17 A v l0r AM) Kil Xli. PERSONS having h u,. artlc e Would do well la col un Die oilier of ihs Otnaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Company tu Murium whether they lefi tt In the etre-t car. Many articles each day are turned In net u;e ioni,inv la anxious to restore las 43 ,l l"" rl';l',ful ' Call Doug OMAHA COfNTIL RT.lTFrs STREET t V the best place In town for switrhej mailo ot yiir own combing. Mrs. Fisher. ;or, K Ith, R. fi. Down. in IOST Between Chsrle street smi Clifton Hill church Sundav, gold and pearl brooch. Reward, 4;U Charles. St. EVERY person know i who D. J. O'Brien Is because lie has mmle Omaha famous with Ills randy. If Mir. Enyeat, 12 Hurdctte, will coma to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a tso-cent box of o Brlens candy free. MO.VEV TO LOAN Salary autt Chattels. tUIIIIIIKfUMIjMMUlf!) H Money for Everybody $10 to $1110 $10 to 1110 3 LOAN'S ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. tt SALARIES, ETC. ft it at charges you can afford, and $1 ($ without the red tape and delay you it tt experience with uthrr companies. $$ tt ESTABLISH YOUR CREDIT 14 t$ 11EUK. It's S GOOD AS A BANK if ACCOUNT. $1 1 NOTE THESE RATES. M It $10. you pay back lll.M. J$ 1$ i la. yon pay buck JII.OD. $$ tt $-5. yoi pay back $:S.i". tt JiO, you puy lack J.V.OO. IS St NO OTHER CHARGE. M tt Weekly or Monthly Payments A8 tt tt you wish. it tt OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. tt tt 30M0 IS r own WK. Opposite ltran- tj tf del. IS. K. Cor. lt'th nnrt Douglas. U tt rhu.'ia Doujjlas 20L'o. tt M t; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $ ? 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 WE LOAN MONEY """"" to any working mnn or woman on lust a personal note; no security or Indorser required. Why mortgage your personal belongings when YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HERE? All transactions confidential. Coma id end see or phon tut. OMAHA TRUST CO. 4.17 Board of Trade Klrtg Fourth Floor. Bell Phono Doug-lsa Slit. CHATTEL LOANS AT HE SONArt.K RATES NEBRASKA LOAN CO., 130 Dpi Iiklfi. Douglas 1JS. A-1358, Harm Hld,i formerly N. X. Life illdg. DIAMorsO leans at 2:s and a per cent. W. C. Flatau loll Dudge. lied Wl. MOMil keucd aalatluJ people, women keeping house anu othbrs, without curlty; easy payn.i-nu. Offices In fi prln clpa: titicj. 'loimau. LOS Omaha Natl OFi KKKD VOn HEXT Hoard and Itoocm, O. T. K. hau.s trunks T. Hi. A-tSlL Wiil.L. tuMiimied nt-uleJ room with board. In r leld club dmtrlct; rt;Ieieuce r(iulr(d. Tel. Harney lull. Iortoli, family hotel, itn Av. tic har. Fbs Hhiliur, :i Hurney; room & board. ttt, jnn.ee Hotel Sttnm heat, batb, hums cooking; winter rates to few couplet (tt fc0 per mo. ; dally Jl.Jj. Near all theat ers. LAitUK sunny rjoni for two gentlemen, with board If desired. Harney 640, Farnam. r'tiUAT panor, nuwly turniBiieu, mod ern, with board. 1'hune Red 2.at. THH best treat for wile and baby la a dish of Halzell'g ice cream. It J. Holata roH, bOavt S. Ulh, will coma to The Ltee oftlce within three Uaya we will give him an older tor a quart brick of this fine tee cream. furnished Kounis. GOOD rooms, reusoi.able. 12Ci2 Douglaa UitiUiii, warm room in private tamlly, clone to Creikliton colieitu, reabonatile. .rhona Hai ney b&H. fUiiiMbilt-U room in luodern liome; private lamiiy; gentlemen uiuy; walk in distance. uu2 South 2bih tit. iMLhLl' luini&iiLU room tor gciulcinen. G0Vi H. l.'tn bt. Liuukius US 14. 0-1 fAKK AVK., fiueiy lurnlwheU room wun uoutu lor particular people. FliNUi tor two uuiik mules; good 1am li", very convenient, i'hono Hainey tL,H. ut,iluii0i.u, iroiii iuoiii; ciobb to rai liain car. 131 N. Hist Ave. Lewey iuioptan Hotel, l.ith & Farnum. LARGK l ooms suitable tor two or tour. Slvaiu heat, electric l.ylit. Private lam iiy. is24 Dodge Bt.' 2i02 LOUUlAt), nicely funshed iront parlor, also sinaie front room; well heated and modern. AN excellent opportunity to secure rooms at Douglas street, at reason able prices. Call or phone immediately. Phone Red 4735. io.i lUli.Vhi, south room, warm and pitaaant; strictly niuuern; walking ui tanre; ti per week. iJLbiiwbL,! furnished room, private family; iltilv N. 2oiti. i'hino Webster uj.j. t'KuNi' panor and on other, liiodem. 2( .South Wtlt. U-M Lii.vAtiU , sunny s.de (larior. suit able for two, furnace neat, not water tud ftRH. fe UfUlsSVS ItlfUM'kVt'llMtf liooius. The Manuel and llowaid, 1 & Howard, t und i-riii. hkptr apis.. :U to Ui- 'VJ, nil ce or lour ncciy luiiusued bvusekecpniK rooms, iula iaei.pui. io.iV i'iiviC jv L:, lui fco uniui iimlicU front pallor; uudeti:; htusvkv Itifi. Har tley 3?.l. i vyu, iiou:t-i.uLpni. outu eyobure, n odern .li Ui.UKaM. AKilr.lt a day's worx a little recreation Is welcomed. We win give Harry nhau Lars', North bliUtuih street, an oi- Uer for a pair of Stutit to the Woodward Klock company at the American theater If he will come to The Lee office within three days. Hotel ttud A iMirtiueuis- N TCLLY FURN'ffllKD ROOil8 for sen tlsnien. THE CHA IHAMl. Utl S. Utli be PAL,il HuilLU llluo OouiUm, newly fuin.ua. d looiua. M veiils; weekly, M up; steam hest. ilub hotel, bl a. n l.e.ited. 1 a Loug. bt. PulJiiii HulcL, ijtii and Uouge; oil coot outMldL looiiis. special wet k lute. l.ikcelient lueais, N. ,ih, to. iiiiauu. llownid Hotel eiiksnt rn I Houaid Klk hotel, louiiis i.'C uml uOc. 4ii .. toll). HUl'Ll, Al.llAiSV; Itioet e.eunt rooms, liot unu cold water, tircpiooi; prices n.tsonable; both phones lilt liouiua. tiraiui Hotel, rooms &o up. ui ti. Uih. nXI'Ullll uid Arcaue, special wklyiate. Ni; WJi'Oith; hotflons,oc. iou nocg ai." Hotel A in lor, ekBant looina. Ho . . l,tn jl ...niun. luce rooni! 1 nip, k to depot. t ArS jJeiiU, Met loom .. ie S t 'us SU Wl.SI'Suit HO I k.l,- tlooum "mc to 1 &J. Atikrliuculi iiiil lilats. (4 SOL'TH Idlll Ave., lower six rooms, tcut initrior liiiich; wuils to be finely ecualed ntxl week. lu rental biuu snould be f-10. Will be rented to rs poi.i.be paity witnout chiiuicn for tii. Aiahy people are puylng louiu for much Is.ia dcsliubie iuaiter. It will pay to move 11. i. Mann, 710 linuide s Ttuaier. .1.9 U.-HIUtlliOio,!, u l.ice. lOullLS ".lh r D M t. A-i4:. SI UlCTl.Y modern four-room a;. art mnt on Hushlow Terrace, tiheinian Ave., and Yat.. Wtbs'er i.U-i. OiiAja iowi . ...i .. ii-.hAn. TUB h tANlMKi) " SKPARATK HOlli; V Six flue, ueoiaird, luige, full ncdern rouir.a, liulde hall. bath. Uiadei yas rants, fres hot water all vca. .'anlir.r -walktuc dts'snc; retr'jn.rs rciuiri'.i. lotcr: Ons at t.--. anoucr f.,3, anot'irr surKnier, t'l fe. 1 r lor in m..y than t!a.vtiere. I' or special Induce l.-.iu call and ! tl'.z otflfs m p-mn. - , i v .s '.;.' "" i OKKKHEl) tX)H KKXT PF.Al'Tll'l'I.. IX.RRAINF. Throe and fix-room apnratmmts. ste;im heated and a. I modern in every roptct, P'll t" 1-W M h pip street. See tieKC. M ENtl:iOH T. Ifusl3 S40- ebter S711. THKEL and six-room flats! Marlis bjoek. lth and Webstet. i-moin flat on Wn e r m an Ave. 7e I), roii" Kt'LLV modern, t-to in Healed apart ment In the exclusive West I'arnam dis trict: very choice. niilM . lli.t'tltlNfi tvir; KAHNAM ST tl jtfayette, J rnis.. t;.. Wrh n77. I'af arurlird ltouius. HQCSF.KF.F.riNU room. Tel. Houp. 37t2. n floor. conNts of thrfe larif rnms, private toilet, witttr. ju. $3, :r.. Cap itol avenue. Ilonaea mil Cottaaes. WALL PAPF.K,,"u,n" PaP" hann u.iiiuiititiii111( RluxiiiK. picture framing. Monson, Ht'J Park Ave. H. &.ao. For Bent Brick House Four bed rooms, bath and toilet on :eioi,d; noor;. utrto unulv room dinlnu room, buttery-klti'hen, rcfrlKcrator room, hall nnd vemlhula on first floor: full cement bnsement; furnace heat; every thing first cliisa and atrlctlv modern Located at 1.M1 Oeortila Ave. See the owner at iwjj Ouorgia Ave., or Phone narney 1.119 EH5HT-P.OOM house, ,T.':i7 Evans, $10. J. n. I'ariotte. Koiirrt ot 'trade. MOD. l-room rotinx. f ne itp r. tl. HoliiKllul.b IjUUH.i pacKed. fur- vaidcd; cheap f-eiiit tates; moving and Hoilnu. Exi'i ess'nen's Hellvery Co. Tel. In. jk. :0L City oflico HIS a t;tli bt.. PtJ niaa. HiiiUfB, Ins. TlltiK w alt, ltrundelB Th. P.ldK .-room bouse, f.'4; Broom house, toi. Hnnscuni park ilintrUL All modern. r-none Harney IbHi. t'lve-.oom cottage, modern but heat. M4im, iiuc repair, narney tfi44. ti-ROU.i cottage, modern except heal, In good repair located ot No. N. &th bt.; t-w per month. VINCLNT O. ni'UMODV, Tel. n. 7Si".. 1014 City Nul l Pnnk Rldflt. Ft.ilt RENT Pin room houso at 3414 Caldwell t. Modern except furnaco. Good cellar. Cistern pump In kitchen sink. Near car line and close to school. Key next door. Telephone Harney iiiil or enquire at inn Webster St. b'2 o. L'Mli bi., rooms, complataly modern, lafi.OU. Hall, 433 ltaingc. I). iliAt. A-44US. Orn. Van i Storage Co., packs, movsa, stores household goods. Fireproof slur sge. tu H. liith. liranch, M to. Ltij. Tel. . 41(53. A -1233. OMAHA LAP. CO., moving vans and storuue. Trunks, Luggage del. D. 'HA. 41 N. 17th. HOUSES FOR RENT. t?0 Six rooms, 2Mu Urant CSL, modern, new house, reduced rentuJ. J-3 Eight loouiH, tutu Madison Ave., modern except heat. L!0 Eight rooms, 219 Capitol Ave., modern except heat. tM Six rooms, so 8. Slat St., modern, nicely decorated. 30 Six rooms, C01 S. ISth. St., modern except heat. 3o Seven rooms, 1407 83d St., modern, hot water heat. H& tieven rooms, ltith and Emmet Sts., almoM new, strictly modern. 135 Eight rooms, 1142 S. 2yth St., mod ern, good yard. t37.tpU h rooms, &2C Park A vs., mod ern flat. $42.60 Seven rooms, 3317 Dodge St., mod ern flat. tfiO Seven rooms, 120 N. 81st Ave., strictly modern. Three rooms and bath In Lafayette, Including refrigeration, vacuum cleaning, laundry and Janitor servicv. nciiiai $o7.W per month. " GliUHGE ft COMPANY, 002-13 City National Hank Rldg. Phones lJouglss 7&fi, Independent A-1758. Hnncns "' parts of lue city, crsigj uuusl-a 6un 4c Co.. Mee Bldg. FOR RENT Modern apartment, i rooms, two bath rooms, apartmeut 4. The Clailnda, aut and Farnam. iiEiuia i am, ion .. cju ot., i-iooin modern, 'tel. Douglas 6n4. BEvEiS ruoiiis, partly modern, three blocks from car." IJ. 12M. cjtOoO, modern nouuu, o looms, l.4J b. -Dth St. Ind. A-44,1 SIX and seven-room modern flat, hot water heat, for fl. Tel. Webster HAS. iiatiil'l-UOUji house, modern except furnace, located at No. 94V N. 20lh St.; paved street and one block to car; t-t per month. VINCENT D. DERMODY, Tel. P. 7Mi. 1514 City Nat'l Hank Bldg. 'Mi'J Maple bt. S-roum modern except furnace, tM. Hall, iii Ramge. t. 74otj; A. 4406. MODERN bungalow, fully up-to-date in every particular. Price and terms right. Call from 1 to 4 p. in. Tyler 1213. 7-ROUM house, Charles St., In good repair. Inquire 2C23 Charles. TWO very nice, 7-rooin cottages near 22d and California. Modern, except furn aces and rent moderate. A. C. Wukeley, Louk. 1U7. or Red M'I4. A t-room cottage, walking uiaiuiiuc. lied 0t4Ji. toil I. mi M., o-i ., moilcrii except heat, with barn, only t-0. DO N. SJU St., 7-r. house, modern, t-5. lttb una Ohio, 3-r. cottage, lt). ROOMS AND FLATS. 2423 Cuming St., 6-loom, $12.50. 2t.ll Dewey Ave., 4-r., mod. ex. heat, $11 tS23 Lewey Ave., i-r., semi-basement, $7. litl 8. Lth St., 3-room, t7. bniall store, 713 8. 27tli tit., $12.E0. ;trj S. 27lh St., small iwim, $7.00. N. P. IiijIiHK Co., Huh mid Harney. $Jo 7-rooms, 3i2S N. 27th. tl'ir- rooms t4l0 N. tlth. 1UV Park Ave., modern, 3o. Tel. Web. 1677, 1702 SOUTH llh meet, fivs rooms, Hu. Louglan iOT4. ALL modern, g-room house, Ho. 2ith st ; best furnace; t?2,6u, Phone. Webster lit. "6-ROOM house, modern, $18 60. JiiiYTaas' MMv-UOuM brick house, modern, Harney 647. CHEAP lll.Nl'. Fine, large, full modem S-room bouse, built for homo. 1513 N. 20tu Rt , newly decorated Inside und out, walking ls tance, $30. If tenant doo4 his part, takes good care of property, (.'' will be de ducted from last month of year T. J. HOOK, offlcfi No. HUl N. lfth St. PAYNE H HEATER CO.. O'tmlia Nutlrmul Hunk DldK. stores nun utfli-es, OFFICR to rsnt. Mulllkarv 211 M. rth. l.AliUK store loom, with netv front. 17(.7 N 24th. Tel. Web. 12.75. Lr-H.-IM1I, bloie. I.i.w l.oln. 1 ('ninliik. Ind. A.ict,a lsli to sublet suiie uf li'e rooms In CUv National Hank Hldir. Call I ri.'H lit.VI-lil Ivwiuiee, nuilauic eioi'e room for buuery. J il.i. ii. italic, 1.; WnlKlpr HANDY oftlce cloap 4'4 Ree llldg. A T f n. i'liii e i . i.ooni. ...kiiu, bup pllcd with steam heat, now lie.un put In fine condition; prlco reasonable. I'KTKHS TRl'KT CO., 17th and Farmm. llatla. WAFHINtlTON 11 ALlIxKlrss. rianest tanquets C C Hnreni-n. I) A-Mli. Uarna. FOR RENT Good barn, suitable for small ftarage, machine or carpenter shop Harnev. KVKltr person knows who H. J. O i l leu Is because be has made Omaha tamoua with his csndy. If Mrs. G. A 1'.. kles. I:.0 8. H2d St.. will come to The pes office within tnree days ws wlil islvn her an order for a tio-cent box of 0'.-.rlen's candy free. OFFKRED FOR SALE Faruliare. FURNITURE of five-room boiue for sale. '.Wl Farnam. ' MAilES'llP range for sals, almost new. Pnone Harney 4.S1 ie r-r oiiie hiv, iuji OM KIiEl) FOIl SAI.K Muiit'til I ant rsBirtu, riAN'O sllirhtly used, at a brirtrsln. Peaerstrom Piano Mfg. Co.. lDlh and Far nam sts. VIOL.IN reialilns, all ioik promptly none and pum a meed, .it So l!h Si. Tf peTrUer. LIGHT TOFCH MONAHCH VISIBLR for rent. TUB MONARCH TYPK W Rl l Kit CO.. 411 fl loth. Pnone I). .. lJ'YAI, is knm o. l) peTiii iT 5 SM I Tl 1 PRKMIK K"tnmltla"N o7 For No? 4. In txceHint condition, lenltd three nionths tor Jo. SMITH PKr.MlF.R TYTK WRITER CO., "iiL "',t, 'Douglas. WE HAVE A'0n i.l-l'lT.rNKf all makes of typewi Iters, fai lory rebuilt. Prices rlaht. It mil puy you to see us before buvlnir. TYPLwimin iNsrrccTtov .;- erp PLYCO.. !MiSFA It N A M ST. L". B" l"'Ver tvpptvnti r" from-Trie Oliver 1 Vpewroter Co. Hin dus For SAI.K -tine prarT.rnliv new Tnder wood tyrevtrlter with leather rnrrvinu case. Address Poslofrico Uox N'o.'U, South tiniHha. Neb lllscellaneoas. Kindling, tt load. II. Pro... V. 2W4. Fill sai i. v....- b . . .4" 7. .1 7. r - ...... ... .. prviidu-iiniiu carom and "pocket billiard t.be and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds: easy payments. The Brunswlck-Kalke-Coll.indor Co., 40-4uJ ""yi 101 11 ru. fiAH'.s t 1, 1 u. - , , " "."'.nru null IHII.V OV1 - II II 11 U late, ail size.i and luiikes; burnalns. j-nn-i lean nupiuy i o . in,, t arnam St SlX-l-lllll In,..,. I,... . ...... ... , r - ' " in rii, uui .111' , f',r 0l "I ii- Apply, ticorge . !!: ' i i iiiiiiHDing i'o. A SNAP One $23 computing cheese cutter; t!3 If taken at once; as pood as !!r.'.!l(?Fe2'J',,n',ro'' 1,lvlt' l'"V, Neb. YELLOW H k A 1 "p A It Ri rTtt i liTa mi vrhlKiI.s, prei4 -t, large case; price tli. Yellow canary, bias- cage, $2. 2c). lUUli 'e. ., k ouncii n iirts. i-. .t v ooiici. lllllllH. o.vui' water power washing ma chine, pracitcally new. Tel. Web. 4J0S. trie machine, two music boxes, .me for tune teller machine, all placed and work ing; will be suld this week. S124 Lcaven wnfth. Hnrnev 24.1, Indp. A 24.IS. SECONLHANI) hearse In mod condi tion for sale cheap. Rox oil. Central City. Neb ii'itit. .i.i. i u ,u . ....... ,.. - - - - nviiiiiaianii 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Omaha Commercial college and one In fyvyixm volume. AiUS'.ncSS OiliCS, Olliatia Pee. MUSI sell at once for t!2. practically new lynx fur set, latest style. Address E 621, I tee. FOR a dainty dessert use Halrell's lee cream. If Mrs. R. T. l'owers. 2mi3 Dodge St.. will come to The Ree office within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fine ice cream. PERSONAL DR. MAXWELL CURES PILES. 4011 Om. Nat. Hk. Illdg. PAY WHEN CURED. 83-DAY HLOOD REMEDY. Qladdl-h Pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. KARSTON TONSETH, Swedish move ment and massage; graduate of Dr. Kell berg Inst., Stuck noun, Sweden; day Phone D. 71; night, i. 34M; 4i4 Oiil Nat. Dank Rldir. FOR ELECTRIC CARPET CLEANING PHONE D. B2M. PRICES REASONABLE. Automatic, Phone Bus s. 2; residence, tt Massage. Rtttenhouae, 3c8 old Ho. ion Hid. Mrs. Pierce, shampoo, halrdresslng and manicuring, l'jiit Farnam. H. A-HjU. MAN KILLED FALLINti FROM STREET CAR. INFORMATION WANTED. Tuesday evening. November 7. nlirht of election day, a muii led oi uf a South Omaha stieel car near ltith und Wllilam streets and sustained Injuries resulting in ueatn. i-ivo or six men on rear plat form of the car saw this accident. These men will confer a great lavor on the relatives of the deceased by sending their names and addresses to Carmen Tata, care Mauirlameli Hrothers, luu6 Farnam S.. The street car company liaa the names but will not reveal them. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omnha as Strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Seventeenth St. and ;U. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid ut the Union station. HINDOO TAULETH will build, brace. strengthen, foo. HELL DRUG CO. WE rent and repair all kinus of sewum machines. Ind. A-ii3, Douglas 18U3. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 10th and Harney Sts. - MASSAC IK 'rf"lent- Mrs. Steels, JUflcjOAUlJ1(, B I7lh. 2d tloor. rm. 5. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast- off clothing, in tact, anything you du not heed. We collect, repair ana sell, at 134 N. 11th St., lor cost u( collection, tu the worthy por. Call phone Doukiaa 412J and wagons will call. AUlLKiIU hair food grutvs lialr. Mine. Frayer, Megeath Sta. Co.. luth it Farnam. MASSA(iKulh' fcail low aiumatlo iviaxOKJAUXj treatment. Mme. Allen Chicngo, 108 S, 17th St., 1st floor. D. Ttiist. MASSAGE bHwliUll lllovemtni : nolhimf batter tor rheumausm. Ladies. $1; gentle men, tl.&u. Apt. 2, lbtii larnara. D. 024O. 1)1. Ruike, woman s uiseases. 4i Doug. liik. SllAMi'OO I'"""!! ts, Mis. oieele, ex- . . - v.v,...i.j.,, hub vfcieucu new ,m mi BHum imiinn tt i ooj Seville, u. MISS LAiNtl Alunlcui itiif und vilirafi.rtf niss-age tieatmcnts. ilouni 1, ;u Hour, lijtw Luoge St. Alii, fin, dill. scumli inak.uue. balha. tauiuior ai.u iuuiur ti u unriit. Ins Huiii.uiiy. l- lat 2, ! I n anil l itres. D. 43o. HAZEL-LEAK 1'ILE CONES Rest rsiiudy for itcoing, biuisdliig or protrud ing piles, iiuc poot paiu. bum He tree. Sherman & MuConuuli iirtig Co.. Omaha. L'liAIll ATM tnil'w.. fr.,1.1 1 1, i lil K..,'...,u liisiitute would liKe Uohi.ioii urn iiui.j iiiitid. ( nil WeliH. i 4.14. MAUNETIU l,eal'"l'"t' lv liloU-?- ir K- -,1- ,luu' l-2w. Uiibit'ii liourdcd Cu.i Htb. ii4ju. IiOuO ItUAiL,. i.tLII-.s to cuie lor. Weu.ier iOirfi, Mihbl'.ltl caie, small children. W . I,4,u. u ii :i.i7 iii. ,.. i u k.. . . " .v ,Hnu . - a oa iii i u or D leul'ri ol tor ili nil...... .. ,,i i i ,, . , - " ' " , II HI UU4IU and cure loi it lor 2j per muulu; best of ,vi,.,-. ji in. .utli ot. lie. i.; ah... i... - i u ... . . .. r. 1 . . r - " "nil IIIV V OOU- us.ia btoeiv eoiiipaiiy at Ina Ame.icau Ihmlcr. ir Mi vv .1 i. ' si 1 1 et. South oinaha. will corua to The "iiico niwiiii iniec HI is a will glvu her un older tor a pair of tickets. roU.TKV AMI i'ET STOCK FLOOH swecpihiji, goou ctuckVu led tl.Ou per hummed tv'hhiier, sol . icllh LOUP easily cured by llob vVnites I'.oup Cute, ivo box. If our dealer tun. not supply juu, write us direct, sending '.alii' nuine. Holt WitliE CO. 2lo4 N. loth St., Omaha. W'ebsier &J7 uliie. , REAL KKTATU A till it AC I a on' 'AtLti. GUARANTEE Alia'l RACT CO.. room 7, PaitPisun 111 Pc. . Aifciiac. M I Hecii'-. j, l.til-l in" Ulll.l)l.ll IM'-ORMA'llU.. IQctrlc cas fixtures. Omaha Silver C. larai Ciineot ,-i,,oe i ',, .. iiili sua Cuming Ainei Sulj Co., tool g pauita, Jlj Mich? r Leu,., rvon tii'iio pa.tuw decoruii&g, W'lMlil) 1U Ut'V. LIST your city property for sale with Vogtl. H Karbaeh llldn CIT I'HUI'KK Tt FOIl lAI.M 7-ROOM houso, Lath and electric light; lot 86 feet front on Jjocuat street. Ouly 12,100. W. II. UATEH, Pbone I). 1291. CvtAn ""' t'-..V TJM. HI'AIi F.ST A TP, tilt ritui-KH 1 1 hi it ai i:. Beautiful Home West Farnam " $6,000 315 North 31st St. At the above number w have an lde:il home, splendidly constructed, conven iently planned and beautifully finished. It bus S rooms and larse sleeping porch, tine basement, prebsrd brick foundation with aood furnace, white enameled laun dry tubs and floor drain. On the first floor a nice reception hall, laigrt living room, nice dining room, good kitchen, with Urge pantry and tin closet, largo rear entry and bnck porch; lront and back stairway, beautiful oak finish and floors, beamed ceiling in living room and dining room. On the second floor four fine corner bedrooms and large screened sleeping imrch, loxli feet; large floored uttic. with four windows. In which two more rooms can he finished. The bed looms are finished In birch, while rn. amelod. All of h walls are beautifully decorated; bnth room niniios and white enamel. Latest pattern lighting fixtures, lino oak floors throughout all the bed rooms. Nice lot with yard sodded from street to alley, cement walks; paving all psld. This Is facing the beautiful home of W. H. Yates and on one of the pret tiest streets and best locality In Omaha. There Is absolutely nothing lacking In this house anil tt Is cheap ut t'i.Oi'1; $2,000 ni'h required: balance to suit purchaser. It is Just as represented nnd It will pay you to investigate. Just completed, never occupied. Norris 6c Martin 400Pee Hldg. Douglas 4270, A-4?70. m down, $10 ri:u month A FEW BARGAINS' TO CLOSE OUT BEFOliti , 'WINTER A few choice building lots In north end of city and In West I'svenworih dis trict. .In order to sell before spring will make above terms. Prices sums n though nil cash Unit, $frnj with sewer, water, cement, walks, etc., and tJTA), $ltiu for lots without water and sewrr con nections. HARM'S A WILSON. VM Ree. D. Mil. V08 Jackson, rooms. steam heutcd, modern 5-ROOM COTTAGE, NORTH SIDE Just west of Kotintre Place at 1701 Plnkney St., we have a dumlv little , room cottage, party modern, nice corner lot, facing th university grounds. The price Is low enough to suit anvone, so get busy now. This won't last long. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Doug. 1781. A-m. Oil Farnara-Cuuiiug Line, One block from Cathedral, one block from car, new beautifully decorated house of 6 rooms and bath on first floor, one finished on second and room for two more, full cellar. Entire house strictly modern. Price $3,950. The best property on the hill for tho money. O'Keefe Real Estqte Ccuipany. Douglas or A-21K2. 1010 Omaha National Rank RuDdlng. Worth $3,000 Now Offered for $2,500 Btrlctly modern, six-room house, con sisting of hall, parlor, dining room and kltched downstairs, Hire good-s ied bed rooms and nice bath room upstairs. Full lot. 50x12(1 feet. Nlco shade, nrettv. street, good surroundings; handy to 24th St. car line, School, stores, churches, etc. ir not soia witnin it) aays win be rented This Is a spiendld bargain. SCOTT & H1LU . S07 McCague Rldg.. Thones Doug. tWlS or Ind. A-17E2. EVERY plumber Is not a robber; If any thing happens phone Loug. WIS, Good Plumbing Co. Walking Distance $5,200, eight rooms, reception hall, par lor, dining room, all finished In oak and kitchen first floor, four bedrooms and bath upstairs all finished In hard pins. Plenty of closet room, floored attic. Full basement, subdivided Into laundry, vege table and furnacs room. Ixit 60x140, south front, shade tree::, paved street, paving all paid. House less than three years old. Easy terms. Gallagher & Nelson 490 Rrandels Hldg. Omaha, Neb. Great Bargains- lfnillll-ll lllllluu f .1 .1 1 n 1 1 . . ........... whs,... .,vi.ww ...... 1 , .WIIDUUIII I . south and east frontage. Make us an offer of half what It tfusu , i Farnam street store building; must be sold lor benefit of creditors. Rental, $2,400. Make us an offer uf $20,000. Thomas Brenann, Douglas 12i4. o-M0 City hall. Hank. FOR SALE by owner, Dundee, u-rooin. I l-mlill Iniiilu, ii V...UI I u . v.. .-- nuiiin, lull teiliejll cellar; floured attic; good leiuis. liaiuoy 4V1. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY. Is ROOMS, ALL MwAJEltN. We have u two-apartment house, Con taining U rooms, two bain rooiim, seven beu looms, Willi parlor, dining loom und kitchen in each apailiue.nl, with new plumbing anu good heating plant. Tin pioperty Is too luige lor personal owner and it la a splendid proposition tor sums one who will by It and d.nds it li,;o 'oui tin i u loom uptu tmen's. Owing to tho arrangement of the uuuse this Miri can i,u uuus at a vuy oinsl.' ex penv und uhtii completed the apart liivnis will rent for $-i each. The buyer tu live in one apsi tiuent, rent tiie lest ti. u test and iaau a good iiivuaiiucui out of your lioma. '1 he building is well built and in good conuitloii; uiuy lliirieen minutes rids to His tuuur of His c.t , on block from the Dougu stievt tsr line and ju guud isu Ukllc Oixliict. Hit NCMllKIt Id S'iUX N. Will St. It Is Just north of Ohio cn ths Flor ence Rivd. A good six Or soven-room liiodein house mil pa taken in exohangs at no tigut pries, 'ihu piopubiiiuii i lur'.auily wurtu look.ug at. i.'CltKi- tc AlAllTTN. 4t Flee HiUg. Doqg.a 4j,u. A. 4J70. LY OWNER, f-lilctly inoueiu un-. imin collage two lid one-half blocks fro-n V'arnuia bt ' tnly 12 toinute. walk from loin ai 1 hi nam. Man s leauiug up to seoond siory, tnuugu space tor two Urge rooms Slid CiOaeib. luf Mill, coiliuil.uuoil In. tuies; cenientsd bascinant; newly painted. kio l.sw waig and aisps; haidwood Hal oili iiiiuuglioui. House is only une years ind ai.d a pctlect gsui iiisius. to u ou uant an lutui i,om drop out sou lows It over. Rents tor WJ.eu. At bi capitul Ave only 4ki,4tM, pan asu wu vsiuis -.a kU'l. - Hilt SALE at a bargain, new l-rooni modern home; small tu.li payiiimt and jest on easy lernis. Call beutn luj i'OR SALE CHEAP SouTtieasi-ciJi lier lot, loth and Dominion. Phune Har. lohi. FOR SALE-Two-story frame building, 40x24, five rooms on aeuond tloor; lot lo X24, east front; good well and barn; mlgnt consider trade tut Ununu reaidenua. Ad uiua t ail Lux ... UsUno, Neb. WORK, wsntsd by pruotica, pamisr auj genmal house , i pair man. O S4U, Hue EASY PAYMENTS. 30 Cash s-room cottage on paved St paving ah paid, large bath-reduced from U:d; $1, Sousnap. $.w Cosh 7-ioom new modern bunga low on Ames Ave. big snap prlne $j,uu 4-JuQ Cash -room hew bungalow, mod ern ei'ept heat price $2H'. $juu Caah rooms modern except heat on Seward St., ner 3lth St.-Price $2 loo' WESTERN REAL ESTATE CO. - ui, . !,.., K.rha.ih 'n v REAL ESTATE. tilt PHtHI.lt I Kill Mill Would Consider Good Lot as first payment on a new eight-room strictly modern house. Excellent location, near car line, schools and churches. This home Is priced light. U-t us show It to you. GALLAGHER & NELSON, 4! Jti;in.lels Hide. Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE PHM i4 II 4. 4 II I M, IOII t.V. California. A Fine Tooth Comb Run through any state in the Missouri valley would not reveal a California cltl sen. On the othr hand. If vim go to California, you will find men from everv slate In tho union. In Oregon, toil wlil find no men from California, but You will find plenty of Oregon men In Csllforula. In Texas, you will find no men from California, but In California Mu will find ninny lormer Texana. They Never Come Back A man wlio Incntm In California liaa no dr-sitro to return ti the r HHtern ntntva Wlinf in If ti..t L .... 1.1... I.. 1. a.. M sit nrrjin II I ill . i ii inn cllmnte? Is It the rich soil? Is It the i.icnu. nn iiiakes or why tloes he stay 7 Go and See There Is only one way to answer the question to your own satisfaction. Ho una see., would like to have you go with us. We run an excursion Into the San Joaouln vnllev. thrmurh tho hoiifoi llltle city of Patterson, and wn would be glad to allow you that country. On our excursions, we also show people the ru inous fruit lands of Riverside and ld lands and Sun Rernarxllno. They are ths highest priced fruit lands In tho world. Then we take you to Patterson, where we will show you Just as good lond for less ttian half the price. We would like to to is: witn you about our Excursion Wed., November 22 Wo want people with us who are Inter ested In making a home tn California We have nearly a carload of people ready to go. anu we expect to make the ex ctirslon at least two carloads. If you want tu know more about Pat terson, come in and talk with us, Payne Invest ment Co., General Sales Agents for Patterson. We Aim to Put tho Landless Man on Manlcsa l.nnd. Canada, mild climate n'o extremes. Land clos-to bplendid mar- RETS. In tills 'the ORAM) TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY will be completed, opening up the rich sailuultural districts of CENTRAL HH1TISH COLUMH1A. Thousands are now buying land In the fertile valleys of the FORT UEORUE DISTRICT, the NESHOCO VALLEY and the 11UCKLEY VALLEY. Thta land will double and treble In value as soon as the CiKAlVD TRUNK. PACIFIC provides transportation facilities. Write today for booklet describing this wonderful country. Ii. MEYEL. DISTRICT SALES AGENT, )0-ll PAXTON ULOCE OA! A HA, NEB. Colorado, FRUIT land bargains. Intermoqntaln Ijind Co., 1122 Farnam. Phone D. 4026. Haigaliis Fruit land, tm Hrandwle Rldg. Ueorala, GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by the ATLANTIC. U11U1 1 N C II A M A ATLANTIC RAILROAD iJtnus auapiable to the widest range of crops. All the money crops of the boutn plentifully produced. For llteruture treat ing with this coming country, Us soli, cli mate, church and school advantages, Wilts V. H. LEAHY, DKf'T. K. Usnsral Passenger Agent. ATLAN TA, OA. Iotva. i THE easiest way to find a buyer for your farm Is to Insert a small want ad in the Des Moines Capllal. Largest cir culation In the stale of Iowa, 4.1,001 daily. '1 he Capital Is read by and believed In by the starupatlars of Iowa, who simply re fuse to peiiint any othsr paper lu their homes. Rules, 1 cent a word a day; (1.(1) per line per month; count six 01 dinar y words to the Una. Address, Des Molurs Capital, Dta Moines, In. Mexico. MEXICO A place to make big money If you have some money 10 Invent, 'the climate la de lightful and healthful, no cold or lieea lug weutuer. You tan buy rich bluck land for li;.ml pur acre, easy tonus, lu an American colony, wheie tney are many AmciUaiia living, wheie you will have American neighbors, boar railroad, and one crop of corn mora than pays tor the anu ana lor ins labor to produce It. Native labor very cheap, 60 cents a day. If you will go with us down to Termoicu. 011 the Euhi Oull coast, you will ses the corn In the field that will mass what we have stated above. You will ana Hie orungt.s, lemons and grape fruit on the trues. You can hue tame grasses six to eigut fnwt high that weie planted this year. Y011 will see the II her plant. the owners of whluh are roalixing from lu0 to $l.nl, gold, per acre annually; lu) acres set to fiber will make you wealthy and Independent for life. Next excursion November T. IU II road fare from Omaha to Tail. nlco and mum t-O.lii. Write for llteratuie. Chocoy Land Co. M Hraridsis I51dg , Omaha, Neb. Nenraaku. WILL NOT LAST SARPY CO, 148 ACRES, absolutely I!. v.e 1..., bargain near Omaha. Situated In Rm r o v county, within 7 miles of buuth Omaha ana By, nines 01 rapiiiiou; valley land; Tt ini.e irom new uraiuage uitch; up land, gently rolling. Hie very beat of h,,ii $6,0U) worth of Improvements, conslnlii,j wi euou, wuu uom i-roum nouse tlarge roouib, goou cenar, plenty of vloscts pantry etulpped with flour bins, China closets, etc.; good Lam for It head, with haymow for 4o tons; good orchard, etc. If you want line very bust Impioved and vsry best lurm ou can get, without any exception, for $Luu per acre, near Omaha, then takg this; vi cash by March 1, bal ance long time. Let rna siovv von the goods. Urlug wife with you. A large list and a few hai -tains ail terms and ail prices; but If yuu can handle the above on not ovuiiook It, as you havu a chance 011 tills buigalu now. ORIN H. MERRILL COMPANY, 1213-1214 'lty National Hank Iliiildpig. lIOMESTEAi-32u aciss rr $lj.T 5(CouT N miles out, rich Ijrin imi.1. not land. Was an old ciurv u iw can. ell d A onti li'OK J A. Tracy. Kimball. Nut.. IMPROVED lo-acro truck fain), near Trkamuh. Nub. Address Joe J 1 yuan, 1. kamah. Neb Free list of Improved Huaaid, Greeley, Valley, Sherman and t'ui.tur county farms, for people of limited alalia waut Ing homes on lunus. C ilradiay, w, 11. tin NeU REAL ESTATE. FaHM A IIIM II I.IMi roit at, I.! Mouth Ilakuta. A FF.W snaps In Unite county. South Dakota, lands; will pay railroad faie t.i buyers not satisfied. J. A. Stransky, Pukuana. S D HEAL ESTATE UIAXS NV A N I'El City uaua and warrants. W.FarnitmSinitrij6j,(il.l2,i Farnam St. OMAHA Pioperty and .Nebraska lnils. OKEEH-; REAL ESTATE CO.. 1T'!-:N-'L i!L"J .NarjjtBiiH nuiidinc. W AN I I i -t liy loans. Pe eis Ttust Co. $UM to JIO.eiM made prompt I v? F.D? Weiiil, Wend 111. Ik , Uih and Faiiisin. U ANTED-FARM J.oNfS. Kloke In vis inont t'ompany Omnhrt. 1 ,t 1 w 1 : a t e -4? "h km isirX i tT.Un.Rij v 6T Vh'-.-ri Hmndels Theater HI, In. ARM LoA.. 110 cumml.-slixi ; option. il amruls; chrap monev; uulck service, OHn S Merrill, lilt City Nat I Hk Rldg. FIRST TRUST CO. ijs""""'s'' " MONEY to toan on busness or resi dence properties, $1 1I to $1)1 0l W. II. I HnM AS HrlN4l. Hank lllrlg. ( 1 A ii V i n J iff.t s r'"nsr!. vanrnii.. IAROE LOANS, municipal bonds, m m I gme. onuglit and sold. SI'L'LI. PROS. HEAL F.HTATE WANTED FIVE or six-room modern residence on monthly payments, (live price, location and full terms Address M till. Res. A bl'. l.oiilri FLAT Two apartments, with living and dining room and kitchen on first floor, sleeping rooms on second; must be new and worth the mousy. Will go up to siti.titv, IOU HALE OH E.XdlAM.E ISEVEN-rooin house to trsdo for pool hall or hotel In small town. Address M. Iv., 7U N. Pell Ave.. Hastings, Neb. Fo 1 C SALE ORT I tA I) E -M "ac "" Lorlmer county, Culoiado, one mile from Wellington; well Improved, all under Ir rigation; price, $IF0 per acre. Three hundred and twenty acres, five miles from Casey, well Improved and well watered; gently rolllug; price, $124. W. C. Zellmer. Casey, la OWNER wTlTTrade good Improved Ok lahnma land for hotel. Neldon, Doxey, Okl. WE exchange piopertks of merit. C. W. Welsh. NI2-1.H o, N Pit. Hldg. Doug 7'S. Exchant.es .1 swell, lt d of Tiade, D. paf. ARE you a trader 1 trade anything where or time. Kelley, 127 Neville ink. i-ACRio ML'HL RiA. HoMa., iniprovod with I-riHim house; choice location and many talkahle features; value $,000, easy terms or will exchange with Omaha or South Omaha Income property. An oppor tunity. Investigate. ORJN B. MERRILL CO.. Rooma 1213-1214 City National Hank nidg. STEAMSHIPS Anchor Line Stcumshipa New York, Londonderry nnd Glasgow. Now York, Palermo and Naples. Attraojtlve rate for ticket between New York and all Scotch, English, Irish, Continental and Mediterranean points. Superior Accommodations, Lxueilsnt Cut sine. Efficient Service. Apply promptly tor Reservation to local agent of Auchor Line or Henderson 111 others, Ueusial Agent. Chicago, 111. WANTKD TO BUY td-hsnd gtio'ls. Kleser, 1020 Center. D-M62. I WANT some oil barrela. ltu Harney. WANTED TO KENT P1RST-CIASS room and board In strictly private family; walking distance. Slate price and location. Hoarumg and looming houses pluas do not answer. Address F C23, Ree. FAMILY 01 tour sveke lugii ciass board Inp place; must bo suitable for cultured people; neighborhood and house must be 10BM om, iivaii ev ev arnaiii 01, All dress I) H20, care Res. Vv A N 'l Ei Furnlbhed auile lioat' Miiim boarding place, suitable for family of tnren auuits ana child. No objection to outskirts If near Fainum St. Only high grade place considered. Address N 1M, csre nee. 'illHWli auulis and 4-eur-oiu waul completely furnished apartment. Please liik Hot I-, I il u nnliuia n.iu Ii h,i.l,,l . n .1 i else qualifies for refined people; WeBt e eiiiniiioieirioi, Auuress u asii, care Roe, WANTED SITUATIONS FOR a first class practical uurae, oall sira. noynton. ll. lis. A-IKI4. A SOBER, reliable married man, want position aa watchman or Janitor. Best of rcivreuces. it oj, csre ties. POSITION by experienced bookkeeper. mil w s Etmm. hUNliI.E HMhiiiug waiitru, liar. 637k WAfclHNu anu .10 ism- Onus I H ,4. DANISH graduate nurse. Harney MIO. WHI'I bl iionuiii 11..I,.. .1- ... i. , ------ - - - - - v nw,, V, sinu virsii, rrionn i, oiw. I5fu4 1 r" ill i i... ,i.L.i.,..- t.i..i. 11 1' wy .,i,iu-f iiiyii runout boy; will work from 13 to S:3t) p. in. M 412, Bee. SITUATION WANTED A manager ..r aenaiai store, country town, suxperlenoed, O-IIIB. Bee. i BY high school graduate, steiiugrapuar, clerical or bookkeeping; unexperienced. I ,. SI0 P.ee. AN Ail ll,'. I mA yniiiimi i .. .. . i. , -- laanca mil in flmuhll e 1.1.11111111. Ih i .. ji i . ,i i. . . :, ,-.-v...i..,, ,,. ii,vi,iiiiufi vr family to assist In keeping and taking Clin i.t ..h I ..I -... ti.'i .. niv, ' --- -..l..P,,. II , HBLITI Hi f YOllNil inmi wi. i tender, t xperienced H-16, Bee. U'AN.TICIiV,,.li"l.... I.. ,Z71 , ,i.. or garage by experienced chauffeur and repair man. Steam und guauline. Best of references. Address Y Dtt, oare Bes. WANTElJ i'.iMiilun l.o V 1 . . I f . i 1 1 c a r, i - iicel In real estate rentals and bus.utaa chances. Addrers L H26. Hee. VV AMlllNtJ or cleiiiilriM lur i im,..!,... Friday and Saturday. Web. 42u7. I'O.'-il 1 HJ. us UOUbeMULiliel : uoml ho,,, raUisr than wagea. Aliens Carey, ill N. mill ni, i ooiia inij. 11-dlfcii IIOIII 1 to . U A.N 1 ED A POblileii bv a vouuu i,ii. allh one I'ea exoerienca as .i,i.,. rapher; salary according lu ability. H S24 Hie. ' DAY work wu.iiledPhoiia Harney UMi. LIVE STOCIt MAltKET OF WEST hip jour stuck to Boath6mahajTas tutlsage and phrlnkagei your ooastgn uisnts receive prompt ao4 careful aitsu- tloa. Live stock (xlmmi.ssio. mzn. CIIAMh. Cyers Bros. &jStrone an l reiponslble. W5ilL!Kr.ii;"Vi,"n',i,a O rea tWS t . Coint In. .Oina h a lvn v r? W? U.SMITH A SO?Nftf IJiia'ndroneTp? vY:?fl,.!:' NY..sT') t KscliBlilkT T A (ii 1 B RHSTh" lii". JK "shMp? M.IF'ION C!.1 SllKi H.llg I louahiis At itan ai ..' Exeh. ttldg. I lay , Hobiuso -"" e mil. Hldg. Interstate (,'o. Hei lei i euit. Shiu to us. HI ltM-.-IOl Kl.i ii.'. .; ;.;ea llTdg" A Ueyv , jy le) Ai L TRoi", 'in. i . io a veil. Mlug Cos i-Jcnis urn t o,, uuncn of hustlei s" Fsrnien L, ri. Com i, ;,m '..xi'nsii.i). Deposit procoeds of ainpiuunis in Stoo isrds ,st" Hank. Onl bank at yard. N Hiti.s. v n., i.v.iinne Hidg. l.A ' iAVKKIK BrtO4, i".-j'j i.xcii. Hldg. Mai tin i.ros, a Evcll Hu.g " nut imiia i ,i rioll. I .4. , . (, . tiiu a, aUton a crii:... i,im iuea com ineT .1 I. i . OMAHA TIIE MAUKET TOWN 1 i ly .1 1 ; i'.A 1 isi 1 consignments solicited grain nicrchania. 7U3 Rrandois. Nebrsska-Iuwa Uraln Co. 74 Hranuols. CAVERS ELEVATOR Co.. Wholesale dealers in xiaiu. hay, chop focd. 7:1 Braudels Ilhlg. HubSHIS URAIN Co., gram consign mants sulicitsd. grata buugut tu urriva ts Biandvia. VHM UPDIKE URA1N CO :unlgq. Cms r.srUutJy baudied, Cuiaba, Nob. COVEUXMEXT N( )T1 C ES ".tiv ERNME.NT SALE INdTaN LAND.4 Absolute Title Olven-The unallotted lands of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Na. Hons of the Five Civilised Tribes In Ok lahoma, and not Including the coal and limber segregations, will be sold at pub lic auction to ths highest bidder at the following terms, times and places at not less than the minimum price stated In, the advertisement: Grady county, Cnlek. asha. r.ss tracts. ST.fsM snes. November 2. 3. 4.' Stephens county. Duncan, 7J0 tracts, fii.sotl acres. November. , 7, ; Jefferson county, Ryan, 7u2 tracts, 49.401) acres. November , 10. 11; Lovs county. Marietta, tu.4 tracts. 7A.WW acres. Novem ber 1.1. 14. 1.1, Id; Carter rouiity, Ardmnrs, l.l.f. tracts, H3 3i acres. November 17, 1.. 20. 21, 22, 2.1; Murray county. Sulphur, 361 tracts, 2il,0nO acres, November 24, 36; Oar vln county, Paula Valley, oil tracts. ftn,.ni0 acres, November 2r, 2S, 81; McClaln county, Pureeil, 2SC tracts, 14,600 acre. December 1. 2; Pontotoc county, Ada, bA tracts, 4i,ftB acres, December 4, 6. 6; Johnson county, '1 Ishomlngo, 6M tracts, W.2i.) acres. December 7. , 8: Marshall, county, Mn.llll, 27:i tracta. 1R.M0 acres. December 11; Bryan county, Durant, 504 tnicis. 2H.1U0 acres, December 12. 13: Atoka county. Atoka. 1,309 tracts, 124.0nO acres. December 14, l.", 111, IS. 1JI; Coal County, Coalgate, 6iH tracts. M.sTO seres. Decem ber 20, 21. 22; Hughes county, Calvin, 43T tracts. 40,700 acres, December 2fi. 27; Pitts burg county, McAlester, l.tvtd tracts, lii.. UM acres, December 2H, 21), 30, lull; Janu aiy 1, J. Haskell county, Stlgler. 41S tiacts, JO.lnO acres, January 3, 4; Latimer county, W llbilrton, 11)1 tracts. l&.OOi) acies. January 6; l.etiurs county. Poteau. 27$ u acts, 21, SCO acres. January S; Pushma taha county, Antlers, HI tracts, 62.009 acres, January s, K, 10; Choctaw county, lluio. is.1 tracts. Si, Mo acres, January IL 12, 13; Mct'urlaln county, ldabel. 7it trsets, $1,600 acres. January 15, IB, 17, 13, H"fS. Not more than lt acres of agri cultural and 640 acres of other lands will be old to one person In aov one nation. Agricultural lands are those having a minimum valuation of $S.oo or more per ai l p. Terms ars 2S per cent at tho tune of sale, 21 per cent In twelve months, and Ml per cent In two years, with per cent Interest. Pnyments must be made In the furm of tlraH or certified check, payable to J. tl. Wright, commissioner. Upon full payment being made at an time deed will Issue. Immediately after arproval of sals certificate of purchase) will Issue and possession bs given, but cutting of timber or drilling or mlnln for minerals thereon will not be permitted until full payment of purchase price. Right la reserved to refect any or all bids. For Information apply to the Com missioner to the Five Civilised Tribes, Muskogee, Oklahoma, or any of the Dis trict Agenta aa to lands within their re spective districts, lasts of these land have been prepared by counties, showing the terms of sale, the description ot the various tracts and minimum price. It will be Impracticable to furnish each In quirer all of these lists, and It Is sug gested that persons desiring such Infor mation specify the locality In which they are Interested. Blueprints of the varloue counties, showing the location of the land to be sold, will be furnished upon appli cation to the undersigned upon tbs pay ment of $t).U) for each county, in the form of draft or postal money order. J. O. WItlUliT, Commissioner to the Five Civilised Tribes, Muskogse, Okla homa. August 1, WIL PrTJpOSALK FOR WtMJLEN ULOVK3,-' Chief Quartermaster's Office, Federal Rulldlng, Chicago, 111., November 0. 1D11. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received cere until 11 o'clock, A. M., December I, UU. and then opened, for furnishing and de livering at cither the Chicago or Phila delphia Depot of the Quartermasters Department: SS.OOO pairs. Olive Drab Woolen Gloves; subject to Increase ot not to exceed 60, It dealrad by this De partment. Right la reserved to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Preference will be given to articles of domestlo manufacture, con ditions of quality and price (lnoludlmf In the price of foreign productions or manufactures the duty thereon) being equal. Standard sample ran be seen, and specifications, blanks for proposal and full Information will be furnished upon application at this office. Envelopes con taining proposals to be Indorsed "Pro- iiosals fur Woolen Gloves, to be opened tecember (, HUL" Col. Jno. L. Clem, Chief Quartermaster. N9-10 11-18-D6-1 BALE OF BUFFALO OVERCOATS! Depot Quartermasters Office, 2:'d and Hickory Sts., Omaha, Neb., Oct, 28. lull. Sealed proposals will be received at this office until 11 a. m., Nov. 22, 1911, and, then opened, for the sale ot lot) Oenuine Buffalo Skin Overcoats. Full Information and blank forma furnished un applica tion to Lt. CoU John E. Baxter. Depot Quartermaster. N3-4-10-U-17-1U, ltAILWAY TIME CARD I.M ION STATION Teuta A Maaoa Union Paelfl Depart, .a :46 am .a 4:06 pm Arrive, a 7:40 pm a 6:46 pro. a :46 am a 8:10 pm a 1:80 pm a 7 27 am all: 25 am a 4:60 pm a 1:20 pm a 4:46 pm aiOJO am b 1:20 pna Ban Fran. Overl'd L China ft Japan F. M Atlantlo Exoress Oregon Express all ;8Spm I .os Angeles Llm'd..,.al3:46 pm Denver Special a 7:04 am t'enten'al State Sp o l.aJlTIO pm Colorado Express a 8:34 pm Oregon-Wash.- Llm't'd.all: W pm North Pintle Local. ...a S IS am Grand Island lxcel....a 5:30 pm Btromsburg Local bli:41 pm Chicago A Northwestern NORTHBOUND. Minn, -St. Taul Ex....b 7 00 am Mlnn.-St. Paul L t d. ..a 8:00 pm a 8:00 am Twin City Express. ...a 7:45 am al0:20 pm Sioux City Local a 8:46 pm a8:2tpm Minn. Dakota Ex. .a 7:00 pm a 8:16 am Twin City Limited. ...a 8:46 pm aT:80an Minnesota Express all:00 ana EASTBOUND. Carroll Loral a 7:00 am e:10pi Daylight Chicago a 7:40 am alO 40 pm Chicago Local all:00pm a 8:28 pin Colorado-Chicago a 6:10 Dm a 1:2s nna Chicago Special a :02 pm a 8:49 am -tie. t oat-t hlcaro....a C to pin a 1:23 pm I -oa Angeles Limited. .a 8:60 Dm ai2:Mtne Overland Limited a 7:56 pm a :1S am Carroll Loral a 4 So pm al0:00am Fast Mall a 8:30 pm a 3:3$ pug t edar Rapids, Bloux r TT oniana a 3:38 pm Centennial Stats IJm.. 12:40 am 11:1b pat WESTBOUND. sine: Pine a 8 00 am alLOOam Norfolk-Dallas a 8:u0 am alO.lS pm Ixing line-Lincoln a 3:15 pm a 8:20pm HaatlrsKs-Supt'rtnr ,...b 2:13pm p 8:20 pm I lead wond-llot Sp'gs..a 1:65 pm a 6:20 pm - Hsper-iaiiaer a s to pm au:oo pm Fremont-Albion b 6.30 pm b 1:65 pot blCHgo, Rock, Island at Pacific EAST. Rockv Mountln Ltd.13-?ft am airt-a. r, Chicago Local Pasa....bl0:;U am M0:19pm Chicago Day Ex a 8:45 am a 4 30 pm Chicago Express a 4:10 pm a 1 :10 pm Des aiolnes Local P....0 4:27 pm al2:12 pm Chicago-Neb. Ltd a 8.08 pm a 7.47 am W EST. Chl-Neb. Lmd to Lin coln a 8:01 am a 6:68 pm Col-Cal. Express a 1 15 pin a 4:00 pm Okl. At Tex. Express, .a 6:00 pm all 4S am Rocky Mountain Ltd..al0;l5 pm aU :30 am Wabash Omaha-St. Ixiuls Ex. ..a 6:30 pm a 8:15 am man ana r.xpross a Y iri am all 15 pia Hianb'y L. (from C. B b 6:00 pm bl0;16am inieugo, ainwauaee at st. raol Overland Limited a 7 50 pm 8:12 am Perry Ixical a 6:30 am H .tAipm Colorado Express ao.uopm 8:26 pm, oioiauo niinciiu.i a i .ts a ill t:ooami Perry Local b 6:16 pm 12:06 pm 1 1 1 ! f ..--1 Chicago Express a 7:00 am a 3:45 pm Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 8:Uw am ('lllllllUl. llPUHl A' ,.l., . Chicago Limited a 8:35 pm Twin city Limited. ...a 3:36 pm a 7:48 am Is. In City Express. ...a 8:40am 8:60pm Chicago Express a 8.46 pm Local Passenger a6.18ptu , iiariiBgios etaiion i eatn ot Haaoat Uurllogton- Depart. I 4:10 pm A . 1,1 ..... Arrive, a 3:46 pm 3:46 put a 4 .10 pm a 8:46 pm ali :13 pus a 7 o0 am a 4.10 pin 6:11) pm b os. am blO so am b In' am a IW am a t.o pia all: is piU a 7 :W0 prut a 8 66 pot a 8.00 am alO jo am bio. 46 am all .jo am a i 46 ant a 1.10 pm Denver b California Pugut Sound Express. m -m .mv ,ui .. S -1.1 n. ruebraska points Black Hills ..a 4 10 pm b l:3u pm ..all .36 pm .a 8.20 am ..a :15 am b 3.06 pro .a 6 IS am si2 ) pm .a 7:16 am .11 ex . Lincoln Mall Northwest Express.. Nehrsska points Nebraska Express... Lincoln Local Schuyler-Plattsmouth Lincoln Local Plattsmouih-lowa ... Bellevue-Plattsmoutn Chicago Special , Denver Special I hlcago Express dO fill a 4 30 pm Chicago Fust Express . v . tfv ton .a 16 am b 8 30 pin a 4:U piq .alO 46 pm .a 15 am a 4.30 put low a i.ocai 1. real on (la.) Local... St. Louis Express..,., K. C. A St. Josenh... K. C. tk St. Joseph... U, C, ai 6l JtoMipU...