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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1911)
13 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Covering by Short on Previous Pay Cansei Wheat to Sag. BEAfilSHNZSS HAS DISAPPEARED Tin la at Hand Wkfa storm a lre ell " Marketing: front First Ilaad Will n Notice Hy Itrdaoeel. OMAHA, Nov. 11, MIL welt hat disappeared, however, and a agged thla morning that yesterday's trength waa due entirely to ahort cov ering. The extreme bearlshnces of last the winter and ear.y spring montlui. trading market can be expected. Ihe seaaon of the year Is at hand when torma and adverse weather condition will reduce marketing from flrat hands end a stronger market la likely duiioa the wlnier and earl ysprlng month. The aentlment In the corn trade la de cidedly mixed, a those who are bulllxti for a long time, are willing to cmnnedr that the eauly mivement of new corn will cause further decline In the caah value. The demand for old corn has droppod off and there la an uneasiness In the general cash trade. Wheat waa lower on weak and lower rabies a.u me dull casn tiaue; caa. wheat waa lc lower. Corn lield fairly firm and new corn amplea hroiiKht belter price: cah de mand waa active and gave strength to the futures. Cash corn waa Ho higher. Primary wheat receipt were l.lU.UiU bu. and shipments were iM.OtiO bu., agalnat receipt lam year of 74N,0UO bu. and ship tnenta of T.1pri0 bu. Primary corn receipts wera 4V0 bu. and alilpmetila were 2l.ono bu. agalnat re ceipt last year cf 8t5,OuO bu. and ship ment of 2?9,OiO bu. Clearanrea were 53.000 bu. of corn, 1,000 feu. of oats and whoat and flour equal to K1.V0 bu. Uv-erpool closed HSid lower on wheat anil ali lower on corn. The fallowing cash sales were re ported: Wheat: No. 2 hard. I car. 96V,c. 1 car, 96c; .No. a hard, 1 car. D.vtv; 1 car, Wic. 1 car, 94k;, X care, K.Vtc: No. 4 hard. 1 car, 94c; no grade. 1 car, 87o. t'orn: No. 3 white, 1 car, Cr; No. I yellow, 1 car, (new), 66c; No. 4 yellow, 1 car, (new), ; No. mixed, 2 cara, tJMc; No. I mixed, 1 car. (new), M'c; No. 4 mixed, 2 cara, new), 63s,c. Oata: No. S whit. 1 car, 4Vc; No. 4 white, 1 car. 45lc; No. 3 mixed, 1 car, 4."i-c; No. 4 yellow, 1 car, 4614c, no glade, 2 can, 45'Ae. Omaha Cash Prlre. WHKAT-No. t hard. Kto; No. I Iiard, t.f.tsivcj No. 4 hard, 9l4t!5ttiC, ColtN No. 2 white, x,ti.c; No. 2 white, c'(fc No. 4 white, lV4l4l"c; "So. 1 color, SfcleSj-Oiic: No. 2 yellow, ; No. t yellow, tlsVtosci No. 4 yellow, 'iW.sV; No. 2, Wlk'ijii'jc; No. 3, 8 ; No. 4. 6M44P. OATS No. 2 white te 4MMfi'vc; standard, wvii-etH.-; Nu. 4 white, 4uvu "-He; No. 2 "reilow, No. 4 yellow, 4IVa 4614a liARLKY-Malting, ll.H1ll.24; No. 1 twil, VJctill.W. JUIi-No. 2, 66096o; No. 2, MftSta. Carlo Receipt. Wheat. Corn. Oata. ... U 21 7 ...til ... 14 7 ...204 Chicago ... Idinneapolll ijmaha .... iVteluth .... CHICAGO GRAI.1 AND PROVISIONS reataree at (he Trading and Cloalng Priors on Hoard of Tra. CTnCA(K), Nov. 10. Export clearance today aimont equal to l.OuO.OUO bushels rallied tho wheat market after price had Buffered a break of l'ittlSo. The cloae was strong and compared with last night varied from c off to Wo advanna. Corn finished unchanged to a shade lower, oata up a to fcSHc, and provision dearer by 10fl30o. In connection with the generous show ing of wheat exports today, attention waa given to th fact that the total clearance from the United States and Canada since July 1 aKKregate 20.ono.uu0 buahela more than for the corresponding time a year ago. The bulla alao were encouraged by . liberal flour aalea at Minneapolis. A hllsxard which sent the mercury to 22 below aero at some nolnts northwest counted likewise against the beam. Karller In the aeiwlnn the news waa all the other way. Primary receipts were on a huge an ale, notably ao at Minne apolis and Duluth, and there was much talk of congestion at Buffalo. Between tho opening and the close December fluctuated from :'uiVic with lat sales at Hl'o, Juki under last night. After trading hours a report was cur rent that a broker ri'preaentlng miller lied unsucceMirtilly bad 7'tC under May j.rl" lor 2,wu,(KO buBhnla of No. 2 red theat In store here. The house carrying the Krain la not Identified with the bull leaden, who a few daya ago hecauae of r differenie of a fraction of a cent re-f-.irw-d a bid from the same broker for t,ii.i0 bunhels in one l"t. t'orn, which at flrHt wa depressed, re bounded with what. December ranged from tVUMH" to 6lvo, closing precisely the same as lant nlKht, at tutVo, Casa grades were steady for old and lower for tiew. No. 1 yellow waa quoted at 739 13'c. 6h showed the beat activity and strength In a long time. High and low flKures for Uecember proved to be 47Ho and y,UVc, with the close WiHo up. at 47Sc. In the pioi'Wun pit seller became carce late In the day and there waa a acnrial blildintl up of values In cunr.e uuenve. When the gong cleared the pit )Kik hail riven i."-i.XHj and other prod uct P") to 10(il2MiC Quotation on leading product were; Artie l Open. ttiah. t Low. Close. Yea y. V hfti lu..!.-.S,i?tMl 4 "' 44 1 aw My.Wl't juiy Corn 1 iiO. 4! 4Ti May July ft Mat til' K 64S4Mft 6'a 6twa Cats I iec.. I f 1 u W Bu i 46 hi 1 55 4-V464fr May. Juy. Turk Jan.. 4J'.'f 4 4U-ifil49T4At-U 4K- 4i' If US U 4tS 4 It Oft U 42'. 14 40 14 60 H IS If 60 l&y. It 46 Zard J un. a 4JH4r, May. It LuU r.ns I I 40 47V 1 (A t ush Quotation wersi a follows; VUorit Weak; winter patent, 14.20 t.': winter atratghta. 13. .KrM w: aprlng j.atenla, tu OOtl .1.1 ; spring- atralghta, $4.60 tit'O: bakers, 11 Mjj.10. itVK-No. 2. tKv WAHI-KY-Ferd or mixing, tOcfill-OI; talr to choli'M nialtlnK, 11 IMil.SU. ri:ls Tiinothy, $U.uuvi-2o. Clover, ti.l :.'--t JO.UO. l-H'VliSION8 Mesa pork, per bbl., I'bOO'jiaZJ. lrd. per P lbs., $9.2i. fci. -n rll4. sides (loose), 1M.12V. Total ieurani ea of w heat and flour Wore e.juitl to D.'T.uoO bu. l-.xpoita for the p-K, as shoan by 1'raitstreeta, were eiual to J.X-ti.Ojo bu. frimarv receipts vrr 1.1d5.ou bu., compared with 74x,OuO bu. the corresponding day a year ago. Kiiilmatfd receipts for tomorrow: Wneat, 2 cars: corn, 1!M car; oats, 117 Uii hogs, head. (,'hli-ago Ciuh trie Wheat: No. td. Wk'1; No. 1 red, -V4ic: So. lurd, ktkci$l.uv: No. 1 hrd. 4i.UIe; No. 1 northern. Il.v7ul.4w; No. 1 north ern, ll.wtd.tKj; No. 3 northern. llOiuluu r-o. 2 vprtng, Vctll 44; No. I spring, wij I1'-.': .no. 4 aiirmg, w; velvet chart V'.;loj!; durum, Kwflui. 4'orn: No. 2. tt... ro. 1 wnue. an:; rso. j yellow. ivjitc; ro. z, oia. e-'itsjc ro. 3, new t. inMc; No. 2 white, old, CSV-iTOc; No, I white, new, tufrtc; No. 1 yellow, old, No. t ytilow, new, 6lfc-4c; No 4. oid. ta.Uc; No. 4. new, SnitCc; No. oil, bc; No. 4 white, new, Or-iw-V No. 4 yellow, old. amw; jo. 4 yellow i.w, fil i-'e. Oats: No. 1. 4VU1V' Jo. 1. 4 c; No. 1 white, 47-S 4kci No. Vi te, (. (IN:; standard, 4t'utDc. I-. V r-N. 2. Is. -. ii I.I V-i vl 'I H H'-. ''Ol5. !!. -V KK-$lf.'4'J.0. M 'lTl Hr-c.ttauy; creameries, H'ifjlTc C all iS, 'I -sc. t.i ;jd Mrady; receipts, 1.S71 rases: s ji..ik, .tw iiiclude-t. 17(20c; firsts, ij In . t rtn, e iirsts i u--''. 'HLr .-IC Meady. dulsles, ltHSHc twit s, !,jj4',i ; young Americas, H-Hl. lull liOII.S. J--111jC. t "TA'i t-".r iedy; choice to fancy .-; tir to Rood, 7WW. in! JtY-tasy; tuikeya, iJc; cblck t ur Lfi 'i is-Whtat, 11 cars, with 14 of contract grade; corn, fll cars, with .'1 of contract grade; oatu, Wt cars. Total recelpla at Chicago, Minneapolis and Imluth t'dy were ) Cara, compared with iar last week and 34 cars the corresponding day a year ago. VKALr-tHeady; 60 to -lb. wis., 743 KEW YORK fiKMCHAL MARKET Qaotatloa of the Day a Varloas f ommodlt lea. KEW YORK. Nov. 10.-FIH R-Qulet; winter atraighta, H 204.30; winter pat ents, It i.-.(H.;, spring clears, HMii'O; Kansas etraights, H.MIi- Uya flour, gtilet: fair to good, .".0o'u5 2:i; choice to fancy, fi AVai.40. Ittickwheat flour, quiet; 2(j2.ti6 ir 100 lbs. COKNMKAI Kteady; fine white and yellow, fiKo'iii go; coarse, HSfKaiW; kiln dried, lJ.Hf.iiU.75. nYK-taay; No. 2, Wc. c. I. f. Buffalo to arrive. llAKI.KY-Eaay; malting, $1.11.2S c. I. f. Buffalo. WJIKAT Hpot marVet quiet; No. 2 red, 97c, elevator, domestic basis to arrive, and QiS f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Imluth, IA2, t. o. to., afloat; future market declined aharply during the morn inn under aHIIng on bearish foreign news and lllxral ret-eipta, but regained (art of the loss on covering and reports of a bet ter crmIi demand In the northwest, closing at SWo net decline. irc"ttiber. 9iti'ic; ciMted at Ittc; May Uar)l.(H: closed at tl.04'; receipts, lT0,3u bu.; shipments, 12U.WJ bu. CORN Boot, market, steady; export, No. 2, Mc, nominal, f. o. b. , afloat; fu tures market was nominal; receipts, 7,87i bu.; shipments, 1,S4 bu. OATM fiot market, firm; at&ndard white. 63H'. In elevator; No. 2. 53c; Nos. 2 and 4, MHc; natural -white and white clljiped, tHiiirVin, on track; futures mar ket Waa nominal; receipts, V9.100 bu.; ship ments, 2.WU bu. HAY-gulet; prime, 11.30; No. 1, 11.2'iif 1.30; No. 2, ll.2txul.2S; No. 2, 11.10. HIltKl HteMrty; Central America, 21c; Ilogota, 22V(;i3Vc. Llw Tl I K rt r irm ; hemlock firsts, 2".ffl 27c; aeronils, 22t(24c; thirds, IDS 21c; re jects, lie. HOPN-Hteady f state common to choice, U'll, bJirlnc, r-Hclf-c coast 1H1I, Wji&r. rROV18IONB-lork, firm; mess H6.7J (rl7.K: family, lJu.tKy2l.oi; short cleiirs, 414.74217.60. lJeef, steady; mess, 112.50'tf 1-1W; family, 113 6oyl4.00; beef hams, Cnt m.-ata, dull; pickled bellies 10 to 14 lbs.. I'TJUV.r; pickled hams, 1i-((I14p. lirl, dull: middle west, prime, tn.4Xtti."); refined, firm; continent, IK. 76; Houth America, 110.0U; compound, 17.2.'iit7.W. TA1.LAJW Kteady; prim city hhds., Tic; country, tVij7c. BtTTTKIt Firm; creamery specials, M'VuitH-; r xl ran. 34c; atate dairy, finest Ko; food to prime, 2r."ln; common to fair, Zy'; factory, currnnt mak, firsts, iic. CHEKflR-Firm; state whole milk, cur rent make, specials, ltVtfjltHc; aklms, 2(i12-V,c. KiitiS Kteady; fresh grtthererl extrn. ttftiWc; firsts, 31ft Mc; acennds, 2S'(t.)c; thirds, 264! -';-; refrigerator firsts. Season's storngn ciiarges paid, ii'ijrjc; western gal her i d whites, iiitf-too. FOITI.TKY Alive, lrrelllnr; western chickens, lltilHtc: fowls, U'W,c; tur keys, Hk. Jresed, easier; Weslern chirk t ns, 7'Wc; fowls, 7Htic; tut keys, loy jlc. t. Iiala Urae-ral Market. RT. 1)U1H, Nov. 10-WHKAT-BteadV! track No. 1. red. 6Mitf,Vic; No. 2 hard. .07; Dei-ember, Wc; May, 11.00. CollN Ixwer; track No. 2, 72if73o: No. '2 white, 72M,c; December. C3c; May. tkl'sClfjCtc. UAin-rirtn; track rvo. x, i-'gtn'; No. white. 4 "ao; December 47 ic; May. 48"4o. - ' KYr Unchanged, 92e. KllUlt Steady ; rod winter patent. 14.(i-IiMI0; extra fancy and straight, 13.SD ti'4.35; hard winter clear. f3.4rtf3.t)6. pi-; it i e-'nmotny, i4-uoy 1&.&0. COKNMKAI-USO. BRAN Unchanged: Backed, east track. $1.1361.15. HAY-nrm: timothy, tx.wmaw. orai- rle, 113 0I( i.oo. I'ROVIHIONU Pork, h gher! lobbing. $14.60. Lard, higher; prim, steam,, iiOi Dry salt meat, unchanged; boxed extra shorts, xh.K); clear rlha, 1M.60; short clears, 18.76. Haoon, unchanged; boxed extra short, $1.60; clear rtba, 1K.60; hort clears, 13,75. IMJUI.TUY Firm; ehlckan. spring. tStc; turkeys, 14c; ducks, 12c; geese. Sc. lU'TTKll steady; creamery, 2Crfi32o. EaU3-Kirm; 242c. Ilecelpts. ShlDment. .Flour, bbl H.700 . Wheat, bu Srt.OH) . 44, (mo Corn, bu 2S.H0O i4.otO Oat, bu 27,000 - is, 000 Kanaa Cltr Grain aad Provision. KANHAH CITY. Nov. 10. WHEAT rash unchanged to lo lower; N. 2 hard, Wit H 11.04; No. 2. lsk-tl.0? No. 2 red, Hm47ci No. 2, 84iiiWio. CORN Unnliangcd to Mo higher: No. 2 mixed. 73c; No. J. 73c; No. 2 white, 73Vfcc; No. 3, 73c. OAT.S-Uteady; No. 2 White, 4BtT49c; No. mixed, 47W47SiO. HIT 4W'tt5c. HAY-Hteady: choice timothy. tll.WXff fi.w- cnoice prairie, fi3.oauui.90. BITTTKR-Creamery, 11c; first. c; second, 7o; packing stock, 20c, EtXliJ Kxtraa. 2c; firsts, 27c; seconds Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 211. (Ut 44. mat Corn. bu. W.W 2noo0 Oats, bu 8,000 4 l,0UO Mlaaeaaolla Orala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 10. WHEAT Deember, tl.044: My, tl.0sj 1 M; July, $1.10; cash. No. 1 hard, tl.OuH; No. 1 norlhern. tLtt.; No. 2 northern, l.tJVi l.WH: No. s, u;Cci$i.0t)'4, t lax-Cloae: 11. va, PARl.rY-70ci6I.U. CORN No. S yellow, TSo. DATS-No, t white. 4iH446Ho. KY K No. t, K-iiHtk;. it RA N $d. (RVi a . 25. FlCK-Firt patents, $S lofii.4ft: second patents. 14 7(Ku6 0O; first cleats, $3. 00.1, second clear , 12.60u2.IWl. Philadelphia Prod ace Market. PHlf.AnKI.PHIA. N'ov. 10. BUTTER Firm; Uc higher; extra western creamery. 36c; nearby prints, 37c, ElKtb Firm; Pennaylvanla and other nearby firsts, free rases, tlt.tiu por case; current receipts, free caeca, t)0v per case; western firsts, free cases, I'.i.fiO per case; current recolpts, free cases, llt.uo per case. ciikkib firm; m York run rreanai, fancy, luVatfVso; fair to gocd, 14'J15o, Liverpool (Irala Market. LlVKHltJOU Nov. 10. W 1 1 EAT 8 Dot ateady; No. 2 Manitoba, 7s &4d; No. 1 Manitoba, 7s 7d. Future weak; Decem ber, 7s lkd: March 7a ld: May, 7a U.d. CORN Kpot Quiet; Ameriran, mixed, tia 3'id Futures weak; January, 6a 4d February, 6a 6d. Peseta Market. PEORIA, 111.. Nov. 10-CORN-T.ower No. 4 while, old, P4; No. 1 yeilow.i old, jc; rso. yruuw. vm, mw; neir, njc; NO 7i uc; 4 veI!o, ttlc; new, llimM.c; No. 2 mixed new, "uSc; No. a mixed, aample. afi'o. oATti Kluher; standard, white. 4Cc. new . JOSxc; i; No. j Mllwaakeo Orala Market. MILWAUKEE Nov. 10-WHEAT-No I northern, tl.4ICStttl.uti4; No. 2 northern. i.vt'iiuu; I'eceuioor. 'c; aiay, II. UUV. O.V 1 S-fllandard, 4i4,c. 14.VHLK1 :-Maltlug, tl lTllZS. I'stlsa Market . NEW YORK, No'. 10.-COTTON Spot cioseu auu; iniudllng uplsnds, Vitus; nitd dll- g gulf. Too No i-alea. 4 otton futures closed stea l, Closing oius: noveiiibvr. site; Deteniber, !3c January, K.utc; February. .ut0; JLLaii-h, sliA.-; April, ttuc; May, rMMc; June, SXTc; July, Jlc; August. .27c; Beptember. t.JUc; vciooer. .AC. I.IVERPOOU Nov. 10. Ppot, good bu Ineos done, price 12 points htghe mtiun iruuuDiig ruir, e i.a; good ml' unii, 411 ; luludllnK. 6 S6d; low mid aung, 6.16d; good oidlrary, 6. Old; o oi ciliary. 4 Kid. The aale of the day were JU.Ofiu bala. of which 1.5o,. with siMM-ulation aud exports. Included .6u Amernaii. liecelpts, lS,tO) bales, all American. Oil aad lloala. SAVANNAH. C.a, Nov. lO-TUKPEN-T1NE Firm; 4&4iVc; aalea, 33u bids.; re ceipl, 347 bbl.; ahlpmeiiw, 441 bbla. : sto.-ks. SK.l bbla. 1-toslN aVIrni; aalea. 1.741 bbls; receipts, l.Sl.4 bbla; shipments, bl-ls. ; stock, VI l'.'l bbl. iuotatlons: li, Iu4tl. if,; li IS lu; K, 1016; K, Ui. Jo! if. ; F, O. tor-vs 4r.4: U. W-r. tt, I, f..23; K. $;; M uuo. n. tw. w. s ; ri.ii. w. w., t;.o. ' r niE BEK: OMAHA. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Fluctuation! of Prices Uncertain and Feverish. BIJraa EXPANDS RAPIDLY Railroad Storks, Especially Those of Wratera Greap, Leaders of Market Darlna; Day Copper Shares Are trona;. Now YORK, Nov. lO.-Fluctuatlons of stocks were unrertaln and at times fever ish today, but the market again exhibited strength. At the opening the railroad socks showod substantial gains. The mar ket soon fell back and some Issues, In cluding Canadian Pacific, Krle, Missouri Pacific and Wabash pitrired, Jost 1 to 3 points. bate In the day buying expanded rapidly and prices hot upward. The rail road stocks, eipecially those of the west ern "rroup, were the leaders of the mar ket. Trading waa stimulated by tha ac tion of the new commerce court In stay ing tha decree of the Interstate Com merce commission for reduction of Inter mnuntaJn freight ratea. In the flurry of the last hour the most conspicuous part aa taken by Reading and l.hltih Valley, which were bought so capcrly that various reports cf extra dividends were circulated. I-hlgh Valley roeo to 17.V,. an advance of i points, and Rending gained 4. Tha advance of Reading was attributed In part to a gain of 37 xlnts In Central Railroad of New Jersey In which It hus a inrgn Inlt-n-st. The Industrial took Utile pnrt In the early advance, but later In the duv (li veloped strength. Tho copper shures are especially atrong with an advance of 2 In AmalKAmated Copper. Ronds weto irregular. Total snles, pnr v.ilne. $4.o; I inted States bonds were unchanged on cull. Number of als and le.iillnir ntinfattnnt on stocks were as fullowa: Si lea. ITIti tv, r!na AlHs-fltsliaer tfd 1HI lit, lit, n a Amlmsteit Copper ... .IS.UW Su M to' Ainsrli Aurli ultursl ., 100 r-.l 61 hi Amarlrta Itt gngar .. l,nl M"4 M'i S4 Amni-aa Can .Hnu 2, UVt llv Amsrlran V. A F 4,ihi0 Ui ti Amrl..n Cotton Oil ... l.Joo 44'1 4j"i American H. A. 1 pfa Hi, Amsrlisn li- securltlsa. rol K't Kit la American LlnsMd kk AmMtn Ix-nmotlr ... 1,7( 37 x, r, Amsrlon R tT.noo 1i 71'4 American g a It. pM.. u pit lnii American Hteel Krtra UNI 12U x-o Ameriran Sugar Rrrinlng. "1 1I7 117 117 Amwrica.ii , -1..., l.fflQ 141!4 14 Amsrlr-aa Tohacro pta... m fi ts Amsrlcan Woolen tMt i 'IS tl tl Anaconda Mining C'e .. I.") 74 14 37 lnhlon J,ioo lot Km )o'4 Ainhiann ptd put int; im ya Atlantic Coast l.ln in vm w -s liaiumor ar. utile . I 1II3Vi l'.'SS Pallttlhstn Hteel xoo 20 So 1 Hrooklyn Rapid Traoalt.. 4.200 7iu 771, 714 t'anaillaa I'aririe l.ana ti;u 1404; '. t'entrol tathar ,2io Jt. t jtv Central Iaathar prd .... n2t w;iv, ('antral ot New Jenny,, l orn 107 ia 3110 4'heaapalt A Obltt. ... 1.(00 7 71 '1 7 Mi Chicago A Alton in Chicago Uroat Wsstsra.. l.ino 111 Jo sn', 4 hi, ursat eat. pt4 l.Joo 4D U J91 Chi. A N. W l.too 147 14.1 IMS, ui., no. at ei. r ig.HW lit 11 niu r c, ?. at. l n Colo, fuel A Iron 100 II mi Colo. 4b Southern 4s'4 ('ntolhlated (laa It, Kofi 14ZH 140 14IH (rrn rroducta i,oug 114 u 1114 Deltoar A Hudson .... 30O 1 la lm Hi Lxnver A Ills Urand... loo !4'4 u 24 I. A R. (1. pld too to 4s't Dlstlllera' SMuritlaa .... ' tia) r:it life sow. Krl I4.8IHI t . 12-4 Siu Krl lit pfd i.too H' W-w 64',, Krl id pfd Uantral Klsntrlo ' 46 nno 164 ir.iv r,4 tlraat oNrth.ra pfd 10,(i0 is 1214 13K flrislt Northern Or ctfa., 1,10 ' 4f 4314 4314 lIHnols t'sntrsl 911 HIS4 141 UIS4 IntartMrough- Met two 16 I6ii if.u Inttrnatlonal lUrrcstar .. 4.1tio lit - lltisk lies, luv-r wruiiKii-aiei. piQ..,, , aou 4R-4 48 4S Inter. Marin pfd 4u i it us Intarnatlbnal Paper ...... Xwo lu 10 MS, inwrnalltual funip ..... I.efto ' ntst 14 84 s owa ivnirai ..,,.,,... juv la a lg K. C gouthera iiK) si St)4 to K. C. Houthars ptd .... luo n to v,s4 LaMads Uaa , 1,0110 lWrVt loi,i lutio. Wiutavlll ab NaahTllls... I,7n0 HI luo 150 14 Minn, A HI. Laiula too 36 mvi 34 M , Ml. P. A g, It. M. tia) 13H4 134 13SS M , K. A T l.toO 1.1 IIS 1244 M , K. A T , pfd l.uoo 4714 7s, tji, Mlaanuri Paollo 4,7lO 4t 40V, 41 S4 National liiarult to 14i its s 140 National Lead 4N 63S1 61 614 N. Hr ot M. M pld..., too U'4 ti .i4 New York Central I.too H01S4 loT, lussfc N. r. (J.. A VA' l.tou . 41 404 41 Norfolk A Waataru I.loa llikSa limb losta North American TOO 7.114 1i 7314 Northern laulllo 12,7oo 121 121 14 1:3 Paclflo Mall too 31 31 so' PaiintrlVani 4, Mo MH 173 123 People's Uaa too In;,-,, lift si ior,V4 I'ltta.. C. t'. A at. L. . MO 64 Pluabunh Coal J , in '4 us Wi Praaaad IHteel Car 40 311 12. 33S, i.n....- n.i.- , EU., Hallway 8tMl Boring '.. 7iio 3244 .' 'lii " Reading 136. net) 1U3 U 168S, Kepuiblo Steal I.4O0 124 31 324 Hepubllo Staol pfd I.too US m M, Hock Island Co i.hoo tns, n'4 37', Hock liiand Co. pfd.... J. oho 62-4 63 6lV St. L. A g. V. id pfd.. 4011 434 4Jl, 424 St. Iioula H. W , i Hi. Loula 8. W. pfd..., loo 71S4 7Hi 71s aioaa-Mnartisid R. A I... loo 41 Si 4144 4 Soother, Farlflo. It.6o0 116 lit 114s, Houthera Hallway 10,400 8014 111-4 33 Fouthern hallwar pfd ., 1.100 73 73 7:"i Tentiaeate topper t.Too 3314 3i'4 37-t, Tetaa A Paclflo tot) ths, 26 13 761 . St. I,. A Wen too lt4 It 1H Ti.l., St. 1, A W, pfd.. MO 41 s, 43 44 t'nloa Ptclfla 163. (him 1744a 1731 173s. 1'nlon Paclflo pfd 300 1 n rjs, t'nlaxl State Iteslty.,.. 10O tu I'nlled Slate Uublier.... Il.tmo 4l 4o 4 .'4 I'nlted Sttate Rlael 30. I6-4 tt 44 Pulled State ateel pfd.. 11.104 litis-, ions, J10S4 t tan Capper l.Too 4s, 47V 41 Virginia-Carolina Cham... 1.300 63W 60s, lis. wanaan I: IX , Wahtah pfd 4.300 J t:i4 US Western Merrland 1,iD es, tss, tts, Weetlnlhoua Klctrtc... K) '4 MS ' t4 Weetaru I'nlon loo 7 7 Tlsg Wheeling A Lak Krle.. 600 4S, 414 4 Lshlgh Valley 6t.60d I7s 173j4 17S Total aalea tor lb day, 1,141. Sua anar. !er York Moarr Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 10,-MONKY-On call, steady. iiVu-N per Tent; ruling rate, 2" per cent; closing bids, 3'i per cnt; offeivd at ii4ii per cent. TIME I.OANH-S',ffi3'4 per cent and M duys. 8'iiiJ'a lvr cent; t months, 3'ti:i'i4 pef cent. PllIMM MEltCANTlLB FAPKIV-I'tji 4 Per cent. HTKRI J NtJ KXCIIANC.K-Flrm. with aetual business In bankers' hill at ItXfiS for slTt-day bills and at $47 fur demand. COMVIKKCIAI. Ull.l!4-14 h3. HIVICH-Bar, 66'c; Mexican dollar. 4C'o. HO.VTiB Government, steady; railroad, Irregular. C' quotation on bonds today war as loilowa: V. 8. ta rag ltiosint. M. M. 4',a.... t.s, do coupon 10iiVJapu 4e ti-4, d la rag till-, iio 4V. ' do cupon 101, K. C. H lat e.. do a rag lUL. . dels 4. 1M1 .l , do rupos HJeu A N. un. 4a.. AlU-Chal. let a.. taej! , K. T lat 44 3 Aa. A. ta 101 14 do n. 4s,a m4 A. T. A T. (.?. 4a. .110', Mo. l'a ltlo 4a 7M Am. Tobacco 4a ... m,N, It ut at 4'a.. ss d a 11'4 N. Y. 4-. gen. Il,a. S Armour A V 4S, :S do deb. 4a M Atchlaon feu. 4a... tSN. V.. N. M. A 14. du rr. ta 10 cv i 131 do cv. ( lo N. A W. laa a. 4 SO At. 4. U Ut ta.. do c 4a IMS, B A O. 4a , No. I'aclfte 4a H' ao 3 Ha K'4 a 1 ttt, d R. W. Is,., toil. Or 8. L. rfd. 4.. Ms, nr. Tr. ry. 4a IS', Peon. cy. 3', a tlulil K- i. of 41a ,1a lot u con. ta Iu2 t Sea leather ta.. 7 fteadlng gen 4e Ms, ('. ef N. J. g. U 131 K. t 4 1. F. f. 4 HI C. A O. 4 s,, 10114 do gou. ta k4 da ret. ( ti', tsx L. s. W. e. ta 7s v'. A A. is,,.... si, do Irt gold 4a.. f . B A y. jl. 4a. s,(t. A U ta to do gen. 4a 4go. Pacific cv. ea. V1S4 C. M B P g. Sm i, tl col. 4a H2S, C . It. I. A P. . ta7S d lat r.1. 4t ... n' do col - ta ..... tl,go. Itv. ta loa (Vilo, Ind 6 76 do gen 4a s olo. Midland 4a.... M l'nM Pacllio 4a.. Ml1, :. A . rta.tS4llH do t. it pus Pel. A II. cy. 4a. tns, Ut A r ta 7 U. 4V R. Q. ta.. t"Sl'. S Kubtwr s....t4 do rf. ta V. 9. Steel Id 6. .loss Dleltllenf ta 7t4 Va. -Car. C. U...liS Krl pr. lies 4a.... U WahaaS let 6. lit do gen. e 7s no let and ex. 4a. 64 do cy 4a ear. A. t7s,Weat. Md. ta ; do ear. H 77s,Sa.i at. ct. ta. 12', lie. Kl. ir. ta ..1U Wia Cen. ta .', I. C. let raf. 4a.. Ms Mo. Paclflo ct. la.. ot. Un. t 4a ... TV, Tma 3i Kit UI4 laaaorta ait Saaw VnrL. Nnv 10 ..imlHiita tif tne. chaiife'e and dry goods at the port of New reyrk fur the week ending Nose nber 4, wertV allied at tJ'J. 41 J.i-i. Imi.uli of o-cIm for tha, rinrt nf V.w York fothe week ending today were tijb.zJJ aiilj-r and l-'iiu.ku gold, t.xport of specie tr th week were liJilui silver aud -,H 4'd. l.aAis Btea'k Market. LONDON. 'v. 10. American aocurt tl were quik and tsly si sir. rig the first hour of trarllng today, Prices ruled from V to 14 above yesterday a close. Cnnaols, money. ... 7i4 to'a.l!a A N W4 do arcntmt Tt M , K. A T Jl"i Amal. r'opper Ill N. Y Onti-al Ill Anaconda 7S Norfolk A W II! At hlron 110' do prd tl do ptd 107 Ontario A 43 naltlmor A Ohio. .10 . speniiaTlranla J1 Canadian Pacific. .. 247'4 Itand alia S hesapcak A O .... 7 Heart IH 77 Chic.,,, (J. W tO floillliern Hr t Chi., Mil. A fit. P.llf-H do pM 74 si tx rtMra l",nollim Pacific. .. .1 17H Denrar A Itlo O .. i: Union Pacific 177 '4 do pfd Ms, do pM 14 4 Krl a H4 V. . StMl 4Si do lat pfd M-4 'to Ptd 11 do Id prd 4slWahah llv. Grand Trunk it d pfd U llllnol 1 'antral 144 i.x-rtivldend. FII.VTR Rar, steady at 2S"4d per O. MONtr-lVn2 per cnt. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is PtM'i per cent; for three months' bills, 3Wij3 per cent, REPORT OF CLI;ARlfO IIOISE NEW YO.vK, "Nov. 10-t-BrndstreeC bank clearing report for the week end ing November show an aggregate of l3.13t.B4n.4mO os against 18.2!)7.6M.0k last week and l-l.HTu.Wl.OuO In the correspond ing week last year. The following Is a list of the cities: ClTIEa Amount I Inc. Dec New York Chicago ,. Huston Philadelphia Ht. Louis Kansn City Bun Francisco Hultlmore Cincinnati Minneapolis 4'leveland New I Means Itetrolt OMAHA I.OS Angelc iAiiilsvllie Milwaukee feattlo ; St. Paul Atlanta Portland, Ore Buffalo l'enver Indianapolis Piovidcnce Hlchmond Washington, D. C. Rt. Joseph , tl,7H.iS2.oool 7.4 8.71 12.7 8.2 6.6 7.4 71. fir? tio li. 445.01 H l.'l4.Ml.lrT0 74.57.").OUO M.lOl.wiu f.5 977.0(iO S.TO4.(i0 J4.8! 18.9 24,74,tJll 6.4 SO. 9 "1. 041, .l'6.0itt 24,V15,0( 19X1.0HO IS H72 0UOI ;.. 8.91. 'Ti;. SS.7 . " . 'is!s'. 23.7j. 2.6. 14.9 . 8 fil 4.6 'i'.i 18,0S2,tH 11. Ml.OO) IS.t.frTO 12. ;,of is Sim 0110 H.J42.0.H 9,41.00ir 1(1.170.000 .16,00il 7,"64.i00 78 OiO 'w'i!. 18.2 "i'.i 7,$"i.00t .4; h.18 KM 8.211. nw ii.ori.4Xs! 7, "05,0110 6,ot'A,oni) 6.148,0(111 4,B47.0nO $.HS.0'4) 4,897.0) 4 H44.W 7.9 Cort Worth Memphis Halt I .eke Cltv 8 0 22 0 1.7 Columbus Albany Tacotna r'avRnnah 0.8 4.4 0 Rpokane, Waah.... 4.0 18.9 loledo Hartford llochester Pes Moines Nashville iniluth Wichita Peoria Norfolk Oakland, Cal Hloux City New Haven Ui and Hitplds Hrrantnn IMrmlnghnm , Jacksonville, Fla.. Oklahoma City.... Syracuse AiiKustu. Ga Worcester Kvunsvllle Bprlngflold, Mass. iJayton Portland. Me Wheeling, W. Va.. l.ltllo Kock Charleston, B. C... Knoxvllle ...! Chutlnnoosra 4.rvt44.4to 16.4 -4t!s 4.SW9.AOO 0,4:16.001) 8.0l3.tHIO 7.H45.0OT) a r.i ji dm 3.2 ::n: M.3 84.6 .2. ir..6 10.6 31.01 B.7I 6.0 19.8! "2.3 l.saj.ooo1 g.tmi.tiuu 8,72.0i)i 2.703, OflO 2,HM,0() 8. 187. 01 2.449,01101 9 6 "si 10.8 "Y. 3.0H4.0OI Z.S'S.O'to 2.1fiii.i"0 ia.ixi,ii 8 IhR 0 X1 12.1 2.3717,011(1 i.979 ( Kl 17.7 26.2 l.on.onoi. 2K.0 10.7 4 4 2.2 10.6 3 3 33.9 2,(7. H ima f! 1. rU.onu 2.4)71 (M) 2. fi43.0nt) 1.0.'.7,(Kr J.041.000 l.78,0l0 1.4HJ.0UO 1, 367.0ml l,45.0f0 1,118,000 761,001) 1.T74.00O 6 Unco in 19.8 'ii'.s Davenport Wilmington, Del... Mobile Wllkesbarre Kalamaaoo, Mich. Hacra.mento: f'al... 8.4 "io'i 'io.i 10.4 15.4 16.8 Topeka t eilar Haplda, la.. Macon KailNtlver Youngstown New llHdford Brlngfleld, 111 Port Wavne Canton, O Sioux Palls, 8. D.. Akron Helena Columbia, 8. C Ijoxtngton Fat-go N. D Trie, Hockford, 111 Qulncy, 111 Hloomlngton, 111... Chester, Pa Springfield, O South Pend, Ind... Lowell Jackson, Mia PlnKhamton Iccatur, 111 Mansfield, O Fremont, Neb Vlckblmig-, Miss... JiickBonvlllo, 111... York. Pa Waterloo, la Houston 1,417.000 r l?s MV) 22.6 247.0 1,187,0)0 sun fim 23.6 'is'.i 'ii'.i 17.8 "i'.i 2.8 1.148 01 10 1,0b 2, l.lIT.Oi ni 1.(61 .) 687.0") 1.178 ODD 12.0 "i".7 24.7 1.17' 1 871 itTil! 3.6 15.5 609.000 18.2 4.3l 1.2 747,onO 794, Ott), 701,000 ! Gt'! e3 . M8.000I 4.6 627,0(10 . 611.0(10 918.0IKI 69. i 74r).0(10 491.000 7.7 7.8 11.8 IHo.OiO .4,0(K) 3.4 WJO.OHO fin! KHI Ml 1.8 20.G 2!'3.0t) t -2 o n 11.6 1.S07.0U0 10.9 13.4 34.1.g.4!0l 19,oi0.0U) Hialvestoti Not Included In tnll. h.,a...A .. i Ing other Items than clearings. Hoaloa k'locL Market. BOSTON, Nov. 10.-CloHlnrr quotations on tha the Stock rxchnnge: Aloue r.l' Mohawk Amal. Copper IUi4 Nevada t"on , A. .. L. A 8 4'4Nlpl.alnl Mluee H. t. c. A . M. 6 Norm butt .. Putt Coalition .... KS North Lea .. lal. A Arta 61st Old Dominion ., ('I. A Heel iM Oaceola 43 S 17 si TS 15 444 43 '4 to t4 It l US S JS14 -' 4S s 4H Centennial sParrett (8.. t4h,Quhiry .... llSiRhauiion V Superior .. 44upertnr A 11 Tamaraek 'SI. 8 . H. (Nipper Hang Con, Ka.t Dull t.op... Krankllu fill-out Con Oi-anbr (. - Green t'ananea ... B. M. a it.. 1.1 ftnyell Kerr lke ti'op ) its do pfd ... Nl'teh COS.. Uaha opper V Salle tapper Miami Copper . HSWiuona . 4S YVoivarla . 30 Nrw York Mlalsg 8tckg, N KV OniC. Nov. 10.-4"losln; quota tions on mining stocks were: - Alice 16 Utile ttiiaf I m. Tsin. tk... 33 Heilran 344) do bonda 17 Ontario 100 on. (al. A Va.... 7". Ophlr - im Iron Bllver 100 e.-4tandarl 100 Lead ('on 10 Tallow Jacket 70 uttered. Coffee Market. NKVV YORK. Nov. 10. COFFER Fu turca opened barely steady at unchanged prices to a de'lliie of li points under con tinuation of yesterday's selling movement, which was encnuraKed by lower French cable and reports that llraxll shippers rm siioning more wtuingneHs to sell aa it result nf accumulating ttocka at pri mary points, offerings were not aggres sive, and being very Well absorbed around tho Initial prices by covering the tiado buying, the nunket develoud a steadier tone, purticularlv on the late months which sold vseil above the closing figures of yestetday following private i-miiea irom 1 wail 1 preslls-Iing a falling off In the movement from the lnterl.r- The closo was steady, net 1 points loner to v poinis tiimiei. t-ales, 7S.000 bona; No vember, 14.43c; l.-ember, )4.8;ic; Jiuiuary,; February. KIHOc; March, is.'juv April 1S.5oc; May. 13 62c: June. 13.61c; July and August, 13.49c; September and Oc tober, ISHh:. Hus re waa 12 to 124 franca loaer early but rallied closing at a net decline of 44 'ranc. Hamburg waa net unchanged Rio was tinchitoKed at !!Ji; Hantoa. un changed. 4s. itllOu; 7s, MoA. Uei-elpt a.t tho two Hraxilian ports 61.W.4) baga aaainst 4'i.Oni baaa last ear. Jundiahy receipts 40,000 bass against lt.000 last year. Today's tpeclal Santos cable reports 4s loO rels losver this mornine and Kao Jaulo receipts 4S,'A0 laga agalnat 6J.0tj yeater day. line weather was reported In all districts of tsao Paulo except for rain in Campania. New York warehouse deliver lea esterday were 19,964 bags agalnat 13.. r-TP last year. Hpot oiffoe, tiulot: Hlo No. 7. 7.16"4 lo"c; Bants. No. 4. lac; mild coffee, dull; Cordova, lbVtijjlC-o, nominal. Dry Gooda Market. new YoitK. Nov. lo.-nnY aoofrs Jobbing rl.alers were reported on small salt of brown cotton and print cloth sain gooda. Trading In all challena Is light for th ttin being. Th local wool market w-ua steady, l aru markets ar easy and quiet. legal Market. NKW YOHK Nov. 1.-S!QAR- Ra w, ; muscovailo, M teet, 4Se; cvntrlfu gal 94 test. 4 Uc; ItioUaes, J t .-(, 4j,c. lseflued, H4. 11, 1011. OMAHA IIYESIOCK MARKET Cattle EeceipU Very Lig;ht, with Prices Generally Steady. HOGS FIVE TO TEN HIGHER Only m Few Sheep aad Vrnmhrn l Right, While Killers Are Tea Cent Higher aad Feed er Steady. SOUTH OMAHA, Nov. 10, 1D1L Recalnfs were r- in. tine, itha.a Official Monday. 10.W4 2.i4T 36.016 Official Tuesday 8.1'is 4.2B1 31,4.t. Official Wailnaaitav O I IYJ cw.i 91 hoi Official Thursday. ili'l t.iU t-ilimate irlday 43XO 4.300 1,600 Five day this week. .30,410 ?S,089 97.670 Same days last week. .28 .eW'i ". M rXfi) 126.872 Bams day 1 w'ks ago..3S.l 2tl.l3 155.1)8 Maine day 3 w'kt ago.. 80 i3 21.811 170.708 tfame days 4 w'k ao..31.67 23,218 167,319 The following tabie afeow the receipt pf cattle, hogs and hep at South Omaha for the year to date. A compared with list yean 1911 hid. Inc. IJic t'al" 1.031.606 1,072,80 41,801 2,04i.8l4 1.1171,40 371,44 Bheep 2.71II.3X 1.871.485 4Z 840 The following table shows th average price paid for hoks at Boutb omaha for th last few days, with comparison. Pat. 1911. mO.ll.lOB.lflO7.190.!l. Nor. 1.. Nov. I.. OITi 04, 7 87 7 VI: 7 721 I 61 6 6; 8 0C 4 14 g ioi 4 yi 8 071 4 87 I 4 88 1 m 6 Ti Nov. 1.. !4j tl 1S'4 K 0v H 07 7 CSl 7 74 6 84 6 81)1 6 87 Nov. 4.. Nov. 6.. 6 62 7 . 7 70 6 3 .- 6 S Nov. 8 . 18S 7 701 6 71 6 6 o 4 8 ' Nov. 7.. "8 J4sa T BOI U 1 3. 4 901 6 W 4 83 4 81 4 7 4 60 Nov. i.. 6 08 i 8 021 7 78 4 7o 6 Vl Sov. Nov. 10. I l-"a 7 l 11 I 8 21 j 1 J 7 78 7 73 6 82: 6 68 4 8! 6 OS 18 07 Htinday. Receipts and disposition ct live stock at the l.nlon Stock yards. Mouth Omnhn, Neb., for twenty-four hours ending at 2 o'clock. r RECEIPTS CARS. C... M. &. St. P 1 .. Missouri 1'aciflc 1 Union racific a i.i a C. & N. W., east 8 t". A N, . W.. west 3 19 2 C, ft. P., M. & 0 16.. C, B. & Q., east 2 .. C B. & o.. west 18 1S d O., R. 1. & P., east 2 1.. v., R. I. A P., west 2 Illinois Central a Chicago Great Western 1 crips and driven In 2t) 64 9 Total receipts. 12S 18 DISPOSITION-HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 1$ 812 6t7 Bwilt AV Co 183 13 S23 Cuaahy Packing Co.... 2a8 l.yw 202 Armour & Co 18 1,834 asi Om. Pkg. Co., lienver.. W Benton, Vans. fc l.uh 3 J. H. Root Co 42 U Wolf u Wo. & Kan-Cal. Co 3 Other buyer 141J 1,081) Totals 8io 4.232 2.6G3 CATTLK Cattle receipts were very light touay, only twenty-three cara being reported in. Tula, however, brought the total receipts up to 8o,41o head lor tha week to date. 1 his I considerably larger mart last week a run und larger than a ytar ago by over 10,000 head. With ao few cattl on aale there was rcauy nothing to make a market or to interest buyers. As usual on a Friday tne trade could oniy be described aa a slow, steady market.' For tha week - half fat nr - warmed-un oornfed cattie are decidedly lower, la fact, . aa much aa.ouo lower tnau ten day .ago. in is dooline ha been dua to tne .-ige receipt ot that Kind of cattle, btrictiy good cornfed . cattle have not mown much change, as they ar vary scarce. cow and heifer for tha week are steady to possibly a little lower on some the less desirable kinds. Oood feeders nava held 'about steady tor the week, but tha feeling toward the :Iob l a little easier on tha interior grade. - : quotations on. native cattle: Good to SUU11.U ueti gleets,,.,u; fair to good eter . steals, lo.ousav6.16; common to fair beef steers, 14.40tiu.wi; good to choice hell ers, 4,HArjt.8u; good to choice cows, ti.tVg .8u; lair to good Row and heifers, 13.7' j.4.2d; common to talr cows and heifers, J.73.ii; veal caives, 13.jtxtvt.6v'. Quotations on range cattle: Good to choice beef steers, ta.i5fri.2a; fair to good ue( sleeis, .yos,.ia; coiuibou to lair ue Hieura, H.vmb.tj0:, good to choice heif ers, H 4t"; good to cnoice cows, )4.3"k f.'jo; talr to good cow aud belters, u.7,i Lab; good to cholco stuckery aim feeders, 4.o'uo.iH); fair to good stocacr and fed-4.1s.-; cuminon to-lair stockurs and feeders, 14.40dpt.6; siock noifera, U-ti Ui ib. buns, stags, etc.. 4).aV'H-U - Itepresentatlve sale: tih.Hb hi HERS. At. Pr. N. A. Fr. .Ill 40 . cowa. N. ll.... 130 J0 m 1 Me 4i lii liULLS. CO 1 M0 1 M Kt CALVES.. 1 81 4 60 1 170 T (4) '.. 04) 1 US Tr) 1 120 1 00 1 lo J a ,1 mil; bTUCKEKii AND FEEDERS. 1 440 4 34 nosx me market for hogs continued in Its upward course, opening MJloc higher and closing at the full dime advance, itt va an active session and ended tiuk-Wly, the demand coming almost wholly fioin local packing concerns. Light receipts were partly responsible for improvement, and seller were alio aided In tueir ef 01 is vo boost th trade by favorable advlcss uDin eastern point. aujjpiit-s amuuiited. to -something like Ixty-flve loads, mostly butcher and laid grade, aod of this eatlmat. shippers und speculator purchased less than 10 per cent. The yard wart practically cleared of total ofreilng within an hour or so after trading actually started. Prlca paid for heavy kinds of hogs I ho wed the usual premiums over bacon and underweight stuff, long strings rang ing from u lo.k.i. Tha beat mid an imal 0:1 sale reached 1A.27S4, as compared vslth yesterday's big bunch of tops at HSW. " . Representative sales: No. 4.... 11.... 1 ... M ... 11.... tl ... 3:::: :::; 14 ... M ... 4 ... it ... 71.... ... 41 ... ... 71... ... ... 4J... 74... 61 ... 41 ... It... 73 ... 30 ... Av. ..Itt ..rid ..1M ..lit ..tu ..ut 8b. Pr. 7t 10 t 10 No. 71... 3... 41... 4... II... II... II... It . .. 11... ... It .. tl .. ... ,... M .. I... ... II. .. 13... It... II... (.... 47... U... Ar. ...a ..14t ..t.t ..tu ..377 .343 ..341 . (tl ..M . IM Eh. Pr. to I t! 4) I tl', 40 I Is w 1 :s ... 1 it Mill vat 1 It ... Itl ... tl ... I -I HO t ti I 10 10 tt Ir4l t It t it t it 13 till ll .M Ml tst .lit in .M lit . J ..! " 330 tit 14 141 ..M4 ill 7l 4 it 4 II ... t 11 40 4 U N 111 ... t II M I 17S, ... I lis IN I 17s 40 I p) 31 4 0 tl) t to Wit ... Ill) to I to UM I to Ito I id .m I t .301 II) 1. il 40 li .4 .lit Kit 4 I M I 31 .SCt .341 .371 .11-4 .3M .Ut) .31 .tTl 1H 4ll 1K 4 33 :so tso I 31 ts I It I 36 I 33 I 33 4 31 I U 1 it 1 tr I 31 I 77 ' 5 37s 37 Sa ns 140 to Ml too rt t; ,t 17. tt 3IS tai I So 301 ..lit 10 I 10 .. 31.. I.. 13.. Tl.. 40.. .341 .174 si I'i .311 .lit ..374 4 ui I !' 4 tt'i I tl". ..III ..tfl 140 ..303 40 17 !0 I 33 SI 14 PIQS-OUUd AND KNDB. It M ... I 1 11. .101 ... I M it u ... ;i SHEEP Scant offerings of sheep and lamb had a stimulating effect upon de mand and price scored more or leas Improvement, big bulk of tat stock sell ing on a dime higher basis. Receipts amounted to only 2,( head, making a five day a total of W.UlO head, th amull est since th early part ot the rang season. Fat ahd fed claa-sea mad up the big end of aupply. producing a feeder trade that waa hardly laige enough to b rt cognised. - Th beat weitcrn lamba on aale, com ing In from a two liionina feeding term, brought to. 7i and a bum-h ot fed na tive that wero loppy changed bands at 16 00. thorn . lamba acted well at 16.CO, but tie markut for this kind of atock la a rather uncertain affair. Fat wethers that landed at H-M )sterday found a buyer at W 40 and fed native ewtsi tupped at 13 ", with westerns tip as high aa 13.J6. 't rading bad plenty of life auid the inarkst was svsrpt clean befor 8 30 o'clock. l'cesder ahosted 110 quotable change from a tits iss point, as Ji'iy Jiigsiid too meager to afford anvthlnn like a fair test ot values. Current rales are the cheapest of the season, however, and lsck of Variety stands its the only re straining argument in buying circles. The week la closing with everything In sec ond hands and there Is practically nothing being held In speculators' pens. Feeder lambs are moving from 14. ut) downward, whllo leeder ewes have to be attractive In order to got a 82.50 Md. Trashy ewes around ll.lS1il.00 have been clearing a cannera on packing orders that were not very particular. Four days' purchase of feeders on country account amounts to 75,000 head. During the week range marketing had dwindling volume, but the deficiency was partly offset by the appearanco ot more or less fed ana warmed-up stock. Trend to values was easier on most days and most varieties ore closing lower. Fat lambs, fiseder Innibs and feiler we show net losses of about a quarter, while fat ewes, wethers and yearlings average up little. If any, lower than a week ago. Uuotutions on sheep and lambs: I.ambs, good to choice, 15.4tSi.76; lambs, fair to good, 15.lSta5.40; lambs, feeders. H 25ui'4.60; yearlings, good to choice, 13.6034.26; year lings, feeders. $..24j3.K5; wethers, good to choice, 13.40(33.86; wethers, fair to pood, !3.14i3.40; wethers, feeders, I2.90jt3.26; ewes, good to choice, 13.0tt21.3o; ewes, fair to good, t2.tS6tro.00; ewes, breeders. 13.3633.75; ewes, feeders, 12.0tX('2.7o; ewe, culls. Il.lfy81.75. Representative sales: No. av. Pr. 409 Wyoming yearlings, fdr... 70 3 75 83 So. Dak. ylgs., weths., fdr. 72 8 85 3t2 South Dakota lambs, fdr. 63 4 35 130 fiouth Dakota lambs, Id re. 63 3 85 14 South Dakota ewes, fdrs.... 72 3 00 CHICAGO LI VI STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle and Sheep Steady Hogs Higher. CHICAGO, Nov. 10. CAT IDE Receipts, 1,600 head. Market slow and steady; beeves, 14.6.S33D.10; Texas steers.; western steers 14.3yfl77.25; stocker and feeders, l3.0(W5,'fiO; cows and heifers, 32.0UJ 6.00; caJvcs, 15.60il8.60. HOUS-Receipts, in. 000 head. Market ES 10c higher than yesterday's averages; light, 4V.-70fu6.42V4; mixed. 16.90ii8.57'i-, heavy, 3.1. Wiiii. 55; rouRh, lo.903fl.lli; Kood to choice heavy, liVl." s.&5; pig, 3.75&5.S"i; bulk of sales, tu.15fi6.4S. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.000 head. MarKet ateady; native 12.50(53.80; western, !2.!5t33.0; yearling. !3.7V(f4.40. i.aniba: Native. 33.70it6.30: western. !3.7o& 6.70. Kansas Cltr lire Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. Nov. 10,-CATTTE Receipts, 1,600 head. Including 600 head southerns: market steady; dressed beef and export steers, !6.60ii;9.00; fair to good, 15J5S4I.60: western stcors. 14.tWi7.60: Mockers and fenders, ISo'ifO.TS: southern steers, 14.004j"6.25; southern cows, 12.76Tjp 4.60; native cows, 12.76S5.26; native heif ers, It.oflrjjI.OO; bulls, 13.2&34.65; calves, 14.00fj-7.00. HOtlS Receipts. 8.D00 head: market. steady to 61il0o hlpher; btf.k of sales, 16.00 918.40; neavy, 88.80frjiti.4u; packers and butchers. t!V.iiMt: litrhrw. 35.6W6.30: pigs, 14.2.-156.25. SHEEP AND I.AMBS ReoelDts. S.000 head: market steady to lOo higher: iambs. 14.?.V(i5.85; yearlings, 33.75rg4.60; wethers, 13.254.00; ewes. 12.7&ti3.tK); stocker and feeders, t2.0CKy 3.75. St. Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 10 CATTLE RecelDta. 1,300 head, including 300 head Texans; market, strong to lOo higher; native shipping and export steers. !750tfrtt.OO: dressed and butcher steers, 15.0017.50; steers under l,0o0 lbs., 14.00&8.00; stock er and feeders, 13.006.00; cows and heifers, 13.0Wov7.00; caners, ll.00ifr3.00; bulls, 13.755.25; calves 14 0008.50; Texas and Indian Kteein, !f0oy7.X); cow and heat ers, 14.604fi.70. HOUii Kacalpta, 6.700 head: market. strong; 10(15o higher: pigs and lights. 14504J43.40; iiackers, 16.00S8 4O; butcher and Desi neavy, .iiiia.t)0. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta, 800 head; market atrong; native mutton, 13.00tfT3.60; lamb. 14.266.86; oulla and bucks, 11.253.00; stocker. 11.25&-3.2S. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. (CT- lfSQL-DU ST.. 4A niiPT n T celpts, 300 head. Market steady., steers. 4.wfs.2&; cows and heifer, 13.00a7.00; calve. 34.00tgi7.60.' HOGS Receipts, 4.700 head. Market 10c higher: top, 30.45: bulk of sale. !6.10(3 6.35. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipt 300 head. Markot steady; lambs, 36.006.76. Stock la Sight. Receipt of live stock at tha five nrln. clpal market yesterday: aCttle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 600 4.300 1,801) St. oJaeph SoO 4,700 300 Kansas City 1,600 8,600 3,000 Pt. Loul 1,300 5,70-J 800 Chicago 1,500 18,000 8,000 Total .............. 6,200 41,200 13,900 OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. CHEESE Imported Swiss, trie; Ameri can Swiss, 22c; block Swiss, 18o; twins, 17c; dalitles, 17c; triplets, 1710; young America, 18c; blue label brick, 17 He; llm berger, 2-lb., 18c; limberger, 1-lb., 10c. UUTTEK No. 1, 1-lb. carton, 34c; No. L In 60-lb. tubs, 34c; No. 2, S.'c; packing, 20c, POULTRY Hrollers, 18o; spring. 12o; hens, 12c; cocks, 10c; ducks, 18c; geese, 16c; turkeys, 2c; pigeons, per doz.. 11.59. Alive, broiler, u; hens, 8sic; old rooster and stags, 6c; old ducas, full feathered, lis; geese, full feathered, loc; turkeys, lac; gulnt-a fowls, 15a each; pigeons, per doa., 75o; homers, per do., 12.60; sauabs, No. 1, 11.60; No. 2, foe. KI6H Pickernl. 11c; white, 13'lbc; pike. 15c; trout, 11 Uc; iaige crapplcut, lii8c; mackerel, 19c; eel, 6c; haddocks, 15c; flouiiuurs, 13c; green oatllsh, lJ0l5c; loa ilnsd, 11.141 each; ahad roe. per pair. 60c; feulmon, 18c; halibut, lll3c; yellow perch, 8c; buffalo, 8c; bullheads, lie. POULTAV Ilroilera, ISc. springs, lid; nuns, 12c; cooks, 9c; ducks, 18c; geese, 15c; turkays. Mc; piteous, per dos, 11.5J. Alive, broilers, l'ic; hens, 9c; oil roosters and stags, uc; old ducks, full feathered, lie; geese, full fetahered, 10c; turkeys, lac; guinea fowls, ko each; pigeons, por dos., 75c; homers, per dua., 12.ixi; asiuabn. No. 1. 11.50; No. 2, 60c. tttet Cut Prices tabs: No. 1, las:; No. 2, 12c; No. 3, 8siC Loins: No. 1, 19V.c: No. 2. 13',jCi-No. 3. -e. Chucks: No. 1, TVict No. 2, -Dke; No. 3, I'Ao. Rounds: No. 1, 11c; No. 2, bc; No. 3, 8vc. Piatea: No. I, tks; No. 2, 4-o; No. 3, 4'.c. FRUITS, ETC. Apples: Cooking varle ties, per bbl., 12.5; Jonathan, per bbbl.. M.t; lien Davis, per bbl., 12.50; California lielluflower, .fier box, 11.35; Colorado Jon athun, extra fancy, per box, 2.2o; Waso. i.igton Upltzenberg, per box, J.5v; Wash." lugton Red Ueauty, pur box. 12.50; Waah Ington Utaman Wlneaapa, per box, 12.50. bananas: Fancy select, per buncli, 12.25 i2.U); Jumbo,- per bunch. 2.7at3 ii. Cranberries. Wisoonsln fancy, per bbl., !.); per box, IJ.00. Dates: Anchor brand, new. 30 1-lb. pkga. in boxes, per box, 12.25. Figs: California, per case of U 12-os. pkgs.. l5c; per case of 5 12-01. pkgs., 12 isi; per case of 50 6-oz. plij.i., tJ.Usi; Ney Turkish, 6-crosvn in 2o-lb. boxes, per lb., 15c; e-crown in 20-lb. boxes, pt;r lb., 10c; 7-crosvn in iSHU. boxc. pr lb., 17c. Grapes: California Tokay. pr 4-bsk. crate, 11.26; Alaiagu til a its, 1 11 bbla, LeiiKnia: iimoneira brand, extra fancy, ouo-dou alzos, per box, t.75; Loma l.lmoneira. fancy, SoO-Mt) size, per box, lo w; 240 and 42u aizes, 600 per box less. ' Oranges: Niagara Red lands Valencias, 9ti-i2i site, ptr box. o.2i, 150-1i6-2uO-216-2jO aize. per box. 15-5i. Practical Caiiioiiua and Colorado, per box. HO. I'tars: California Duchc. U. Hardy and 44, Clarlgeau, per 5v-iu. box, 13.00; Lawrence, per box. $3.00. . EJ ETA liLLS beans: string and wax, per mkt. bak., ll.O.-fi 1 .15. Cahbat;: Wisconsin, per lb., Celery: Michigan, per doz., 35c; Coluiado Jumbu, per dux., 80c. Cucurnbcis: iiut liuuae, per dox., 12.00. KKg Plant: Fancy Florid, per do., tl.ts). Gallic: Extra lancy, white, per lb., lie. Lettuce: Ex tia lancy leaf, per doz., 4uc. Onion: California, white, per lb., 2c; WiaLonsin, yellow aUd-rd, 111 snsks. per lb.. 21c; Bpunlah. psr ciate, 11. 5. Parsley: Faucy home grown, per dux. bunches, 45c. Pu iatos: Minnesota Early Ohio, per bu., II. viu; vVicunaiu whit stock, per bu.. vsic; In lu-back lots, 5c less. Sweet Po tatoes: irainia. per bbl.. 13.60; per bu. bk., 1135. l:uiabaaa: In sacks, per lu., IV4C Tomaloe: Cauloinia, ptr tiiu. 41 50. MISCELIANEOUS Almonds: Tarra gona, per lb., lk'ic; In rack lots, lc less. Ui-axil Nuts: Per lb.. 14c; In racK loia, lo less. Cocoanuta: Per Hack. lUX Fit Leits: I'ri ib., lie; In aack lota, lo 1. I canuU. l'.oMsd, per lb, ic; law, per lb., 7sc. Pecan: Large, per lb , luc; in sack lots, lo less. Walnuts: New crop, isll, Callfoin.a, per lb, U-.c; in aasx lota, la less. .lder: New Neluiwka. i-r 15-gaL V bbl., Uvi; pur M-gal. bbl., i'M, New York Alott s, per 15-gaL V bbl.. per 3v-fcl. bui.. 4i ). Honey: New. 24 fianua. J Id iviaut: Per 12-(ai. ken. t-.u. Is: ii-j:al ki II M .. . DUN'S REVIEW OF- TRADE Conservative Expansion in Trsuta Activity Continues. COmTENCE ONLY KECESSAEY Statlatlra of riutroai Prodactlon s4 Steel Order Dnrlag Octotier Testify to More Sattafao lory Condition. ' NICW YORK, Nov. 10. R. a. Dun A Co.'a Weekly P.ovlew of Trad tomorrow will say: Records of both bank clearings and railroad earnings rofiecl the recent con seivatlve expansion In trade activity due to rrfore spirited buying to replenish stocks that became depleted through long hesitancy. There is improvement in th financial situation at home, while foreign conditions have been materially helped nv the screen-ient In tho Morocco dis pute, though th Tripoli and Chines complications still remain. The situation both In Europe and the I nlted States only needs that eterngth enlng of confidence which opens great storee of capital to big undertaking to bring about a notablo advance move ment. The timidity born nf uncertainty has been the .chief underlying cause o, tha retarded business enterprise. Statistic of pig iron production and steel order during October tesUfy to th more satisfactory cond ik-ns in the Iron trado.l Orders for rails for 1&12 delivery, which havo been long deferred, are novr fast appearing, recent contracts amount- ' lng to about 100,000 tons. Pittsburgh reports some Increase In contracting for 1012, but current buslnoesi 1 still ouet. Small lots nf billets end sheet bars nro changing hands on the basis of 119 for open hearth and 130 for Bessemer. Rteel bats are weak- and In ducements are being offered for desirable business. Wire goods and cut wire nail are quoted at 11.65 and plain wire at 31.35, Pittsburgh. Moderate orders fur cotton goods are H coming forward dully, but hesitancy Is) rioted In tho plncinur of any KubFtan'lal business. Lower prices nre stimulating? orders on print cloths and convertibles. Pi1nters havo sold more goods than they have produced In the last four month and are running well on percales and, miscellaneous etaple. Duck mill have a good buRlreiss on hose and bejtlns; qualities nnrt more trade Is coming for ward on wide cloths. Exports of demes nes nre substantially ahead of a year ago for the corresponding period of the year. Jobbers are doing a moderate trade. A much bettor business Is being offered In woolens and worsteds and ad vance orders aro now ahead of a year ago. Yarn orders come forward In small lots and users are not anticipating mora thRn a few weeks ahead. Business In footwear Is fairly aatlsfac tory and Improvement Is noted aa the season advances. . Leather Is less acttve, but there have: been heavy sales of hides with firm prices. DBADSTllEKT'J TRADE) REVIEW Financial and Commercial Sentiment Has Ueeome Better. NEW YORK. Nov. 10.-Bradstreefa to morrow will say: Changes in trade currents are not espe cially marked, tho turn over, on the whole, save principally at the south, be ing of a fair to good substantial char acter, not for atocking up purpoaes en tirely, but rather for near futures dis tribution. Dut what probably is more significant sentiment, financial and com mercial, the latter perhaps to a leaser extent than the former, has become un deniably bettor. This development can pe traced to the Improved tenor of thing In the stock market, to the recognition of the plain fact that stocks In moat lines of merchandise are very light, that abstention from normal buying can hardly continue Indefinitely, that busi ness Is much better than it waa at this time last year and because It is apparent that remodeling of so-called trust will not work the severe hardship antici pated. Jobber report a fairly good fill ing In business which tltey think will display a rather steady gain throughout the winter, thanks to light retailers' stocks ' and the sparing way In which purchases have been made. A a general rule business on spring; account is coming out rather slowly. Cotton goods are still affected by the belief of buyers that the price situation la not a steady one, amTs'hey are careful about making large future commitments. Staple dreas goods, as well as heavy knit goods, are in request, though buyers of the latter grudgingly pay the prices asked. Incidentally there is a shortage of help in some New Kngland worsted and yarn mills. Manufacturers of steel bars, structural material and shapes, see ing the poor side of the cost line, are seemingly resisting low prices. business failures In the United States for the week ending November 9 were 237. against 247 last week, 207 1n the like week of 11)10, 21 In 1D09, 67 In 1308 and 253 In 1907. I Business - failures In Canada for tha week number thlrty,-two, which compare with sixteen last week and thirty-one In the like week lost year. WTieat, Including flour, exports from the United States and Canada for tha week ending November 9. aggregate 8,326, 812 bushels, against 4.668,500 bushel last week and 3.060,123 bushels this week last year. For the nineteen weeks ending No vember 0 exports are 68.33,611 bushel against S$,3S5,6S3 bushels In the corre spondlng period last year. Corn exports for the week are 278,603 bushels, against 328.813 bushels last week; and 853.680 bushels in 1910. For the trine teen weeks ending November 9. corn ex rwrte are 10,630,420 bushels, against 7,032, 094 last year. Metal Market. KEW YORK, Nov. 10. METALS Standard copper, firm; spot and futures, 112.25(1-12.60. Loudon market firm; spot, LM 15s; futures, 67 10s. Isike copper, locally, 1122Vi.n,12,75; elet;trolytlo, 112.63'i $112.75; canting, 112.2.V12.M. Tin, quiet; spot and futures, 141.50tftHl2.00. London market dull; spot, 1M) los; futures, 10s. Lead, dull; 14.K-a-i.S0, New York; 14. 10(14.15, Fust Kt. Louis. London market quoted at 15 17s 6d. fepelter, dull; i6.KiJ ti.50. New York; lii.HVfftl.40, Fast tit. Louis. London market quoted at 15s. Anti mony, Cookson'a, 18.00f!i.l2ss. Iron, Cleveland warrants, 47s In London. Lo cally, quiet; No. 1 foundry, northern, 15.C3,15.25; No. 2, 114.76.'i'15.00; No. 1 southern and No. i southern, soft, S15.00(f 15.50. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 10. JMETALS Lead, wtaker, H12Wii.ij. Spelter. tro-j;., Wool Market. 6T. IXH'If. Nov. 10. WOOL Un changed; territory and wetern mediums. li;Vu2tic; fine mediums, ldlSc; fine, l'4i5c. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 10. COFFKW-RIo No. 7. 15V- Future closed toady; De cember, 11.39c; Murch, lil.tic. Taf t Declines toTalk of Votes for Women NASHVILLE, Tenn, Tfov. 10. A pica that President Taft say a word "for the women" while ho was asking support of tho people for his peace treaties wot without result here last night, for Mr. Taft Ignored the letter piissed Into hi hands until after ho had completed his formal address. The suffrage movement recently In vaded Nashville and a great crowd also wanted to get hla Idea of the vote for women campaign. The president left early today for Sewance, Teciu. One Hunter Killed, Another is Wounded DCLL'TII, Minn.. Nov. lii.-John r.o.j. rark of Deer River, Minn., was liirtant.y killed and hla coin;.anion, Chi'.c Ll.i dahl. danserously wounded while hunting at Low String lake, tne.'v ir.Uc from Deer River today. Thy .had Killed tv moot and wero drewtiliig It when filed on ty a party of urJdcutifled kuntei . ... I . t ... I, .w-w. '