which tho deceased was one of the charter members, and Interment was In ma Jirnim county cemetery Mr. I, vene wsa In his seventy-fourth year and had been engaged lu tho tailoring busi ness In Central City for upwards of thirty years. ALL NATIONS ON SHIP'S LIST Itemarkahl Mabel of Hacee aal Toagae aa aa Atlaatle 1 l.lsjer. .The moat remarkable collection of pe ( sengers ever arriving at the port of New 1 York on one ateamahlp, according to the Immigration men, came In last week on I the American liner Ht I'uul. It was a , khip of all nations, for, according to an ' official, who went over Its lists, nearly every country In tho world Waa repre sented. It brought 100 first, 400 second ; end 41 steerage pai,ors. The moat pktureaque passengers were , fifty American Indiana of the Sloua tribe, ' led by Chiefs IJttle Bull, a medicine man of note; Klat Iron, who says he Is lQi 'years old; Spotted Weasel, and Quo J j Horse They are returning to the 1'lne ! Kldge agency. South lukota, after a nut 1 too successful tour as amusement pro ; vjdera abroad. Besides tho American and Englishmen. I Japan, China, rurtugal, Ceylon. Germany, ! France, fpuiit, HolUnd. Kuimia, l'oiaud, i Heland, Balkan Ktulea, I'erala and Turkey ! were also repreaeoted. Somebody on the liner railed the re portera aaide wben the vessel waa boarded , at Quarantine and advised them to go into the steerage. There la a fellow down there with a iiatory," said the atranger. You who .re always looking for tales of the sea v. i! find a little voluive wheu you run acroa John LUllon." In the steerage tho news hunters found a weatherboaten man with one arm who "Jd be was Mr. IMllon of Portland, Ore., f.ghter and adventurer, who had "been up agalrst It moiari a year." He denlad any Intention of publishing bis story In book form. This is the substance of It: The young mau left Portland In the early part of W10, traveling with a medl. cine show and "carnival comnanv." j There had been rough sledding tutu Uys snow reached .New Orleans, and there It went to pieces. The steamship tUtonla as ready to stsrt for Eng. and . when l'illon found It. and die signed as a coal trimmer. In England be went aboard the Norwegian lurk Ilaun. bound for Lisbon. He liked Llkoon, and had about decided to make It hla home, when one night as , he waa etrvlling down one of the dark sireels bo felt a blow upon the bead. He ttunamtered nothing for two days, and tt.en, en rt!n!ng conscio'uaneas, found that he waa In a 'hospital' aod thai an im had t.eei amputated. The harbor-u.a-.tr of Uston to!d the authorities that he had found DUloti, bleeding and uocoa- '"". vj ' v u, vt m imiiusu irsxa, ' l'h his ocVet turr.ed inside out. From lisboa Iillon went to Cardiff, a-ea, aiid later tho American consul at Southampton sent hiii) home on the Ht I-aul. The pn.ensera si.bserilx-d enough n.o to tke the wanderer to his home Jleoo. PIONEER OFPOLK IS DEAD L. A.'Beltzer Expires Unexpectedly Following: a Heart Dinner. ENLISTED DUKINO CIVIL WAR Served In l.a"t ftee.loa of l,eg,lIa. tare as' Assistant nrreraat-at-Arms saxl Mas Otherwise rrnmlncat la State, OSi. Kol.A, Neh., Nov. Jl. -(Special.) I A. Ileltter. pioneer and ono of the ben known residents of I'olk county, dk-4 at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Though he l ad been In poor health for some time, d'-.ith came tinereetedly. He had eaten x hearty dintiti, after which he was Kited with pains In hla heart. He died Wore the fan.ily phjaiclan arrived. Mr. Beller would have been ?2 years Old next ChrhPtma. He was prominent In Oram! Army of the Republic clrclee, hav ing enlisted during the civil war In Company F, Hghteenth Iowa Volunteer Infantry. lie was assistant sergeant'gt anna Moving the last tsenalon of the Ne hrarka legislature. Besides his Wife he leaves three sons. I V. Peltier, editor of tho Monitor at Itradahaw, Neb.; Dr. fharles Mel Her and another son at Butte, Mont. Beet Sugar Factory . Makes Half Million Pounds Every Day KCOTTFI:L,i;FK, Neb., Nov. 32.-Ppe-rinl.) The Hcottsbluff Sugar company made Us first payment for beets Friday, amounting to t8.r00. This Is estimated as about hnlf of the crop. The record breaking run was Jnt made by a day shirt of twelve hours In which there waa turned out by the mill 2,700 sacks or sugar. The mill Is dally putting out about half a million pounds of sweetness. It Is estimated that the sugar campaign will continue almut seventy-five dnys more, while the big crop here and the light crop at Hterllng has caused tho company to mako soma shipments to that point. Feeding Incldmit to the beet crop hoi asnumed proportion far In excess of early predictions. About COM cattle and 60,000 sheep are being fed In the valley. Alfalfa la bringing fkoO In the stack and other feed equally high. ATater has been turned out of the aev. eral ditches after a most successful year of operstlon and result. Over 10.000 acres under the government canal were put into airaira this year, and nearly as much more under the Tristate canal. Several addition thousands wera seeded under the smaller canals of the valley. DISTRICT COURT IN MERRICK Krh Forgery Caeee and Clarke Cattle , Pteanas; tsses Are oa the IHir-bet. CENTIIAL CITV. Neb.. Nov lt.-fRne. clal.) The November term of the district court convenes here Monday with Judge MouennucK on tho bench and the regular Jury . eqcl n attendance. The action against John Marquis on a bootlegging rnarge win probably b tried, first. The case against' Fred Barrttt oft a similar cuarge follows, ; .'. . . The caves asuinst lLarrv l:rh 'V... . charge ef tittering frrrged and fraudulent papers, and other offenses, will follow. It -K doubtu) what form ihe .prosecution In these cases, will take, aa li la iin.i-r. stood the banks and other parties to whoid Frh wks" Indebted, and t whom It was claimed ho had uttered his for,i and fraudulent papers, had settled their rmancial dirrerenees with him. The action arnlnst Burl Holre U!ri Ickard and Hubert Saddler on a charge of cattle stealing Is down for trial. This Is the famous Clarks cattle case, claimed to Involve a well organised gahg of oaltle tnieves, and will be the most Interest ing trial of the session. There la alun an action against Burl Bolce on a charge of forgery, and also on against W. II. Aldrlch on the same charge. Both of these cases come from Clurks, certain merchants there complaining of reoelvlng the forged checks. There la also innthar action Involving CUrks parties. William Mutnprr having to anawer to the charge of assaulting Charles Garrison wlfh to do great bodily harm. One or two minor actions complete the criminal docket Although there are thlrtv-si ,.... listed on the civil docket, they are mostly actions to be adjudicated In a court r equity, and will not call for a Jury trial more are no oases or general public, In terest on the civil docket. 3ew Water gystesa Effective. nUHHVILLBl Neb.. Nov 12.-Hneolt Fire broke out about S o'clock this after noon In the Htockmen's hotel, due tn th upsetting of a lamp used to thaw out a water pipe. The boee company, bv hmi efforts In ero weather, quenched the names, nut the office and southwest r of the building was wrecked. This is the first fire since the new water works sys tem waa Installed, and as the Ptockmen'g hotel U a two story building the preaaure waa good and did tbe work In a aatlafoctory manner. The hotel la the property of Adolf rflsterer, but la rented ty r. Aimght. Northwest farmers laatltate. CHAUHON. Neb.. Nov. ll.-8pecU!.-The Northwest Nebraska Farmers Insti tute, that has been in session here since November . closed yesterday. It has been successful In every respect. The attendance has been a surprise to the most sanguine of the promoters, promt nent among whom Is Charles Mann, the president, and K. I'. Wilson, ascretary. The men s class bf 181 baa been enrolled! while In 'the women's there are 302. In structors: Ir. Carlson, an authority on the horse.;, W. W. Burr front the North Platte experiment station; Kegent Coup, land and li. J. Qramllch. prcf. C. W. Pugslry of the state university . .' peeled., but owing to serious lllneaa of his wife was prevented from attending. HYMENEAL. tsrsias-K'atisa. I FAIBBCHY.-Neb., Nov. 12. (Bpeclal.)-i. Sylvester Mpiague of this city and Mlas a una Watson of Alexandria. Neb., were aiatTted at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Bhuok Sunday evening at t clock. Only Immediate frlonda an.t tlvee of tbe contracting parties Witnessed tue ceremony. Few, Iv any. medicines have met i tbe uniform success that has attended rltb thu use o '- wuui, nuiara rnaj-rlioea Hemedy. The raniarL. ui. and uiss of colle and diarrhoea whl.-h It baa ef leciea m ai""a nor neianiKrho4 giten It a wide reputation, (,'or gi have by ll dcalcia. Jin; j;ke: omaua. momuv, novum isku .1! . 1 J ...... Omaha Men First to Cross Bridge Over the Platte The new Duff-Pollock wagon and motor bridge near Plstlsmouth was crossed for the first time at 11:40 o'clock Saturday morning, by Richard Htewsrt and F. B. Jacqulth of Omaha, riding In a new hIx c Under automobile. The automohlllsts tlien drove Into Plattsmotith, where, with President Pollock of the Plattsmouth Commercial club, they made arrange ment for a celebration of the opening of the new bridge. Thle celebration will be held In Plattsmouth Wednesday aod at tended by delegates from every city along the new Omaha-Plattnmouth-Kansaa City automobile route. I. K. Watklns will be the principal speaker at the meeting, at which an association will be formed whose purpose will be to Improve the roads In Cass county and the Omaha K ansae City road. SUFFRAGETTES WIN IN WALK None Appears to Take Other Side of One-Sided Debate. SO WOMEN TAKE BOTH SIDES A ad They Then Proceed to Pboot Their Own Araameals Against Fall ef Ileles Ur. Merrlant Talks for Wemea. BotJallstj at the meeting of the Omaha ITrllosophleul society Uunday afternoon had It all their own way on the woman's suffrage question, for there was only one person to say anything on the "antl" sldo, Dr. W. M. Ward, and he was called down by the chairman before he' had made his point, having already used twice the time allowed for each speaker. Tho numerous speeches in favor of woman suffrago wero punctuated with loud applause. The talk was started by a debate be tween Kanrle J. Qulnby and Mrs. George W. Covell. Just to make sure that botn sides would be representetf, Mr. Qulnby talked against woman suffruge, though he Is ardently in favor of It. Then, after Mrs. Covell had "come back" at him, Just to make sure that she had not over looked anything, he answered all the arguments ha had advanced In hla first speech. About a flosen persons, men and women, then "stood up" for downtrodden woman. There being no one to debate against, each one told of some argument he had heard against woman suffrage and then proceeded to tear It to pieces. One pule, dark-browed man with a mass of black hair fastened at the back.' of his nock with a ribbon, to whom the audience rather looked for A monologue, did not fulfill the expectation, but everybody else expected to talk-old talk. It was the unanimous opinion that the debate waa won by the woman suffrage side. Tho stock arguments against suffrage were oftored-that woman is the clinging vine, that alio should not be sullied by the political cennpool, that she doesn't know how to use the opportunities be has, that she is too emotional to vote. "Yea," said Mr. Oconto W. Covell. In answer' to tho first, "men think a woman shouNl be a fragrant rose. I'd rather be a pumpkin flower." "Wltuout vomen," tald Oscar A- Al bright, "political parties have got rotten to the core, except the socialist party. I do not vote.' politics is so rotten that 1 don't know how to vote. The women will purify It." "Tho only reason women do not have the ballot now," said Dr. Merttam, "Is thut they are slaves to the fables of the church. When thoy null bellevliur what the church tells them and when they quit spending their youth In wishing for a husband to love and pet them, then they will be ready to vote." 'Thoy say woman should not vote be cause she does not bear arms," said 1-aurle J. Qulnby. "That is all the more reason why she should vote; she might stop this Infernal , practice of bearing arms." "If we had to wait for wlsloin, there would be might few rea voting," said one. .... Mrs. W. 13. Shafer of the Woman's Suffrage ' association, answering the "bearing arma" argument, said that not all the men In fhe army bear arms, since th War dopartment had recently issued a decree that camp and post cooks didn't have to carry guna. CAMPHOR, PNEUMONIA CURE Physlelaa Telia ( Sace-rasfal Re. aalts la Ills Praotlo lines lOOti. There liuve been and still are many varieties of treatment for pneumonia. A long list would be required to indicate all the medicaments which have been employed against It Pome even con sider that this affection Is an aliment which has a definite cycle. They are of opinion that no medication should be adopted which might act on It and dis turb Its development, the proper course to take being one of "expectation," or. bettor; a therapeaullque armee more particularly designed to combat com plications. The therapeutlque armee waa at one time tn vogue; today It la almost completely dethroned and a return Is being made to medication. Doctor Herbert, iu the "Munchner Medlslnlaohe Worchenschrlft," describes ths remarkable results which he ob tained tn the treatment of serious esses of pneumonia by means of strong doses of camphor. He first had occasion to use It In 190t In a case of double pneu monia, where the patient was also suf fering from typhoid fever. He therefore practiced a subcutaneous injection of twelve ruble Centimeters of camphorated oil (M per cent) recently sterilised. The results obtained on the pulse and respi ration, aa well as those oa the tempera ture and general condition, ' Were ex tremely satisfactory. He renemed this dose every twelve hours, and he found after three days the trouble bad disap peared. Dr. Serbert has since employed the same treatment In twenty-one cases, one of which waa extremely serious, since It aa a question of double complicated pneumonia tn a woman 73 years old. All tliese casee recovered. It seems certain that the camphor produced theee effects, sine there was no real crisis, the cure being gradually and slowly eftectsj. Philadelphia North American. KOTZofKHTS OP OCBAJT ITIlHSU. fort. Arrt. stl4. s i'TH K VPTON. . OiM'iie Mnuusirhuu MAMOtTII A. UmjH (Mt-KNHAUEX... I sited HUH SKAT l i t: Kvnwrla M YKHK Itaitlv Ptm. I.tnrala. k 1DKK.., Sw 1'a.k, NICW Yi-HK Krwnl.ii.1 NeW YOHK Uli,,h.li. fcW iul.a, Iv.woil'te, - STOCK FOODJIEN IN COURT Case in Keoknk to Break Law Bequirin; License. SEEK TO EVADE THE BIO FEE Kaforrenteat of Aatl-fiambllasr Invr Mill Resalt la Patting; Tarkey Mafflee t silrr the Ka Over stnte. CKrom a Staff Correspondent.) PES MpJNKH, Nv. 12.-f8pcc!al.)-The state has pending In the district court at Keokuk a case that la Important to the state food and daliy department and to the manufacturers of concentrated stock foods who have customers In Iowa. The suit Is being pro-ecuted on behalf of about thirty manufacturers of stock foods to break the entire Iowa law. They be lieve that they will succeed in having the entire law declared Illegal. 1'ndor thla law It Is necessary for one selling concentrated feeding stuffs having medicinal character to pay $1W a year license fee. For mixed feeding stuffs sold for feed alone a fee of 10 cents a ton Is charged. The law was paaaed at the Instnnco of the farmers, who fetlt tHat they were being swindled by & great mnny of tho makers of 'feeding stuffs and medicines. Soon after the law was put Into force an effort was made to have It declared, unconstitutional, buUtnis failed and most of the manufacturers have been for sev eral years paying the license fees. Now they Insist upon having the law tested In tho court and say It should be de clared Improper because It la discriminat ing In character. The court heard argu ments on the caso and then granted time for the attorney genoral and the repre sentatives of the feeding factories to file printed nrgiirnents. Move Nary Headquarters. Headquarters of the United States navy recruiting service for the district of Iowa will be officially established In the fed eral building In Ds Moines, the change being made from Cedar Rapids, Tuesday. The headquarters office will bring here the chief, Liedtenant W. P. Caddis, U. B. N.; Surgeon R. A. Lonabaugh. A. R. Marshall, chief yeoman, clerk to Uaddis; W. Cheaters, flrst-claaa hospital appren- tice and clerk to the surgeon. Chief Mastor-at-Arms a. Busch, in oharge of the local office since it was establlHhed August 1, 1910, will remain In charge, of the local recruiting Information depart ment. I Ms assistant, V. K. McKenna, first-class boatswain's mate, will aluo re main, with Busch. Norlalists in Have Tloket. City politics have been enlivened with the announcement that socialists of Des Moines will put a full Ucket In the field next spring for the election of mayor and commissioners. An organiser and lec turer will also be secured to work in this city for the next five months. An other project of the socialists will be a paper championing their cause, to ' be started here about January 1. The cam paign committee claims there is much local sentiment for socialism, . and this sentiment needs only crystallisation to bring results in the spring. For Cassty Assessors. Members of the State Tax commission are at work on a plan to have county assessors , named Instead of township assessor. The county assessors will be elected and will have full charge ot the assessment for tho county. All Harries Ara Illearal. In some parts of the state the discovery la Just being made that ail raffles and lotteries bfevery kind are clearly con trary to the Iowa law,, which are rigid and extreme upon the aut ject of gambling. The result is that this year turkey raffles will be.put under the ban In many places where heretofore they have not been re garded aa a species of gambling. The city officials In some of the cities ot the state are also just finding out that dice games and all manner of chanoe taking are Illegal. In all parts ot the state It is reported that the laws against gambling win bo enrorced from this time on even though the In the past they have been In part neglected. In Van Buren county re cently a Urge number of cltisens were Indicted and fined for gambling and tbe prevalence of gambling has been ended. Cosaalalai as I.asabee Rates. Complaint waa tiled with the State Railroad commission cr arcing the Rock Island railroad company with making discriminatory rates on lumber to points south of Eldon. It Is charged that the rates favor yellow pine from the south over lumber shipped by the complainants from Keosauqua, Birmingham and other southeastern Iowa cities and towns. Tbe complainants are the MuCreary Lumber company, Keosauqua Lumber coulpany and the W. B. Smith estate. TRAGEDY IN HIGH PRICES lateaslve) traggla tar Ealsteaea la New York's Crowded Kaat Ida. Life In the East Side of New York is tinged with a deeper gray than usual these days. And It Is never very cheerful down there where a million or so human beings huddle In grimy tenements and wonder dully what lias become of those dreams thut lured them from their dis tant home across the ocean. But now the Increasing cost of living has sifted down to the tenements and (he problem bf bow to keep the wolf from the door has become almost unsolvable. The visitor to New York who wanders through the Bowery and Its euvtrorfs Is certain to have his attention attracted to the numerous little eating houses that are wedged Into all manner of Strang corners between the gaudy saloona, pawn shops, moving ploture theaters and the ubiquitous second-hand clothing stores. They cater dally to hundreds of thou sands. For years these eating bouses have dis pensed a mysterious liquid, euphemisti cally called coffee, at the modest price of S cents a cup. For another' cent' a large, heavy doughnut waa added. For thousands this repast formed a slender barrier between them and starvation. The price of this meal has now been ralaed t? 4 cents. A cup of coffee alone costs J cents. It does not sound very ex orbitant, but behind that eitre cent Is concealed getfuine tragedy. Family bud gets ou tho F.aat Hide are baaed on the cent aa a unit. The art of living la a very fine science there and the addition of even a cent to the dally expenses is often sufficient to upset the whole pre carloua basis on which a household resta. The blame dues not lie on the eating house. Numbers ot them have been forced to close their doors and few of them live much better than their custo mers. One of tbe more prosperous stated that his trade had fallen 3t) per cent, and that If conditions did not imporve scores ot East tHde merchants would be driven out of business. Pittsburgh Dispatch. Key. to tUo BUvauva-i-ve Yeiit Ads. i;;, i:ii. ALDRICH DEFENDS MONETARY PLAN (Continued from First Page.) able, by influencing a sufficient number of banks in these local associations, to turn tha balance of power into their fa vor. In Its present form the Aldrlch plan rtndeis criticism possible." A. C. Bartlett, president of the National Cltlrcns league: "From a business man's standpoint there should be called into being an as sociation, of banks whose co-operation wonld make the association a bulwark ot strength In times of financial disturb ance, and an equaliser of burdens and benefits In the financial world In times of peace." Former Governor Joseph Folk, Mis souri: "I would suggest a nationat department of financo, with fifteen directors nn potnted by the president, one from each of the fifteen districts Into which the I country Is to be divided." j E. IX Hurlburt, vice president Mer chants' Loan and Truat company, Chi cago: , "Unlimited inflation is dangerous under tho plan. To guard against dangerous expansion we should have gold for our reserve, leaving other securities for emer gencies." MseVrsgh Sagrirests Amendments. Franklin MacVcagh, secretary of. the treasury. In an address here tonight be fore the Western Economic society gave his Indorsement to the plan ot currency reform which has been suggested to tho National Monetary commission by for mer Senator Nolson W. Aldrlch. Mr. MacVeagh declared, however, that ho be lieved the plan would be received with prejudice In congress unless It contained some provision to prevent banks from controlling stocks In others. "I believe the holding Of shares In an other bank by a bank which Is a mem ber of tho National Reserve association should be prohibited," he said. "This should be made to apply not only to the corporato action of the bank, Jaut to action by substitute method accomplish ing the same purpose. I feel sure that American conditions are permanently op posed to any semblance of branch bank ing and to any concentration ot bank ownership or control. "I feci that the proposed new monetary system will bo prejudiced In congress and In the public mind unless provision is made against this ownership of bank stock. In my opinion this should be dealt with in the Monetary commission's report. Otherwise. I am Buro congress will deal with It on Its own Initiative." ('rare Prompt Action. Secretary MacVeagh observed that the work of preparing a tentative plan lmd been marked by an absence of quibbling and a unanimity of purpose, but he said he believed congress must be Impressed with the publlu demand for Immediate action. "If we go to our representatives' with out aa uncompromising belief In tho urgency of the legislation, we simply In vite further delay and postponement. This winter's session will have other Im portant things before it and congress will be seriously engaged, barring, ot course, the paralysing effect ot the shadow ot the coming election, so that monetary legis lation may not have the right of way," he said. "We have lived without this' reform but that merely mean we neveBeen strong enough to endure. And . we oAn still live with the threat of panics hang-' Ing over us; but why should we? . Why shouldn't congress give us relief? As long as we have the present banking and currency system we shall have panics. and no longer. Does not this alone create a state of emergency? Why should It take another wasteful and degrading panlo to impress congress?'' More Alvaatages tor Danka. Mr. MacVeagh said that despite his cordial opinion of the Aldrlch plan as It now stands, there were some Important features to be considered. One of these, as he explained, was a proviulon to pre vent control by stockholding. Another, he said, was that to national banks should be given the same advantages to conduct a trust company business as Is enjoyed by concerns under state char ters. He declared that unless the na tional banks had the some money- mak ing advantages as atata banks enJo they could not hope to survive. ' Secretary MacVeagh closed his address with a plea that the monetary question be. kept entirely out ot politics. It is purely a business question, he said, and has no place in political economic. He declared it would be unwise politics for any political party or faction to embar rass it by making a partisan issue. Scalded by Steam or scorched by a fire, apply Bucklen's Arnica Solve. Cures piles, too, and the worst sores. Guaranteed. 25c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. n James MS Natural f Jivnllvo IVnlon 8pedy Itm Sure Gentle Qukkfy Relieves CONSTIPATION AMUSEMENTS. Pboae: IonKlas 404; I nil. A-l 1B A.SVAll,EU TAVOITILLI Matinee Every Oar 1:19. Xvtry BTlaTkt, Cheyenne Days Bolaa and lnhrr, Tour Orlg-lnal Londoas. Caoeta He Uaa-eog-ue. kvarl, fauUuettie and nuo, Kntg-ht end Deyer, Einatoscope, Orpbeasa Conoert Orchestra. rrloes. Kltf-fat, 10c, 85o, 60a, ?&e Matinee lOo, best seats SSe, except Bat urdsy aud Sunday. pSagaWI ITU f iMIflHg I Tno woman's Relief Corps No. CO Auxiliary to Oeo. Crook root, Omaha, Xebraska. Presents soriA a rt-PHALI In Concert Lectures Berntce l-athrop at the piano At liart.hc Hail, latlt an. I t'ur- ruam "Influence of Musti.'' Monday. Nov. Jltll. I HI. I IS p. m. "VTuslo anil Childhood." Tuesday. Nov. itth. Ittll, 3.30 p. in. Music and Life." Tuesday. Nov. 14th, 1U. 8. IS ; ..i.h.p ilji'.i... ffaargfcw A welcome It II 1aNJ At worM-med resort hotels The traveler who stops at any of the noted inns in California learns what true hospitality is. Superb resort hotels provide all the luxuries of Broadway. Stately palms and acres of roses recall the Arabian Nights . A Santa Fe train will take you there. The qnly railroad under one management, Chicago to California. The only railroad to Grand Canyon of Arizona. Double-tracked half-way; block-signal safeguards all the way. Fred Harvey dining-car, dining-room and station-hotel service. The California Limited King of tht limited -exclutively for firit ' class trtvel runt every dy sleeper (or Grand Canyon. Santa Fa de-Laxe the only extra-fare train, Chicago to Lot An geles once a' week thit winter every travel luxury saves several hour time "extra fut, extra fine, extra fare." California Fast Mail also the Lot Angelet Express and San Francisco Express three daily trains they carry ttandard Pullmans, tourist sleepers and chair cart all classes of tickets honored. Say which train you prefer. Will mail booklets. Bsmuel Lsrlmer, Gen. Act.. . Slo 7tb St., Dct as i ;f)i.THi-" 1 Ml ' wit " - v ,. - Ue ef the : Bell Telephone gives aa expansive range of personal communication lecau8o each tele-. phone la the center of a nation-wide system of the . most efficient telephone transmission In the world. j iiiimiiiis.il mnuiBjn i ji...,,..,. ,nrii-itiiirrtfiiiii tL i S A LAWYER affixes the case of his client before the bar of justice, so should one skilled ia advertising technique argue your A business- proposition - before that bar of public opinion 'where is created the desire to buy. You may understand your own cat e better than your at torcey understands it, but bm can present it to court and jury in a mora effective manner. You may. and doubtless do, understand your own business project better than counselor in advertising, but probably your counselor can present it to that (rest tribunal the pur chasing; public mora effect ively than you. " ..Wvn woo caaet for goodly Dumber of cV'eats combining their knowledge of Darlow Advertising Company flt-f'O City Nio'al Dak BhiUlag '' - Tckpkeaes PiweU ll4t aa lit giesl in 1 iloines, lows. ii li IN i) '"Wl ' ttii li sa --- i I a - T . . r . , aa . r-PPr-i mi aasj ' 4 - Lightens Labor It is a good plan to take Hip Boll Telephone into; k 1 our confidence and make - Jt ah active ally"" in your work. i - . A- conservative use of long distance telephone service is not expensive. It will pay big returns on the investment. The business man who has learned the telephone's usefulness accomplishes much more than his com petitor who has not. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. . .' Bell Tolephone Lines Keacli Nearly Everywhere. the business with our methods of presentation and thereby causing two customer to come in where but on bad come before. The relations ot a reliable advertising agency and res cli ent are just ss conndsntial sad acred ss the relations cf law. yeraad client, doctor and pa tient, or paelate and penitent. We'd Uke to show you what we can do in the way of pre senting your case to the met and women who have dollars to exchange for merchandise.