PAHT FIVE SPOET SECTION VOL, XLI. NO. 21. Western Gridiron1 Heroes Who ST. JOE TRIMMED BY H1GHELEYEN Defeat of .Tear Ago Wiped Out by .Porple and White by Score of 38 to 10. v GAME SWUT IN SPITE OF COLD flayers Race Through it in Sweaters - and Ear Muffs. MUCH - FUMBLING AS RESULT Visitors Lose. Ball Repeatedly from This Cause. RECTOR PLUNGES THROUGH LINE Fallback of, Omaha. - Eaaily Hseela Jsnlton, the Klckev lor Ml ' aoorlans Tacklea Gronad " GaJara. Tha Omtjia Hig'h eleven avenged their defeat of last 'year by trouncing the much-touted ' championship 6t Joseph Central High team to the overwhelming tune of JS to 10 at Rourko park Saturday Afternoon. ' The game was played ' with the tem perature boverlng around ten degrees above w.e jeen mark and snow flurries, combined with a strong north wind, addtd to the disadvantage of either team play ing anything' like ideal foot ball As a consequence there was fumbling con tinually, although' Et. Joseph seemed to festura in 'this particular part of the game. The two ." eleven resembled hockey players aa they daah?.1 about clad in heavy sweaters and wearing. snug tae el caps. Some . or the player wore gloves and one .energetic youth hod a pair of earmuffa instead of a headgear. Rector at fullback for the ptirpta and white was the feature cf the game with his wonderful line plunges and end runs, Mooring ' five of Omaha'ti touchdowns. Hector was in the gunie all the time and was never thrown for a loes of yardn. lie eanily excelled ,J(uninon, the little 3tUsourian kicker, !:i the. punting game nd the boots of Ii'.j left toe often went as far as sixty yards with the wind. Oaaa Team Work Hood. As to Individual play, tho wuole Omaha lam negotiated a steady and brilliant lasa of foot ball, vplendld team work nd excellent iiiterf6rcr.ce .cn the part -f the baclis thowina l.p at all timou. Omaha's two tackles, it.ufcman at l.ft od "Ole" Cerlsou at fisht. both figured as sure ground tulnoi, and time and again big ftaclmiuu cirajsred two or throe of the 8t. Joseph players for five yards or more until ho was downed. 11 raraatre and Mur:ntke, halve;, and &elby, quarter, pulled off some excellent Inter ference and good Individual gains. Jnilard. Kft end, toro off a thrilling ihlrty-flve-yard rim la the third qua ter which brtujht the crowd 10 their feet. Johnson at right helf, starred lor the vuitors, scoring bofli of tneir touch bowna Jamison, captain and quarterbaok, was a conMntent playtr and, despite the fact that he was handicapped by having a weak line, wan able tvt set away for Several good guilts. Bark Fields Well Matched. Ft. Joseph was rlightly outweighed on the line, but the backfleklt of the two teams were about evenly matched. N6 one was Injured during the gain and the lineup of the both teams reir.Uned the ante throughout all four quarters, ex cept when Charles Borden was frnt In at light tackle for the MIsouria ns in place of Bell In the final quarter. A large crowd attended the game dn-. silte the wlnuy weather and jellod themselves hoarse from benrsth blankets t'uullnui fcii Second I ) ' quarter tnat Omaha took the lea4l The H' r r:m wokih lattbtakes game " CAPTAIN PICKERING, ' O KRIEN OF IOWA. ' . i' ''''.''. V ." 'C? Gets IlfTfn n r,.,..- writ: Minnesota. . "t -n j i $-- . i . i" V wevenge UP0U Kearney Mill. r " ,-sNr. ; ' i tary Academy, 12 to 0. L :-:,'. V .7 . - ... r v ) OMAHA SECOND BEATS BU VwV 7mff JX I - 9 PLAY IN ZER0 temperature litra Field Goal is the Lcd of 1& Ifffitfe i K ' ' ' local Lads. . , V . 'J ; II j GLOVES WORN IN THE GA: V . ' ''H Pi W "'' Made tbe B.y Dlood I 1 ! . ! ' J-, f . I Itf The Omaha High aceond eleven urnphed over the faBt Bialr High sc! lads by the score of 9 to as a prelin ary to the big Oraaha-St. Joe game Rourke park. ' Both teams scored a touchdown kicked boal before the first two quar of the game were ovet and it was until Cole, the purple arid white left j was able to score a drop kick in the f quarter that Omaha took the lead to 6. , ' Inkster. right end, Sole, left end, James Durkee, fullback, were tbe s for the Omaha eleven, Inkster brim! tne crowd to their .feet .In the sec quarter when he chased down the i and fell on one of Omahc'a punts fcl touchdown, behind Blair's goat line. ! also played a hard game and placet perfect drop kick between tbe goal pi from Biair'S twenty-yard line In the f quparter. . . . Holier, . fullback and captain of visitors, was injured in a bead-on colli with one of Omaha's backs and ha. bo carried off the field. His Injury not seiioua, howwvei. ''.. Haller at fullback and Mlesner at.r! half, pulled off some fast plays. for tin visitors, Mlesner getting away for several end runs of from fifteen to thirty yards. Cltdr nt the quarter position alfo played a plucky game. The feature of tho game were the big white gloves, worn by "the Omaha lads and they , drew the undivided attention of the crowd, for several minutes In tho second quarter. Despite tho chilly weather eome, thrilling plays were pulled off and the white gloves of the Omaha iada clung like bfg snowflakcs to the red Jerseyn of the Blair" nurriurs. The. lineup: t D OMAHA HIGH. RUIH HIGH. Cole ....Peterson U. Durkee.. Nelnon ..... .Woolery ... Keyee Jones , ...UT..L..T Mlhrr ...I.O I,.G Fees rk- .iJiller . .H.O. I K G Rosen baum ...R.T.KT. Bradley ..H.iJ.I R E 1. lllr Cole culver (cap.). .(j H. vj. b Clair Canun I.H..UH jj0(t liichards UH.!R.I1 Mlesner ltrsun R.U.I J- Durkee K.B.fKB (cap) Haller Touchdown: iVJIesner, Inkster. Field na.I: Cole. (Joel from tourhdowns: BiIt. Cole. Rt fere.e: Ringer of ,Nhr.ka. em pire: Montgomery of Wisconsin. Field JudKe: Kemp of Wayne. Head linexman: Oats of Ulair. Tisiie of quarters: Ten minutes.. CORNELL AND HARVARD WIN CROSS-COUNTRY RUNS PHILADELPHIA, Nov, , XL-Cornell's (ong distance rooners defeated the cross country team of the University of Penn sylvania today over tbe five-mils course, 21 to U. Berna, the two-mile champion, and Jonua, the American mile record holder, finished first and sioond for Cornell. Berna's time was Ti .'ii. Jones' time wm L'7:J. NEW HAVEN. Cor.n., Nov. ll.-Hr-vard won buth the freshman and varsity cross-country races from Tale today by wide margins. Hermit Roosevelt, who ran with the Hai vard varsity team, completed the distance, six miles, la thirteenth position. PRINCETON, N. J., Nov. U. The Print eon cross-country team won a rather slow race from Columbia over the Intercollegiate course here tody. Score, to U. Hun City Wlos. KIOLX CITT, la., Nov. (Special Teleirraiii.l-Kootball: Slum . Clt, 11; North Dts Moints, . 1 I n Omaha Sunday OMAHA, SUNDAY MOKNtMJ, XOVKMHKll 12, 1911. I I Brilliant lMntor. I I I 2 Or.? Toflci Decides theSH M'CORMICK MAKES STAR RUN Nails Put on Drake1! Thirty-Five. Yard tine aad with clear Field ' Scores' Only Toschdsns ef tbe Game. . DK3 MOINES, la,, Nov. ll.(Speclal.) Drake trounced . Grlnnell In a poorly played game in the m!dt of a snow storm, 6 to 0. , Drake's victory came In the fourth quarter after Grlnnell had forced them to an uphill fight air the way. when MoCormlck. Drake's tackle, recovered on of filnion's punts on Grln nell's thlrty-flve-yard line and ran the remainder of the distance with no one between him and victory. Grlnnell could nor compare with Drake on carrying tbo ball and made ftr;tdown but twice during the battle, while Drake ripped thoir line open for from five to ten yards st a clip and at least three times were within almost reaching Vgs tance of the coveted goat line, but not a Drake back could be found who could batter down Irinnell'e defense for the few yards that were needed. Lineup: DRAKE. I GRINNELL. BIcCrelght .R.K. Rli.. Maev R. (Vrison peeves C'jK-llle .., Hofman ... MoCormlck Carlwon .... Cnagley .. Hlmons ... H.T Greenwood eiCi.., Iersen ...H-O. C. Barrett ,...i.a ...,LT. ....L.E. ...y.M. L.G.... UT L.K..., Q H. ... .... Wilson Frey Heldt Sutherland .... Fan K.HM. KH.H. Weatherwsx ..F.B. 1KB. h'ick Crull L.I1.H. ti Bherman NEBRASKA CITY TAKES GAME Omaha- school for Oeaf Loses llaxd Koagbt Contest. NEBRA&KA9 CITV. Neb., Nov. 11. (Speclal Telegram.) The local high school foot ball team defeated the teVim of th Omaha Bchool for the Ifeaf and Dumb by a score of : to o. It was a hard fought game, the first half being It to 0 and the rceond half It to.. A Urge I crowd out. despite the heavy wind ' und gero weather. Periitent Advertlstng is the Road to Big returns. Are Doing Minnesota's Fastest - Half back. TIGERS BITE ICE ctri Beat Them Playing: in .Zero Temperature. V-SEVEN NOTHING Mea Pat in Line, . Nebraska Vitlng Only Two Resjalars Back Field for Three Qsmrtrrs. k jN, ' Neeb., Nov. 1. Playing In of a November gale, with the ire ranging closu to tero, Ne- oday defeated Doann college of a score of 37 to 0. id number tho hands of the play- 1 fumbling wall frequent, both ffendlng equally, Nchrtiska pre- a substitute line, with only two s in the backflold fu the first uarters, but the new men per their part well, taking the mean the lighter coll. so boys at al- lie outset, . scoring one touchdown lv quarter up to the final, when I substitutes went In anil fetrw- tore tip the Doann line. The forward pass was worked ' with suocess, and several long end runs marked tho last two quarters. NEBRASKA, MrRoe I. E. ,. Dvldoa i Bronso'j B'ls SwAJiaon l.lUf-Klllot Hom ... AniiriMW Mullltaa ...L.T ...L.O. C. M.T.. no.. ... A4ni ... Mt'kl King Hh. Wllklliaon ... Komb Kretilniiar U.M La....( Ht.LT. a-- I..K. Warur-R. Krol(..QB KmII-ICIwU ...UII B ruroy R.H.B, OIImuii KB 4h L. H B R H.B F B. ciuhstHutes for ' NebrHsks: Wuriwr fur E. Frank, Chaunler for MrKw, Hhonka for Anderson, Uillott for Btelk, PeKi-son for Rose, O. Frank for RuhsoII. Furdy tor Gibson. For Deiie: Moorman for Rice, Dickinson for Moorman. MINK LEAGUE HEARS REP0RT3 Meetlagr mt ebraaka City Goes Over Reports of Officers. NEBRASKA CITT. Nov. H.-fKpela1.) -The dlreolota and offor of tne MJnk Base Ball league met in this city Thurs day evening. Among those present were N. S. Lyon and I ii. Leeds of Fails City, E. l Gaus 'of Hbenandoah. Ia.; T. J. Hawthorn of Ctarlnda, Iu.; Lafn Hlgglna and Warren Cummins of Auburn, A. Hughey and E. A. Duff of this city and President Fred Carey of Omaha. The meeting was called for the puseore of auditing the accounts of the officers of the league and to get a full report of the season's work. Treasurer Morehouse was unable to be present, but sent an item ised account of the monies received by the leugue and from whutn. Also how It was disbursed. Each club is lo receive a detailed statement of the entire thing in a short time. No action was taken re. garcling next season, but the matter wur dlscursed and also tbe support given by each of the towns.. This will all be gone over in detail sn it will be in shape to properly present at a meeting to be hehl in March. A vote of thanks wa given President Carey for the efficient work he iisd done to mike the league a uuccets. The ky 'o suecess in business Is the Judn lous mid y .TMst'iit u of newspaper slottlf :ni f I I I fceveri Good Work for Their Elevens KRCKIU MOLT., Wisconsin's Bcnsatlonal Quarterback. KANSAS AGGIES WINNERS Beat Creig-hton by the Score of Twelve to Nothing. MORGANTHALER Gets Away .with a Clear Field, bat Is Nailed from Behind by d Past Kansas Half, back. MANHATTAN, Knn., Nov, ll.-(Ppscliil Telegram.) A sixty-yard run by Moran thler from Creighton's thlrty-flvo-yard line In the last quarter of the game added the spectacular to a hard fought battlo between the Kansas Aggies and the Omaha school here today In which tiie Angles wore victorious ,by the score of 13 to 0. MorganthaJer, who got away on. a tacklo swing, had a clear field to the Kansas goal, but Hehn, the fast Aggie half, overtook and downed htm on the Kansas flitnen-ysrd line. After work ing the ball up to the Kansas, ten-yard line Crelghton wss held for downs and tho Agglea punted out of danger. This was tha only point In the game in which the Kansas gout was seriously threat ened. Later Crelghton tried for a, field goul fro mtho thlrty-flve-yard line, but tho ball fell soveral yards Hhort. The Aggies did all their scoring In the third quarter, though they threatened In the second. With a high wind In their favor the Aggies punted Into Creighton's territory, held them for downs at their forty-yard . line and by lino plunging enrrted the ball over. On a tuekle swing Captain Holmes carried the bull frum tho eight-yard line to the (reel and Hlmms wns pushed over with It. HowenstliiQ Licked goal, tfeore: Knnsun, 0; Crelgh ton, 0. Threo mlnubes later FUhl, the mjiiry Kansas end, renuvered a beautiful on-side kick from Creighton's thirty-yard lino and ran. twelve yards for a tom-hdown. .:i eaey goul by iloweusttne made the score 13 to 0 In favor of the farmers. The Aggies made their best gains through the Crelghton line with Henri frequently currying the bull to advantage. Crelghton was more successful with end runs, In which play Prucha often distin guished himself. Few forward passes were tried by either side and none wss WiuocHMfuI, tiiough Madden nilssed a beautiful chance to score on a pass when a gust of wind carried the. ball Just out of his reach. The lineup: K. U. A. C. j CREIGHTON. Felps C. rr Hauler Wherle UO.itO. Hull, Rt'pleton Collins, L.T.IR.T Taylor Htahl L.E.UG Hopkins Burkhelter ....H.O. UT... Morgetithaler Lnomls K.T.I ,k Iialler Hrlmes R.T. R.T Schafter It. E.1 H. K Mddeu Hopper T H.K.;K E Black Wlmmn. Young, g.H. g.H Miller ltawenslelue J.H.iUII McCoitv Hehn R.H.iRlf. prucha. Ievl Ilolniea Tamsoa Hartwlg F.U.I F.H CRESTOy, In.. Nov. 11. (Special TJe gram .) Kcgrdles irf the storm the (Teu ton High echoul foot Ih1I Ifnin played Chu'itun vlth a sroie of fc to 17 In favor of Vt'n. The attendance wss lrge rgullllir' of tin; sloiin. I The l;ey to turcs lu lutlriefti is the J'j'1l-loi!a snd prlf)tent uee of newipnper sd' rrtlvlng. Bee SINGLE llth Wind Makes I w of I'erwsrd Tass Dlfrlrult -Hcvcbbc for lpfrp AdmlalKterad at at Ivcnrnr. NORTH PLATTE. Nb.. Nov, U.-( Spe cial Telegram.)-W!th tho tmperaturo at sero and biting uorth winds aweeplns; the 4 field North plstte defeated the Kearney .Military academy Mdtiy, 12 to 0. Taklnu revenge for the dofeat lust week at Kearney, North Platte scored on touch downs by Cunningham and Lincoln on short end runs, Norrls kicking goal In both Instances. Forty-yard runs by Lin coin nnd Norris featured.' The strong wind made forward paea.s difficult, North Platto getting away with threj and Kear ney making good on one.. O'Brien starred for. Kearney by fast end work. North Platlo'e interference was perfect and Its line plunges always made good gains. Despite tho extreme cold the attendance was good. Lineup: North Platto, Wilson c. Curiiilnghani ...R.O. Kearney. I'ruttynian Linn 'Mxld ... Mitchell Hooker liar Hart ..... O'Brien ...KlgrA'tC) ...J. Nasnn C R.O.. LO.. iTsmp j.u. KbrtKht R R.T.; Norris (C l..rr.ii-T Jitt R.H lR E. Mo Williams ...L.E.IL.K. Lincoln R.H R.H. Wewbns F.H. I F.H. Rvan L.H.L.H. Ruesell U.H.HJ.B. Hutherland Referee! Kwf.. Nntr 1'iatyiA limni... H. N. Rursell, Kenrney Ml'ltury acadeiuv) Field Judge: Walker, Jehlgh. Michigan Beaten By Cornell Team j ITHACA. N. V., Nov. ll.-Mh hlgan was defeated here today li to , The Cornell and Micliimin lines wore im pregnable In the . first hulf. Neither team's backs could make any headwuy by ordinary foot ball, and punting was resorted to, with gains about even. But ler tried for a field goal from mldfleld, but It went wide. Neither foal was thrcutcned seriously throughout the half. Lineup: Cornell, rmlerhlll ... Eyrlch Munk (c).... O'Ruiirke ... J fi. Whyte llunn . Champaign . Frits Butler Position Mlcvhlgan. ... onilus bogle ... Garrels . Psterson ... Kaynvr U K... ..L. 11. ..U T. ..L, G. C. ..H. U. . .R. T 1 J v L. T... U 11... r R. (J... R. T... ijull.ii R. K Conklln c) J. H Fl r,l ,.q. h ; i- n Wells O'Connor U H IK. H ... Carpell Thompson R. II. Whyte.. R 11. F. U. Ames College Hands Cornell a Shutout AM EH, la.. Nov. 1L Iowa State college defeated Cornell here tills afternoon, score, 10 to 0. Hunt and 1'fund did spec, tacular work and played tha Cornell lino to a standstill. The locsl team was In bad condition when tha game started and It was necessary to make a number of substitutions. Burge wss the star of the game, making fourteen out of fifteen possible punts and a touchdown, on w hlch Rlnghelnt kicked goal In tho third quar ter. ' GOVERNOR WILL KICK ' OFF AT FOOT BALL GAME LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. 11. To Governor Cheater H. Aldrlch fulls the duty of kick ing off at the start of play In the Mich-tgin-Ne.bruka game on November 25. Manager Earl O. Eager has secured tbe governor's promise to participate and at the nound of tho referee's wblstle, the state's executive will send the pigskin whirling through the air. The governor declined to say whether ho would Join tho varsity squad for practice before at tempting to perform on the foot bull flold before the crowd, nor would he say what tvgs h would w ear I'ur the octuctou. SPORTS COPY FIVE CENTS. KANS AS' PALLS TO TOE OP OKLAHOM A Boot of Captain Capahaw of Sooners Bring? First Defeat of Season, Three to Nothing. JATHAWKERS BLOCKED BY SNOW Brand of Play Compared to First Tear Scrimmaging. ? VISITORS IN FIGHTING j FORM Dogged Defense Saves Piling Up Greater Score. CHANCE TO WIN PASSED ' BY Sla Times Lavsrre 1 Hta Jlaf e Opportaalty te Croee Gel Ltae, hat Fall Csch Stlchsa .... Vic we Cvatest, LAWRENCE, Kan., Nv. .-(SpeuWJ.) Playing In a blinding snow storm with the. wind blowing, over the field In a fierce gale, the Kansas Jayhawhera lost their first game this season to Oklahoma, by a I to t score. The. day was freesing cold and It was Impossible to play good football; The Hnonera outkkiked- Kansas and had the better 'of the game In offensive plays. In' this department of tha game, the Jay-' hawkers were clearly outclassed by ttiulr opponents. Captain Capahaw anl Courtright. the( Sooner hairs,-played brilliant foot bail' and time after time the)-carried the ball for twentr-flve yards around the Kansas ends before being ' downed. The playing of these two men alone was ' responsible for the victory ... After three. minutes of play, the Okla homa team worked tbe ball to the Kan sas tweuty-flre-yard line, where ' Cap shaw kicked, a, .field goal for the only score of the game. Kansas fought hard in ins lattor part or tne game, out coma not Hrnrfi. Reeds, the Oklahoma punter, com- pletrly outclassed Delsney , -Kansas uni versity's star punter. The Oklahoman'a kicks averaged forty yards In spite of thu high wind, that was blowing. Deluney's boots were miserable and Kansas univer sity suffered. The playing of Hell, the Auniai quarter, ana . . vvoouDury, wxa the fuature of the Katisas play. Theu work was the only redeeming feature for e Jayhawkers, .annas had tlx chances to acure in tr.e .am and each of these times Delaney fallud at drop kicks. Playtng In the sec ond and fourth quarters was) In Okla homa's territory, but Kansas could not punt the bail over. Coach Stlehm of Ne braska viewed the game this afternoon.' He was much surprised at the peer show ing of Kansas. "The Oklahoma boys were too fast for the Kansas ends," said the coach after tbe game, "but Kansas played pretty good foot ball.- We expect to win from Kansas . next Saturday, but not without hard work." The Jayhawkers did not play their hardest game this afternoon. Only one time did fbey make first down and made but two snicoessfu forward passes. Today' defey will' not figure In the Missouri valley championship. Kansas Is pointing for Nebraska and will put up thejr strongest fight tiext eHtuiMs;- against rhe Cornhueker. The lineup. Kansas. Ahruns .... Ivramwell , Weldllne, Bumbam Palrd Davidson, ftchwak .. Mairill ... Position. Oklahoma. ...CIO Mer R.O. R.O ierry ...U O K O.. . Moes "N'ali r . Hoc. ...R, T.lR. T... ...UT I.T... K. Delauev ..U B.IR. E.. ClrK- HkII. Wilson O IO ImW.r I'avls R.H.'R.H... Caushaw , ) C. Wood bury,, L. IL L. H Courtrlgli! Ammons (c), Ianl-Us F. B. F. B Reed Ftehl goul, Panehaw. Officials-Refei . Brownfleld. Iowa, umpire. Gordon. icnl gan: field judge, Riley, K. C. A. ; heal llneaman, V'.Btea. Kansas City. Time of quuilers, 15 nuuaies. Attsnouutce, let').