Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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Western Tasienger Association
Grants Reduced Fares to Ouuha.
He la Kffeetlre from Points In
North Dakota, Montana, W am
:. Vtah and Nee
The railroad hava announced a 1-cent
rata In all directions In Western Passen
ger association territory to the National
Wood Growers' association at Omaha,
December H IS and 18. The. tame rate Is
mad from North Dakota, Montana, Utah
and New Medco, eicept from Montana
common points, where a no rate will
prevail, and from Utah common points,
where the rate will be S43. Tickets will bo
on sale December 11.
Evidently the convention and the mam
mouth sheep show which will be held In
connection with It are considered by the
railroads of more importance thun the
National Western 6tock association con
vention and the Christmas holidays, .'or
the roads have declined to name rates for
either of these.
OOicers of the association say LOCO sheep
men will come. The Omaha show ami
convention will follow Immediately the
International Live Stock show at Chi
cago, which makes It possible for exa'.ul
tore to show at both plaoes.
Entries for the sheep show have been
pouring; into the committee on arrange
ments, of which E. Buckingham of the
Omaha Stock yards Is the dominating
spirit. Mr. Buckingham states that every
available foot of space in the glgantlo
auditorium, where the ehow will be held,
has been taken, and nearly as much
space again could be sold.
Anna Wilson's Mail
FilledBushel Box
When the late Anna Wilson announced
the gift of her house at Ninth and Doug
las to the city for an emergency hospital
the letters that came to her asking money
were Just enough to fill a one-bushel
apple box. The story of her life and gift
was printed all over the United States
and the begging letter began to pour In
on her by the doiena each day.
A. 1 Reed, executor of her estate, on
taking possession of her papers, found
himself confronted with the task of read
ing this bushel of letters, that no letter
f Importance might be overlooked. lie
read until he became tired and then asked
Harry Jordan to finish the Job. Mr. Jor
dan read a few dosen and then went on
a strike. Bo most of the letters will go
One of the letters was from a cowboy
In Idaho, who sent a water color paint
ing done by himself and asked her to
raffle it oft (or him. An lows- woman
wrote that her husband dropped dead in
the cornfield and the was in sore need
of mpney. One young woman declared
that unless Hiss Wilson sent ber some
money to buy food until she got work she
would be compelled to enter upon a life
of shame.
Structural Worker
Falls Three Stories
J. P. Shipley, 1723 Podge street, a strue
tural iron worker on the Woodmen of
the World building at Fourteenth and
Farnam streets had a miraculous cscaps
when he fell from the third story of the
building to the basement, a distance of
about sixty feet at 11 o'clock Wednesday
morning. His only Injury is from a
wrenched back.
Bhlpley was working on a scaffold on
the third floor when the chain slipped
from the saddle on which he was sitting.
The saddle was overturned and Bhlpley
was precipitated to the first floor, whsre
he struck a steel I-beam on Ms back,
He then fell to the basement. His in
juries are not serious. He was taken
home in the police ambulanoe.
Young Trapper Dies
in a Small Creek
Martin Oleaon, Jr., aged 21 years, of
Norwark township, Pottawattamie county,
was found dead In Mosquito ereek
Wednesday morning.
The last seen of Oleaon was yesterday
afternoon, when he left home to go trap
ping. When he did not appear st bis
home last right his father became wor
ried and made inquiries as to tils where
about, but could gain no information re
garding him. As O'ceon is said to have
been subject to spasms It Is thought that
he was suddenly taken with a convulsion
and felt' Inte the ereek.
Nebraska Spuds Come
to Omaha Market
Fair weather ha started a heavy
movement of potatoes from northwestern
Nebraska and they are coming In by
tralnloads. Some come In regular freight
cars, but generally shippers send the
"spuds" In refrigerators, riot caring to
take the chances of a sudden change.
As a result of the exhibit made at the
Omaha Land show It is said that one
Omaha commission firm has placed orders
with dealers at Chadron and Hay
Springs for ten carloads of potatoes
crown In anj around these towns.
Seek Suppression
of Fight Pictures
President Johnson of the Haraca union
yesterday swore out a warrant for the ar
rest of Ous Hoveui, proprietor of the
Grand theater, a moving picture house at
107 North Sixteenth street, charging him
with showing price fight picture, con
trary to ordinance.
Bevens is said to have put on the screen
a film called "The Fighting Parson." a
fight of five round, with a knockout
in the taut. Johnson aald Sevens ad
vertised last week that he would show
the Wolgut-lloran fight, but decided
Hot to rik It.
W. S. Clewell. depnt ticket agent of the
Illinois Central at Clous city, has been
appointed city passenger a-ent at Omaha,
vice John o. itnton, who goes to Dir.
mlngham. Ala. Mr. C'lawell comes to
Omaha as the youngest elty passenger
and ticket agent In the United States,
feeing but little past years of age. H
tas beta in railroad work six years.
Grade School Lads
Training for Meet
The giade school boys are working
hard la their fall athletics under tho
direction of Raymond 1. Cams, super
intendent of athletics.
Tests in the running high Jump are
being held this week. There are three
classes iu the running high Jump. To
pass the test in the first class the boy
must Jump 4 feet 4 Inches, in the second
class. S feet 10 Inches, and in the third,
S feet 4 Inches.
The tests in the standing broad Jump
have already been finished and It Is
planned to have the remaining tests In
chinning the bsr and In running finished
by next January.
Gold filled, silver and bronse badges
will be awarded In the first, second and
third clashes respectively.
Buffalo Bill's Reds
Smash Car Windows
Major mil MoCune has returned from
Pine Ridge agency, where he landed all
of Puffalo Bill's wild west Indians safely
and paid them for their season's work.
He will go to Florida shortly to spend the
Somebody made the mistake of giving
the Indians money to buy their meals on
the trip from Richmond, Va., where the
season closed, to Chicago. Everything
was lovely until they reached Chicago,
when the red men got drunk and broke
some of the oar windows. McCune met
the Indians at Missouri Volley, kept them
locked in their cars until they sobered up
and took them to the agency.
Thieves Are Looting
Homes of Plumbing
Plumbing thieve have become an estiva
lately that the Real Estate exchange has
decided to have placards printed announc
ing a reward of 30 for the apprehension
of persons guilty of "stripping" a house,
the placards to be used, by exchange mem-
oers or vacant houses in their charge.
H. A. Wolf said a number of houses huA
been completely stripped of plumbing flx-
turss lately. Byron Hastings said that
thieves had even stolen the electrlo wir
ing and the telephone batteries from
houses in hla care. Tlie thieves take
eventing of brass, lead and copper that
toey can nnd and sell It to Junk dealers.
Fall from Street
Car Proves Fatal
Joe Gulsepna. an Italian, llvtns- at Kit
South Seventeenth street, died In 8t.
Joseph's hospital Wednesday morning.
He was Injured the evenlns- be for. in
alighting from a South Omaha street
ear near William street. Qulseppe at
tempted to alight before the oar stopped.
He was thrown to the pavement, atriw.
log his he4 violently, causing; concussion.
I the greatest honesty rarbed in tat
tered olothee?
Manager Charles Franks of the itmm
theater is now asking this question. Last
week the genial manager subscribed 12
toward the Nebraska alumni fund to send
the cadet band to Ames. His mmm
was made with a check. The solicitor to
whom the check was given lost It; but
the check came back.
Only yesterday a man. dreasad
clothes that already had been worn too
long, appeared at the Krug and asked for
the manager of the theater. Ha h. k.
check. For Its return Manager Krug
gave the old fellow two seats to one of
the performances of the current show.
The honest old fellow said he
stranger In the ctty and could use but
one. lie attended the show.
The state conference nommlitM e h.
Associated Charities of Nebraska will
meet at the Young Women's Christian as
sociation Thursday evening to outline
plans for the general meeting which will
be held In Omaha sometime In January.
Dr. D. E. Jonklns of the University of
Omaha, president of the Associated char.
lUes, will preside. The ether mamh.r.
of the committee who will attend are:
rs. jr. m. cole. A. W. Clark, Miss
Uioile Eaves. Dr. J. A. Jonuina ir-.h..
McOovern, Rabbi Cohn, Miss Margarot
"Dtert of PnramnalaM
Is never written of those who cur coush
anj colds with Dr. Kings New Discov
ery. Guaranteed. toe and 1.00. For sale
by Beaton Drug Co,
LACROSSE, Wis.. Nov. J.-Th Board
of Kduoatlon of Sparta last night Is
sued an order forbidding the playing of
basket ball by girls' teams In the hlnh
schools, the point bolng made that public
exhibition by the girls' teams are not
conducive to good moral. The hoard
also is consldeilng forbidding foot ball
among in mgn school boys on the
ground that It takes up too much of the
students' time.
Successful Complexion
Renewing 'treatment
(Journal of Hygiene.)
A treatment for tallow, muddy or blot
chy complexions that Is always successful
Is the nightly application of plain rmrco
lined v. ax for fi-om una to two veks.
This method Is sure to succeed for the
simple reason that it literally take off
and dlscurds the old complexion. The
nierrollde in the wax powtesnos the pe
culiar property of absorbing the wornout,
faded or discolored surface skin, with all
its Imperfections. This is done so grad
ually, the skin cumin- off a little each
ilny. In fine, almost Invisible particles,
that no Inconvenience or discomfort Is
experienced and the most cartful ob
server cannot detect the use of this treat
ment. The mercoilsed wax, which can be had
at any drug store. 1 applied the same as
cold cmsju. but tiiti rubbed in, and
washed off In the morning. The new
complixlon productd lu thi way, exhib
iting the true beauty of health, is not
to bo compared with ue atad wade by
Cbs.'iitUc. Adv.
irppose You Were a
iller. Madam
And you bought choice wheat
Then washed and brushed and
scoured it
Then ground it 20 times, through
20 rolls "
Then sifted the flour 10 times
through silk, so that none but the
cream came through
All this without added price,
Suppose you did that. Would you
consider a housewife fair to herself
if she failed to get that flour?
That's what we do with Gold Medal and more.
We even run a test kitchen, where we bake up samples
of each day's run.
Just to be certain all the time that every sack of Gold
Medal equals the best ever milled.
You can get that flour from any grocer if you'll only
remember. Don't merely say "flour."
It is not neces
sary to tear the
house to pieces
to install elcc
tric service,....,,.
f-" 'J" .awmssrsjsjr,Mi r.i 'us n Utfifgt
You may have an idea that wiring
your home for electric light means
tearing up the premises and will cost
a great deal. This impression is wrong.
Electric contractors have improved
their methods very much during the
last few years.
Improved methods cause wiving in time, labor and ma
terial less cost to the house owner.
Local electric contractors und pur company are pulling
together in the effort to make thia city one of the best
lighted in the state.
The merit of Electric Light is strong enough to make
its own way, if you give it half n chance.
Co-opernto with us to tho extent of looking into the sub
jectthat's all we nsk. Our Contract Department will send
a representative to call at your request.
Omaha Electric Light
(SL Power Company
of Chief Attractions and Things of Interest
Seen at the Land Show
Hoot It of the big diii-k and the loud noise; where
they nave away five ncres of orange lami to the
lucky uu(Mr on the Jar of rut. The land of
flowers, oranges, gr.ipo irtilt, lemons, figs, dates,
nuts, olives ami all'Rira the yeur round. Address,
Not Ih Halt IMver Vallrv irrigation Co.. Khoenlx. Ar.
I.o Atigplrft, San 1 Mcxo. The ilooth where you
sew everything worm while unit tben some!
Including climate and opportutilty. Address
I. o Anprles i or Commerce, or Sun
l.Hrgo Chamber of C-ntn.rce. lietlcr still, go
out and e for yourselves.
Whero yuu saw the famous tiacrauionto Vslley
Exhibit. Inquire about the next excursion to
this beautiful country, Nov IS. Trowbridge
A lloltr. 404 City National Hank Building.
Omaha, Nebraska.
At the Tulare County Ilooth you
tivachsa. notatoee. corn, pumpkins, crimes an
r 1i ins. Ainu the fine oranges. Inmuns ami citrus
fruits. You mil farm lor olpasure and profit In
Tulare County. Address, Tulare County Board
of Trai Vlaalla, California.
ntlerson In the Famous Han Joaquin Vl
ley. why not go with us and eee this l'ura.
ditto for I'ialn l'eople. Payne Investment
t'omimny, Omaha, .Nebraska.
terms of one-tenth Adf1
ll4 bushels I'or acre. 7 J 14
potktoen, etc., from the 8 u tiny han
Where you saw the Platte silver Valley Kxhlhlt,
showing wheat, oata, flax and corn rained on ub
iirlKMed soli; land ihat pave for Itself In two
years.. Wo sell this land on terms of one-third to
one-half rash, balance 1 to 6 years. Address
l'lntte Itlver Valley l.nd Co.. Sterling. Colorado.
Apples, Apples, Hig Hod and Yellow Apples, nlea
clean potatoes, sugar ooels, grains as grown at
Xotoaklss, Delta Count?, Colorado. "Ten remem
ber Kemvmber also lands from $io par acre
mihI upward Address Uould and WlHougaby,
Kotehkisa, Colorado.
Where you eaw the Han Lois Valley Kxhlblt,
allowing especially the big grains and field peas,
iiiniualled for hog ftod; heard about the new
eugar factory; aniT vhere you learned that you
can buy irrigated lands In this rich valley on
ress l'. A. HoMns 1st Nst'I Hank. Denver, Cola.
The Klo Grande Home Co., of Alamosa. Colo., oc
cupied Ilooth No, 1. Thia is whore you saw the
fine cabbage, celery and other vegetables; ajao
AO varieties of Colorado grasses cats that yielded
bushels of wheat, wonaerrui alfalfa, cnoioe
uls Valley, Colo. Write them todayl
Where you saw especially the fin Appl, x'oUWoes
and Rialn ritlsoj In. Marsh Valley, the. "Garden
Spot of IJhJio," AUdreig Downey Improvement
Co., Downey, Idaho.
Where you bought
Sriokel and the X Trades
those Te Be Ces for a
for a Dia Ton
Kememlierl Traoy Bros, Co., who sell more
cigars In Omaha than any other house. Whyf
quality. All first class dealers sell our goods.
Tracy Hros. Co.. 1416 Doug. Ht., Omaha, Neb.
"Hliinrj lightning Itwls, the booth that to
teregted many showing the (Trade Mark)
of tho beat In Lightning Protection.
Addreaa. W. C. Shlnn. Lincoln. Nebraaka.
Where you saw the beautiful alfalfa and
stock raising eshlblt. You remain twirl jira
panorama of cattle and sheep. If Interested
In a 1 'elf" raining .vrtte to OsneraJ IesDger
Agent Chicago and Northweatern H. H..
Omaha, Nebraaka, for pamplu. .-.I... .....y with the supjeet.
uregon i
Where you saw the attractive eyolorama of the City
of aalam and the Willamette Valley created by Ueo.
l4 Hchrelber. The artist is Identified with leading art
clubs In Chicago and the loutitry. He Is also super
vlsbr of drawing In the Helem grade and high schools.
Address Oeo. I.. Bcbrelber, 0 IHv. St. Walem, Ore.
VsTuoui7yfertlle Willamette Valley boothws,e the
biggest agricultural and horticultural display. Won"
Irrigated fruits, nuts and vegetables. No billiards,
storms or aroume. sso crop tenures, rive new rail
road . Write to Commercial Club Secretary at Corval
lls, Albany or Halem, Oregon.
It us explain to you bow 10 own a 6 or 10 acre fruit
and garden
tract Albany. Oregon, one of the best
towns in Oregon, end In the very heart of the famous
U'tll.mi tm Vallav. 11 KA lift tnw Ik. .Ml., l.i
eiiAy monthly payncuta. No taxes, no Intersil, good markets. Calk or
vri'e Ileoker tt Heam. Hrendelw Theater Building, Omaha.
Whore you eaw the two-heeded calf,
the large cabbage, the flag crown en
sod, and the wheat grown without
Irrigation Address Ardmere Coauuer
otal Clnb,' trdinnre. Mouth Dakota.
South Dakota
T'he booth with the six-foot wheat; the 100 buehel oatai
the perfect appleei the national silver trophies won In
competition against the fruit and farm sections of the
world. The famous Gunnison Valley in the heart of Utah.
No boom prices yet. Alfalfa's natural home. Hpaldlng, I.lvlngston Inv. Co..
110 Newhouse Mldg.. Halt Lake City, ill City Nat. Hit. Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
You don't have to be rich to atart larmlug.
nd aold on crop payment!. Remember the
products of this year crop. Addreii
Wyoming g
L. Beatty, Ptne Bluffs, Wyoming.
"The Wylle Way." where the ticket
was given away dally. Our new
folder will be published Deo. 1. No
Yellowstone, Park
Dandruff and Falling Hair
Quickly Stopped,
From tlmo Immumorlul, saga and sul
phur have been used for the hair and
scalp. Almost everyone knowns of the
value of such a combination for darken
lug the hair, for curing dandruff and
falling hair, and for making the hair
In olden times tho only way to get a
hair tonic of this sort was to brew It In
the homo fireplace, a method which was
troublrsome and not ulwaya satisfactory.
Nowadays almost every up-to-date drug
gist csn supply his imtrons with a ready.
to-uao product, skillfully compounded 111
narfaflttv ainlllnriad lahnia.rla Tka
Wyeth Chemical Company of New York
put up an Ideal remedy of this sort,
rallud Wvafh'a Kl and ITal.
Jllemedy, and authorise druggists to sell
b uuuir iuarani mai iue money WUI
be refunded if It falls to do exactly aa
J If you have dandruff, or If your hair
Is turning gray or coming out, don't
delgy, hut get a bottle .of this remedy
today, and see what a few days' treat
ment will do for you.
This preparation Is offered to the
public at fifty cent a bottle, and la
recommended and sold by all druggists.
Phcrmnn & MoConnell Drug Co., Cor,
lath and Dodge, Cor. 16th and Harney,
Cor. Wth and Farnam, 207-8 No. XOth St.,
Loyal Hotel.
Free Land Information
The Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet tho demand
of its renders for land information, has gathered and
compiled data on Boils, climate and farming conditions
in all parta of tho country. It willing to give out this
information, free, if postage is Bent with inquiry.
Do You Want to Know
About government land laws, location of land of
fices, etc
IIow to get irrigation lands, location of projects,
laws governing game, etc.
Iiest sections for fruit growing, general fanning,
stock raising or dairying.
Your questions will get prompt attention. Stato
plainly and specifically what you want to know. "Write,
Land Information Bureau
The Twentieth Century Farmer
Omaha, Nebraska
" " ""' ' " ' I "' r, a
ton u.l rut itWi rut
can cover Omaha with
one paper HIE BEE