Daily Bee EDITORIAL PAGES ELEVEN TO TWENTY Our Magazine Features Wit, humor, fiction and oomla pictures the test Of entertain ment, lnstru-.t.on, amusement, VOL. XLI-XO. 12G. OMA.IA, SATHUUY MOKNIXU, NOVEMBER 11, VJll. KINULE COPY TWO CENTS. smi Candy Specials Bennett's GOc fresh lluffctn chocolate nt St)e the lb., COo chocolate dipped maraschino rhcr lies at :W)c the 1U. A 20c box of firsh salted pennnt, Saturday, for 10c. China Bargains BOc decorated baby plates, 2.V. I truss randlo sticks In artistic shapes, fiOc. Large glass punch honN with 6 sherbet Cups, 7"c. Odd lot brass match boxes ami ash trays, 10c. mm Sale of Flowers Iai'rc, freshly cut rosea, worth $1.00 tho dozen, on sale qq Saturday at J 'C Choice thyrsnitthctiiuin specially priced for Saturday only, f at, each, 15c and I'C 30c Ribbons at 15c One lot of five and six-Inch, all silk snt In, taffeta and mesaallno ribbons In black, white and a good variety of colors, worth up to COo the yard. Saturday only, 15c. EverMing for Everybcd Everything for Everybody writhing for EveryboQ , The Omaha a-'"v U1 1iiL. tiVff' 17 ,1 I Men Accustomed to Basking in the Smile of Prosperity Are Enthus iastic Over Bennett's $15.00 Suits $20.00 Values or More "When we say a $20.00 suit, or bettor, for $15.00, we do not moan that some little 6tore around the corner asks that much for them. We moan that somo of tho best stores in Omaha ask $20.00 or more for the same grade of a suit the ?cnnett Co. soils for $15.00. Since we started our campaign, for bettor clothing values in Oniaha, prac tically every clothing merchant in the city has had its representative trying to find out how wo can soil such clothes for so little money. Asido from tho annoyance it has caused, their work has boon a waste of time. e would gladly have told them if they had asked us. The rule is simple, and any store that loiiows out our rule can make as lug a success or their clothing business as we. Hero it is: DO NOT THY TO MAKE A FORTUNE OUT OF YOUll CUSTOMERS EVERY SATUKDAY-buy where best clothes aro made. There is no question about the quality of a Uenne f t Fifteen Dollar Suit, If we merely told you they were as good as other dealer' $20 or $25 suits you might do tbt our judgm nt and not come But note this-- to your personal appearance and your pocketbook wo ask you to do as others taavo done compare style for style, Quality for quality and prlco for price. We will BUbject our suits to any test you may wish. Some $18.50 and $20 suits are reduced to 915 for Saturday's selling that tho slc, color and pat- 1 "J 1 1'7J 101 On big- lot of all wool salts from this Sanson's sailing-; heavy weights that hava teen priced at $18 and 830, to close, Saturday. $13.50 A lot of man's winter trons. ars worth npt . Q i $3.00, Batnrday V -I J J Every suit that goes out of this storo bears an irrevocable guarantee of strictly all wool materials and the very best workman ehfp obtainable. And the suits that have been sold from this store this season have been measured by other standards by the man who wears them and his verdict coincides with the assertion we make that they are equal in every way to suits selling elsewhere at fo.vu or more in price, vompnnson n;ts proven our supremacy to others, in justice 180 man's and young man's ovsr ooats of all wool gray, tan and dark mlstureej have convertible, collars! reg-nlar $19.60 costs. for Saturday only Man's nil wool tronsars that puts teenJssUlnr op to &J CI $4.00, Batnrday. Sj!l.JD $9.75 tern ranges may be as good as al the beginning of tho season. Great Attractions in the Mens Furnishings Store th n.ilitary col1ar8--special at $2 Men's grey,' Mas "a tn laiinsl "" . ,n. n rlzes, that regularly sell lit, $1.50 each, baturdsy, 88o for your choice. Purchased Your New Hat Yet? Men's Men reads oiitlnff f'annal pajamas, accurately cut and proportioned and I " AT . TT O 1 Otis lot of men's l!4o finely ?"lifbJI bed Thrhouf-tl.rro bTg line. nt $1.00, f.1.25 anu $f.f,0 the suit. Vl CU S llOSICrV OVCCJal po,.ton half hose lit black flannel nignt roues in a bo"" "i ntv faiicua mm in oniy, an sizes, hjio- fi i iui iuiu v o i'bhb iur Aiiv, ur, ilia biii(io imir, vo. Men's Underwear Lower Than Common If not. you will be dcllnrhteil with the new Beratch-np Men's wool, union suits from thrrn of the heat snd smooth finished bats In brown, grey anu mack; ut makere in tho IhiiU liooper. Utenlx anU lr 12 (10. 12 .50 nnil IM.on PBfM, WrlKht's I2.r.0. 1.1 00 Hnfl ta.r.O the suit. Tina imported beaTer bats that m out stores ask $6.00 Men's wool shirts and drawers hetter qualities fnr Mi.ll hofA fit 14 T,0. I thHM Vnn lilivrt MVitr Itnl'.trA m.w.ii nt II III 11 ? Imported velonr hats, in brown anil niacn. at 3.oo. Alao a blv stock of fnr lned wlntar caps in urey. brown, hlne anil hlHCk an low a 2'ia and fruiu that lrice up to $1.50. rienty of service in them ltlntr 46c, &9u. lie, $1.00 and $l.ov each. . Have You Seen the Cufturn Shirts? Finest shirts for bunliesa ami office men that have ever been Invento.t. If your turfs become soiled and vou have a Cufturn shirt all you have to do In un'faHten your cuff links, turn your cuffs over, put the links back In place a frenh, tiew j.Blr of cuffs; juet like that. U's a clover Invention that makes the attached cuff Mi!i-t more practical than ever. Ask to see them the first time you are in 'he store. A variety of materials una patterns at $1.50 and $2.00 per shirt. Men's fine California flannel shirts Sweater Coats for Men and Boys Wo bavs Just received 100 doren wool sweater coats, for men, to sell at $2.00 to $4.00 each according- to the qunllty. They are from the famed Ascot Mills of Phila delphia, and come In blue, tan, drey and maroon colors. Choice of V neck, military or stornv collar styles. Hoys' wool sweater coats In tho V neck or auto collar styles, several colors to soled Jrom, $1.00 and $1.25 each. than you luivo ever he lore seen ut $1.00, $1.5, $1.50 and $.U0 the Kurment. Special for Satwdav Only One lot of lamb's wool fleece lined shirt and dravers, worth il.OO the garment r., tvorth $1.00 it. at - . . OzfC Boys' Suits and coats Probably the most Interesting- Item to the majority cf mothers Will be the suits at 3.!8 and 1.PH. They are all wool, of Knicker bocker style, and Include all of the "boy'' tanhlons that are popular this seaRon. Some of them have an extra' pair of pants to match. Up to $3.00 Talnas go at $1.98 Vp to $4 00 Values go "at a.98 Very stronjf lines of boys' suits are also shown at $1.60, $4.00 and $5.00. Made of all wool matcrlala In tan, icrey. brown, blue colors to fit boys from to 17 years of ase; hava an extra pair vf pants to match. Big boys' and children's overcoats that have been great sellers this season at prices to $4.30: $1,98 Man's wool fleeoad shirts snd drawers purchased to eell sn a leader at IHc tho garment Uiorelore, extra value for your nvoupy. divided into two lots and priced for Saturday at $2.98 and Ton will find other overcoats at $!l.50, $4.00 and $5.00 to be money-saving; propositions. All slsea, from 2 Hi to 17 years, of cuHHlnieies, cnevlotn, rhtnchllla and heaver cloth. Boys' and children's hats and caps In a great variety of felts, Velours, chlni o i in i.75 each. A large collection of boys' separata trouaers, worth up to 75c, (Saturday, oOo. Hoys' I'lothlng- liepnrtme.il, .Second 1'loor. New Coats Coming Daily At $1 7.50 . v. . JnAln. anaann Ktj'lnoSJ Blld mixtures 111 tlTOWn ore several new ideas that have made their appearance wun lu miniT hood 1 effect at the back-aud many and grey with large collars slightly trimmed with a contrasting collar for other pretty styles. The style of these coats will be Quicaiy pprec. . Womzn's tlannelette Dressini Sacques Another new lot recently ar rived will be shown for the first time Faturday. They are full cut, warm and plenslng in pattern. A variety of styles at M)c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50' each. note how gracefully they hang and how perfectly they aro proportioned. Materials 1 and workmanship are of the better sort. j New Black, Brown, Tan ana,uray iaroaaemtu -uncviui. xy : : . ' 1 . ' nn cr COR An ,111 uoats, in aii Bizes, at auu "'Wi Plain tailored stvles with notched or sailor collars trimmed with nar row. braids; lined with Betting's guaranteed satin-a very strong show X of these much-called-for coats that are so hard to unu. ..mg All Mothers Should Read Everv One of These Items Our departments devoted to Infants, children, girls and misses are "chock full" of the right rort faJln5 ablea for the little folks and those who want things like the older sister bas-coats. dresses. weat era hats caps etc each preserving the girllshness of style all mothers want. The variety in each line Is very extensive, the quality tne very best and the price as low as is consistent with reliable merchandise. , Children's and Cir's' Sweaters Sizes for the little ones and up to 16 years. Made from all wool and worsted yarns in single and double-breasted styl s, with muitary or shawl cnllar. in a unlendi varietv of weaves and colorings. According to tne size and quality. $1.98. $1.50, $1.25 and 95c 1 I V a a Knitted Wear for Little Folks such as caps, leKerlns. skirts, sncques, etc. In fact you can find every knitted needful in the Juvenile department They are real serviceable articles too. reasonably priced at 25c, 35o and up to $1.25 the garment. Children's andCirls' Coats Come, Saturday, and look over our very large varieties in all of the wanted fabrics and i:oloring.i. There's no bet ter time than now for choosing. Thers are . . Costs for Infants. . Costs for Ages One to Six Tears. Coats for Ages Six to Pourtsen Tears Coats for Ages Tourtssn to Elg-hteea Isach of these divisions has some par ticular characteristic that distinguishes it from the others and makes It correct In style and quality for the ages for which lntemisd. ... . $:.S.ri, $3.5.1, $5.00 and up to $15.00, according to size, material and finishing. Girl's New Dresses There's no better showing of girls' dresses in the city than ours-well made from the most reliable fabrics, plenty of width In the skirts, dainty girlish trimmings, colors to meet their wants, stylos pleasing to all con cerned. Pardon us for "harping" so much on these points but we know they concern you In every garment you buy for your child and we know that the garments we offer you con tain every feature essential to the satisfaction of yourself and your girl. So we ask you to visit this depart ment Saturday especially. And bring along the girl. Chances are she will aid you in choosing. Prices range from $2.50 to fC.75 for ages six to fourteen years. A Shoe Sale for Men and Women There will bo largo doings in the shoo storo Saturday for we aro going to clear out all ot tho broken linos and odd lots from this season's selling, enabling you to save from $1.00 to $1.6.") on every pair you buy. 1 Women's Shoes Worth Up to $4.00 at $2.35 a Pair Of course, this item is principally for women who wear small sizes but all women can be reasonably suro of being fitted if they come early in the day. In this lot are patent colt button and laco shoes with either turned or welted soles, and button and laco dull leather shoes with wide toes and weltod soles. , Please note that you will not find these shoes on bar .gain tables. You will bo fitted out of tho stock with the sanio care and skill as if you wero paying tho full price. Again, come early. ' Men s Shoes in tan and black leathers and all sizes: button and lace styles that have sold all season at or j $3.50 the pair; are reduced, for Sat- turday's selling, to : $2.45 Minses' and children's Jockey hoots of putent colt and dull leathers with red or black 10-inch tops are priced as follows $2.00 for sizes 0 to 8, $2.75 for sizes 8 to 11, $3.00 for sizes ll'i to 2. 1,000 Pairs of Children's Shoes, 95c One thousand pairs of children's shoes of vici kid leather with patent tips; button and lace styles in sizes 8V2 to 11 and 11 Vis to 2; values up to $1.35, I Saturday, while they last, 95c the pair. Hoys' sturdy shoes In tUi of the newest lasts In both, button and lace styles also the new high-top tana $1.50 to $4.00 the pair, according to the size. These shoes ars made for what happens m well as for looks. $5,00 to $15.00 Hand Dags, Saturday, $3.98 This Is n closlnir out of broken lines nnd odd lots, but don't con fuse tho offer with the averuKe sale of this character. Lot conslnts or beautiful novelty hand bags of leathir, velvet, tapestries, etc.; aU down-to-dats styles. $5 to $15 values, for Saturday only, $3.1)8. Agents' ample Leather 'Novelties, Half Price including- women's and men's dressing- rases, manicure sets, flasks. 111111, c ces. V these articles upon tho payment of a small deposit, iiiorlUlnn rimes, hnnd nurses, bill fo exactly one-half of their reiiular prices. Iirar rases, etc. all nt We will lay aside any of Purchase Sale of Willow Flumes, French Plumes and Bird of Paradise Continued If you will just remember that Bennett's is the only store in Omaha that guarantees willow plumes, you will begin to grasp the money-saving possibilities of this sale. Be sides being reduced in price, each plume is sold with a written guarantee of absolute sat isfaction, a new plume or your money back. Special 'attention is directed to the large showing of bird of paradise and aigrettes at half price. And besides the items advertised there will bo extra special offer ings on our new Millinery Bargain Square. Guaranteed Willow Plumes $W.98 Black and White Only 24 inches long and 22 inches wide. .Guarant-"d French PL' cs .98 Guaranteed Willow Plumes $12 98 Black, White and Colors 25 Inches long and 22 Inches wide. Guarantied French P'wres 98 Regular Price, $8.98 Black Only, Full 20 inches long. Regular rr. $5.98 Black snd V, nite, Full 19 Inches long. Beaver Hats at $1.98 Beaver hats a.re quite popular for win ter wear and In this lot you have a choice of all wanted shapes. Although Saturday's price is only $1.93 the tatj are worth double. Black oniy. Guaranteed Willow Plumes C1h QQ 4 lI.SU Comes in Black Only 29 inches long and 26 Inches wide. Guaranteed Frenc Plumes $6.98 Regular Trice, $15.00 Black, White and Colors Full 26 Inches long. fa r Silk Velour Hats at $1 This lot of Imported silk velour hats comes In all the wanted colorings and small, medium and large shapesrequire very little trimming. Up to $1C00 val ues, to close. Saturday, $1.00 each. J'lsiV4.v' Hardware Bargains 4 60 Perfection sifters galvanized aah $3.3 $1.60 Clean Cllrper axes with hard Wood .d. idles $1.19 $1.00 setf-wringiPK mop 7Eo 15c qt.-Hi,-.o corn oi er Co $2 60 heavy bread and cuke bnxea plain or oak iiuisii !. udlocks v,ith 2 keys..35o stoves So ood bath tub seats... BSC $l$l)0 sai runKea with ll-lmli "-'n broiler urid ahiiinerlng- oven. .$13.93 liXTIlA 30 HTAMI'H KICUK itn every Link enameled or Savory IjL plain or i ;1 $0c brass pi 1 1 f $0o alcohol I t (0c hard Two Hosiery Specials jor Saturday Only Women's 5c full ri-jfular made hosiery with wli!e welt tops, high spllcctl heels and double toes; fast black; 17c tho pclr or 3 p;iin fur &0c. Women'i seamless silk boot hos iery with wide garter tops and ex tra heavy heels and toes; strictly fast black; regular 60c values for 35c. Wooden Ware Wooden salt boxes 10c 85c palm leaf knife baskets for 50c 2 5c holly wood potato masher 10c lndivldua. butter prints ......Be Wooden buckets of all kinds 10c Cigar ash truys, to close out tie 3 boxes Japanese toothpicks 5c 8-drawer spice cabinets 43c Eight rolls Bennett's "Special' toilet paper for Gloves for Women and Child' ran They're Under-priced Women's high grade, 2-clonp Rlace gloves with Paris point embroidered backs; tans, greys, browns, navies, greens, black and white; made from the finest imported skins; sizes from 6 to 714 inclu sive; $1.25 values, at 08c the pair. Heavy, Imported, single clasp gloves for winter wear; black and white and a variety of shades cut In mannish styles; $1.50 values at $1.10 tho pair. Woman's, hoys', misses' and ohlldrn's eashmsrs and golf g'oves In a largo assortment m fancy colorings; vulueb up to 75c tho pair at 86o for your, choice. Women's heavy flaecs lined cashmere gloves In navy, brown, grey and black Juet the right sort of a Klove for this season of the year all sizes, BBe the pulr. Toilet Goodi and Drug iOa Pompelan massage crenm 990 Graham's Sue cucun.lier and elderf lower creuni. . . .34o Hind's 60e honey and almond cream 39o $1.50 Oriental cream sao z6o Swanndown powder , 160 60c Java rice powder aso 1'ozzonl'a 50c powder sfo 2Bo Fnnitol tooth powder , lto 60o 1'ehflco tooih pants 3o Grave's 25c tooth powder 140 Williams' and Colgate's Km; shaving soap So habcoi k s 250 C'orylopsls powder 15o 25c Cutlctira soai OOo 2fa 4711 glycerins soap -.140 25e White 1'lne cough syrup.. 80o 15c lb. borax loo 15o -lb. hottle peroxide ...So l ennett's 15c Antlrhap lao 60c t'ullfnrnla Hyrup of l-'lga 4oo I'liiklittiu'a $1.00 vegetable compound for 8o Misses' and School GiW. Corsets at 50c Long hip models of good, strong materials, firmly boned and sup plied with four hose supporters The kind we regularly sell at 70c, Saturday only, 50c. Discontinued $1.00 Corsets at 50c These corsets are splendidly adapted to bouse wear as they are . made of good materials and allow the maximum of freedom la move ment. All sizes in the lot. Regu lar $1.00 values at 50c, Saturday. li A Sale of Popular Fiction Alexander Corkey's, "Tho Victory of Allan ltutledge;" Nicholson--' 'The Lords of High Dcelson;" Connor "Glengarry School Days;" Counor--"The Man from Glengarry." 5 0c a Volume Winter Weight Underwear for Women, Girls and Boy Children's vests, pants anA drawers, slightly soiled from dlav play, 12 He each. Women? s vests and pant thor oughly well made of good mater ials, the usual 35c kind at 25c th garment Women's first grade, fleece Una ed vests and pants of extra qual ity combed yarns; both regulai and extra sizes, specially priced at fiOc the garment. Women's fleece lined nnloK suits in white only, sizes C and t!, 60c the suit. H! -in- Complete Unas of children's vnlosi salts at SOo to $1.60 the suit. Womsn's high grade anion salts In all styles and sizes, priced ss tha material Km quality warrant at $1.09 to $3.79 tha suit. FURE'FRESH(l SPECIALS "Quality considered--More jfbra. dottartfan a tfoiiarwill buy elsewhere Pennett's Host coffee and 20 slainpi, lb 85o 8 lbs. Dennett's Heat coffee snd tu sUrnps $1.00 AsMorted teas and 75 stamps, lb. 6Ho AsHorted teas and 40 stamps, lb. aao 6-lb. can II. C. baking powder and 100 stamps $1.00 30c Jar prexerved Tiffs for i)()l;iiiK H;rAtrs"6N huttehTnk 2-1 i. pkK. lieunett's Capitol buckwheat and 10 HlamiiN ISiO lUamond Crystal table salt and 10 stampi auik 100 3 pkK. Dennett's Capitol uilnceir.eat and 10 stamps 95o Full t ream cheese and 10 stamps, lb SOo Vlrr'nU swIhm cheese and 10 stamps, lb. ..SBo MmbiiiKer cheese and 10 stamps, lb SOo Assorted pickles and 10 stamps, bottle. ... loo Holder's chile sauro and 10 stamps, boUleBo 10 11AU.S H1AT-'KM-ALL I.AL'N Oil V "SOaTp for oo Culllard's oll ve oil and 80 stamps, bottle &5o heeded rulslns and 10 stamps, pkg., at..l3Ho A Grocery Combination that Zvery Housewife Heeds, Three packages n. C. Mincemeat SBo 1-lb. can H. '. Hakinir l'owdor 84o Two pkK. Reeded I'.alsins Alio Mottle ;alllard's .dive uil SOo 2 cans II. C. Country Gentleman Corn....s5o 2 cans II. C. Wholo Tomatoes.,., 850 All the above for $1-49 And you (at 130 stamps free. Fru t and Vegetable Prices Reduced for Saturday Extra fancy potatoes, per bushel SBo I.xua fiincy llorlda grape fruit. 3 for 35o I-am y lurKe l aiiunus, pur doiell ISO l aiicy bolld cabbage, lb lljO Jcl.-t y sweet potatoes, 3 lbs. 10c, or, peck 40o .1 lartiu heuds plain lettuce 10o Fancy California tomatoes, lb 100 I rish Kimllsh wal:itits, lb 83H 1 ancy wux beans, lb lOi lted sloba onions, peck 40o Teja slf tings and 15 stamps, lb. 18o 85o can Geo. Jjalidet's niarsctilnu cherries for j' ;!. a8 15 I b"sr"o rtX.N u Dated huoa'h $1.00 ( lbs. iiavy beans for flBo Lun.nn cakesf resh and delicious very -pedal at, the lb. ISO ISo .MEAT Veal Xf Roaat 12V2c, Vft ioc Veal Chops, v 10c I Calumet I rtnmn I i6y2c. Vu-, 3 cakes York ltose toilet soap and lu stamps SSo 2-lh. pkrf. neunett's Capitol oats and 10 stamps 104 S-lb. pktr. Hennett's Capitol wheat and 10 stamps 10o 21b. pkg. Hennett's Capitol pancakti flotr and 10 stamps lOo BAPfiAINS- Pork Loins llic Tork Roast . .10o I'ork Butts . .13 He Tot Ilosst, ...8Hc and 7 He Shoulder Steak, S pounds for . . . 25c Hamburger, 3 lbs. for 23c No. 1 Skluned Hams 'at 13?c No. 1 I.ean I'jcon, at 1H 9 lbs. Leaf Iard l$l 4 - J 3 JjJ iamb X Chops i" 10c. jj Lamb si and I Veal Stew, i 4V4e 1 . Lamb 1 Legs 9-2c.