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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1911)
Is Universally Acknowledged Artistically, Musically and Intrinsically. No other piano can com pare with the 8TE1NWAY. It is the OXLY known in every city, vintage and globe. This reputation, could only through merit All the advertising in the world the expenditure of million would be of no avail if the article advertised failed to make good. Every make of instrument we advertise for sale is . represented In our advertisements to be EXACTLY the value we claim. Our motto of honest value and square dealing has developed our business to one of the very large-it Ptano Businesses In America. Our Holiday Shipments of STEINWAYS are arriving daily. Wa extend a cordial invitation to all to visit our STEIN'WAY PA1L LOICS on the Third Floor of our building, where the largest and finest display of three superb instruments ever shipped to Omaha is on exhibition. If you are unable to call, please write for our free Illustrated catalogue, prices and terras. Your credit Is good. Open an account with us, no matter where you reside. j SCiOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. J Manufacturers, Wholesalers, Retailers. 1311-1313 Faanam St. CHARITIES SOCIETY ELECTS C. T. Konntze is Made Vice Presi dent and Treaseurer. . W. DIXON IS THE PRESIDENT !! Ida Joats, General Secretary, Telia of the Work for Last Year, Which Una Been Considerably Increased. With the exception of Thomas F. Stur ess the Associated Charities of Omaha xe-elected their old officers. Mr. Sturgess declining- to serve another term as direc tor and treasurer. Tha poaltlon of treas urer and vice president was combined, lessening the directory by one. Tha fol lowing officers and directors were lected. President, E. W. Dixon. V ice president and treasurer, Vountze. Secretary, Mrs. Draper Smith. Directors, K. C. Earton, C. C. A. D. Brandeis, E. W. Dix6n, Blowe. Rev. P. A. McOovern, C. T. Belden, E. U , C. T. Draper xountze. J. A. aiunroe, Mrs. Jsmitt and John C. Wharton. Miss Ida V. Jonts, tho general secre tary, read her report which was ap proved after a discussion. The Increased work of tha last year over the previous year was large due to the fact that the Charities now make Investigation of casus tor the county. Miaa Jotits reported on her recent rin so ins ,ternatlonalfrurity congress at Columbus, O ," and the National Women's Christian Teraperairee union at Milwau kee, Wis. '. . : . l'riaay afternoon at 8 a:cloc!t In the city oounoll chamber the monthly con ference will bo held to which the publio Is invited. Health Commissioner It. W. .uuui win aiscuss the purposes of the new emergency hospital which was nr sented to the city by Miss Anna Wilson and ths Creche and the Old People's iome win be represented and Informs lion about them given. Gale-Fanned Flames Damage Residence An eleven-room frame dwellinr nf !mn pavenport street was partially destroyed y flro at 1:30 Saturday afternoon. The fire originated In tho basement from an iverheated furnace. Three women and a 1-year-old baby were driven out into the told. They were Mrs. A. Lennlhan and er daughter, Frances; Mrs. Helen Carter Mid her baby. The building Is owned by R. T,. Carter, tut he could not be located this afterl poon by the fire department. An esti mate of about I2.0C0 was placed on the loss. The fire, although small, was hard lo fight. The gale which blew from tho orth fanned the fire to such en extent that for awhll it seemed as though the place would be totally destroyed. The KcupanU wero not injured. Italians Celebrate Birthday of King TesterUay was the birthday of Victor Emanuel III, king of Italy. In honor of tha.t event the Italian flag was thrown o the breete at tho office of Consular Agent A. Venuto, Mo Brown block. The ptallan colon , through' Its consular agent, Mr. Venuto. also sent greeting to their Italian brothers In Tripoli, congratulating them upon their valorous efforts In be $alf of the fatherland. Persistent Adverl.ulng Is the I load Big Returns. to Get Th s for Colds Prescription for FoaltlTe Besults Dou't Experiment. "From your drutsttfst get two ounces f Glycerine and l.a.f an nunco of c'on rantraied Pine Compound. Take thefe 'two Ingredients home Slid put them Into t half pint of fc-'..(! whiskey. .hake (veil. Tako cna to two teuspnonf ils ifier each meiU and at bed time. Smaller Soles to children acoriling to ago.' his is said to be the cU.kejt ou'i Mid cold cure known to the medical profession, he sure to get only the jrenulne (Globe) Concentrated line. Each half ounce bottle comes in a tin K'rew-top sealed case, tr your druggist a out of stock he will quickly get It trom his wholesale house. Don't fool 1th uncertain mixtures. It is risky. Local druggists aay that for the past Ux years thia had had a wonderful Ian land. Adv. Callouses Here Is Quickest and auresi cure known for corns. 1-allolJNflt. bunion froat-bites, sweaty and S'hing feei. Two lablespoonfuls of Caloclde com pound in hot foot-bath, gives Instant relief and If rpated daily for a rhoi roe, permanent cure results, (let e o box of this remarkable Caloc d rora any druggist or direct from Me. csl Formula laboratories of Chicag Adv. 11 A No fiamlet of tho have been secured Prisoners Pay- Jackie's Fine to Save His Rating BOSTON, Mass., Nov. 10. In the de trillion pen of the criminal court to day. Jack Dawson, man'o-warsman, sat dejected with a Jail sentence in pros pect because he lacked Jo to pay a fine for having been too boisterous. To a convicted thief In the pen with him. he confided his troubles, adding "the worst of It Is that my enlistment Is about up and I'll lose my rating." The thief took up a collection among some companions in the pen and handed the sailor $5.20, explaining "me and my pals wont have much uko for coin for some months to come, so take the stuff and welcome." The sailor paid his fine and was dis charged. Ills benefactors went to jail. Athletes in Grades Get Encouragement Grade youngsters will work harder this week to add a couple of Inches to their jumps and to chin the bar an extra time or two, slnco the teachers of the state and of Omaha have put so much stress upon the physical side of school life. The testa In the running high jump will be finished within the next two weeks and R. I Cams, superintendent of athletics, who has charge of the fall ath lotlo work, Is well pleased with the show tng the youngsters are making. Lothrop had the best jumpers In the standing broad jump, a total of IIS boys at that school passing the required tests. How ever, iveuom ana central schools are showing up strong in the tests now going on and they bid fair to give the Lothrop athletes a close contest In the runr.lng high Jump. The publio schools' athletic meet will be held out of doors next spring Instead of at tho ,Young Men's Christian associa tion gymnasium and the Auditorium, as in former years. The preliminaries and finals will be held on one day. As yet. no grounds for holding this meet have been secured, but on account of the Im mense attendance of these contests the only adequate place in the city for hold ing the meet, out of doors would be Rourke park. ; CONTRmuiumo iu rat; FOR JJEW RADIATORS Just as the Board of County Commis sioners was about to adopt a resolution that practically would have been a pres ent of $200 to Culdwell &. Drake, general contractors on the new county building, the flaw was discovered. It was on the proposition of hearing the now county building. Commissioner Bed ford had I.egoilaled with Caldwell & Drake to find -fc way out of tho heating muddle and thought he had found it. I'nder his direction a resolution wus pre pared under which tho county should heat the new building and Caldwell & Drake should reimburse It, except for luO ludiatoia. which would be installed at the county's expense, at $3 each. Com missioner Plckard . objected to the county's paying for the radiators. Cora rntssioner I,ynch added his protest. Com missioner Jvisasser, who moved the adoption of tho resolution, withdrew his motion. Architect I.atenser. County At lorney t-HKiisn ami lister Drake, of Caldwell & Drake, were summoned. I nder pressure of the county board and Latenser and English, Mr. Drake agreed to pay for such rail lu. tors as are needed for tho heating, while the building still is in process or construction. TRIES TO SELL LAND TO FOOT BALL' CAPTAIN A man knocked at the door of Harry juiuan, mo soum i nirty-thlrd street Krlduy, and told Mrs. Jordan he came to lell some California land to "Mr. Jack Jordan. Ho was about six feet two inches tall. He was told that "Mr. Jack Jordan" was about four feet and a half tall was 10 years old and was at that time playing foot ball. Jack, on visiting the recent Omaha Land show, had written his name on a visitors' register at tha i alifornla booth. "I didn't have time to talk with that fellow, any way." said Jack, on return ing home. "The Park Bchool Juniors Just beat the Windsor Seconds, t o 0, ana i m capuiin or the Jonlors." PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS s . . Prof. J. W. Crabtree. ex-state auperln. tendent of public disci Ji-tlon; Jam. h K 1:iz-iI. tlate cuiif rintendriit of public Instruction, and Prof. W. N. D.-lzell of tho i'tiu Normal tcliool, were guints of Willlum K, Dal hlle in the rno at. I .U.Uilig lliu Mulu icacliera association t The key to success in business is ths .udlclous a'nd persistent use of newspaper HAYDEN BROS, BID LOWEST Commissioner Open Bids for Fur nishing New Court House. DISPLAYS TO BE INSPECTED Dlda A re II rf erred te the Coanty llerk fr Tabulation and M ill He Taken I for onld- eratloa Nest Week. Ilaydcn Uros.' gcnerttl bid for furnish ing the new county building was found to be tho lowest when the flenrd o. County Commissioners opened the bids. lowever, the bids were so numerous an i varied that It was impossible thoroughly to understand them. They wero referred to the county clerk for1 tabulation and will be considered by tho committee of the whole This week the commissioners will Inspect displays offered by the sev eral bidders to give Ideas of what fur nishing they offer. The county board called for bids as fol lows: 1. Counters, cashiers' ruges nnd other permanent fixtures. 2. Same as 1. with steel substituted for word. 3. IJbrary stacks, book cases, filing cabi net, etc. 4. Chairs, desks and other fur nishings not Included In 1, 2 and S. 5. hump bid. Including 1, 2. 3, 4 and S. . Supplementary to 5, calling for higher class fixtures. The bids are as follows: Ilayden Bros. 1, :).8i51: 2, SH.SfiS; 3, I15.W0; 4, $:U:6; 5, 172.500; . J10I.W1. . A. II. Andrews Company 1, IW.SIM; 2. $33,253; 3, J16,400 ; 4, $49,111; 5, JT..S14; , JM.7S9. Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co. 1, M4.728; 2, $49,728; 8, $15,400 ; 4, $I4,0W; 6. I109.6M. Omuha Printing Company 1, $.1.J:6; 2. $27,377; C, $1S,277 ; 4. $50,9;; 5, $'.'.U9; ti, $102,640. M. Ohmer Suns Company 4.' $w.909. Steel Fixture Manufacturing Company f. $10,432; 3, $15,303. - Miller, .Stewart A Beaton Bid of $17,923 to furnish certain Items. No bid offered on regular general or separate specifi cations. All May Enter the Trade Mark Contest The trademark contest of the Omaha Manufacturers' association is open to loe world, and the man, woman or child lit Kennebunk or Tucson who submits a good design will have tho same chance of capturing the $500 worth of prizes that an Omahan will have. ' Already designs have been received from as far away as Mlllsvllle, 8. 1. The designs received to date, however, are to be returned because they do not conform to the rules of the contest, which were announced Friday. Free Wood May Be Had for the -Asking People, In actual need of fuel may get free wood If they can find someono to haul tt for them. All they have to' do Is to call at the office of the Charles E. Williamson company, Sixteenth and Dodge streets, wno are clearing u few acres In the outskirts of Omaha snd wants to give" away the wood to worthy per. ...... WILLIAM FRANCIS STEWART AN ORDERLY YOUNG. MAN William Francis Stewart, who enlisted In the United States navy Friday, is not the recruit who was redeemed from a life of sin, as was stated in The Bee Friday afternoon. Stewart Is an orderly young man and has never been a frequenter of pool halls. SUFFERED FOR YEARS OWE HEALTH TO PE-RU-NA. Many a matron has lengthened tha days of her comely appearance by taking Peruna. To be beautiful, the body mutt be kept clean internally aa well aa externally. Peruna pro duces clean mucous membranes, the baaia of facial symmetry, and a clear, healthy complexion. ' HR5.GE0.C.W0RSTELL1 9 mi" 4C-" ;: r: "7 4 tJuV Mi. (tit MRS.0.D.ROBINSON t '",- rstf --MtSzX If::::. - h:mX: - Mrs. O. I. itouinhoii. 3d BL Ktllx Street, Ifrooklyn. N. Y.. writes: '! kava takss Parana and It did me more good than all my two years' treatment toy apaclal phyelolans. I can really say that I fasl like another peraou. Wo more swollen feet and limbs. Ho more bloating of the abdomen. o more shortness of breatn. Mo more stiff and sore Joints. Ton have no Idea what your treatment has done for ma. It certainly has prolonged my Ufa and made a saw woman of me." IIE CELEBRATED HIS SEVENTY FIFTH BIRTHDAY FRIDAY. . . .-. - -.. .. f; : , " Xt .Mr, A. el. VHOMAN. 27 Bcward iStieet. BRIEF CITY NEWS Have Boot Prist It. Egyptian Chocolates 80c, Myers-Dillon. Oaa, Tleo. Fixtures. urrese-areaen. Out. Meh. Wki, Maeh. deslgn're, blare. Keep Tour Money and Valuables In the American Safe Deposit vaults In The lice building. Uoxes rent for $3 per year. Two WgjUB Ask DlToree Mollle Cummlngs, has started suit for divorce against Charles O. Cummlngs In district court. Ullle M. Tucker started suit for divorce against John Tucker.. Teamster Ooee to Roc Jrtle K.d Iear was sentonced to fifteen days on the rock pile by Judge Crawford on a chargo nf nmheislemont. Liear Is alleged to have embeixled $23 from his employer, Isaao I..evy. for whom he was working as a teamster. Prleonera Plead Not Oullty Joseph Mullen, charged with breaking and en tering, and grand larceny, and Alexander Smith, charged with breaking and enter ing, pleaded not guilty when arraigned In criminal court. They will be tried some tlmo in December. ZUsort Keeper Tined A raid on1 Boll Daniels' resort at 623 South Thirteenth street netted tho city $70 In fines. Tho plates, and other paraphernalia were do- house by Sergeant Slgwart. ISclI Dan iels was fined $50 and costs and four inmates $5 and costs each. Two Trains Discontinued Notice has been received rt the Omaha railroad offices that the Denver & Rio Grande- Western Pacific, Denver to the coust business has been curtailed to the ex tent of the discontinuance of the two best trains, Nos. 7 and 8. As neither of the roads have offices here, no one Is able to explain why tlio move has been made. The tlo-up of the Denver &. Ulo Grande and Western Pacific occurred about sixty days ago, when the latter road dropped the Burlington through car service and formod an alliance with the Southern Pacific. After that nnd until now Denver passengers desiring through car service west went over toe Western Pacific. Old Philippine Stamps -rostmaster Thomas has received a number of post Age stamps printed In the Philippine Is lands In 1898, when , George . Emtio Aguinaldo declared himself president o.f the Philippine Island Republic. I-atrr, when the Cnlted States troops took pos session of the Phlllpp lies, the stamps, plates, and other paraphernalia were de stroyed. In soma manner a few of the stamps escaped and Mr. Thomas' friend has sent blm three or four for souve uters. During tho world's fair at St. Louis an attempt was made to secure some of the Aguinaldo stamps, but the attempt proved fruitless. - -f ttt't'it'--'""'' MISS NETTIE E.B06AR0US Internal Oatasrh. Mrs. George C. Worstell, 11 River Road, Clarksburg, W. Va., writes: "I can truly say I have hocn much benefited by the ube of I'eruua. I feel better than I have for two years. It Is ths best medicine that I know for Internal catarrh. When I be gan taking I'eruna I could see that before I had finished taking the first bottle It was doing me good.'' lck Headaohe. Mlsa Nettle K Dogardun, R. F. 1). 21, Weatfleld. N. Y., writes: "I have been a great sufferer from sick headaches, but am now entirely free from that trouble. I have not felt so well In ten yeara as I do now. "I would recommend I'eruna and Manalln to all sufferers." , Gained Appetite and atreng-ta. Miss Julia Hutler, Appteton, Wis., writes: "My elster advised me to try I'eruna. I took your treatment and my appetite returned speedily. I gained strength and flesh and am lu perfect health.'1 MISS MAJORIE SMITH WEDS EDWARD L. HOYT The culmination of a courtship extend ln over a period of several years was reached when the wedding of Miss Mar JoHe Smith nnd Kriward I., lloyt, son pf TnlttHl State Iilstrlct Clrrk lloyt, was solemnised Thursday night at the home of the bride's parents at 3004 Marry ave nue. Only a few Intimate friends of the family were Invited to attend the wed. ding, the beauty of which lay In Its sim plicity. The bride Is a charming young woman who lias lived In Omaha nearly all of fl U ffT ur Prices Are LOWEST- Si k And This List PROVE It Doesn't Cost a PENNY More to Secure Pressing Only A ' Automobile Outfits. . 11 Hath mats Uatb robos Bath ruKB Hattcnburfr work lied Bpreatts, rotton. . lied apreaua, lace. . . . Billiard table rovers. IllanketH, per pair. . . Iloas V Carrlnge rohea C'ontB, men's Coats, dress Coats, over CoatB, heavy Coats, rain Coats, ladles', short. . Coats, ladles' long. . . Collars ' Collarettes Corduroy suits Corsets '. Couch covers , . Comforters ........ Curtains, chenlllfh, pr. Curtains, madras, pr . Curtains, velvet, pr. . Curtains, laco, pair. . . I) Drapery Dittos, plain Ureases, silk & satin . Dresses, velvet CO CO 75 75 00 75 50 75 1 00 1 00 2 50 ,75 25 00 00 60 00 76 00 00 Dresses, lace, chiffon . , Dresses, party Dresses, dinner. . . . , Dresses, house Dresses, lawn, muslin Dresses, pongee. . . . K Edgings Km broideries F Fans Flags, according size Furs, jackets Furs, muffs. Furs, collarette3. . . , Furs, coats Furs, robes Furs, rugs Furs, mats Furs, mountings. . . Furs, scarfs Furs, caps , Furs, gloves O Gloves, short Gloves, long If Handkerchiefs, lace. Hats, atraw Hats, Panama Hats, felt . Hats, ladies' Hoods Hose I Infants' wardrobe. . COAT COLLAIW, velvet, put on low as $1.25 SLKF.VK LININGS, men's siuk routs low as 7t 8LKKVK LININGS la dies' silk, low as .50 Dresher will clean your 'OTH) Necktie or pair of Gloves Present this OMAHA UKE coupon at any of Drosher Bros.' establishments before November 18, 1911, and have a NECKTIE or PAIR OF GLOVES cleaned FREE OF CHARGE. . Coupon must bo cut out, signed, and your address filled in. The coupon and gloves or tie may be left at Dresher Bros.' Dry Cleaning Plant at 221 1-22 1 3 Farnani St., at Dresher Bros.' branch receiv ing statlou In the Pompelan Room at The Brandels Stores, or ut Dresher The Tailors, 1515 Farnani St. (Coupon will not be accepted from children. ) Name Address. g Dry CleanersPy em 2211-2213 Farnam Street, Omaha Phone Tyler 1300 or Auto A-221 5. Up-town stations in Pom peian Room of Brandeis Stores or at Dresher, The Tailors, 1515 Farnam Street. Dresher pays expre s charges one way en all JJ out-ot-town orders her life, and she has a wide circlo of friends amorg ths younger set. The groom Is employed by the Omaha Klectrlo l.lsht and Tower company In a responsi ble position. A pretty home has been furnished by ths groom and the couple will settle down to housekeeping Im mediately. LITTLE GIRL MISTAKEN FOR DEER AND KILLED COCPF.UAY. Wis.. Nov. U.-Mlstaken, It Is supposed, for a der, Jerdit Sundberg, aged 4, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Sundberg, was shot and killed today. The hunter could not be fnuml I America's VERY Finest Grade of Dry Cleaning, Dyeing, Alterations, Etc. Cut out this list. Save itl You'll need itl Cltanlng and Vraaalnf Dyeing and Pressing 3 up 76 76c to $1 75 50 1 00 1 60 1.00-1.26 Jackets, plain Jackets, tailored . . . . 00 50 25 JackeU, velvet Jackets, smoking. . Jackets, dinner Ii Lares are curtains, pair. 2 00 1.25 & ill 2 00 1 25 1 50 3 00 2 60 2 50 t CO Lambrequins Legglns 1.00 & up Linen suits lnen table covers. 00 7G 00 50 00 CO 25 Lingeries Lodge paraphernalia M Mats, bath Mountings N Neckties 1.60 & up 2.00 ft up ( 10 2 00 1 CO 60 25 4 00 3 00 160 200 3 00 C 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 , 2 00 J5 50 Opera coats Overcoats 1 rants, men's 25 00 60 00 00 Pants, boys' Parasols Party dresses. . . .v. Pillows Plumes, French, Plumes, willow Portieres Pocketbooks i Quilts. It Inch . 76e.-l.25 1.50 & up 1.25 & up 1.50 & up 3.00 ft up 3, 50 2.50 A up 2.60 ft up Ribbons Rugs, 2 Dc sq. yd. H Rashes Shawls, wool knit. . . Khawls, wool, single. Shawls, wool, double Shawls, crepe Shawls, embroidered Shoes, white Skirts, plain Skirts, pleated Skirts, fancy Slippers, per pair. . . Sofa Pillow covers. . Sponge cloth Stand covers 1.00 & up 1.60 ft up 1.50 ft up 1.50 ft up 1.50 ft up 1.50 ft up 2.00 ft up 1.50 ft up 1.50 ft up Suits, gentlemen's. . . Suits, la lies' tailored. Suits, corduroy hunt. Sweaters T Table rovers Tapestry Tidies. . . .-, Trousers V Underwear, silk suit. . Uniforms V Veils Vests W Waists, phi In wool. . . Waists, plain silk . . . . Waists, fancy dress. . 50 1 50 1 50 1 00 60 10 25 10 75 1 50 35 60 75c & up 75c ft up 1 60 25 25 50 SLLKVE LININGS, nio Iialr for men's overcoats, low as 81.50 HLKKVK LININGS, satin or silk, for men's over coats, low as. . .$2.50 aVUHKS' VKLVET SIITS. rlesiKMl and pressed, as low 82.50 Tit I. M MINGS DYKD, we dye trimmings to match dresses. Hee samples. amounting to $3.00 or FEDERAL OFFICIALS ARE BACK FROM HUNTING TRIP t'nlted Plates Judge W. H. MunKef has returned o Omaha with Marshal Warner and Circuit Clerk Thummel. after a three days' hunting trip near Niobrara. The three federal officials were hunting for quail only and they report that their trip was fairly successful. Alfred Slnnett, the young man arrested In Hot Springs for forging a postal money order here last spring, appeared beforo the Judge to enter a plea of guilty, but the hearing was postponed until Mon day morning. Pressing 01sa'iing and Pressing Dyeing and Pressing Only CO .75 00 CO CO 1 00 1 25 2 00 75 1 60 1 CO 2 60 1 25 1 25 . . . . 50 76 25 60 7Cc & u 2 00 25 1 CO 1 00 CO CO . . . CO 1 25 10 1 25 15 00 50 00 75 1 25 75 25 15 1 60 . i 2.00 & up 1 60 CO 25 50 . . 2.50 ft up 3 00 35 6 20c pr in 1 50 25c-50o 2 00 75C-1.00 D 15 60 75 25 60 K 50 25 60 1 00 1 CO 26 1 25 00 50 00 60 50 00 60 CO 75 75 CO P"S n 25c ft up 7S 00 25 25 25 5e yd. 75 00 50 1 50 00 00 75 1.75 ft up 2 60 50 60 "bo 25 1,60 50 -60 CO 1 50 25 CO CO 76 1 00 76 00 75 16 2 50 50 75 "t 0 25 CO 75 00 00 25 SHORTENING LADIES' JACKETS, , low aa $1 SKUtTS ltKMOniXED. Iw as SI. 50 BUTTONS MADE, any and all kinds made here. S"4 D over. Sit EE , advertising.