Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1911, EDITORIAL, Page 15, Image 15

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JTav Soot Print St.
IJgyptlaa Chocolate Boo, Myers-TMIlon.
Oaa, Eleo. rixtore. Bnrrsse-QraBden.
Om. Mac. Wki, Kach. dasUrn'rs, blar,
Postmaster Eh Birthday Postmaster
Xk F. Thomhs wan JO ycari of age yester
day and la busy accepting the congratula
tion of bis friends and subordinate offi
cials. Early yesterday morning some one
placed a handsome vase of chrysanthe
mums on his desk without a card and the
postmaster Is much mystified as to where
they came from.
Parks Close for the Winter The city
parks have practically gone Into winter
quarters. With the exception of finish
ing some grading In Fontanelle and some
sodding on the Northwest boulevard, the
season's park work Is at an end. The
plants In Hansoom park and the other
parks have been stored In the green
houses and the animals In Rlvervlew park
have been turned Into the winter quart
er. Burlington Teamster Injured Louie
Longo, a teamster for the Burlington
Railway company, living at Eighth and
Pacific streets, had both ankles sprained
when he was thrown off his wagon seat
at the Burlington- depot at 8:45 o'clock
yesterday. Longo was hauling a load of
stone to be used on the transfer station
being erected by the Burlington. When
be was driving across the rails he was
thrown off and his legs were caught be
neath the wheels.
Contraot Money la Held Vp Andrew
Murphy & Son have started proceedings
to secure payment ot a claim for tlDO
agnlnst Joa T. Davis, stone pointing sub
contractor on the new county building.
Mahoney St Kennedy, attorneys for
Andrew Murphy & Son, filed with the
Board of County Commissioners a letter
asking that the county withhold 1130 of
the money due the stone pointing con
tractor until his creditors can proloct
their claims. The letter mentions that
Andrew Murphy & Bon has been an
Omaha firm and a taxpayer for half a
century. The county commissioner will
do what they can to protect toe Omaha
Two Carloads of
Cherries Seized
WT. JOSEPH, Mo., Nov. 10. (Special
Te'.egram.) Harry D. Evans of Council
Sluffs, la.. United States food and drug
Inspector, and United States Marshal
Arnold of Springfield, Mo., made one
f the largest and most Important seiz
ures here today that has been made In
the Missouri valley since the enactment
ot the federal pure food laws. Two car
loads of Imitation Maraschino cherries,
valued at 115,000, were found In local
wholesale drug stores - and wholesale
candy establishments and taken posses
sion of one account of false branding.
The Imitation goods had been recently
hipped In and the seizure-Immediately
followed the arrival of Inspector Evans
this morning from Kansas City. lie had
secured the necessary Information and
Was accompanied by Marshal Arnold,
equipped with the required warrants.
Every one of the thousands ot bottles
was prima facie evidence of the fraud
ulent branding. The owners, who will
undoubtedly make a stiff fight In the
courts to save their property, apparently
have no defense, and the large and valu
able shipment will be confiscated by th
Rancher Uses Rifle
. to Recover Note
BELLE FOURCHE. S. D.. Nov. 10,
Walking Into the State bank of Hulett,
Wyo., a short distance from here, today,
Asher Knepper, a rancher, leveled a
rifle at Cannier Storm, forced him to
turn over a promissory note signed by
Knepper, and then handing the rifle to
one ot several bystanders, calmly
walked outBlde the bank, tore up the
note and went home, Kneppor later
was arrested and held to the district
court on a charge of assault with a dan
gerous weapon. He was released on
Knepper claims he gave the note In
question to his mother-in-law for a JoOO
check which proved to be worthless.
Later the mother-in-law placed the note
In the bank for collection, and he took
summary action today when ; the bank
officials refused to return the note
to him.
The key to success in business is the
Judicious and persistent use of newspaper
Cleanses the System
effectually; Dispels
colds and Headaches.
due to constipation.
Best for men, women
and children : young
and old.
Toqet its Beneficial
effects, always note the
name of the Company,
Cauforhia Pg$yhup(3x
plainly printed on the
front of every package
, of the Genuine
Get the Original and Cenubi.
The Food-drink fcr All Ages.
For Infants, Invalids, and Growing cUdrem
Pure Nutrition, up building the whole body.
Invigorate the nursin g mother and the a gei
Rfch millc, malted grain, in powder form.
A quick lunch prepared in a rninnfe.
Take do substitute. Ark for HQRLICK'S.
A Clothing
Story Ad
dressed to the
The men who think are
saying to themselves,
"What la the uso of read
ing a clothing advertise
ment?" With a few ex
ceptions you are told
Btorles of clothing values
that rival the wildest tale
of a dime novel detective
story. We want to awak
en thinking men to the
fact that a common sense
view must show the fal
sity ot many high sound
ing phrases and state
ments seen in many cloth
ing advertisements. We
want you to Realise that
this store is depending on
making Its Impressions by
a strict adherance to
facta In language, and
In clothes. We want
thinking men to realise
that there must be merit
In clothing good enough
to be Its own recommendation.
Winter Underwear
Now a Necessity
This store has a great reputation as an underwear
store, and got It only as the result of patient effort
and conscienclous service. Every garment fully guar
anteed by this Btore highly experienced underwear
salespeople w'ho'll advise and assist you to the best
garment for your particular requirements.
Vassar Union Suits.
Superior Union Suits
Taunton Union Suits
Glassenbury 2-piece garments. . .".$1.00
Winsted 2-pieco garments.. $1 to $2.50
Derby Mills, heavy cotton 45c
Pain from Injury Causes Vachal to
Commit Suicide,
Two Men Arrested by Police 1st.
pected of Ileluir Implicated In
Robberies of Valuable Kara
Woman la Held.
Frantic from faln caused by an injury
to his right hand by a meat saw, Joseph
Vachul, a groeerynian, killed himself yes
terday afternoon a 3 o'clock by drinking
carbolic acid at his home, Fortieth and
Li streets.
Vachal while engaged In waiting on a
customer a week ago cut his light hand
with a meat saw. lie did not attend to
the ' wound, thinking It trivial. Later
inflammation set In and affected the
whole right arm. Dr. John Koutsky wus
called in and found Vachal In a serious
condition from blood poisoning.
Kor the last two days Vachal com
plained of the unendurable torture and
yesterday afternoon while the family was
out of the room he left his bed and pro
cured a bottle of carbolic acid, used In
treating his arm. Before anyone could
intervene he had drained the contents of
the bottle.
The deceased was 45 years of age and
is survived by his widow and two chil
dren. He was well known In the neigh
borhood of his residence, where for years
ho hud conducted a grocery store. The
funeral arrangements have not yet been
bupected ( Itobberles,
In the arrest ot J. B. Connor and J.
Lt. Ouiske yesterday the Fouth Omaha
police captured a pair wanted by the
oniulia police for alleged connection with
fur robberies.
Connor was arrested Wednesday night
shortly after midnight by officer Carey,
who found him loitering about an alley
near Twenty-firth and N streets.
Early yesterday morning a seedy-looking
Individual, who claimed to be a law
yer from Idaho and an Intimate friend
ot Connor, called at the police station
to assure Chief Criggs that, the police
iiad committed an outrage In the arrest
of Connor, whom, Culske said, was the
eon of a Kansas millionaire merchant.
1 he chief listened to tiulske's story and
hen ordered one of the police to keep
iilm under observation.
Detective Andy McOuIre. having made
an investigation, placed the man under
arrest about noon. Last night Chief of
Detectives Sheahan and Detective Mo
CluJre arrested Ida Adams, who was llv
.ng at the Haverly hotel under the name
of Mrs. J. B. Cuiske. In the woman's
ooin was found a set of furs valued at
00. She said the men bad given her a
. awn ticket and told her she could have
.lis furs if she redeemed them.
When taken to tha polics station the
woman broke down and told the officers
rat aha had corns from Kansas City,
hers ber family realdea. The pollc
tilers that she was tha Innocnt victim
f the two men. who wer turned over
ist eveninj to Detective Ctiarles Van
usen of the OmaJia police force.
fr Ceta Avray nlta fee.
Eoraewtirre In South Omaba there is a
rafty negro who is credited with hav
,ng beaten a lawyer out of IK intended
. r a fee. Tbe negro, who . known only
J the name of "Tom." as engaged as
io lnleryrter by Frank Geralda, a CuUtiv.
Mxested'some time ago for carrying wg.
altd wuuiuna.
r'ermldM was unable to speak Engi:sh
.$1.00 to $5.00
$1.00 to $3.50
$1.00 to $3.00
;rp, f ',rj-
Not. the
mellifluous Ppanlsh of the Cuban repub-
110 into Anglo-Saxon intelligible to the
Judicial ear of Justice Callanan. lie was
also to hire an attorney. Qeraldo's
brother paid "Tom"', several dollars be
sides giving him tic to hire an attorney.
When the case ot Qeraldo was called
icre was neither lawyer nor Interpreter
and the prisoner went to Jail, where he
muttered Innumerable "Carambas" and
"pestes" agatnst the faithless black. He
also swore vengeance.
Yesterday Qeraldo's brother, who can
manage the Kngllth language very nicely,
retained Attorney E. It. Leigh to prose
cute the faithless "Tom." Attorney
Leigh issued a complaint charging the
ml&Hlng "Tom" Doe wltH larceny.
Officer Seriously 111.
Police Officer E. L. Pleroe Is seriously
111 at his home at Twenty-fourth and 8
street, and is not expected to llv.
Officer Fierce was for eight years a
member of the South Omaha police force
and was oniy. recently laid off because
of physical Incapacity. His disease is
fatty degeneration of the heart. Lost
night When Chief ferlggs learned of the
precarious condition of Officer Pierce, he
allowod members of the department to
relieve one another In assisting the family
of the sick policeman. Officer Pierce la
the father ot several children.
lirouiiiit-r Dies. ,
Frederick Bloinmer, a pioneer resident
of this section of the country and father
of William iliotnmur, grocery man, dlod
I ehterduy morning tU his home, 3IM tiouUi
l'wentuuh avenue, Omaha.
Mr. Jiioinuier wa 71 years of age at
Hie time of his death and had resided in
uinajitt fur the last thirty years. Urn is
survived by four olitldren.
New Baraaln llaaement.
Don't buy clothing until you know you
are gelling the best yuu can get; look
mound as much as you can, but be sure
you look at Flynn's before you buy. You
will see a clean, clussy, up-to-date line
of suits and overcoats of the good old
it-, S. & M. make and at prices that will
appeal to you. Visit our bargain annex
rigut off our main clothing floor. You
will find u variety of goods there, odds
and ends, from all .over the store and
some bargains bought specially for this
torn, all prloed for quick selling. John
Flynn & Co.
Alaclo City Bowlla League.
' 1". 2d. 8d. Tot.
Oustavson m m 1 ibh
iiow JH l.n 14 4U4
lelisoik-. Jtw yn u g,i
Woua &4 j;n JJ4
AlUJten 182 lti a gt
Totals $41 7 eft j ow
liauuicap it 14 u t7
Totals .... tiOU 7Ss o7 XIX
. . , "L 2d. 3d. Tot.
Vollsledt , It 1, lvt
i'a'ii Iff; 1M lxl M.S
Winter , La Hi laj 3
""k lf3 117 14J 14J
Olineoorg 17 17K lsi 64u
Totals 7U 7tJ0 SUS ,2uC
MarU t'ltr tioaalu.
John Peteraun, a prbrnaicnt ranchman
of (irUidsunia, H. I)., is vlaiung friends
in this city.
Joseph Dustr and wife report the birth
of a boy and girl at their home, Tblrty
tlrst and 1 street.
OAHNEY COAL Is cln; no clinkers.
le tiiaii I per cent ami. Tel. outl I.
liroadwell-itcibrts Co.
Division No. J Ancient Order of 1 liber,
nlain. will meet at their hall dunday.
.November 1J. at l:iu a. m.
"The liaohoW," 214 N. Btrlrthr mod
em. itaady for business. J. L. Jioyle.
proprietor. Bouth U72.
'liie Geo wood foot ball tam will play
the Houth Omaha High school Saturday
at the Country club grounds.
Kor Hent-H1x-rootn house, modern ex-
jr-1" '"-- lmlln. ft. Ik
Your Money Buys More Here
Men's Overcoats $ H 9,J 1 J 1 ft Mens Suits
You might tramp the city over, then over again and you
would not find suits and Gvercoats equal to these at $5 to $10 more
in price. We question if at any price you can equal the style
which our big makers crowd into these suits and overcoats. We
know you would not have as pleasing, a variety to choose from.
We are the one Omaha store that can sell the lowest because
Our largest of all buying gets the
lowest of all prices. Our largest of
all selling enables us to sell at the
smallest of all profits. Get that?
Here you sec all the models of aV the new' foreign and do
mestic weaves tailored in aJ7 the newest ways-$12, $15, $18 for
Suits and Overcoats. At whn'eve' price you pay here you arc
sure to get 25 better value than nny store can give you. If
economy "cuts any ice" with you, her j'jb your place to buy clothing.
$2,50 Shoes for Men and
FOR LADIES Our line of shoes at this price comprlno
all the new shapes and lasts In the new high toes, short
vamps, high or medium heels, In velvet, suede, tan cul'
patent or gun metal leathers.
FOR MEN Black and tan calf, willow calf, box calf,
velour calf, or vlcl kid leather. Come In and look over our
styles at 52.50. Other styles at $3.00 and $3.50.
Best Because Largest,
O St. Rent, J20. Will Bell cheap. 'Phone
South 1CM.
Buy your coal at Qunderson Bros.
Cherokee nut, 14.00 per ton. Bell 'phone
South los; Independent F1844.
Phone Bell Pouth W$ Independnnt F-lil
for a case of Jetter Uold Top. Prompt de
livery to any part of city. William Jetter.
The Baptist Young People's union will
give a "mystic maze" Friday evening at
the home of J. M. Cook, 1110 North
Twenty-fifth street
Tho Madison School foot ball team was
victorious over the Brown Park team in
a game played Wednesday in Mandan
park. The score Wat 22 to .
Mrs. Harry Flagel of 624 North Fif
teenth street, was reported to the police
as missing from her home last evening.
She was accompanied by her baby.
The Squirrel club held Its first meet
ing Wednesday nlpht at the home of Miss
Helga Sorenson, Thirteenth and Harrison
streets. Cards nnd music were the fea
tures of the evening.
Ed IFaynes, alias Alexander, was ar
rested lHt nlitht for failure to support his
wife and child. The police claim that
Haynes Idles his time away while the
fumlly verges on nctuul starvation.
T. W. Ferris rf Twenty-third and B.
Htreet, reported to the police yesterday
that burclars rntertd his home Saturday
night and stole s fur overcoat valued at
firs, a rut of clothes, a pair of shoes and
some money. The police have a good
description of the suspects.
Criminal Cases Up
Before Creston Court
CRESTON, la., Nov. 10. (Rpeclal.)
R. I Duncan, arraigned before the
federal court charged with entering the
Hamburg depot and stealing from the
Burlington Railroad company money
to the amount of JftO, has been con
victed of the Charge, but has not yet
received sentence. Duncan and an ac
complice were arrested first on a charge
of bootlegging and after being tempo
rarily released on that charge were ar
rested for breaking and entering and
robbing the depot at Hamburg. Kd
Fowler, Duncan's pal, turned state's
evidence in the robbery case against
Duncan and was released. ' Five Indict
ments against bootleggers were returned
by the federul grand Jury yesterday.
The habeas corpus proceedings begun
In the federal court by Charles F. Wil
cox, an attorney of Brooklyn, N. Y..
against the state of Iowa and Dr. Max
Wltte, superintendent of the Insane at
Clarlnda hospital to secure the liberty
of a brother of Mr. Wilcox, Andrew
Wilcox, who was sent to the asylum by
the commissioners of Guthrie county,
have been continued to the next term
of federal court, as the petitioners In
the case were not ready for trial at this
ATLANTIC, la., Nov. 10. (Special.)
Tha death of Isaao Dlckerson, the
Atlantlo banker who passed away in
Richards, Mo., this week, reveals a
strange history. Year ago when Dlck
erson waa Involved In a bank failure
his loss also brought loss to a friend
who Is now a prominent business man
of Uaasenna. In order to make good
tha loss Dlckeraon allowed tha friend to
become tha beneficiary In a Ufa Insurance
policy, believing he (Dlckerson) could
not llv long, as be waa then In very
poor health. The policy wa for $!0,OU1
For nearly twenty year this friend has
kept up the policy, paying out thousands
of dollars. Now It Is claimed the chil
dren of Dlckeraon, of whom there are
eight, are planning to try to get the life
insurance, but It la generally conceded
that the friend will win out In tha con
tent. Mr. DV kerson waa W years old at
lit Uui of hi death.
Lut Larger Because
Arthur Oakes of Emenon, la., Killed
in Auto Crash at Bluffs.
Crashes Into Buaay Containing
Three Glrin, but Kane of These
Seriously Hurt K. Nelson
Arthur Oakes, 20 years old, a farmer
boy residing near Emerson, la., was killed
by having his neck broken, Enianual Nel
son, an attache of the Arcade hotel in
Omaha, received dangerous injuries, and
three young girls, Jessie Mayne, Twenty
fifth 'and Avenue O, Dorothy Hudson,
1906 Avenue D, snd Edna Shrleve, 1904
Avenue E, all of Council Bluffs, received
painful bruises when a high-powered car
belonging to young Oskes, crashed Into
the rear of the buggy in which the young
women were riding. The accident occurred
at 8:30 last night on Broadway near Nine
teenth street. Council Bluffs.
Young Oakes left his home early yes
terday morning and drove his machine
525-27 N. Twenty-Fourth St., South Omaha
IT jmwmm&
am m. jJf m - "
Low Prices on (3 j g d Stoves
Acorn Heaters n All Sizes
Quick FiTeal Ranges
We sell a good 4-holetknge for $24.50
6-hcle Ranee
- J
1 Set Upin
Boy's Winter Overcoats
$2.00, $2.45, $2.95, $3.95,
$4 95, $5.95, Upwards
That our patrons mutually share with us tbe
benefit of our mighty purchasing power, Is
soundly 'verified by the competltlonless boys
ovoreoat values the "Nebraska" Is now offering.
There Is not another
store In Omaha that can
begin to duplicate our
overcoat values quality
for quality. In addition
to this advantage here
you can choose from a
stock many times larger
and much better
containing hundreds ofi
styles Including every'
new model fabiio pat
tern and color effect In
vogue this season
mart novelty coats with
.lever trimmings for th
little fellows I to 10 years
of age long convertible
"nllar t'osts of tha newest
I'laln ami fam-y fabrics for
the larger hoys to U year
of awn. If your boy iimmIs
an ovoreoat bring; hlnv ill
root to the 'Nohraska."
It's tha wise thins to do.
Boys' Winter
$1 95, $2.45, $2.95.
$3.95, $4.95, $5.95,
Neiu Hat
Eco the new "Angora" long
haired soft hats. It's a FrwneL
make hat that's making a till
In this country. Also see tbe
new "Uuban" hats from Ger
many made of a pure melton
mixture and dozens of other
mukes, all bunding with snap
plnesa and style.
This it Stetson Head
quarters, $3.50 Up
More styles, more shapeB, more
sizes than any Western Store.
Fifty styles at $3.50 uk to
see the new "Scratchups," just
In by express $3.50
Other makes, fl.SO, 2.00,
V2.50 Values are great.
the Best
to Omaha where he spent the day. Late
In the evening he stopped at tha Arcade
hotel and tried to get the night clork to
take a ride with him across the bridge.
Young Oakes had been drinking and was
very insistent, but failed to sooure an
acceptance of his Invitation. Ha finally
Induced Young Nelson to accept.
Lam s Not Lighted.
The two left Omaba shortly after 8
o'clock and headed eastward. Oakes had
not taken the trouble to light his lamps
and the machine wa sent tearing along
In the darkness.
The three young women, driving east
ward In a buggy belonging to C. H.
Bhrelve, father ot the young girl, were
distributing Invitations to a surpriso
party. They heard the automobile ap
proaching In the rear and drove as close
a possible to tha curb. Oakes apparently
did not see tho carriage until an instant
before he struck It. Tha light buggy was
reduced to kindling and the girls war
thrown in all direction. Otkea was ap
parently thrown through the wind shield.
Tha auto turned over and was badly
Oakes waa still allva irtMn help ar
rived and waa put Into Dr. Benjamin'
ear and hurried toward the Bdmundson
hospital, but died before he reached It
20 Below Omaha Prices
Not One Day but Every Day
lnJe Offer for ne KJeek
A Good Line Extra Heavy 9x12 Wilton Velvet
Rugs at
Extra Axminsters at
These Are Regular
$25.00 Goods
Your Homo
Ideas for Men
Fur Caps
None of the young girl received aerioua
Injuries and all were taken away by their
friends before the physician arrived.
Nelson was placed In Dr. Tubb's ma
chine and token to Mercy hospital. He
wa found to have a bad cut on the left
wrist, a severe contusion on the bead
and was suffering greatly from shock.
Miss Mtyne was tha most painfully in
jured of the young women. She suffered
several bad bruises about the heud and
complained of a severe Injury In the
back. The other escaped with slight
bruises and contusions. How any of
them escaped Instant death la a mys
tery, for tha buggy wa reduced to such
small partlclea that the felloe of the
wheels were the largest parts remaining
Young Oakes lived with hi mother and
Ister five mile from Kmmerson. II
had but recently bought the car, whloh,
waa a forty-horse-power machine. It la
asserted that the auto was moving at
nearly fifty mile an hour. Examination
ot the wrock showed that Oakes had ask
the emergency brakes.
Chief Froom wired his relative later
In tha evening, but later found that Mrs.
Oakes wa In Council Bluff at the time
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mr.
Fred Fox, (30 Fourth avenue.
S 16.00
I j f - .-tfOjfc iH 1 1 . I j
i f isswpu i ' sum ' III1"" I i