Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1911, SPORT SECTION, Page 2, Image 42

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. u;, i i L.ViUiL..'
ii in
11 die tct 'I onrnariicnl to He I
Meld In llrrruilifr Will tie Iten
rfwnlril by ft l.eaat Party
Omnkt (nrk Hnnlm.
MUrnui: or c;amk for wkkk
Vrtronallfsn l.nnnf.
M :.i:iv KunklKl aiain.-t Derby Woolen
I ..rr!u liesclln's Mixer asalnsl Ie1s
A i l.cilo rluli.
Wednesday Ilumnhr's Specials against
Pl. i; mulling I ler.artment.
Thuisoay orrtren Hum against Drum
mers. YM.iy XV. O. W. snlnt Chris Lyrks.
ranntrrUI Leaarae.
KBITS ALLKTB.'l Lochs against Broil.
issrd Crowns.
I uday DrelVi C'atidy Company
ta-ntt lax Valilore.
1neoay l-erunts against Gold Tn. ;
Thuraany Lutus MUnit Bt. Jurat.
Mearlo Cltr 1
Tneadey Boyee Cracker Jack agalnxt I
Fu. ........ Com mt axainft Cu.- ,
kin's Cubs.
Thursday Oarlow's Colt against ivt,
erions candy Kld, Martins Ttrs
feainst ftouth Omaha Ice mil Cow Com
pany. Pllim' Lea erne.
Monday Omaha Wint Cudahya,
Btrlf t against Armour.
Omaha leaaroe.
J YMse O'H'in'i Kanriy Kids aaslnst
Met Hro., Hosp Company asalnat Mf
ord-Brady Advoa. J. S. Cross against
Hwi Clothing company.
Ftamator Lea era.
1 uesday-Oumha Bidding company
ftnt ,nnrt. Frame Colts atrainat ,
rturfner Tailor. Ferreil's Syrup against
Cnarantee Clothing Company, rtnrx
Malta against London Tailor.
Kvrraatll Lensrne.
francisco alleys.
Monday A. O. IT. W. Nn. IT ' s gainst
A. 11 IUot Printing Company, Midland
Ulan B.owers against Commblaa. Cnrey
McKensJ Priming Company against
s-Tsuldings. El Paxos against outlaw.
Tha Omaha, repreaentatlon at tha Mtd
dla Weat Bowling tournament wUI xed
th flrat estimate and It la bow peted
that at leat forty howlers win enter
tha event
Met Brothers, Rtorg Triumphs, Pete
Loch. Jabes ft, Croes. Jettar Gold Top
ff Omaha. Jstter Oold Topa oC South
Omaha and At laaat two team from tha
Booster league will and in tbclr ant Dm
before November , tha cloilue data of
I ha antrte.
8crlary Waber wlU try to raaarva tha
daja of Daoambar I and for tha Oman
Viowlcra, a It takaa two daya to bowl in
b'.I tha avaata.
Tha officer of tba Middle Went ao-
latlon will mart at Dot Molnea on V
ronibar 4, at which tlma an effort will ba
i and to organiaa an Interstate two-man
tournarrwmt between team In Mlnaourl.
Iowa and Nebraaka. William Lucaa of
Ktnaaa City, who shot In Omaha lait
ar during the tournament of tha aao
rlatlon, la nthuolaatio over tha propol
tton and la confidant the loagua would be
a blf auccea If org-anlnad. Tha cltlea
MiggMted to form the 'league ara Kansaa
cay, Bt. Loiil. Dee Molnee, Omaha, Bt.
Jccph and Blous City. Tba two-man
end Individual game could ba rolled only
di Saturday and Sunday, tha teaina
mould thu ba away every other Veek or
mi tier upon theaa two day, making but
one city at a time. It tha raoa result)
In anything like a clnea contest it would
I I ps ts great Interest In the sport, Lucaa
v.anta a franchise for Kansas City. UU
I. aula would ba sura to make application,
1m I)ca Molnee. Pa Klnneman of fit.
Joteph la one of the originators of the
plsii. so It la eertaln that he will want
tu gt la. It will be up to Omaha and
Moux City to make application to com-l-lite
the circuit.
Many Hwmlera Kntrreel. -
Omaha bowlers should enter Into the
middle west tournament bavsuae it will
!a the largest entry aver bad in the best prise fund, and ba tha
best tournament of the middle weat te
Mulnr is making great preparation to
that everybody naa a good time, th
ellry whi be cross planed. Each bowler
tiitf six. alleys so he Is bound to get
a n even break.
U'g events In the bowling world will
now follow closely upon esjch other, nrst
wtu be the middla-west at ! Molnaa
December I to XL Inclusive; George Htoru
-f te Molnee la preeldent and William
K. 'Weber of Omaha la secretary. Kntrlo
lose November M. Any bowling team in
Uie country sboeUng under American
Bowling congress oaoctWn can antor tha
event. Folllwlng this tournament th
Urear Omaha Howling association
HI bold tha annual city toura
inoiit commeoslng an January I and con.
tlnulog unt January IS. bowlera of tha
Omaha, Commercial, Metropolitan. Mr
Buoeter, backers and Maglo City
ugua are eligible to shoot Ed Tracy
ia preaideot and Kleh R. Orotta. aecra
arv. Tbea couws the International aaso
tlauoa tournament at U I'aul February
ii. m , luciusiva. T. J. orone
naia, one of the best known bowler
ft the northweet. la secretary. Th l.t
but most important cf them all Is the
.MnerK-an Bowling congress. International
tournament, to be held at Chicago from
March i to U In the LVstr Park pavilion;
A. L. Langtry of Milwaukee, secretary
of th congress, will furnish u the tutor,
nation desired regarding this affair.
it 'U1 ba disappointing to many of
I i.e bowlers to bear that A. C. Jelllson.
a member of tha Luffy team of t. Loui,
- J ,T years, will not ba among tba shoot
ts from that city at the tnld-west, as
)i haa but recently moved to Cincinnati
und will make that city bis home.
"BaJdy" or "M Uard" aa he waa usually
tailed, was on, of tn, br.t alnl.h-.i
khooters In tha wst and for years waa
. t-tm iot bi. laiuis bowlers, but
had to take Ms hut off to our nw t.aa.
Nri during the tournament held in this
I'j iai year.
A nmteb cf flv. game wa arranged,
but after Neale had shot four of tlis
turner, averaging ja a gam for th four
J.iU.n gv up and did not finish 1.1
f.fth: a perfect soor of could not
n in ir.e mau n. Thl wr th cause
1. a reat aii or rlalry betwen th
Omaha and bt. Loul bowlers, sod It
ivi i iisi a meii'h would b
U t at Louis during the American
Howling congress, but after NVale shot
.a n.e laurnan.biit gimee, with an av
raK? or -J per game. Jolllson or Ms
'-e. could imt i,c fcund anywhere.
I.e hcbntldii. I'l' k und Ulil, sre hold
I t i.. .y i. l uS Hie lrf.rHn M k(r
' i n'' tin-in iii t(, l,ri..up
fi m.uid bs .ill eft with thtr Mftlu
, ...:u:i 1 i niii r.
ief it-
thi.aln t draft riom
a n If l i I ' aMm dou't in
. ..5'
Northwestern Beaten ' by Chicago,
Nine to Three.
Wlanere let Tesrhdens la First
Fear Mlaates of Play, After
Which Northwestern t'lays
Stiff Came.
KVANHTON. 111., Nov. 11. Chicago de
feated Northwestern today, to 3.
Chicago scored the first touchdwon In
four minutes of play against Northwest
ern on Northwentern field today. Nor-
gren took the ball over after a punting
duel that ended on Northwestern' five
yard line. Bi ruby kicked goal.
Northwestern after the first reverse
held Chicago safely. Aided by the wind,
Linn and Oruhn were able to keep the
ball In Chicago territory, four times In
succession sending It over the Maroons'
goal line. . .
Th teams mat on equal terms In the
second period. Norgron waa replaoed by
Fonger. Chicago begun to gain toward
the end of th period, but Northwest
held for two downs on her own five-yard
line and LI mi punted out of danger.
Purple Get Tautdown,
As tha third period opened an exchange
of punt ended With the Maroons hav
ing th ball on their own five-yard Una,
Pierce having badly mishandled Linn's
punt, which boundnd sixty yardx. The
Purple in threa . flrce Hue plunges by
Oruhn and Ileese made fifteen yards.
Linn then kicked a field .ial. Chicago,
8; Northwestern, I.
Northwestsrn had all the best of the
straight foot ball (hat followed. A series
of line buck by the Purple ended In
thirty-yard run by Linn around the left
After a struggle, in which neither side
oould make a gain and hold it, Chicago
in the last five minutes of play drove
th ball yard by yard to the purple goal
Northwretem held on the one-yard line,
but the Maroon scored again ton a field
goal by Buruby. , Score: Chicago, ft;
Northwestern, 1 Lineup;
M Phwrtn L.T.
Fletcher Ltt.
Sheppard L.U
Robin C.
iYils R.O.
Wandrack H.T.
Pierce K-
linn .....u.M
Heeee Ull.M.
lAink H.H
Oruhn F.H.
L.K..,... Kauasulker
LT Kadeniaoher
L.O He.lra
C Whlilng
H.B Uoettler
J.H Palna
UIH, Bauer
K IC.B Norgren
P.B Pierce
(Continued from First Pag )
and fur muffs. A goodly representation
of tha fair aex were on hajid to wave
pennants and howl defiance against th
biting north wind
Omaha won th toss and chose th
north goal, thus having (ho wind to their
advantage. BU Joe kicked off to Omaha,
and before tha first four luinutea of the
first quarter were over Rector had
plunged across the Mlsaouriau' goal
for a touchdown. Munnek missed 'goal
Score, Omaha S. Bt. Joe 0. Jn the sec
Ond quarter Rector mad two more touch
downs, Munnek kicking goal on one of
them. After some plucky line plunging
Johnson of Ft. Joa ripped serous for
touchdown, but Jamison mleeed goal.
feWir at end of second quarter, Omaha
K, tit. Joe 13.
Become Walkaway
In the remaining two quarter th
game proved a walkaway for the purple
and white, and line plunges coupled with
som of Coach Burnett' trick play conv
pietely baffled the Mmsourlans. Johnson
at fullback fr BL Joe. was able to score
a touchdown tn th fourth quarter, but
when th smoke of the battle bad cleared
away the score stood Omaha S8, Bt. Joe
10, with the ball In the' pos-
eilon on their own forty-yard line.
The lineup;
Bt. Joe lllkh
UK'TLE etankownki
i ailmttn
Itotidris .
Ca iMiri .
(ddeon ...
he.l.y ...
....U T.I K. T.Bell,- C. Borden
....L.U.K.U Wlnoi
, O.jC Marshall
....R.U.IUO Wakeinan
....It. T. U T Orwall
....It K L. E Lewi
u. 11 ill. B Jauilwon ( )
I H H lit H.B... Johnson
M unneke
IM-amatre It H. B.I I H. B twlise
Bei lor n F. B. K. B 8. BorUe
Touchdowns. Kertor i, Johnson ., n
mm. Car.suii. iluili fioai toarhdowi
Munnek K. rlubttliut'S. Borden for Bell
ot hi. Joe. Krfn. Potter of I'uloR rol
Use. uniirn. Teach of I'nlvrrslty 1'lac
field iuAmm Ulii,,, 1 NeliiiiHha: liraf
linrsman, Montgomery (4 Wlwoiisin.
'lime ef quarters, lii gild l-' n;liutts j
Att-adeocs. 9w. 1
Nebraska School Teachers Who Can-
jf " f
-i rr( . )-(
'-5- Jr
Koot ball squad from the Peru Normal school who won from the University
Finances Suffer as Be suit of Stu
dents' Lukewarm Attitude.
Reason Has Bren Hard, bat Resaaln-
Ins; Game Ara at Horn and
flood Contests Ar As.
The students of the Omaha High school
ara lagging In their support of the foot
ball eleven this year and as a result.
Prof. C. ft Reed, athletic director, Is
having a hard time to bolster up the fi
ances of the athletic department to a
cund basl. .
At no game thin seaxon have even half
of tha 2.000 students at th school turned
out and tho Booster's club got busy last
week a a last resort and organised a
Rooter's club for the real of the season.
Iowever, this scheme did not meet with
nufflulcnt approval to warrant a grand
success of the undertaking. Printed cir
culars were panned around In classes last
week for students to sign up as members
ot thin Rooters club, and In several In-
tances, out of classes havtng an enroll
ment of twenty-five or thirty students,
not more than five names were sub
scribed. In addition to this lack of spirit, there
Is a tendency among some students, in
cluding seniors, to "knock" certain mem
bers, of th teutil. Thl tendency comes
as a rule from students whoJtnow- very
Ittle about the grlJido.i sport and' who
know nothing whatever of the hard after
noons ot practice the squud goes through
tn preparation for each game, but who
attend tha game on Saturday and are
dissatisfied It every play the. home team
makes is not a ground gainer or a
Tha team ha worked under a stress of
difficulties ever slncu the season ntarted.
In September there was no adequate
grounds for holding practice and tho lads
had to go to tli dirt grounds at Twenty,
ilret and Paul street every afternoon, to
work out. . Through the courtoey ot
Father Devlin at Crelghton University,
the squad was given tha ue ot Crelghton
field fro practice grounds.
In addition to the lack ot practice
grounds Coach Burnett bad to splve the
problem ot constructing a new Una and
developing a nun for tha quarter posi
tion. Nevertheless ha has whipped out an
eleven of class caliber.
Tho team has carried tha - hardest
schedule In th history of tha gridiron
sport at the school. Teams like ork, Dcs
Moines West High, Sloug City, Beatrice
and Ht. Joseph Central) are all able to
put up stiff, hard fought battles and with
a constant hovpllal liet of three or tour
regular in vogue halt of tha season,
Omaha haa made a remarkable, showing.
Tha eleven is working hard. It haa a
good coach, and the remaining games this
season will be at borne; Council Bluff
High on November-U, and Wendell
Phillips of Chicago on Thanksgiving day.
Indoor Championship
Blanks Are Issued
NEW YORK. Nov. 11. The entry blanks
for tha indoor American Athletio union
championships, which ara to bo held In
Madison Hquar Garden on Deoaiubar 38
aud tt. have been Isausd. The llt of
events for the two dss Is as follows: ,
December elenlor, Ti-ysrd run.
yard run, V-yard run. two-mile run,
seventy-) ard hurdle (tlx flights, three
tent six Inches; hurdles ten yards apart;
t yards to first hurdle, ten yards fin
ish), standing broad lump, running hop.
tep and jump; throwing f Ifty-aix-pound
weight for distance. Junior. HM-yard run.
one-mile walk,. 4W-ysrd hurdle (ten flights
of two feel six Inches; hurdles forty yards
apart; forty yards to first hurdle, forty
yards tlulsh), standing hlkh jump, three
standing broad jumps.
lecember 17 Senior, sixty-yard run,
yard run, liO-yard run. five-mile run. teV
vaid hurdle (ten flights, two feet six
'ru-heB, hurdles forty yard apart; forty
cards to finish hurdle; forty yards to
liilnh), standing high jump, three sland
ng broad Jumps, putting torty-poun
hot. three-mile walk, po'e vault for
height Junior, seventy-five-yard run
ne-nills run. seventy-yatd hurdle (six
flights, three feet six Inches, hurdles ten
vards apart; ten yards to first hurdle:
ten arda' finish), running high jump,
running hop, step and jump-, thi-owing
flfty-fclx-pund aright for helsht.
Key to th Situation B Want Ails
Ball Bounds Over Cross Bar on
Dewitt's Drop Kick.
rrlaoeton's Defease Again Save
Day for I.acal Teaaa, for Tigers
Are Vnable to Do Any.
thlugr on Offense.
PRINCETON, N. J.. Nov. U-Fu tune
enable Princeton to defeat Dartmouth in
the final period here today, t to 0. With
the ball on Dartmouth's thlrty-yaid-Ilne,
'em,oi .Princeton made an attempt
to drop kick. The bnll hit the groun
fifteen yards from the goal line, bound.
over the cross bar and was called
by Referee Langford.
The result was In doubt until th
v hlntle. Princeton's defense aga
the day for the Tigers. On th
Princeton could do nothing and
able to gain consistently by Btr
ball. The lineup
. wnite ....'.....I E.R. E
ri l,. i.
Brown. I U,
Dewitt R. H. B
Blumunthal O
rt. T....
H. O....
L. H. B
Mei.ormlck. ....It U. L. O.
rinhps .......R. T. ... T.
I'unlai R. K.I. K
Pendleton u. B.Q. B
Baker .,'.... I.. H. li.trt H. B.
Iew1tt K. 11. B.U.. II. II.
Vaughau F. B.;F. B
- Viewed from the Gall
The team In the Pickers' loi
developed a regular three In a 1 1
the Omaha laklna three from!
mourn ami the Hwltts a like mini
the Cudahys In last week's coil
Heap B g Magnate Swift of t j
era Is holding down the boot 1
league with the gigantic avers, f
Fore Bherwood has not iho
much la.s.1 this aeaxuii. but do i
look the fact that it as the e
year, it takes the holiday a to
Into form.
Koko Kohansky Is a bit ov
After he takes off about sixty
It s curtain tor anyone that tat
for a game.
What has become of midget
McDonoughT Can It be true tl
brenner took all the desire to 1
of him when he took him on 1
big X?
Bonlta Bunnell, the Imported II
stock irom fctloux City, N rslnlng
rag each we k. About (M used
hla usual evening performance,
Stub Toman stick to the ton ri
ine packers ladder llkg a flea to
lummono Z4 is still me nign V
ana irom tn past pertormanees o
member ot th league It should ttl
fur the balance of the route.
in snout tim or flailing uaitrea u
tn k , tila ftnnnul wlnltr m nni. rm n.'
' U ll
Iftv Hlnrlchs .has It on any side
wheeler In the Commercial league, end
when It eomes to consistency he is a
Jewel. '
Voyle Rector, two fears stsr tackle
on th Omaha High school eleven and
last year l.-rt tackle on the All Nebraska
Ulglt school team, la playing a alar
game at, left tackl on the treshiuen
lsven at Dartmouth thl year. In the
game with Wooster academy on October
-1 lie suffered a badly sprained shoulder,
which kept him out r the next two
games. In the W ouster gume Dartmouth
won by the score of to .
Bettor Is the son of E. T. Rector, SU1
Hawthorne avenue. Virgil, hla younger
1. )! her. In iholng up splendidly on th
I, nm tl,l year at fullback an. bids fair
ti., eq'ml his big bi others pre.
f .x Y
: I V V 1 '
" - '. i .... t i
Play Some Foot Ball
I r r
. f -
3 v: W
of Omaha Friday Afternoon.
Hawkeyes Make it Eleven to Noth
ing at Lafayette.
Players from Iova City Show
Greatly Improved Form Through
ont the Contest Corry Re
relvea Another Injury.
LAFALETTK, Ind., Nov. 11. (Special
Telegram.) Iowa defeated Purdue here
today by a score of Ml to 0.
uii klckoff Murphy
I l'
ried tba ball to Purdue's thlrtv-flve-
yard lino and after being held twice
O'Drlen dropped a field goal from th
forty-flve-yurd line. Murphy ran the next
klrkeff back to Purdue's thirty-yard line.
Curry went around the end Hor twenty
but Iowa was penalized. McOtnnls then
made two good gains and time waa up
with the ball, on 1 tho Purdue five-yard
line. .
The Iowa team played a greatly Im
proved gam throughout. Curry reap
peared in the gams for a short time and
showed all bis former speed, but waa hurt
again, 'tlirlen was handirapiied In hi
picking by poor paiwc. Nanson played a
great game in the line, and punted fifty
yard consistently. McOlnnls' work
showed great Improvement The team
finished th game In good condition.
Murphy played on of the greatest games
of hla career, carrying the ball con
tinually. Tha Purdii defense waa utterly
unable to stop hlnC Pennington did well
In his new place, and Von Lackum made
bis aide a stona wall. Alexander1 put up
a good game, with a bad knee, Trlckey
worried the Purdue back continually.
O'Brien was In good form. Purdue was
utterly unable to gain, making first down
but once, when Ollphant got away after
three men had apparently nailed him be
hind tho tine, for elx'y yards. But for
penalties Jowa would have scored at least
two more touchdowns. Lineup. '
PennltigrOth ...L.E.
Nev L.I.
R E Bail
K.T Collins
1 lansen
.L.Q ! il.G.Ruffner, Hn t id
O Brlen ('
c GlossoD
Trlckey RO
Alexander ItT
You Laekum..K.K
Wclxy. Currl.. .tj.
Moil mils LH.
Balrd k-It
Murphy (C.).-.F.B.
L..O Collins I
LT Winston
L.F. Miller
1. Iluuhlna, Fl cher
L.H Tavey (O.)
t (..Olfnt, Learn g
F.B Ogan
Touchdown Met i. unlit. Field Goals
O'Brien m. Kefr- Bller, Illinois. I'm
pire KllpatrV-k. Yal. Field JudK
.W hite. lUli'n Head Linesman Pol ter,
Prlni-nton. lime ot Quarters PIKeen
minute. ,
The Permit positively will not permit
theinaelvi-s to tak nu,i than one game
a night
Freddy Balxer as yet he ti.t shown
the form that was expected lie would
develope during lb coining san.
1 wn
7-i T'i-
First Games at Pueblo, Topeka,
Denver and Lincoln.
1nb Owners tn Session at Chicago
Take Definite Action In Con
nectlon with Next Year's
Plnylna Season. -
CHICAGO. Nov. 11. Next yeur's play
lng season In the Western league will
open April 10. with the eastern teams
r-Jng in the east and tha western teams
ng In the west. . The opening games
be played at Pueblo, Topeka, Denver
committee was appointed today to
dete the schedule and report to the
e officials at Its- next meeting, this
n being taken by the- club owners
sslon here. -'
e following members were In attend-
when the meeting was opened?
unk label), . Pueblo; John Holland.
Joseph, W. A. Rourke. Omaha:
loan Fairweather, Kloux City; J. C.
ill, Denver; D. C. Dexpatn, Lincoln;
ter Woodward. Topeka, and Norria
III, Des Moines.
mbers went Into exec.eutlve session
he offices of President Charles A.
iskcy and the entire afternoon was
ted to the consideration of official
ies. '
iorts of the present season's biulneea
each club were read and discussed,
year's schedule was tentatively con
ed, but no action taken. It was re--4
that no Important trades were
i sldent O'Neill said: "We are doing
ng but talking over routine business,
have received a number of reports
the different club and ara conald
plana for next year's seasqn."
lmont Presents
Two Thoroughbreds
W YORK. Nov. U.-August Belmont,
man of the Jockey club, ha pre
d two mor thoroughbred stallions
ie United States government for
.nils purftuifrs. .as
i gave Henry of N
famous as stake w
tP government. Thi
ling purpose. Last jeer Mr. Bel-
avarrt and Octa-
winners and sires.
They were brought
home from Franca by Mr. Belmont and
were sent to the government breeding es
tabllihment In Virginia.
It was announced that Mr. Belmont also
had donated the J-year-old Footprint, by
Rock Sand; Pettish and th 2-year-olds
on the New York tracks. He proved
victorious In seven races, including th
Tremont stakes and the double event
In th latter event h took the measure
of Meridian, Naushon and Novelty, the
subsequent futurity winner. Ttpsand dis
played sterling quality In races on the
Canadian tracks this year.
Rock 6and. th sire of these horses,
was purchased for I13S.0UO by. Mr. Bel
mont several years ago and when racing
in this country enjoyed unmeasured pros
perity. In Kngland Rock Pand won
000 In stakes and purees, Including the
derby, 1000 guineas and the St. Leg or.
He Is a son of Malnfotn-Hoqueburne, by
St. Simon, and Is at the head of Mr.
Belmont's nursery stud la Kentucky.
AK9 fKiaX"
I !lw " I M " Jl jf
i m v . . I'W-frool. It Is Par
I ahosot.jn.prootatrengiB. nend tl.M pr gal
I Lakewood X btralsht loo-Proof Wblakey as y.
I ,"Vv 1,7ouaon',BrtIunceHthebtwliil
I eudUbackwwiJ!promptlyrtundyourmoie
I personal rbeeks. W ecauuotaflurd to uiTnirk
University of Omaha Eleven Loei
Game on the Gridiron.
Schoolmaster lino Awnr whs
Their Onnonent In th Second
Half on CreUhtoa
By a score of 13 to 6 the Peru State
Normal school triumphed over the Crlm
srtn and Black of the rnlversy of
Omaha. Friday afternoon at Cre.ghton
field In the presence of 4X) enthusiastic
fans. This was Omaha's fcond game
slncu th organization 01 tiie scftool and
It first since It was admitted to member
ship in the Intercollegiate Athletic A-
soclatlon of Nebraska ,nnd consequently
th Normalities expected to win by a
more decisive Score.
The' game was fairt and clean, only
four penalities elng inflicted. Peru wa
penalized three times for a total of fifty
yards, wh'le the locals lost but five yards
for offside work. It wa not until the
lost five minutes of play that the game
was won.
The game was featured by many loti.
runs and sensational tackles. In tackling,
Quarterback Tarlsh of tha university was
easily the Ur of the jame. Time and
again he would break through the Inter-
ff rtnee and throw the runner; or, when he
was playing a- defensive end, the oppon
ents would try to circle his end he would
throw thejn for a loss, or when they went
around the other end he would come
from behind and tackle the man currytnir
the ball. The other local men who played
Tcctacular ball were Captain Dow, Paul
9elby, Reel and John Beiby, though the
entire team played good steady, con
sistent ball, but fell beforo the line
rushes of the more beefy schoolmastere.
nrnfro Saves the Utnir.i
The one scintillating star for the Blue
and White was Quarterback Renfro, who
dldTiot get into the game until the sec
ond half. Whenever called on to carry
the ball, he waa good for from five to
twenty yard. It was after one of his
runs whlch went for thirty yards that
Peru scored the touchdown that won the
game. After his appearance the Nor
malities' went in wih -a renewed energy
and won. Blm at fullback and Captain
Bbafer at left tackle also played stellar
foot ball.
Omaha was the first to score. Peru
won tha tons and kicked off to Omaha,
defending the north goal. Dow returned
the ball ten yards. Reel advanced it ten
mors on a forward pass, then after a
few line plunges, Dow punted to Ludka.
who dropped the ball. Paul Selby . had
to run down under the punt and when
Ludka dropped the oval he tucked it
under his arm and raced forty yards for
the first score of the game. Dow kicked
goal. - .
The lineup:
Reel. Larson.. R.R.L.K Schott
L.T....(cap.) Shafer
L.O Nippert
friansden C.
O Gifford
Jorgenson ......L.Q.
J. Selby L.T.
Parsons L.K.
Parish Q-
Dow L.H.
p. Selby R H.
R.G Cbrlsteusott
ItT Lundy
ItE Wlckhain
y.B. .Ludka. Renfro
I..H....Jonea, Tyson
R.H Roleton
Solomon .F.B
F.B Pirns'
Referee: McKay, ex-Pennsylvania. Um
pire: Nickerson. ex Coe. Field judge:
Andrus. Omaha High school. Head lines
man: Rachman, Omaha HlKh school.
Touchdowns: P. Selby, Shafer, Lundy.
Goals from touchdown: Dow, Ludka.
Time of qtarters: . Fifteen minutes. .
Friday evening the normal team and
students were tendered a reception by the
losers at the. home of Miss Clara Barnes),
1328 South Twenty-eighth. The rooms were
decorated with the colors of the ,two
Amateurs Resentful
Toward Release Rule
NEW. YORK. Nov. ll.-ln the minds of
those who control the Amateur Athletio
union It seems, there lingers a belief
that amateur athletes ought to wear col
lars and tags and be Impounded when
ever they are found. The latest inven
tion Intended to Increase the, eubjuga- .
tlon of the amatour Is a "two-day re
lease'' rule. . Thl will soon be voted
upon and, as amateur athletes havi noth
ing whatever to say in affairs of thl
sort, will probably find, a place in th
book of rules published annually by th
Amateur Athletic union.
Tho "two-year" clause provides that hi
amateur athlete, who has competed un
der the colors of any club cannot com
pete under the colors of any other club
with t'o years, unless "released" by tho
first club. For example, an athlete might
be a genuine, due paying member of
th Pastime Athletio club. He might be
come a member of the New York Ath
letio club, a bona fide membet paying his
due and having ail the privileges of his
membership. At the same time he might
resign from the Pastime. But unless the
Pastime chose to "release" him ha could
not compete under the colors of his owu
club, the Ny York Athletic club, until
two years had panned.
This rule Is tyrannical In the extreme.
If. In the suppositious- case outlined, the
Pastime Athletio club had a contract with
the athlete had him under salary like a
professional player the club would have
a right to claim his services for the full
term of th contract. But an "amateur"
is supposed to be one who competes for
the pleasure of competing, not tor any
financial Inducement.' No club owns him
or baa any moral right to "claim" his
''services." ,
w know all the In aud euls of th wbinaey business and
weknon Itts posatble to make and sell the blxbeet grade whis
key such as our Laaowood X stralitbt H-Proof tor ouly 1.M
a sallon. Tb reason Is plain. Any whiskey distiller. It be
would tell you the truth. Would have to admit that the actual
coil of making a gallon olwhUkey, paying tbe Internal rev
enue tax on it. aujraae, container, shipplug expenses, etc., Is
ouly about ll.M. Any di.uiier should he luti.Ued with s pro
fit of loo n gallon. That Ii all tbe profit we eipeetaad that,
added to the i( eoat of, makes our prloe to you
Munojr you snould allow nuscrupuious
k lis Plunder you any 1 nuort Any reason nhyyoul
HLZ "' blohcost them only n gallonf
r -nl 1(0
KANSAS cur, ".