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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1911)
TI1K OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 12, 1911. CARNEGIE GIVES MILLIONS Ctccl Magnate Announce Transfer of $25.OC0,00O ts Corporation. SFEEAD OF KNOWLEDGE OBJECT rhllanthropUt Makes l.arrt filft of Career fee Pnrpeae of Ad vnnrrmrnt a ml niffaalon of Koolr1r. NEW TOIIK. Nov. 11 -Andrew Car hrgl lart nleht annoimrrd that h hsd riven frj.W.VO to th Carnr-ulfl Corpora- ! lion of New York, organised here today under a charter grent"d by tho New York Jeslatur Inst June "to promote th advnncemrnt and diffusion of knowl edge and undorManfllna- amung tlx peo- pia o me 1 nueu male? Id litnwintf (Ma u ( f t llHAfl lh CUT poratlon, organized especially to receive tt and apply It" Income to the purpose Indicated, Mr. CarneRl in a statement iJven out at his home on Fifth uteiiua' tonight tald lie Intends to leave with the corporate body the work of found ing and aiding lihrarloa and educational 'Institutions which ha h in Individual ha carried on for many years. I'ha statement la a follows: "The Carnegie Corporation of NW York. Incorporated by on art paed by tha New York legislature Juna , l'.'U, wus organised November 10, . 1311. 'n-poae-a af Corporation. "The purposes of the corporation, at atated In tha charter, are at follows: "Hactlon 1 Andrew Car mule, Ellhu Hoot. Henry B. I'rllc.hett. William N. 'Frew, Itobert 8. Woodwatd, (.'harloa I.. Taylor, Ilobert A. Frank. James Ber tram and their successor ara hereby conatituted a body corporate by the name of the Carnegie Corporation of New York, for the purpoee of receiving and . maintaining a fund, or funds, and ap plying the Income thereof to promote tlie advancement and diffusion of knowledge and undemanding among the people of the United States by aiding tcchnlml schools. Institutions of higher learning, - libraries, scientific renearrh. hero funds, ' ueful publications and by ruch other agencies and means as shall from time .' lo time be found appropriate therefor." , ' Tha Incorporators met at Mr. Carnegie"! ' housa Friday afternoon. November 10, ' 1911, accepted the ciurtir, adopted the constitution and bylaws and elected the following officers: . President. Andrew Carnegie; vice president, KIShU Uoot; treasurer, Robert -A. Franks; secretary, James Bertram. ' Mr. Carnegie transferred to tha cor poration, for Its corporate purpose. t'5. ? 000,OUO, par value. llrst mortgage gold ; bonds of tha United Statea Hteel corpoia tlon. It Is Intended thdt tha business of jj founding and aiding libraries and educa tional Institutions, which has been cor fried on by Mr. Carnegie, as an Individual for many years, will be turned over to tha corporation at an early, data carried on by the corporation. V Cilft Iteacb Una Total. aoJ ' Mr. Carnegie donation of ia.toa.W9 to t the Carnegie corporation Increasea the 'total of his gifts for various philanthropic, . tiurposcs, to tha best estimates, to far beyond thu 200,Ouo,000 mark, r ... .. . .. .....ii.. J US not ary gin a:on wiaae prwcmwu M gliule of rttoxumenla around the world to"e man who soma sixty year ano began his Industrial career as bobbin I , boy In a cotton factory. Tha approximately Uteia of - Mr. car rtiegle's donations are: Hero funds (United States, Germany, Norway), s,iOu.'AA. 'teaching fund. I'JO.000,000. CnrniKias Institute at Washington, oii.ees In United State and Canada. LM,(A).lM). Toilers In Kngland, r.WttOOO.- Trust for KcoitiMi universities, i.0,0O0,CO0. Ijiuiilrrline triiBt. T.,oiw.ik). criii(iie mswmtle al I'Utsburah, fc3, fc.iu.uuu. Xellef ftind for steel workers, fl.WVnw. Hurenu of American republics. il.fcrt.OiO. . 1'eace temple at Hie Hague, lu,tM),UO0. ! I.lbiari.s JLA),(m).0Oii. International peace endowment, 110, Coo.ftiO. Corporation of Carnegie corporation. ti.vuw.uuo. Total, 213.tOO,0O0. Tnkey to sucess In business Is the Judicious and persistent us cf newspaper advertising. Meter an of YSwee R 0 TZ HII, H , j a, i.j . . nlv vlgoroui old ago U due to lta ua. Kor building up the sjHltm. iuipurili.s torn, and vitality to nil i4rts of tue body and tbu Jnaurlng longevity. It U unequaled mid bring gp.endld lebult. If people kuew more abo ut Duffy' I'ure Malt Wblshey we would have lew drunk tones au J wore ago! people." James A. lUpp, 441 S. Raymond St., Marinette, Wl. . STANDARD OF PURITY AND EXCELLENCE U o bso!utely pure dUtlHatlon of rlean selected Brain, carefully iuUed. When taken at mealtime It tlmu. .h. mUonn surfaces and little alanda of the atoinacb to a healthy action, thereby Improvlug the digestion, ... ...imii.ii... r h. tnA and Uie dlgtU ptocete la of great neci-Bsary to their susteuanre. and Indirectly to tne wooie systeiu ireubiu. Daffy's litre Malt M'bUhry is the only whiskey that was Used by the Oovnniueot a a jtuMVlclne during the Bpaulnh.AmerU.-s ar. T'.w senuln. Is sold IN HKAI.iCU u.vJlKiil bovkltt seM flee President Visits Scene of Famous Civil War Battle CHATTANOOGA. Tenn., Nov. Jl After a day spent In traveling through Tennessee prteldcnt Taft late this after noon was driven for thirty-five mile over the battlefield of Chlcknmriuga, where hltitorlan concede one of the bloodiest conflicts of the civil war was fought. For moro than two hour the pre dent motored over the hills and the valleys whore Generul Ilrngg. at the head of the confederate army and (lineral Hon crnna. on the union side, fought forty eight year ago with a total tors of more then &5,0oo. With the prns'dent rode former Con gressman rirosvenur of Ohio, who was lieutenant colonel of the Eighteenth Ohio In the battle, and who I now a member of the. Chl kamauga Natlonnl Pork com- rn!fslon, and former United 8,"l, Sen ator Frailer of Tennessee. ' The preKlOont was whirled by scores of monuments and paused more than once to read Inscriptions on the shafts. On the summit of Jelly' hill, on of li hotly contested apol on the battle field, Mr. (Itosvenor explained the way in which his regiment and those with him defended that point years ago. Ever since that bottle." said Mr. drosvrnor.' "wo've been trying l con vince the 'rebels that we won." 'Yoj had a pretty hot tlm of It, didn't ou?" asked the president. Henry Eames Talks On Growth of Opera The opera. Its growth from satiy form and how best to Judge excellence of the works of modern writers, all were AM- cuxsed yesterday afternoon In a mu sically Illustrated lectur by Henry P. Kamea at the Omaha Schsol of Mudto. The lecture waa the third of a aorles Mr. Fames la giving on "Tha Apprecia tion of Music." A large gathering listened a . Mr. Fame at the piano showed how tome music, generally regarded ai ultra mod ern, haa a most ancient origin. II traced the various forma of musical spreasion from period to period, taking a wld range of esample from th Italian. French and Uerman, and In the last analysis finding there something th an cients had kr.own. The folk songs of each people wer mentioned with their Important bearing upon present-day music. raying tribute to Italian opera as th form most generally recognised, most aotiularly enjoyed and prestuited In th theaters of th world, th speaker ad mitted hi personal fondness for th Qr man. declaring tha renllsm of Wagner and Tils grasp of th elemental of lit had an appealing power that to a stu dent of music for music's aak. sounded the command of a master. He cloied by playing "Wotan'a Far well" from Wagner's "Valkyr." Methods employed a the mechanism of musical writer were Illustrated by song. Mlsa Zo Frlea gav an arU from 'Thais." . Mr. Horton gang one from I.ully, whtl Mis Arndt oho song from "Mlgnon." . Mr. Kaine will talk on "Th Sonata and Byrnphony'' next frlday afumoon, Iowa Philanthropist Wins Suit from Wife FORT DOIXIK, la, Nov. JJ. (Special Telegram.) Mr. Nnt. Coffin waa re fused separata maintenance, and her bun bund, tho Si years' old philanthropist, I S. Coffin, wa granted a divorce In the decision filed today by Judge C. K. Albrook, who heard th sensational trial a taw weeks ago. Judge Albrook de mands that Coffin pay her fXO back alimony, but require her to pay much of th oosla. Mrs. Coffin' demeanor during th trial Impressed th Judg unfavorable. It aald. fin seemed exultant and contemptuous and not Ilk a woman suffering from dis grace or weakness. "She married him for 1,1s money ." th ruling '. Thouirh near Rapp, who 1 feels fine, ridea He attributes eran of three "I have used and find it to be divine to tha ivtinii its full proiiortlon of BourUbtnent. The action upoa Importance, a U bring to all the tissue UOTTLI'-t DNH-never In bulk frl.- 11 ou l-4uvU TbO Uufty Slall V lilskey Co., MRS. QUINN HEJiD FOR DEATH Coroner' Jury Accuse! Woman of Shooting Hniband. BOARDER ON STA5D AT IK0.TJE3T John M. Miller Told by AVldovr tba llarclars Had Killed Her Hnsbaad Denies Leaving; Illy F' lonlsg Killing. CHICAGO. Nov. 11. (Bpeclel Telegram ) Mrs. Jan Qulnn, whom the police are holding fallowing the murder of her husband recently and suspicion deaths otf two previous husbands', has a dsurrli- er, Mrs. Charles Kaenbuber, In Omaha. The police iihv leirned that several al leged robberies occurred at the Qulnn home- whlln Qulnn was away, ar.d sus pect Mrs. Qulnn of planning them. The police say that after ach robbery Mrs. Qulnn went to Omaha to visit her daugh ter. : . CHICAGO, Nov. ll.-Mra. Jano Qyinn waa held to the grand Jury on a charge of murder In connection with the death of her husband, John M. Qulnn, by a coroner'a Jury today. Qulnn waa found dead In bed November with a bullet wound In his body and Mrs. Qulnn doclared lie had been killed y burglars. The coroner Jury delib erated less than an hour. v Mrs. Qulr.n lli'tened to the reading of (be verdict without exhibiting the least Finn of emotion. iTwo witnesses were heard at th In quest. John M. Miller, a boarder at the Qulnn home, on cross-examination denied hav. Ing left th city th day after th shoot- ng. He said, he was awakened by. a revolver shot early In tun morning and ran Into Quinn'a room and waa told by Mrs. Qulnn that a burglar had killed her husband. The witness then dressed and eft th hous to find a policeman Policeman Alrolt testified to the work by the police on th case, Mrs. Qulnn declined to testify. Th Chicago pollc will continue their I . Investigation Into th mysterious death of Mrs. Qulnn' two former husbands, John McDonald whom sh married, In London, Canada, October S3, IMS. "" Warren Thorpe, whom ah married at Daf Lake. Mich., In October, 1301. Tho woman waa locked In a coll In th Kensington police station. Violinist Wants Divorce Set Aside LOS ANQKLEfl, Cal., Nov. U (Special Telegram.) Frans Wllntk, renowned In ICiirope and America as a violinist, who married Miss Newton of Los Angeles In Omaha In October. 190, today retained a lawyer to sue to set aM th divorce sh recently obtained here on the ground that It 'was obtelnd secretly. Summons wa liad by 'publication, when th wlf mad affidavit j.hat she dll not know her husband addresl.'' He declares that h wa In eorreeptmdenoe wtth her up to three weeks affo. attotlt the time Sh se cured th divorce. 8h alleged cruelty In that when thty were ln fcurope. wner they were nterta.hud by royalty, h was extremely jeaioua ana loroaao tier epuu- ing Kngllsh. une couta spean no orjer longu. Wllcsek fransW eaV "h 1 glad to ba rid of hla wife, who U th second tp divorce him, but he want tha custody of hi son, Newton. Wilcack, years old. Politics Appears ; at Labor Meeting ATI-ANTA. Oa., Nov. H. rolltlc threatened th peac of th label de partment of th American Federation of Labor today at today' version of that dfpartmtint, Vhen chnrgee wcro mad that John B. Lennon of Masaaonusett, ptesldtint of the department and treas urer of th American federation, had taken an unduly active part In th recent prohibition election In that state. Lnnon aumndered the cbalr tern porsrll) and emphatically denied tb reintru No action M taken. the century mark, Mr. Jamca A. served ln tho $minoie Indian Fea Wax, th, Mexican War wd tho Civil Wv,jk'XZ a mcycie ana laxea lonj waoKa. his wonderful vior to Duffy 'a Pure Malt Whiskey, which haa added many healthy and happy years to the lives of hun dreds of thousands of men and women in all walks of life. He writes: 4 'I am a fine old man, strong and vigorous at the age of Oborn in New York in 1S15. At the ago of 85 I rode n bicycle from MnriuettP, Wia,, to tho Philadelphia National Encampment, u distance of 1,380 miles. In my 84th year I walked from Marinette, Wis., to Cincinnati, u distance of 7D0 miles. I ara a vet wars. Knlisted in 1837 in tho Sominole Indian War, fought through tho Ever clatU'S iu Florida, dismissed in Buffalo in 1840. Unlisted in tho Mexican War iu 1844, serving five years, fought through tho country that ia -ow the Stute of Texas, and into the interior of Mexico; laid 11 months in Mexico City. In 'Go l enlisted at Fond du Lac, Wis.; serving in Sherman's urmv, inarching through to the son. Duffy' Pure Malt Whisk.y for 10 year ail excellent tonic atlmulant and believe nd organ ot th body the nutrlmeot U0 a large botHe. itocliebter. N. . l'octor s t tvtc an PARENTS SEEK Y0U50 MAN WHO HAS DISAPPEARED. i CLAUDE K. HAILET. Jury of Women Fails to Agree on Place to Eat Lunch at Noon IjOS ANOra-ES, Cal., Nov. It-Unable to agres upu(i an tiling. the liii woman's Jury to sit In Los Angeles was discharged lata today. The case waa that of I. 11. Nagor. accused of having vio lated the speed ordinance and arraigned In Justice Forbes' court. It was a stormy day for the women Jurors. After listening patiently for three hours to testimony and argument. tho J(ry at ji:30 0-cOCK wa notified to get ready for luncheon. Twelve different eating place were selected by tha , turors. Then two raid they did ( ant , go fct , ln valn $iA jus tie Forbe urg them to reacn an agreement as to a place for luncheon. Urinaiiy at 1:0 o'clock h ordered them locked up again. Th Justloe, too, lost hi luncheon, ' ' At I o'clock, after four and a half houra" deliberation, th Jury reported that It waa unabl to agree upon a ver dict and th oourt ordered lta dlncharge. Andrew Bonar Law Will Succeed Balfour LONDON, Nov. H -At a meeting to be held at th Carlton club Monday, Wal ter Hume Long will propose and Austen Chamberlain will second the nomination of Andrew Bonar Law as leader of th unionist party in th Hous of Common to succeed Arthur J. Balfour. " Mf. Uw'l election I assured and the leadership of the party will ' be placed In tho hand of a man with a brief par- llamentary experience, who ha never held a acat In any cabinet. In his short DOiltlcal ca.rttr. however. Mr.. Law has prove,i iimclf a brilliant speaker and . resourceful debater. The liberals frankly ,nmlt h(i fitness to be the party leader .ni im0ni all th names suggested for position regard him th roost danger- eus from their party viewpoint. Mr. Law, who ta aittlng for th Bootle division, Lancashire, southwest, wa born In New Briinswicrt m 1?W. Ills father was the Rev. James Law. lie waa edu rated In Scotland. He Is an ardent golfar and chess player. A strong protectionist, tha unionists con Mder Mr. Law their most persuasive I spesker on tariff reforms. 'Therefore, the party will more than ever be committed to tariff reform and espect that hla lead erahlp wllj Infuse a tron fighting uplrl In' tho ranks. Ills selection, being a compromise on due to th rival claim of more proml pent leaders In the party, la cerfain to en gender much dissatisfaction and it Impossible, at th present moment. predict how events finally1 will hii themselves. Mrs. Ruth B. Owen to Make, Homo in London DENVER.' 'Nov. 11'. (Special Telegrom -Ur. Ruth Bryan "Leavltt Owen, wife of a lieutenant In tho Prlttsh army, has permanently renounced America. Friend; in Denver received word today that th dughtr of w. Bryan would .homy to piak her permanent residence thr. iowm haa t-o on duty, m a letter to a ?Ztl& accepted a position in a military school la London, and that they will leave shortly to mak their home permanently in tb English capital. Mr. Owen aaya th visit to American soil will be few and tar between. Hibernians to Tako in a Large Class Th Ancient Order of Hlbernlana ot Omaha and South Omaha are arranging to Initiate a class ot 100 man nst Sunday Th exercise, which will confuyi the entire day, ar to b held in enuin Omaha. According to the dutaH now oumplet. Ill members and candldati-a will met In Hlhernlan hall. N1S N atreet. and from there will proiet in a body to 8t. Agnea' church, whfr they will attend mass. The Inltlstlon exervlses are to be held ln the Ancient Order ot I'n.ted Workmen hall. Twenty-fifth and L streets, starting promptly at t o'clock. Th ceremonlea of the day will be closed with a amoker, during which several ad draase will be nutdo. HUTCHINSON HEADS ORCHARD HILL CLUB C. D. Hutchinson was elected president of th Orchard Mill Improvement elub at a meetlns: held at th horn of II. F Donley on North Fortieth tret last night. Other officer who wer elected ar: J. U Jacohson, first vie president; U. 8. McAUUter, second vice president J. H. Lynch, treasurer; Hon. Mis E. V McCartney, secretary; lr. F. J- ! pecher, assistant secretary. The next aweting Mill be held at the borne of Herman Frlcka, Charles street, Frl y evening, November M. The club proposas to start a campaign among Iroprvvameot club looking to the election of commissioner for Omaha who will be men of broad view tor city buaiucQt bition enough to fill them with furniture and make out of them bother about the money, our liberal credit will start you our you a squaro deal. OQ-95 for an Excellent V&v SJ Base Burner An excellent, well made Has Burnor, with guaranteed fire pot: patent automatic feed magaslne, large cold air cir culating flues; Ursa base and heat radiating surface, richly Lamented with silver nickel rimming. 1rin('ailll i,H1 010.75 (n'Wa HI :,(J! s l!P!-lt5 I i ill I : ;; 1 B,oiiyDutfittinga TENSION TABLE Just like cut and a raot. wonderful value. ESTATE STEEL ItANGES Have a fir bo that is guaranteoel for flv year. Prices are excep tionally low for t b e o wonderful ranges. Investigate. Pleads Guilty by ' ! Telephone, Pays :. ,;Fine by Mail IOWA CITT, J. Nov. H.-Sptcal Th telephone waa put lntp novel use here today when the Amaaon Vinegar and rtckllng worka of TavenpOrt ustd .it as a mean ot appearing in court wb-n th company was ummoned to appear oa for Justice V. J. Horark to answer to a charge of food law violation. . Instead of appeering In pron a repreesntatlve of the firm called th juage up n long dtsunc telephon. pleaded guilty and then assured him he had just mailed a pajiurnt of ko lor Ins fine. Adunersieu vinegar caused the trouble. WOULD ORGANIZE INDIANS FOR POLITICAL PURPOSES 6POKANK, Wash.. Nov. U.-Organlsa. lion of ail North American Indians Into a national brotherhood to us political nflueroe In national eleettona will be at tempted this Wlntsr. AU 'lbe ar asked t send two or more representatives to a convention In Washington. l. C. Wcb ard C. Adaroa. a baif-b.-ea.I lelwr Indian, who Is an attorney at Washing too, 1 '.espousiblo tor th plan. Con Axe you living in a littld 2x4 hall bedroom and trying to make believe you are happy? Know the pleasure of living in a real home? Around this city of business you will find the city of HOMES. In which circle do you live? Down town in a hall bedroom or out among the trees and flowers? Out away from the hustle and bustle you will find many unfurnished rooms trreat sunshiny flats and dainty cot- l taffes. They are waiting for the man with am- $5.00 ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD STOVE IN EXCHANGE ON THE PURCHASE OF AN ESTATE STEEL RANGE. i. ... .-i. 1 if Ti-n'ff riilnul ii I, Tlll'll "' - THREE DIG RUG VALUES J7.50 Art Iteveralbl Hugs, good wearing quality can be used on either lle, 9x12 ft, 60 Qu sale price WO sail 11 8. SO Seamless Tiger Brussels, alxe 9x11 ft. a n.ost excellent rug and one that will give the beet of satisfaction, Bale Q f ft Q ft price V $33. HO Axmlnster Rugs, nine 9x12 ft., beautiful patterns. Uep rich pllo, larse a.artmont. sale price S 19.75 .. $ ft H ft For a Regular $15.00 JiwfU Howard Overdraft Healer Tho most powerful and economical soft coat stov constructed. Olvos you "twice the heat with one half the fuel." Buying a Howard Overdraft heater la a good investment. $22.50 For a Guaranteed $35 Steel Rangt Strongly constructed, large flre-bon, equipped with Duplex grates, good sine non-warpabl oven and Is complete with upper warming closet ;j...i.k..""'H'i,'."11 For This Handsome $10.00 Febricoid Rocker ICiactly like UJastratlon, and the seat rookcr value In all America, blg- Union OMAHA S.E.C0R.16W&JACKSQH STS: QO'SOUI)ATEl) WITH gressmen will t meinora-..aej uy ai h.ast eghi northwestern tribes, which i!elre control of their tribal properties. AGED WOMAN THROWS HERSELF FROM WINDOW BIOVX FAL.LH. 8. U., Nov. 11. (Spe cial Telegram.) Laboring under a se vere mental difficulty, Mrs. Elisabeth Foster, aged &. mother of O. t and J N. Foster, wall knowa buslners men of this city, threw herself from a thlrd stery window of th family home here today and sustained Injuries which re sulted in her death about an hour later. Both lees ware broken and her head was severely injured. Ithe had been cle!y e"-h.-d tc members of th famUv. ' eluded their viglliuic long enough to V.h- a felony tuck over her head and take the plunge from the window. STRIKEBREAKER Kl' I n" BRICKS HURLED FROM ROOF NEW TOKK. Nov. 11. The first fatality of tb strike of driver of citr ash and garba carts occurred today when Kobert ... , -tree struck oa the bead by brlcUs hu.'ied from rueftopa. Ha died of a fractured skull soon after being admitted t a hospital. Hanry Wilson, another strike breaker, was mortally Injured as a re- ''if a home and live. Don't money-back policy gives ' 4 .75 form Excellact $7.50 Soft Coal Healer They ar strongly . eon gtructed, have full bodlea of blue steel, cast Iron top and base, patent air regu lator, top ornsjnented with, pretty urn nnd entire stov ' trlnuved with silver nickel. t " ii unjMJIiBi 13.75 FOn THIS HAND. ?OMK $23 BUFFET Just like cut and finished In a beau tiful quarter-sawed oak, Haa French bevel plate mirror. MCUOUUAIi Kitchen Cabinets Wo are sole agents for this wonderful labor saving cabi net. Hup.dred3 of Omaha' best peo ple find dally de light lu having them. suit of the ntta'ck of a mob on a wagon he waa driving, and t score nonunion drivers are suffering from beatlnga. RISE IN PRICES CAUSES TWO FAILURES ON 'CHANGE NEW YORK, Nov. 11. Two stock ex change failures, itpulting primarily from th recent advance tn the market, were announced today. Tbe insolvent firms are W. I Stevens A Co. and Iiail& Whicher. Neither f.rm was especially prominent. In the market, but account agree that their recant operations were on the bear side. W. L. Btevens & Co. were organised in' April of 1W0. Mr. Stevens' partner and board member being J. W, HennJng. In the absent ot tb partners and their counsel no statement of liabilities or asaew wa obtainable. The firm was said to have been heavily short of Vol ted tltates 8lel and heading. The firm of Ball at Whicher cocalst pf O. C Pall and Louis E. Wbicher. the atter the board member, and la' little 'oi than a year old. At Its ottiee a r af statement a Issued, saying a gen- r.4 assignment bad been mad to Owes Abram, fjr the benefit ot creditors without preference. The statement else declared that unsecured llabll.Ue wer lea than fiUU.OUU, Key to tb Situation Be Want Ads. WIS IMWj ... I