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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1911)
W, OMAHA' PTNDAT J1EE: NOVEMBER 12, 1911. Rifllil Now You Need These Warm Wool Dresses The Prices arc Templlnoly Low ft. rf:. ;.;!!. ill- 2 L. W. GOODEJTILL ALIYE Dei Hotnej Kan Found Eot to Hate Ended life. O'CAILAQHAN 017131 TEH YEAHS 4 'O; J4c Bradeliase seuteoroe Pnratr Deputr Vmmnir Triir rest Ma4los)r. Keller's Trial !. rmm a fluff Correspondent.) tES MONIES, Nov. 11. ("pedal Tel egrsm.) Th eurprlslnf Informstlwri u retolvej ber4 today In personal letter from New VOrk that Lovery W. Uk1, who Visa reported to have com' muted ulcM in Modioli two weeks aire, is In fact nllvc and that what hsnrsrsl w Hint lis took an overdose of mor phine ana was only esved from death I after a I. or a etrut's'l. i T) press dispatches hud carried nsws 1 of lila death and U was accented hers at hit old hm aa correct. The news created a naatloit, a 1i ns4 at oae tl:na tn one of the fit; "a moat prom , lnent real eetets man and wore recently liad keeu angatrad In promoting a, rail road la tna aoath. . tla lived in KVw York and ri la. The' na of hta being allva cam a aurprla to hla ralattve bora. . Tea Yrara for O'Callaafaaa. Juf.f Biadahanr In Ilia rm of Jamra O'Callachan tanlanoad tho former uaputy treurr to kn lndtermlnato aantanco ot Kdlrig ten eaia at Kort Modlaott pnltt!ar-. CCallaalian waa eonvlrlod of conaplrary In tha cttrmjit to roll tha rolk cottnljr trcMury tlio ulilit of M rch tl. Kellr'a Trial (. Thaaa of iwiUrtji 1. Kallj-. held n a Chaita of killing lpt Sheriff c'laranca Woolman of Ccjiuii Uluff and Edmund ftteriiua: of te Mulnea. waa aaatKnad for trial In court on N'ovombor II. Ttia trim fbr ir. Kally will to triad wara committed at th Klrk wood hotel early In Iho year. SNOW AND COLD i SEIZE WEST IN ! THEIR ICY GEIP (Continued friitn Flret I'asa.l oay lnUude.1 lii-nverTTlia" graVp! hi ten mtnutta tho mercury dropiwd from M dugreea to S) an! thea In niuit l!j:l.y fashtve, acfunipfJ"!! uy a heavy fall f iiwk, dacllned to ; Ctkioe 1.-I0w ri PIICHRK. B. 1).. No.-. l..The 0r rnowatorm In J tnxa jivolla hcra t )Jay. With aero and lujn w-j 8IUUX CITY. I:. No. ll.-8aow la PA "' f t - ' I The Diamond Store And Why? Fremzer'a I tha diamond atore of Omaha. This mutt la adralt tafl by tha people of thla city wlo hava Vetn bul:.f the-te procloua tom for wauy yr. And tha rcHu?i why thl U tha dUroond atoro lie lu tha fact that wa aiercla sreater care aud dlarriiuinatlou in tha teWtion of tllaiuonda for our atock than any other dealer. Dlamonda tar been a gpeclalty with u for more than tweuty year and we Lave achieved the name of glriuf better dlamonda for the price than any other western atoro. Our expert! are constantly on the lookout for the finest stonea and we alway. gtv. the greatest value. All diamonds sold by u are sold under contract to buy ba.-.k at any time within one year at price paid, loss 10 per cent or lull price allowed in eichange at any time. V .- 'XZ&ik DODGE. There arc times innumerable when one longs for a chnngo from the conventional shirt waist nnd skirt; nothing will af ford a fuller measure of ilcnsurc and satisfaction than one of these delightfully stylish wool drespes. All wool serges, panamas nnd challics, offer many possibil ities to clever designers, each garment here possessing an in dividual style, readily distinguished from its neighbor. French plaids, deftly blended, transform a riot-of colors into beautiful patterns and soft, warm effects. Plain colors, too, of navy, brown, red nnd copenhugen. Junior and small women's sizes. Prices $14.75, $17.50, $19.75, $22.50, $25, $29.75. Every Little Girl Needs a Wool Dress Now One would almost think they nil came hero for them we are fitting bo many these days. French Challies with liny little polkndots, nro new with tho season, and very pretty. French plaids and serges, panamas and mohairs, ' navy, brown, Copenhagen, black and wine colors, sizes 3 to 14 years, prices, $3.50, $3.95, $4.50, $5.50, $0.50 to $13.50. Tho handsome Man tailored Peter Thompson dresses uro found hero ex clusivelyjust tho men tion of Peter 'Thompson sets every little girl a wishing. It's the best all servico garment you can get for tho daughter. Navy and Royal blue, black and cream serge. Also middy suits in all white serge. ' AMD If If 1S18-20 Fnrnam Street falling her and rapidly. temperature dropping FATAL BLOOD POISONING FRO MHANDLING P40NEY STKNCKTl, In. Nov. 11. (Special.) Blood polaon, auppoaed to have been contracted while handling moti- canned tha death today of Mra. Fanny Hagerty, for twenty years deputy county clerk of Clay county. Tho blnod polnn at tled back of 'the yn nd went to the hrnln. It la believed Mra. Hugcrty got the dlueoaa germ off tha money on her handa and then ruhbed thorn Into her PLAYERS SOKOTGET MONEY No rinanclcl Interest in Motion Picture Privileges. COMMISSION AN3WEHS GIANTS Thee TboaaauA llollnra Credited to Oeaeral Fond and Will U Ap. plied to rn imcbi Operatlaaj Kseaara. CINCINNATI. Nov. U.-Tlia National &a c. nnniMioii In a Imati. i.iU iu putillo to!ay aaya that neither the New Trk . National league playcra nor tliv mcmbtie of the l'hlladelphla American league club are entitled to a, ahura of tho money obtained from a moving plvturo company for the privilege of taking mov ing picture durln the laat world' championship aerlex. Th eommUolon dirclare that tha IJ.&C) aald by the plcturo concern for the con. ceraion I: been credited to tha general fund f the commlraloii nnd will be ap plied to tha laymn of operating ex pense. Tho matter wai Vrou;ht to tha atten tion of lila oommUeion by rreildtut T. J Lyuuh of tha National league, who, dor lntf the playing of llio world' aeiica, waa handed a written communication by member of tho New York club In which they asked about the puturo pilvlltiget. Tha player tald tiu-y were dlsiuttsfleu With tha trcat:r.t-:.t received at t!ie hand of the cor.iniliKlon In tresrd to the pla tures, anl they InqulreJ why tho prtv tlsaa were sold without their convent. lo It acswef tod&y tu commltialos an-ter to i'jct'on of the New Tork playvr !n detail and cay t'i letting o" the contract did rot concern the members of eltller Hub aril that they did not hftvo any financial lii'.ere.'t In tha ter. Ditfrnu faeerrry In tha abdmulnal retion la t njventad by tha uta of Ir. King Nw Ufe, ptll, the palnlen pu; 2..C. Kar ea'e by lloa tun li Lg to. ft.' TROUTON GETS CONFESSION Deputy Fire Warden Eeturni from usceoia with It EVIDENCE IN ARSON CASL Harm Kkaak, fioand Over la l'alk C'naaty, WIH lo., Teatliaoay of Alleajra Confederate, Oliver Urifrin. deputy Stat fire War.hal John Trou ton returned to Pouih Omaha yo.terdiy with a wrltttn confetaloti of Oliver Orlffln, who I being held a a wltneas In tha araon tae asalnat Harm Bhank bound over to dlstrlot court under S COO bond, charged with aetting fire lo the barn of William Everett October M lat. Orlfrin, who l a in, h ii wlih a wife and two children, ha been held u a wlt heea In tho case, lie recently M.m tha prosecuting authority a that h would icii wnat lie knew about tho cao, and In hie written confeanlon h ,!iiir. thai fchank, who waa a mr.mbur of a Hvrv firm that waa a rival to Hhank In Osceola, bivatohod tha matter of "Btandlng by' hla employed to him vcral time. ' on tha night of tha firo Urlffln declare Bhank came to a rcetaurant wher h was at 1:00 In the mmnlng and told him to come with him. Together Ihey took ral oil and hay and tar(.d tho fir that destroyed tha Jiverett barn. DEADLIEST .KNOWN POISONS Peraona Have lloeu Killed by fm balluir l ame of t jaulde ( Iutaklom. Cyanide of potasnjuin la one of tha most deadly polMon known to chemlatry. and la very aeldom Ufed by phyxu-iana. Wheu It Is found aliuhitely necesxary to l"e kciiba lyanlilj In order to relieve spa-. iihkIIc coughK, it la then prcacribed In th Sin;illit qunntlllea. usually about one clfchth of a grnln. live grain of cyanldr of poiaaalum, or a (-tiantlty about a large aa a amll-a:cd pva, la sufficient to klh a strong man. In api.earaiica cyanalde comes In gray while, opaque pleoea or In granular pow der. The rry atalllne compound, when Been In tha tin cann, which It In uaualiy picked In, loo!: absolutely liannlcr. yet tlicr have been cae where dt-alli hua been cauacd by pereuna aimply Inhaling the funiea of cyanide. In Ulnghamton. N. Y.. ons night aeveral .ara, lr. Halley, a rl armaelat, wa poumllna a plm-o o. cyanldo of potassium Into pulverised foim. Tha ne : nuiriilng ho wa foimd dead on the foor nf h!s drug atore as a result of having Inhaled tha fume of the deadly po'.aon. The aula of cyanide of polaasium b drugrtata, except when called for In pre seriptlona. 1 pn-hlbUed by law In many stales. Nevert heiev the polHon can b puichaied T.ithout any trouble, and In la:t quuntlt.!-, by peraona who give a icaaonable cii'lai.alk n for what purpuve they want to use It. It la commonly ue. for d)elug ttatiiera and In doing othei sorta of coloring work. In photography, In electro-meiailurgy and aa a recoveret of gold It la eatenvlvely ued. If a person tilea lo buy a amall quan tity of cjanlda of potassium in a drug tore, tha druggiat will refuee to aell !l lcau he la generally suspicious of tin notd the purchaeer ha for the potaon. but If a pound la aaktd for, accompanied with the ep:anaiiun that It la to be used for cleaning silver, a person usually ha little trouble In getting it. Washington I'oet. . Taasersby on sixteenth street are being attrscted by a miniature man walkiu around In the window of the Walk-Ovei uho Phop, u B. 16th St. The Lilliputian fgure. ovrt.Hl by a meohanlcal device, walka over ahoea arranged en a ctrcula, shelf; tyvtfylng tli eaa. camfort anu stl uf tna Walk -Over ahoea CANDIDATES GIYE EXPENSES Several Make Filing: of Coit of Election Juit Orer. NO OPPOSITION; NO MONEY OUT Several District Jaders la Tkla Peeltloa, aad Ho Report SeTeial Complaints vvlta Hallway Commlaalaa. (From a Ptaff Correnpondent.) LlNCX)IJf, Neb., Nov. lL-Pneolal.) Campaign expenae accounts of tha can didate In the last election are being re ceived at the office of the eecretary of state. So far the following have filed account of their expenses during the campaign: W. H, none, candidate for supreme Judge., says he spent I631.8J. Of thla amount I too was turned over to the re publican atate committee. W. H. Weatover, for Judge Sixteenth district, democratic, declare that he had no axpenaea. Mr. Weatover had no op poaltton. George A. Day. reDUolican candidate for Judge in the rurth district. I227.JS. Alexander C. Trop, candidate for Judge Fourth district, tarn. Urune O. Hoattler, Twelfth dlatrlot. no expense. He had n opposition. Conrad Hallenbeck. democratic candi. date for Judge, Sixteenth district. $00. ' II. M. Grimes. Thirteenth district. 1128.50. Complaint Afftlnat Itoad. r. B. Hunt of Burchard filed a com plaint aealnst tha Burlington netlrond to dsy. He elleg. that the train eervlce at nurohard la Inadequate. He makes no specific charges in his complaint. Aids lor Cart! Dalldloar. Hlds for the buildings fsr the new agricultural college at Curtis will he opened at the state auditor's office on December 1. according to an announce ment mad today. The Haven-White Coal company of Omaha today filed a complaint with the Rtate Railway commlsalon against ths Ureal Western Itftllrosd company. The company alleges that the rsllroad com rsny does not maintain a track acaJes at Omaha. As a result, so the coal com psny Alleges. Jt Is unable to tell whether or not it Is losing In ths carload lot ship ment it receives. New Good Reads PI a a. An Omaha-Hattsmouth- Kama Pltv good roads movement is to be launched at nattsmouth November is. accord! to Information received by Becretary wnmen or tho IJncoln Commtn-lai ri,.K today. The Lincoln club has been asked to send representatives to a meeting which will be held In connection With the eelebratlon of the Pollock-Duff bridge opening at riattsmouth. Pap Baal f gait. A loet setter pun valued at tn I. h. basis Of a suit brought bv Oeorira Whll. against the Adams Express company In a iocbi justice Court. Whit declares that the dog was shinned bv Adama ...,.. from firoUen Uow to Lincoln last FeU- ruary. hen he called at tha office fur the animal he says that the agent torn mm it wa not there. In hi application to the court he asserts that It was lu tli office at this time. Later, he Bays, Agent Garrison took It to his home for his son to play with, after which It was lost. Garrison says that no one called for the dog and that he took It home rather than see It Suffer uncared for t the office. He admits It us lost. 1-lahop Tlhen, asR'nted fcy priests of Lincoln, will dedicate Bt. John's Catholic church at Blxlh and f streets tomorrow morning. Tho building has been closed for ten years. It was formerly used as a place of worship by the f!ohnUn Catholics that had aettled In that of the city. Father Mcghane. chanlatn of flt. Ulixaboth's hospital, will havo charge of the ooncrt-gatlon. Allegation Made Judge Erred in Case (From a Btaff Correspondent.) IJNCOLN, Neb., Nov. ll.-(Speclai.) That Judge Cornish of the diMtrlCt court .if Lancaster county had no authority to aanui Theodore Htantslce to bond is in acoordence with an opinion rendered by Attorney General Thompson mor than two aud a halt years ago. Manlalcs had been committed to bail after his con viction of arson in the court here, the amount being set by Judge Cornish at The ruling waa msde by the state offlolal in response to a request from County Attorney Itanisey of Cass county, the substance or the opinion being that in felony cases the district court cannot admit to ball, but can only suspend scu euve and remand the prisoner to the justudy if tl; sheriff. Btanlelcs. after being convicted in the ower court, carried his case to the stee upieme court, dixpoaed of ronsldtrnbl )ioprty and loft the state. Only a few ays ago, after his case had been called n the hitiher court, he was captured at L'tica, N. V., whore he la still being held y the polU-o of that city. ION GAME ON THE CON. What Tee Comedian Kid te a Train Coaduclae la Ohio. There were two comedians who had been stuck In a vlllars near Canton, with Cleveland many a mils away. And tho tr.U comedian, being the more witty of the two, and being furthermore v. hat hey call the "feeder" of the team, says he: "What'll wa do next?" "I'll tell )ou Itt's count the house." They emptied tnelr pocket and found hat by squeeslng a cent or two they could manatee to buy a ticket to Clevc 'sud. one ticket- They did It, and tarted forth the two grown men on a ilusle piece of pasteboard. Of course the conductor kicked. "There's only ons ticket here," he srnwled. 'That's mine." said on of the actor. "You lie It' mine." put In the other, olltely. "Well, you can't both rid on on 1 lift," aald the 'con. "I'll have to put no of you off the train." Me me!" aquealed the actor In -ilioru. "Put m off go ahead and do l-I spoke first." "Well, I can t do it here, but on of you must get off at the next station." Hut three local stations passed, and he conductor didn't come back. As a matter cf fact, he never appeared until ust before Cleveland wa reached. "I think somebody's a grafter," he re marked In passing, "but my orders are a take the safe aide when there's a.poa Ublllty of mistake. Oood night I can ick either one o' you. If ever I see you again!" Cleveland 1'laln Dealer, YUAN SHI KAI WILL NOT TAKE POST 0FPEEMIER . (Contlnned from First Page.l King Chong, aecretary of the association. Every province which ha been taken or which has Joined the revolutionary cause will be represented. Kach has been pledged to sanction only a form of government based on the abo lue abdication of the Manchu dynasty and the Institution of a thoroughly r PuhllcAn system of representative rule. A dispatch received todny says the vice roy of , the proWnce. of Canton Is believed to be In hiding In Hong-Kong. Five of the largest cities of the Canton province, according to the dispatch, have Joined the revolutionists. Governor (ieaeral Appolated. WASHINGTON, Nov. ll.-Under the title of "governor-ganeral of the military government of the republic of China," one of the revolutionists, Huhanwen by name, haa been elected president of the province of Kwang Tung, which has de clared Its Independence, according to ad vices to the State department today. Canton la the capital of this province. After looting the provisional treasury st Canton, the advices say, all the civil authorities fled. AMOT, China. Nov. lt.-Attacke by robber bands lit different quarters threw the city into a panlo early today. The authorities, self-constituted, dealt With the situation aa beet they could. The water patrol captured a piratical Junk nnd Its crew of sixteen men await de capitation. The Inland Junk traffic pro ceeded more freely today, but coaRt navi gation was wholly suspended. Taotal Chang assumed office todsy. A eonferenee of officiate with repreeenta- Uves of the conservative and the radical elements was held to determine a course of. action. The officials and the conserva tives propose establishing a temporary Independence for the city and the adop tion of a neutral attitude toward the revolution. The radlcaJa, however, favor surrendering the city to the revolutionists nnd this policy probably will prevail. Chang Chow, with a population esti mated as high as 1 00X000. situated twenty- four miles west by north of Amoy, re ports that the rebels announce that the city will be occupied November M. The people are fleeing, fearing a ropetltlon of the Taping rebellion. Foreigners are In no danger. Meports from Foo Chow say the fight- In there ceased last evening, when the Manchus surrendered. The viceroy is dead and the Tartar general is severely wounded, Imperialist Retain Naaklnsr. NANKING, Nov. ll.-The- Imperialists have regained the upper hand In Nankins and the dragon flag again float over Klang Tin fort. During the niglit the imperial gunboats shelled the revolutionary camp and this morning troops found that the federal tosltlon thfee miles ouLilde the touth gate had been evacuated. It is believed the rebels are discouraged over their failure to receive new sup- piles of ammunition and by the whole sale slaughter of Chinese by the Manchus yesterdsy. Prrsbrterlaa MtsalOBarte Safe. NEW . YORK, Nov. It The I'resby ferlan Board of Foreign Missions re ceived the following cable today from Peo Ting fu, China: ' "Our Chinese missionaries In Uh... province tire safe. The women and chil dren of I'ao Tins Tu and Bhun Te Fu are In Tien Teln, except Ors. Mackey and Lewis. Inform their families. tsigned) "Walter n. LowniE." Mr. Lowrls Is chairman of tu china Missionary council. Robber ICaeape After Flfibt. DECATUR, III.. Nov. lrt.-Aftcr a run ning flHht in the main street hie two niusked men who had held ti and robbed A. A. Munbnrser's meat market cf 00 made their escape. Humphreys Seventy-Seven Breaks up Grip and L3 Just a Cold. If you have a Cold, Just a Cold, you need "Se-venty-seven." It you have a Cough, alight or deep aoated, you ueed "Seventy Boven." , It you have a Bore Throat, Quinsy or Ulcerated, you need "Soventy sevefl." If you have the Orlp, iih aching boueB, you need "Seventy-seven" and you need It (lulckly. All dealers sell "Seventy-seven." 33c, or mailed. Humphrey's llomeji. Medicine Co., Cor. William and Ann Htreete, New York. ,( PMM SWA A Satisfying Laundry Ortlinnry Laundries Do Only Ordinary AVork. Nonpariel stands of the other kind, tho perfect laundry work. Shirts in sanitarv rovers. Both Phones. . "Wagons Everywhere. Members National Laundry men's Association. 1 Volley Ball Makes Its Bow in Omaha At the Toung Women's Christian asso ciation gymnaalum Frldy afternoon the first game of volley ball scheduled In Nebraska was played. Youngsters from the Young Men's Christian association trained by the physical Instructors for tho game, were the contestants. Dr. Henry S. Curtis, playground ex pert of America, he. the game sched uled end played to prove his statement that volley bsll will ultimately become the most commonly played jtsme In the L'nlted States. The Con t ft A n r-h all told-were enthusiastic snd the spec The Best Overcoats Elloney Can Buy at ill TL ! . Men 8 Heavy Ribbed union Suits Regular $1.23 values, at, each 69c Splendid Shoes lor Men- Worth $4.00 and $3.00, at, pair ..$2.50 and $3.00 Monday's Bargains in Ladies' Apparel Are Money Savers , Dependable, Splendidly Made Garments ut Exceptional Bargains. CARACUL AND GRAY MIXTURE COATS $7 worth $12.50 and $15.00, at VI -3U STUNNING NEW COATS AND SUITS at Kverr leading style and fabric are here for jour selection. There will be a clear saving of at lat $ 5.00 to $10.00 on every garment we feature at thess prices. Loo'.; at them and convince yourself. Reversible Coats $9.50 and $12.50 Our Showing of Fur Sets ani Fur Coats comprise ull that is newest and best, and at very reasonable prices. Sals of Beautifully Trimmari Hats Kegular values up to $23.00, at $2.98 and $5.00 The entire sample line of charming trimmed hats from an eastern wholesale millinery house. No two alike. This is an exceptional opportunity for the wide awake woman to secure hats of thla nature at such reduced prices. Ladies' $1.50 House Dresses, 79c Fifty dozen ladies' house dresses in dark colors, in handsome styles. Mentor Comfort Underwear for Women and Children Ladles' Union Suits 60 ' P Boys' aud Misses' Union Suits ..... 50c t0 Leather Handbags, rorth to $3.00, at 98c Handsome New Silk Waists at, each $1.98 to $3.93 Women's $5.00 and $103' Shoes, at . .$3.00 ami $2.50 fj J2-ffl No Suits and Overcoats to Order $20 ti p To receive a suit carrying with it the MacCarthy Wilson label is to receive garments in which grace of designing, perfection of fit and worthiness of material are all, of course, presented. It is, also, an assurance, positive and unqualified, that your garments will mirror the very latest modes. Every garment guaranteed perfect in fit and style. MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co. S04-306 South 16th St Five Steps South of Tanum "CI JitJ-Ji 1.1 L HI1L1 I'll f JLULliJl tatorsmen and women allke-h.vl "taken sides" and were rooting for their re spective teams. The east side best the west. Eat It was a clos game, the final score be lag XI to 20. Twenty-one Is tho tnsxtmiiiu score for the game closes when one si te ha made that many points. A leather ball, similar to a basket ba r. but smaller, Is used and nlno players to a side are lined up In a fashlen as In basket ball. The "pigskin" Is served stvl the battle begins. The contest Is to keee the ball In the air. Nothing but the kar handa can be used. The side allowing the ball to touch ground within bound scores a point for the opponents. The key to succeFS In business Is the advertising. $7.50 $10,00 You cannot duplicate them any where unless you paid from $5.00 to $10.00 more. They are made of those fine heavy wool diagonals and wor steds, with tho- reversible collars. Well tailored in those neat styles you'll surely admire. If You Hen Would Sec Those Eland Tailored Suits $12.50 "d $15.00 that we are offering, you wouldn't wonder why we are so enthusiastic over them. You'll like them. You can't help it. They are so splen didly tailored in the best of all wool fabrics. And at 6ueh reasonable prices, too. V Men's Flannel Shirts Worth to $2.50, at, each 98c Boys' Suits and Overcoats Exceptional values, at, each ,.$2.98 and $3.98 $10, $12,50 and S15 Women's Sweater Coats, all the leading styles and shades, up from 98t? Guaranteed Holcpro'.if Hosiery. 6 -v Jr OMAHA MejHSwqfr iih.ji.smi en si n mP r , 8 IS IV W