Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 12, Image 12

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is Stores
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Supply the discriminating women of Omaha zvith Suits, Coats ani Dresses that arc notably
"different" from the Ordinary Tailored Apparel. Tomorrow zae will show those prac
tica I,, serviceable new garments known as Jhe "later season" models i?i
1 1 . ft k
Women's Suits, Coats,
and Furs
Every city has many places where a woman may buy a suit, or coat at various prices, but there is always in every community
ONE store where women of good taste go for ' apparel that has a d stinctive character apparel with touches of in .ividual
style that -males a woman eel that her own attire is her very own arid not the cemm&n property of a hundred others. Bran
deit Stores is firmly entrenched in this advanced ptsition in ' Omaha
- Scores of the Season's Glcverest . Creations in Women's Tailored Suits the Newer
Styles That Are in Greatest-Demand Today in Eastern Fashion Centers They
were made to 'sell, at; $39 $49 arid even $59 Monday they .0 at $25
f.V.W."3 ., , Tliore lina boon HO OPDOrtunitv to buv a hiirher fb'iRs'snit this srasnn 'flint, win rnr.iiuiro 'with tl Thorn nro nJinnt
Brandeis Apparel is Not " Expensive." It Srimple Suita in this .proup also otkl'tfarmmts and suits from broken lots that we have been selling up to $).
is so Practical that It Thoroughly . Jt " such suits as these that have established Brandeis supreruaey ns a store for Women's tailored wear. The
Proves Its Worth. : most attractivo styles, materials and patterns Monday, in bno lot, 'at ..V... ..'...'...'
Women's Crepe dc.Chme Party J1 1 QO
Dresses, Worth $20 and $25,' at'. AtP,'UU
There are ihreo different rtyles in ncTen dirreirnt' evening hade
veryi pretty .for. parties or dapritig' affair nibroldiired lace and
fringe trimmed .frocka of clover design. , ' . . j . i ,
Vomens' Sarhpie Vaists of ! Silk: and. Chiffon
Almost 15 bdatitiful waists in chiffohs;.iicts,( lanes (t
and silks; rill styles and colors; actually worth up to
$12.50 caeh';Moiidy-'ortly, nt'. . . . .
Women's Fine Dress Skirts, , ' .. QO
worth up to $15, Monduy Special;. A. )JJvJ
Choice of 70, fine voilo, serge andPnjifttna aklrta.ln dreaa and
walking tyl-a only one of each In-many styles. A notable array
brought forward for the first' time. V ' '
Women's tailbred Linen Waists, ' djl QO
They are worth up to. $5.00, At., .JU
We have almost 12 dof.en fine tailored linen waists, Including the
famous "King" end:"Herald 8quftre,,-VuUts. They'are,odd lots .and broken
llnea and' many samples, ,V -'iV '. . ' " '' V . '. ' ' '
if.. ' tr . --v w ji i i i. riv i -r
:1l -311,
SMS, 7
ito torn ?y
II .V vvl H X ill
These "later season styles" are ciifferent. It
is like a new style show in a new season.
Women's Long Black
Broadcloth Coats ....
The past week we have received a number of very pretty, dressy,
black. broadcloth coats that are different from the ordinary . run of
coats. They have many features that make them stylish. As dressy
coats, they are the season's favorlties.
You Should See the Nevv.Velour Coats
A new model of Imported Silk Velour with guaranteed colored
satin lining. Made with the large eollar and long st r P
revere side button effects very stylish cut. Ex- Ss
ceptional values for Monday, at yJJ
New Reversible Cloth and
Heavy Mixture
Cloth and (1 T (M rj,
Coats at plO-tpl
' There's a graceful styte" to these coats that make them different
from the ordinary. They are a IRUe classier; a little better fitting and
a little netter at snape retaining.
s . ' -
Large pretty designs of good quality silks made long and full. C0 OO
A Monday Special at. ... A .pZ.Vo
AVOM?:NVS imTGTO:iiCED: KIMONOS, worth to $2 at 98o
Made of good, heavy, fleeced materials ' .. ' , v -,
with protty colorings. Now designs. 'srVU.
New stjies and materials, worth up to $7.00 j ftZ'Mi-
4 ' . W at s.l.ns n32Z".WhW.
Sdll:F:.Setsd0: Goats That Are : THorbugHly;
QualityUnd Above Criticism in Their Smart
Dependable in
When you buy t urs at:Drandeis Stores rou feci safe about tho quality of the fur. and its character 'of workmanship. We sell onlvdep'endab'lo furs which r't
are carciully selected. -Tlio. reputation of jJraiideis Stores is behind each coat or each senarate niece. '
Vf I :
f 30.00 for Gonulne . Lustrous. Russian Pony
Coats, 52 Inches long. .' ..' "'
fUMs.0( tor Genuine Russian Pony Coats selected
skins, 63 Inches long. ' '
932.50 for Salle Dlendod Coney Coats, 62 Inches
long. . -
9UU.00 for selected Near 8eal Coats, heavy-lining,
52 Inches long. - V
9130.00 for Genuine Imported Skins,' Hudson
Seal Coats, 52 Inches long. '
9IV8.00 for Uuduon Day 811 ver Beaver, Coats,
.. C2 Inches long. . , . ' . '
.' t250.0o for African ' Leopard Skin Coats ,w1th
Silver Heaver Collar,' 5 3 Inches long.-.,.'. ,' ,
9.108.00 for Genuine XXX Seal Coat (guaran
teed).. ' ' " ' V-,.. t ,,..,.
Children's Winter Coats , $fr
worth up to $10,00, at. . .
, '. Odd lots and' slieslall colors and materials
new styles for winter.
11 I'lH
These are the famous petticoats with the
. . elastic band that fastens with metal
" .glove snaps. The Klosfit petticoats fit
without wrinkle. For Mon
day we Offer 230 Klosfit
Petticoats of eateen or
, FeatUersllk; very special
taw f blftVVUVO 11V
There are skirts In the new cuts all colors that are in CO m
favor better than most at J5.00, special '. ...J)O.OU
Black French Lynx Sets
at - $5.00. $6.08. $8.98 and $10.00
Brown Canadian Marten Sets , " ' " , j
flt $6.08. $7.50. $10.00 and $15.00
Blended Brook Mink Sets -
at $7.50. $10.00. $12.50 and $15.00
Blue Wolf Sets, very fashionable
at $19.00. $22.50. $25.00 and $35.00
Black Fox,, better than ever this season
at . $25.00. $32.50. $39.00 and $49.00
Wlhlte Iceland Fox Sets, very popular
at $10.00. $15.00 and $19.00
Raccoon Sets, new shapes
at $32.00. $39.00. $49.00 and SG0.00
Mink, matched sets, elegant character
at. . , $49.00 up to $250.00
Single ov Double Breasted, high or V neck. A special
lot, at ; ..$1.50
InOnrLace and Dress Trimming Departments
We Are Showing Complete Assortments'
of All Fashionable
LaceSjBands, Allovers, Nettings
Silver, gold and multi-colored embroidered,
beaded and inetulic effects in Passementeries, Gar
nitures, Fringes, Cords and Tassels, Buttons, etc.
all at very special prices.
Miss Virginia White, Hpciiol IU-pretu-utative from tlie Mk.
ertt, WUl In Town All Thin Wtvk for Demon
stration and hale of
La Vida Corsets
She will bo' pleased to show the women of
Omaha the many excellent qualities of the popular
Iia Vida Corsets for which Brandeis has tho exclu
sive sale. La Vida Corsets are made of the finest
imported materials. Come and be properly fitted.
La Vida prices are from $5.00 up.
Women's, New Adjustable Top Black
Velvet Shoes at
One of the prottlest styles out this season. Extra high rut,
t)-lu( h top, ribbon locej that adjusts Itself to any ir rn
ankle; lt buttons, braided tips and vamps, pr. . .
n' mm
ft 0
I til
t 10
Pair. '
8 Special Bargains
In OurBajenunt Salesroom
18c Superfine Flannel at 10c a Yard
Will give splendid satisfaction for house dresses,
kimonos or dressing sacques. The designs are
very attractive; the colorings are A
absolutely fast; Hi inches wide. 1 8!sP
From the bolt; at, per yard Jl V V
The Best Outing Flannel
Tho largest assortment of patterns. The right
length for making sleepers, gowns, pyjamas, pet
ticoats, etc.; every yard perfect; at, pi
per yard 0 2
PERSIAN PRINTS at 4V2c a Yard.
Silk finished Persian pattern Simpson's best
prints. Every woman knows the regular price
of these desirable full standard prints; M.
, from the bolt, nt, yard St
Yard wide bleached soft finished muslin and 40
ineh wide very fine unbleached muslin on bar
gain square in perfect mill lengths; at, p
per yard .. 0 ;2v
10.000 ynrds of yard
wide unbleached Mus
lin, good grade; will go
ou sale at, C
Bleached Shaker Flan
nel, good, long lengths
that are jerfect; 10c
values, nt, OA, rt
yard .
Full size bleached sheets with patent seam. 83
dozen will Ih sold Monday. They are Q
worth Goc each; at, each TvC
42x:)G and 43x3G-inch Pillow Cases, well i(n
, made from good muslin; Monday, at, each. 1UL
Extreme Novelties ia Silks
Authentic styles in silks. Exclusive bordered pop
lins. 'Marquisettes, Soie Charmeuse, satin faced
bordered silks, crepe Meteor, QQ tfft (jr
crepe D'Auteil, per yard ... vOv 10 $uJu
A special offer of bordered and satin striped crepe
Meteor, adapted for tunics, combination effects
for party and reception gowns, etc., at G9t 98o
75e all silk Crepe de-Chines, i Yard wide dress mescalines,
37 dlffereut colorings in- yarn dyed; the regular
eluding evening tints, at price is $1.50; Monday, at
rl 49 I ard u$l
Velvets and Corduroys, the height of fashion. Now ar
rivals wlda wale Corduroys, at yd. ..75 and $1,50
All Silk Paou Velvets, at yard 59
5,000 beautiful 2-yard long Silk Scarfs in stunning effects,
hemstitched, at each 49 to $1.50
11.25 Black yard wide Dress 1 Exquisite Silk and Cotton
Messallncs, at yard 87 I Evening Silks, at yd. 39
mum TM
Brandeis Shows Complete Lines of the
Oneida Community Silverware
We are official Omaha agents for this famous
silver which is beyond all question the finest
plated ware in America today. It looks like ster
ling and costs no more than ordinary plated ware.
It is beautiful as long as it last and it lasts a
lifetime. Many exquisite patterns.
High Class Dress Goods
Latest arrivals in nobbv tailored and costume
. suitings, including the stunning reversible coat
ings and suit materials so much in vogue this sea
son. Many exclusive fabrics asC 4 Ql TA
shown only at Brandeis Stores. ,vl III V s3U
A Special Sl-iucli Drew Ckod Kale Nobbiest weaves and
foremost fall colorings, Irish homespuns, Scotch tweeds,
' satin faced prunella and Drap de Paris so much In vogue,
beautiful navy blue cost'.ime serges, whipcords, diagonals
and Ottoman weaves. Worth from $1.25 to $2.50
very special on bargeiu square,
at, yard
Popular Priced lrets Gootla Such as Jamestown Wo.stci
mUl fabrics. Potauy and Garfield mil is productions;
plenty of navies and new browns, mixed grey and browns,
wool taffetas, sergeB, poplins, etc., at about half
under the regular price, all go at, yard
5 All Wool 11-4 Plaid BFnk'ts S2.98 or
Fine, soft wool; tan and white, blue and 'white,
black and white, etc. They are double and made
for full size beds; weigh 5 lbs. to pair. Never of
fered before for less than $3.00 a pair; (Jrt no
Monday, at, pair CUpJ0
$8 and $9 extra fine All Wool Blankets at $5 Full 11-4
and 12-4 sizes, and weigh 7 and 8 lbs. to a pair. This is
one of the best bargains In wool blankets ever fl a
ottered, at pair J ). j)
$3.50 Fine 11-4 and 12-4 Woolnap and Anutrallan Blankets
at $1.98. Hard to tell from all wool; $3 and i 1 AO
$3.50 values Monday, at pair vJt5
Brandeis Is exclusive Omaha agents for tlie 'celebrated
Dr. Jaesers Camel Hair. Imported Blankets, Auto Hugs
and Steamer Hugs.
C0AT3 i
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