Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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, - t . r - sir jV. jP.m jV.m, jf.M. T.,-''
mf" uar- ( T'tST wjr r&r 'eT' 'r lfr t -m
or the
Debutante List Grows
M'.st Frnnopn Todd wl',1 take her plare
jkmnna" the reasons debutantes at the
aft-rnnon ri" ci'tlun which will tie Riven
tor her Wednrwlny, N'ovcm! r- 22. by Mm
V. H. Millard at the Millard home. Mls
Tortil his li'Hde hrr hrp- fur the lat
ftw year with ()m ihn Iriindi. She l
hot only accompllf hd In orlrty urace
fcut hns dls()lnved dlRtln't lalent In
drmM!n as a inomlur nf the flayers'
k-lub and ability In the nnre prosaic ac
tivity aji teahrt- at the Clifton Hill
" followln the dibvit M!s Todd will
jrlslt for a month nt the home of Mrs.
Uarton Mlllurd. while Mr?. V. R Millard
U In New York and Washington. I). C.
f Unusual Gifts
; A number of Omaha bribes hre r
ifcelved handromn hTir, earn and
Jewel wadding gifts, but Mls Ixiul
Lord and Ir. Ii scr T:inop Vaunhnn.
-hoe widdlnK hmt crt'tilriK van one of
the large H-lal affalra of tlx autumn,
fracelved several un'munl gilt".
Fromlnent trnont these wcra a letter of
rdlt from Ir. Vaua-han's parents, Mr.
and Mra. John Charles Vausflisn of Chi
cago for pound a itetllnic. whl'-h they
rill use on their wedding" trip In Europe
: The groom' father a'so presented the
bride with a beautiful diamond lava'ller
t In platinum and an order for f-irnl-tvre
from a well known ahop In Chicago.
The brldo'a father also iruve them an
Vnuaual -lft 10 acrta of Canada wheat
land. Hcaldea thla tho bride' parent
awe them flat diver, an oriental run
rid check.
Dr. and Mra. VaiiRhan left Inat evening
far Chlrazn, wher. they will reside at th
Bonth Shorts Country club until December
1. when they aail for a alz month1 trip
Social Events Today
The visiting teacher were the guest
f Mr. F. I- HalUr at the Llnlnger Art
gallery thl afternoon. Under ths
auspice of the Unlnger Travel club of
the Omaha High school the following
musical program wua given by local
tudent talent:
; Violin olo, Kllrabeth Hei-ker.
Piano aolo. Kilr.abeth Peterson.
Violin aolo, Joseph Woolerv.
Acoopar.lst. Kenneth Wldvnur. '
Vocal olo, Will Hoe.
Pleasures Past
Mra. 3. A. C. Kennedy entertained In.
formally at bridge thla afternoon at her
borne In honor of Mi. Kdward O'Jlrlen.
Two table of player were preg'nt.
Mr. LeBrand de Christian entertained
at a box party last evening to set the
Orand Opera Study club at the Rrandel
theater. The guct of honor waa Mia
Emma Mayhew of Dewltt. Neb., gut of
Wra. T. J. Nairn.
Mra. John Webster Towte entertained
t a large bHdgo party thl afternoon at
tier hum. The room were attractive
decorated with American Reality roses,
chrysanthemums and orchid. Eleven
table wire piaoed for the gain of hrldte.
A party of friend assembled at the
reaidanre of Mr. M. M. Grass, 622 South
nineteenth (treat. Wt-dno day evenlnff
and the Equal Right club was formed.
Ten games of hUsh five were playrd. and
prises were awardtd to Mr. James Vlck.
ry and Mr. P. H. Gohardt. The follow
ing member were enrolled at the Initial
Mr. and Mr. M. M. Orass,
1r. and Mm. F. K. Oehaidt.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. MiDunlol,
jnr. ami jvire. J. Milton
air. ana mis. Junit
Air, il. M.
Grata was huetvss at the
meeting of the M. V. o. E. club Wednes
day. Twelve games of high flva were
played and pruea war won by Mr. D.
T. McUrath and Mr. I. C. Mynster.
Present were!
Mesdamea- Medame.
M. M. Orass. I. C. Myijafr.
1. T. McGrath. J.
"vT'Mi,,.. l-B-VVUl'-alts
Nell McCllroan.
Th Up and Down club met at tha
bom of Mra. a M. Iloman. Wednesday
afternoon. Prise were won bv Mr. D.
it. Homan and Mis Tllll Penaer. Tha
jset meelluwlll be In two weeks, at th
lioine of Jars. It. liupson, 113
lOprhteenth street. Those present
' MeiulanB
T. N. Unliifan. r. p. JJouser.
M'llllam Ixiftus, W. H. MrUahney,
U. Van Deuaen, II. M. Homan,
M. Hopa'n
Miss Tilll Penner,
: Mra. K. C. J. Moore, principal of th
hU'h achool at Maxwell, Neb., and a
Wfll known delegate at the Teaaheis'
convention, was honor guest at a lunch,
on today given at the Home by the
household economic department of tbe
Woman's club. Those present were:
John Haannann,
lao Uougla,
Churlts Hoihwell,
A. K. tlault,
V. H. MclAtferty,
Arthur iiunce,
II. J. I Adams,
C. II. ToWlmetid,
N. H. Nelson,
Chsrles Trucy,
V. W. Hayes.
T. R. Ward.
VI. I. t aineron.
i. P. Moorhrad.
T. H. 1 rary,
P. J. Utiriitlt.
C. Vlnitiit,
Edward I'lielan,
L. J. Hraley.
I.dward Johnson,
P. L. Sii.n.-.
P. li. lirvant.
Mis Joxle MclluKh.
Mis Ituth Hunsilker entertained th
numlwrs of the A. X. X. dub of the
Omaha High achool at a curd party at
her home. 134 Boulh. Tenth street,
Wediday evcnlm,-. The lu-h school
color, purple and white, were used In
the dt-coiationa and an attrurttvo center
piece of yellow and white rhrvsuntha
inuma wo arranged. Prices were won
fcy Plorence I-ake aud Oroide Cain.
Thoa pics nt wtre:
Mlasea Mlaes
Mailoii Mef affrey. Peul.Ui JJvrd
Llnnrtta Hmlth. Klorenee take,
Lola byrd, Nora clvnn.
Coi mil biuouny, jtMlb lluuiker.
Marion lioinn.
Jkj at guerite Carpenter,
Masrs Messrs
Murrix JHffith. Cie.iiss Kochs,
Joint K1nlrlck, Altwit Mav,
V dl Hoe. Klci.ard lullman.
Vaiter IMxenbaugh, i.oi o t'hin.
Uroru Uiiitics. Harold Wright.
Mrs. J. Allen Murphy and Mrs. John K.
fitorrl.ou entertained at luncheon at th
Vn'.It Id room I'mIj for M.aa Ilogsn
Uellecker. wliose wedding to Mr. Samuel
Pray of Kansas City alll lake place No
vm.Ur 11 Luncheon waa followed by a
Xnaliiiee party at tha Orpbauui.
Tli ladies of fci. 1'btrick a parish gave
av card party at heir hall, Fourteenth and tracts. Thursday evening.
Mrs. ' Jo Wolf Hitritaitmd -th Coral
"VL:n club at her home lu the Maples
aimtniont w eonewlny arternoon. l ovein
were laid fur Me'dumm: P. Orkln. M.
Katleman, M. nocenblatt, J.. Plosburg, J
Kendls, l. Itosnnberg, Dr. lllrschmiin,
A. Mushkln, J. Wolf.
Personal Gossip
Judge Neville will leave thl month for
California for the winter.
Mlfs Anna Bhloldn left today to spend
a few week In Lo Angola.
Mrs. I). P.. Lauer of Uncoln, I visiting
her mother. Mr. J. J. Urown.
Will I.a ilarh of Eaiton. Pa., Is visiting
Omaha relatives for a few weeks.
Mrs. Walter Hradfleld of Chicago ar
rived this morning to be the guest of her
brother, O. K. DeMecker, until after th
Pray-l ellecker wedding.
Mi. M. J. Dygert of Ann Arhnr, Mich.,
will arrive Saturday morning to visit
several week In Omaha with her daugh
trr. Mr. i:ele lygert. Mr. JJygort Is
-n tt,c I'enlflc coast, whera h
will spend the winter.
For the Future
Mis Eileen and Mis Cecilia McCaffrey
will entertain Informally Saturday even
tng for Mis Ojnevleve Head of IJncoln,
guest of her brother, Dr. R. V. Reed.
The first of tho series of winter hop
riven by the officer and ladles of Fort
Crook will he given thl evening at the
post gymnasium. A number of guest
from Omaha wtll attend.
The Wlnton'dub will give tha second
of a sorts of dancing partlea thl even
ing at Chamber' fur the young people of
tha high achool est. The patronesses will
act a chaperons and about 100 guest
will be present.
A matinee bog party will be given Fat.
urday lit the American theater by Mlns
tretcnen ewouaaa. The party will he
cnaperoned by Mrs. Swoboda. Those
present will be:
Misses Misses
Eon Verlant, Gladys Taylor,
Anna Hushold, Uletchen Swoboda,
Lucy lltnimtn,
Mrs. U. Hwoboda.
Omaha's Exclusive
Store Makes Unusual
Fint Great Clearance Sale of the
Scaion Will Start Next
Orkln Bros", exclusive new Sixteenth
street store announce an event of un
usual Importance. They will hold their
first big clearance tale of the season,
tarttng Katurday. It will be a suit sale,
and a remarkable one at that.
The announcement of such a sale at thl
tima of the year by ueh a store with the
established high standards of Orkln Pros,
may well be considered a most unusual
undertaking. Aa Is generally known,
stores of thl class do not begin their
clearance sale until much later In tlte
Th whole stilt section of thla magnifi
cent store will be converted Into one of
tha finest fur departments west of Chi
cago. Tha demand for fur at Orkin's
mm 4
3I8-3Z0 South 16th. St.
At Our Exclusive Store
ha Increased to uch a large extent that
thl departure la imperative. People like
to buy fur at a store of this kind, where
they are assured of the highest quality
at all times. Just the same as In other
articles of apparel sold at thlrt popular
This suit sale to start 8aturday will be
a wonder. Over 1,000 lull will be In
clude, tha greatest collection of smart
style and fa hi o tut ever assembled In
Omaha. Merchants from other town a
well aa those In Omaha accept Orkin's
exclusive store a a criterion where the
martest styles In ladles' wearing ap
parel In te errs rest assortment are al
ar ay a to b found.
.i on i lit., u, j clearance will certainly
be the talk of th town. The values of
fcrod are without a prerendent for this
ee&soti of tha year. Full announcement
of tha sal will be in ado later.
Miss Winifred Stoner of Pittsburgh 1
thought to be the youngest author in
this country, tiha was a r i int of poetry
and typewriting at J. published a book of
versa at 7, and at the age of speaks five
Mrs. Elizabeth Thaver Adam nf linn..
dale. Mbhs.. who has just celebrated her
on hundredth birthday. Is said to have
no sympathy with women who complain
of family rares. Mrs. Adam.
eight children, and yet found plenty of
time to continue her social und educa
tional life, v
Mrs. Timothy U Woodruff, wife of the
former lieutenant governor of New York
is said to be the most enthus'antlo ama
teur woman flyer In the t'nlted States
Bhe has gone up with Bopwlth, Welch
and others, and on one occasion went
up 2,000 feet. Bhe says that aa long as
the engines are going you are not afraid
r.,,t.Jh?.t 1vol,nl"n(f make pne a little bit
timid If Inclined that way.
Opens Saturday Morning at 8 O'clock
aff 1 a as A aa m m
uur oeautilul tailored suits ms tf
sold from $35 to S65. on
sale Saturday at
Every one will wonder why this great specialty store is sacrificing its exclusive
Btock sp early in the season. Styles that are in a class of their own and cannot be had
elsewhero in Omaha at any price. The reason is verv plain. We are compelled to
hold our clearance sale of tailored suits this season much earlier than usual on account
of the wonderful growth of our Fur department.
The people have learned that it pays to buy furs in a reliable store whero they
do not have to be their own judges. Our business in that line has grown so large that
we are compelled to carry an immense stock and we must make room for it. So wo
have decided to hold Our Great Clearance of Tailored Suits now.
r-v.aa.j.T'WiLii.BTr-fV ,...M'.,8ri' i TSTTrr KT.-'-rn'.-'HM .w.:ri...JiW... -
WeVe a
shop in. 0
34 PA Pn
There, every day, we bake the things
you bake.
Just to watch Gold Medal Flour.
i We note how it mixes and rises note
its texture and color when baked.
Note the number of loaves per bag.
Just to be certain all the time that
only perfect flour bears the brand, "Gold
So every bag is alike
Every bag is right and forever.
Wc select the wheat for Gold Medal
Then wash and brush and scour it
Then pass it through 20 grindings, to
secure uniformity y
Then sift it 10 times through silk. s
Only that cream of the flour sifted out
through fine
i j n i f
fi H H I J
i r.
silk comes
to you when
you specify
a. rfc
Cold MedalFloub
l ft 1 11 1 1 1 1
IS. Cm
tny Ira i iff
mm li w . Mil 'A kHw ihm '
mil 1 1 m Wmkw
mm mw wR,;
iyp $fggP- IfjMr- Hpz
5 Over 800 Suits to Choose From
This will be the greatest sale ever heard of in the heart of the
son offering a tremendous stock to choose froni in all' of the
dressy models in trimmed designs. The smart new plain tailored styles
5 and in all of the new and staple materials.
Your Choics at
197 $35.00 Suits 144 $39.30 Suits
176 $45.00 Suits --122 $50.00 Suits
88 $59.50 Suits 95 $65.00 Suits
Your Choics at
Dr. Brady's Latest
In this fine story of a modern
Adam and Eve. Dr. Brady holds
the reader from first page to last
A. C Mcd-URG & CO. PMk
New York CHICAGO 9aa Fraadsoo
Egyptian Chocolates
Our Latest Creation
Nona lletter at Any Price. Sold
in 1 and 2 Found Boxra Only
Irlc 80c and f 1.60.
If by Mail SI. 00 and 92.00.
Myers-Dillon Drug Go.
16th and F amain Sts.,
E9 Jt
top liiS
Lil ! If iM IMtfll iM a "
Values Such as These
Compel Attention
rand'.d opinion after you hsve aeen thl
inuis nu never uuen Better slilrt waist
When thoroughly dependable merchan
dise, of tha very latest design and fahion,
' is offered to you at prices far leas
man you are accustomed to
paying, you owe It to your
elf to at least investigate.
For Saturday we are pricing
skirts and waists at figures
that mean rapid selling. YOU
are urged to get in early be
fore the stock la picked over.
300 Skirts
Heautifully 1ealKned model
nt Storein ami I'rwncli 8erft and
fanc-y all wool nilxturea. Kvery
desirable atiada and black. We
rail your i.urtleular attention
to he excellent workn.unahlp
on these aklrta.
Real $7.50 Values,
Saturday 2.95
600 Waists
Expertly tailored linen walsti
aoriie hand ambroldered. Thi.
Includes a few of the new man"
alilrta of flannel. . Olv u, your
are ura that
Artists' Materials
If In your city, th dealers ar out of
W1K80H NEWTON'S Oil or Water
t'olora. Canvaa, Turpentlna. I.lnaeed.
oipy and r'ale Iryln oil or Varnishes.
Uruanea. eto.. eeud to
wiaiaoat aswron, ltd.
til femAiW AV. ;.h.vv GHti. fi. T.
Catalog u I caata.
Easily Worth 52.00, Saturday at QQq
These are bona fide off.ra Tha ladHe of Omaha ar berlnnlna
Quoted U W 8KX-L Wbt m AUVKUTlBli and at the price?
lOUi and Farnnm
Second Floor Over McCrorey's 5c and 10c Store.
Saving Work for Vomen
Women who live well generally live
mostly on the bread . make. Tii.r all
Tl. T.fh''1" "y U,ter than
lip Tt-p and they cant aford to aDand
their tune duplicating- our work when our
5c at all grocer