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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1911)
HIE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. NOVEMPEIt 11. 1911. -sviaJ Wbm4 4feMM4!wM4i4 ibwiwi MHiitomJl " ..1...., .... . , JiUstt.. m Mk.X rn crz3 1 9 n IHlere Is Especially Important SHews From GCilpatrick's Concerning unusual offerings for Saturday. The crowding and confusion incident to tearing out the walls for our new addition, caused us to overlook and display a lot of Exclusive Fino Silk Pattern Suits, bought for this season s business. Saturday Wc Dosiro to Closo Out Every One OURS the LOSS YOURS the Gainful OPPORTUNITY Two Prices-Two Lots, at an P3 Beautiful Mcssalines, exquisite Pcau de Soies, very choice Poplins, plain satin striped liorder ings, elegant floral effects. Two-toned or self colored. Colorings so various, combinations so charming that there will bo 'no difficulty in pleasing you providing you need or can use a new suit, and always providing, of course, that you are on hand early, for there is a pick; and our customers are quick to respond. In white, Copenhagen, green, Alice blue, beauti ful browns, black, wine, gray, navy, Gobelin, robin egg are the main colors; blended and toned into such combinations such as only . Johnnie Crapaud knows how to use. Marked previously and sold freely at $15.00, $20.00 and $25.00. Saturday, starting at 8 A. M. $13.98 and $9.98 HOT MORE THAN 2 TO ANY CUSTOMER. The Glove Section is Opposite Some decidedly attractive bargains for Sat urday. Don't fail to note the calendar glove gift interesting, as Christmas is only 6 weeks away. 17c lave Hovcd in On The Second Floor Not yet in apple pie order, but we are nil ready for business with some mighty attrac tive offerings, too, for Saturday. More room for display more stock to show in our new addition. Two Days F.lorc After Saturday for skirt making to your order at the low price of $2.00. Skirts well tailored and fit guar anteed. Dress goods reduced greatly during our extension sale, also. "We can deliver in about one week orders crowding us to such an extent that there must be more timo given. Promptness will profit you for first come, first served- There Are About 100 Suits To Go at $23.75 This lot includes some new garments re ceived recently and worth in the regular way up to $40.00. The materials, the workmanship, the styles are the best that can be produced better, infinitely better, than, the garments blown about by trumpet blare from some stores. A Real Sensational Suit Sale Saturday AVe use the word sensational advisedly for wo will place on sale . Saturday morning at 8 o'clock a great collection of women's suits, em bracing the choicest new garments bought for Into fall and winter trade and sold as high as $05.00 at one juice , Saturday Will be Underwear Day Our stock is complete and replete with all the best popular makes 10 lines in the neigh borhood of $1.00. A very special line for Sat urday is: Ladies' Jersey Union Suits Combed peeler yarn, bleached pure white; high neck, long sleeves, ankle length, i jjO real comfy; worth $1.00, ut. B V Another attractive item A small lot of silk and lisle separate garments vests and tights, worth $3.00, will f?o at $1.98 Hosiery Bargains Galore In lisle, cotton and silk for instance, Mlks in colors and black worth $1.00, at Lisle and Cotton, all colors, worth 50c, at 2oC a pair. Most of these are foreign makes. Showing just now a complete lino of Out ing Flannel, Flannelette and wool mixed gowns for women and children. These on 2d floor. ur Furnishing Section for Uen never in our history contained such n corapleto assortment of all that is desirable in winter wearables-Pyjamas and Night Itobes, Union Suits of silk, silk mixed, wool mixed and cotton; light, medium and heavy weights. Socks, ditto. Neck wear in almost endless variety. A pew line of Vests, real nobby. Many specials for Saturday. Men at this writing so rushed that they could not give us details, so we have to let it go at this. U Blanket and Bedding Salo in Basement Salesroom Continues Saturday DC mummer CHAIN GANG MAKES A BREAK Fifteen Prisoners Try to Escape from the Workhouse. ONE IS SHOT, BY ED STOUT Utnk Locks Overwer la the Tool Home and nan, bat it Shotgun Calls a Halt on All bat Two. Fifteen members of the chain gang mart a break for liberty yesterday at the municipal rock pile, Twelfth and Nicholas streets, after three had locked Ed Stout, overseer of the prisoners, in the tool house. Stout managed to get out and stop the gang after two had made their escape. Ed Wilkinson, who was Just going out of the gate was shot In the back and arms with bird shot. That the break for liberty was premedi tated Is the belief of Mr. Stout. The two men who escaped Frank Serrel and Fred Bell are known to be desperate men, and Stout noticed that they were holding low conversations for the last three days. About 11 o'clock Stout went into the tool house to get a new pick for one of the men. He had hardly reached the interior of the shed when he heard a yell and the -door was closed behind blm. When he attempted to get out he found that it had also been locked. After secur ing their guard the three ringleaders notified the rest of the gang. A .pick was used to break the lock off the fence gate. While the prisoners were breaking the lock off the gate Stout was crawling along the rafters of the building to a small window. This he broke with the butt of his gun and then dropped thirteen feet to the ground. He fired one shot ut the three men going out of the gate. Wilkinson dropped to the ground with a yell of pain, while the other two men kept on going. The rest of the crowd, when they saw that Stout was in earnest, ran helter tkeltcr back to their various rock piles and began to work. The two men who escaped evidently were shot by Htout, as small spots of blood were found on the sidewalk outside of the enclosure. Wilkin son, the Injured convict, was sent back to Jail, where his Injuries were dreased by Dr. T. T. Harris. Although questioned regarding the attempted escape Wilkin son maintained silence. Ills injuries are not dangerous. POSTAL EMPLOYE TAKEN WITH A DECOY LETTER Deputy United' States Marshall Wright of Chadron arrested T. H. Manning, a Bridgeport postal employs, charged with rifling the mall. Information has been received here and Postofflce Inspector Kendall of this olty has been working on the case with Inspector Willis of Bridgeport, with the result that Manning was caught in the act of extracting money from decoy letters. The exact amount of his peculations is not known, but It Is thought that It will total up to several thousand dollars, as he has been suspected for several months. He gve bonds before the United Btates commis sioner at Bridgeport and will have a trial next month. Board Checking Up Ballots of Tuesday Canvass of last Tuesday's general eleo- tkin in Douglas county, has been com menced by the official board. The can vass will extend at least a week. County Clerk P. M. Haverly being confined to his home by illness. Deputy County Clerk and County Clerk-elect Frank Dewey is chairman of the board. The other mem bers are J. Francis Hopper, democrat; H. J. Hackett, republican, and County Judge Charles Leslie. The election law requires that when the office of countv clerk has been affected in an election the county judge shall be a r.. ember of the election canvassing board. Several registration fraud cases, started by John J. Mahoney before the election and set for hearing before County Judge Leslie Friday afternoon, were continued for a week because the Judge Is required to serve on the canvassing board. ALFRED SINNETT TAKEN AFTER A LONG SEARCH I Hit yivlMA ; fit V Psmi n mi 0 CO: A search extending over four statss since April was brought to an end yes terday when Deputy United Btates Marshal Perkins of Hot Springs, Ark., brought Alfred L. Hlnnett to Omaha charged with forging a postal money order. In April Blnnett received a letter ad dressed to Adolphus Slnnett, containing a money order for 17, forged an Indorse ment, cashed It and (led. He went from here to Kansas City and then to Bloux City. From there he went to Kentucky and later went to Hot Springs, where he was arrested upon information fur nished by Postofflce Inspector II. E. Randall of this city. Slnnett, although only 19 years of sge. Is married and has twe children. He is afflicted and says he used the money to buy medicine. The wife resides in South Omaha with his parents. He was placed in the county Jail and will be brought up before Judge Munger next week. PAWN TICKET PROVES THE UNDOING OF CLAY Clay Valandingham, whose undoing was caused by his failure to detroy a pawn tirknt aftrr ha had borrowed money on a stolen match box. was arraigned on a grand larceny charge boroie Judge uee S. Estelle. He pleaded not guilty. Valan dingham as a bellboy at the Hotel Home purplolned a suitcase of Lorenio D. Macey, a guest, and pawned its contents, worth 1118.63. He made good his escape. The police of Syracuse, N. V., arrested him as a suspicious character, found tho pawn ticket among his effects and de duced that he might be wanted In Omaha. ' Nobody la Too Old to learn that the sure way to cure a cough or cold Is with Dr. King's New Discovery. Mc and $1 CO. Tor sale by Beaton Drug Co. ih Are Still Harping on quality and cleanliness. It's our hobby we're made our repu tation on these points nd when you consider quality, our prices will compare with any of them. Don't forget our choice Hume Dressed Chickens. Porterhouse Steak 20c Sirloin Steak lftc Round Bleak. ISHc Chuck Steak 10c Choice Rib Roast ISO and 12 He Pot Roast 8c, 7c, flc Pork Roast 8Vc Pork Loin 11 He Home made Pork Sausage 12 He Home Rendered Lard . ...12Hc JOS. BATH'S GASH MARKET 1021 Kama in 8t. JACKDAW RYE IVEIlSEiEY Cold weather suggests Whiskey. Here are ome brands of international reputation. Jackdaw Hye, bottled In bond, full quart tl-BS Maryland Hye, full quart 75c- Maryland Hye, gallon 83. BO White Cross Whiskey, full qt. ..7So Most any btandard Bran a Sottlad in Bond, full quart 91.00 We give Green Trading Staps. CACKLEY DROS. wrira kxkcxaitts. Mall Orasra Tomptly rilled. 131 Worth 10th at., Opp T. O. Elayden Bros.' eat Dept. Make the Prices for the People Pork Koast 7Vz5 Pork Loins 10c Hulk Sausngo 53 Veal Steak .15c Veal Chops, 12Vo and 10c Veal Stew, 4 lbs. for 25c Hindquarters Lamb or Mutton 5V&C Forcquartera Lamb or Mutton 4c Mutton Stew 12 lbs ; 25c Mutton Chops, 3 lbs 25c Boneless Rib Koast 10c Pot lloast 5c No. 1 IXams ....120 Uncon 12 Chickens lOVfcC ayden Bros.' Heat Dept. 3 JEZHEBS BARBER IS FINE0 FOR VIOLATING ORDINANCE A fine of SIO and costs and a reprimand were dealt out to John Konvalln In police court for violating the barber's ordinance which provides penalty for accepting money for ahaves and haircuts on Bun day. Ehrtdsnce showed that Konvalln had accepted money for such work. Kon valln did not make any other defense than the excuse that others violated the ordinance IIP ! PREKU DRESSED KPIUNti CHICKENS AT THE PUBLIC MARKET Steer Pot Roast 7 H) and QHt Steer Steak IOC Young Veal Roast IOC Young. Veal Chops 10 Veal Stew 41 Lamb Legs tKi Lamb Stew, 8 lbs 25? 4,000 lbs. No. 1 regular hams, t 13 5,000 lbs. No. 1 skinned hams. at No. 1 Calumet Hacon.. 174 Sugar Cured Bacon . . . . J.2!t Fresh Dressed Chicken ..10 S-xrlals From 7 p. ro to 0 p. m, Lamb Chops 5 From 9 p. m. to 10 p. m., Pork 10 l-lK I P"' lb' The key to success In business is the Judicious and persistent use of newspaper a,vrtislng. 10 Pounds Best Gana Granulated Sugar fl fin A .if Toa rnrchase 1 Order ef Other Qeoas. ZJ II VJ II We carry a full line -t Teas, (offee, Bplces. Ex- II y tracts. Baking I'owdnr, etc. Try Oar Coffee, Bpeetal at, a lb. See. Moyuno Toa Co. 4?4 aoAy.ttV.i.. DELIVERY WAGONS LEAVE AT 10:30 A.M. and 3 P.M. SahKET G&fK&k C3Wr5 3Wg QwVrft S-S C3&Z C53 ' Omaha's Pur Food Center SATURDAY SPECIALS rrssh Trait and Yagetable Sept. I stalks Michigan celery .....ioe Fancy sweet potatoes, per basket, at 7a New chesnuts, per Ih Boo bweet rider, per Jug 30o and OOe Head lettuce .XOo and lS'e sresh dates, per pkg. lOo and leo New carrots. bests, turnips, pomegranate, fancy apples, mint inusliroums, endive, spinach, kid glove rnges. faiuy grapes. ll.OO well made durable vlothes baskets, "spe lal"' too New layer raisins, In cartons. Moo or Ohio n.aple sugar, per Ih too Citron, orange or lemon peel, lb v Imported uiacsronl, assorted, pkg I nWes. Corn Klakea l't. lare fruit honey, extracted S6e Large pkgs. Kings new "rfelf Klwlng" buckwheat I5o COc jar Que. ii olives 3o Ito Imported saritlnes. per tin So 4 ukgs. Uneeila JtlMcult ISo I-In. an soupi., svsorted ISo Barter and Cheese Sept. "Lotus'" trean.ery liuller, In car tons, per lb See Our bet country butter. In snnl- tary Jars, per lb. see Domestic Bwlss cheese, per lb. pr .Boo per I -jo a so . at Large Kdam cheese'.' each" imported ItoqueXort cheese. B9Ho fi.uo per lOO Ser 00 - J Wa I G 1 1 U. It A rliMM r. as. w. I. .. Ciry relUih or chow chow Courtney s Lot,,', brand whiskey . y"-r..0"'. full qt ai.oo Jtockwell, rull ot a l tin iiuiwui, i tin jt Bias slontl.ello Hye, riilHmjartM'.&l.eO run qt. ai si .1.0 .91.1 Ouckenheliner, 1903 Ainerion, jhoi full quart i cuar isroox, run Quart . Wurnlrk full Moiiograin. full aimrt fetrouiflit Wlilskey. full quart eoe i.'un m AJ.1L, 1U11 1.00 1.B5 .00 00 quart .BOo fort wine, old Bant a Koba' 'stock, full nuart . . in. Sherry, tianta Kosa stock, (juurt Atadorla, anta Rosa stock, ' 1 , 1, u Angelical ' Wan ('a 'rto'sa' 'st'o'c'k quart White rtosa BOfl full .BOO full .eoo full .OOo tWK, .90O In Port. kinlA Sweet lataw'ba. Kan'ta'ilo'sa's't'oi k. full quart BOo Ulaikberiy. full quart 75e vhlte Vokuy. full quart &Oo I'ort, per gallon T5o, fa.09 OWJJt C3tfi fawga, ("SOUP fiwwg? QpMi CwtlwB Cwsija 1610 HAR KEY ST. 2144 lnd.A-2147 OBsanmasMmtmvsa REA fBJ wm p t- i i 1 1 i . r mm TREAT 9 -3!J UUr 7 Year Old Vhiskey You never This Ih a du' Ih Xi. tasted a whiskey like It at the prloe. 1 kZX .nrUI otter simply made to further 'ntro- v I ll' ler Brand of Tine' Think of H Jt I A Flll.r OIIAnT FOR ROc U 4 FULL QUARTS SHIPPED PREPAID. Kauai to most hrands that rell for twice as much. Hitlers Straight" Is mellow and l'alutablo ami so pure is recoiiinieiiUel t y many doctors ror tne sick room. CD pp With tlrst order we will cive you r W kB a .mall nsimde bottle, a glass and a corkscrew absolutely free. Order lousy, mots, oaU ur write to LIQUOR CO. 1309 Farnam St., Omaha, flcb.