TUB OMAHA SUNDAY WVA): XOVKMUKFr V2, I'.Hl. C ECHOES OF THE ANTE-ROOM inie. Sofia Stephsll to Gire Lectures Under Auspice, of W. R. C. SCOTTISH CLASS TO GATHER ttahe Tartr Will H- (iltn hy Ttl Achates Card Will Take l a AHratloa of Trala men 'a Tl'ltn, Mile. Hofia Ktepliall. lb Kif tI artist. ; wilt slve Monday night the firal of j series of three Von-rf-!r'ttifT" l Ba- j right haJl vnder the auvplce of Wntnens Itellcf corps Xo. SS and the Notional So ciety for liroadrr K1ur Jton. I mpcHllnir ruh rwllal she will glee aj brief lecture on music ami It Influence. Her special tltetne Monday tremlm wilt 1- "The Influence of Music."' ''Munlc and Childhood'' will be the subject TumUy afternoon at and at 15 In the evrn It. "Music and Life." Throo "concert-lot turee' are declared t'V authorlttca to be recltaJa of the Mzli Cit class. Although . an American hy birth, Sle Phall'a trreatoet triumph have hern won Jn Riiropo and the rrltlca unite In Bo lalmlng tir a am Her of first tank. Nor ha IMephaJJ been without her triumphs In Atnrrki, aliort though her recital totira have I.(tii, and proa and public Join In her praise. She will dlwun In her leeturra the tiee and vaJue of munlc aa a positive, vital force In the every-day Uvea of men d women, both from the standpoint of the vocal let ejid th musical educator. glepbuM will 1 assisted by Mia Xe'enlece Lathncp, the talented pianist. 7edepeaett Orarr of (Mil fellows. Omaha lodge No. S will tiave work In ! the second deirree nit Friday night. ' t Canton Kara Millard No. 1 wll'. .lot hold J ita regular eeml-monttily meeting next Saturday on account of riving- th use f II ball to Ruin Kebekah lodge for Ut night. ! ,IVcon lodge. No. i'tt will have degree frwork next Tumday evrnlng. . lleapniian rnrampment No. 3 will have j av large rlajia of candidates for the Royal I orpla degree next Thuraday evening. Waa lolga Xo. in will put on h Kond denra work next ' Wedneaday I 0ning. '; i TYIaDfla einnanintnent Vn M will taerea work, next Tuealay evening. , Pannobros lodira No. ns will confer lb aeoond decree, on a claaa of four anxltdatec tiext Friday venlnn. Iiaroar rioheheh kda No. J will J tiavo derr work m-xt Wedtaaday aven- . Pdulb Omiuia lolge No. UH will work I (n the flret drare tomorrow nlghU J)nniirtxt lodrei Mi. SH of Fouth j Oiiaha nil! hava work la tbeerond de. ! nnxt Heturday vveutiia;. ' ' j Ttotlj K.elK-ka-h lodge. No. 1 will elve a awlal a Odd Kollowa1 hall next Saturday ! (evening. 1 . j rrr m Kcwttlah t'laaa. I TUrn'ar mcatJntr of Clan Oordon No. K OnVfiOf H.iottlh TIana. waa held rneewHr artnanlnr wbnn V. D. Clark, golf iojrtrue.toe at t) Oma.ha Ilild rlub, waa luttlatad. Klecfloa el off! rem mY h hold during tt frat metlnr tn Dwnmbtr and mntaaflona will be ma da Tueailay, JZaereratiar a. A ThauikaglvtaK w.M and danre tvill Iva held under ajiapluea of tba Clan, In Hula hall, 1119 Hjtroay atret. Tucaday. , yVovnmber a, t 'dock, Refreahmenta ;U1 ba anrvad and an orebeatnt provideO. ' Aaarltaa Wablaa Omaha Council , No SJ. Amarloan INoblea, lield a. vory tnjoyabla meeting at tbeJr hall In tba A. O. V. W. temple, 4 !rt Tueatday. fWnreral candidate were Initiated. ReCrajthmentl wera ewrved I atfliT tba eneilng. and all preaeot prom- Jwd to ba on iiand agula at the next tkird Pavrtr Arraaged. Colflen , Rod lodga No. 117. ladlea' tuxlllary ' to tba Brotherhood of Rail read Tradnroan, will give a. card party In Modern Woodmen of America hall "H-'ailnesday afternoon. The committee In (harga U rompoMd of Jfie Parker. 51.' ma Ftorcon and Kttla Champrnot. nr4hbra fVIII Meet. Tlia aierpuara of Ivy camp No. X Rojal y.'elgbbcra of America, are requested to attend the neat regular mooting to be ti!d . November U. aa there la bualneiui tit Importance to,ba brought vy for the imp. W. H. C. ta laapertra. Oeorga A. Cutter IVomm'i Relief IT'orye No. 13 will be Inapected by Paat i leparttont President Helen 11. Cook Tuoaday afternoon at their hall. Nine- .teentb and Harney atreeta. j law aad tira tarty. I Vnloo. fiwlflo council. No. ms. Royal i Aicaununi, will conduct dance and card I arty at Chambeia academy. Twenty. flrtii aiid Karaain at; tela, Tureday even- li t. November It I rrateraal 1 atoa of America. , Muibra and filenda of Mondanilu j 71. No. 111. are anticipating much fun i a Hie Poverty eot lal vrhU-li will be held j Monday evening. ember 30 at Krlnaer ' lall. Twenty-fourth and Parker atreeta j Acaatea Plaa Rube Party. Ou.eha lodge No. 1. Royal Achutra, will anre a frea Rube-1 party at their lodge ' itimna Tuesday itlght. November II. All I A A. V A Guarantee instead of a "Caution goes with the Walpole Hot Watlr Bottle A very giMxl reason fur your insisting upon tha u Hot Water Dottle I ('be pice of moulded rubber ao sums, '-h;U ur i. mailt to l M .y tiudcf tUoi acUoa ; 1 1 UvK ii-tcr . ' ilo.t economical, too, btuuai It will out ; I- Uuae otdinny w.tcc l.tt!e, yxt costs Be Suits ! l-a liJiy ot!w-T9. Ml 9t (I t. I wtli'l Ifr'iML I 11 H. Ct'4a W W.i .iu rwms ftiiM I t ) 1,K,1.M. lurM vim tl U tiffin 4 vjor 4rurl:t. ltIsrnnAt I .. y4.o.- liuiit Sftd.Ki I.J iyti inm liMfji. W- ' it t ia ukih irfM,i4 . U Mod it f.p.e. e. s a nM m Jammer St., tastes. IIms, MU'AUMI --mm u ... ! iJiLLIIiillJliiiii..!.!., ,,.n..l....-i.. . :g u u if Kama -.uUmiuJijmmWMmmmxz-swwwn H Tt is ul!t and unnecessary for us to try to praise the tjiiality of the goods wo have plaeed on fale at our great half price sale now going on. It fx-aks for itself, being all firf-t-elass standard makes of the newest and most artistic patterns, and you may read for. yourself nil our finest manufacturers ' trade marks. AH prices arp marked in plain fig ure, just half of the usual cost. Yon are simply lowing money by not attending this half price sale, A glance over this scale of prices should convince you. DIAMONDS . DIAMONDS Did you notice our Dlajuond ad last wk; If you did not a good nuny other did. from the way they took advantage of our ppcclal offer. Here la a better one for this week: carat, perfect without flawa or carbon; guaran teed absolutely white, in tiffany 14-k mount ing. Our apodal aale price $3.50 WATCHES Iadie email 0 kle, itolld gold, H-k taae fitted with genuine K'lgln or Walthara movement. Our apecial salo price $15.25 Gentlemnn'a 16 hire, 20 year hunting caae. Plain or fancy'engraved; fitted with our Elgin. Waltbani, Hampden or Ttockford 17 Jewel movement. Our upeclal Mle prite 917.75 All ntoTemeiitg guaxonleed C yra. and kept In repair. SEAL RINGS Ladle' and geotlcmen'a bigh grade aoJid luold goal ring in all the very latest drelfe-nt;, beautiful anortmeiit to aelwi from. Regular pHcea $3.00 ta flfl.oo. Our apeclal Hle prlcea 31.50 to $0 Solid Gold-LOCKETSGold rilled' Holld gold diamond net Locket In - wlain, plain Roman atid hand engrared deeigtta. Kegtilar '. prices ifi.OO to S75.0O Our apeclal aale prices High grade solid gold filled fancy and. atone aet designs, to 13.30. Our special , to ,, .No time is better than the money and worry.' Every article you select wished. And best of all, you get it for half Hut select your purchases early, while the s diamond easel in tho window. AT THE SIGN OF THE CROWN Oppssife tne lianon xirp - a m-J .. aafle aT Store member of th order In Omaha and ttouth Omaha ars cordially Invited to at traid aod tprttig their frlenda. No charge fur admittance. It la lioped that all who can will appear In appropriate coatumee. PRISONER ESCAPES BY USING A DUMB WAITER Frank Wllklna, a neRTo from Wichita, Kan., made hie eacape' from the city Jail ftaturday morning by cram ling down a dumb waiter chute, after he had robbed a sleeping prisoner of an overcoat, and a ault of clothea. Wllklns wa later cap tured at the Turlington depot as ho waa ebout to board a train for hl home. Wllklna was arreated three days ago on a charge, of petty larceny and waa to have been tried In police court. About 5 o'clock while lila fellow prlaonera' wera aleeplng, Wllklna aroeo and Htole cluthea and an ovorcoal from William Dobbins a nr.gro. After donning Dobbins' suit over hie own Wllklna put on the overcoat and groped hi -)' to the dumb waiter. He pulled It up and then crawled on It and lowered hlmrelf with the rope a above tila head. When tha escaping prlaoner reached the b rttora of the chute ha was In the kitchen and It waa an aaay matter to unlock the door and let Mmaelt out. When Dobbin aruae and found his Clothea gone tin noti fied tha turnkey and an Investigation brought out the fact that Wllklna had eltipprd. Wllklna pawned the ault of clothea, but kept the overcoat, llo then made hla way to the Burlington depot, there a ticket waa watting tor lilni. The ticket had been emit by a con f-Uor.it a at Wichita. SKINNER'S MACARONI WEEK Kree Tag and BeVa fle Intv I'.rery llama la 'I rK tttea IHirlag t Few Hare. The Skinner Matiufactnrtiie; eomiiany of Ontaha will thia week dletrlbute at every iKrure In Omaha, Kouth Omaha and Coun cil lUuffH a tag which can be inted et any grocery Mtore for 5 cents In value toward the purchueo of a 10-cent package of xklrtner'a famoua mucaronl or ary of the other produots made by this firm. With every tag aleu will bo iUed a recipe book, edited by JJlas Harriet MaUurphy, who la one ot the food Inpector of Xe braeku. Tho taga are good at any gi'ocevy stoi-e j and will give people of th TM-cltlen a I grand opportunity to try the famous j iintcHroid products of tho Skinner cum i ptny. The firm la one of Omaha's tnot I prosperous, and though It hna been en gaged In buoiruas only n x'-.ovt time. It Uow la atrong in i-onipMltlon tor the ohr macaroni inanufactiirent of this aocthm. ilouaewlvcs of the TM-clttee art urged -to use the tags left at their doora and to ba sure to tw that they sh.it s get Skin- per . product, when tl.ev buy All g,o- Ulc ,ov,rmn.nt ilrltt jrv,v., tne Unda o'e'sl hn-heyr. entered th.!, 4,,, ,nU TO BUILD FOUR HOUSES ON POPPLETON AVENUE . U. A. Denhani, a southern caiiiialist. bss bought tho northeast corner of Tweuty-feeventh at roe t and rVprlatoo avenue. tCxlM feat, and ulU build four f rants houses, to coat UXOOD tu fU.(M In tlie Bctrvcaie. The grouud waa bought from L, If. Kurty through tha Tyroa Heed company aud tba Thlppen Heal Kb late company. 1 A Heret tlluk 0 maUfia. liver ilrransement snd kiJn.T liouble ! easily etired bv :iecl-lo IHurrs, I He g israoteed reinrdy. y0r aala by bst' n Loi-og; C. sssss BRACELETS isolid gold nud colld gold diamond mounted Ura'-elet. Uogular prices 5.0O to 3133.00. Our ftpcial solo prlccK $2.50 to $63.50 (sold filled, plain and fancy designed Bracelets. $1.25 to 916.50. Our special gale prlce3 t Q3t 88.25 UMBRELLAS Ladies' and gents' in gold filled and silver mounting. Re&utar prices 97.75 to 913-50. Our anec'ial ealo pi-c -93.88 to 97.75 STERLING SILVER TEASPOONS Below wo are quoting a few of our prices on the most popular patterns: doz. Madam Jnmel, large size Teftiooiis 95.00 Ya dot. Madam Jumel, S o'clock siv Teaspoons, l 93.75 Vt doK. Lily, large sixe Teaspoons 96.50 V do-. Lily 5 o'clock sizo Teaspoons ....$4.50 V4 do. Uly of the Valley, large size Teaspoons, "l 84.15 ' doz. Lily of the Valley 5 o'clock TeeKpooriB, at e 1847 Rogers Bros. Silverware , Just to remind you that our prices are Jn;t ! j of the regular prices. ; Souvenir Spoons Any Souvenir Spoon In the store, values up1 to !.00, one week only 7f)r S3.00to S3S.50 Lock eta, in plain ' Regular pries 2.23 aale prices' $1.13 96.75 present to pu rcbase your holiday presents. You save both will be put away and kept for you until price or less. Fairer offer was never made. tock is fresh UNCLE WH'SLAND LOTTERY After the Joy of Winning Comet the Tsk of Holding On. BUSISTESS END OF THE JULES tiaaraeter ml he Land 9 abject - Dairy aa4 What the Wlaaer Maat Do ta llach the I'riit. Tho trip to Gregory, tha registration, tho return Jaunt and the Joy of pulling down a number In the land lottery of I ni-Jn Ham, are mere plcnlo frolics com pared with what tha winners ar. up against If they conclude to take tholr lire of Kouth Dakota land and abide by tha rulea of tha game. J.acu trnon whose ' tiama has been drawn . will receive a poftal card notloo of lila or her number. About March 1 each person will ba notified again of the lima and plana when and where to ftlo upon tha land ha ha a aelacted. He will be given plenty of time to go over both Mullet ta and Bennett counties and asloct the land ba wlehes to file upon. The filing will be In Qretrory sad Judge Wltten will have charge of tt. I'prfn tha opi.nl i ig day the noma of No. 1 will ba called at tha door of tha building. If No. I lespomli aha must aelect from a largo map In the offloe the land upon which she wishes to file and she la then given fifteen daya to visit tha land and look It over. Within that fifteen daya aha must ftla on tho land. After the name, of JS'o. I has been called tho name of No. 3 la called, and ao on. It a prrxon whose name Is called doos not appear bin name la called three times and Is called again that night before the office cipjea. If he does not appear, the next name called Is given that number. Tli us. If In' the calling of 600 nauiee only .'4 respond, the one who draw No. ; ) wouhl have tho J5Mh chotco of tha laridH. j those drawing numbers ever appeared to select thrlr land and probably It will be tha same in this case. There may even be a chance for the person drawing S.Ouo to get a farm, although tha whole num ber of farms to be drawn la only about 3.000. Hut the big pt.rventage of failures to appear is among the holders of high number. Where the Prise Lay. A correspondent of tho Kansas City Star mho recently inspected tha land opened to settlement, presenta some facta worthy of eartioct consideration by lhe winners, lie, writes: Tha lande are all the counties of Mel lette aud Bennett in South DaJ.ois. Mel lette was a port ot the Rosebud and Ben nett a part of thn Vine Cldge Indian reservations. In oprulug those t ountiea sections and alloted a section of land to every Indian untitled to have It. Too Indians wtta given tha first choice. They went In and aelected the choicest lande In both coiiDlloa, and thoee lands are not to be opened to settlement. The londa to ba opened are those discarded by tho Indiana. Tho topogrmvpy of tho country to be opened la much like tho aaud bin country of Bout h eel Vanaaa, Tbo soil Is about the aaine. There are many sand Ml la and uiuuti land that will bo too rough for farming. All of tt la good gresmg land and that rnioutb enough to farm Is very f 01 tile. Veanott county I almost all prnilh. There Is very lilt'.- good land lu that couuty. An Idea, of the nature of the laud may be bed from tne xaluatluiu put upa tt by the gereramcnt appraisers 0 83.25 and complete. Look . for the 115 South 1?th St. ZESBSBSSSSJ lietore the leaistrutiou began government agents visited every tract and placed the values at from SJ cents to 18 an acre. In alt of Bennett county I h we is only 6:9 acrea or land left unselected by tho In dians that waa appraised by tho govern ment at from 13 to tl an acre. This Is enough for three full farms of 160 acre and one more smaller. In that county there are 17,00 acrea appraised at from 12 to 14 an sere 'and 75.000 acre appraised at from 23 cents to $3 an sore. In Mellette county, which la by far the better of the two, there are 1D,000 acres of first-class unsetected land appraised at $0 and I an acre. 70.000 acrea apprui.sed at H to tt un acre and 3.000 and toon acres sppralned at from 28 cents to U an acre. Aa o farmeats. Jn filing upon the land a feo of 114 must be paid. One-fifth of the appraised valoe also must be paid at once. Thus, if a person got a claim appraised at ti un acre he would pay lit down. The bal- anco must be paid In five eiual Install ments, which will become due two, three, four, five and elx years after the date of entry, 'If a payment Is not made in cash when duo all payments made before re forfeited and the land reverts to the government. It Is well to bear this in mind, too. be cause there are persona who drew lauds In tha openings of the laat seven 'year In Bonth Dakota who arc hard pressed this year and are petitioning the govern ment for permission to leave their land.i for two years to go awsy and get work to complete payments on it and to muKc a living. That fact will be denied in Cost country, but It la true nevertheless Borne are abandoning; their wiomeateada an,; going out to other plucea to try and make a living. The trope wore poor there thi year, as they were almost everywhere,' because or lack ot molsiuie. Moat M There Foorteen Mouths. A person drawing a claim must live on It continuously fourteen months. That mut be an actual residence. - Thore w ill be no trickery auch an lisi been In other openings. The rule will be enforced. A person muat abandon hla other reldence and muat go to live there , within six montha after filing aud stay fourteen months. Then he may pay up and get u clear title and sell If he wlahe to. Other- wise he msy get titlo by sieving five years and making payments In inxtaJl ments. He must cultivate the land and improve It. Leaves of abaence of one year will be granted after realdeoce on the land has been established actually. but that will be granted only In caae the enirymaa la prevented by sK-knees or crop failure from making a, living. It aliould bo borne in mind that your home In either of these counties wlil be from twenty to fifty mllee from a taJi road. and the roade are through a vandy country, making the haul to and from railroad towns hud and elo. All build ing materials, fuel and aiiplle muat be hauled In, and the crop must be bauhxl out to market. ladleaa foe Kelarhhora, Some of your neighbor wl'l be Itxlluns. whoso tracts of land are enattcrr-l all over the two coiinlle. They are Indians who have lived In the wild all their lives. The government frowns upon the aale of land by an Indian. The polii y will he U prevent them from selling. Al lotment of their lands la a scheme of the govern a it it to relieve Itself of part ot the capenee of uprtlrg the Improvident Indians. - Indiana ate permitted to lease iheli lands, through the government, tor fium Its to $) a quarter t-4uon a year for a term of five yeara. Many of ILoec vho registered Intend. If they draw Mad. In lease laigs tram of Ind'.an and schoui t -v r7tf M in I lite -UAJ i i li ra I wm m i tv.Wi MM til 1 (FJ til W W TP--- 98 FBLLUflL Ac We allow lull value lor old niachlne's or any make to purchas ers of the new Columbia Grafonola. Don't let your old machine stand in tho way of your Retting the latest and most perfect sound reproducing Instrument. Come in nd .bear the Grafonola and talk the matter over with ub. You do not know what a talking machine tan do until you hear the Grafonola. - , Columbia Phonograph Co. 1311 Farnam E. C. POORE, Local Manager 1 imiwini mil mi i n ii iiiiihh inn m iiimii,. !f ".w. v. -e n rtL B wm asjamaiauajBBBekeahssaBBBBBBBBWka Change in Sunday Time Card On and after Sunday, November the fifth, cars will leave Twenty-fourth and N Sts., South Omaha, for Belle vue and Fort Crook, every, half hour Sunday afternoons after one o'clock. Omaha & Southern Interurban Railway Company EC Deaf People Hear Whispers With Common-Sen to Ear Drums j -"Wireless rhones for tho Ears" ' For twenty years the Com-1 tnon-rnse tar uruma nave been rivms; good bcarlnc; to hundreds ot tbouaudH of jfy- 'A deal people, and they will do (P . i, MiesAuit iorall wbotry them. J"' . trery ronaittoo ot cleatnefte . . 9t defective heMtiug is bring Seined snd cured, such as Ca tarrhal I leatneaa. KeUxod oriunlien Drums, Ihickened Drums, Uonriug and Hisaiog Sounds, Herfora'ed ot Partially Ieatroyt lrutut.Urucn W holly Destroyed. bii.charj from Kara do matter what tliecsuaeorhow long atanilmj tliecaiie lauy be. tiiore in hope ol good hearing- for all tie arTlicted deaf. ' The Commnn-Sense Kar Ururn la made el a Bolt, aentltlited material, comfortable and ante to venr. Thev aro ont t t.lght when worn, and eimily acliaated by the wearer. Good hearing brinuscheerfnlaeu. comfort Bed sun htue into Ilia die o( tlie li'nely deal. Our Free Hook, which tella all. will be sent on applicatiua. Writs tor it today to I Wlt-SON EAR DRUM CO. (It) 3 JO Tsdd B.ldm LMUTille, Kr. lunds and farm ur Kruze them. Tl.e irov- ! ernnicnt renulrcs the kaor of a tract of 1 Imlin lar.d to put a thit--nriiJ viira feiu'e all around it. That will oust a'.iout 13.41 .and the (erne will bdoig to the Indian. 1 Tl.e lnuian lan ta Are tirt Livable. That i will 11. low the whole burden of taxation upon tlie lands o:' tho wli tu s-Il1imi. County buijdlngs urid at hoo'.s nn.t he j built und county ofiireir pul.I and the taxis probably will be hfav. I'.i-ciufe of the Indians laiuH hCMttered tl.rouko the two counties the u nite aetiieis .11 he few ami far apm t and there will uot be many toa-tis. Iinds will not be as vslua- ! ble for those it.mi os It Is In the conn, ties direcily rut tbut were, itceiuly opened. In t!ioe counties farms that wore takt a a few e4ia ago have fcdu at from li.tM to !w). It Is predicted !; cotiai rvat'.ve men aho know the country that any lvon:e atead In Id lli ttc county arpralre J now at from U to 1 nn uc:c will l.c r.oilhi from t;.tf) to H fouiteen inorili. after j it had lvn entered. ... . ilia,' Copyright Han kkifau 4c Uu( DRS. MACH & MACH ueeessor to BAILEY & MACH - VSsTTISTS Neatest eci'ilpped rientsl ortice In Cimsha. Illithest grade Oeiitlstrv at teasonable prices. Porcelain fillings, Jvtol 11 t. toulh. All 1IaI( UlUtf.i.d uaretuliy aterUinsd after each opera- Ul'U, Cor. ISth and rarnam utm. THTt Fuooa axto- ir.ory siiei.'w.s an m aaia isi iwsbw. fflGHCUT SHOES FOR THE BOYS Both seasonaVile and sen sible. A .positive neces sity from now on.' They keep the feet and legs dry and warm and go a long way towards keep ing the bov. well and heal thy. ' ' These, shoes are water proof' and are guaranteed the best shoe value on the market at these prices. $2.25 to $3.50 Our winter stock in cludes a big selection of children's shoes for all oc casions. SHOE CO. 16th and Itoaglaa Sts. M LAND OWNERS lirtnn to seU ttVir fttrius r land will find an al In Iho I tee Farm and Jlanch l.autl C'u'uiunS most auccceful. HART, SCHAFI'NKR cS: -MARX havc made for us anew .Raglan slip-on that's just about the most swagger thing you young fellows will wear or see worn this fall. Loose, baggy back, with good, generous collar and lapels, the Raglan shoulder gives ita very smart air.' Big, generous pockets at the sides, with vertical openings; you can reach through into your trousers pocket without unbuttcning the overcoat. It's only one of many good overcoat .styles we show. Better look 'em ovt.-r. Suits 18 and up. Overcoats $16.50 and i;;. HAYDEN BRO. This storo is the homy ol Hart, Schaffner & Mar:; cluti,'.-;:. iaU Health and Happiness you eanuot have'ontr without the other. Damp, Gold Feet destroy health ami happi ncss. If you would enjoy both protect your feet. Colds and Pneumonia eanuot veah you if you wear Cushion Sole Shoes They are a non-conductor of heat and cold. . Your feet are at an even temperature in these shoes. The" are made on a com mon" sense last with soft, porous, felt cushion insoles. The only real cushion sole shoes. : - -Men's i.. 5:00 Women's, $-1.00 Drexel Shoe Co. i 14 Id Fftrnam St. ABOVE ALL I M QUALITY FOR HOME CONSUMERS PHONES Doug. 119; Ind. A-2119 V11U. BOEHKOFF Retail Dealen Officc-803 S. 7th St. man no fSJa MHIualtl j S 1111 wrm wwt mm p.ri mw the Bsr. Tbr aalT rllati7 k. Lane kille gl.BSi lartotte. Bead Sor booklet rre. Josephine Le Fevre Company Philadelphia,' Pa. Sold by rwaton Urug Cd.. tlia Bell iJi ug Co., ami the Hennett Company. Oinaha OCEAN STEAMSHIPS -alyEypt SPECIAL TRIP KAISERIM AUQUSTE VICTORIA, tta Ui Ktt Brl m.-nti lax ur ' nTiicr lt.9 Hktu;urf Amcrii au srvi.e. E(i'l( with hiri Cetrlioa KrKraarsini. Ialm imoati iaj, trie baib.s tieraru . Mill Nw T i rCBRURV 14. 19U, f"T Mairlr 4.1Uml(tr, llrn, IllelrtagkcU I M(rt OflOi, ISa- . I . m.m..t sV..e B.ni J 'Xitut for sUjLu-r.M'tLij t c.i' U rurt. V I 10 or frm Pert td. f lu.l auJ up. Ti or frtaB all otitT p;tt 91 13 qI bp. iM Criei to the Orient, 1n4tt, hflk Atrerlm, fcajrui II Hii'W, sj.'f. ilAMEURC-AMERICAfl LIKE i I'.i V.". I'.r.ndo'; li M... C!Utf ot .oral ar,:. c lar k-;s;- c ;n u lis e j "OrtMA3 f AVOWITE ' 1? n F.6. t IHW us. Ut .". 0.,,. i:,'lu'iin Sli " .--TK, :u a mm. ii. A'iiik. O.M!.r. T i l.,. II l.u4. laifx l.i.v i.o. : I.,, I rK.tNr. uAKK, 'mora nr.if . .Ne Yo.-i. W. B 1j C!im S.rtc-, 0aia. a; 4. , v. " 1s. I i rV ' '.-l ) :