Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1911, SPORT SECTION, Page 4, Image 44

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    - e
NEV YORK. Nov. 11-Th approach '
tho national Indoor championship of the
. A. i;., wlikh riu hn beld In Madiii i
-'nu-ire Cardan, New York, on' Pecem--r
r6 nd rr. has brought tip ?tn the
ic-stlon: Who are our bct athlotes and
what will ( the maLe-up of the Ameri-
An Irani in Ihrt nirnitinn ... v... .-t
rimmer? '
Althouph some p-rform bettor Jul i
orn wore on wood floor than they I
i'o nut cf doors, nscverthelens If will be
possible to ret (rood line .n.llie oIJi- ;
h'e Olympic limber v hm the lcr?mber '.
vents take place.
Jhe running ever ts are at diff'rent'd'.s.
tce than the regulation outdoor racrr.
'J'hiy are from sixty yard up to five j
r.illes, and the c!ns cf tlio . candidates j
n be figured., for practically everv
Olympic reco rxrcmiii th marathon.
1 he l;tand.fd ruil.lltif- nnil etanAlnrr iiimn I
rnnlet are programmed, a well os all
ho weight competitions excepting the
l.amnisr-throw arid discus.
Thero wjU I.e probably th greatest
mm 01 amine competing that over rn- i
Wtod on meet titdooro. HM-era.1 nt:;t
nnl aeuthern m n . hav , sent In their
hlaPkfl and lMOTTllrt lf n.a'.'e Ikinn. l.Af
for the rhdiiii'fotis cf Ui New . York
Ath!"tic dub. ond aocordlr.jij' jhe coaches
t.r both f.mhB are working hard, iKlntnr
Ma- training of tnelr men for there eyenta.
n,t" !
' th t.
in the eprlnt rces there ore thtto
entered who may he iner.iber of
Olympic team. They a.e AHali Meyci
Bobby Cloushen and 'jlm l:.' fcriherjer.
of the lrlh Americans. Ali of these, ori j
n outdoor trarh hnv florte the huri
re J h fiat as ten It r!ll be !
great three-cornered lilt when they '
laurel thilr way toaaii) the tape.
. '.-dnarkaMe la entered In the '
11 :oe1.'tl:anre contests. Jirn Mori- ,
' . the fu Tounii Men's Clulatiau
in.or;ntion, Nan- Vo?!. Im eNpocted to!
'"' Ma heet form. He Is a wonder
a lai. track und may lake the inuam
of Hatrr OleelnR. fr'.-k nnd Hotgm;i
i t the Xew- YorUn: Porland and Tent II
I'ser of the ratlm. nd Jim Tiovep.
tr(er of th lrlh-Americans. If peer
Mol" Klmopard In allowed to rotn
J"ie. will or onne fca the farorlta
in there even If, but hla recent Ziehen
. lab.'e l!rfi-hftrsre fro,,, ((, Twentv-aM'ond
r aiment la likely to rauae his liqitl!f.
ration by tlia A. A. l' and It la avan
l-ceslWe that be mar tvi forbidden to
repreetft America n th Olympic con-tr-vla
at Kweden.
(iorre Iionhat; havln retlrt-a from the
same. It geama certain that tha racea
over a mile will be eaty for Frank
Kramer of the 1Vhb; inland Athletto as
oclallon. and John Ialy of the Irlah
AmorlcAii. with Ix.uin Fcoil of the Now
York aij, the dark home.
The KUer brothera. Jack and Ttob of
tha Irish-Americans aeem to hava tha
h'iralH between them. In the Jumps
and poM vaulta there are eurh star as
Oier. Jentiln, Orumpelt. Heldlnr. Tor
ter. Ewry, Aberna and Piatt Adnma, all
of the New .York Athk-tlo aaeoclatlon.
The Alaccury.foot oiub aeema to hava
a corner- on the o,d jumping material.
Each one of them Inn Olympic possi
bility. The weight, events will call out'
men the calibre 'of HfcOrath, flherklan
Tunon. MrlKiUAld, Waleh.. Elliott and
Wrdd - all - !trong homlneeji for tha
Olympic ti!iim. ....
Tmly a great crop cf eplkM shoe arista
lira Mug, conditioned -foe th big lndir
oc, on of the yeaj-. and It is rooro than
JiKeiy that the .winners . In all. of the
f.enta will i, included in the personnel
of the Amerlcati atlilt tlo army .that. In-
"m riiRKnoitii, ,
Hut there lira others. ' Wany.collega ath-.leti-a.
who became of their atudlas are
unable to make the trip to New.Tork for
tie Indoor "champs," ,vs qualified
tiieinaclves for conelderatlon by their i-e-ccr.t
tt hl:vcments.
Ii Pavenport. the CTiU-ago .university
oaarier-mlkr and half-mllar. cannot be
5'-nled. lie le practically certainty for
the team, having made hotter time In the
two-fui!ong event: than anybody since
M i..y i.oi,g, Pwyniie Henry of. Texas, outdoor champion In the . bun
died two yenr-a ago. ond It. C. Craig, the
Michigan university .flyor. will prove stiff
obstacles in the sprint tryouts. . Illlly
lyea and of Pennsylvania and
Jloush of Eoston must be reckoned with
in the ahort distance rune.- Joneji and
Uerna of Cornell are certHlntles In the
miles and two miles.1 ' ,
Willie the liners are about supremo Oa
bui-dlare In the cbjv flats, they will en.
counter Titans when they meet the col.
leslwns. iSoaw. of Dartmouth. Braltheoo
f orron; NlehoJson and 'Klrkscy of
-MUsourt and Chlsholm of Yale, any on
of whom wotild be a- fit " repim.ntaiVt
tor thaJr country. i e .
The Jumps alau'cruant tv.r.i .
n:e who will not compete In the Indoors.
Tiiey ate Uurdlck of Petim.Mvanla.-aj.
r!ne ami Jitteon of CaIlra. Irona of
rhkio.and Thorpe., the Carllele Indian,
lu the weights thei-e are Ralph Roee.
the world a chanjplon, of Kan' Franeiecoi
TUbot cf Kanaas and Jack Ilurner
yft ilivtitgaii. The polo vaule will be
monopolised by tha eolleglana. CJardner of
JJ.ivtrd. Hcott of Inland Stanford, and
C'Kilt aol VjoDar ..f Yale.. .
'tie only event lert ts -the Mara-tnon-and
here ts whure America stands
H EckxI ihanca of bth.g lambasted by
the forelirie:s. no inatur who la Be
!cud, unltai uume top notcber boba up.
T i, ln,iBilt M.m, about Ike
V'-t. )w now, but I.B.haa never prov.J
U.t aluUty oer th .. twenty-alx-mlle as U the tan and twelve-Ji-Ha
dl tancfa. Kraleln of fit. I.ouis.
liliKar.t and Hatch of Chicago and Clar.
Ib-Mir of Boston rrn to be the other likely to develop. All of the
r,.-t;mo tar Marathor.era of this coun-
r have tarred professional with the
icrHiou of Joe Forahaw, the M.
.o i!en. who finished third In the Lon
J m rate, atid b lias retlid.
Tuo things that will be,of grtt 1m
portanca trt deciding tiie peiaor.nel of the
Olympic tevn ate th pl.ce and date of
SoMina the try-outs. It ts n,beble that
there will bo aeparat ats of try-outs in
the miodle nt. south and on the P
f.fic coat. with a certain numbtr or
-ii-n to be .elected from the winners at
a-h. Howcrer. this method baa Its
rt-ortconiinb-a-but also has every 'other
Pa") that bus been dMsl. n fai;t ((
b.jla inipuesible to select a perfect
:etbod on by ahlch absolutely tlie bet
i .en. could be picked out. But leave it
n tbe Olympic committees. t Is 5 to l
that they find a way to get up a team
t.'.at c..u b:t the foreianets. -
. . , .V I
MtviaMa stoa
l I.K l
from tli it
In diameter.
t" n In eia :n jin
O'aid In Nrla.
nli:t; rl .iie remixed In .1, -..
nil r,,f r. t, ui,,ti (.run re.
"'" inoi wun oni)-i f;l
at t'.l,Hr,l celei ity tu Join
f' tlie rtiaiiK coi'llj.-t of
tu be found in
il t.f wl.Kf. tii-y arr compoeeil.
-ma to lj liM.xr Inn ur-m4-oit.-lfdnc-
. tek'.y.
Team Gossip for Olypian Games
r' ''i . .' ' iA' '
h-' jh ; : -.J 4 -
i .: . I 1 s ri I -. . . . . .
E p M W M 9, W. .. .1'
ro of track Him- pjs. Jjlij-r -njs Y' ' '."'"-f-r,Xmm -"' !s j
billtios fur tho 1.'J13 AimiUcan . . TffV- f ' ' "r '
til. U(I1; IT! 1UWI Ol - - , J ' '
the approach of tho national ' ; ' ' :' ;" . " !; : - '
Infbor champlonrhlp tlmt fj -: I " "' . .: . '' .. )
will bo held In Madison fyH i .' ,' ."'.v 7i , . - , : : .V;'S. , "V .;. ''.. ;
Hrjuare fjarden. New York. V ' . .. 1 '. ' ., .. - ,- 5
on December M Mid 37. -' 'mjf'" , ,- ' ... - i v-i
. On tbe left Harry Oi Y; !:: .T "' ' '' ,l vl.. ; ' '
King, alar middle distant tj t,. ' -" '(.' --ri."' "-'":'' '
of; the New York Athlotk ffi ? ". " ' J, ' ' '' '' ''" ' ":' ' ' - '
club, who returned ft short " '-.
time ago from-a trip to Ku J0 ' , J
rope, where he beat all the ?V i , ' A
foreign Mors In IUh faorttc ClJ f . j" ( I .
events, (ilsalnif is Hhown tn fVi i ' 9 I
s'artlnii ioelton for a half- Kit f ' ' . s '
3.srrf ! Championship on Turkey Day
Irish - American club and ' ,S ' 1
rival of Glaring, shown tin- f "f HI
der full speed. Sheppnrd It )l
the. most reliable tnan in the ' :
country in Ma chosen events. . ' ''
'it Is poexlbln that ho mny bo V J
dlequallfliKl for Olympic com- I f i '. ' .
petition because of his , re- I j , '''
cent dishonorable discharge I I '
from the Twentyaecond rg- 1
iment, N. Y. N. O. . V .
On. tha light la a remark- J '
able action picture, of Matt .
McOrath. the New York V-V J vJ
Athleyo club's atar weight NSw.
thrower, hurllnic the fifty- ' tlT .. Jr ' '
six-pound weight for helKht. ' "
McUrath recently ginnatie . , .' ', ' '"" V
the world's record for the ' j
hammer throw. , ,' ' ' , ' ' v .-'j
. , ' ,-' ' . "'''.'
All-America Foot Ball Stars
i ' i '
NEW TORK. Nov. ll.-Foot laJI ex
perte are figuring on their all-America
elevena about thia. stage of the season
and already have probably decided upon
certain pluyers. It 'is hardly fair, how
ever, for anyone to pick their men so
early, a not until ' tha very last game
has been played and won It Is a certainty
who la the very best in his respective
position. , .
Tho' writer, HUo ' hundreds cf others,
thinks he knows of a few who slresdy
are sure of being elected to tho "great
est team on paper," vbut tbe only way
to mention their names at this time of
the year is to call thorn likely candidates
Wendall, whose front names ore Percy
tangdon. looks to be as sure of muKIng
the all-America team an he waa latst year.
Here la the pivot of the irreat Harvard
eleven. Take him away from the crim
son back field and their attack-would be
weakened 80 per cent.
fiprocktlng, ltrown's captain and clever,
fast galted, Ojiitck thinking quarterback,
la- playing evn more sensational ball
than lat year. The fact that tho Provi
dence man has taken part In every guine.
while 'Howe of Yale' tested In tho early
battles. Is almost sure to earn him the
Job on WaKer Camp's "A-A" team, .
Howe In every bit as good a general
as Pprackllng, but he Is not. In ' tiie
opinion of the writer, as versatile a per
former. t In the gsme against Prnnsy
Pprei'liJhig was a demon in hla attack.
Ha did not show to the ssme advents;?
In the Harvard contest. Inasmuch as t'.ie
crimson enda kept htm well covered, lu
fact, the whole Cambridge aggregation
was on top of the great quarterback,
and on this account alone were they able
to keep blown from scoring more than
six points.
Cornell has a r:ack quarterback In But
ler, tit. Kprarkllng and Howe are tho
beet field goal kicker In th east. Hurely
butler wilt bo iu It whau the big team
is picked. Also, Potter of Harvard has
como to the front, faster than expected.
Iiud Hmllb, who. with Kllpatrlck, $e
lectod unanimously as end for lost year'a
All-Amerlcan team. Is playing th aain
sensational biand of football ai he did
last full. It waa chiefly his work that
kept Sprackliug down In th Drown
game, lie looks to be euro of cccupjtjig
another berth this year on tlio big
Sam Felt.!. Hart ai d's . other crack
wing man, may also be selected, as he
bus Improved wonderfully this ytar. He
Is Harvard' most accurate liojHtsr,
Pmlth. . hewe-er. . ia by far the clas fair. The way he intercepted
forward passes attempted by Crown was
Immense.. And, believe me, the lltUe
Providence eleven is far ahead of any
other In this mod of attack.
The lirown system of. passing It lik
unto a bakata.ll catcher thiomlng to
fecond to catch a runner mealing. The
pUr who tosses the bail figure it the
receiver's duty to cover a certlu spot
her the ball la aimed for. Of course.
It takt. lcelver to make the
piay pucceeruui. Pill In , Asbbaugli and
Adams, tho :ng . men, , Urwwn baa as
good a pair .In this line a there j
on the gridiron.
k. 1.1
Pendleton, Princeton's Ii
eiery bit as good thin yeur as lie mi
?r and tboi . doe.u t . seem to
be a chance of keeping him out of the
running for the All-American team. He
la tha beat brok-en field runner in .the
country. If th Tigers' Interference this
year had been up to the standard, 1
am sin e that Pendleton-would have been
the biggest ground gsmer 'of -the season.
'Princeton haa a great) kicker In;-De-Witt,
a younger member of the family
of that name, and the Tlgors have often
relied on him to "bring home tho bacou."
During, the past month he haa improved
wonderfully, and today ts getting off
long, twisting spirals that are surely dif
ficult to freese to. . Do , Witt can be
classified as ;"on0 of the finds of the
There are tao other r.iidts CpUln
Very of Penn tit ate and Eyrich ot Cornell,
who have been putting up a cracking
good brand cf foot balli ' It la now .un
likely that, they will bo selected by some
of the gridiron expertd.' Jourdot of
Pennsy, If he were a bit heavier would
be the equal of any wing man In the
east. He la so light, however, that he
has continually Ihmu forced to luy ou
because of Injuries.
Captain Fisher of Harvard was Waller
Camp's selectlou for one of the guard.
positions luet season and bis work this
fall warrants hla again binding a berth,
burviy Ktsiirr has been just an powerful
to the Crimson lino this full as he was
twelve months ago. i
When the Princeton ' coaches shifted
Captain Hart from his backfletd to
tackle. It was a wise move. ITmi
SToat man behind the line, but he ha !
proved even greater In the line. He Is
a fast bard, charger and follows t?.e
ball In faultloa style. Hi ability to
get -down the field on punt baa added
strength to the Orange and Black com
bination. Hart didn't make the All
Anieikan tcjini ... back . last fall, but
be may grub a position this season as
a tackle.
At center Princeton lias a powetful man
In Illeuthenthul and be Is making a hard
fight to bo among the eleven men se
lected us greatest of 'em ail. H I a
sure iaascr and on the defense ts found
In 'every play.
Penn State followers think that in Mil
ler they hava a quarterback every bit
as good as Wpraekllng and Howe. There
Is no getting away from the fact that
Miller Is a first-class man, but be hadn't
shown tbe same ability aa the Yale and
Brown man.
It la not unlikely that the . t rin?eton.
Tale and Harvard gamea will bring forth
other stars, for In both of these contest
it Is not unusual when some unlooked
for player bobs up and prove htmrelf the
man of tiie hour.
NKW.YOKK. Nov. ll.-Tho annual dog
show of th Weetmlnster Kennel club
will be held this esx iu Orand Cautral
Palace. This ii th fitst tlm iu tha
history of tiie organisation that tbe, show
ha been held outside of MadUon S juare
Uardeu. Since the Civrdcn la to b raked
tn esrly February and tbe ahow-datea
aie February to t . inclusive. It .m
(be tinHrsalh to ho.u the ah.ow In -the
old alliritlthealer. Aa a .,.1. . K-
i,n i I..,. ,i, . .
Over . venin'e l! b benched
SAN FftANCISCO, Nov. ll.-Ad Wol
gast and Freddie Welsh are to box
twenty rounds In the Vernon arena, Los
Angeles, on Thanksgiving:-day.
Here Is an event that, looms tu re 3
letters on the pugilistic calendar.
It la a genuine championship and wilt
b marked with all the "pomp and
panoply" of such affairs. A 'coveted
title will hang7 In the balance, and the
affair will, be presided over by a real
Jive referee; who will be reedy to slap a
shoulder' or-hoist a glove-bedecked hand
aloft when the battie ts lost and won.
After the bobtail bouta of the east and
the no-account , contest of the west, a
ring event of this character. I some
thing to look forward to. What makes
ii an me more interesting -.Is that It
flavor of the International complica
tion. If Woigast win hi match It will be
i the crowning triumph of hi career. A
victory over Packy McFarland or Matt
Well at the hard and, faat lightweight
notch would not mean a much, for It
I very evident that neither of these men
could meet the champion on level weight
terms. Both Packer and Matt hav to
fight-a few pounds above the scale, and,
such being th case. Woigast would get
little credit for whipping1 either of thorn
"at '133 ringside."
Welsh can make any weight that Woi
gast can make. In the next place,
Freddie Is a combination fighter. He la
reinarkubly. clever at ttand-away work,
and he , has studied the. ftght-yourself-loce
system until he 1 well able to tako
car of himself during clinches or rough
ing rpells at close quarter. He 1 one
of the , cleanest little fellow that ever
took up fisticuffs as a mean of gaining
a livelihood end h is a conscientious
trainer. '
In addition to ail, this, he know th
fighting part of Ad Woigast thoroughly,
having watched the Michigan Wildcat
develop from a husky rfovlce to a world
champion and having "had 'em on"
with Woigast In hi cub days.
If Woigast overcomes all this, it will
prove that the present holder 1 the light
weight chaniplou through and through,
or scanning point for point, the light
weight division at the present time holds
no more formidable bidder for th title
than Kngllsh Freddie Welsh,
Some of Woigast' ardent admirer are
of tbe opinion .that he w ill hav no mor
trouble with Welsh than ha -i.i.
wen Moran. but It la not easy to deter-
mine how they arrive at the,
It Is generally admitted that Moran.
when he boted Woigast, waa in poor
shape, owing to leading a dissipated life.
Ho made a brave show of fitting himself
for tbe tuwgle. but the tamina waa miss
Ing, and the best proor of thls,waa that
Owen lacked the support of the betting
Men who had 'Wagered thetr money on
Moran In hia prior fights In Ban Fran
ciaco, placed their coin on Woigast last
Fourth of July. This doe not Imply
that there was anything crooked la the
affair, but rather that those who knew
Moran were well satUfled be could not
"go the route." And the result proved
that they figured correctly. 4
Asaln Moran fought right into Wol
gasta handa. He led Jut when the
champion wanted him to and he allowed
himself to be Inveigled tnto mixing mat
ter, in wiucn he was outpointed
to one.
Th. re ure two direction in which Wolsh
i better equipped than Owen Moran for
a contest 'with Wolgat. Freddl never
acquired a last for liquor 'and a
coneequanc his physical powers are un
impaired, lloside. he know Wulgatt't
atyl of fighting thoroughly and. whil
sitting at th ringside during the Wol
gut match, expresied disgust at Moran's
habit of fslllng Into trap laid for hlrn
by Woisast. ,
Talking about tl.s matter later. Welsh
"Woigast seems able to make all thee
fellow do Just, a b likes. He works
close to them, all covered up, and stands
tnere until they lead. Then h uncovers
and outpunche thorn at close quarters.
Ad's opponents get rattled and get to
thinking It's tip' to them to lead. I don't
)ix.W'ai it In' Hint way, ' He'a th rham-
pioo and if there' any tigm attached J
Famous Family Contribute. Another
Foot Ball Player to Harvard,
J Placing Half Who la ( onilitml
f.rnnnd fialaer la a Rarll, bat
Ten4elt rosaaes Tale
IJO.TON, Maca.. Nov. ll.-J'arcv Iannr-
! 'on Wendell. r.; knamcd "the human
bjilet" by crimson undcreraduatn. l
this .vear'e contribution of tho famous
i Wendell family to Harvard athlctlci-. An
jail-American halfback lust year by tmari-
:moue choice, Vo:idoIl this year Is tbe
strongest man in tho Harvard back field.
In fact, hla work both on the offense
and defense Is tho best Pe?n nt Harvard
for a num'jer or ; can.
; Wendell !a admirably fllliiiK l!-.o piaco
at the balfbscU pooitton left by ' his
brother. 'JlCh,' the ttnr bark of the
.Harvard team In tio also won for
liiinself the coveted Oit.inorr'n of a place
J on Walter Camp'a first eltvcn best men
! of thnt oeason..
I'ndcr t!io now ri;l?3 a plu'in;, biiir
bnok v.'ho can bo cortiii-red a consistent
grcotr.d gainer Is a decldod ratlty, as the
i rubs to:ul to prevent such gaining.
I Whwthcr or not I hero i3 a hole opened
In tho line, youne Veade'l mav atwava
; be depended upon to make a substantial
; and thai this is the case niUft bo
attributed to soir.o Innate ability of tho
mail rather tlia-.i any Licking he gets
from liis teem mutes. : :
Oue explanation ii tlu'?. As scon as
'Wendell takes (he bail he wraps botii
! o-'ins fcbout tho pigsLin. which Ja carried
close to hla stomach, and with l-.ead down
starts off with groat speed through the
spot designated by tho quarterbac;'s slu
naU. He la built very atocklly and when
bo thus gets bis bead down, unless bo
Is tackled very low !t la almost Irapos
sibie to bring him to earth, because of
! the great weight he has to carry him
j In thia man Harvard undoubtedly lias
1 tbe wonder as well as the freak of the
jfoot ball world. No other college team
cun show anything like him. Wendell".'
who is the logical selection for captaiiV
of the Harvard team fo? next season,
prepared for Harvard at the P.oxbury,
Mase.. Ljtiu school, where, although ha
Cld good work, no one ever dreamed
that he would develop Into tho wonderful
player he has proved himself.
to slow fighting he I th one the public
should saddle with tho most blame. I
know he couldn't make ma lead until It
suited me If he stood there with bin head
wrapped In his' arm for an hour."
In view of this criticism from WolEh
it will be Interesting to watch how he
behave when Woigast walks close "with
hi head wrapped tip In his anna."
Woigast makes it his boast that h
hatm't met a man yet whom he couldn't
force to lead. Incidentally, 'Ad denies
that hla opponents lead simply because
they think tf "up to them." , Ho say
they lead because they have to that he
keep right after them and that they
lean in desperation, thlnkln to . beat
him orf.
Here wo hav a champion who thinks
Jhls method of fighting Is Irrealatable and
a cnatienger who believes that he know
said . method from A to Z and under,
stands how to cope with It.
Thia of Itself makes the prospect an
Interesting one and gives the fight fans
a basis on which to figure while watch
ing the men In their. training.
Amateur Billiard
Program Planned
Will Be Decisive
NKW YORK, Nov. lt.-Amateur Ml.
Hard player will begin, their season, for
which the biggest program over arranged
ha been drawn up, with tho deciding of
tho national class B championship the
latter part of tho month. Tha committee
of the National AtLOclalion of Amateur
Kllllard Player awarded th tournament
to Maurice Daly's academy, Broadway
and FlfUeth street, and fixed tho open
ing date for Monday, November S7.
Tha clas B tournament will be the
first of the five championships that were
projected by the national association at
Its meeting last week. The matches will !
be S00 points at IS.t balk line billiards j
and all entrants must have a grand aver-!
ago record of between five and seven, j
Tho list will be in charge of J. Ferdinand '
Poggenburg of trie LJederkranx club, who !
will act as official referee of the tourna
ment series for the title.
From present Indications thero will be
entries from Philadelphia and Chicago,
as well aa from this city. Aa the list
will not close until about a week previous
to the opoulng match It appears likely
iu mi insinpiouBuip win attract as
representative a number of amateurs as
was the case when the tournaments were
played at the old Knickerbocker Athletic
Negotiation are in progress aa to th
playing of the other champlonrhlpc the
International, tho class A and the class
C, and the nowly Instituted pool tourna
ment. Mark Mtildauer, chairman of tho
class C committee, expects to annuunce
th date and pluce for hla class before
the end of the vieek. The match will
piohably bo held l,i one of the rooms In
this city cither lau in December or early
In January.
PHIUADliJFHIA. Nov. ll.-Th inter
collegiate swimming meet thia year will
be held at th University of Pennsyl
vania. March t haa been fixed as the
data This waa arranged at a mooting
of the Intercollegiate Salmmlng league.
Tbe delegates were to hav arranged
their data for the aaaaon, but becaus of
the absence of Cornell- th schedule mak
ing was postponed. Kxecuttvo officers
for the year, however, were selected.
Robert C. Patterson of Columbia. preI
dent; J. Stoddard, Yal. vice president;
W'llliain Beal, Yaie, aecretary-treasurer,
compos th new board. Representatives
at th meeting wer delegates from Tale.
Princeton, Columbia, College of th City
of Nw York. Pennsylvania and Amherst
A Bachelor" Ref leettM.
What make a man a good citlrcn 1j
he s afraid not to bw.
Th loveliest gtrl at a party belong
to the inotlitr of every one there.
The more a man can eat the rm.ia he'd
think it waa nluttony for anyr-xlv tl.
It takes a lrl lea than a nilnut to
make up her mind about a man ho ha
taken months to make up his, alui' tk
about her. New York. Frtaa.
E ? J
. i::: I
A now plcturo of "Human linnet" Wen
dell, wonderful halfback of tho Harvard
eleven. Bhowliui his famous smile. Wen-
Coil has a broad grin conntanUy over
spreading his features, whether ho is
breaking grub records at the training
table or smashing his alocky form Ihrouj'h
an opposing tuah line. His bright spirit
Is contagoous and reflects ltsolf In the
worV of his teammates.
Promoter Cof froth
Plans King Contest
ANFRAIfCISCO. Cal., Nov. U.-J!iii
Coffroth, the fight promoter, conter.i
plutca arousing tha toxins game on tbo
Paclfla coast from t'..o lethargy
which it has falicn. Ecsldes his offer
of fiiO.OOO for a twenty-round contest l
tween Ad Woigast and Pacltey McFar
land on New Y' ear's. day, Coffroth wil
make a bid for Jimmy Kllbano nnd Abe
Atteil on Thanksgiving day. Kllbane
manager ha written to tho Frisco pro
moter suggesting a match, and If 'Atteil
will como Jo reasonable terms the match
will be made. Coffroth expects lots of
trouble befor landing the Woleast-Mc-
Farland match If he does succeed in do -
Ing so.
McFarland Is willing to meet tho chain
plon under .the -samn weight conditions
that prevailed In their proposed bout at
Milwaukee, but it hi thought Woigast will
never again crc to meet Packey except
at 1S3 pounds ringside. At Milwaukee th
weight agreed upon waa 133 pounds at ,S
o'clock, giving McFarland several hours
In which to regain some lost poundage by
eating and sleeping. - Another reason why
Coffroth Is -doubtful, of landing the ut
traction. 1 tho high opinion each man is
known .' to possess of his worth In, the
ring. "Satisfying the demands of these
two high-priced artists. Is enough to disr
gust any one with the fight promoting
business,".. Coffroth is reported to have
said. ' . .
. College Girl end . Divorce.
Vaasar. among tne women's colleges of
the country, boastn the distinction of
having oh its trra.luate Hsu "not tho
name of one girl who has figured In a
divorce." According to news diPtches,
Miss Ulsa Cunningham, .princtuul. ac
counts fur'.' this happy absence bv'the
fact that "at Vasar no alrl is received
as a student who is not at least 18 years
old." The college course Is four vearsi
not Infrequently five - years Is required.
The averuae age of - Vaesar graduate is
n. rtcc.uiums to .miss uunniugnam s ob
servation, divorce concerns ehlefiw
women who havo married young. w
xura , lines. . . .
Every old sore is due "to the ulceration of flesh
tissues. The superficial abrasion or opening may
nave come as the result of a scratch, burn, cut, or
some other wound, but the place remains open and
of a chronic nature because the tissues ond flesh
fibres beneath the skin are in. an unhealthy condi
tion from a polluted blood supply.
Even if it were possible to subdue the ulceration
of the flesh and produce an antiseptic and cleanly
condition of the sore with medicines applied to the
external opening, such treatment could not bring
about any permanent curative results. Deep down
in the blood there is a continual cause at work to
prevent the dace from healing.
If we expect a permanent cure it is not the !0RE but the BLOOD
which must be cleansed. Then the morbid matter and infectious germs
will be destroyed, and the flesh, becoming healthy, will knit and join
together, and the ulcer can no . longer exist. We do not mean
to say 'one should never use any externa! treatment for an old
sore, for we realize that some' salves, lotions, etc.. are often verv
soothing to the irritated and painful flesh. But the person who
In 1377 I had my leg badly cut oa
tbe aUarp edira of a barrel. A great
or formed, and, for year no on
kaow what I eu8r4 with the
plao. I tried, it Hintd to tue,
everrthinr I bad vr beard ot, but I
ot no relief. At laat I beaa tba use
of S. B. 8., and continued It uatil It
removed all tp poison from say
blood and tried a conapleta and psr
uiaint cur cf th or.
108 Wyckoff St., Brooklyn, N. V.
been done there is no longer left any inflammatory impurity or infec
tious matter to irritate the place, and nature causes the natural and
certain healing of the ulcer. When S. S. S. has purified the blood and
the placi is once more nourished with pure, rich blood, then every
symptom disappears, and it is not a temporary cure, but the place is
firmly and solidly healed from the bottom to the outer skin. S,SS
is recognized as the greatest of all blood purifiers, and therein lies its
ability to cure old sores. It is purely vegetable, containing no mineral
in any form, and its tine tonic effects are always helpful in overcoming
the impure systemic effects of an old sore.
We have a special treatise on Old Sores which we will be glad to
send free to all who desire it. It contains the statements of many
cured persons as to the value of S. SrS. We will also be glad to send
you any medical advice you desire free of charge.
Will Be One of Fiercest Struggles oa
Cridiron Thia Season.
Attempt Will lie Made to Prevent
the t'saa! fiperclatloa la Tickets
- Allotcd to Sapporter ot
, Army Siavr.
PHILADELPHIA, I'a., Nov. 4.-Tli4
Army-Navy game, which Is to be held
in thii city on November S5. will In mJ
probability draw ona of the largest
crowds r.f tho Kriditon season. Ae
cortflrff to reports from tbe Pennsylvania
coeimltlee, which bciy bas charge of th
tlcit.'ts and arrangements for the game,
the d-iwc.nd for tickets has been cnor
moiiA. As ia former year?, one-third of all th
snats on fcVonklin field will go to each
cf t!:e three echooia. Those allotted to
lb University of Pennsylvania will b
soil, as usual, to the following university,
bodir, viz., truKtoes, faculty, con
tt'.h.itcrs. Members of the foot bull team
ad rr.embers of tho athletic association.
Each ticket will be sold at JJ.60 and th
proceeds divided between the organisa
tion for the relief of dependent widow
of officer and enlisted men of th army
ar.d r.avy of tho United States.
While comparative fw tickets hava
been found en public sale In former years,
nevertheless; each year some of 'thou
who were fortunate enough to have
tickets allotted to them have seen fit to
abuse the privilege. Many different plans
have boon tried in past year to atop
speculation in tickets, all of which were
more or lea effective.. This year any
person unable to use the ticket allotted
may receive the face value of them from
the committee at any time prior to tha
morning cf tho game, all such ticket to
be sol at the bos offlco of Franklin
Try to Protect Tickets.
The committee ia makrhg every effort ti
prevent the sale of ticket allotted to tha
university. If any ticket Is offered toe
sale at more than Us faoo VhJue the com
mittee reserve th right to purchase the
same at the advanced prlco at which it
Is offered for sate. When signing tho
application etich person to whom .tickets
are Issued agree to reimburse tho com
i.iittee for tho price thus paid la excemt
of the face vahio thereof. A record ia
kept of all tickets Issued, and each appli
cant Is responsible, for the ticket allotted'
to h'm. The name of the Institution br
wbloli each ticket Is issued I printed on
tho ticket, those allotted to the university
til coming from tha University of Penn
Eylvaiiia. Similar precaution are being
taken. by tho ' other committees, that of
tho Ncvvy of Coring to pay a sum not to
exceed J1S for each Navy ticket found on
Baf. purchased l.rI returned to its secre
The arrangement for handling the
huga crowds have always been splendid.
and nothing hua ever marred the smooth
and orderly conduct cf the games or the
comfort of those who hav witnessed
LtIiem - T1'3 year vc" tl18 usual crowding
about tho gates will bo eliminated by tho
opening of another cute at th northeast
comer and by putting long leads before
each of the twenty-four entrances. .
, To qnlckly introduce to new O
patrons and into new localities,
yoa to promptly Bend cs your
name and address, thereby plac
ing yourself in position to receive
2 QUARTS of this excellent, high
grade whiskey, free of cost.
W. R. Riley DIst. Co.,
Dept 20 Kan City. Mo.
Cot Tbls Coupon Oct And Send
It To lis Promptly.
dnends fin Slirh rneaoirec n1trt,
auu iiioKca nu cuuri xo puniy me
blood, will never find a cure, and
the place is sure to grow worse
and enlarge.
Only by cleansing the blood
of the poisonous cause can old
sores be cured. S. S. S. heals
them by going down into the cir
culation and removing the cause
from the blood. When thi hat
Address- J1
. . ii ii " ' 1 1
mm -