Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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TnE Omaha Daily bee
f nterd at Omtht postofflre as second
elese matter.
fnindav bee. on year B
aturdar Bee. rne year 1 W
iallr Hee (w Ithout Sunday), one year. 4 .
Dellf Bee end ftundav. one year 00
Krenlns; Bn (with Sunday), per month.. Rc
Pally Bee (Including Sunday). Ir mo. .'
Iel!y Bee (without Sunday), pr me.... tic
Address all romplslnts of IrresulorlUss
.la delivery to City circulation Dept.
Remit by dratt, sxpre.s or postal order,
r arable te The Bee Publishing comfiany.
inly t-eent atampa received In payment
f small account Irainal ehe:ks, n
ert on Omaha and eastern eschanse, not
t orrrcrs
' Omaha Tha Iln B;illi1ln(. '
South Omaha li N Ft.
Council Bluff I-14 fcott ft.
Lincoln M Little Building
' Chicago 1S4A Marquette nulldlrif.
Kansas City Rnllanre Building
New York-M Wt Thtrtv-thlrd.
Washington 72! Fourteenth 8t., N. W.
Communlcatlona Telating to news end
editorial matter should be addressed
Omaha Pa, Editorial Department.
Slate of Nebraska, County of Douglas, a
Dwlcbt Williams, circulation maoater
f The Bee Publishing company. being
duly sworn. ay that tha average daily
eirenletlon, leu spoiled, unuaed and re
turned copies for the month of October.
Nil. tl 40,700.
Circulation Manager.
' "uhecrlbed In my presence and sworn to
Wore me thla lat day of Noremher. 1811.
; (deal.) ROBERT Hl'NTEIt
i Notary Public
Sabeerlbere leavta tae eT
i temporarily ahoold her The
' Be mailed to taesa. Addreaa
' will lee eaaaged as oftea aa
' requested.
The "Kid" ! a sprinter, all right
And "Bob" Smith beat tha loan
Anyway, tha Third ward voters'
Hits have been purged.
Oh, yea, lsit we forget it Dr.
Harry A. Foster also ran.
Tha best boost abroad (or a lire
town la a wall run modern hotel.
1 Oentlemen, permit ua to Introduce
Ut. Ura, our next county treasurer.
Shall wa blame May Irwin for
f chanectady'a electing a socialist
mayor T
j Still, JudgT'EateliVhad' tho help
t soma very stupid and discredited
latter wrltara.
: It transpires that "Boss" Flynn Is
tetter at electing tha other fellow
than himself.
. It la up to Van Allstlna to get his
phantoms together again for a post
election rally. -
J Tha question' la Tripoli Is, Will
t ia maoaront or turkey for Thanks
giving dinner?
"Manchu . Dynasty Doomed."
Headline. Went down with the
democrat!, did UT
Tha Germane hare a time-tried
dage that" tha pitcher goea to the
spring until It breaks. ' , .
That Chicago woman who Is
charged with having sniffed out nine
lives has It on tha cat.
Apparently tha automobile got
cafely up tha hill carrying ita load
with only one amall puncture.
. Champ Clark will learn la time
that tha American people never
elect a joker to tha presidency.
A Missouri gtrl baa won a prize
of 100 for raising tha best ten ears
of corn. Back to the soil, girls.
Tha court will continue to band
down nonpartisan decisions, al
though through republican judges.
' It etai 4uatithey all took It out
on Hoye, who has to be tha goat
that tha flock may get Into tha pas
ture. Again wa wouder what would
Lave happened had Mr. Bryan ex
tended his speaking tour Into
It turns out that locating tha
republican slate headquarters at
Omaha at any rata did no harm to
the ticket. .
; Our democratic friends will now
ti busy to demonstrate that It
cannot be construed aa aa endorse
ment of Mr. Taft.
, A woman's club orator pleada for
almpllclty of dress by the women.
It will coma when Dame Fashion de
cree it, not before.
1 Oue Washington man sues an
other for bnlng the former's wife
gin rlckeys. Let every man buy his
own Wife's gin rlckeys.
Tha New York woman suffragists
are looking for an emblem. Now
that tha election Is over, Tammany
might let them have Its tiger.
. aiany a man gives nimself un
necessary worry over tha thought
that other people are wondering
here be stands on certain proposi
tions. i Those republican prodtgala who
tittvo been waiting to see which way
(be wind was blowing, will be tear
ing for tha home roof, now that
thtj have seen.
A Magnificent Republican Victory.
Tba result locally in Douglas
county is a magnificent republican
victory, with every candidate on the
county ticket but one winning by
handsome majorities, and with
similar majorities given to the en
tire state republican ticket. The loss
of Hoye for sheriff is naturally to be
regretted by republicans, who would
have preferred to see a clean sweep,
but it Is a small measure of comfort
to our democratic friends, over which
they are entitled to crow as loudly
as they feel like doing In the midst
of their shroud of gloom. What beat
Hoye waa evidently no one 'thing,
but a combination of factors that
made him the sole victim of what
ever discontent and dissatisfaction
permeated republican lines. Hoye Is
a sacrifice to the success of his as
sociates on tha ticket. Ills opponent,
"Phil" McShane, to whom we extend
congratulations, owes his election to
the enthusiastic- devotion of a per
sonal following of his young friends
and to the votes of disaffected repub
The people of Douglas county are
to be felicitated on tha assurance
that county affairs are to be for the
next two years in the hands of capa
ble republican officers. With Robert
Smith In the district clerk's office,
Bryce Crawford as county Judge,
Frank Dewey aa county clerk, W. G.
Ura as county treasurer, and the
other re-elected Incumbents, to
gother with a republican majority
In control of the county board In
place of tha present democratic com
bine, they may expoct efficiency.
economy and square dealing In all
these offices.
Incidentally, tha people of Omaha
are to be felicitated also on tha elec
tion aa police Judge of a rising
young lawyer In tha person of
Charles E Foster, and tha defeat for
tha school board of the one misfit
candidate who bad secured nomina
tion, t
Bailway Batei and Navigation.
Tha Transrnlsslsslppl Commercial
congress which meet in Kansas City
In December la to make the matter of
river, navigation an Important topic
of discussion. Kansas City la a good
place for such consideration, since
It haa taken the lead among mid-western
cities In promoting river traffic.
Doubtlesa tha local sentiment will
give stimulus, to tha movement and
may help to bring about action.
River navigation vitally affect
railroad rates and the cost of trans
portation and what caused a decline
in tha usa of rivers waa, not their
Inefficiency aa channels of trans
portation, but rather tha. Increased
efficiency of our - railroad. When
tha demands of business called for
mora rapid transit than tha rivers
afforded and tha railroad! became
able to meet the demands, commerce
left tha streams and went to tha rail
ways. But with all tha prodigious
development of our railroads, com
merce haa outgrown these facilities
and la crying for, not only tha low
est possible carriage cost rate It can
obtain, but mora extensive service.
President F. A. Delano of tho Wa
bash railroad. In his address a year
ago before tha National Rivera and
Harbors congress at Washington,
Insisted that restriction on advances
In rates la sura to operate as a
hindrance to their reduction, aa a rule
that worka both ways. If that Is
true and also that tha tendency of
railroad rates Is again upward In
stead of downward, no doubt the sit
uation affords an excellent opportu
nity for river navigation Improvement
and Invites action by this convention
at Kansas City. It lower railroad
rates supplied the need which the
rivers before filled, then higher
railroad rates with shipping Increas
ing faster than railroad facilities,
ought to favor resumption of river
What Beat Annexation.
The rejection by South Omaha of
the proposition for merger with
Omaha by a fairly decisive vote is
not unexpected to those who have
observed the situation. Annexation
has been again defeated, although
sentiment In South Omaha has ma
terially changed over tha uncom
promising attitude of a few year
ago, and at the start gave promise
of carrying the ball to the goal.
What beat annexation Is well
enough known In South Omaha and
should be known elsewhere, namely,
the attack of tha Omaha Water
board on tha validity of tha franchise
granted to the Stock Yards company
to supply water for Its own needs
and the needs of the packing
houses. The people of the stock
yards district, originally In favor of
merger, veered completely around
aa a consequence of the Water
board's application to have this
franchise judicially annulled.
Other causes that contribute
arise from the Inadequacy of tha law
providing for tha union of tha two
cities. Tho law was hastily drawn
and passed four years ago, and un
intentionally failed to guarantee
South Omaha any measure of self
government, or participation In gov
ernment, during tha period between
the time when annexation should be
come effective and a new regime of
city government elected and Installed
by tha enlarged metropolis. Neither
is there any provision of law to safe
guard from lose of four months of
their license year, the liquor dealers
of South Omaha, who pay 11,100 to
run from May to May, af d after an
nexation would have to take out new
licenses running from January to
Annexation of tha two cities is
bound to come, but la all fairness to
South Omaha these defects In the
law should be remedied, or sn alto
gether new law panted, before It is
again attempted. '
The Political Pendulum.
One year ago democrats were re
joicing over the election of governors
In these six slates New York, Con
necticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New
Jersey and Ohio. They began at
once to raise each governor-elect to
the estate of a potential presidential
candidate and were emphatic In as
serting that this "landslide" was but
a forerunner of overwhelming demo
cratic victory in 1912.
But politics Is a pendulum that
quickly swings from one side to the
other. Perhaps the democrats forgot
that In their hour of triumph, or
surely they did not expect the pen
dulum to awing back so far quite this
soon. Not one of these six states re
peated on Tuesday the pro-democratic
trend of a year ago.
New York, which In 1910 elected
a strongly democratic legislature as
well as governor, this year gives the
legislature back to the republicans
with a republican majority of fitly,
a violent repudiation of democracy
under Tammany rule.
New Jersey, which a year ao
elected Dr. Woodrow Wllsou gover
nor by about 60,000 plurality, giving
htm a democratic legislature, this
year returns both branches of the
legislature to the republicans.
Massachusetts, considered by the
democrats as a pivotal state, re
elected Governor Foes by about
8,000 majority as compared with
32,000 one year ago.
Tba results of the elections as a
whole over the country are not only
encouraging, but flattering to the
republicans, and therefore to the
Taft administration. The president,
himself, can find much to reassure
him of tba increasing confidence
of tha people in spite of the Inces
sant and merciless warfare waged
against him. No political seer who
lsr honest with himself can read out
of the returns any discouragement
for progressive republican Inm In
1912 aa represented In President
Taft, nor can any democrat read
Into them new hope for hla cause.
To the Teachers.
Omaha has a cordial welcome for
the visitors In attendance upon the
annual convention of the Nebraska
Teachers' association. The gather
ing Includes several hundred men
and women educators of our own
state and dlstlnguUhed members of
tha profession from abroad. To
them all The Bee wishes a welcome
and an enjoyable and profitable time.
Omaha la happy to act as tba host
of such. a convention. There is no
mora Important work than that of
teaching and training tha young to
live, and that, after all, is educa
tion's original function. It is to tha
credit of pedagogy that it labors to
find the most effectual methods of
performing that great mission, for it
is Important that It, no lesa than
tha trades and commerce, keep
abreast the times and meet each suc
cessive problem of modern thought
and action aa it arises. Such con
ventions aa this one contribute to
that end, by the interchange of ideas
and tha comparison and discussion
of methods and systems.
One may not view such a body
of earnest men and woman without
concluding that ao long as they and
larger numbers of their like all over
tho country are giving auch earnest
devotion to tha cause of education,
with all tha , adverse criticism we
bear of our system of public school
ing, In the end it will contribute
Its share to the sum total of human
good, to tha moral and intellectual
uplift of the nation. I
Prof. P. G. Holden, the apostle of
intensive farming In Iowa, is think
ing of running for governor. His
slogan will probably be the same as
he used in promoting scientific agri
culture make two votes (blades of
grass) grow where but one grew be
fore. Incidentally, our political geogra
phy waa murdered during the cam
paign by locating the town of Val
ley in Sarpy county, and putting
Sarpy county back into thla Judicial
district after it bad been cut off by
the legislature.
Local democrats hugging the only
office they saved may know how the
republicans rejoiced last year over
electing "Johnny" Lynch county
Commissioner as the only oasis In
the desert.
If It were true that every vote for
the republican ticket in Nebraska
was au endorsement of President
Taft and hla administration, he
would have no reasoc to feel badly
about it.
Jarred lat Slleaoe.
St. Paul Dispatch.
Colonel Roosevslt had nothing to say
regarding tha Steel trust suit. It may
have made hint speechless to know that
the trust Imposed upon him.
Bounties; Hla Own Eat.
t. Leuls . Republic
Major General Jonar4 Wood favors
military opntrol of the tathmua. Of course
he does. Where wsa there ever sn army
officer who did not yearn to Increase
the lumber of things mankind must do
at the sound of toe bugle T
Olookln Backward
IllfolY'Vl in Omni
i aiiiuaxiT ill viiitu'u
Thirty Vrar. Air
Mrs. Watson B. Smith makes public
srknowledgment . In Tlio Hee of sym
pathy and tokens of enteem for Colonel
Hmlth In her bereavement.
The "Oeneral Kherman" docked on the
river front between Farnam and loug
laa this afternoon making the trip down
the river from Ulnmarck and Fort Ben
ton, with Captain W. U. I.lngo as msster.
The Ie(iroat anon case Is almost
ready to go to the Jury.
The frulta of ejection day were seven
drunks, one paid his fine and six went
to Jail.
The Verdict dramatic company, that
group of hlatriotilo amateurs that played
'Waiting for the Verdict" so acceptably
last wlntor, lias reorganised and will pro
duce the 'Colleen Bawn" In three weeks
under direction of Kdward A. O'Brien.
Hon. Thomas I.. Kimball, Kneral man
ager of the Union Pacific, returned from
I'enver arid I , ramie.
Herbert Thayer, son of So lator Thayer
of Rock Creek, was In Omaha and left
In the afternoon for New York Clly and
S. It. Perslnger, editor of the Saturday
Tlmis,. has disposed of that paper and
returned to Des Moines, his former borne.
A special train of six baggage cars and
tight day coaches, three Pullmans and a
caboose, cume In this morning trim the
wet with several hundred soldiers, offi
cers and their ladles, who left the Pa
clflo loitat to go to various points In
New England, to which they have been
The second party of the Imperial club
was held In Musonls hall with nearly
fifty couples present, danclna to tha In-
spiring strains of Hoffman's orchsstra.
Twenty Venrs Ago
The executive officers of tho Irish
National League of America gave out a
formal address through fhe papers, call
ing on all Irishmen to unite In a common
movement to produce harmony and unity
of action for Ireland, deprecating the
division of sentiment oxlstlne between
many sons of Erin. The address Is signed
iy m. v. uannan as predident, William
Lyman, treasurer and John P. Button,
Mrs. T. W. Blackburn went to Kearney
to attend the state convention nf the
Toung People's Society of Christian en
deavor. E. C. Synder of . The Bee left for
Thompiontown. Pa., In response to a tel
egram announcing the very serious Ill
ness of his mother.
Mrs. I,aura Snodgrass. 1770 Cass street,
with her daughter, Genevieve, left for
Katon, N. M., where they were to spend
the winter with Mrs. Snodgrass' sister,
Mrs. Judson Young.
J. II. Mcintosh and T. V. Blackburn
addressed the Sundowners club on "How
to Run a Newspaper." Henry D. Eata
brook was toastmaster of the banquet
Tho question' that had miaxled mmv ,
great mind was satisfactorily settled.
j. it. jjumont was elected a director of
Ihe Ileal Estate Owners' association to
succeed J. J. O'Donahue.
Ten Years Ago
The University of Nebraska foot ball
testn slaughtered the Missouri Tigers tn
Omaha by the score of (1 to , before
S.OOO people at the Young Men's Christian
Association park. Ralph Drain. Ne
braska quarterback was the star of the
Mrs. Carrie Chapman-Catt. president
of the American W'oman'sdSSuffrage as
sociation, and Mrs. Frank Young of
Broken Bow, president of the state as
sociation, arrived In Omaha and held a
conference with the Omaha Equality as
sociation at First Presbyterian Church.
Mrs. C. W. Damon presiding.
Miss Ilattle Billings. 20 years of age.
was .fatally burned at the home of her
employer. Mrs. W. A. tiaunders- 3095
North Nineteenth street, while preparing
the evening meal. She was alone In the
house and her clothing caught fire from
a live coal that cracked out of the stove.
She ran out of the house Into the yard
her clothing ablate and four young wo
mon passing In a carriage went to her
assistance, but could not savs her.
The Metropolitan club gave Its annual
opening ball with about 100 members
present Harry L. Cohn, George Bellg
ohn. Henry HUler. Meyer Klein and
Julius Meyer served as entertainment
committee. The debutantes of the even
ing were Miss Ella Rosenflold of Council
Bluffs and May Rothschild and Ilattle
Mrs, W. W. Keysor delivered her lec
ture on "The Abbeys and Cathedrals of
Great Britain" nt First Methodist church.
H. C. Cheney, local general freight
agont of theftkirthweatern, returned from
Chicago. w ,
The Omaha Woman's club began Its
phllsnthrople work by opening a sewing
school In the old Chanel of h.
at Second and William streets. When
a. narrows, Mrs. E. U. Towle
and Mrs. F. B. Bryant reached th. i,..I
at 10 a. m. they found about fifteen girls
using irom to 15 ready for work.
People Talked About
The Chinese revolution would appear
In a more herolo light If It wasn't obliged
to take a throne from a kid. .
A bachelor with a fine thatch of
a a alga fleeting years cheerUy philoso
phises. - The older I grow the sealer
It Is to be good."
A real Indian charged with Chicago
firewater, as a protest against paleface
burlesques of Ms race, attacked a cigar
store statute and reduced th shameful
linage to kindling.
Occasionally an appreciative constituent
brightens the byways of statecraft.
A letter to Senator Cullom urging na
tional good roads reads: "Pleaae vote
for this d d bill and you will ob
lige a fool friend of mine who runs an
New York's commandery of the Loyal
Legion turned down Oeneral Denial E.
Hlckles' application for raeraberslTlp. The
reason guessed at Is that ihe old warrior,
as a member of the New York's Stat
eommuubm on battlefield monuments,
omitted the names of minor heroes from
the shafts. The general was too eco
nomical and epitaphs.
The federation cf woman's clubs In
Mstaachueetta Is out hot foot for the
sralp or a bachelor candidate for gov
ernor. "'A bachelor," accord I n g to the de
cree of doom, "Is a selfish person who
deliberately shirks his duty to society."
Pleading Inability te eeeure a wife
doesn't go in the Bay state, where a
latge surplus cf spinsters decorates the
Washington Life
Rome IntereatlasT Phases
and Conditions OHeerved
( the Matloa'e Capital
Advaaee taa ef Congreea.
'ihe flrat reaular seseion of the Sixty
second congress begins December a Its
presence means active circulation and
much circulating medium when congress
pscks Its collective grip and moves home
ward, all Washington takes the rest cure
and remains In a seml-sinmolent condi
tion until the statesmen return to their
desks. The certainty of a session ex
tending Into early summer already stirs
the languid population and evidences of
preparation are visible. Around the capl
tol the home guard Is putting ths various
houses In order. New furniture and fur
nishings ara going Into placa and every
needful convenience and luxury provided
Outcast furniture and furnishings, relics
of bygone days, were put on the auction
block recently and brought out a crowd
of antique collectors, bargain hunters and
curious spectators. The pile carried
ancient memories, many forgotten dents
snd some dust. Among the curios were
oil stoves used to heat the capltol dome,
discarded because of the abundance of
natural gas; a desk and bookcase said
to have been used by Henry Clay when
he thundered In ante-bellum times; a
frosted silver goblet, used by Vice Presi
dent Fairbanks; a desk and table, at
which the lata Senator Oorman of Mary
land planned hla campaigns for the purl
fiction of the democratlo party, and a
sentorial couch that did business in tht
marble room before Billy I.orlmer was
put over. Unique among the Junk were
champagne coolers formerly ured In the
president's room to cool mineral waters
They recalled an Incident which occurred
several years ago, when two prominent
workers In the Women's Christian Tem
perance union, while passing the room,
looked In and raw them on the table.
They straightway spread the report that
wine was being served at the capltol, and
demanded an Investigation. They got It
by personally sampling the contents.
Qeay and the Indian.
One of the last public acts of Matthew
Stanley Quay, the Pennsylvania boss, was
to secure congressional recognition of a
merciful service performed by some filou
Indians In the year 1M3 on the Grand
river In Dakota. Quay, whatever else
rosy have been said sbout him. was a
firm friend of the Indian. Some persons
thought that he had In him a strain of
ths blood of the Delawares.
Quay secured congressional sanction for
a bill to give $100 each to seventeen In
dians who In the year and at the place
named braved the apger and the bullets
of the rest of their tribe by a successful
effort to rave two white women and six
children from dagger and death. The
names of six of the Sioux whose cause
wss championed by Senator Quay are
Rattling, Strike the Fire. Oo Home and
Kill the Enemy, Fast Walker, Don't
Know How and Fool Dog.
Armed Gaard la Treasury.
A few days ago a visitor In the Treas
ury building who had paused to talk
with a friend was startled to see a man
coming down tha corridor, wearing a big
star on his breast and carrying a revolver
of huge dimensions. It waa not strapped
in a holster, but was carried In tha right
hand, a If tha bearer waa ready to go
Into action.' The visitor asked with some
show of alarm what It all meant, and was
told that one of Secretary McVea's recent
orders wss being carried out by a watch
man. The secretary reached the conclu
sion some time ago that the watchmen
should go about armed.
As the visitor watched ths aged watch
man's subsequent movements, the pto-
ture faded from the sinister to the ridlou-
ous. He went to the end of the corridor,
sat down at a desk, stuck his artillery
Into one of the pigeonholes and fell
asleep. Anybody tnho wanted to could
have walked off with the gun.
Grooming; Congressmen.
"To begin with, each member ef con
gress receives 1125 a session as a station
ery allowance," writes Irvln 8. Cobb in
Munsey's. "He may be a free and lavish
correspondent, or a small and scanty one;
Just the same, he gets thst S126. And
takes It. There Is no record of a refusal.
"Every member hea the free use of the
congressional baths and the barber shops
under the Capltol. He can take a nifty
Turkish bath, a Russian bath, a Roman
bath, a needle shower, or the plain, old
fashioned Pike county style of bath, lying
down In a tub with both fauoets going;
and It doesn't cost him a cent As often
aa ha pleases he may have a shave, a
hair-cut, a facial massage, and ba mani
cured all around, as they say iu parts oi
Iowa when shoeing a horse. Every other
Cay he can have the back of his neck
shaved. Just as If he were going to some
Urge social funotton back home. Uncle
Sam pays for the attendants and provides
the whole outfit."
"It Happens to Bo Trne."
Wall Street Journal.
Premier Borden declares Canada. (
rsally friendly toward the United States.
In spanking reciprocity no doubt the Do
minion adopted the parental attitude of
"this hurts me more than It does you,"
which Incidentally happens to be true.'
Admits aa Awfnl Offense.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Woodrow AVIlson admits that he didn't
vote for Bryan In lsn. It the democratlo
party depended on democrats who voted
for Bryan In 1S It would ba as hopeless
as Its opponents, were the latter to de
pend on those who voted for Ulalne lu
Time was when Mabel earned her salt
By writing letters irom dictation;
She was a prise stenographer
And felt that was her trus vocation:
But when the Land Show hit the town.
The booetere set her pulse a-fluttur
And now she e living on a claim
And making pats of yellow butter.
There wss a lass named Lucy Brown
At needie work spent all her vim;
She worked Initials everywhere.
She worked uutU her sight grew dim;
But little Lucy drew a claim
And now her little nose Is tanned,
For aha Is busy driving nails
Into her shack in Rosebud land.
There waa a teacher. Sally Smith,
Who labored long with John and Mary;
Her methods all were tried and trus.
he waa fond of her proresKion, very;
But she got a tip at the Land Know
As she tendered there about.
And teacher's chair Is empty cow
She went by the Overland Route.
There wss a dainty little bud
"ihat bloomed on the social tree.
On the tlt top fcranrri and all avowed
15 he waa fair aa fair rould be;
b it the bud hrard a voice that inrMled her
Till her petals did expund v
She te m l lug now on the social tree.
But she blooms out In Rosebud land.
Omaha. - BAYOLL N TP.fc.LE.
New York Sun trep.): The Hon. Champ
Clark's friends would do anything in
reason to Induce him to "shut p." but.
slss! the speaker must spesk. early, often
and continuously, or he will die.
Chicago Inter-Ocean (rep): Speaker
Clark forgets that the speakership Is
larger than he. He does not realise
that when Champ Clark speaks. It is
the speaker of the house who le heard.
He does not appreciate the fact that his
official position Imposes the official ob
ligation to consider the feellnps of no
tions with which we are on friendly
St Iuls Republic (dem.): We regret
Mr. Clark's persistence in error on his
own account, for we can only regard It
as fatal to hla personal ambitions. Ws
deplore it even" more keenly because,
owing to his exalted positions In the
party and ln""Tne government. It cannot
fall to be Used to the disadvantage of
democrats everywhere. In all kindness,
therefore, but with no misgivings what
ever as to the correctness of our posi
tion, we say that In this matter the
gentleman speaks only for himself.
Boston Transcript lnd.): The grievous
feature of Mr. Clark's statement is that
It comes from "Speaker" Clark. It would
have been practically harmless if It had
come from Congressman Clark, before he
was elevated to that position which the
Briton is so ready to regard as almost
equivalent to a prime ministership. When
the prime minister speaks, the nation is
heard. On the other hand though the
Britons and Canadians may misinterpret
It it Is Mr. Clark, candidate, who here
speaks for himself. vIt Is to be regretcd
that tho statement will not be so ac
cepted. There can be no doubt that his
previous lack of a realization of the in
ternational aspect of his office waa prob
ably responsible for some of the votes
against reciprocity.
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"Is there any reasca for the high price
of sugsrT'
"Yes. sir; the people are wlllin' te
pay for It. How many pounds, sir?" Cki
cago Tribune.
"Say. lend me IS. will you?"
"I suppone you are an honest man.".
"Certainly! I tell you It pays to be
honest. '
"Does It? Then why In the dickens
haven t you got lu of your own? 'Boston
"What's come over Bllfklns? He rs so
?ulet in the discussions never wants the
loor any more."
"My dear, nobody with a cross
teething baby ever does want the floor
any mure." Washington Star.
"What business would you like your
future husband to be In?"
Well, 1 think I shall marry either a
butcher or a baMer. You see. a butcher
can always make both ends meat, and a
baker knows how to raise the dough."
Baltimore American.
When you mnrry my daughter, do you
propose to work?"
"Yes, sir; certainly I propose to work."
"That'a all very well, but do you aiso
propose to work me?" Chicago Post.
Aspiring Vocalist Professor, do you
.link 1 will ever be able to do anything
. .tii rny voice?
Perspiring Teacher Well. It might coma
n handy in case of a fire or shipwreck.
Corntll Widow.
She Look, here, John Foodies, why do
you always get out of the way when the
carpets need to be taken out and cleaned?
He Merely my dear, because of my de
sire for oritjlnullty.
She What do you mean by that fool
He You know, my dear, I always try
to avoid the beaten path. Baltimore
"Well, what do you think of It?" asked
the Englishman who was showing the
American the ruins of the abbev.
"tlreat!" he replied. "What a fine rail
road station It would make If It was In
Cood repair!" Judge.
e-?v. r
Quick Enoucfo for tha'
A si Dengerpua Game
handle the
ahsrerfirJb Accuracy