Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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Tells State Teachers that Organiied
Play is Great Institution. .
I'UrrTAond Helps Form Better Hab
its, Develop Groap (ontrlnnw
onA Loraltr and Makes
for rhrslral Health.
The third and last day of the Nebraska
Plate Teachers association convention
l''KRn with the general session program
at tho Auditorium, where 3,r"0 ' tencheri
assembled. Henry 8. Curtis, Ph. U. was
the principal speaker and declared that
the aalratlon of American manhood and
tho maintenance of Industrial Intecrlty
depended upon the future status of plav.
Ho declared that w have no national
Hume, but kids games, because tho older
peoplo cannot play, and advocated In an
In I 'renting argument organised play as
tho only means of reaching tho needed
At the close of tho pronrr.m, applauded
by J,0)0 teachers, Mrs. Orlctaa S. Chitten
den's kindergarten trainers appeared in
tho games and dances and folk lore stunts
of the various nations. Forty assistants
and training teachers of tho Omaha
Kthools executed the fantastlo and plons
inir performances, with Miss Helen Hltt
nt tho piano. "How Do You Do. My
I'urtner," ' Tho Bhoemaker," "Dance a
Utile. Partner." "Annie In the Cubbajre
I'alcli," "Weans Porridge," "The Circus,"
and many other games from Swedish,
Norwegian, Bohemian and Gorman tradl-.
tion were played to the Intense delight of
the schoolmasters and the pretty school
ma'ains. Dr. Curtis on Playing-.
Dr. Curltls in his lecture prior to the
folk lore games and dances upheld or
ganized play as the only efficient manner
of recreation for the young, saying:
"You can't turn a vacant lot In a play
ground by simply calling It a playground.
There must be organized supervision.
The purpose of tho playground Is as
definite as the purpose of the school,
and as Important."
Speaking- from a wide experience with
children who strive to play whose dcslro
Is thwarted by the city or their parents
on experience beginning in his home town
of Worcester, Mass., and extending
through periods of service in New York.
Washington and Chicago Dr. Curtis de
clared that the child who' was arrested
fir playing In the street and later be
came a criminal, was made so by the
delinquency of the city. .
. City. Is Responsible.
"Turn the 'Children loose to play without
a supervisor, arrest them for playing on
the streets, as many towns do, and then
do not be surprised If these same children
develop Into criminals. If they do it la
the delinquency of the city and the parent
thut Id the cause, and not because the
child la predisposed toward the lawlefcs.
"The city that does not promote play
grounds is breeding criminals. The chil
dren who do not play where the rules
of the game are enforced will begin to
' cheat and soon will be dishonest a dis
honesty that will extend into business.
If there Is an umpire-a supervisor the
big boy finds that cheating Is unprofit-
" able and soon he will respsct the rules
ot and all the boys will have
a chance to play.v:
Mothers I.oalutr Iiiflncncc.
; "Ve have no national game today. Tho
. older people do not play as they do In
. England. The games are tho games of
children and wo as adults forget them.
Our games are transmitted by tho chil
dren because we have forgotten them."
Referring again to the benefits of or
ganized play, he said:
"The parents don't know what language
some of their children use when they ate
at play In the back alleys. The language
heard even or. a new supervised playt
ground if In a poor section of the city Is
unprintable. But If you will go back to
any of these playgrounds six months
after 'they are established you will find
that this language has entirely disap
peared." Purpose of the Playground.
The speaker declared there were three
main purposes which the playground ac
complishedthe Ideal of physical health,
the formation of better habits, and.
finally the development of group con
sciousness or loyalty, which Is "known
as good citizenship in a city and as
patriotism in a country."
As the best means of securing physical
health Dr. Curtis pointed to the open air
"If a child is to grow up healthy and
vigorous it must be kept in the open air.
There Is no specific for tuberculosis ex
cept the open air. Many of tho con
gresses on tuberculosis have expressed
the belief that the playground Is one of
tho moet effective means of preventing
the disease.
Prevents Oread TabervnloaL.
"Not only does the playground keep the
child In the open a!r, but It strengthens
his lungs and he Is enabled to throw off
tuberculosis grrms when they find lodg
ment there. The congresnes on tubercu
losis which began to meet in Germany
fifteen years ao were one of the chief
sources of the playground movement
Country Folk Eat
TooMuch Canned
Food, Says Condra
"Wo have sung long enough tho praises
of the old, oaken bucket, the moss-covered
bucket; we should begin to learn
the dangers of the old oaken bucket, the
slobber-covered bucket," declared Dr.
George E. Condra. of the University of
Nebraska, In a talk on "Rural Knvlron
ment in Nebraska," at the science section
of the Teachers' Association convention
at tho Young Men s Christian association
Thursday, in which he graphically de
picted menace to health In the country.
Dr. Condra, as a member of the Rural
Life commission, has scoured Nebraska
from end to end ferreting out tho causes
of disease. Only Inst week he tramped
100 miles through the state on a tour of
The lack of pure water, clean milk,
wholesome food and also too little play
and rest In proportion to work, he named
as the chief sources of unhealth In the
Dr. Condra emphasized the danger In
drinking after a diseased person. In
drinking from wells which ure located
so low as to get seepage from chicken
yards and other foul environment, the
necesKlty of keeping windows open In
sleeping rooms and the need of wholo
Home food.
"Too1 much canned food Is being con
sumed In the country," said Dr. Condra.
" "aid mat farmers' wives need
to learn that they cannot ruise strong
sons and daughters on spices and vinegar.
"It Is not right that peoplo should
die from preventable disease when they
are needed for the worlds service,"
said lie.
Other addresses of this section were:
"Color Photography," Frank 11. Shoe
maker, University of Nebraska; "Rela
tive Place of the Sciences In the Public
Rcnoois, jTof. J. C. Jensen, Nebraska
wesieyan university; "Nature Study in
the Public Schools," Superintendent Rob
ert Thomas of Orchard.
W. U. Illshop of University Place, presi
dent of the section, presided.
CAREFUL personal service, we believe, has had as much as any one
thing to do with the successful and very large growth of this busi
ness. There is a good deal, you know, in the way things are sold. We sell lots of good
clothes; we don't sell any other kind; we're particular to have them well made of best
materials in the smartest styles; all that any man wants
or can ask for in these matters, you'll find here, and as for value giving
for tho money, we think there's nobody competing with us on that. Only tho high
est grade makes are sold here, such ns Kuppenheimer, Sohloss Bros., Stein-Bloch una
Society Brand. -
Suits and Overcoats, $10 to $40
New Ideas in Overcoat Styles
Great Coats Auto Coats Slip-Ons
Very heavy materials,
soft and luxurious, belted
"groat" in overv sense
$18.00 to $35.00
Standing collars, wind
shield cuffs, full length,
$10.00 to $35.00
Made without lining
storm proof and rain
proofed; ldng, loose, easy,
at $5.00 to $15.00.
Utility Raincoats Plush Lined O'Coats 3-In-0ne O'Coats
MUs Clark Sara that It Is a Music
Strictly American.
Miss Francis E. Clark, president of h
school of muslo department of the Na
tional Federation of Musical clubs, spoke
on the "Value of Music In Individual,
Community and National Life." Charles
H. Miller sanB ' a bass solo, Torfador
sons from Carmen, accompanied by Miss
Pearl A. Ml nick.
'Nationally our music has been, said
Miss Clark, "until very recently a Joko.
Cultured Europe has ald that wo have
no Ideals, no native musics, only bor
rowed productions and producers.
"This was once true, but It is true no
longer. The making and enjoying of rag
time, minstrels and vaudeville music has
brought us low; tastes nave been per
verted, standards have been lowered, our
pianos have been littered by a deluge of
tra.ihy socalled 'popular' music of the
light opera and musical plays."
nue aepiormg the harm the trashy
music nas done Miss Clark approved the
work ragtime has accomplished in forc
ing composers to realize that we have a
way of our own, speech of our own and
a music peculiar to ourselves. She con
cluded: "Our music must be made more demo
cratic; our plans must be changed to
conform to the new ideas. The- muslo
must be for all, every .single boy and
girl, not In the sense of making artists
or performers or singers, but Just a great
nation of Intelligent listeners to music
the whole people cultured In the love of
good music, the whole country appre
ciating and supporting our own singers,
players and composers."
All shapes, rain proofed
in a way that doesn't show
' at, from
$15.00 to $20.00
All wool Kerseys, 52 ins.
long, silk plush lined
Chineso mink collars
$18.00 to $25.00
Made with combination
collars, lapel military or
turu up, 52 inches long
$10.00 to $10.00
Saturday Specials
Men's and Yeunf Men's
300 button through Over
coats, sizes from 34 to
40, all colors and mix
tures, 48 inches long
special for Saturday
Boys' double breasted
suits, sizes from G to 17,
in brown, fancy blue,
gray mixed, worth up to
$5.00; Saturduy special,
at .; $2.45
Broken lines Boys' Over
coats, sizes 3 to 8, box
eoatsor military style, in
black, brown or gray
worth up to $5.00; Satur
day special $2.45
Natural wool Union Suits,
sizes 34 to;50; regular
$2.00 values; Saturday
special $1.50
Tho finest Neckwear in
Omaha just arrived, over
300 dozen -
t 50c $1.00
nrjTrstMliUL.j n. ,iilljjli..liimn. , MmMmmmmmSKimmmmiJif
mil. t h iMvi
, ; A , u
m I :.:V. mV:)
W t ii lit is
u l I 1
Vi si' Ut J" '
The .key to success in business la the
Judicious and porsistent use of newspaper
College Alumni
Meet at Banquets
At the University club Thursday night
the local alumni of Bellevue college
feasted the alumni who are attending
th State Teachers' convention. About
sixty were present. Charles E. BaaKer
ville of the class of '08, Rev. W. Phelps
of the faculty and Ray Crossman of the
class of 'OS made short speeches. The
latter spoke on the enlargement of the
Bellevue club and asked the hearty co
operation of the alumni In making the
organization a permanont as well as a
successful one.
The Donne club, composed of graduates
of Doano college, guve a banquet for the
visiting Uoane alumni. Among the im
promptu speakers weref President 1). B.
Berry of Doane college, J. T. House of
Wayne Normal college and Prof. . John
Bennett of Doane. Prof. Bennett acted
as toastmaster.
Two hundred members of the Kearney
Normal school faculty and alumni ban
queted at the Home. A. O. Thomas,
president Of the school, presided. Toasts
were responded to by J. J. Tooley, mem
ber of the State Board of Education; Miss
Alice Hanthorne of Lincoln, Anthony M.
(Griposit CflesLiIimsj silo
of all
Trimmed Millinery
r Saturday, Nov. 11th
Nothing reserved. . Nothing Reserved
Kllpatrick quality and Btyle. To make room for
our mld-seaBon opening we bave decided to close out
our entire stock of trimmed hats, about 500 now on
band. The prices are so low that they won't last long.
We bave bats at f 20, 25, f 30 and f 35 that will be sold
for 1 10. Come early and get first choice.
$18.00, $20.0), 525.00,
30.00 and $33.00
Pattern Hats
This Includes the very boat bats
la our bouse. All plume bats go
In this sale.
$8.00, $3.50. $19.03
and $12.00
Trimmed Hats
Every bat in our
$12.00 in this lot.
store up to
$1.00. $5.00, $6.00
and $7.50
17.50 in
bat in our
this lot.
store .up to
Thomas Kilpatrick & Co.
Eastcrllng of Omaha, Miss Kffie Hult
of the Kearney Normal, A. 10. Wlnshlp
of Boston, Judge Kennedy and N. P.
Two hund.ed alumni of the Fremont
college banqueted at the Paxton hotel
last evening. After a six-course din
ner, during which old times, and col
lege days were talked about, speeches
were made by a number of the alumni
and a short musical program was
"Obstacles" was the topic of an ad
dress by J. II. Haiiley. Miss Kathtrlne
Bloomer talked on "Atmosphere,"
which was followed by Prof. Roy Eaton
on the subject, "That Depends." Miss
Nation played a violin solo. "The
Bchoolma'am Under the X-IUy" was
thoroughly discussed by Dr. W. II.
Mick. Miss Lynn Forbes gave a read
ing. Newton W. Preston sang a vocal
solo. The program was closed by a few
remarks by President W. II. C. Clem-mons.
Heard at Teachers' Convention
Thirty-Seven Hundred Teachers at
Rom Hotel.
Probably no more prodigious . nor mors
beautiful reception was ever held In
Omaha than that last night given by the
Nebraska State Teachers' association to
Dr. William M. Davidson at the Rome
hotel. Thirty-seven hundred teachers reg
stered for the reception and probably
.nany more than that nu,mber crowded
'he reception halls and Gym flowed into
the lobby, fllllnf the entire' first floor of
the hotel.
The reeeptlon committee Was tiusy from
:30 o'clock until practically midnight.
The following were members of the com
mittee: Miss Kate A. Mcllugh, Mrs.
Agnes Harrison, Mrs. Orletta Chittenden,
Miss Mima Doyle, Miss Martha Powell,
Mr. Elmer O. Miller and Miss Belle M.
The feature of the evening's program
was a musical program offered by Miss
Munchoft and Max Landow. Miss Mun
choff, accompanied by Mr. Landow on tht
piano, gBjve a beautiful vocal recital last
ing from 10 to 11.30 o'olock.
The following prominent persons made
up tho reception line: Mr. and Mrs. David
Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kennedy;
James E. Delsell, Dr. A. El Wlnshlp of
Boston, Superintendent Carrol) O. Pearse
uf Milwaukee, Mrs. Draper Smith, Mrs.
lames Clark of Chicago, James W. Crab
tree of Whitewater, Wis ; Dr. W. A.
Evans of Chicago, Dr. Williams M. Davld
un, Henry Curtis of New York, William
:euben George of Freevllle, N. T.i. Prof.
3e.-k D'Oogo, Ypsllante, Mich., and Drj
W. A. Frost of barea oollcge, Kentucky.
. Hidden among bowers of yellow, pink
and white chrysanthemums bunds of
pretty Schoolteachers presided at the
punch bowls. In all corners of the recep
tion hall. For the sake of sociability as
tvell as servloe each bowl had Its pre
siding head, with a coterie of assistants.
Miss Maud Smith presided at the first,
with the following assistants: ltuth Rob
inson, Mabie Parker, Maria Ryan, Lura
Cioeta, Fannie Hurst, Frances Todd, Mary
Herbert. Anna Plckard and Blanche Corf
man. The second bowl was presided over
by Miss Hermlnle Blessing. Her assist
ants were: Anna Peterson, May (llbbs.
Trace Minor, Helen Rossrn, Anna Oran-
heck. Radio Kent, Frances McOavock.
Ml-s Anna Mllroy presided at the third
v-slstsnts: Helen Hide, Rthel King,
r.nbel McMillan, Helen Lawrence, Helen
'origdorf, Norma Coyne. Louise Klegier, j
esnatte Xewlean. Miss Alice t Ijini! j
retldud at the fourth table, with tin
"olloning assistants: Fannie Myers. Cas
sis Hoys, Jo. let UcCi(.o aud E-tnul LI J
In the meeting of the biological section
,. .C- ,K- "sy. Prof. Klmore and
i'rof. Littliner spoke. t
On Friday over 10.000 postal cards and
letters, most of them gatnered from
hotels and lodging places, were sent out
and Thursday severs! Uiousahds card
were mailed. A number of these have
been mailed without stamps and some
without uddressus.
Prof. Benjamin L. D Ooge of tho Mich
igan eiiuiu 4oimal school st YuHiiaiitl,
Mich., gave some valuable advloe to a
gathering of teachers In classical lan
guage at the Latin section of tho teach
ers', convention at the high school Thurs
day afternoon. In his talk on 'The First
Year of Latin." F. W. Hanford, president
ut' tiiu s. c.iuii. piesiiieu.
That worried look on the countenance
of Miss Ann Rowley. iiPMlNt.irit to Msn-
.ager Parrleh or tli i.tihll.-ltv bureau of
tlie Omuha Commerclul clul., Is not due
to overwork, but to the fact that she
Is cutting wisdom teeth. thc Is not
chewing gum, but a piece of rubber.
Lincoln . sohoolmu'ams were very as.
slduous In pinning "Llnooln In JUl' rib
bons on the coals of teachers from other
places. They even tugged members of the
publicity bureau of the Omaha Commer
cial club. ,'
One of the populsr places In the school
exhibit on the Auditorium stsge was the
University of Nebraska booth, where a
phonograph ground out university yells
and songs.
Miss Belle Ryan, assistant to Superin
tendent Ofaff of the Omnlia public
schools, worked so hold during the con
vention that she says she would like to
rest a weuk. i
The rooms 'ot Huperlntendent draff of
the Omaha schools, In the city hall, have
been practically turned over to the visit
ing teachers. There they are mode to
feel at homo during all hours of the day.
Mrs. F. C. J. Moore, principal of the
high choo at Maxwell. Neb., is one ot
the best known of tli delegates at the
Teachers' convention from the fact that
site is president of the Nebrnsk Sunshine
society whlrh Distributes suiiHhlne In the
form of fruits, flowers, comfortable cloth
ing and other article to brighten the lives
of shut-Ins and unfortunates. Mrs. Moore
was honor guest at a Itinchmm today
given at the Rome hotel by the house
hold economics department ot the
Woman's club. ,
William Miller, manager of the Hotel
Ume, gels credit for paying the beat
compliment to the visiting teachers that
has us yet been recorded. Miller had
been strolling around the hotel lobby for
several hours frowning. Huddenly he
looked up and remarked In an awed
whisper to tho nearest bystander, who
happened to be a reporter, "Oee, when I
was going; to school, they didn't have
such good looking teachers. Ooily, If they
had. I would be In grade school yet."
Dr. Henry, 8. Curtis, who came here
from Worcester, Mass., to address the
Nebraska Htate Teachers' association, Is
not a strunuer to Nebraska, as he spent
last summer at Kearney teaching the
studonts ut the Normal school how to
play. Whllo Dr. Curtis admits Nebraska
children do not need playgrounds and
organised supervision of plays as much as
the children In the larger cities and the
eastern stales he maintains tuat play
grounds under the direction of a trained
teacher would produce Immediate bene
fits In Omaha as well as in several other
cities of the state.
Nearly seventy persona alumni, faculty
and students of the Nebraska Wesieyan
university were present at the banquet
at the Hotel Rome yesterday. Addresses)
by Dr. O. W. A. Luekey or the Univer
sity . of Nebraska, M. i. Cameron, ot
Omaha, James pel sell, state superinten
dent of schools, and C. A. fcUllott. deputy
superintendent 'of schools, were heard.
All spoke of experiences from their school
life and of their happy days while at
school. The banquet, ended with college)
yells and songs. In which even the staid
old professors joined.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Ner. 10. A fire
originating In buildings occupied by the
leper colony at the county hospital here
early today threw 650 patients of the In
stitution into a state bordering upon,
panic before the flames were extin
guished. Miss Christine Bellows, a nurse,
saw the flames and spread the alarm.
Doctors, nurses and ail hospital attaches)
aided In putting out the fire and In quiet
lng the fears of the hundreds of patlentsl
who feared that the main hospital build
ings would be burned.
Mary, who Is with the visiting teacher, ,
directed an Omaha souvenir portal card
to the folks at home, but she failed t
put a stamp on it, so the postal employes
couldn't help reading It. Mary said,
"Omaha Is all right, but thers Is too Blue (
doing hero at night."
The key to ('Success In business Is the ,
Standard Drugs and Toilet Articles
At Sharply Roducpd Prices Saturday
Our Stores Are Kaslly !U-alul in Person or by l'lione, Ilelnff Located on Iroinlnnent Corners.
Cannot Oome In Person, I'm the Telephones. I loth phones PJJSNTV OF Til KM.
It Voa
Extra Specials For Saturday
$1.60 Oriental Cream for ..Wc
Rexall Cold Cream . 10c
60c Malvlna Cream for .....2Mc
1 lb. Mule Team Horax for . .He
2Bc Graves' Tooth I'owdor for 10c
All 2Co Sanltol preparations I4c
-lb. Peroxide of Hydrogen ,.7o
Nice soft French Fac Chamois 0c
Rexall Tooth Paste for lo
60c Bhah of Persia Soap for ltfo
Good Talcum Powder 6c can, doz
en, at 45a
Toilet Lotloiu In pretty Japanese
bottles lft)
26c size Daggett & Hamsdell's
Cold Cream, with 26c I). & .
Soup, bcth for iA
60c Palm Olive Cream for . .110c
Vantine's Oriental Perfumes
MIhs Agnes Sample Is at our stores
direct from London, to demon
strate the exquluite line of Orien
tal Perfumes, Koaps and Satchel
Powders, as Imported by Van
tine. Vantine's Geldha Toilet Water,
bottle 7 He
Vantine's Attar Rose, bottle 70c
Vantine's Kutch Talcum ...,23a
Vantine's Psgoda, Sandal, Nile
Lily and Corylopsls Perfumes and
Toilet WaUsrs.
Buy your ChTlstmaa Perfume
Cigars by the Box
At Cut Prices
60 Owl cigars for ....$10
60 Chancellors . ... ........... $:l.OO
60 Daby Nanon S1.03
100 box Blue Point Btogles 91.03
60 El Capttan, Hat ur day .. fl.SO
25 Manilla Presldentes, Tinfoil
wrapped ...ft. 75
100 Manila Londres ;2.50
26 Manila Perfectos $1.-5
60 Manila Media Regalias ,.1.50
Our humldores contain . nearly
600,000 cigars, comprising about
200 brands. We can sell you
cigars by the box. at a less price
than the small dealer paya for
Spec Itl
demonstration Armour's
Clams, at our Btateentb
and Dodge Street Store.
Excelsior Springs Mineral
Water Just ltecfived. In 5
Gallon Jugs anil Bottles.
Standard Proprietary Medicines
at Cut Prices
Dyspepsia Tablets. SSo,
TJanderlne SBo,
Llquosone ( Liuuoclde)
burden's Multed Milk
Newbroa llerplclde ...
40 klnda Malt Id tracts,
4 So tsi 89J
SSo and 880
, ,Oo and 7 So
,46e and as
Z bottles 5i
1 -lb. box pure Huttar of Millc . ...SSo
Eucalyptus Catarrh Jelly B&a and AOs
Mother Kroli's Croup Itemedy ..BS
H. a a euo and ei.a
t'oryza Tablets, per bo SBo
lornialdahyde, tor disinfecting, bot-
tlo lioo sad SOo
Hyrajnld Pile Cure 5o and SSo
Nettle Harrison's Four Day Hair Re-
stoter S1.00
Sherman's Bitter Apple Hair Tonic,
at 60o and ?6o
$1.00 Hex ill Beef, Wine and Iron 4V4o
Juynes' Kxpectorant ,,,.46o and 89o
I). 1. D. Enema Cure . .flbo and SSo
Ask us for the new Toilet Articles
and Pharmaceutical Preparations. Wo
have them.
l .00 Mrs. Potter's Walnut Juice Hair
Itestorer - 8o
Fresh end Genuine Goods, Prompt and Intelligent Service are Our Slogan
UTS ANQ U&UMF V int.l I1TU ST. tlTU mm ll.tlM (Tl