in A & Desperate Desmond .t. fu Thrilling Scenes in a Telephone Office. Turkish Plot Foiled! Desperate Battle in the Trenches 1 All Drawn from Telegraphic Descriptions. By Hershfield It li an Intplrlng spectacle, that of tna fafUnt Clauds, tha famoua Jhavua and tna fair Rotimond, with tha vdlalnoua Desmond In their power. Outside ara tha Turkiih force, but what can trey do against Clauoa anal 6havusT Tha latter, who hat advised many a general In d'fflcult campaigns, no advisee Claude to tie Desmond to tha awitcn. boar. I upmrni. iwt i uevenai inn atsocisTiea. jr fy) vhTt i'jti' Ti'A'l'J C"? VwJ iifiAltrr-. i ostl L Beat rr I Eit"tr U Power .liPr ot - Cg.Meiv, ' Vtauaa, ArWvC J - A r x ri V trswoA.0 to WsaVrsri kfle jgpg J phovet isn't rvsr.y IfeL Booth KSzjJZI L ;w 'kvsJnO escape w.-n-r lfVj ,v y - WdOTH i;;V j pV Tha purpose of thla advlea la oow seen. Tha first eall aent Into tha office will send a terrlflo electric shock through tha body of tha villain, and tha executioner will prob ably be ana of hie own frlenda, If one o baaa can ba said to have frlenda. Mr. thavua. tha great corrasponoent, la, ao to apeak, there with tha noodle In thla case, and n'a advlea waa a real boon to Claude. , Outalda a crafty Turk hae a plan to cad up tha telephone office and aend In a fake message of surrender In the hope of deceiv ing the gallant dafendere. Little doea tha Turk gueea that hie deception will merely ut an and to tha Ufa of tha man whom they all admlra aa tha greatest crook of the age. Yet euch le tha Irony if fate. Kismet, aa tha Turka aay. Not yet. however, la the vlallaln'e odloua Ufa to ba ended. At tha Turkish aoldler enters the drug atora and heads for tha booth an attendant notlcea tha cigarette In hie lips. Aa smoking In a amall booth la not a pleasant thing for other patrons, tha drug clerk aelzea tha eoldle; and threwa him out Into tha atraet. What doea a drug clerk care for a Baehlbazouk anywayf : WANT ADS Want ads received at any time but I liuure proper claHslflratlon must be preNcntcU before 12 o'clock in, for 1 the evening edition and before T:3U Pi id, for morning and Sunday full tiona. Want ada received after euch hours Mill have their first Insertion Binder the heading 'Too I.ato to 1 Classify." CASH RATES FOR WANT ADS. HKUILAR CLASSIFICATION One inaertion 1 H cent per word and i rent per word for catii subsequent Insertion. Each Insertion nmdo on xid da) a i cent per wotd. per line per month. lUtea apply to either Tha Dally or fcanday Bee. Aiwa; count six word to line. Want ada for The Bee may be left at any of the following drug lores ne la your "comer druggUt" they re all branch officea for The ttee and your ad will be inserted Juat aa promptly and on the same rates aa at the mala office In The Itoe building, beventeenth and Fa mam streeUi t"' V., vth ana Farnem, tm-Dr.u, Co- W N- KSiU.u" '"macy,. Wd and Cuming Wlake-bradiah, taw Sherman Ave. CauBhan, C. iC, ,i Lkeiiw(rti. Carmak. Emil, law 8. Ulh bt L-Jilioo iiili t iiai tnacy, aj Muuary Ave V.uoiy i'liaiiiuw-y, ju b. lnh atu crijwey j huru-ac, and l.U. fchlar & Co., too L,ea van worth ruatar Arnold I, lu N. fclh bU J-ria. J. J., ua N. 1Kb til. raaar trua Cu.. Itut ti. Win Bt aiorauva Ojug cw., f lorama, Nab. urtau a Muuuiau), laia Av. & i'aclflo UlaaiiuujiU Co., b2 a. Win 61. uruoun Ac Co., iutti and liicaory. Uoiuuiuu jfharnmcy, ui it JLuavaiiwortb Wubauua tiun co., Ml ft and Ppaidnia. Wvlinaoa Fuatmai, taiuki. Itaaacuin fmk. fjjar., iU)l ti. will Ave. iUluJiu.n Vtuf Co., Uml Ava. ar. iioiac Jwo, w a, iiim til. UuiS, A. U, in Cravanworth Kui. li. b., tuu ana l-arnaiu. Kouuis i'lace I'naiinaLy, Uui N. tiln. iAiiiroo t-iiaiuiacy. Mill and ilainUiou. aiara, tima U, u Cauual illvd. Aloiiiiiuullt t haiinauy, ai Amaa Ave. i'lliick ijrut co., iuUii Nonli ill bt baiaiu Co,. tin aim Au Ava. butiaaie. v.ui ft tea Blum, iuvu at CtU. K J. Vachai, iOi 1'ierca tit. W a. ion t'iiaiiuav , Aib and Orac. Vt ainui inn t'liarmaiy, will at Cuunug. y- - . ; DKATft AMU 1't.MlUAL MUillEt. UROMSir.UFrd, November , 1911, at hla rvaidanoa, UV boulu TweuilaiQ Avenua, Fuiioial Sunday afternoon, November U u I p. iu., ai tha Lutheran church. Twentieth and Uwun strains. Jvev. V. J. fcre will uoliduot the aerv liea. Uuriai will ba In Utural liiii ctnia tory. MALCOLM Mrs. Marcaret, ajed it . yaaxa, Novcuiber t. lull. Funeral from family rraldanea, 12U Pouth hlxtwith atravt, Suturdiiy morning at U.M to ttt. fhllomena a cnumh, 'lanm and William atresia, ai o'clock. Inter ment. Holy Kruulcliar cainatry. BlltTllS AND DSEATHS. Blrtha Auruat and Anna nroltlnaar, twin a;irU; CharUs and Maud r'lanke, frl; Jaoob and Anna Jiwiiuan, boy: rvd and Ma,lallna Krua. unl. Albrrt aim v. arris uien, AliKira, Klrl; Hun boy;, Arthur and Ktiial Hliabia, boy. tvlii Maiy l-iiliai, ;u Claik, 63 fears; 1Mia, kU Caottol avanue, ?; Mis. W illiam iuRun, 8t. Joarph'a ho. I'ttal. 48; rYcd brjinmer, Houth Twantieth avrnua. 77; Mrs. HanmUi Moure. i,j Mandaraon. 17; Harry l.n lmelr, ltU .Soitu 'i wcniy-kvcnllt avenue. boy: tiam and Myrtle y and Allium lunar, ANXOt'NCEM KXTS J. A. GENTLEMAN, embalmer. 1614 t hlcanu Ht. I. is. n-iuJl llHlN'iJ on your aninlliia lo Hu7 buuj. Us. W K Lxl Till! Wt.HK HIiiUT. XllwVEE X & 1 IEAFE Y FnJyriMkara. :iU t'arnam. A-j. H. riOl. fcuitutOriuiU ' UtTuaT'iTre.Taij; lull Urv.-a atnta lor a.i.a or rfiit. bJKaniian, u ho. atn. 1 yrPT7"P foi-oivtl l'ortruit X IV 1 1 . ;tu euuh dduia- w HHB IIIUUIII, HEYN 111 euub weaauin ur. ur tliin tiKiiiit, A N I) HO W A H D T It K K T B 1C; i i'.mn'K Co. tel. IKua. ( h 1'. your il.ainuitu ai i,ri,0caiiaiu a. i ghieltt ion, i v. v. ;ol i I Alu.N UU.S CO. lou r'naii,n.p t,i at. la W. K. l ock. li' , to tign louia. Karuu'ii fit. B(iUi;Afcia LI.'Ncul.ii - i,ux In our bvauiiiui duwiiaiMiia lunch and .iu waiai room at lttii anu iji'..,u ua ai aarvlna Uainty lauchca ami but ai,d cuid di'.nka. Iry li, rm! blitliilAN tt M 'CON NELL DHLU CO.. Five Coca ir -t fc'iorce In tJinal,4. kluVINU Ii tuia u,a sooui.aa Kiia.ka V Am Co. l-ainaw. bl'OAHMAN d, c.iaiu.ig (yvliiK, iitina; (uii di m i r nu ' r ifiil. jl o nii. i .u 1 1 4 llEAL ''rPriors; ladlt-s and chll. ri'i-ca d. tnt. i-uffa fie, awiiciiia liom voiuiilnaa !.. an tj inlou'a Ftuia, u-a bip.iai. kw N. Zi. A tniii c.,iiv m. a inn. lloih H,.jur Vri-m l.ii ( i C 11. t )i o. Naturally tha aoldler doesn't Ilka thla, and whan hla fellows hear tha story they dont Ilka It either. 8a a plot la formed to wrack tha drug atora, and away go tha aoldlere, leaving tha hero, the writer, the villain and tha proud beauty In tha telephone office. What a lonely place a telephone office must be when the wlrea are all out of commlaaion. Tha alienee must ba deafening. Game lo tha last. Claude la heading brave defense agalnet tha Turkish troopa. Armed only, with telephone recelvera tha little band, nevertheless, keepe at bay tha Sultan'a finest soldlere Not that the Impact of a 'phone receiver on tha ear would oe relished by the bravest of the Rough Riders even. Tomorrow we will have particulars. ANNOUNCEMENTS Iwrniy V'T rant Inns than Omaha iirivee. HOMM rUKNITUKE CO., Twanty-fourth and L Hta., Bouth Omaha. Nvii ftfd I o , I2oh .lonra. I ,th 'phuna. Iiaiiirr. (.apt-r hunxliiK, pulin g it, 6ltl. FMATI I FK'S w rnanufaoture and l'iXilL.Ii r,noval, . kln(1, ot pillows, mattraaaea, and buy laaibars. Omaha Pillow Co., 1721 Cuming:. , fcUagard Van Htoraas. I'ark. move, tora and ahlp H. H. sooda. TV 1. M-itA. YOU'LL alwaya ba happy if your wad dins' ring comes from lirodeaaard'e. Hi H. lth 8t. At tns alan of tha ciown. B. H Cola Men Co. I). 7o. 1818 Karnam. I pnoUiarma. pluno, turn, r-p. i!04 Kar. M. F Morrill, china paint, kit Urandeia in I. V. O Laary fur lioc. 4U N. 24. Ho. Om. VKliHINO aiiliounca. UuurIks Ftf. Co. 1'KUFk.CT typswrlttcn ivttara made In lnrntKt weatorn letter factory. Manyum ft Co. Prmtlna. Ho Dadaa. Both Phonas. Htonn aaah and doors. Wclrlrh, W. Iui7. C. K Smith, alt y at law. 611 Kre. U. IStt. VA llarrlck. gravul, tar roofs. 16 A Lake. tlOl Licit, anaat Iron and tank work. rniah Kirurtural Rtral Works. fclVKHV per mom knows who I). J. O'iirtrn ts baauae ha haa mads Omaha famous with Iris candy. If C. A. Jonoa. 4.W raxtot. will come to Tha lies office within three days we will slva him an order for a ttO-cant boa of O'lirlsn's candy II M. ' : ; i ii . i, 1 1 i i ii 1 i 1 t AUTOMOBILES l.lo.N cars notify. H. B oo moat work1 (or least tMd. 4 H llrandala lllda. ML'8'r be sold at once, one 40 h. p. Interstate e-paAHsnser; two Ux4 caning for aale good aa new. Hushing Bros., South Omaha. Nob. WHOLKHALK prloaa on oil. Uoug. s2C, "UrIHCOLL. auto fainting. lot NTl&thT AUTO '1'lre Itapaliing Co., 1J Karnam. You ntcd no guarantee whan we do the work; het workman. Lowriit price. Auto lamps repaired. Omaha Kllvsr Co. M'JNTYUE AUTO CO.$mm AfTO llArtOAIVR IV I'SEO CAHH. HONK"- '""HONK "Kmah whtrl v fc HliKK S THS HKST FLACK IN OMAHA DRUMMOND I hill and Harney Bts. Murphy did it 'HS MlTCHtLL MOTOR COMfA.NT UOuu UKSI'ONBIULS Immediate delivery on WANT AC&Nl'tl. Can make Ll i TLB blx. Have some EXCEPTIONAL bargains In large and small second hand care. MITCHELL 'cfiffiSSJr i'J? Ell,l',El4 Aul". i.rriaae paluUoa. x hapalrlng. iw'd Leav. liKoKa..' watar Jackcia neatly biaaad Without injuring bote of o'liuu.i'. Umu guaiautaed. tvausaa City liraliig Wolkk, iin pi., isannKS city. M o. roll a, dainty ueasert uaa llalaall'a iua orcein. If Mrs. K Wlaseaburg, M b. will coma to The ties olfica wuhi II lhh,a days ws will give him an orutr lor a 4unit buck of tills fins lea cream. ' UtSl.VESS CHA.NClvS WANTED to lease wtin nnvii.. nt bu)lng, good paying newapapar. AiHlrasa lull bAcw t'uol hall. oouule uowling Allay. I tables and frlxlulaa. .in Clitap for ca.ii, g.iod bualnea. Qood raoii lor avioiig. liox tJ., tun Cieek, IU bk.CLrNew i,irv atura and eiovk to ba moved frm lot. .-; gulng auuih. 47U N. Jua Ave. Wb. UKOi.'l.lU, price fi.a it takeu Intantikuix. Wtlimvr ;.). it once. L f- lO-UA'l t. nuiluirry slock muat be o.d at once on account of ckiitas. Big Ulncount. Town of l.tou In south central Nflitanka. Wills at uuir. Addieas V as, cina Hue. MUUTUAUKS, ii-o UN GOOD FAUMS Kavlnp bonds, secured by first Biort-ku.',- and our capital and aurnlua of ',i,i). NO SAFKIl INVESTMENT Honds for jM and up, as suits yi'Ur eaviniii. Make your money bring ou a fcouU Income, Ak us lor paillcu iui a. I'AYNE INMSTMENT CO., l.'iih and I'arnam, Omaha. Neb. A 8NAF FOH built' ONE. For kale A picture show in a good live town, cuuniy i,ai; doing atia g od. Good ia.ia.tue or aHliin.'. takea It if taken "l ome. rlwrli loboy, lira proof, both fc-dl-kuu mat hiua. alaotriu graphaphoua, eicctric plain,, good vaudavllia ai.ia, new eweil cliandcliera on aid', private cieclrto lik'lit piaui, h 10 horsepower angina. i k.lowait senrralor. vontiect-1 buih 10 our own plum and the cli urt,! can uaa either or Loiii, Im) irata. pail ne v opeia. iit a,,i, pait tunc and ti p- cent, i hi't'C-t!i r Iraae uu build. ng. ltnt IU per I..UHUI Newly irnovaua. Only ebow in town, if ouinea buelinn. lnveatate. iue vt m ineaiar, oru, iid, ) 'j m i ,i, ui i.m. o i- d.ur. ta. a on OAN;i-'.-TAn. tin UeJtidg . Tel. u. 17T. it i ll ,f l4ClNb.ria) hKAL. K.tali'tt FXc'ilA.NGk; CO. 14 a 111 ware r...- ti'itai. pool looma, bailor non. alooi?t e;c. (or rale; eome uud laisaiiis in rral tbiale. 1,1 b. Ui r bl.. arron, iioor, room 1 i nil !. 1 ,1 Hot bar? . i'renidont "A., IUO-1 kJUi Willi t, .r.vat iu wall pa.iu lu..n.., eisb ilbhtHl 1 years, paying tioin 0 jjj o-r iiionth; good Ha,.ct (or advance mailt; buaintaa ha Increased until neves ary to lka parinr. lartner inunt be able to work autliern Mutpe In winter i.nntha. Ttl. Hurnn' fs anij cnioago. fuii bAijST Tailor and P easing eiiop. Including ell ton. a and fixi'iita. A fine location. Cheap if at oi - bee owuer. lot City Nat .uioii hHnk 4ii.1r. . . . . , ... . nVSINKKS CHANCES TO ItUX OK BELL a bimlneaa; call on Wllllsms. 411 McCague Hldg. Automatlq I'hone Bus's. 12, reKidnnca. II HoouiluM II on era for Male. NEW KVroom strictly modrn Tet, well furnished; full of roomers. 2i0i liouglae FOH PALE Flrat-claas rooming houar, always full; clonf to town; good location. Address, H 707. Hee. It s an excMlent show at the Amr-rlran theater. If Mrs. W. P. Greene, 2620 C street, Routh Omaha, wll come to The bee office winthln three daye w will give her an order for a pair of tickets. IIFS1NK83 FKUHOXALH Aeowstlo leaissaita, GENERAL ACOUSTIC CO., 4"i OMAHA NATL BANK m.iXJ. Factory A Oenaral office, Jamaica. N. T. Kl.KCTRICAL HEAR1NO UKVICF.H. AecanaUala, M. D. THOMAB. 1201 CUv Nat. nank. Aaaaaamaata. BETOnE and after the shows visit the OLYMPIA for Ice cream and randlne. AUDITORIUM Holler Kink, music by Qreen's band, akallng, Saturday and Sun day nights; also on Bunday afternoon. Doors open 7:80. Admission. IU; skates, SOo. Hkatea 30o. A r' b I ( ao I a. C. J. nowall. arohilect. R71 tttandela Bldg Artralan Wells. E. NITPKROALL. I0IM? CltV Nat l Aaybalt, lire"! Mil llooflua- MICA noOFINO CO., 1(W S. 10th. Attorneys. n. W. Whlflda. attorney, M7 B. of Trade. l.lliN L. HAl.L. I.A)YlCll. ! IW. Aniaaa a4 Teute. OMAHA nt Co. Tel. fiougias. Uaa: AlaitwfaolMrere. BKMI9 OMAHA MAO CO . Omaha. Neb HF8INESS PERSONALS Uaaclnic Acadrrulra. Mackle'e Dancing Academy, 1S1 Harney. Dally clasaea Mod.. Thurs., Bat, evenlnge. Mlaa Jrwel Bimpaon. J el. Webster 2 ML MIKS MAHY COLL. WKB. 5630. llurinil . 1 A. Harney. Monday and Friday, t p. m. lioth phones. lire-saw klag. Terry's Dressmaking College, Far. Dressmaking by day. Phone Web. B7K Dressmaking home or families, )ted DHKSSMAKINO by the day. U. U751. STRICTLY tailored suit, $15; fit guar anteed; fancy waists, gowns. 2K13 Har rey. 1'hona Humcv (1:193. Urwaglata. RF.X Drug Ptore. 16th and California. I'KUUH at cut prices; freight paid on 110 orders; catalogue free, bherman A McConnell Irug c'o.. Omaha, Neb. Ietectlvea. Omaha eecret eervlee detertlve agency, Inc. bonded. 4K8-9 Paxton Uk. I). 131s, A-1319. I1US1NESS PERSONALS Moving;, aturaare nud Cleaulnc CALL Vernor for moving and fire- ft uoi B-OUR. proof storage Office. A-I1B7 ft Doug. 2 Its; ivAtiriiiinini';, lyier ji in. KXPRESSMEN'H Delivery Co.Wovlngi lurnnure packing; nreproor storaiie. City office. 21 B. 17kh. Doug. 4; Ind. B-124. Twin City K.xpress, 1314 Howard. Both Tel Furniture mov.; 2 men 11 per hr. W. 974S. Osteopathy. tll-e Johnson. Brandele The. Bldg. Katheryn Nikolas, 6M-t Brandela Theater. Optlrlana. V. Wurn. fitting ft rej. 443 BrindelS. MKKT me at Aaron's, 16th and Farnam. T?7"T? C tested and glasses ex r Y IL fitted, dean t. w ' GBKna, Reg. Optician. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 Karbach Blk. JA3. ALLAN. Neville Hlk. Tyler 1134. Kverytblnn Klectrtcal. Burgess-Grandon Co., 1611 Howard D. ttl. Elei trlo lighting fix. wholesale anil retail. SECOND-HAND ELECTRIC FANS, dynamoa, igniting dynaaioe, motors, re pnlra. IeBron. M S. 12th Pt. Doug. 8178. M. J. CL'RRAN. wiring. D. 6X1. Johnston Electric Co., 411 8. 10th. D. 456. lJoth Elec. Co. Motor repairing. l. &KIJ tjrocerlea aiaal Meats. Chapmen's quality meats. S4i Cuming. AHAMO Coffee, 1-lb tins, c. Ask grocer Si'eeal Mills aad (Korea. Feed, all klnde. Olenooe Mills. 232 liard. aiorlsla. A. Donahue, 1607 Farnam. D. 1001, A-10O1. HE8B ft 8WOHODA. 1415 Karnam BC Btewart s, lionet at seedsman. 11 N. 16. "PAUliSEN, Florist. 1713 lirown St Oysters. David Cole Oyster Co. Wholesale only l'alata and Glaaa. Barker Bros. Faint Co., 1609H Farnam. Ind. A-JS21; Douglas. 4750. We do picture framing and glaslng. Special discount this month on Faint, Olass. Vaniishea and Wall Paper. l'aper Cenpaales, Western Paper Co., 13th and Howard. Phvtouraphera' buppliaa. THB ROBERT DEMPSTER CO., 181S-15 Farnam, in their new etore; branch store. DOS 8. 15th. l'atraita. ... HIRAM A. STtTRQES, patent lawyer, U. 8. and foreign patents, trademarks and copyrights; 25 years' txperlence. 646 Brandela Theater Bldg. Tel. Doug. S4S9. EDUCATIONAL 'illi; FALL TERM OF ' Boyles College 18 NOW OPEN DAY AND N1UHT. BTUDENTB ADMITTED ANT TIME. Complete eouraea In Business, Bookkeep ing, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Serv ice and Salesmanship. The catalogue is ready and free for the asking. Call, write or phone for It at once. Address H. J3. Boyles. president. Boyles College Building, Omaha. Neb. SCHOLARSHIP FREE to you it you will bring us a shorthand writer of any system except the Mosher, no matter how experienced, who can write short hand aa rapidly as some of our students now In school. Moaher-Lampman College, 1815 Farnam 8t., Omaha, Neb. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE "BEST IN THE WEST." Day and evening sessions ail the year. Shorthand, Typewriting. Bookkeeping, Agriculture, Civil Service, Salesmanship. E. A. Zartman, Pres.. 19lh and Farnam. OMAHA SCHOOL OF MUSIC, 18th and Farnam; all branches of inuslo taught; send stamp for pronpectun. A. FOPP, teacher writing. Latin. Gor man and cornet. 1711 Dodge. I). 2178. FOR a dainty dessert use Daizell's loe cream. If Mr. El Wisaenbur?. 90ft H. 2td St., will come to The Bee office within three daya we will give her an order for quart brick of thla fine ice cream. EVERYTHING FOIt WOMEN THE IDEAL PLEATING CO.. dress pleatlngs. buttons covered, all sizes and atyles. 200 Doug. Blk. Dong. 1S.T6, A-m.W. CHIOOO, Ladies' Tailor. 214 8. 18th St. D. O. AiarneU. Huston Ulk. Tab Ked 7117. Willard fc-udy. v. 8. Pat. attorney aid solicitor lf, City Nat. Rl. Tyler 1R.10. riantnera. Plumbing and Heating REPAIR WORK. 1708 Jackson St D. 1477. llaaaaga and laalcaba. THE ONLY WAT. riagnage checked to destination. Taxi cabs ami tnurfng cars. Tel lioiiglaa 2U6. liakertea. Domestic Bakery; quality, !40 Cuming A. B. COKQ3. Bakery. Webster $141. lillt foxing. OMAHA Hill porting Co. Douglas WW. UhIIUIuk aad Loan Aaaoelatloua. NEBRASKA Savings ft Loan AkkocIs tlon lias never paid leae than per cent dlvidemla. Investments from II to U."u$ received. Kin Farnam Pt . Omaha. HAWK BROS enworth. Barber kboys. barber shop, K6S Leav- Hee Bldg. barber shop, tonaorial artiaa. Milliard anil Pool Halls. THB new Ak-8ar-Hen billiard parlors, 1Q' Howard. Chas. K. Johnxon. Prop. 11 sai i'afksge Maaaiaiilarert, Wooden Hot ft Package Co. U14 N. 16th. Ulrel Ntorea. BIRDS, doge, gold fish, cagea. Mas Gelsler Bird Co.. 1617 Farnam be Carujiutera and Cvatraolora, W. P. Deverell.'cutitriwitor. namge Bldg. btevenson. carpenter, cont. Both pnonea. A. IJnbolg. carpenter, con tractor. It. ko.'l Curpata, Itaaa and liraperica. POLCAR CO. - "jp carpet cleaning. 1548 a. 14. l. 2.C1, A-4ik. Kleo. vo. CUanar, rent, tl il:iy . W. 2),i 1 blruputliala aad Alauloairlua. Tlt ROY, chiropodist, 1V-5 Farnam. Claara aad Tobaoev. TIIR Sanitary Crown Pipe. 115 S. 16th. I lothliiK Slaualacturrra. Wear Ideal drera ahliU. M. E. Smith Co. laal Dealers. Powera-Heafey Coal Co., Tel. D. W. butler Feed e c'oai Co . iwii Kr. II ;,4.. I'po k qua u yu..' 4i at Dodg. 11. ,4, K. Joiinoii. coal, 1st It larrt I pnouvs. Nh.W (H'ai aiu. Zuli aim oraud Ave. Gtortia F.. t'olib. Coal Co.. W. M. COAL toil or I'll. OIK baakvt; 6 buahals D. VM. B. tM. C1TV COAL & SUiTLY CO. All kinds best coal. D. 2716. Ind. A-lbd. l.r.i liiu ttti ku auoul lioruti ruitiacc Coal. U. 1-iJ. t A. Wexlei field. A-lina. Kwiive, 4 aa. aifa aiia lugAV, Moytina Tea Co.. 40i N. 16. Both phones. Creameries, Uin. a tuil uypHrm. Fairmont's Dlsdem butter. Always go-ij. Ia iiiiiH.K i'kkUi:hv company LLOIN eauiiaiy Ua.iy. l-.ppeiaou tliw., i'l opnetora Ikiu. Co. Mnk I'rooiiCfiV Aun D. Ilj. CollccllUM Asrscitt, RLSSELL ADJL'alMKNT CO, Kl-M First Nut onal lm,k. Iioiiiiias. jtml. JUoini f. HLl.h.i. iiii.tuiiuiii ot ail Vinos. 11 fty Natl bank. I) 2J10, A-i4. CARTER SHEET metal works. Omaha 1M uliila. Bailey, the dentin iu Cltv Nat'l. D. rw iA 'H 1- 15Va DKi DH. W Tu p'" . i AiAi.ii. ji Ii. paxton. D. lUno. illlil.8 i.4 CUV Mi l 14k. b 11. r. ovw. eiviviianl a iJg. oioia. i,i u,r. lh-u Cuy Nai. D.4m iAlib.1, VI lirandoia llidg. U. Ii'. LLlAMti, fca Kl-l-5 Uiandela bag TKR. but Cite Nat I Hk. Hid. aarlagr Aeadewlea. "'"- n Blk. Clksea llinx bitANDEld FLORIST, braiideis Bldg. L. HENDKRSON. )o!9 Farnam. D. BATH S. FLORldTH. Hoyd Theater Hdg. BENNETT'S, cut floweis. Doug. ia7. PROSPECT Hill Florist. W. 44U1. r onndrlea. McDonald brasa and bronse foundry, alu inlnum, tin, lead caellng. 15th 4k Jackson. 1'uruacra sad Mow llryaira. FURNACB AND STOVE REPAIBS to nt your atove or heater. New (umace. laundry tank heaters, gas heaters, ther mostat and combination warm air and hot water heating. Omaha Stove Repair Works. 1206-1208 Douglas St. Tel. Douglas 900. Ind. a -Mil. A. MoNlvOk:, Agi. lor the Mouern Nov elty warm air furnace; estimates cheer fully aiven. Doug. 4im. 4o H. l?th. Olson Bros., furnace repaint, iiiiu l.eav'th. l arHauea aad Slave Repairs. W. B. Haston. Amer. rurnacs, H. '&. Kara. Weet. Fur. Co.. repairs remodel" U!4 Far, llarueaa, badairrx, Lfatbar ilood.a Wlchert, harnese, Icathe' gnndn. f30 S. 12. FAMOUS Collins saddles. Alii ed Coi i.mrt to, K'10 Farnam. W r' for catmlogue. llvatlala. WISE MEMORIAL. J4th and Harney. Beihuny hoiipitul, -.64 Marcy. lJ. 26k luaarancc. INSUnE In the Woodmei, of the World. Tbb world s greatest orgjnlsa- tlun. j n JOHN Lais at Son, Ins. Hlo Ramge Blk. INSURE IN THE ObbiNs" FALLs! Rliodes-Montgoniei y Co. Ins. K.uiiKu lik. TALK TO VLSI. tlitf policy p'aer.' ALFRED C. KF.NNKDV, Fire and Tornado lusuiance. ? First Nat'l Hank. Doug. 7 ii'tfii uu4 Wlrv Keuvliig, Anchor Fence Co., J07 K. 17. Tel. Bed S14 Jcrvrlry, Dlaiuonoa aad Watcltaa. GET your bargains at Reynolds' Cut Bate Jewelry store. 1U6 d. 16th. OPEN up a cnarge tti-i-omit iwth us. A. lanilelhot g. Jeweler, bid Karnam. Jeueliy and clothing Uirgaini,. M ri. 14. Ltoundrlus. FBENCtl Hand Laundry. Tel. II. 6.SM. 1ST-CLASS laundry; guarantedU Ueiiv" ery. Call on short not.oe. Hariny Hit. LMERSoN Launury. Both plionea. lAll IN. illll OU GUARANTEE Lauudry. rork. liougias 1371. ILah-giade FAMILY washing, all wli. II. U.A Llabialaa Mads. Nebraska Lightning Rod Co. TO.: N. lTth, isuibrr, H. O rocs Lumber ft Wrecking Ce Bar gains In lumber, plumbing, machinery and steam filling. 21st and Paul. -Wb. 1X4. Alacaroal .Miuulsclsrera, Skinner's macaroni ft spaghetti j pkg, ISO. Mtlllaery. PENNRI.L M llinery. Paston Blk. l.ateet tall mlii,nury Rauoer, 1C1 S. Isih. iluauuitsu aad Alauaolc auia J. P. Bloom Co.. 17th and Cuming Sta. H Alua.i, Art a ml laisunw. J. Boclt. singing, piano Dovldire B'k. PIANO instrucliuiia, beginners. 40c. Har ney 14S2 rcrSP,J- I teacher of clarionet STitWV'N' fc-" l"u laacher. aiglit Allag, klwraae aad Cleaula-. OMAHA Van Storage Co.. cleans your carpets on your floors; electiio vacuum cleaners. 104 S. luih; SCSr & Utb. loiig;4l6lJ Ml lr I 'l 1 Pianos and fui iuiura. etor- 4W '"rsia Jhiii.U. v-- a. Omaha PiumouiK Co.. snerman Ave. 1'luinbiug Call Wes.iman. H. 80M. A-207 T, F, bails, plumbing and licsun. IM Howard Ht. Tel. D. 743. Ind. A-2741. 1'buMoa rayba. Edlaon phonographs. Shults Bros. 1408 Far Rlnehart. pliotogi apoer. 18th e Farnan Sandberg e Muillo IU7 H. Ith. Take elev. Rembrarult xiiidio; imrtrults. 2UftFurn LADIES' Beaver Hate Cleaned and He blocked. RAMSER, HATTER, 220 8. 14th. SHERMAN, ladles' tailor. Hayden Broa HOUSEWIVES wanted to bring tlielr old shears and knlven to be sharpened by expert workmen. 1407 Douglas. Switches from combings, $1.50; puffs, 15c. Special attention to mall orders. C ci.ta uina, a.m Panton Blk. D. 62iii. id tl. WIlllow plumes made from old or new feathers guaranteed. 1H03 8. nth. D. T66S. EVERYBODY enjoys aiieevnlng with the Woodward Stock company. If Mrs. L. Segal, 1M2 Burt etreut, will come to The llee office within three days we wll give her an order tor a pair of tickets. HELP WANTED MALE Alirula, Salesmen itud Solicitors. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Look, see. Tha Little Wonder gase maker, be ing demonstrated at 1111 Farnam St. Own your own gas at ona-hnlf usual cost. WANTED An educated reliable sales man to represent high class college. Easy work and tine pay. A "wind fail" for someone. Call for Carse, l&ll Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb. SALESMEN wanted In Kansas and Ne braska for high grade line of suspenders and belts. Novelty Leather Works, Jack son, Mich. ENERGETIC manager .to establish headquarters for us and look after busi ness of entire mate of Nebraska; exclu sive contiact issued. Address with busi ness references, Dlagr&ph Carbon Paper company, Philadelphia, Pa. Clerical and Olflcr. WANTED 6,000 men to bring their dull rasors to Undeland's. 1407 Douglas. "CANtV High grade positions. 6u0 bee. luXl ENblO.N liihitk, uo. Office clerk, bank experience, (65, Offlco clerk (railroad), toO- Stenographer, wholesale, $65. Rate clerk experienced, f75. YOU ARE THE MAN we want to aea If competent to hold any of the above posi tions. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015-1016 City National Bank Hldg. I'actory and Trades. Drug atorea (snaps) ions. Knlast. Bee b'g. HARUb.H shop; baths; no walla. No. ltith. ttAMtb A good saubage maker, luuu Iavenworth St. Aliacellaueoas. ABLE bodied men wanted for the U. S. Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 and 16. Must be native born or have first papers. Monthly p. y $16 to IiiU. Addi tional compensation possible. Food, clothing, quartets and medical attendance free. After 30 years' service can retire with 75 per cent of ray and allowances. Service on board ship and aahore In all parts of the world. Apply at U. 8. Ma rine Corps Recruiting Ollice, 1406 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. ' HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory and Tradoe. TV i VTcn ni.i. tit ... I10TOS H"""11 Forter Benedici Real Butter Scotch and Woodward's Pure bholo aallerv ft f Mm u in,. St. Highest grade photo work. Cabinets, li and a per dosen. Postcarda. 16 for $1. 1'lattna. OMAHA SILVER CO.. I4 S. tlth Neb, fiatina ai llnnulntf C0..M13 Houard. Prlattair. Iew. W. Eaber, Printer Ku7b?. BEH BLDG. ENTR VNCK ON COURT. HilLi Flti'llNG Co u k llli il. 2166. AM. printlna t.;o.. jj4 Cuming. D. 6647. I'hone Hid. A-i tor good pnnnng. Lyngsiad Printing Co.. Ifith ft Capitol Ave lleia-tiall 1'lg. Co., M b Hiii. inu. A-JM4 Mws.raat., Baxter's fine quick lunch. 115 Farnam. GET the habit; em ai Lnena. I'ap. Ava EAT KOSHER HOAIL COOKING. AHKINS, I6 8. lMh. I'pHtulrs. UON7.A J.l'.f, npanirlt ml a. I",., r'arnam. bboruiaWlaa sad khlaluu 1'arlors. C, Morgan, lst-clsss shoe rroalrt. ?.'OT Leav btfurilMgr laovila. KRW shopworn guns at low prices. Townsend tiun Co.. 1.M4 Farnam. btuuiiuerlug and btattcriag. BTAMMERINO and stuttering cured. Julia Vai'ahn. Bamge Bldg. atari Imum null Culvert luunaalm, NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Company. 14th and Nicholas. D. 88S9. bli-iiuura libera and luurt llcjiorlcra. M YRTLH A. KELLET. deppslttona, etc, 7i BiMtiilelH Theater. 1. 50S2. bturuA llouta aud W imiunii Omalm Window Born. Co. C4 K. II D. 4S3 1 allorlug. 1IAVR Tailor Beck make your fall suit. Dunham ac Dunham, 113 suits. 11S. 15. FOR TAILORS We mail" iiigu-vlass rosin; r-a?-orisMe prlcen. am Bonton Store. R. A. Wllll.'ims rlotlies alterrd. 2 ti Lake ToNGE. ladiee -gent's taller, 1'aolflo. 'laaidvrtMtaia. Aulataueh. 1T01 Iavenworlh. Doux. S221. Test n4 kuUs, OMAHA Tent Co. Tel. grj Douglas. Irauka and Suit laaea. Freling A Bteinle. 1MI Farnam St. Wlgr aiaaafact urera. D. S Orlfflth, wig mrr., II Frenser Blk. MAT A CO.. family llouors. 1201 Douglaa Auioiimtii' Hi O'iv bus a Si; 1. J. Halt Illinois aii'l cir, ,. lain. VX) IOTIlFIYJ,c"1" Atlas. Fuil cigars Cafe In connection. Ill 8 14th bL C. Kiineiiaiiosr. l,Mn u a. cUara. UU liooge. WILLOW bpiings bear, uiiuor. ciaaia, andwichee. Alex Jetss. 1M Douglaa. l.uttnisii. n-ti-,.1,1 wny, lo drink. 14 4k Har. A IIOIJXI'1 iib"ted liquors, fina .rt.HUUOL lunches. Ill o. lllh. Ilmilwi Family tJ,( jui . Im ago. aleer Klein. in and liuuora. &jj .. 16. Virginia Dare wine. ic. Urge bottla. E kKi parson kuowa who D. J. O'brlaa le becauae ha baj made Omaha famous with bis candy. If Mrs. A. An doreon, 11 S 27th, will coma to The bee office within thiee days wa will five ber an order for a So-cent box uf HrUna mndv frea. l'rsikteut Ad vet tuir, is lbs JUiad " lii buar nick candy. John G. e Co., Council Bluffs, la. v oodward WANTED A good cook. Apply Deift tea room, Brandela Theater Bldg. Houaekeayers and Domestics. THE BERVANiF GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run your Domes tic Help W autatl ud FREE ' unul you get the desired reaults. bring your ad to The bee oltlce or telethons Tyler lixw. YOl'N'G girl wanted to aasist wlm bousewoilc Small liouso. No cooking. Tel. Harney 6VM. V A.N TED An expoi iBiict d nurse girl; references. Mrs. 11. A. Tukey, lii South 27th Be Phone Harney 116 MAMLu .xpei iciiccu girl lo cook and do general housewoik; amall family. 21UJ Douglaa. Phone 1. 71. GIRL tor general Housework; amall family; beat wages. Caioi Ave. M AMKU A young woman aa houss keeper. Call 4J14 Lafayette Ave ITionc Harney 2j4K alter 7 o'clock evenings, w. H. Duncan. WANTED Good, expel li-iiccu cook, white woman; cooking only; Ri'nd tvojfes. Mrs. K W. Nr.Kh :'V, Unit lljinuy WANTED A student to wotk for boail 37th Si. Phone Harney 115: COMPETENT girl for scnerul liojue work. Small family In good home. Tel. Harney 44U6. AN experiei.cud gui lor guucrul house work. Harney 80S2. EXPERIENCED girl for genual house woik; no laundry work; small family; tood wages. Mis. 11. ii. Fisii, .111 Wool worth Ave. WANTED Experienced 221 St. Mary's Ave. SfeCOIld gill. WANTED Good girl fo:- general liuuso wbrk. Four In lamiiy. llj S. Znh St. lei. Harney IW71. WANTED A good middle uued vuiimn to take care of children. 1716 Cans. Doug. 7:'14. WANTED A Klrl lor general work at once. 82", South T7ih St liuusu- EXPERIENCED girl cook, M ;iil kept. Tel. eall at 316 Harney. who is guod Harney 47W or GIRL for general housework ti week; no washing. US N. Svth St. per Gl 111, lor general liouew.jik, two in f win 1 1 . fcooU mmci; onii sj , jmoetcnt don't reolv. 'Phone H. 'ii Harnev :ii';l. Mrs. W. H. Munger. I6.'4 H. j.'d avenue wants a cotni eu-nt 4; III for genaial house work In family of two. Aliarellaneoaa. GIRLS to learn halrdrelng: fries reasonable Oppenhelm, 226 City Nat'l Bk YOUNG women iou:mg to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit tlie Voung Women'a Christian association building st be Mary's Ave. and lTlli St., where they will be directed lo suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look Lr our travelers' aulde at the I nlon Station Automatic Phone, bus. 1J; re-tdenfe. l. WANTED Bila'ht young Woman who has bad some experience of soliciting bluet be able to luir.lali icfercnces. Ad il ess M--A", KVERV person knows who D. J. O'brlen Is because ha baa rsrta Omaha famous with his canuy. if Mabel Hais, !') N. 1 it L St., w-.ll come to Tha bee office within three days wa will give her an ordei for a Oo-ctut box of O'Brien's candy tree. HELP WANTED MALE 4 aal. kalrmurs sail kolirtlur. CITY saleman. W. A. Hlxenliaugh A Co.. HU H. Msrv'e Ave.. Tel. D. bll'E 1.1.VH, ur sA.2i.i.'a WANTED for U. S, Aiuiy Able-bodied unmunied men, between ages of li anil 36; cltizena of United States, of good character and temperate hublts, who can speak, read and write the Engllh lan guage. For information apply to Re cruiting Officer, Utli and Douglns Sta.. Omaha, Neb., 607 4th St., Sioux City, la..' 120 s'. 10th St Lincoln. Neb. UO Sluo MONTH AUTOING. O. AUTO SCHOOL. OMAHA. NEB. w Guarantee more actual reparlng man any other schools. Come ee. GOVERNMENT positions open; list showing salaries free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 213-K, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Live, energetic young man to join me In selling western land; have well established business and a first class proposition; must be willing tu come and see me at once and have 5u0 to invest; buslnesa will pay from start; act quick. Address Lock Box 'ii, Otis, Colorado. lOU ara v, mi lea lor bovenwiieiii job; (m per inoiiih; send postal (or list at posi tions open. Franklin iusiuule, Dept. ilt K. Rochester. N. Y. TELEGRAPH position guaranteed yoa by both L'nlon Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroad If you gain your training la II. P. Training School. Piacilce 011 H. R. wires. Address, lor particulars, H. B. Boyles, Pres. U. F. Telegiapb School. Omaha. Neb. STOP! READ! u , . ., procession. Learn automobdo engineering In our large train. ng shop. HundieJs of suc cessful graduates. Complete equipment of automobiles and machinery." Address National Auto 'iialn Astn.. &a Biaucleis '1 heater Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Faultless Cleaners. 112 S. I6111. D. M4. FoK a iluliuy dessert uss UeUcil s lea cream. II Mrd. H. lleniy. iH Capitol, will coma to The nee office within threo days we will give her an order for a quart of this fine ice cream. II EH WANTED MAl.K Oil KEMAIV:. ANY intelligent person may cam steady Inr-onie corresponding for newspa pers. Experience unnecessary. Address Press Correspondence Luieau, Waaiiina ton. 11. C. SEiil Aiiss Lang in "Tne Gieat Coined r of billy ' at il.e American theater, if Mr. lien filiaflon, HIT Douglas suott. wiil come to The Bee office within three d:ns wa will give him an urdor lor a pair of tlcketr. LIVE STOCK l'Olt SALE liurava muC iilclea. FOR SALE All kinds of good hones 1,1 N. list St. 'Phone DojcIhm fiUXk, TWO A 1 goou lioiscs, i iea:a old, dou ble set harnc-s. King! 1 ubbtr-llred bugy and liaiueas; reasonable price, obli l'io. tnco boulevard. iX)R SALE A guod driving mare. if. A. S.mon, ail South 32d St. Harney 4101. FOR SALE A gouU uiiving matt. 1. A. S.mon, 2JIJ . a.l St. Hai ney 41ul. FOR SALE-Good saddler and driver; weight, l.low lbs. For Sale Good sadler; safe, sound and City broke; weight, l.liuO lbs. lor bale Good, sound draft horse; weight. 1.4') lbs. Just out of hard work. JONES SI ABLE, 1114 Dodgj St. LOST AND FOUND LoST An Alaimiu routs book, 011 road to South Omaha. Kindly return und re ceive reward. Alamilo Sanitary Dairy Co., lsll Farnam. FOUND 4, i'ddy bear expert clean IA1ST Horse, Sundy morning, about l.lmo pounds. Reiuin to ;'B'6 Franklin street. Pliune Webster 1715. Ia)ST Steel colored bound dos; re ward. Webster tuio. A GoLD Waiinaiii opan-face lady's watch; piain gold HlleU, monogram "E. C. V." on baik. with black fob with Pberl'n collette seal. Care Millard hotel. LOST An Alamito route book, on or near Benson. Kindly return and receive reward. Alamito Sanitary Dairy Co.. !13 Farnam wltb h f"-' lA 1ST Fox terrier dug. wlut. brown ear; tax No. !! Ptmne w.