Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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Enrjlish Clothes
Oy Sampeck
ITnve established themselves bo firmly
in the favor of American young men
that the tenn "English," when ap
plied to clothes, is at once connected
with the name Sampeck.
Sampeck vai the first Amerlcaii tailor to
recognize t lie cleverness of, the English
stj-loa he has no skillfully blended' this Eng
lish stylo with the superior American tailor
ing that since the Initial introduction Sam
pecks have steadily Increased In popularity.
Here's a new overcoat model not a single
freakish line, but so distinctively and Indi
vidually different, that once you've slipped
Into Its luxurious folds, there only remain
the little matters of size and eolor.
Plenty of other models they're all so
Kkm1 that you'll find a selection pleasingly
sriTS Lou of them, browns and grays In mixtures and diag
onal weaves Knglish, loo, many cf them not extreme, but clev
erly original. You need the clothes bolter Just drop In tomorrow
and settle the question.
Bend For Free Fall and Winter Catalogue.
(Continued from First rase.)
permltled iito UiiuUgh the couitefay of
ths railway official.
Fires sprang up everywhere and a
large section of the native city wai
kurned. Tonight the Mnchus,,-i5rlven to
bay and glutted with blood, having de
spoiled the goods of axywo Inhabitant,
watch the flaming city om the height
of Purple mountain andawalt the mor
rew. Throne flare I.aat Card,
FEK1NU, Nov. 10.-A round table con
ference on the situation by men who
stand out moat prominently at the pres
ent moment I the government's latest
card. Bellevlmr thst Yuan Bhl Kal will
arrive at the capital soon, they have
summoned Hal IJeng, the former viceroy
of Manchuria, to meet hlnj, and are
strenuously endeavoring to persuade
General Chang Shao Tscri. commander of
the arnjy dlvlsUm at Lajjchsu, to Julu
the conclave. The government frankly
hall Yuan Bhl Kal a Its final support
and hope he wrM,8 able to enlist the co
operattoif f Umtral Chang- and the
other dlnaffeeted generals In north China.
General Tuao succeeded In recovering
complete control it the Phean raJIroad to
that the read Is open for General Chang's
The latest consular reports state that
the Tartar general and tht Wanchu
troop at Nanking are still holding out
against the rebels and that a big battle
i pending. Amoy Is reported more peace
ful. Amoy Without a Holer.
AMOT. China, Nov. lO.-Thls city Is
without a ruler today. Taotal Chang has
laid down the reins of government and
none of his subordinate appears willing
to, Uke them up. Chang today refused
Lorgnettes for This Viatcr
. Lorgnettes were
never : more popular
' than ttauy are this
fall. They re increas
ing in the , cumber
, seen at all fashion
able gatherings and
will be worn very ex
tensively this winter.
The offerings of lor
guttles at- this store
Uiclude sotue of the
most exquisite of the
eastern and foretgu
production. Their ma
terial Is the highest
Quality and the work-
LV, tuanship u tinsur
tr passed. They are ar.
tides of beauty, made
Into the latest models and gold at
the lowest consistent prices.
Ikm't Merely Uuy Invest.
'. Sixteenth aiitl Harney
to receive official dliratches. declaring
that he was no longer In charge. Tung
Oan. chief maglHtrate of the district, ha
abandoned hi court and fled from the
The night was one of anxiety. All the
street gates were clo.ed and cltlsens re
n.alntd Rilhln door. There were repeated
attempt, to fir the city, but all were
frustrated. Shipping at the mercy of
Pirate. Junk are afraid to venture far
from their anchorage.
The American cruleer Albany, returned
to HhaiiKhal lat nlirlii vi,
K . , gun
boat Itoaarlo anchored In th harbor till
IJIWI Illlljf.
At Fu-Chow, which yesterday wa oc
cupled by revolutionists, fighting con
tinued with heavy on both sides.
Last night a number of Manchu flee
)I from Fu-Chow. tried to burn one of
he suburbs. They were caught by a de
Uchments of the rebel, and summarily
executed, lletween iun.t u. -i.....
.Hill RIIU
an early hour today the Fu-Chow revolu-
..,xm c.p,ur,a ana put to tfeath forty
mcendlurle. '
"i, n,m i CMtoai.
HONU KONU. Nv. JO.-aMg Mln,
t hi, at canton, wlio arrlved.-h.r.
IMt n'Kht.on board a Urltl.h warehlp. U
utd a aiateinent to the foreign consul
today, making formal, proclamation of, the
hdePendnce of .Cajitoa and ivwang Tung
province, , '
He declare that l.e U authorised by
the people to make the proclamation. He
ys that under th new regime the
provincial assembly will ant in -...
ecutive capacity In accordance' With it
.cBi.iiv junctions. All relations with
foreign power will oontlnu In statu
quo. but will be conducted from Canton
by th provincial government, Instead of
through I'eklng.
Bailors with rapid tire guns are guard
ing the foreign quarter at Canton. The
rebels have ajuumad command of Admiral
U Chun's headquarters and have hoisted
the republican flag over th admiral office.
Only One "nitOYin QVI.XIItE
That I. Laxative Bromo Quinine. Aa tor
the signature of E. W. Urove. Ved the
world over lo cure a cold In one day. fee.
BBWARD, Neb., Nov. 9. (Special Tale
gram. Bamuel Pente, pioneer resident of
Howard and formerly city councilman,
died at hi. home here today 01 cancer
of the stomach. 11 leaves thre daugh
ter. II. H. llalldar.
BEATRICE Nb., Nov. 10.-(8&clal.)
If. B. Holiday, a civil war veteran, and
a resident of Osg county for twenty
two years, dud ildf morning at hi horn,
la this city, aged V? years. He leave a
widow and three children.
Colonel llenrr Kranrls Binen,
CLINTON, la.. Nov. .-Colonei Henry
Francla Bowers, founder and for six
year prldnt of the American Protec
ttve an relation, died luddenly today,
astd 74 year.
Hnwnral Pyle. . -
FIXMIKNCK, Nov. .-4JowanI pyle,
here today of heart failure,
a. the American artist and author, died
Ilangerous Sargery
in th abdominal region 1 prevented by
(he use of Ir. King' New Ufe pllla. the
painless purifiers,
ton Drug Co,
:&o1 For sale by. Bea-
Statistics Show that 1,155,000
People Paid Admission. -
?tU Alloe Illlley of UareoU ned
at !' Cloelng Heaaion el the'
. State Meeting.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, la.. Nov. 10.-Spee!al
Telegram.) According to (tatlatlc com
piled by Secretary Corey of the Piste
Board of Agriculture, a total of l.lSo.OOl
person attended the varlou. school, dis
trict and state fair of Iowa thl year.
There were nlncty-cn of these fairs held.
Iowa will Bk to retain the same dat;
for the state fair next year as fur many
year bring iHe flrot of the Mg fairs held.
Judge Hunger haa been, designated by
Judge Sanborn to come to Iowa and hear
the case ' of the United f late against
Clerk E. JU Mason for an aecounting of
fee next month. ,
Women Ifenda Teachers.
With the election of Miss Alice Dllley
of Osceola, a president of the State
Teachers' sssoclstlon tonight the troubles
of the Iowa educators came to a teni'
porary end. Mis iJlIley wa accepted
a a compromise candidate and her se
lection was victory for ths women. It
I estimated that of the CMu teacher
registered about three-fourths wers
women. The sssoclntlon decided that
every five years a woman should be
elected president This afternoon the as
sociation divided lteelf Into twenty-four
different "round table" and In the even
ing came together again to hear a ren
dition of "The Messiah," by a large
President Miss Allco Wiley, principal
of th Onceola High school.
Flrt Vice Presldent-F. M. Hammltt,
Hecotui Vice Prenldent Ml Ida Nolan,
Kynoliis, Mornlugslde culioge.
Third Vice Presldent-J. C. McQlade,
Kxevutlve Committee Momber (three
year term) W. F. t.'ramer, Ited Oak.
Executive Committee Meml er (one-year
term) W. -P. Jenio, Pocahontas.
tlolthery Ulyatery Cleared.
By the confession of Frank Cornelius
of Arlington. Payette County, today, two
mi4oyes of the Milwaukee raillroad
were clesred of charges affecting their
Integrity. Cornelius went into court at
West Vnion and admitted that tor three
years he had been engaged In robbing
the money till In the railroad depot. He
waa section foreman and had access to
the railroad depot. He had taken In all
about I1.7C0. Harry Speley. the agent,
some months ago made good a shortage
of fOO and resigned, protesting that he
did not know how th Bhortsg occurred.
Ills successor, Qeorga Hamsey, reported
that losses were' occurring and detectives
who war put 08 ths, Jot caused the ar
rest of the seetlon'forem'an. '
Norway'abi Sweden
Ask for Tariff
' TrASTIlNOTdi, Nov." 4 -Nor way and
8weden. through their diplomatic rep
resentative, here, , have reqaeated th
tTnlted Slate to grant, to them under
the favored nation' clauie of their treat
ies the same privileges given to Canada
by airctlon .1 of ,the ' reciprocity agree
ment by which wool pulp 'and print paper
are admitted free of duty Into the United
i n
BT. PAt'Iv Nov. . The report of th
Chicago Great Western railway, just
made publlo, shows an increase of 41
per cent In fh totsl operating revenue
for 19U over 1810. Freight traffic alone
showed a total Increase In revenue of
lit per cent. This Increase Is mainly
due to handling of agricultural products,
the Increase being 1S&.0S5 tons. Th
amount of packing house products
handled wa W.OOD tons less than last
Persistent Advertising
lo Big Returns.
IS th Road
o ooxast Taaxaas.
Arrl(1. Slld,
1 Savoie
. Irn! Cattle
. N Tork p. r. Wllhats.
.Alice la Lorraine.
. PriJut Orant Halll t)la.
Tanva Uaru ....
. Meridian
Bookloyer's Closes at
6 P. II. Saturday,
All auawers postmarked at the
sender'a office beforo 6 P. M.,
Saturday, November 11, will
be arceptel. Out-of-town con
testants, therefore, have until
6 I. M. in whlci to mail
answers. 1
"Follow the Beaton Path" to SURE SAVINGS
These Prices Good for Saturday Only
Compare the prices on the
following lint with what la
eaatd fur similar good lu any
aivie la limit
tOc Ciiilmirt Vanishing
t raii
tOc laggelt A lUmaJcU Cold
cream , Me
t9e liiirnliam's Curuinbcr and
lilderfiower Crean. gt
75c 1 Quart Hot Water
iiattl te
tt3 Ranltol Liquid lie
tU'j liojuiii l-'vwder See
tiro Peroxide of Uydogen 7o
W save you big money on
Eatrnt intMlli ii,a, ur liiaiaru e
ollar piepaiauuna ut Kc, ivu
one at lie and others at vu
.greater leduulione.
I'ractloally all the stores
which handle thorolat, have
lines of merit. The Quality
of the Chocolate that OU
buy, tlepenUe aluioat entirely
upon tne tay I hey are KKt'r
by the store whUii kull in.-i.i
to you. Our are t'ltUili iuy.
We handle line of KNOWN
EXCKI.I.KNCU. u-h a lark
4 Tllford's In s-lb., lib.,
H-lb. and 6-lb boxea. Prices
6oo and tl.00 per lb. tluth s
ltaat, 80o. I.owney's World
lain jus, 60s and Suo, SOe and
tlXtQ. W aleo have Jolin
eiou'a. t'nderwood's, O'Briens
and others.
MAllY UAhDKN tthe equal
of any tJe ihocolate tu tne
.world) ase
Cigars :
Last chance . to buy
cigars at the perfectly
looiisri prices which we
nave been making
the last two weeks:
lr-". ""i Flr' Consul
SAO I hnv r. e KA
I6o site 1'rln.e of'Navar
aes i.o or 60. . . .
u .leiiry tlaorg. a fr
ITlllllk thla
10c I'nlverelty Club, so I
Itc Kdouard Os to .'.'
A cigar of pure quallt
""'V mnr oargalns
must l.e tried out to be
appreciated. You cgu't
BrstoD for vlgsra.
re. ;
. .goo
. . lOo
15th and Farnum
Silent Prayer Puts
Quietus on Things
Thst silent prsyer at the lunch hour In
the country school will act as a quietus
upon the desire of exubersnt youth to
throw apple cores, egg shells and other
missiles, was a suggestion made by Miss
Oertruds Itowans of the 1,'nlverslty , of
Nebraska extension department at the
meeting of the rural school section of the
Teachers' convention Friday.
Sine every member who was to have
appeared on the program failed to show
up, the young men and women got to
gether and had a heart to heart talk on
the problems which they ar facing as
county school teachers. The problem of
the noon hour waa conceded to be one f
tho greatest.
MIk Rwans further ststed that the
children ahould spread their lunchea on
one table and eat together Instead of
each diving Into his or her own dinner
pall. "Nothing haa a more civilising In
fluence than swapping victuals," she
Miss Anna East, also of the university
extension department, made a plea for a
hot lunch at noon, ssylng that both
teachers and pupils work better with hot
soup, vegetables or other hot food Inside
them. "The country child rises esrly,
has an early breakfast, works all morn
ing and at noon ahould have a hot lunch
Instead of a cold one."
Miss Hulda Peterson of Holdrege said
that family fueda In her district kept th
school children In a constsnt ferment un
til sh lesrned how to play base ball and
organized teams among the boys.
Principal Fred Hunter of the Univer
sity Agrlculturaschool discussed th re
lation or moral and physical education.
Mis Peteraon was re-elected president
of the section; Mies Lilly Cole. Osceola,
superintendent of Polli county, vice presl
dent: 'Wiss Lodecla Babcock. Scotts
Bluff, secretary.
School - Heard Men Dleones TH
Uoeatlea and Elect Officers.
The Assealation of the Boards of Edm
cation of . Nebraska .held Its second an.
nual meeting Thursday and decided to
perpetuate Itself and hold ths meeting
at "the same time and place as that of
the1'" Nebraska Teacher' association.
Thes officers were elected: ' Preident,
Dr. J.' F .' Daly, Wlsnerr vice preldent,
II.' P. -Shumway. Wakefield: secretary.
Mr Id. M. Russell, IJnoorn.
In" e. psper on "Why Do Our Pupils
Break Down With th Strain of WorkT"
C. M. Penny took the position that the
grading system In the schools was to a
degree responsible for th breaking down
of the health of many pupils.
Mr. Qaylord of Newman Grove aald
mora grammar, arithmetic and BDallins
should be taught and not ao much atten
tion given to fitting pupils for the uni
versities. Inspector Gregory, In charge
of normal sohool training, said that "not
one In WD work hard enouah to hroaa
down tbelr health; the real cause of ths
breakdowns is dissipation." Mr. Gregory
assured th board members that he had
nothing against the universities or col
leges, but h did not Ilk the grading
Mr. Gregory aald individual drlnklne
oups have proven a complete failure and
are not nearly as sanitary aa th' old
water pail and th common tin dipper
of a few years ago. lie. said tnat In go
ing about th country, in 'the soi.ool
houses he finds them In dirty corneri, In
old desks. In pockets and many places
whero filth accumulates and microbes
multiply and flourish.
II. .P. Shumway of Wakefield argued
that boys fall principally on account of
being forced to take studies distasteful
to them, simply that they may be pre
pared for a,uolvrlty which they never
expect to enter.
Miss Terry1 of Bancroft maintained that
most of ths boys would go through th
high schools but for the faut that from
th beginning they ar 'forced to study
ths language.
Dr. Daly of Wlaner denounced th In
dividual drinking cups as being unsanl
tsry and at th am time axDresaed
opinion that much of the disease
schools wss due to the unsanitary condl
lion of the buildings. ,
Del ailwen mt Lyons Reads m Paper
tlrfore the lhyle Department.
Discussion of physical science occupied
the time of the visiting teachers and
other pertons Interested Friday after
noon In the high school building. A num
ber of Interesting papers upon th sub
ject were read and, although ths session
was short, many Important facta abut
physics were brought up aud talked over.
Superintendent Dell Gibson of Lyon
read a brief siay of the "Nacescary Ap
paratus tor a Phyalcal laboratory ." in
which wa much valuable Information.
The speaker stated that phyalca to be of
any value ahould be well taught, and to
be well taught proper apparatus must bs
had. I. FVablo of Superior headed a
general dtscusstnn of the subject. In
which nearly all present Joined. Super
intendent U. P. McUrew of 8llver Creek
read a paper on "Economy In Science"
and waa followed by Arthur Gilbert of
Crete, who talked on "Physics In the
High School."
State Serlateaidet Dials Talks te
the l oantr Sapcrlateadeais,
At th afternoon session of th county
superintendents' section, th first thing
In order the election of officer for
the year. It resulting as follows:
President, F. A. etsck, Butler county,
Secretary and treasurer, Mrs. O. Rich
mond, Kleih county.
State Superintendent Blair of Illinois
being prevent, addressed th eountp super
intendents upou conditions iu th slat
from whence he ram. He told of there
being single room school houses and
detailed th difficulty In securing ex
perienced teachers and keeping them. In
Illinois. In the country schools, one-third
of the teachers are beginners each year
ad of these there are a great many that
have not had practical preparation for the
Relative to teachers who chow an In
clination to fall In their work, ".up-mn-tendent
DJalr urged upon the roun'y
superlntendtnts the necessity of lending
a helping hand. He looked upon it us
a calamity to any school district ti have
a failure upon the purt of the teacher.
In the country districts, tho Illinois
man ventured the opinion t'ie hardest
proposition with which thi tcscher has
to contend Is the big, rouun boy, who
every day makes an effort to destroy the
happiness of th Instructor under wiioin
he Is placed.
BRWANEE, Tenn.. Nev. 10. President
Taft today era n ted a 90-day reprieve to
Mrs. Mattle K. Lomax, a negres of
Washington, sentenced to die for the
murder of her hunbend. If the sentence
had been carried out she would have been
the first woman to suffer capital punlnh
ment In the District of Columbia since
the execution of Mrs. Suiralt for com
plicity In Lincoln's assassination.
thief of Police Kill Himself. 1
WASHINGTON, Pa,. Nov. 10-Telllng
Mls Alma Lenox, with whom he was
talking at her home here today that he
would kill himself, William J. Dulaney
chief of police of Washington and captain
of company If, Tenth Pennsylvania Na
tional guard, shot himself t.i death. There
is no explanation for the tragedy.
Y2 Off Sale
Now going on, alx weeks In
advance of our reguar Clearing
Per.ncll Millinery Co.
Over Ooplsy'e Jewelry Store,
11 13
Balcony rioor.
SEE BX.DO. If i IIm.
rr trance oa Court
XeL S. .Old .
. . i
We show exactly the right
thing in furnishings
Right in style
Right in fabric
Right in price
We're just more than satisfying these
particular fellows who demand that tho
Furnishings they wear must be faultless
in every detail.' Wo can Batisfy you.
SHIRTS 1.50 to $3,00
UNDERWEAR ..... .$1.00 to $0.00
NECKWEAR 35c to $3.00
GLOVES $1.50 and Up
"ONYX" HOSE '. . .25c and Up
SWEATERS, $2.50to$G.OO
BATH ROBES $5.00 to $35.00
OUTING PYJAMAS . . .$1.50 and Up
To keep posted ou
Just what's correct
In - Furnishing
watch our 15th St.
Special sale of
hoys' clothing
Genuine bargain prices prevail.
Don't fail to bring in your boy Saturday.
Boys two-piece suits
$6.50 and $7.50 Values .$5.75
$8.50 and $10.00 Values S7.75
$12.50 and $15.00 Values. . . $11.75
Juvenile overcoats
$5.00 and $6.00 Overcoats $4.50
$7.50 and $10.00 Overcoats $0.50
BrowninirKing & C9.
R. S. WILCOX. Mgr.
1 5 th at Dou 'as
Things the Housewife Hust YJ ant
For Saturday and Saturday only, we are offering '
two of the most extraordinary bargains we have ev r
had as speciafs.for a Saturday. They are high qual y
articles, and one pf tjem is, actually sold below co t
$24.00 Mahogany Sewing Table, $17.00
This solid mahogany article is regularly priced at
$24.00, which figure is considered low for the quality
of material offered. The beautiful table is one of tho
best designs of a famous furniture creator. It has two
Bpacious drawers and two drop leaves. It is indeed a
rare bargain.
$2.25 Body Brussels Mat, $1.00
This mat was made in our own store on a famous
WhittalPs loom. The actual cost is $1.50. Since it was
made hero for demonstration purposes, we are selling
it for $1.00. It is 22V3G inches in sue and is one of
the best bargains ever offered. We mean every word
we say in praise of this mat. It cannot be equaled in
value anywhere in the city. j
Furniture Specials for Saturday
The high quality of the following furniture articles entitle them to your inspec
tion. They are solid, durable pieces, built to give satisfaction in any home. They
are so moderately priced that you will be suprised when you see what excellent qual
ity they really possess.
$7.00 Large Arm Chair Spanish
leather seat; commodious and
strong $4.50
$36.00 Fumed Oak Clock Cel
Jarette base; strongly con
structed; accurate; 7 feet high $20.00
$14.50 Golden Oak Cellarette
Six compartments; one revolv
ing rack ...$10.00
$2.50 Smokers' Stand Mahog
any; substantially made $1.50
$10.00 Music Cabinet Golden
oak; six strong and roomy
shelves $7.50
$13.00 Grecian Hall Chair
Solid oak; roomy and comfort
able $8.00
$6.50 Desk Chair Golden oak
brpad seat and back $3.75
$8.50 Side Chair Fumed oak;
Spanish slip leather seat; very
$25.00 Arm Rocker Fumed
oak; Spanish i leather, auto
Eeat, upholstered back, strong,
comfortable $17.00
$12.00 Mahogany Chair Span
ish slip leather seat; roomy
and comfortable $10.00
$7.00 Pedestal Golden oak;
very pretty; strong $4.50
.$90.00 Overstuffed Davenport
Brown velour upholstery; rest
giving $03.00
$25.00 Roomy Rocker Uphol
stered seat, back and arms;
solid oak frame. $17.50
$46.00 Mahogany Chiffonier
An article' of particular beau
ty; seven spacious drawers;
size 20x24; French plato oval
mirror $35.00
$27.50 Mahogany Princess
Dresser Every bit a hand
some bargain; size 18x36;
French beveled glass mirror. .$22.50
$10.00 Mahogany Rock er
Large, spacious seat; high
back; broad, solid runners. . . . $G.OO
$15.25 Mahogany Chair Qual
ity stamped in every part;
roomy $10.00
$25.00 Arm Chair Oak frame;
upholstered seat and back;
broad arms $17.50
$16.50 Mahogany Settee Black
leather seat and back; strongly
made .. $12.00
Miller, Stewart fk Beaton Co.
Established 1884
413-18-17 South 16th Street