12 TIIK W:E: OMAHA, RATTUDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1011. III i ftl i ffiilfliliHilP I If I IS! 1 1 1 jl !! ill ;! i:1 II I l II II I ! !! I ! ! Ul !!!' I il l: ill 1 i3l ;l! I HJ If .r (I ( SI m It is not a difficult matter to procure a suit or overcoat mado of good cloth, and lined with good material, but you, as a careful dresser, want more than this. You want correct style, good-fitting qualities, and becoming gar ments. Adler's Collegian Clothes possess a distinctive, pleasing appearance. There's an individuality about these suits arid overcoats which places them in a class apart from all other makes. All good stores sell Adler's Collegian Clothes. Suits and Overcoats from $15 to $30. Write for our Faahion Sugfieater. It's beautifully . i " ' illustrated booklet, and tells where you can buy Adler's Collegian Clothes in your home town.1 ; DAVID ADLER & SONS CLOTHING 6 0.!V MILWAUKEE .- CHICAGO ! i i i I ' ! ; . nTtirTrrTim-a-tirnniTTiiTiwaii m mm .v- t. CZ.fi" No Plan --Young or Old Wanting a Suit or Overcoat Can Afford to Overlook the Money Saving Features We QIferCu7p-Hprcon. FHtST OF AIJj our toro Is on tht wcoml floor of ttw new City National Hank building, emlly reached by magnificent elevator aervlce and our rent la HOO a month Jena than the tame pace on tne nrit noor 7 and that raeapa apmethlng." Then f nin, we give yon our personal and experienced erv 3 Ice, "which means something more" and Is a big Item saved S n clerk hire. ? Another great saving It the wearing Quality of our lining. S They are all warranted to laBt as long 3 the outalde ma- I terlals van you beat thatT And every Overcoat w. have regardless of price la war- ranwHj water ror. "That s irolng some," And best of all, no matter what you pay for a Suit or Over coat In this shop, we warrant a sure aavlug of $5 and on many as much as 110.00 thufs what counts. We are old-timers In a new business in a new building. Our prices are new and our garment arj new and as perfect as experience and brajpa can make them. David Adler Collegian CUthes $15.00 to S2S.00 Hundreds of patterns and Models to cboose from. If the above listens as good to you as It does to us we shall expect to sue you. . d City Nat. Fl. Bank Bide. Not. SU3-4.a-0-7.S-tf, Culp-Horton Clqthes Shop County is to Heat' tho New Court House t'lntnB!eui(.iu f ih county bulldlm heating tangle lias tcon effectej by th uar4 of County Commls.lunvra. It, I rd that lit county kh!l cuniract wlttt J. J.. Jlanlc-htn ft Co. (ur ht fur th county building ,nij (ha bid court houM, and iVdwdi Urulia, timerul cantractura on tha new county bullalnit. lio under their tonir t ahould hrat tt. win rtlmbur the county for tha heating eaiiM. La Cured in One Day A fw dotea of Munyun'a Cld Hem Ur will broaa up any cold and prevent Mia-iiTiunla. It rellevra the head. thrt)t fci.4 lunya alnui.i lii.imaiy. frlc a .viita at any ilmiflM . or aent imiaKi, If you lltrtd aledlrat AdvK'fi write Hi alunyoiia lioftur. Ttiey mui carefully Clugnoet- yuur cao m.d ylvu you hiIvIih l y n ail fcbeul itcly free any iiitsuel tid and Jctteraui) tin., J-..JUullila. i'u Eighteen Votes Kill. Park Bond Question . Tha propuaed park bond In tha um 0! wera drfeated at tha election TU day by Jut eighteen vulei. Thla de termlrad Friday morning whwn tha city cuuiuit niat to cnvaa tha return. tn the park bond ; proKiH)un there war liK vutea iet. Of tltea 5.5U ie for and l.fcai ayalnat tha boiuU. The ni ary two t Inula would aava been OMAHA SAFE AND IRON WORKS INCORPORATES Articles of Incorporation have been filed by tha Omaha fute and Iron work? with a capital aiock of f.'O.OJO. Tha offl cere are: I'rta.deiit, ' U. Androen; wiue PieaKlent ond manager. May V. Vterllug, ifiiry and treaaurer, C. A. ('akun Tho builder haa tn conducted fir tht laet th.rty-flva yrara by U. Andnen, thi president of the new oumpany, at Tenth and iHaljce atreet. whota the new com pany will continue to operate for :)u pitwnt. I'lone for tha pollillng of a nt plant are being diccuceed. The key to aucccaa In bualnoaa la the Judii-lQUg and peieiettnt ue of newupaoe; Ovurtikln. have coughed and coughed f arc sore and! Go at once to vour dnc. or. Do not delay another hour. Ask him all about AVer's M T a 1 aVM a . Atrry recrorai. 1 nen take it or not, at he says, f J Y "I have coughe Lungs Cave Dweller Gans Broken Up by Mogy Bois who during the laat few daya have, decided to become cave dwellera nave Had their aaibltluna nipped in the Uud by probation Offktr Hernateln. J'rom atviial eocUc.ua of tha city hnve oome reporia of the dljjaUig of cavea, aonie. of them pre tentloua urrim u.n and three rooms. They have beau, dug tenant iota and la aide h'lla. ito latloti orflcxr Bernata of the raves, their locations and tha namea ol the chiefs cf the claps who have bet'Q heudlna the ii ,...,.. . offlcfr was eent out to round up the wa mm noury them that It they did not desist from thair lubure they would U arrested. Whe-nver boa were found at Work on caves or occupying u,,,,, they were given the alternative of filling h -ii. iKiita or going to Jail. They t hose the former, J'fobBtlon Officer n.'rnsteln contends thai cava dwelling Is even w,,. ..... - - . limn pool hall or eUow-bck ur j sviurr. CURRENCY REFORMERS TALK! Local Financiers Appear Before Taft Monetary Commission. ALL AGREE ON REFORM PLAN However, Tbere le Ilralr f Opln I tn ae to How Director of Reeerer Aaaoplatloa; Shalt De Named. All tha Omaha business men on the stand before resident Taft's national monbiary commiealon at tha Ronto yester day morning expressed themselves In favor ul the Alditch-Vreeiand plan of currency reform, with ita National Reserve asso ciation. They were Luther Drake, T. C. Byrne, Frank L. Hallr-r, J. E. Haum, H. R. Gould, former Senator J. II. Millard, H. R. Cpdlka and J. A. Sunderland. Senator a. M. Hitchrock waa Invited to take the stand, but declined, aaying he waa ao prejudiced against the plan that ha would not mako a good witness. Judge Walter I. Smith of Council JJlufls also declined to be questioned, saying It waa. mors Important that the rommia slon should get the opinions of the busi ness men. T. C. Vyrne and J. A. Sunderland, while agreeing In the main with the provisions of tha plan, objected to the proposed appointment by the prealdent of members of tha board of director of the National Reserve association. AT. tha directors, they aald, should be elm-ted by the as sociation, except tho comptroller of the currency, who ahould be a director ex officio. len If a president should not regard party In making appointments, he would be accused of doing so nnd thla would work to tha dutriment of tha plan, they thought. Robert M. Bonyngo of tha commission assured them that the commission waa still undecided as to whether It would be best for the president to appoint. rkooalnaT tha Directors. Aside from the matter of the method of choosing directors, none of the witnesses had any suggestions to offer toward the Improvement of the plan. F. I Haller and N, 13. Updike said they trusted the bankers with their money and they would also truat them to work out the scheme for better financial system. "We are willing to put our financial affaire In the hands of specialists." said Mr. Haller. "When Henator Aldrlch ap peared before the Commercial club to talk on currency reform, there was a distinct prejudice agalnt htm, but ho shed his horns successfully In hla address to us. His report was the most exhauattve and his plan tha beat that has aver been pre sented to us. 'Tn this matter I cannot Imagine n con aplracy among bankers against their cue tomers. I don't fearnny banking trust, because tha anti-trust laws axe betnjf en forced In a way to warn the bankers to keep out of trouble. "When a commission as competent as this has thoroughly threshed out the matter, the business men generally will aoocpt their verdict." Mr. Byrne appeared particularly n oenaed by .Wail street methods. He said there would have been no panic In Mi U tha national banking laws had been enforced In New York In that year. He waa reminded that the first "run" was on the Knickerbocker Trust company, a state institution. It. R. Gould of tha United States Na tional bank favored Including state banks It the National Reserve association. He Also favored tha appointment of directors by the - prealdent, declaring; that he uouldn't Imagine a president small enough to make the appointment a political mat tor. Hitchcock la Aa-arrUred. Senator Hitchcock was aggrieved be cause Henry W. Tates, president of the Nebraska National bank, a known op ponent of tha plan, was not a witness, and announced to Secretary Wlqkhsm his Intention Of bringing Mr. Yates before tha commission thl afternoon. Mr, Wlckhsm e.Vd the meetlnga w1;re open to all and no special Invitations were sent out. ' , ', It developed during the hearlpg that Omaha banks Issued tl, 000,000 in ashler's checks and H.600.C00 in clearing hqusr cer tificates during the panic of iwf. AH were secured by commercial paper and the banks lost net a dollar. All the checks and certificates were re(yrned i to the banks and destroyed except auput 500 worth, which were held out as souvenirs, President Millard of the Omsha National bank said all of his cashier's checks were returned except one for 16, which was, kept by Vice President William Wallace as a aouvenlr. K. B.YreeUn4 nd K. U. J3onynga are tha only members of the commission left on the Job, the pthera a having become ill or worn out. The commission has held hearings In nurthefn.i western and' Pacific coast cUUh and haa Kanaas City and 8t. lula,Tt to Visit on Its presen( trip. The Un.erslty- cub entertained Messrs. Vreeiand.'Roninge and Secretary Wick ham at lunchevn. PRESS AGENT SAYS MRS. PANKHURST IS HARMLESS To the timid soula who aro anxious to ..ear Mre. Kmn.rlme l'jinkhurt heB all, ipeuke In Omaha, but see ai.ald of the .mUtant tactics for which the British suf- ranette la famous, the Boyd (heater man--tui.r,t tends an asutance lhat Mis ankhurst (a very juli In j, ,ytech nd not in the least Harming ju hor actions. Mrs. Pankhurafa adJreaa at the Boyd neater Kuvembi-r IT la un 'The Engipjt '. email's r'lalit for Ota Vot. th- I ..ale starts Thursday. Samson to Produce "Jolly Musketeers" One hundred youn' people of Omaha UI present the comic umii. 'Tha Jnttu Musketeers," at the Ak-aiar-Ben den In vebruary, under the auspices of the Knlghta of 'Ak-Ser-Ban.' It will bo. the society event of -,he sea son. The production wi: be In cliirso cf Oscar Ileben pd Prof. Prcemuutol will have, charge, of (he music. BONELESS MAN SENDS . THRILLS THROUGH BARBER Otto Meyer, loading man In tha ten torial parlors In The Bee bulldlna. la orioualy considering the production of a new p. ay. uilch could be appropi lately eaiiea, iita liuneloes Man ar4 the Har ber." Mr. Mlr gets this hur.eh from an incident that h amened a few days ago. lis was malting aintuth and clean the face of a pleasant man who had ciliated Into his chair with easy agility 111.4 settled himself with anakallke sinuoa .ty. Alter otto' had etiavsd tha man beyond a surplclcn of hirsute attachment and before lie could shift the chair from tho reclining position, the ouatomei lltipted his face around onto (he head rest, leaving the back of his neck ex posed, and murmured, "Neck shave, p rasa." W hen OttQ caught hs breath, he ejacu lated. "Wall, I'll stand for anything once, but flip-flops in this barber chair will ba barred hereafter." And when lmro to leave tha bonelesa man was aa ell!' as a preacher at a funeral.. Te Diaaolv the l aloa of stoma.. u. ..vi and kidney ttoublcsand cure blllousnsKs and malaria take tlec trio Bitteis. Ouoiantevd. Wo. for sale by Beaton Drug Co 4a EVERY WOfflAfJ WILL VOTE OUR GOAT and SUIT VALUES at Include Reversible and Blanket Cloth Materials, many color comblna'lons In tan, gray, blue and brown shades sizes. fri, THE DICGEOT OFFER THI3 SEASON THE COATS With Each Suit a Silk Petticoat FREE No need for much talk the salt values sprak. for themselves. The garment are the newest ntylfs, made of the bent materials nnd are actual 925.00 and f27.50 values, -special Saturday for 915.00. 33.50 Deposit and $1.09 Weekly yp ne "fln Fnni v ninn" nnn mfh's kni- ms sea a ill Sag laaaw W Illiu GET 0!E of THESE en's Sample SUITS or OVERCOATS at . . ACTUAL $10.00 VALUES Better Suits and Overcoats at $12.50, $15, $18, $20 and up to $30 MEN'S SillOTS J f . C A Sample Line i i that was bought M 4 v 1 at yg Off. U:Y 75c and $1.00 1 ) I values Saturday, l : ' A 45c -'J ; : ' Refused 4 can ,.J THE ALVVAYa UUSY IIOUfJE , Hi.ii..iil.nm..JMiMM.l.i)i n ...Mm - , . .,, ' rtlTljJL-rllir whi- . ZkZ$& .... thru . train to nor pot merely a through 6lceper, but a complete, independent train, which goes speedily oa its way, independent of all connections mindful only of getting you to Florida, on time and in comfort. The Kansas City-Florida Specia 1 Begins its daily trips to Florida, November 26th and goes through from Kansas City to Jack jsonville over the route' of shortest distance and quickest time the FriiCfrSouthern Railway. 0 chances enroute except for fresh 'encines and freshly stocked dinera the tlectric lighted leepera, electric lighted coaches and baggage cart go right through. , avinz Kansaa City, your evening meal is served in Fred Harvey dining car, Early net ornine another dinine car, freshly stocked as only Fred Harvey know how, is attached for ihe run to Uiimingham, y here another freshly stocked diner is attached. po misied cocnections-T-ho misted meals. All the way from Kansas City to Jacksonville ox will be cozy comfortable and contented, for cn the Kansas City-Florida Special the fcervict is '"special" apl the schedule "regular." it - v . J.M.. c.i c . Arrives Memphit Arrive Birroingh&m f a .1 . ...oau a. .".3:45 p. I a. a a a lAmves Atlanta a:ZU D. m. !" T Arrivei Jacksonville.." 7:40 a. m. ' Trains from (otnt north and west make rood conneo tiers la Kausas UUy wiU) ttl splsudlj paw Irsia. ror tlekats, slferlnf car rMarraUnoa, and a fre eopr el S aeuiifuj boolj kout (loV4a, call on oc wilta Frisco Tictet Office. Wnldheim Buadinjr, 1 1th and Main StreeU, Kansas City. J.CLOVRElN.DlTiaioB rainfrAtDt,KaVaasCit7 i. m. m. J A' Orrine for Drink Habit Any lfe pr mother who wants to rave her liuL'una or sun troiu - lirlnk ' w ill Le clad Jo Know inac she can purchase (iKHl.SC, the standard liquor habit rem edy that ae have aula fur year. ar.U I' mi beusftt la ubtattieit after a trial, the money lll he o'unJ3. OUHINU Is in a raj In two forma. No. 1, ascret ireatmenL a powdar, aha lutsly ta.tsleia Sld oUurleaa, lv:i a eretly In food or drink. OIIHINK N'o. . In pill form, la (or thuae who drslre laho voluntvilly troulment. OltHINL-'. costa only 11.00 a hox. Come In and set a tree LuoKlot ahout OH It I Mi hharman tt NU'Connell Iirna fa, lltn ami 1k1si. '4lh and t'ar.iaiu, t0- No. Uth tit.. Owl Drug Co.. 14th aud Harnay fcls-, Omalia, Nab. HAIR DALSAM l Jivet F1'. lo VfsHOr CrtJi lUtr to II Youtt.ful O 'cr. ' Cwtl c:tsfl s Kalt tu. f ar,B .JM IIT.' f THE OMAHA BEE Omaha's Great Home Paper A LITTLE SAGE AND SULPHUR MAKES THE GRAY HAIR VANISH A Harmless Way to Darken Hair; Simple Remedy for Ail Hair Troubles. nai "'' ,-.t know the value of aso and sulphur for seeping- the hair dara Li.t. ,'i.y iii.U In b"oJ cond'.tionT Aa a ir.aiur cf lact, sulphar Is a natural element of hair, and a deficiency of It In the hair is held by many scalp special ists to be connected with loss of color and vitality of the hair. Uniiuestlon ably there la no better remedy for hair and scalp trouble, especially pre-nature srajoeaa, than sage autl sulphur, If rrorerly prepared. The Wyeth Chemical Company of New York put tip an Ideal remrdy of this kind, culled Wcth's Sna and Sulphur Hair Itcnely, and nuthorUe drusflsti to sell It under guarantee tiiat the tn'oncy will be refunded tf It falls to lo exactly aa re preaenled. If jou have rtandruf(, or tf your hnlr U thin or turning trray, get a buttle of thla ren.ady from your tlrugsUt today, anil aee what It will do for you. Thla preraratlon Is offered to the pub" llo at fifty mils it bottle, and Is Tecum mended and told by gll druglata. Sherman A McConne'.l Drutr Co., Cor. Kill and Lod2. Cor. Uth and Harney, Cor. Jllh and Karnum, W- aitU lilb 6U, Loal lioteL