Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    unday Bee
Snow; Colder
VOL. xll xo. 21.'
sixnLK corv five cents.
leader Telegraphs to Chinese Board
that Hcaltli Will Not Permit
Him to Do the Work.
Coining and Going in Omaha
he Omaha
Nebraska, Kansas, Dakota, Wyo
ming: and Colorado Are Swept
by Cold Wave and Gale.
Thermometer Drops Rapidly and
High Winds Prevail,
(svmseus idca O ) . ' ,y,N ; S ' ( OIK. . I
y v ! J J,,x ' wrfN. v taa
1 . &y wmm
Means that General Ehanj Will Not
Renew Allegiance.
Yuan Says He May Arrange Terms
with General Li.
Chinese Scholars Work cn Docu
ment fcr Thirty Years.
Delcgntea on 'Way to (ontcrnwe
Fundamental l.ana of
tlc Republic Will He
PEKING, Nov. U. The throne and gov
ernment alternated between hope and
Cetfpair today. Thin morning a telegram
was received from Yuan Shi Kai In which
bo said ho was unable to come to Peking
and expressed a pessimistic view of the
situation. A tecond message coming sev
eral hours later struck a more cheerful
The dispatches v.tto directed to the for
eign board and in tho f!r:;t Yuan Shi Kai
aid the "outlook in decidedly gloomy.
X do not exptct to bo able to effect the
dciiired pacification. Moreover my health
Is bo. feeblo that I urn unable to come, to
Poking and a.'sumo the post of premier."
Gloom nettled deeper over the official
family when this was read, for they
had in mind yesterday's announcement
of the Chinese that Yuan Shi Kai had
been Invited by. General Lt Yuan Hens,
the leader of the revolutionists, to be
come president of the republic of China,
ponding the assembling of Parliament.
Last Prop Goar.
It teemed as though the last prop of
tho throne had given way, for the ex
pectation Unit General Chang Shao-Tsen,
who ns the real commander of the Twen.
tleth division of the Imperial 'troops, holds
. tho,, key to fhe situation In the north,
' mlglvi come to Peking and renow his al
legiance to the government, rested on
the assumption that-he world meot In
eotiference Yuan Sill Kul and Hsl-Llang,
former viceroy of Manchuria. ' .
Yuan's second telegram, however, was
a cheering; surprise. It Informed the for
eign board tliat negotiations with Gen
eral 1.1 Yuan Hepg hud taken a- turn
for the better and that General LI had
showed si an a dt becoming less irreconei
able and possibly would agree to a peace
ful compromise in onlcr to avert further
bloodshed. Y'lian added that Li's col
leagues differed on matters of policy and
that trouble might arise among them.
The president of the foreign board
hurried to the quarters of Prince Ching,
the acting premier with the latest dis
putches and Chine lost no time In con
veying tho tidings to the throne.
New Constitution Drafted.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Nov. 11.
Eighteen Chinese, scholars, who have
been engaged In the task for thirty years,
have completed the Magna Charta of
China. According to Ilo Leo, president
of the Young China society lodge here.
It will be promulgated as tho constitution
of the United Kepubllo of China, ho said,
Just as soon as the fall of Peking is an
nounced. Whilo republican in form, tho govern
ment prescribed by the savants will be
far In advance of that in vogue in the
United Stales or elsewhere, Ilo Lee de
clared today. Kcouomles and the welfare
of tho 'proletariat were the chief concerns
of the constitution makers.
Trusts will be prevented and rich must
pay a scale of taxes prescribed by the
Coiirrntion la fchauitUuI.
tails of a plan for a constitutional con
vention at Shanghai at which the new
Chinese republic will be established and
a constitution adopted were made public
by leaders of the China national assembly
today. Delegates already are on the way
to the convention rlty, according to Long
(Continued on Second l'age.)
Fnr Nebraska ijnoTT flnrrler: colder
with severe cold wavo east portion, ris
ing tempeiaturd w.t portion; high noith
wvtiterly winds.
For Iowa llennrp.tlv filr tvim mha1
colder east portion; h!ah northwest wit ids.
Temperature rt biinht Yesterday.
Comparative Loral Hecord.
It'll. 1910. 19o9. 1W.
Highest yesterdiv 27 3.". 63 3t
1 uwni es(t-rlay f -I 4.1 i'3
Mfun toinpeiature 11 31 U i"
1'iecipitation 03 .00 .15 .00
Temperatures and -precipitation dc
iuiI'.;ts from tle norniul:
Ni rmal tunperature r for the iluy rrf. ... 21
Total clne March 1 ts
Normsl prec Ipi'uilun (it Ini h .
1 ifi' icney for the duv 01 Inch
Total rainfall since Mun h 1. . III. W7 Inches
1 .. i. i,,. v kince, Mnnh 1 U 7timh.
Jufielency for cor. period, Ir.che
J'cticnut)' for cor. criud, l isuicUi-s
i in w nnuauiaai.v aj
'.'.. fs-fORtAN!) -m 33
II ' - 1 X l - '
1 7 a. m 7
N I 8 a- m -!
i 4 10 a. m lfi
' 1 (jV ' 11 a, m H
A 11 in 13
V JtvSi) 1 m
K ft 't d 2 p- m "
. fsJK p, P- ni n
-4Crv- wlrr' 4 p' m i
K4SW i p. m s
i-y- 7 P- m
I fc w- J J . l l J J Tl !, Vr "-ViJ '1 II 1 II. 'TV 1 1 I 1 f Y-r
Emperor Takes Exception to Crown
Prince's Demonstration in
the Reichstag.
Yoaa Man's Approval of Urlllcoae
Criticism of Throne's Moroc
can Policy Itcbukrd by
lloal Father.
BERLIN", Nov. 11. A public and semi
official rebuke has been administered
to Crown Prince Frederick William
through an Inspired telegram from Ber
lin published In the Cologne Gazette to
day, and which fully confirms tho re
port that Emperor William reprimanded
his son for having openly demonstrated
his approval of the attacks on tho gov
ernment's Moroccan policy and tho bel
licose utterances in the Reichstag
For a similar instance of public cen
sure for tho crown prince one must go
back -to ,1SC3 when Crown Princo Fred
erick ; was- rebuked for criticisms' of
Chancellor Bismarck .policy In a tpeecu
made at Danzig.
Text of Dispatch.
...The -.dispatch iuitb Cok;gue,GattA
says: ' '
'We believe It to be the right and duty
of the heir to the throne to take an in
terest in politics. , He cannot bo re
proached for forming his own opinion,
even If It Is not consonant with tho Im
perial policy. '
'Ave further do not detsiro that the
crown prince be prevented from
his opinion in a fitting manner and
place; not, however, in tho way chosen
In the Reichstag, the effect of which we
consider extremely grave.
- "It goes without question that the epi
sode and the press comments thereupon
wore reported to the emperor, and the
absence of the crown prince at Friday's
sitting was due to the emperor, to whom
Thursday's events and the considerations
involved therein cr.nnot be agreeable."
Tho crown prince will return- to Danzig
his evening.
Referred to IlndKct Committee.
BERLIN, Nov. 11. At tho close of the
debate today the Reichstag referred thj
Morocco-Congo treaty with France to the
budget committee to whom the govern
ment 1 asked to make further explana
tion. Resolutions demanding' an exten
sion of, the Reichstag's rights regarding
the conclusion of treaties were referred
to the same committee.
Kansas Democrats .
Declare for Clark
for President
DOIXJE X'lTY. Ken., Nov. 11 Champ
Clark, epealter of tho national house of
representatives, was endorsed for the
nomination for president In 1912 by the
democratic convention of the Beventn
Kansas congressional district here this
Mr. Clark, who was the principal
speaker lit the convention, was cheered
George Neelcy of Hutchison wns nomi
nated to congress to succeed the late IS.
1. Madison, republican.
Daughter of Dawson
Will Regain Health
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Nov. ll.-(Speclal Tel
ej?ram.) The friends of "Tom" Dawson
the Stato department .ill be pleased
t lecrn that his 6-year-old duugnter,
ho several weeks ano while playing fell
nd sustained a fractured skull, U rapidly
jnvalesK'lng, and It Is hoped will soon
io about again. The child was sent to
ohns Hopkins University hospital, Hal
Imore, where a most delicate operation
vas performed by a specialist, with the
esult that after nearly three weeks in
I e hospital the child Is now on the roau
j complete recovery.
FredBriggs Found
Guilty of Robbery
Hiiggs. former Minneapolis politician and
cigar salesman, wai found guilty of high
way robbery by a Jury In the crliuina
court here today. Hrle'K, it w4 iIiutkm'
In the trial, was a con puniun of the lul.
Jirry McCarthy, Minnrcota-Ionu ot.lluv
and ex-con vlct, and f l'et.r Julil, who ie
jently-shot and klilej Detective Fraztr
of theibt. Paul force.
Francis B. Couitncy Says Sister of
Mrs. Larsen Wrote Letter.
Ucrlerntloit that Womnn Who Tes
tifies Aaalnat skater W Hutc
1 nerlmlun tlnu; Lettera
to Herself,
NORTIIWOOD, la., Nov. li.-Francis
B. Courtney, handwriting expert, dt.voil
today on tho Ktund In the trial of iyrj.
Etta Larnon, nccuned of attempting to
poison her father, Douglas Rodeiibaugh,
that the ten threatening letters alleged
to navo been written by Mrs. Larsen,
were not written l.y tho defendant, but
by her, Muter, Marlon Rodenbaugli. ,
Those letters, which form-i tn im. ,
portant feature of the prosecution's testl- unner""y " opening a session on cur
mony, were addressed to Marlon and ,enc and banking reform of the West-
coiunlned threats' of
death If she told ,
of tho poison plot I
Courtney, u, the first witness for the
foomKe;hCRUrd t8u,:r tha
room when he testified that the girl, j
,ii Dc-en me . principal witness ,
against her sister, wroto the incriminating
totters and addressed them to herself,
Courtney, kept- the stand most ft the '
day, and was subjected to ; a merciless
croBs-exumlnatlon by prosecutor Markle,
whkli, however, did not change his story.
EJitor Tells New r -Story
to Lorimer
Inquiry Committee
CHICAGO, Nou ll.-Fred A. Pterllng,
editor of a newspaper at Rockford, 111.,
who had testified that ho heard that
"high 'prices" were being pal l for votes
o secure the election of William Lorimer,
wan crunn-c.amlned today beloio tho scii
c.toup.1 investigating committee. Mr.
Hanccy, couunel for Mr. lorimer, sought
to show that Sterling was opposed to
Lorimer because of a desire to promote
Governor Den?en's prospects.
"Didn't you in a public speech call Sen
ator Cullum a traitor because he votod
to retain Senator Lorimer In his seat?"
asked Attorney Hanecy.
"I criticised him but did not call him a
traitor," replied Sterling.
'When you criticised Senator Cullum
you had more Information concerning
corruption tiiun Senator Cullum did, didn't
'I supposed he knows as much as any
"Why," interposed Benatcr Jones, "your
testimony here Is the first tlmo that It
has been brought out that a member of
tho assembly spoke' before tho election
about another member having received
money for his vote."
Ptate Senator-E. IIey of Newton, 111.,
testified he had heard rumors thu legis
lators had been told they might get 11,000
for voting for Lorimer, and that agonts of
tho Chicago packing interests, or. agents
rcpieaentlng J. Ogden Armour, were In
Spiingfk-1.1 before the election working
for Lorimer.
N. C. Dougherty
is Released from
Prison at Joliet
JOLIKT. 111.. Nov. H.-Newtori C.
Dougherty, former banker and superin
tendent of schools at Peoria, paroled bv
the state board of pordons yesterday, left
i he Joliet penitentiary today after six
yt'ais of confinement.
Dougherty, accompanied by Thomas
Kcholes, boarded a Chicago-bound train
at the prison gates. Aside from saying
ho expected to join his wife In Chicago
Dougherty refused to talk.
The former Peoria n, who at one time
was president of the National Kducatlon
I ' "i. iu juijei liner he
j had teen otmvirted of embezzling more
j than p.iUtXl fiom the I'eorlu richoot board.
P.KATRICK, Neb., Nov. 1 1. .(Spet lul
Telcgruin.) Five boilermakers employed
here wltii the Union Puciflo went on a
strike today. Since the "strike on the
Hairiiiian lines the company has been
sending many old engines here to be re
paired, and this is the causa given for
the walkout.
RICHMOND, Va., Nov. ll.-Mrs. Alex
ander It. White of I'arls. Tenn., today
vss r-lectud tresld.-nt of the United
Daughters of ths Confederacy on the sec
ond ballot over Mrs. Livington R.
Schuyler of Ntw York
. 'U
Prof. Kemmcrcr of Cornell Say.
Bankers Have Too Large
Fart in It.
Kortr-Ooe of the forty-Five Direc
tors of Central Aaaoclatlon
Fleeted br Hunkers and
nepresen fat Ives.
CHICAGO, Nov. ll.Th ?thOd Of
choosing directors and the preponderance
bank,n" representation In the proposed
Aldrlch currency plan were criticised to.
aax "Y rof. P.. W, Kemmercr of Cornell
'." -"m'c ewieijr.
1 rot- Kemmerer was the first of a dozen
"f'Th ,cheduled, ,0 txem themxeives
Monetary comm.s.ton, will end the ses-
: tt,multaneously with the open discus
slon here the National Monetary commit
iun began a to .ey' yajpn. ,
. "The public rtitorest in the Altlrien
plan arises irom two souia.i,' sa,d Vtot.
Uainuuirer. 'irst, the vtial cannectiou
beiweun the. National fcesorva airfo.'W
tion and the busiuess iatvrstn ot the
country and, Iteond, Itotri the manner in
whuii the association Js controlled o
whom Its governors are elected.
'loo itiuny llnukert.
"In the present formation, the National
Reserve association Is entirely In the
hands of the tiaterniiy. Dlreo
lors ot local ai-eoclauons will be chosen
by bankers and doubtless will bo bankets,
and tho tame may be said of tho branch
"The central asroclatlon in only slightly
less in tho control of the bunkers, for ot
tho toity-tlve directors w.ll
bo elected by bankers. The two deputy
governuis will be elected by directors and
the selection of the governor by the
president of the United Ktaics from a
list submitted by the board of directors
completes the number under the control
of bankers.
"The secretary of the treasury, com
merce and labor and the comptroller aro
theonly members not chosen by bankers.
Would Have President Appoint.
"Would not a provis.on for entrusting
to the prcs.dent of the United States the
appointment of all of a substantial part
of the twelve non-banking directors In
sure a better qualified directorate for the
pei foi ma nee of the association's Impor
tant public functions?"
"The National Reserve association," 1
believe, "is the best plan that has yet
been proposed for improving our banking
system. 1 would rather have It adopted
in Its present torni, trusting to the future
for amendments, than not to have It
adopted at all."
ttnbconimlttec at Kansae City.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Nov. 11. The sub
committee of the National Monetary
commission arrived here this morning
from Omaha and Is today in conference
with local bankers, business men and
financiers. The principal subject of dis
cussion Is the proposed currency reform.
The committee Is making a tour of the
country with the object of ascertaining
the prevailing opinion regarding the now
General Strike of
Teamsters Likely
in New York City
NKW YORK, Nov. 11. The most
dreaded of all labor troubles, a general
teamsters' strike, threatens New York
unless the city speedily settles Its dif
ferences with the several thousand la
borers In tho street cleaning department.
Woman Horsewhips
Kansas Official
WICHITA. Kan., :ov. U- W.
Trlckctt, assistant attjrney general, who
has been conducting a campaign against
liquor sellers and disorderly houses in
Wichita, was horsewhipped at his hotel
today by Madame Mario Hecah, a fortune
teller. Shu claimed her business had
been interfered with by Mr. Trickett.
The woman struck Mr. Trickett acitoas
the face with a whip while, he rat in
the hotel lobby. A man who ac
companied the woman tried to strike the
urslHtaJit attorney general; other guests
separated tho men. '.he woman fainted
after sha struck .Mr. Trickett. the went
to the police station from the hotel, but
no complaint had been niade against
- V
... I 1 I
- .III i
Negro Educator - Addresses State
Teachers at Des Moines.
ie Says There la l.lttle Hope for a
llace Which Is Content to l ive
in Idlcneaa, but Colored
People Are Working.
(Fiom a Ftaff Correspondent.)..
DE3 MOINES. la., Nov. IL-Bncclal
Telegram.) The State Teachers' - associa
tion closed Its session today In a snow
storm, but with a program of rare merit,
and nearly all tho teachers remained to
the end.
The feature of the closing session was
an address by Booker T. Washington,
"1 thank Cod every day that I am a
black man and not a white man," lie
said, "and I am proud of my race. No
one knows now what the future of the
black raco and the white race will be.
We can only hope that both will progress
steadily forward and let God take care
of the details.
"The greatest sign of progress In the
colored race (s their" changed, mental at
titude toward ree: .-There Is little hop
for e, race whlatj I content to live in
Idlenens, but my people are learning the
real meaning of working. They fln4 that
there Is a difference between being
worked and" worV lug." " ' . 'J
King George and
Queen Mary Sail
to Attend Durbar
LONDON, Nov. lt.-ICing George and
Queen Mary left London today for Ports
mouth to board tho new liner Medina,
which will cairy them to India for the
imperial Durbar to be held in Delhi next
month. Their majesties' departure was
made with much ceremony.
Tho streets were lined with people, who
gave the royal party an enthusiastic
bendoff. '
PORTSMOUTH, England, Nov. 11. The
Medina, carrying King tleoigo and Queen
Mary to India, left the harbor this after
noon to the accompaniment of a royal
salute y the guns of. the warships and
forts. Kleven dreadnaughta, coniposina
the first battleship squadron and attend
ant cruisers, led the Medina out to sea.
California Women
Object to Giving Age
When They Register
suffrage Is welcomed In California by
many of the gentler sex, but tolling of
nges has caused considerable consterna
tion. Assemblyman C C. Young, In an
address delivered recently, hinted that
the publication of Women's ages, as pro
scribed by law, might be a menace to
When women register they must declare
their ages. Declaration are published.
Bo It Is easy for gossipy neighbors to ob-
to'.n the sworn figures. 1'resliont Taft
declared hero recently that suffrage
would l-f a failure urlrss all the Women
Boescher Paroled
From Penitentiary
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. 1 1. t Special. ) Her
man Boeaehe, sentenced to the peni
tentiary on conviction of having killed a
saloonkeeper named Jarmur at Norfolk,
wai paroled IV the State Rourd of
Parole tills efternoen.
John O. Yolser of Omaha, member
the board, went exhaustively into the
.case, and It was on lit written opln' in
that Ilnesrhe wus releaHud. Mr. Yelscr's
j Ida wus that thero was reasonable doubt
K J.
lioesche'a guilt, ai the evidence
lull he was convicted warn that of
disreputable characters, also there were
extenuating clrrutu stances.
CASI'KR. Wyo., Njv. 11. (Special. )
The dead body of Fred Hchacht was
found In Rig Shtfep canyon by a search
ing party today. Hchacht fell over a
cliff wlille chasing a rabbit over two
weeks ago. tils team, which he had
left by the nadshle with his dog, was
found near the spot. The dog was ul
jnoxt starved to death, but tho horses had
browsed the brush and stunted grass
j and liud eaten snow In lieu of water.
jT'he antinalg were In bad shape, liovfever.
Methodist Church at Virginia, 111.,
in Which Many Take Refuge
from Storm, Demolished.
Tooths Alone; t.lne of the North
western llnllrnad In Hock. County
Matter Hevere Damaae from
linle of Wind.
SPHlNGFIi:Ll, III., Nov. 11. It Is re
ported that Just before 5 o'clock this
afternoon a tornado struck Virginia, III.,
and thrk great havoo was wrought and
several lives lost. Wires are down, as
central Illinois has been swept by a ter
rlflo wind all afternoon.
A later report placed the number ot
dead at three, they having been killed
when the Methodist church, where many
persons took refuge, was demolished, "
tirjiuir, wis., Nov, lJ,rReports re
ceived here tonight are to the effect that
a t'trnado has done much damage' to vll
lages along the tine of the Northwestern
road throughout Rook county, Hanover,
Footvllle and Magnolia are aald to have
been hit hard. . ....
Officers Search for
Fortune Hidden by
Convict Now Dead
NKW YORK, Nov. ll.-Actlng on In
formation received from St. Louis, the
district attorney's office here today
began a quiet quest for SC't.OnO stolen by
the late Duvld Rothschild, the wrecker
of tho Federal bank In l'MH. This sum Is
said to have been deposited by him
under the assumed name of Levi In two
safety deposit vaults, where the money
ihs remained since.
From the date of his conviction May
30, im. until his deatli in Sing Sing on
November JS, llKtt, itottischlld steadfastly
refused to give any Information regard
ing the locution of Ida hidden treasure,
which at the time was supposed to total
only j:'70,C.
Tho fact that tho actual sum stolon
by Rothschild was $422,000 and not f270,
000, Is said' to have been revealed In a
confession made by Rothschild's wife In
Kt. Louis, where she Is now living, buy
ing married again. Most of the treasuie
Is said to have been in a safety deposit
vault In Jersey City, but the former
Mrs. Rothschild declares she cannot re
call the iiamo pf the bank. It la be
lieved that the records of the safety de
posit companies must show the transac
tion. Rothschild came to New York from
Cincinnati about twenty years sgo, and
for many years wus a familiar figure at
resorts where gambling fur high stakes
was an amusement. Ilo embarked In th
banking business and various promoting
Iowa Cities Stirred
Over Many Robberies
WKUSTICR CITY, la., Nov. II. (Special
Telegram.) Webster City and community
are fulrly terrorized over a series of rob
beries. Last night the Richardson Jewelry
store, Kchroedtr drug store and Sheehan
bllllurd parlors were entered. Only money
drawers and cash registers were mo
lested and not nioro than $1 was secured.
Within the last few days, however,
stores In Judd, Woolstock, Hlulrsiiurg
and Kamar have been looted. Business
men are aroused and a vigorous campaign
auainst midnight prowlers will be prove
cnteil. P.vldence indicates that the gTing
aro amateurs.
Itceoril-llrenker In II lack Iliila,
DliADWOOD, H. D.. Nov. It. Thla was
tho coMr.ft November day in the Black
Hills since the white man took possession.
In the southern end of this country 23 de
grees below sero was recorded, while
Lead showed 2:! degrees and Deudwood IS
degrees. Traffic i ioinewhut delayed.
but the homesteaders north of here snf
feitd the most severely.
ew I'uatmaalers.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 11 (Special Tel
egram, l-r uurth-class iKjstmastors au-
Nebri.ska Arnold, Custer county,
Charb'S I'. McGuIre, lea K. Black, re-
signed; Lowell, Kearney county, Henry
Buikhart, vice O. Hutchinson, resigned.
South Dakota Wellshurg, Stanley
comity, Mrs. Rlcca I Ktegan, vice F.
II. Wells, sr., resigned.
Mercury Drops Twenty-Four De
grees in Twelve Hours.
Heavy Blanket of White i Western
Part of State,
Many Paces In Nebraska Have Trn
perataree IIcIoot Zero and
Mercury Was Kalllug at
I.aat Reports.
With the mercury at I degrees above
seio last night mid still going down, there
was a good promlso today that would
break records for frigidity, for early No
After several warm flays tho tempera
ture began to drop Friday night. At 5
o'clock Saturday morning tho temperature
stood at 3.1 and In twelve hours It had
dropped twenty-four degrees. A light
snow fell at Intervals Saturday.
Tho "hluck flag," Indicating , a cold
wave, Is ftoatlng over the federal building
for tho first tlmo this year.
Since late Frldy night, tho entire
country from the Rocky mountains, cast
to the Mississippi river tins been In the
embrace of a cold wn and covered by
a storm that In many localities, has as
sumed the form of billiard. This report
comes from the rullnaea cn'.erlnu In
Along the lino of tho Union Pacific,
and Its branches, from 100 miles or so
west of Omaha, Nebraska Is covered
with snow ranging from three to five
Inches In depth. In many places the
mercury Baturrtup morning touched 10
degrees below sero, a strong wind pre
vailing, drifting the light enow until In
some localities It u pUed to a depth of
six and eight tset. '
lleavr Snow la .West. ,
On the Kansas and Cnlorade divisions
of "the ITtilon Psoiria ' ull Friday snow
continued to fall and wnj, driven along
by a high Wind. Through these sections
the temperature ranged from 1 to ( de
gree below.
The North western lines west of the
Missouri river fought with snow and
roid all the way InO tho Black Hills
and out In Wyoming to launder, the
western terminal. At Deadwood, Fri
day morning a temperature ot 10 de
grees below sero' was recorded and the
ground was covered by six Inches of
now. Conditions were practically the
satno from Rapid City, across to Pierre.
(in rn Entire Mate.
From Omaha to Long Pine 10 above
sero was the lowest temperature reported,
with one to five Inches of snow. West
of Long Pine and out as fur as Caspar,
the mercury ranged from 0 to 10 below.
High winds prevailed and the tour to
eight Inches of snow drifted badly.
On the Burlington linos, through the
South Platte country, alt Saturday, snow
fell from Omaha to Denver. Front Lin
coln west conditions were decidedly bill
iard ly, with a temperature of sero to 10
above. On the tinea to the northwest and
far up Into Wyoming a regular old-fashioned
bllszard started In Friday, night
and continued all Saturday. At f Sherl- '
dan the . temperature was 10 below.
Similar conditions prevailed In the Rig
Horn country, though the wind was net
so high us to tho north and east.
Zero Weather (blaatrtard.
Trains arriving this morning from the
nortli und eust brought reports of heavy
snow and high winds throughout Iowa
and Minnesota, tho temperature being
about the same as in eusteru Nebraska
and hovering around xero.
Owing to tho storm being so wide
spread, aturduy there wus scarcely a
train that arrived in Omaha on time.
Stockmen coming from tho range are of
the opinion Unit unlets tho storm should
continue for u couple ot days there will
be no loss of stock. Cuttle and sheep
aro reported to be ill line condition and
with the wind blowing the snow from the
range they will not suffer for want of
lj. at rice reported temperature clone to
zeio lust night and snow on the ground.
Two UeloTT at Denver.
DGNVIi'lt, Nov. 11. The cold wavo
moving eVJtwurd from the northwest to-
(.Continued on Second Page.)
Tickets to Ameri
can Theater.
Boxes of O'Brien's Candy,
DalzeU's Ice Cream Bricks.
AU aro given away free to
those who find their names la
the want aJs.
Read the want ads every day;
your name will appear om
tlmo maybe wove than ouce.
No puzilea to solva uo sub.
ecriptlous to et Just read the
want ads.
, Turn to tho waut ad pages
there you will find nearly every
business house In the city represented.