Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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Douglas Rodenbaugh Tells of Al
leged Attempts to Kill Him.
aye Marina riarrd Tarl Cirrra la
Hftrfi and Told II Ira hat
I lliltr Had Told Her
to Do It.
NORTHWOOD. la. Nov. lO.-nougla
, Jtodenbaugh was the principal witness
ajralnst hla own daughter, Mrs. Etta Lar
son, who la charged with having at
tempted to poison him, when the rue
waa resumed before Judge Clyde today.
He maintained the utmovt stolidity In
the witnes chair, detailing with little
how of emotion, the varlona attempta to
'take nil life, which he laid at the door
of hla daughter. lie raid that in the
latter part of IStfl he bean to suspect
that something waa going wrona with
hla food, particularly hie coffee and tea.
He watched hie younger daughter,
Marlon, and tne day accused her of hav-
, lng tried to poison him.
"Marlon ran away from home." the
, witness continued In rerponse to quea
tlona by rroseeutor Warkley. "But I
found her nest day at Etta's home hid
ing under a bed. It waa then that aha
first sold that Etta had told her to
do It."
Rodenbaugh detailed the effects of the
polaon on him. He said the I'srls green
"was placed In hla coffee four times and
once arsenic waa put In hla tea.
Thla afternoon W. A. Human and J.
Mullen of Clear ike, handwriting ex
! perts, were scheduled to take the stand
(to Identify the ten letters purporting to
have been written by Mrs. Larson, In
, which threata were made against the life
of Marlon Itodenbaug'.i, if she told of
the alleged polaon' plot. 1
These let tors were addressed to Marlon
'and nearly every sentence waa burdened
lth "lon't foil tejl on me, for if you
4o we will kill you." 1
Another letter read: "t'on't go to Mason
City. The lawyers will kill you. They
have been known to do such things.
. Vailed states standard end the
Variation of Different
. , . States. . .
The principal work of the . bureau of
Standards In Washington la to establish
Scientifically accurate standards for the
weights and measures used in the United
- States. Recently the bureau baa been
' engaged In gathering statistics (o show
. the legal weight of a bushel of different
. eommodltlea, aa fixed either by national
legislation for the purposes of the cue
; toms or by state legislatures for the pur
' poses of trade within statea.
In the cs-e of a few commodities only
i such as wheat, oats and peas, are the
r legal weights uniform throughout the
? country, and In many cases they differ
', Widely. Neither do the legal weights
'.which the bureau has luted represent a
' volume equal to the bushel of 2,150.42 oublr
Inches the United States bushel, soV
On account of the variation! In the
densities of oommudltlet In different lo.
calltlea anil In different seasons It la )m.
poeelble to fix with any degree of cer.
talnty the weight of a given vojume of
any commodity such aa potatoes, apples,
coal or corn. Sine therefore the actual
weight can be fixed only approximately
It Is Important that In transactions In
which the "bushel measure la used It be
. distinctly understood which bushel la
meant; that Is, whether a volume of
I.10O.C cubic Inches or a certain number
pound. Bine these two definitions of
the bushels are contradictory the bureau
recommends that all sales be made by
weight, aa la now tho practice in ail
transactions In Wheat.
There are eighty-four commodities for
which legal weights In pounds to the
bushel have been generally adopted by
the statea. The list btglna with alfalfa
, seed and ends with wheat, both of which
run sixty pound to the bushel. Apples
range between forty-five and fifty pounds
to the bushel; drkd apples, twenty-four
to twenty-eight; barley, forty-seven to
. forty-eight, and so on.
The list Include vegetable, fresh and
dried, awed of many kinds, charcoal, coat,
berries, meats, nuts, lime, fruits, salt and
popcorn. i
In acme rase the United States stand
ard has been adopted; In other case
wher I her 1 no United State standard
the state hav had to fix their own. In
some Instance there la a considerable
difference In the standards. For example,
malt rang from thirty to thirty-eight
pounds to a bushel and popcorn from
forty-two In th ear In Ohio to aeventy
ahelled In Iowa. When uch great differ
once occur, however, ther I usually a
reason, such, aa the presence or absence
of the cob. Knowing this, trader make
proper allowances. It Is Interesting to
otlca that peaa, clover seed and wheat
are all rated at sixty pounds to the bushel
and that In tbeae commodities such statea
a have a standard make It conform to
that of the federal government.
Her Is a list of the United Htates stand
ard weights for all tho commodities for
which It ha been estibllahod:
Larky, fifty; buckwheat, forty-two; bl
tumlnoua coal, eighty; corn, fifty-six;
cornmeal, forty-eight; riaxaeed (linseed),
fifty-s'.x; malt, thirty-four; oats, thirty
two; peaa, sixty; potatoea, alxty; rye,
flfty-alx; wheat, sixty.
The table published by th bureau of
tandarda 1 valuable to the middleman
who de4l with producer In various parts
of th country. It Is also valuable to the
statistician who may want to ascertain,
for example, the dlfftrtnce In the cost of
living between certain localities. With
out knowing accurately how much of a
given product there Is In a bushel the
ordinary man would be wholly at a lose
to know whether or not b waa getting
like quantity for like ir.or.ey.
If the time arrive when gooda are aold
by a universal standard throughout the
union such a table as the one just de-
scribed will become unnecessary. Until
then It la useful both to the producer of
crops and th consumer. Youth,' Cuiu-paaiu.
Trough Means Bar,
Not Place Where
Bribes Are Paid
CHICAGO, Nov. 10. What ws r.iennt
by tho "trough" In Fprlngfleld at ths
time of the election of United States
Senator Iyirlmer In May. !!. was ex-
plslned before the senate Investigating
committee today by John E. DeWolf. a
democratic state representative who vote!
for Lorlmrr.
IteWolf was questioned concerning a
Matement in the testimony of Ilepreren-t-ttlve
Charles White, confessed bribe
taker, that the day before the election
of I.orlmer DeWolf asked Whit whether
the tuttrr had bein "up to th trough?"
"Ild you tell White you had been up
to the trough and axk whether he had
been up?" sskerl Attorney John .1. liealy.
' I did not." replied I'rWolf. "Or rather
I should say 1 never referred to the
trough' except to mean the I ar. In
Kprlmrrlcid the 'trough' always meant the
IeVolf testimony wsa Intended to re
fute Whiles charge that going up "to
the trough" meant going after money.
(jurat noncd again about his purclians
of a sUty-three-acre form at a prlco of
M.M several months after Renntor Lorl
mer's election, DeWolf declared he was
still unable to say exactly In what de
nomination were the bills with which he
made a payment of $309.
IeVolf said he often kept aa much as
$1,500 In his house.
"It Was nothing for mo to have large
sum about," said tho witness. "W
never feared burglar."
For the balsnce due on the farm he pur
chased. DoWolf snld ha gave mortgages.
He added that the money he had was
salary received aa a member of the legis
lature. Kred M. Blount testified concerning his
interest in th candidacy of Albert J.
Hopkins for tha senatorshlp.
He said he had read a story about his
going to Pprlngfleld with a bag of money
to advance Hopkins' Interest, but ther
was no truth In it. He never heard any
bribery talk other than what he had read.
BUrKALO. N. Y , Nov. 10.-apeclal Tel
egram Judge W. W. Eaitmen oi
Omaha, 71. and Mrs. Harsh J. Ureen ot
buffalo, several jeare his junior, child
hood sweethearts, wet married her to
bight. They attended the same school aa chll
drea In a Utile town In this slat. East
mu went away to the civil war, msrrtcr
aud settled dona In On aha. The gin
tie left behind him a,nrivl, too. Judt
.aatmaa did cot see her aga n until last
year, when he. a widower, came tx N
York to attend the Orat.d Army reunlor.
and found her a widow.
Mr. and Mrs. Eastman will return to
Omaha about KovciuLvr U.
Insurgents Want.
National Primary
' ' in Every State
WASHINGTON'. .Vov. 10,-Walter T.
Houser, chairman of the progressive re
publican campaign committee, ha ap
pealed through circular letter to th
chairman of every republican state com
mittees In the United BUtes, urging that
steps be- taken to Insure a repulblcan
presidential primary In each state, by
law in the flv states wher it I pro
vided for by statute, and in other states
by direction: of th campaign committees.
In hi letter Chairman Houser calls at
tention to the resolution adopted at a
conference of progressive republican In
Chicago last month favoring state pri
maries for candidate for president and
vice president and urging state com
mittees, to provide that th people be
given tho right to express their cholc
for president before th national conven
tion I held.
"Th demand for popular selection of
candidates for office," says Chairman
Houser, .'tboth , slats and national,, has
become general. 1( la obvious that no
man despite th wishes of the rank
and Ills of Uia rpulbican party can In
spire ths confidence or command th
united and enthusiastic support which
will bo so necessary to republican success
in 1B12."
Mr. Houser stated In the letter, which
waa mailed also to ths governor, lieu
tenant governor and speaker of th lower
nous In each stats that the friend of
Henator La rollett ar ready to ubmlt
hi nam for nomination to a direct vol
of th rank and file of th party.
One Member Each
is Present in Illinois
House and Senate
epiUNQ FIELD, 111., Nov. 1.-Th
houa and senate met today with one
member present In each, llepreeentatlv
Jam F. Morris, constituted th house,
whll Senator Waags was th senate. The
houa adjourned until tomorrow, th sen.
at until I p. m. Monday.
Oovsrnor Den sen departed for Lebanon
to attend a meeting of the trust... r.r
McKendre college, but will return bei
for th attorney general renders a de
rision on th question put up to him
yesterday by th executive committee.
Missing Sheepman
f robably Drowned
CA8PEH, Wyo., Nov. 10.-(BDoial.1-
Peter Crolg, camp mover for the Patton
& Milne Sheep company, la missing and
It Is feared he waa drowned in Hand
tfpring lake. A herder for the Puller
Sheep company passed th lake and saw
Crolge outfit on the bank. Th horses
were pawing Impatiently and the herder,
thinking that Crolg was in the near
vhlnlty, waited a while, but tho camp
mover not ahowing up th herder etartcd
lo Investigate. He found where Crolg
had cut a hole In th 1c. apparently for
th purpose of securing water for his
earn. Crolg' cap and water bucket
were found near the hoi and th sup
position Is that he fell In while taking a
drink prior to filling his bucket.
BIOUX FALLS, 8. V., Nov. 10 -(Spe
cial.) Among th latest prtaonera to Is
lodged In the Wloux Falls penitentiary Is
Andrew Hasr, formerly employed as a
rakrinan by the Milwaukee ial1wa
company, who In the state circuit court
of Walworth county was aentenced to a
term of two year for deserting his wife
and eloping with Urenelda Admundson, a
young gtrl whoa horn I at MobMdge.
Th girl waa a waitress In th depot
restaurant at Mobrldg and It waa ther
that llaar first met her. He made vio
lent love to her, with the result that they
titled, going westward. They were traced
to Butte. Mont, by Sheriff Hughes of
Walworth county and th father of the
girl and Hear was arrested there and
brought back to South Dakota. "Father,
I want to go home; I cannot stand this
life any longer." were the words with
ahlch the girl gret-d her father as she
tnrew nnself Into his arma when be
by chance met her on a street lu Itutt
as he was about to give up th search
for her.
Persistent Advertising U ths Koad to
Llg tut urn.
AS! te Fm Scarfs aid Mil
Blonded Mink,
Jap Mink,
Blonded anc
Gray Squirrel
Sable and
French Lyrx,
Black Wolf,
Black Fox.
i'l'AVV raii'wrr.-KTOJ'N U.V l.fS IL I nm .Vtv
mz j mm h 'Mi-.
rersian JLamo -v;
Tho I?nmrS nfriflf rif T'jltopunn Voir- Torcnv niinlnii.l mne n-iio .f I , ... 1 e ..! i t . ,i i .
- - unv.jf v- u.jkulu irai iwujia ui ni11 m,u tiieuium jftitut? iui nt;ceis m new pimpes lor inis season, maae in
the most popular furs. They will be Bold in our basement Saturday at the most wonderful bargains ever known in Omaha. These are furs of depend
able quality and will give good service. The scarfs are the fashionable shawl shapes, the long throws and the smaller neck pieces. The muffs are
in up-to-date shapes. Grentest opportunity we ever offered. IN BASEMENT CLOAK DEPT.
in Our
ment CLOAK
-All the Fur
Scarfs and Muffs,
Worth up to $2.50,
All the Fur
Scarfs and Muffs,
Worth up to $3.50,
All the Fur
Scarfs "d Muffs.
Worth up to $5.00,
: :
. mil T3- r
f 1 ITT m
All the
Scarfs and Muffs.
Worth upto $10.00,
All the
Scarfs and Muffs,
All the Fur
Scarfs and Muffs,
Worth up. to $15.00,
aAa.ll fT TiTV Tt Ti ywj al. rMa. 9
as if ti it r . e-ci f ; m 1 vi n. si ia7Tavn
the vJittJiJiii vsjjiii vuiiyjcajivi
Hundreds of children's classy, new coats for school or dressy wear medium and heavy
weights for fall and winter long or short styles ages; 2 4o li years Bearskins, caraculs,
beavers, meltons, novelty mixtures and plushes. Every coat is good dependable quality. The
new and popular colors.
These Children's
Coats Are Worth
Up To $7.50, at
Women's Winter Cloaks
"Women's long,
heavy plain col
or or mixture
coats, worth up
to $8.50, ut-
I'rom the Great Ilarnea & Co. Stock.
"Women's loug,
heavy Winter
Coats, broad
clot h s, revers
ibles, etc., wortli
up to $12.50, ut
broadcloth, ker
sey, mixture and
auto coat 8
worth up to $15,
"Women's fine
mixturo and
reversible coats,
broad cloths
plushes and car
aculs, at
All the Women's Tailored Skirts
From the Barnes & Co. Stock.
Tailored dress and walking skirts, novelty
cloths, blue and black serges, white cor
duroys, stripes, wbr-5 gQ $41)50
steds, worth up to Q
$G.5Q; Basement, at.
III If"' I. .I,,L.I.,I.L,.II..II . .. ...
i Women's Tailored Suits
From the Great Barnes & Co. Stock.
Scores of exceptionally well tailored suits for Kmart fall and winter
wear. Plain tailored or fancy trimmed in new $
shades and 6trictly up-to-date style features.
Will give excellent wear. Barnes & Co. sold
them up to $15.00. In Basement Cloak Section
All the Women's wT Dresses
From the Great Barnes & Co. Stock. ,
All pretty new styles tor this season every up-to-date
shade, all sizes made of the favorite Bilk or
woolen fabrics suitable for any occasion and
worth up to $12.80, at
$5 and $6!!
" fc -
Republicans Will
Control Legislature
of New Mexico
SANTA FE, N. M . Nov. 10. Today's
lection devrlopinents made It certain
that th republican will control th Itg's-
laturs In the atatn srnate by the two
thirds majority and th democrats and
progressiva republican together have
only twenty v6te out ot forty-eight In
the houa.
The election of two regular republicans
to th t'nlted Stutes nenute Is assured.
Th democratic Candida Tor lieutenant
governor, H C L'eliaca, waa elected as
was W. C. McDonald, deniocratio candi
date for governor, according to latent
advlcca. McDonald's niajoilty waa fsX0.
Th rest of the ticket I lit doubt.
At the Theaters
Jenny Gladstone, who is th real star
at th Krug thla week In the Yankee
Poodle tilrla' company, 1 or. of tho
leading woman on the burlesque stae
Her acts have attracted considerable
comment and hav been heavily enccrsd
ot each performance, Khapely and poa
ofcirad of luxuriant dark hair. Miss tilaj
ton Is a welcome leader In the butt ing
girls' nupibcr. Miss Oladvtoue la grace
ful and lends a certain charm io each
of her efforts. Hh sings well and dances
expertly. In th final song sha doe sev
eral acrobatic turns, on of which Is th
walking split, an exceedingly difficult
enlevement. lUr work Indicates that
Mini Uladxton should be In a higher
claas thun burlesque. 8h is talent! to
that degie which should Disks her a
auccesa in musical comedy.
Th flint (art setting used la Uorg
Book Department
Horace Greeley Baid: "I want at my elbow, while writing, three books a dictionary, an atlas, and an encycle
ledia ot not more than three volumes."
suna last sns
Historical, biographi
cal, scientific a compre
hensive, accurate and de
licndablo storehouse ot
universal knowledge, em
bracing the 16,000 sub
jects known to be ency
clopedic. Up-to-date la
til departments. 2,000
Illustrations used in the
text. Bound In tan buck
ram, marbled edges,
leather t labels stamped
In gold, weight' 6 y lbs.,
size 11x9:.
Special Offer
$1.00 Each
Special Offer
$1.00 Each
of tlie World
Descriptive and pictor
ial. Contains 192 pages
large maps printed In
colors. Cloth bound.
Size 11x15 Inches.
Genuine "Webster"
published by O. & C.
Men-lam Co., authorized
publishers ot Webster. A
great, big book. 9x11
Inches, 1.TG4 pages,
thumb index, has colored
plates, contains new
words. Bound in tan
cloth looks like leather,
wears much better.
or Tnt
Rvans' Honey Boy minstrels this season
la called "Tha WUterta Bower." Ths
blending of wisteria and roses In this
setting has been commented upon as a
rars exhibition of coloring. Whit facs
has n part In this semi-circle ot tha
' Wisteria Dower" and conventional even
ing dress li used by tha artists. CKorge
Evai V mlnttrels mill open a three Uys
engagement at tha Brandcl theater,
starling Sunday night.
Ths thousands ot school teachers who
Sra here tn convention plainly demon
strata that they are firm believers tn tits
maxim that "All work and no play makes
Jack a dull boy" (and tha same holds
good fur Jill). Those who doubt it need
oi. ly look In uion the vast audlonc at
tha popular Qayety any afternoon or
evetunp, where Frank Clemens' driving
deers are an added attraction to the
hilarious, though thoroughly genteel, per
formance belntf given by Bam Howe's
Love Makers." Ladles' matinee dally.
Sousa organised ths band that beurs
his name In September. JSC, and sines
then) be and his aica have traveled about
600,000 miles. 8ousa estimates that he
has given between 1.000 and 9,000 con
certs, and whea he reached Vancouver
ths latter part of September lie began
the last lap of the longest tour he has
ever undertaken. The band will be heard
here on Sunday, matinee and night, at
ths Boyd before their return to Nevr
Key to the S.tuation Bee Want Ads.