Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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T1IK OMAHA ouuai Jbr,i: MMJviiihK U lull.
Harvest Festival to Be Held at Cas
tellar Street Church.
WmtmtnMrr I'rr.h, tr rlj n C bolr
Gls Mnnlhlr Muslrnl l'rnrm
Tcniprrance TslUs to lie llt-aril
In Sunday Schools.
i 'Pfclal harv.Nt f.-tlvnl -service wit;
b held at the C'astcllar Street I'rsby
frlan church Sunday morning. The
church will be decorated with products of
the fl.M and the Harden. special music
In praise fur bountonus harvest will be
offered, and tho pormun will be a consid
eration of the goodnuss of God In well
providing for nn children.
Lutheran ch-irclios in Omaha and t!Fe
Vhere, will celebrate thu anniversary of
the birth of Martin r Sunday. Spe
cial attention will W palu to home mis
sions. At St. Matthew's Lutheran church
the congregation and the Sunday school
vlll Join In the presentation of a s.icred
lanlatn, "The Homo Mli-slutis Crusaders,"
at 3:30 In the afternoon. Itev. It. f
)lndler of Dmaon wll. give a brief ad
dress. Grace Lutheran church Sunday
cehool will present tho same cantata lu
the evening at 7:30.
Revival services, which have been held
Jointly by the Norwegian and Danish
Jtethodist church and the Kwediah Meth
odist church this weclc,' will be continued
through next vrrek. They wlli bo held In
the Norweglun and Danish church, Twenty-fifth
and Decatur (streets, every even
ing axcept Monday and Saturday.
The monthly musloul service at West
tnlnster Presbytartan ohurch will be
riven Sunday evening at S o'clock. The
.Anthem o for a Closer Walk with,
Solo Abide with Mn .'.
H. tf. lianilllun.
Anthem A Legend .
Vffertory Bulo-The Lord la My
Miss Do Uraff.
tJolo Mary Mother
Miss White.
Anthem O Jesus, Thou Art Stanrtlmr.
with contralto solo by Mrs. Lar-
. kins
Miss Gwendolyn Wh!te, soprano; Mrs.
Mabel Larkdis, contralto; Lawrenca
IHhMs, tenor; f. S. Hamilton, bus; Mian
tlylstt West, 01 n!sr.
Woman suffrage 'Will be debated by
Mrs. George W. Covell for the affirma
tive and Laurie J. Qulnby for the nega
tive at the regular Sunday afternoon
meeting of the Omaha Philosophical so
ciety In Uarlght hall Sunday afternoon at
3 o'clock, Mrs. Covell is ono of the lead
ers of the suffrage movement In Omaha.
Mr. Qulnby, who U president of the so
ciety, calls himself a cr-nservutlve oppon
ent of the extension of tht suffrage prlvi
1 Jogs to women.
Rev. Manfred B. Lllllefors, pastor of
the First Unitarian church, will preach
the second of his sermons on "Religious
Reciprocity" Sunday morning at 10.30.
The subject will be, "The Obligations of
the Tew to the Pulpit."
I ' The Elementary union has resumed Its
I wgrk ajt the Young Women's Christian
Association. Gradad Sunday school lea
! irons for beginners, primary students, and
Jtmlorfl ftre offered very Saturday after
i noon at S o'clock. All Interested are In
vited to attend the classes.
! ' Sunday has been,' designated as the an
nual Sunday school temperance day by
the Women's Christian Temperance un
ion. Many Omaha Sunday schools are
expected to observe the day with special
services, addresses, eermons, or talks on
' temperance.
' Madame Lydla Von Finkelsteln Mount
ford, from Jerusalem, the Holy Land,
the renowned Chautauqua lecturer on
Biblical Orientalisms, will give a sermon
Jecture on "The Ten Talents" at Trinity
Methodist Episcopal cfjurch, corner Twenty-first
and Kinney streets, Sunday night
a.t 7.30 p. m.
Calvary Branch, Thirty-fourth and
Bewara Bible school, Sunday, 3:30.
Hpnn VUw RnnHav Rrhnnl CVtuCV. n.t
' .v" . ...... j ... ..i . u . v.. ..u
Cedar Meets at 4. K. li. Eirod, super-
Grace. Tenth and Arbor, the Rev. IV. F.
Fellman, 1'antor Sunday school at 10.
Morning sermon at 1L Subject. "The
Spirit 1-ed Life. ' Yoiig People's meet
ing at 1. Kvening sermon at 7:45. Sub
ject, "The Judgment of the Great White
'I'hrnn. "
Calvary, Twenty-fifth and 'Hamilton
Ilev. K. 11. Curry, Pastor Services, 10:30
and 7:30. Morning subject: "The Word
Made Flesh." Kvenint?: "The Call of
Uod." bible school at noon. young
I'eopie a service. d:ou. weanesuay at ,
devotional service.
Immanuel, Twenty-fourth and Tinkney,
Rev. J. 8. Kbersole, Paatoi Hible scbool,
:. Preaching by pastor 11 and 7:;.
Young People s meeting at 6:30. Evening
sermon: "Kat'chem, ihe Little Man itli
a ills Heart. Chorus choir directed bv
Harold H Thomas. Song and feilowsuip
uieeiuti,, ncuncnuuj u i a.
First, Twenty-ninth Avenue snd Har
ney, Hev. John Mattliewa, Pastor Oi un
recital, ui'guiur service at vt.'jtf.
Preaching by the rumor. (Juurtet. Mrs.
Wiley soprano. Hibie nhoul, 12, Special
lnublc by orchestra, led by Mia Alien.
(Jinan recital. 7:1a. Regular scrvioj,
T:9u. Preaching by the pastor.
First Christian. Twenty-sixth and Har
ney, J. M. Wersey. Pastur 1'reaciuug at
10.30 a m. ui.u i:30 p. m. liibio scuuol
at 12, ni. ijung poupiea meeting at
S.mU p. iu.
North Side, Twenty-se?ond and Loth-
rop, H. J. Klrsclibiein, MltiiHit Huiitidy
school, 9:30 a. m. All ttaclieis will meet
tr.elr classes at the church, wliere as
signment will be n.aiid l,r the i.sjon
study. No nnxiiing our evening pi even
ing service. Midweek meeting Wtdnei
uay at V p. ni.
' ( brlatlan Science,
First Church of Christ. Scientist. Twen
ty-Fourth Street and Mary s Avenue
services at Jl u. lu. anil a p. tn. bund.iy
hchuoi at HAli a. in. VNedn.Uay evenniaf
meeiiiig at S o clock, (subject of Uhoii-
sermon aunday, Uorlal ui d imiii-'nals.'
t ouarruailuoul.
Parkvale. Thirty-llist biii Gold Sun
Oay school, in. i:. i. . wuour. superin
tendent- . nriuau i-naeavor, e.ij. Even
ing wuislup, :uu. beiioun by Itcv. J. i.
Plymouth. Twentieth and Soe nciir.
John P C'bde, il. Ulster Morning woislnn.
10:!W. 'ihime. ' 'll.e BLipreu.acy of Chnal
In the Aiuuein ona. ftpectai muio.
Sunday school, 1. o evening service.
crick 'i'. Kiue. Paaior Moi nlng worship
at tunmt ornip i ,:u. ine
iiastor will apeak in tnj niurninr on "Lu
an Allies. ' itiey i.iat be iur us ais
more than tney that ie against us.
Bt. Mary's AvenuK tt. Marys Avenue
and Tenty-evenii. lames Alexander D. Min.ater Morning fer.lce.
)ii:u. 8ubJee t. ' 'I he U isnei s Care lor
the tevble-Minded." . A stony I'l hriMian
boclol-. Pcupie s rervlce, ,:ju. but
Jtcl, ' .i. 'aliera el Men.''
Saratoga, Twenty-fifth end Atnef, Rev.
J. M. Hun phreya, r'astor .-umluy nlnjol,
SO, addrenned by t vknt' .MlKcr Al
10.30 the .oriKieMUtlon Mill
the Pearl M"Miod.t o; al
church In a. evaugeila'.lo servua. there
tuig no ruorulog service lu th.a cburcU.
?'p.n'. rnet'ne. S. nd eveninr service.
' '. I ter meeting Thuisday evening.
Ail Ir.
.w v oir.
St. Stephen's, Sa-tir Hill. Twenty
fourth and Anis Sunaav school, 10a.m.
Morning prsyer. 11 a. ni.
..t. 1'aul's, Thlrtv-seconii and Catl
rornl.i, itev. W. H. Hayley. P.ector
IKly comm inlon, g a. m. Punday school,
W a. m. Clioral eucharlet. 11 a m.
St. John's, Twenty-sixth and Frai.VIln,
Ilev. W. l. pavlev, Rector Sunn.y
school and llihle cl.tsa. 9 15 a. in. Choral
eucharlat, u a. m. Choral, eveuaosig, 7. to
P. m.
All Paints, Twenty-sixth ami , Dewey,
T. J. Mackay. ltector Holy communion.
7 30 a. m. .l rmng prayer and sermon
at 11. Church school and kindergarten
at :ti a. m.
Church of St. Philip the Deacon. Twenty-first, Paul, Hev. John Albeit
Williams, Ke-tor 11 ily communion, 7:30
a. in. Morning prayer, HhlW. Holy
enchariKt and sermon, 11 a. m. Sunday
school and catechism, Evening
prayer and sermon at S.
Grice, Twenty-seventh and Fort, Rev.
,'. , N't'ierby. Pastor 11 a. m., "The
Weight of the Athlete. 7:IW p. in. "The
t "tiling Church." Tuesdny evening. lr.
Poling will spenk to the young people.
Ai. dress followed ir lefiesluuenta In
chuich parlors.
St. Paul's Twenty-eighth and Tarker,
Iiey. R T. Otto, Pustor-Sertices at 10
o clock: Sunday hchool at 11:30; evening
noisnip in f.nKlisli on the first and fourth
Sundays of the month; confirmation elans
metis ou Mondays und Thursdays at 7:30
Si. Msrk'a n.ll.s ir,,.ncdili m..A
Purdetto, U Groh, Pastor 11 a. in.. Home
MlKsioii Forward Movement; "How Can
1 He Just liefor ? imlv bv
tutlon; :3op. m.. '"laiiBht by Kxample;"
f.Vi r Bcllo'. 9:4. a. m. Young People's
Chrlatian Knileavor, ti:!.",. Catechinatlon
YeuiiesniiyH, 7.30; t'r.dtiys, 4 p. m.
Grace. Ii.'2-13'G s,.ni, T v..i i h t
L. Mellck, l'astor 1 his will be observed
as "Luthor liay Homo Missions." Sen
mon by the jastor at 11 a. m. The ser
vice, "Home Mission Crusaders." will be
rendered by the Sunday school at 7:30
p. m. ounuay school at D:15 a. m. Luther
ienuo at 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting on
veanesuay night. Class wl caicchlsnis on
r riuay at 4 p. m.
Kountie Memorial. Furnam and Twon.
ty-sixth Avenue, Rev. O. D. Ualtsly, l'ns
tor Sunday school, 10 a. in. Morning
worsmp ana sermon at 11; subject, "The
Llle that Will W In Others. Luther league
at 7 p. m. Kv.Milng worship at 8; sub
ject. The Place of lxve." Superior
music both morning and evening. Cate
chetical classes Friday afternoon at 4:15
and Friday evenings at 7:15.
St. Matthew's English Nineteenth and
Castellar, Rev. U. W. Snyder, Pastor
Morning service, 10:43; sublect, "Martin
Luther and the World's Reformation."
No services In the evening. Sunday
school at 13 ni. At 3:30 p. m. the ohurch
and Sunday school w ill render a religious
camaia, entitled. "Home Mission Cru
saders," in commemoration of tho birth
and life of Martin Luther. Rev. n. F.
Kixter of Henson will inuka a short ad.
dress. Kverybody welcome.
Trinity. Twenty-first and Hlnnnv ll. VV.
Abbott. Pastor Moinlng subject, "Chris
tianity and Militarism." Bvenlng sub
ject, "The People of the Way."
Diets Memorial Tenth and Pierce. J.
Franklin Haas, Pastor Morning sermon
at 10:30. Sunday school. 12. F.pworth
league, 0:30. Kvenlng rermon, 7.30. The
pastor will preach.
Oak Street, Twentieth and Oak. Rev.
T. C. Webster, Pastor Bible school at 3.
Adult and other classes for all. Preach
ing service In evening at 7:30 In charge
of Mr. Francis. Mid-wek mMiinv
Thursday evening at v. All welcome.
Hanscom Park. Twenty-ninth Street
and Woolworth Avenue, Rev. li 11. Craw
ford. Pastor Morning service, 10:30. Ser
mon. "Tho Man That Sees." livening
service. 7:4.1. Sermon, "The Sunshine
Man." Music by vested chorus choir.
rirst. Twentieth and Davenport, Dr.
Milton B. Williams. Minister-Morning
service at 11 o'clock; subject, "A Man of
raith snd cojraga. Bvenlng service at
7:30, "The Things that Remain." Sun
day school at Epworlh league at
:S9 p. m.
Walnut Hill, Forty-first and Charles.
Rev. William Royers. Pastor Publlo
worship and sermon by pastor at 10:30
and 7:30. Sunday school at noon, George
T. Lindloy, superintendent. Epworth
leopue at .S0, Miss Louisa Delaney
leader. Music In church services led by
chorus choir and In Sunday school by
orchestra, Hugh T. Fellers, director.
Norwegian and Danish, North Twenty
fifth and Decatur, R. P. Petersen, Pas
tor Hor vices at 11 and . At 4 tneie will
be a mass meeting In the Swedish church,
Nineteenth and JJurU Next week the un
ion meetings with the Swedish church
will continue. The meetings will be held
In Norwegian and Danish church. North
Twenty-fifth and Decatur, every evening
at 8 except Monday and Saturday.
Hirst Memorial N. H. Whitman, Pastor
Morning worship with sermon by the
pastor, 11; subject, "Pillars of the Chris
tian Life;" bunday school, 10 a. in.; L.
W. Slnnett, superintendent; Epworth
league, 6:30, p. in.; Miss George Teffy,
president; evening services, 7:3t. Juuuub
A. L. Sutton and Howard Kennedy will
give addresses oh "The Roy and the
Man," "The Hoy aid the Church." The
lioya' club will havs charge of the even
lug service., corner Nineteenth and Rurt,
Uusiav kiiiokson,. Minister Sunday
school at 10, led by F. ti. Sand wall.
1-reachlng by Rector K. A. Jans.ou tium
Uppsala, Bweuen, at 11 a. in. and 7:30
p. ni. Dr. Jansiton Is president of the
ikletnodlst Uheoiuglcal seminary In
bwtden and is a very noted Swedish
speaker. Voung Peoyies' mass meolng
at 4, speaker; Dr. JansHoA. Miss
Minnie Nelson will sing at ail the serv
ices. Rector ) amnion will give a free
lecture In the church Monday evening., Fortieth and Farnam, Rev.
John Grant thick, Pastor; Sunday school
10 a. m. ; preacnlng service, H a. m.,
in the two south rooms of the church.
This plan will continue until the rest
of the church la completed. The pastor
will preach on the theme, "Mouiuuiu i oo
Lxperieucea." There will bo no services
at night for the present. Prayer iiicciii,,
Vt euntxuay nigut al the nuioo of tne pas
tor. 4-ii Douglas, he attention of tne
members and ir.eniis ol i..u cauicii and
bUD lay scuool is called to ha resump
tion of services ulter the tuiuporary en
forced vacation, i-o ou nui.u at luo
ciiurcu Sunday morning.
I'reaii) l. rlM.
llrst German, Tweiuioui end Spruce
Geimaii piuuuiiing bciicc, i.iialu.,1
patucmiig Btrvice, . .ij. oaooatu
at v.'M.
Fall-view, Forty-f'.rrt ar.d Pi alt, C. II.
Fleming, PaMo.- ll.ble schooi, i.4j. AlUr
uoou', iau,i..b Aiie ,
c.oveuani.." Uteiiitig ei uco of cnQ', .
A: id- cell service, . u.ia v:uu, ki t,
uccrrie Haulier, leader.
Clifton 11111, Forty-flflh anl Orant,
'J liuiuaui li. Greenlee, Pastor Sunday
school at 10. Pubuu worship ui ll, mei.,c.
"ll.o bacral of the Aoounuuij
Junior r.nue.ivor at 3:3u. senior inucuvur
t public worship at 7 J.
North, Nineteenth and Ohio. M. V,
Higbee, D. D., Pastor vVoronlp at 10:S
uj.u 7. JO. Vhemc3, "Loving Things " and
"Lnbiuinabio cpiiltc" tuiiiia school at
li. loui.g Peop.ea Socieiy tl.risii.ui fc.u
ceivol al b.dU. l iuyei' meeting Vt educs
Uay al 7 :j.
Camliur Street, Sixteenth unj Caatel
lar, Ralph ll. Houseman, Al.lil-.ier Puouc
worship a:;d nii.n, lu.30, "The Festival
of the liarvest." Appropriate decorations
Llble scuool, 12. liiMstlan t-naeavor.
S44. Lvenlng worship, 7:r,, sermon
theme, " Itailglou Wo:tn While.''
Third, Twentieth and Leavenworth, F.
P. Hants)'. Ph. 1).. l ast jr. Sunday
school anu pastor's class, i:3o. Worship
with teiinon, "The l.estnratlon of Hi
Girl to Liin." lu d. Kvfiiing worship .
sermon sulijirt, 'The Inhabitants of
Heaven." Pia)er meeting Wednesday
at i.
Wetminter, Twenty-ninth and Mason,
Rev. Thomas H. McConnell, Paaiur
Service of worship with sermon on ' iin
Christiana Constant Protection." lu.')..
aobsih bchoul and Illbla classes. L.
Wektinlnster ihnpel ml Surniay scnou:
, 30. Westminster younf people's society
7. Service of praii with on
Landing Net series. No. 3. "Lessons i rum
an kmptv :et." 7:30.
Iiv .Avenue. Fortieth and Nlcho'sj.
P.ev. Nallianlil MeGifl.n, I . D., PaJttor
I Mrnu ; aurviee ut I'l SO; l Ul-Jeet,
I "Weighed ard Found Wanting;" Sunday
'i:ool ar.d luble class at It, Christian tn
j deavor at S:iU; evening service al 7:30;
D. V. FUher of Dundee wlil preaclj.
The midweek service will be led bv F. II.
I'ndeiwood; subteet, "una Brotherhood,
What It Has Done; What It Can Do."
I hum ii ii i,i u'leiM.ii, t ... li., -seventh
and Piatt. C. M Fleming, pastor
Morning worship, lo:4i, subject. "The
New Covenant." Ibble rho'l. 11 Kn.
dvavnr, 4K Kvenlng worship :. sub
lect "Whst Jesus Saore To" Mid-week
service, 7:r0 to :.10 Wednesday evening,
Mr. Olrardrt, leader.
t'nlted Prrab) terlna.
Central, Twenty-fourth and Dodge
Hugh 1!. Seer, Piistor. Marnlng worship,
10 30, sermon bv the pastor. Sabbath
school at noon. Young peoples' meeting
at 6:H. Kvenlng worship at 7:.W; sermon
by th pastor.
First, Twentv-flrst and I'mmet, A. C.
Douglas, pastor Alornlng worship end
pieaching at 1'!:30. topic ef sermon, "The
Power of Prayer In Winning Men."
Kvenlng service at 7:30. sermon subject.
"Jesus' Kstlinnte of the Soul." lllhle
school at li Voung People's meeting for
prayer and conference.
t nllnrlan.
first. Seventeenth anl Cnss, Rev.
Mansfred Ullefors. Milliner. Services at
10:30. addre.s "1 he Obligations of the Pew
to the Pulpit." Second In addresses on
"Religious Reciprocity." Sunday school
at 11:15.
t'alted Rrrtlirra.
Harford Memorial. Corner Nineteenth
and Lothrop. M. O. McLaughlin. Pastor
I'nlversity service, 10 St. sermon subject,
"The Fruits of a Steadfast Purpose."
Kvenlng worship at T 30, strnmn sublect.
"The General Adjustment of a Labor
Strike," Illustrated by motion pictures.
Teachers" training clats. (l Workers'
meeting Wednesday at 8. Social meeting
Thursday at . given by the "Snillers."
Omaha New Thought Fellowship Regu
lar metttng Sunday at 11. Wednesday
meeting at .. Suite 8, Wead building,
Klghteenth and Farnam. Mr. O. A. All
brecht will speak next Sunday.
International Plble Student's associa
tion, Hurlght hall, Nineteenth and Far
nam, Sunday at 8; sublect, Judges 7:21,
"And They Stood F.very Man In His
Place, Round About the Camp." Speaker,
Prof. J. A. Gillespie.
First Reformed, Central Roulevnrd and
Twenty-third. C. M. Rohrbaugh, Pastor
Sunday school, 9:4:"., C. W. Thomas, su
perintendent; morning worship. 11 a. ni. ;
subject. "Stci'Dlnir Stones of Fnith:"
evening service, 7; Christian Kndeavor
society, ; preaching, "Integrity of
Omaha Phllosohlcal society will meet
Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock lu lla
rlght hall. Seventeenth and Farnam, to
hear Mrs. George W. Covell's lecture on
"Woman Suffrage." L. J. ijulnby. presi
dent of the Philosophical society and
conservative opponent of the doctrine
of woman suffrage, promises to meet
Mrs. Covell's plea with arguments on
the opposite side.' This promises to be
one of tlie most interesting sessions ever
held by the society. A cordial invitation
Is extended to the public to attend.
Twenty-One in Federal Building
Preparing- a Petition.
Are Xnt Permitted to Send rrtltlo
to eereary of Trraears- Say 1
t ost ( Miles: lacreeaea,
bat Not Pay.
Asserting that they are forced to lend a
hand-to-mouth existence because of the
increased price in foodstuffs and the
smallness of their wages, the twenty-one
Janitors, watchmen and elevator men em
ployed in the Federal building are prepar
ing to circulate a petition to be presented
to the custodian of the building, who will
be asked to present It to the secretary
cf the treasury with the recoti-niri.dntion
that an Increase In wages all around be
The men say they have all proven their
competency to hold Jobs, by passing civil
service examinations, and that although
they have all been In tVe government's
service from five to fifteen jears, they
have received no Increase In waes. w hile
the cost tf living has been grrnlly in
creased In that time. This, they say, Is
causing them much trouble, an. I It In all
they csn do to make Vth ends meet.
No strike or anything of that nature Is
expected, but the minor federal employes
say that they are In desperate straits
and they believe their sufferings could be
relieved If they could only reach the
ear of the secretary of the treasury. An
act of congress prevents them from di
rectly petitioning the secretary, so their
plea must be made through tho custodian
Rllllard and pool tournnmrtits will rlsrt
Monday at the Commercial club. First
preilinlnaty rounds will be played In
which the average of the player will
determine Ills class In the tourney. There)
will be thren cbisses in aml, with three
pi lies and two classes in billiards, with
two prlacs.
A llloody Affair
Is lung bemorrhime. Stop It; and cure
wei! lungs, coughs nrd colds with Dr.
King's New Discovery. roe and
For sale by He.iton Drug Co.
tlnlldlnsr Permits.
J. f. Hoffman. Thirty-second and Sprlpg
streets, frame dwelling, J.'.'x'O; Klvlua U
Saunders, ;ty:'4 North Sixteenth street,
brick store. I2.WH: W. J. .Innrs '.".'lO-U
l'arnam, brick addition to store. $1,nm.
Shriucrs to Give
Big Theater Party
The ti"bles of Tangier temple and Ilia
members of the Mystic Sh-ine will tsUa
possession of the American th-j:iter on
tho nlnht of November i. when thi Kva
I ,ini K Stock company l !ii.s "Are You a
Mason?" Arrangements have brrn made
with tho management of the thenlir to
allow a number of "specialty" oct be
tween il e icau nr act , aril theie si i l il.
tlivi" wlil be furnished by : ie nobles wiei
have tn lr lit along Ihnt line. The
taken In at the box i fflco duiiniT the
evening will be turned ovir to tlio rhrlim
"patrol " to tako thnt bfx'y to the annual
convention, which Is to be held In Los
Angeles next tprlng.
Key to the Situation Hee Want Ails.
V. M. C. A, Notts.
The Sunday afternoon meeting for men
at the Young Men's Christian association
win te addressed by Charles Fordyce
dean of the Teachers' college of the Ne-
braska University. His address will be
on "Beg Hygelne." a subject of Interest
to an men. Meeting Is at 4 o clock.
The advertising class cAnducted by the
Young Men's Christian association has
been Invited to a meeting of the Omaha
Ad club next Thursday evening to hear
oeorgo w . Coleman Irom Massachusetts
In his address on "Advertising." Mr
Coleman la a man of national reputation
in tne advertising neiu.
On Tuesday. November H. severnl meet
lngs In the Interests of the Men and
Religion Forward movement will be held
In the Dundee Presbyterian church. A
meeting for Omaha, South Omaha and
Council Uluffs pastors at 2:30. A meet
ing for dinner at (:15.
Mr. Cottrei, executive seerotary of the
Men ana Kengion forward movement,
and Mr. Henry Kieser left on Saturday
for Hastings, where they will assist lu
setting up the movement there.
The boys' work committee of the state
Young Men's Christian association, to
gether with the state secretaries, It
completing plana for a high school bova
leader conference, which will Include the
members of the boys' department of the
noting. Mens Christian association of the
stats. This will be held December V and
10 at York, Neb.
The Omaha association received word
from the W'ealeyan university Young
Men's Christian association that out of
Sf.7 male students all but fifteen are en
rolled as Young Men's Christian associa
tion members.
V. W. C. A, ioes.
At the regular vesper service at 4:39
o'clock Sunday, Mrs. W. P. Harford will
give the address. Aa this Is the week of
prayer for the world's work of the Young
Women's Christian association the serv
ice will be Introductory to that.
The Junior meeting will be hld as
usual at 8:30.
Beginning Monday at 7.39 o'clock there
will be the first of a series of Informal
"at homes" held by the secretaries of
the association, assisted by the members
of the Hospitality circle. This week, from
7:30 to D M, .Miss Strong will be the hostess
and welcome nny young women who can
come at that hour for an Informal social
Tlio enrollment in the chorus Is In
creasing every week, the present number
being about fifty. Under the leadership
of Miss A. M. Karbach this chorus ex
pects to do some very good work during
the season and to give a publlo concert
later In tho year. Uhls week will be the
last opportunity this term for new mem
bers to register. Membership In the
chorus Is a membership privilege. The
class meets at V:U every Tuesday even
E. r. Teck of the Omaha Elevator
company, has been elected president of
the Omaha Grain exchange, succeeding
N. R. Updike, who declined to stand for
re-election to the bourd of directors. S.
W. HolmquUt and W. J. Hynes are the
new vice presidents and Sherman Saund
ers Is treasurer. Secretary F. P. Man
chester, vl'ovo office Is appointive, con
tinues in I "nt rodtion.
t ,
Kty tc . ....... i -ueo Want Ada
It is the duty of every expectant
mother to prepare her system for the
coming of her little one to avoid as
far as possible the Buffering of auch
occasions, and endeavor to pass
through the crisis with her health
and strength unimpaired. ' This she
may do through the tise of Mother's
Priced, a remedy that has been so
Ion?; in use, and accomplished o
much cJi thai it is .u no sesse aa
experiment, but P preparation which
ttiwayu produces the best results. It
is for excrna application and 80 pen
etrating in its nature as to thoroughly
lubricate every muscle, nerve and ten
don involved during the period before
baby comes. It aids natnre by ex
panding the stin and tissues, relieves
tenderness and soreness, and perfectly
prepares the system for natural and
safe motherhood. Mother's Friend
has been us-d and endorsed by thou
sands of mothers, and its use will
prove a comfort and a benefit to any
woman in need of such a remedy.
x.iuiuer h priena
in luurli v-lnal,!e infnrmatioo.
Wl ill m M
SR I i ii pi il in ti ii O
a JttJ k" . i i i w . i - -. ' p e i
1 rj4
Tremendous Bargain Event Begins Monday
A sale of proportions unequaled by any similar one we have held
' begins here Monday morning at 8 o'clock in our drapery decorations,
when a magnificent line of lace. curtains, portieres and yard nets will go
on the bargain counters at figures calculated to amaze even the most
hardened bargain hunters. The patterns and designs are all vdry pretty
and afford the housewives of Omaha an opportunity to brighten up
their homes for Thanksgiving and the Christmas home-coming. A few
pairs of these curtains will do a great deal toward changing the appear
ance of any of your rooms, and this sale makes the change a very inex
pensive one. Even if you housewives do not need curtains or nets now,
it will pay you to buy at this sale and hold goods until they are wanted.
A few of the many bargains are listed below
Beautiful Lace Curtaino
The lace curtains are in nil 6tyles of scrim, novelty
fine patterns are shown in two and three pair lots.
$3.25 Scrim Curtains, per pair $1.75
$2.50 Scrim Curtain, per pair $2.25
$11.75 Scrim Curtains, per pair '.$9.00
$5.25 Cluny Lace Curtains,' per pair $3.00
$6.00 Cluny Lace Curtains, per pair $1.50
$7.50 Cluny Lace Curtains, per pair $1.75
$8.00 Cluny Lace Curtains, per pair $G.50
$12.65 Cluny Lace Curtains, per pair $7.50
$3.50 White Novelty Curtains, per pair $2.50
$3.75 Ecru Novelty Curtains, per pair $2.75
$4.75 Arab Novelty Curtains, per pair $3.80
$6.25 Ivory Color Curtains, per pair $5.25
$9.00 Brussels ' Net Curtains, per pair $7.00
$4.50 Brussels Net Curtains, per pair $3.00
A large assortment of Loco Nets, Novelty Neta,
Bungalow and Fillet jNet in all colors and patterns
are included. Below aro listed oply a few of those in
the sale.
$2.00 Lace Net, per yard $1.35
$1.35 Novelty Net, per yard 85c
$1.25 Bungalow Net, per yard $1.00
$1.10 Fillet Net, per yard 75c
75c Fillet Net, per yard 45c
65c Novelty Net, per yard 40c
50c Novelty Net, per yard 35c
Plain French Bobbinetts in all colors, widths and
qualities, worth from 35c per yard to $1.25, will sell
for at prices from 25c to 75c per yard;
nets, Duchess cluny, Arab, Damask and Swiss. Some very
$6.25 Brussels Net Curtains, per pair $1.00
$4.00 Brussels Net Curtains, per pair $2,75
$3.00 Brussels Net Curtains, per pair $2.00
$9.00 Duohess Lace Curtains, per pair $0.50
$10.50 Duchess Lace Curtains, per pair ......$7.25
$14.75 Duchess Lace Curtains, per pair $11.00
$6.50 Arabian Lace Curtains, per pair $1.50
$4.75 Arabian Lace Curtains, per pair .$3.50
$6.00 Arabian Lace Curtains, per pair ....... .$-1.50
$6.50 Arabian Lace Curtains, per pair $4.75
$9.50 Arabian Laco Curtains, per pair . $7.00
$5.00 Arabian Laco Curtains, per pair $3.50
$6,75 Arabian Lace Curtains, per pair $5.00
$7.00 Arabian Lace Curtains, per pair $5.00
$12.00 Arabian Lace Curtains, per pair $10.00
The lino of Portieres included in this sale is very
complete, covering Armure, plain and figures, in nil
colors, with Persian Tapestry, band borders and llopps,
Damasks and Velours, in all colors.
$2.75 Armure Portieres, $1.35
$4.C0 Armure Portieres $2.85
$4.75 Armure Portieres $3.00
$4 00 Repp Portieres $2.50
$5.50 Cotton Damask Portieres $1.00
$9.50 Mercerized Portieres $7.50
$15.00 Stencilled Monks Cloth SS.50
$10.75 Stencilled Monks Cloth $0.25
$12.00 Art and Crafts Cloth $7.50
$19.50 Double Faced Velour $10.00
Inexpensive Interior Decorating
In our department of interior decorating wo have a number of experts who are prepared to study tho
requirements of your homo in every detail, from parquet flooring to curtains, draperies, wall hangings and
ceilings. "We shall be glad to send one of thee men, at any time, to take measurements, make suggestions
and figure estimates for any or all of your decorating work.
iiller, Stewart
& Beaton Co.
Established 1834
The Tag-Policy House
41345-17 South Sixteenth Street