Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1911, EDITORIAL, Page 2, Image 16

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Debutante of the Future
Omaha Society Will Meet Enflish
Woman with Open Arm.
tt U Aaairf4 that katlnar
Olkrr Formi of Wlater Sport
Mill lie fadaled la at
tbe Ceoatry lul.
318-320 South 16th. St.
j eWfyV iWtyVeiWtyVi ej mftyVasJtf',
flnelal t'aleadar.
UONPAV Ml.e Irene ami ratr're
t'-oail tea fr Mr. Kaanl O f'.rlen, Mr.
and Mn. T. I-. Div, Orrh"ini purtv
rnr H:r Ptownrt, 'et l Ml Kuzn
Mth Pavls; M1. Hamilton, Orphoum
lartv for Mm Jnhn P.trfrk.
Tt-HSDAr--Mliw Kit.iliPth Hwiff. after
noon brldee for Mi.s Marlorle Stewart
ff Munrle, Ind.j wet;.ns; .f
lt'rrc.r Plleeaer an1 Mr. Mmtiel t'rar
f.f York; Mr. nl Xra. J. F. Hark. !ln
ler at rVuntry cluh; a-rddinr "t Mian
I fare; Ford and Joseph dtrim U'llaun
In TM('ir.
lrMs for vtlf Intr vntin woinm; Mlas
Klliabeth Brure, dinner nt t'ountry i-luh
lor M s. Kifw-t. Nitn fimlHf of v:vns
fill, lnd. and M." Mlllr u J.afiirett
led; Mr. 1JW Oolptz"r. dinner at
t ountry rlub; Jim. tieorge Hampton,
V. W. rl'jn.
THt'R.DA Y MerrvrnaVer. rlub of Trin
ity ;nthelrl, rtistume party at JacohV
Memorial hal!.
TA ri.'HI)AV-Mli Kether prm. tea for
Mia. Joseph livrne, Capitol Hill club,
tance at (Jhamheis.
Tha Kxictr Mil club woman ere going
to join hand's thla nmk to entertain Mra.
Kmmellne Pankhumt, the Urltlnh suf-
fracette, who arrives Friday. It ! not
with them a question of suffrage or entl
auffrasa, but on of receiving a woman
cf world wide Influence and fame.
In New Tork. Chlcico In fact, In eve ry
place In which she haa spoken slnre her
arrival In thla country from Bngland,
Mr. Pankhumt baa been greeted with an
ovation and been royally entertained.
Mra. Pankhumt will be In Omaha Hetur
diy, following her speech at the Boyd
theater Friday evening, and although
definite plana are not yet made, a social
affair befitting her elation and the ho
pltallty of Omaha will be given.
Leading buelneaa men have tenured the
financial aucrer of tha lecture by prorld
Ing a aubatentlal guaranty fund for tha
expeneea of the event. Tha publicity de
partment of the Commercial club le giv
ing Ita service to the local suffrage olub
In tba advertising and buslnesa arrange
ments. With equal Interest, the promi
nent women are going to take charge of
tha aocial aide of tho visit of their noted
Jeter from across the ocean. Word
cornea from Lincoln that the leading
women there are making elaborate
preparation for entertaining Mr, pank
buret next week.
Tha list of patronetaes for the event I
not yet completed, but the partial Hit
Mesdamea Mesdamea
Clement Uhaae. George joslyn,
John A. MrHiiene, C. T. titewart of
Warren M HlackweU Council Bluff.
A. B. Some ra, Jon w Orlfflth,
M. II. Cameron, o. Helden
Harold Gifford. I,oYri Child.
W. B. MJllerd. marie Johannes,
George Tllden, f. It. Cole,
Draper Bmlth, J. H. Dumont, ...
John L. Kennedy, A. W. Jef'erla.
V- .V,.?U"','J' Herman Kountaa.
J- M Wetcaif. a, J. Love, v
O. M. Hitchcock.
MU Lou lee Mcfherach.
Debet Party at I.ynharet.
t.ynhuist, the beautiful home of Mr. and
Mr. George A. Joslyn, win be the scene
of one of the large holiday debut parties.
Mr. Joslyn and Mrs. J. R Bcoble will
lve a large reception Tuesday afternoon,
December M. to Introduce Idle Violet
Joslyn and Mis Helen Bcoble, two of the
attractive young debutantes.
In tha evening there will be a dancing
rrty at the Joelyn home, for the mem
ber of tha younger aet. Th! home,
which la probably the largest In the city,
la admirably planned for entertaining, and
thla event I much anticipated.
Mis Joslyn finished school last year In
, the at and Mini Bcoble ha spent con'
alderable time abroad, making a specialty
of the Flench and German languages, "
rtavera rtehearee at Mrendets. -
The Player club Is putting the finish.
Ing touches to their performance of "The
Cottos tn the Air," which they will
preeent at the Erandal theater th
evening f November tt. Moat of th
rehearsal have been held In th dainty
little theater In th- home of Mis
, Arabella Kimball, but Saturday evening
the club waa so fortunate a to get th
Brandela tor a rehearsal with ecenery
na fitting exactly as they win In th
final performance.
Bkatlna- at Cosnlrr (Uli,
Th popBlnrity of the Country olub thla
winter l aasured. with th annom.oenwnt
that there la to be skating and hockey at
th cluh. Mr, iz. ft. Vtbrook. who la
a expert wltnmer and autoUt. surfeited
to th dtreotore that skating wwild u
popular, and at a meeting of on of the
committee.. It waa decided that a soon
itt i vri
36 More
Shopping Days
our (liauiond tork. ;n evtri tl.iiis
le larger than ever.
"ur rich jewelry, our
toilet Ware, uui atarlmr
k Iver
war. uir h.ll i-i.-k
. - - ' . 1 1 IKI I W I
rtilm ilock.. uitr tut crystal, our
silver nnvelt.r.. iq fact In every
department .f ,tir store th ntork
Is tunpleta and we 111 be Utiiglit
ed to show you..
While we maintain our reputa
tion ae being a high uo
lishnient. ha splejfll.l
line of popular priced gno.ta this
fear. au4 mth ur guarantee
Uck of it alL
JeweUra and BtlveTultha.
leth aa4 yarua.
and we are prepare ! to show you
every Jy from now until l,rit
l a k our stock Is now pra.-.
.al!y conpii,. .Kiuiiy
''f J''-ninn''. Valller"..
Bar Plis. K.rrlnt. iM i .
'cv;,' .;;;-vi
i : f ' -. " ' - ' . i .' . t
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" (f V " -I
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' Vfsi '' . - . 7 .' m' "aaajaeaBeesf . i
La. .4 .WMi1 eVe4.-J,. wtfUeWak. a it si T I i tfrtist tUn v nrV" At t jglifgsasW llir i "ff i
Who will be the debutantes of the
future? Bo Important a factor I th
debutant that society I not content
with lavlehlng It attention on th
debutante of tha present, but look
among th younger girls for debutante
of the future.
One of the Interesting debutantes of
th future will be Miss Claire Dftugherty,
daughter of Mr. and Mr. John M.
Paugharty. and granddaughter of Mr,
and Mra. John D. Crelghton and grand
niece of the late Count Crelghton.
a the weather Is cold enough the tennl
court will be flooded and kept In condi
tion for the skaters.
Th tennl court are to be enclosed
with ft high fence and on certain day In
the week there will be hockey gnme.
Ml Carmellta Chase, who I captain of
on of the hockey team at Hryn Mitwr
rollecre, and a number of other young
women who are Interested In the gnme
will no doubt show some pretty play on
the Ice.
The committee on arrangements In
clude Mr. Frank Colpetxrr, Mr. A. V
Kltnler end Mr. W. J. Koy.
Prentlaeat Gaeat Batertalned.
Mrs. Hamilton of New York, daughter
of J, I'lerpont Morgan, was an Omaha
guest one day last week. Mrs. Hamilton
and Mra Louis Stanton, both of New
Tork, who have been spending two
month traveling In the Morgan prlvat
car and visiting point of Interest In
California and on the Canudlan Pacific,
stopped In Omaha and spent the day
here. Mrs. Btanton I a slater of Mr. K.
W. IMxoti and Mr. E. W. Dixon enter
tained Informally at dinner for th guests.
Pleasures Past
Mis Blanch Klnsler entertained ' In
formally at bridge Friday afternoon fur
Mr. Markell of Kanaaa City.
Th Omaha chapter of Alpha Omloron
PI met at th Hotel Loyal for lunchuon
Friday In honor tt th visiting members
of th sorority,
Mr. ant) Mr. Luther Kountie enter
tained Informally at dinner Friday even
ing for Mr. and Mra. Walter Wood of
Hoosluk f all. N. Y.
Mrs. J. J. Drown was botese Saturday
at luncheon at her home In honor of
her gusat, Mr. John patrtik of Sher
idan, Wyo. Ten guest were present.
Mr. William Atideion,! Poppleton
avtnue, entertained at bridge Friday af
ternoon at her hume. Chrysanthemum
decoruted tha roums and five tablta of
P'ayera were present.
Alpha Oinluron PI met Kntunluy after
noun with Mlas Klumbetu K. Mitchell in
honor of her guest, Miss M. E'llse Kitiic
ger of Columbus, Neb , and tliu visiting
members of tho sorority.
Mrs. Joseph Kelly entertained the Dor
cas Sowing i-luu Friday afternoon, when
the members sewed for the City m'.aalon.
Miss Nelll Mateo was honor guest. The
next meeting will l held In titj week
with Mm. J. C. F. I.uhmann.
Mr. F. 11. Cola entertained at cm-.Ih
Saturday afternoon for Iir i;uost, Mlte
Norma Cciiyn and Mr, tirovd K. Harber.
Tltvsii agisting were Mien Kntherlne
Powell, Mra. Frederic W. Thomas, Mra.
llarton Millard. Mrs. John William and
Mis. Arthur L. Wlllisms.
Mtc. K. J. Bradley tntcrtalnrd the mem
bms of th I'tiut'lino club Friday after
nuoit. Th gue.t all came in Janune.u
costume and pla.e earU and favors
ere Japanese. Chrysanthemum formed
the centerpiece for tho tat; and ulna
gurats were present.
Mis. hantuel r.eo.. r.. gave a rin.ill
ta faturdsy arternoon hur home for
MUs tlrace Callau of lltoii, N. Y.. who
has arrived to spend the wluur with her
lou.ln, Mli-s IleniI(Hta Itets. Thoe a
slatl:g Mrs. Kees were Mleies Aynes
Hurklry, Marie Holllngcr, Marion Funk, Mary Itvue and Mrs. Harry
Mlsi Irene Holh entertained tho llonus
Tempus club at an oy.ter dinner Friday
evening, t'hry nunthrinums firmed th
oenter ple.e for th talle, and thoee
present Vfie:
Mla.cs Mlsse. -
K)len Bean-.on. Clara Kemps,
lnul.a tiiMMlrtli, lviu.o iiii..,
! Marl M'-Hriile, Mu,i ri.aveii
j I'.o.o lVtvliria, Marthn Kiuuor,
iimn ri.iioie, iitna i'otli.
The Wtek Krnl. formrily the Knturrtuy
Mht lMuiclng club. ox.n.vl Its seiisi.u
with a party at Cha.blifrs' Vaturduy
elllllr. A .-r1 of tn tlaiiu rs will hi-
llen. Ihe othe rs are NV. J. Illiuades,
I president; Dr. .1. J. Kllck, xieo ptvsl
I dent, and P. W. Mikal, scretary.
1 Mlrs Flltabeth Bruce entertained the
iFiUliy Hridne club at her bum Friday
jaXleruoou. Tb total cf tlu club ware;
Little Mis Daugherty la not giving
much thought to futur debut affair
just at present, however. Out of school
hours she I chiefly Interested , In out
door good time. Phe Is an expert little
horsewoman and stand In th lead
among the younger tennis player of
Omaha. She s also an attractive dancer
and appeared as a French model In the
"Toy Shop" played at the Brandels
theater last winter for the Child Saving
Mis Marlon Bonntag of Evanavllle, Ind.i
Ml. Marjorle Stewart cf Muncle, Ind.;
Mlsa Dorothy Miller of Lafayette. Ind.,
and Mlsa Harriet Van Zlel of New York
City. Three table wet arranged for th
guest. ,
1 Among the entertainment for the visit
ing teachers was th reception given at
the Llnlnger art gallery by Mr. Frank
Lou la Heller, Friday. The room wer
decorated In Klllarney rose and In th
conservatory the member of the Llnln
lr Travel club of tha Omaha Hta-h
school served refreshment to the WO
guests. Musical selections wr Divn ku
Miss Loretta Klnley. Mis Florence Peter
son. Mis Ellxabeth Barker. Mr. win
1toe and the Omaha High School Qlee
ciud. Mr. Haller was asaisted by Mis
Allison, Mrs. Qulnlan, Miss Btebblns,
Mlsa Drown and MI Marston.
Mr. Oscar II. Hallgren was urprted
Saturday evening by a party of friend
aaaembled at hi home. Those present
Mr. and Mr O. If. HaJlgTen.
Mr. and Mrs. David Moran.
Mi. and Mrs. lYank Datal.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Qulnn.
Mr. and Mr. J. F. O'Connoll.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hall.
MllflM.. t I I
Agiiea w. Nel.on, Evelina a. Nelson,
'!r C. Nelson, Margaret Nelaon,
u Mi'imi, Agnes Oram,
riannah Wnnilhnrff. xiaii. l.m
Anna Taylor, t:iara Oarrlnger,
Anna Peterson. Mm.
iiulda Matsoy, Anna Ulsaaser.
,'".- Mn.aia.-i
lUrrv Nelotj. Chat lea Valuet,
!!". V,V.T' Merman Tombrlnck,
Albert Hallgren, Hot hen Halitfien.
Otto Hallgren, John Shlpiarr,
Harry Ctewart, tUorwe Maon.
Jacob f'ariwim, Uiorg Mullln.
William Wandbora:,'
Th Wlnton rtub, made ud of member
of th Omaha High school and alumni,
held It second dance of the season at
Chambers, Friday evening-, about fifteen
couple being present. Tho olub waa re
cently orgaiilxed. end since the openlnf
hop October !0 ha become very popular
among high school students. Wvm.n
Bee he and Donald Klplinger were the
committee In charge.
Thoee present wert:
tlh,AU tl
Mildred Collins, Catherine" Koren.orj.
Hazel Hemp. Caroline Kutnne,
Dorothy Meyer. , y1(i U herry.
MurKaret Nat tinner. m,rU ,lndllv
ii,nHn llurrhmure.
Kllxiibeth Oould, Pauline Trout.
Minerva Fuller, Genevieve tiller.
lint It Zittle,
MMttarR. Mrr
Upencer Tllnt. Lyman Phillip
HowaM lloine, Ilaioltl Beaton,
Harry Menold, Claire Moore.
Diuine Houah. HaroM MoCornilck,
rounll Atchiton. Ma mien linmil,
Vincent Muter, Homer I'MIII,h,
Park l armon. Harold John.n. ctinmn. l.e Brand Wykoff,
I wnahl. Kltillnger, Harold iJinedon.
Kenneth Not ten. Wj man Peehe.
Wedding Bells
A pretty home wodjlnrr took' place at
the resliltnce of Mr. and Mra. W. J.
Smith, Marry ativet, Tlnrmlay even-
n. when Mies Martoiio C. Smith linmt
:he brliie of Mr. Fdward L. Hoyt. cne of
oinahn's younger biuslne.n men.
Mr. Itoyt la the aon of Mr, mJ Mt. It.
C. Hoyt f Park avenue and a arand
nephew of the late Orover Cleveland,
whoa sister, Mary CkevelanJ Hovt, was
pre.rnt nt the weddinv.
Tim couple were married .W Rev. 1 T.
Iliiuae of the First Congregational church.
1 he IvMisrt was lirauilT'illy deoorated
with ra'ms, fern, roses Hmt chrvKajiihe
lutnns. The brid wore wtiltH satin and
carried white rosa and oriingc h'aaonia.
Phe brlitcrniald. MUs P.utU M.iJiiJe. liiiK satin and carried pink rosea.
Mr. Harvey Wing, formerly of Al'p'etun,
waa be.t man.
A weduing suppct was s-ne.l nud the
coutl went t tlittr new home in this
At the Country Club
Mr. and Mra John . Flack win en
tertain at dinner at th Country club
Tuevdny evening. Twenty-two guest will
be preeent.
Mr. Frank Culpeucr ha Uauvd. Invita-
Monday Second Day of Our
Great Clearance
A Tremendous Stock of High Class
Tailored Suits 5
Sold From $35 to 565, at...
This great clearance is without question the most
wonderful sale of high class Tailored Suits ever held
in Omaha.
When we announced this sale we stated that over
8C0 suits would be placed on sale, ranging in price
from $35.00 to $65.00 and the people who were here
Saturday to attend the sale found just as we repre
sented. They were anmed at the wonderful collection
of beautiful styles.
Every suit offered in this great clearance is from
our regular high class stock smart styles and perfectly
tailored garments selected by our Mr. J. L. Orkin for
the particular trade of Omaha, who look to this exclu
sive store for the best in Women's dress.
Suits That Sold
at $35, $39.50,
$45, $50, $59.50,
$65.00, Clearance
Sale Price
tlon for a tag dinner party to be riven
Wednesday evening nt the Country pitib.
About twenty-five guest will be prent
Mr. and Mr. George Iwla Hammer
Issued Invitation Saturday for a dancing
party to bo given Tuesday evening, No
vember 21, at the Country club for their
daughter, Mlas Ruth Hammer. Mlsa
Hammer will be the second debutante of
the season.
For the Future
Mis Katherln Boeson ' will entertain
at aupper thla evening at her home In
honor of some of the vlsitlns; young
woman. ' Thoee present will be:
Mlsiee , MleaeM
Dorothy Miller of Kllsabeth Bruc.
l.afayette, Ind.; M..uied Bruce.
Marjoile Wtjwart of Elisabeth Uavls,
Muncle, Ind.) Jiorotny Stevens,
Marlon Son tag of Muih llanimer,
Kvansvllle, Ind.j Katherlne Beeon.
Juliu Uaugherty, Messrs
Gerald Wharton, Jack Webster,
Itlohaid Xlaum. (Hard Butler,
Cuthbert i'oltci, Itaymond Ixw,
Hal ISrady, Hajold fritchetti
Personal Gossip
, s . as i
Mr. Ouy U Smith apent the week In
Chicago. '
Mr. Luther Drake spent pert of last
weuk In Chicago.
Mra. J. A. Dempster Is convalescing
from a recent operation.
Mlsa May Hamilton Is expected home
from New York for Thanksgiving.
Mr, and Mr. AJfred Millard returned
from their summer place In Canada.
Mr. W. E. cott of Atkinson. Neb., I
visiting his daughter. Ml. Agnes Hcott.
Mra. William Jamleson of raptlllon I
visiting at the home or Mr. and Mr.
Jerk Jamleaon.
Mr. and Mrs. Q. W. Wattles and Mr.
latik Hamilton are (pending ten day
In New York City.
Mies Anna Shields left' Thursday fnr
ltv Anels and rfatl Franciaoo, to be
gone until January 1.
Mrs. Tryor Markcl of Kansas City ha
been spending the week with Mr. and
Sirs. Ralph Kitchen.
Mrs. V. T. Mclllllycuddv of San Fran
cisco will arrive noxt woek to ylelt her
. Every
7 Wants
He knen a Is cltan...
wholaseme food an4
that the d la has
(naaaa will d iui
It (a manufturd
th elaai:.
t faetory 4a
II. worU.
It is cria
ana tender, a ad rK
ca 1
natural .flavor
told la sanitary pack
age for i eenta '
At Teur Onxart
Mrs' MacMurrhy'
boos f 10 beat reel
p free en request.
Skinner rftBu
hctorioj Compaay
al I m gv y j aw
nan50 W nmmm t
lter, Mr. Arthur V. Stowlu at the
Mia Bertha Frank of Stnggart, Ger
many, will arrive Tueeday to visit her
unt, Mr. V, Arnstaln. .
Mlas Ida Taylor of Kxeter, Neb., apent
everal day n Omaha the guest of Mr.
and Mr. J. Allan Murphy.
Mr. and Mra. Felix 3. McShane and
Mlas Marie McShane have gone to New
Tork to spend the winter.
Mr. and Mra B. H. Spraue will come
in town the first of the week for the
winter and will be at the Loyal.
Major and Mrs.- Wilder will leave
Omaha November IS, the major having
boen ordered to St. Paul for duty.
Mr. Samuel Pray of Kansas city, who
weddlnat to Mlsa Rogon Dellecker take
place Tueday, November 14, will arrlv
Mr. E. V. Lewi and Mr. Sherman
Canrield have returned from Chicago.
Mra Canfield will remain here until
Mis Ethel Hewitt, who ha been the
guest of her aunt. Mr. W. E. Guthrie.
Inoe th Rouse-Baum weddinr. return
today to De Molnaa.
Mr. Frank W. Judson and family hava
moved from South Thirty-eighth atreet
For Monday and Tuewtluy we are offering a salesman's sample line
of the Justly celebrated 1'ALMKU COATS, it is a genera Vy acknowl
edged fatt that these coats have no equals. We will sell t?eui at EX
ACTLY WHOLKSALK TUICFS. The oiiglnal saleujnau s rickets are
still cn the garmeuts you pay Just what K would have had to pay
had we bought these goods in the regular way. All sizes, ami a wide
range for selection regarding materials and deslgus. Mon-Liy and
Turaday only
lOlh and Farnnrn
Over McCrorey's ff and lO-Casnt store
to their new home on Thlrty-aecond ave
nue near Farnum street.
Mra Walter Fleisher of Philadelphia,
who has been visiting her parent. Mr.
and Mr. Bernard Kohn, for several
week left Thursday for home.
Mr. and Mr. Charles A. How and
r children are expected from St. Louis
today to spend a few days with Mr.
How's alster, Mrs. Sam Caldwell.
Mr. Jullue Keasler. who was called
to Rockford, HI., by the Illness of her
sister, will return the latter part of
the week as her sister I convalescing.
Mies Caroline Congdon will come home
from Vaasar tor Christmas, ac
companied by Mta Clara Bull of Pasa-
fdena, who will spend the holidays here.
i Mr. and Mra Arthur Gulou expect to
Up to Hollywood. Cel., the latter part of
the month to visit Mr. Uulou'a
fa.Tier, Mr. C. H. Guiou, for two or three
Mas. George N. Peek of Mollne is the
guesV of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Learned.
Mr. eek arrives tcday from a trip to
Texas, and win also be a truest at the
Learnal home.
Mrs. Willlam Fried of Fremont 1 en
tertaining bar niece, Miss Gladys Lobeck,
of Omahay daughter of Congressman and
Tba prices at which thoroughly dependable ladies' apparel are
Fold by the FAMOIS STOHK, have.
never been equalled by any retail
store in Omatw. During the past few
weeks hundred of Omaha ladles have
been surprised and delighted by the
VALUES which we have been giving.
We osk YOlT, madam, to inspect our
coats and suits vhlcih are priced at
$10 & $15
You will find thoiu easily the equal
of ones which are soV readily for $25
and $35 elsewhere. Not only equal
in styles, but also in materials, work
manship and long wearing qualities.
Monday morning wo start our g Overtthe-Counter
Sale. Vk'n offer our complete stook of Watches, Diamonda,
Gold and Silver Goods (list goods excited) jr sale ut
greatly reduced priced.
Tiiis will be your greatest opportunity to purchase fine
Xmaa gifts at low i)rices. Don't fail to take uuVautage
of this sale.
151G Douglas Street
Mr. Lobeck. Miss Lobeck, with her
parents, leaves soon for Washington, V.
C. to spend the winter.
Mr, and Mrs. Myron Learned have
taken the Felix J. McShane house at
706 Park Avenue for alXMiionths snd have
their sister. Mrs. W. C. Shannon, with
them for the winter.
Miss Roslna Mandelbers; hn returned
from a two weeks' visit In Detroit, Mich.
Mrs. Eerllna Llebllng of New York re
turned to Omaha with M1& Mandelberg
and will spend a fortnight here.
Mr. John Patrick arrived from hi'
ranch the latter part of last week t
join his wife, who lias been here some
time. They are gucBts of hlB mother.
Mm. J. N. II. Patrick, at the Normandie.
Mrs. Frank Colpetzer end Mrs. Du Bol
have returned from visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Wilklna In Chicago. Mr. ana
Mr. Colpetxer and Mrs. Iu Bo's ex
pect to spend Christmas there with Mr.
and Mrs. Wllklns. v
Mr. and Mra Lawrence Gibson of Doug
las, Wyo., arrived in Omaha Tuesday
evening to be the guests of Mr. Gibson's
Bister, Mrs. Lyman O. Perley of Fair
acres. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson made the
(Continued on Page Three.)
now being
It i(-