Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1911, Page 12, Image 14

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K1 a V V at MWsi M M A aM aw A. a. a a H tTt
AU til
Oo oa
S sternest.
All tb
Wc Welcome the Teachers of Nebraska
Make Our Great Store Your Meeting Place
I'm oar frr waiting rooms and rent room, free writing
desks and stationery, free baggage) and parrel rtink room, free
delivery of purchases to any depot In Omaha. ' Best moderate
prlred restaurant and lunch room In Omalia. Visit our Tom
peinn Itoom. See. our three (trout tunnel under the streets ton.
porting Four Dig Draudeln Building.
In Our Great Basement' Salesroom
All the Children's Dresses
From the Barnes & Co Stock.
ON SALE FRIDAY, at. . . . .OU t
Scores and scores of children's
pretty wash dresses, , in nges 2 to
14 years all colors stripes,
checks, plaids, etc. Dutch necks,
sailor collars, pleated fronts, well
made; fine for every day wear and
positively worth up to Cfl
$1.50; Basement, Fri- "
day, at, each. .
All the Women's Long fleeced Kimonos
Great variety of patterns, good service
able kimonos, all colors; choice of Barnes
stock, worth tip to $1.60, Q
at, each ''
All the Women's and Children's
Outing Flannel and Knit Garments at 25c and 50c
Night gowns of outing flannel, all sUes; also knit petti
coats and outing flannel skirts, odds and ends from the Barnes
stock on special sale. . -
s; S
All the Sweater Coats
Women's, Misses' and
From the Barnes & Co.
slrable quality sweater coats
In new styles, all colors, var
ious weaves. Long and short
sweater coats, very well
made, and worth actually up
to 15.00, at
$1.98, $1.50,
93c and . .
All the Sateen Petticoats
Great assortment of black and col
ored sateen petticoats, ample cut,
very well made, neatly trimmed,
will wear wonderfully well in all
Eizes; choice of the (t
Barnes stock, worth :v30
up to $1.00; at, each ......
Just Received from Miohau A Co., New York Importers
Thousands o! Imported Dress Goads Samples
42 to 00-inch materials in 3 to 10 . of ono kind to match
up serges, diagonals, wool taffetas, novelty suitings,
etc.; all colors and black; Bargain OCA Cn
square, at,' each uDC'JuC
All the Single Pieces from this Great Lot one
yard long; at, each . IQq
Manufacturers' Samples and Remnants of Allover
Laces, Insertions, Galloons, Net Top Laces, Etc.
All kinds white, black und colors two big bargain
lots; at, each .x0e and 29c
French and German Val. Laces and Insertions
Linen torchons, narrow crochet, cluny and Armenian
effects; also curtain cluny laces; values up to rn
12 c a yard, at, yard. . . . DC
Great Sale Warm Winlcr Fleeced Goods
The outing flaunel we sell Friday hns warmth, weight,
yet is fine, soft and fluffy. New styles that Q1 n
are bright, fresh and new; at, yard .V gC
Short mill lengths heavy outing flannel; at, yard. .6c
New de-igus in Serpentine. Crepe, kimono length; at,
yam 101
Persian challies and fancy
robe prints; at, Ql
yard 071
S lbs. white hand rolled cotton
batts, opens up 72x84 inches,
earn, Hoc value, at
per batt
FlwfJ flannelettes for
making warm achout
and house dresses
bulla or dress lengths
l4c valuta, ci.
at yard. .
Fancy drehs
ncy drefca ainahami,
hurt mill lengths
sair.o. as tv,e Red
Hal qualltr: will so
on aalo at. per c,.
ard 9C
Fancy dress calicoes
and shirting print
remnants will be
told at, yd. 3.M
Hemmed It 1
(Spreads 7.V Full
also crochet; $1
values, will go on
ale at 75
l.luen 5o yd.
17-ln. unbleach
ed 10c all linen
trash for ' roller
towels, yd., at 5
ISo lUUi Towels Oc
. Oood stse,
bleached; 15c val
ues will go ou
. Q
In Our Basement Clothing Dept.
Men's $8.50 Overcoats at $5.00 Black and Oxford with
velvet collar; also brown and drab mixtures fcr A A
in the 50 in. length with Convertible collars 0 J.UU
Boys' 56.CO Overcoats at $3.50-ln ages 8 to 10 venra
Ixmg lengtha with convertible collars; ox- Jn r A
fords, browns and blue mixtures vOe jU
Boys' Overcoats-ln ages 2U to 8 yrs.; various shades;
. reefers or Hussians with velvet collars a4 An
worth up to $4.00, at 1.58
Another Shipment of Boys' $1.00 Corduroy and Wool
Knickerbocker Pants Heavy weight and in
serviceable, at . ... '
a v 0
Tlie Teachers
Nehrsaka are
to Make
1'ae of All Uio
of this
Great 8tre.
They're Free.
I J Every Time You Spend a Dime You J J
jjlS Get an S. & H. Green Trading Stamp. V-
l ae Our Free
Stands, 1 1 ee
I'ree Kent
Meet Your
Friends at
This 8 1 tire
Visiting Teachers Are Invited to
O S C it r .
&ee ur opecmny Beautiful Showing
oj ycivet ouitSy L,oats ana Dresses
Velvets are Quite scarce thin aeaann onit Vttrv fnrtnnnta In.
deed, Is the merchant who can show such a splendid collection
as that you will find at this store-there Is no equal In Omaha.
Many new points of grace and distinction show they are the latest
word In the tailoring art. Not expensive, either, when you con
sider the quality and the style.
Velvet Suits at $35.00 and upward
Velvet Dresses $19.50 and upward
Velvet Coats at $39.50 and upward
An attractive lot of reversible coats of very
soft, fine, all wol mixtures with collars that
button up c ose to the neck; have unde belTTn
the ack, lare pockets and come in pretty col
or combinations of gray, purple, tan, navy and
red Expert shoypers say they r
are the bsst coats in town at. . tj JL I e5t
Separate Skirts in Many New Styles
Two-piece effects, plain gored models and, Introducing for
the first time In Omaha,
' The New Hoop Skirt
This new model Is made of plain serges, worsteds and nov
elty fabrics and comes In plain black, navy, brown and grey and
striped and broken plaid designs. $5.00 to $15.00 each if you
care to Invest. -
New XVaists Visiting Teachers will Want to See
Our waist department is running over with the newest waist
styles-something for every use and occasion. Choose from mes
caline and taffeta waists In semi-dress Ideas,, plain tailored
waists and sh rts and evening or dress walsta In all the desirable
-C? 2?nd. dellcate "hades. All sizes specially priced for Friday
at $2.95, $3.60 and $3.95 each. - ,v-cu lor r naajr
f ft
One lot of
waatar coat
woman's Ions'
worta up . to
J8.50 aach, Friday, whila thay
Mat, roar nnraetrlo- n n
tad ebolca at .i.t. OOillO
or woman's draas
sklrta in a Tarlaty of mater
ials, gtylas and oolore and all
uaa, main spa.
olal prtoa. t . . i . . . 4 .
"Various Winter Cloves Priced Below
Actual Value for Friday & Saturday
$5.00 Silk Und.rshrts ReJu:ed to $2.95
Made of high grade chiffon taffetas In beautiful Dresden'
P,trtrrnnd,f,nl8.he1 w,th deep flounc email tuck, and dust
ruffle. All lengths in , all of the delicate shades as well as the
darker ones. Actual $5.00 values, for Friday only, $2 95
Women' hig-h grade, 2-
claup glare gloves with Paris
point embroidered backs; tans,
Creys, brown, navlea, Rreena,
lack and white: tnal from tha
fluent Imported aklnx; lra from
S to 7 44 iiiilualvei values, at
So the (.nlr.
Heavy, imported single
tlap gloves for Winter, wear;
black and white and a variety of
, shades cut In rountilsh styles;
$1.00 values at 11.10 the pair.
Women's, boys', misses'
and children's cashmere and golf
gloves in a large assortment of
fancy colorings; values up to 75c
the pair at 23c for your choke.
Women's, heavy fleece
' lined cashmero gloves In navy,
brown,, grey and black-Just the.
right sort of a glove for this serf
son of the year-all sizes, 25c
the pair.
The Greatest Book Section
in the West is a Part of
This Great Store
ThouandB of volumes of wanted
books jtre on our ahelvea and
ii"' y"?1 n a manner that
inakea iiiBpettlon and aelectlo,
eaey. 8.V.,ml libraries reeil vi
npeilal. attention. Two special"
for t'rlday s selllnr. ".iata
Heart Throba-a Kreat collectl.m
?e"orl,;.'m,e.,r0' 'na 'ry-oOo
. V1? w of Os Book
and tbe bea dairies. S8o the vol-'
Two Hosiery
Women's 2.1c full
regular made hosiery
with wide wolt tops,'
high spliced heels and
double toes; fast
black; 17c the pair or
8 pairs for 50c,
Woman's seamless silk
beot hoalery wltU whla
Knrter tupa and extra
heavy licla and toea;
atrltily tutu black: rK
ular DOo values for 8 So.
Sale Winter Weight Underwear
for Wcmtn, Girls and Boys
Children's vests, cants ami drawers.
allKhtly acilled trom display, llUo each.
Women's Testa and pants tlioroutchly
well ir.ade of -ood materials, the usual
-idc kind at ao ne sarment
Woman's first r4e, fleece lined vests
and pants of extra uulity combed yurna;
both rmular and extra Biles, specially
priced at Oo the garment.
Woman's fleece lined anion salts In white
only, sixes h and . 90o the Hiilt.
Complete lines of children's anion salts
St 60o to 91.60 the suit.
Women's htra gTe union salts In all
styles and sua.4, priced aa the material
and quality warrant at $1.00 to S3.7S tha
suit. '
Broken Lots of. Corsets
in a Big Sale Friday
These arc all up-to-dato modeis and
good, elean stock that have been selling
at $1.50 to $8.00 each. Among them you
can find a sizo that will fit'aud become
you. "Some are mado of silk brocades in
while, pink and bluo colors; the others
of finest quality batistes and coutll. A few reduc
ing corsets are Included., Divided Into three lota
and p'lced for Friday only, at
89c, SI. 49. $2.49
SOc llrassierc, wo'l male from good quality
matcrtalj and trimmed with lace, marked down,
for Friday only, to 29c each.
Domestics and Linens
Lessened in Price
55c, 72x$0-lnch seamed bed
sheets of nice, round thread mus
lin, Friday, 30c each.
10c outing flannels In a good
variety of shades and patterns,
heavy weight. Friday, 7 He the
$1.59 large size cotton bed
blankets In white, grey and tan
with harmonUing borders; Fri
day, $l.iu the pair.
11.10, full sixe hammed bed spreads
In a ood line of new patterns, for .
FrJ'oltty, Te","" ony- 8 each. 4
S9c, 72-inch, unbleached table dam-
. ill i"ortJ patterns, Ylday
only, SSa .he yard '
Linen crash, with blue borders
never before sold for lesa than J4o
the yard. Friday only. 5c. u
Colonial XVactr Sets
Fridecy On)y 49c
Thesa sets consist of six tumblers
and one .arae tankard--aro worth at
least Uouulo this price.
1,000 dozen heavy Co-
lonial shaped W a ter
Tumblers, worth 60c
the dozen,
Friday only.,
$33 Peninsular Heaters
for Hard or Soft-Coal, to
Llase, $'i9.00.
.7, lJ-ouart aluminum preserv
ing knttles for SS.tS
Oil hvatera with nlckle ptuied
trliiuuinKs, kuaranleaa In everv
way, apt-iluUy puced at . SJ.M
Mra. 1'otis' lOu nail Iron handles fto
loi-, -lnch sheet Iron atuve plvo
ellxiws fur 100
t- il Idtal t-buruer UtVlug ovens,
at si sa
It 00 heavy, fancy oak flnlBhe I
rake luaets S2.d
40u Jupanneu coal bods for ,.85a
2&u hed lertl hatchvls . ... ..loo
5 no stovo brushai, i;ood quality.
st lfto
16c Perfection toleis( noun tid
ier 'i.Uiit , .BSo
Barrel uali alfteis o
0 W1"" of ,,ny corated Japan
eae china solars and oreaman r.
ulor 11.00 value for iViday OI , fc
An: Cut PricQ Days InThe
rxgrure rood Grdcery
23 Per.. Cent Discount
on All Fruit, Flower,
Waste, Work and Ftncy
Baskets Friday,
lilus Jecorated china renal Jars.
at is
lilus lecureted china salt buxta
at , i...lo
lilue decorated china sploo Ja-a
at . too
lilua decorated china rolling plnn,
at S3o
1'atenld hardwood wrl'sr
ben, h,- 91. as
.Dual ebaorblna broom covera SA
Cut Macaroni, lb.
pkt!- and 10
aluinpa . . . -100
jl wiury combination tht Svsry
Moaaewlle Heeds.
Three pao.tatfre 1!. C. ldlncemeat 8 So
1 ll), can li. i'. Haklus Powder ..S4o
Two pkfc's. Seeded Halalna Sbo
ltottU oalllard a tillve Utl B!o
X cans li. C. Country - Uentleunin
Corn . 8 So
2 cans U. O. Whois Tomatoes . ...8o
All th above for 1.4S
And you (at iJO stamps free.
ttennetts Uct coffee and 20 stamps.-
lb a3o '
S lbs. Bennetts Best coffee and
stampa (1.00
AasKirted teaa and ii atampa. lb. see
Assorted Wta and t slajnpa. lbv Sao
Tea slftlnija and 15 atampa, lb. . .l&e
l-lb. can b. C tiuklng powder an, I
lt'0 atamp .81.03
Jfc can Oho. lall Jet's iuarsciii4
cherries for .8t
16 lb
ntANl'l.ATKU k-lHlAU tl.Od
( lbs. t;avy brans for .80
Lemon ,-aKea f rvet- and dellclou-.
very ip ll at. tha lit Its
10c jar paraerveU f)( for 13a
3 cakes fork ltoae toilet
10 stan. a
soap ant
1'Ut'UI.K t-TAMf'a tt-TuVrTTKHI Md
io s;,:utiw - Vo''
!-lh. ,k. Hennetta CauiVoi " wl i?
and 10 ata.npa .... . .
.-lb. pkg. Uennetta Capitol pancake
aPnKd" "c.meg
Full rr.u ..l. i . k' aos
ii. T siaini
'lrrinlu ..t'.J J '' '1 .
lb. u staim,s,
Minburicr' ' VboeVo ' and' io" atan'ii
Assorted p-ckle and 10 atoi'iipa." b..t-
n u . . . . , loo
Srldera . h,le anuce and,
bottle sftQ
MUP fjr . S6o
(h lllard a olive oil and : 3 stain rs"
Seeded raisins and la staitips,"fHa
- ll-o
I'se t)ur Free
Clieck Itoom,
Free Kent
Room, Free
1 y I Oi. "nano B
Jt"t , ' fni; ' ; . , Department.
nr.LiAnLt-sYorr. '
Make- yourself perfectly at homo in our store. Any accommo
dation In our power will be cheerfully granted you. Command us.
t:::x Women's Petticoats
we aLssvs
Entire, surplus of two
prominent manufactur
ers on sale at greatly
less than half actual re
tail worth.
Elegant Silk Petticoats,
made to sell up to $15,
v in taffetas and messa
linea, in all colors and
black; matchless at
sale price .
$4.00 Silk Underskirts
actual values to $4,'
at $1.50
Fine Heaths-bloom Un
derskirt? The Klosfit
brand in all the new
styled, including the
embroidered bottom
skirts, values to $3.50;
on sale at S1.50
teen and Heatheiblooin Underskirts, Including Klosfits, regulor
values to 12.00 on sale, choice I5IU
Many Del'irhtful Special Bargains In Bolts, Coats, Drssiss, Waists,
furs, Xto. Valasa Toa Cannot Duplicate.
)0 Silk Underskirts PHMfi
$1.50-Taffetas and MmM
salines, good as- iSisj
rtment of colors an(liwiriri H I
Imported Bearskin
Cloahings at Half
1,000 yards of fine silk furs,
bearskins, caraculs and 62-lnch
Astrakans, In good line 'of
colors, regular $2.98 to $7.50
yd. values. 1.50 to 83.75
$2.00 Uress lioods 08c Storlil
serges, panamas, cheviots, Ve
netian cloths, diagonal and
fancy suitings, plain' colors,
fancy stripes and checks
64-inch, 56-inch wide, values
to $2.00 yard G8c and 08
80 and 44 Inch Dress Fabrics
In plain and fancy weaves
" French serges, shepherd checks,
hair-line -stripes, armure suit
ings, storm serges, etc, J
-;38t and 4S
at .
Friday Silk
Bargains .
All silk crepe de chines, In fancy
jacqunrd and pretty bordered
allover designs, pink, blue, lav
ender, champagne, white, etc.,
for auto Scarfs and fancy waists
at 28d and 48
Silks worth to $1.00 lard Mes
gfiltnes, taffetas, 24-lnch Lib
erty Fating, 27-Inch bilk serges;
on sale In two lots values to
$1.00 yard, at. .3S and 48
Yard Wide Lining Satins 8 5o
Value in gray, white,. black, tan
and brown, at, yd. 50
$1.00 Black Dress Taffetas, 30
Inch wide, all silk 75
$1.00 Iiluck Messalines All Bilk,
. 36 inches wide, at, yard 75
91.25 Black Peau de Hole All
silk, 3C Inches wide, at. . 85f
iiiinory Less Than Half
200 Stylish Trimmed Hats Ver- newest
ideas, secured at a great bargain; on
sale Friday, while they last;
in three lots:
100 Trimmed Hats Regular
values to $6.09 $1.50
100 Trimmed Hats Made to
sell up to $10.00; on sale at,
each.. . . . .$3.50 and $2.50
They can't last long at these
prices, so make selections early
Friday. All marked in plain
Friday Specials in
Wash Goods Dept.
Bathrobe Blankets, a good
assortment of colors and
patterns, each $2.50
Bathrobe material, by the
yard, a good weight, all
colors and patterns, at, a
yard 28
3G Inch Cotton Chajlles and
Flannelettes, neat patterns,
at, yard 10f
Velvetta, Persian stripes and
figures, 27 Inches wide,
for 10
3$ inch 'Percales, light and
dark colors, neat patterns,
at, yard 12
In The
Portieres for Sonbls Doors
Odd pairs values to IS. 00; on
sale 93.88, 64 80 and 96.85
race Curtains Values up to
$4.&0 pair; big assortment for
seloctlon, at pair 93.89
98.35 Lace Curtains In ecru
or cream, at pair 91.45
16o Verslan Washable Dra
per lea In reds, tans, plntca
or greena, yard lOo
$5.00 stops Portieres at... $3.89
13Vie Curtain Bwiss 38 Inches
jviue; on sale at, yard 9a
15o Curtain Fish ICet 86 Inches
wide; on sale, yard lQo
Drapery Ssmnants Values up
to 1 1.00 yard, bis; assortment
of fine goods; at yard....lSo
Another carload of mill ends and remnants of various kinds of 'dry
goods prints, glngt.ams, wash goodN, outing- r.lonnels, flannelettes, per
calea, serpentines, crepen, niUFlins, white ftoodD, placed on square according-
.tc value. 3H0 5 7at 8H 10 13H
30 pairs of Milton Blankets, worth $2.o0 pair, at $1.72
50 pairs of asaorted Plaid Blankets, worth $4.00 pair, at.. $3.19
25 pairs of No. 1759 gray 11-4 Blankets, worth $3.50, at.. 52.75
50 dozen lilc Towels, heavy huck 13 Ms
50 dozen 19c Bath Towels, very large 12H
50 dozen 15c Huck Towels 10c
One case of heavy, brown, yard wide Muslin, good value, at..7
A very fine yard wide Bleached Muslin, worth 8c 6H
About 100 Remnants, of Table Damask, In 2, . 2 Vi and 3-yard
lengths, at about HALF I'ltICK
5t 7? 10 1SH 15 18 25 'P to 81.25
59f 750 85 S1.00 81.25 S1.50 $1.98 P to $10.50
$1.00 value, 75l $L50 values, gl.OO; $2.00 -values, S1.48;
$2.50 values, 1.85i c.
Several bargains not advertised lu this rcora.
Here's an opportunity to tnve fully half and more than half on your
notion needs, t ome early.
6 pkgs. Hair Pins 50
6 papers Gold Eye Needles 5
6 cards Hooks and Eyes . . 5
,6 pairs Shoe Strings 5
0 spools Darning Cotton . . 5f
6 yards Hat Elastic 5f
3 spools Machine Thread . . 5
3 bolts India Tape 5e
j aoxen Karety pins for .... 5
3 spools Coat's Darning Cotton
tor 5
3 Children's Handkerchiefs 5
3 papers 6c Pins for 5
35c Shopping Bags at ... . 1
,!5c Pad Hose Supporters 1J)
35c, Whisk Brooms at .. If)
35c Naiad Dross Shields, pr. 19
VI Moke the Grocery Prices for th People. Oar Aim lu Always Seen to
' unounuou rricss.
Kvrry huufoktept-r in tnaha should
try our Diamond II bland of Flour
and save 2 per cent. Kvery auric
Is guaranteed to ive perfect xal
Isfat'ii'ia or your noiiey refun,ied.
Hum-Is I sale, per 4s-lb. aark. 91.85
It lba. bvxt Krsnulated suKr. . Sl.'W
19 bara Hrat Kn.' All aap 35o
lha. best rolled brtakfasi uatmral
for 8o
t lbs. white or yeliow iornm,al . 15o
tlsllon ini (.obleii table ayrui.35o
Uallon ijia MUaouri banner brand
apples 853
Urap-N.lls. pkf 100
t'orn Flakes
. Pk-
Jeliyi on
per pkK.
Cumrbeira assorted sonris cn
food, per
or Jell-o,
ham-y .California aeadleas raisins.
rr lb. ..9o
Fanry Julian raisins, lb... . ibo y Moor Pnrk aprb-ots, lb . 80o
California yellow Crawford peaches
'r ID ttu,
Fanoy Trown' M u'sca'tei ' ralsliui', ' v
'h J.
r uipgun uioe prunes. Jb.l3io
Fancy cleaned currants, lb lOo