Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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Speculative Overselling of Short
i Wheat it Overdone.
tkr Waa ih Acramalatlnsi t
form Orff i:lectloa aad lirrran
la New Crop Rrrtlita
riKj Some Mrakirit,
OMAHA. Nov. 8, 1M1.
It look 1 Uo the speculative selling of
Short a hem hnd t-een ovenl.ine,. although
for the present there aeaia ti.e little
lor the present tlt-r appear tn be little
There is no dnuht thai the situation n
grave one from tha large holders point
of view. Future art about I'c lower than
top prima, and 40 t, 60 per cent of the
Mew spring wheat crop hail already leit
the farmers' hand. Altogether tha out
look la bearish.
There was aome accumulation of corn
!v".,h" 'lection holiday and an Increa
In tha new corn rereipta caused aome
weakness Irl tha cash market. Better
inquiry during the late (esalon atretiirth.
ened the market, while weather predic
tions are not of the lieit.
heat actr1 oversold on the early
Ti ' " lo h" dr"D ln Uverpool
cable, an closing prices were strong,
t ash wheat was In tilvher.
Home unfavorable weather predicted
helped the tone In the corn market. I'n
Jeea toe movement of new corn rapid. y
Increases value should advance
Irunary wheat receipt were' I.IM.OOO
buahela. and ahlprnenta were K'l.ono hush
la. against rereipta last year of 1.4l'4,O0O
bushels and shipments of 7K.W1 huahela.
Primary corn receipt,) were ItLD.Ott) bush
els, end shipments were 61'y." huahela,
sujalnat receipts laat year of HSl.OOn bush
el and ahlprnenta of 8O5.000 bushels.
Clearances were 24.W0 bushels of corn,
,3tJ buahela of oata. and wheat and
flour equal to buahela.
Uverpool cloned unchanged to d lower
8n wheat and to i lower on corn.
The following caiih sale were reported:
WHAT-Ni. 3 hard: 2 enre. t7c. No. I
liard: 3 cara, Wc. No. I mixed: 1 car, 8c.
t'ORN No. I white: 1 car, fflc. No. 4
white: 1 car (nwi, 63c. No. 3 yellow: 1
car. tc No. t yellow: 3 car. SK4e: 1
car, ivc. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, WVe; No.
I mixed: 4 cara. ftiUj,.. No. 4 mixed: 1 car.
tWae; 1 car, 67V; 2 ears (new), 62c. No
grade: I car. 7c; 1 car (new),' too.
"ATS No, I white: 1 car, 4uo. No. 4
Vhlte: 2 care. e4o. No grade: 1 car, 46i4c
Omaha Cash Irleea.
WHFUT No. S hard, MrT.i.A0; No, I
kard, wc; No. 4 bard, KvMe,
nN-No, t white. K'Utinn; No. 3
white, WiliWo; No. 4 white, 4i'Nc; No. I
Jolor, lc: No. I yellow, axWWfl;
o. t yellow, (WtrwiV; No. 4 yellow,
Hc; No. I, (KyfflVc; No. a, (Pt'attHc;
2o. 4. tVQWio.
OATB-No. 2 white, 4tNvie: standard,
4.W?4o: No. S white, 46WriiMic: No. 4
white, 46V,tM6Hr; No. a yellow, 4646V4c;
No. 4 yellow, 44N&'lc.
HARIjKY Mailing, 1.1431 SI; No. 1
ted Kc'im.m.
KliJ-No. 2, K9fic; No. 1, ff5o.
Carlet Haecipta,
Wheat. Corn. Oata.
yn mi 147
82 2 U
Chicago ..,
Omaha ....
Jjulutb. ....
Chicago cn,tn aho rnovisioxa
tat area of tha Trading aal Clnalag
CHICACJO. Nov. 8.-An eatlmate that
I per cent damage had been done to on
Ofth of the total wheat acreace In the
Argentine made abort aellera today acam
Jier to cover. The market cloaed tha
aama aJi Monday night to So higher; the
clone ift corn Ho to ltlHo up, oat
varying from a ahade off to Ho gain and
hog products at Ufeo to JIc decline.
An Increase of mora than 12.OoO.flOO
kuahels In the world's avallahla supply
flKurea led to soma profit tsklng by pur
chasers, but failed to give tha market
any material setback. The market at
the outset suffered from a rather severe
dip bncauae of wenkiicae due to local
conditions st Uverpool. The trade hera,
however, ran Into an.overnold imnitinn
and found big houaea taking offnrlnga
freely after the receipt of the btiiiinh
from the Argentine, Including re
jmrts of another exceaalve rain. During,
the day December ranged between Mo
aiid 3Hc. closing steady at K'.c, a gain
f So net.
Unsettled weather led to liberal buying
f corn and reunited In a sharp advance.
Washington flgurea ahowlng farm re
serve the largeat on r-ord came loo
late to afreet the market. December
fluctuated from Hl4o to tcmtitaso and
lovd ateody at l'ko net lilKher at 6K'o.
'ali grades were In good ilemand. No.
2 yellow was quoted at 7:i,r4r74'o.
Ixx-al speculators becamn aggreaslva on
the buying side when wheat and corn
turned atrong. Trude was not In me. De
cember rniiKed between VtHi4014c and
k- with last aalea up at 4io.
Provlnlona acted heavv UirnuKhout. At
the close pork had fallen SOo to flo.
lard, 10c to 12e, and ribs, i:mLa to
Quotation on leading products wars:
A rt lo'lj (ien. HI iihTTtowKMoer Miin'yT
iVheati I
leo..:J!fj'flISI M'i!
93 I W4!
l4 9Vt'S
May.tei.rirei tt
Corn I
J !.. !ii.Sfc6SiTV
My.ii;ii ) us I
July.a4i' ,
Cata I I
, lH:..f4".1f'4'i'it'.-i-'ij
I llay.4ASf-l "
July. 4u',i 41 I
wsi ws
4S.i 4S
4K'i 49Bt!S;t!lJ4!i
J'ors i
Jan..! 1 OS
May. I U U
US ll'J 13 M IB M
111 42VX ItU USi
t20 1?4
40 T 90 SO
IKVi im a an
n;w a 7H
14 13H
( r-fliO
a is
a i
a 7V.
a 8')
a rrn
a 4.s
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLsJl'R Weak : winter patents, 84.304)
e m; airaignis, j. io'at.wi; spring patents.
84.wwm.lA; straights. 4.6ou4 u; bakers,
BJ. 10.
KliKo, a. 9i.
HAhLKY-lVwl or mixing, (ictjtl.04;
fair to choice malting, 311iul 2C
tKKl ilmotliy, iS.uoia.i; clover
2 14 m '1120 09.
PROVlION8-Mea pork, per bbl.,
aifc-iw') 14.76; lard, per 100 lbs, 83 ;;
short libs, side (loose). 8s. 10
Total clearances of wheat and flour
were equal to S'-'d-OUO bu. lYlinary receipt
for two daya were 2,liiCoi) bu.. comusred
with L426.WO bu. the corresuondliiK two
uays a year ago. The world a visible sun as shown by hradstrert's Increased
du. tstiitiatrd receipts for to'
morrow: Wheat. j cars: corn, 324 cars
vats, lt& cars; bogs. 27,v0 head.
'tiicago Caen Prices W heat. No. 1 r,1
4i.Sc: No. I red. Vjvtimsc; No. a hanl.
m i(i w. ro. a nara, k.vujou. no. 1 north
"". 10,t'10bS: No. 2 northern, 81041
ivr, io. 8 northern. ILOl'jIOJ; No. 2
spring, 82ciil.(C; No. I spring. 9i-$4.1.03
,o. 4 aprlng. Joy;-; velvet chaff, ..Hci(
itr;. .wn: ,-o. x. Tl'-fVUsc; no. 3 white,
HSy iJt", No. 3 yellow. 7iWii"74Sc; No. 8,
riiJc; jso. 4 new, SJWOMi; No. 8 white
l"i.lSc; No. 3 white new, 3ci: No.
I yellow, ;m74S'; No. 8 yellow new. 441
c, co. . uj,.'v; Io. 4 new, SliO'tilV';
No. 4 white, 7N,oc: No. 4 whit new.
4ijiisc; No. 4 yellow, 71Vr7e; No. 4
jenow, siskin-, osts: No. 2 while. 4
. jo. s aniie, ,Mis,c; jno. 4 white,
Mfe(4ic; standard, 4'.S'tl4.'c. Rye: No,
2. vie; Barley. fcfH-t81.. May: Timothy,
.. ,-r.j 10 ,s. lover: i.vii 'jo.ou.
HU'ITKK-Firra; creainerlea, 2444i(M3c;
Salrire. ZJ'uJt:
l.iMitl steady: receipts. 81(1 case; at
nark, tasea imludtKl. V'u'Mi. ; ordinary
jiisia, j.'i.'': rirsta, 2.TX4C.
rtitCh.tH-.r- Firm; dslslea. UWHU';
twins, 14m HV: young Americas, 1-iVfllic;
loos horns. WSIiUh'.
I'OTATOKS hteady; choice to fancy.
l-OriTHY-Faey: lurkeya, 13c; chick
ens. hc: eprtns. loc.
V KALr-Btoady; 60 to tfv pound weights.
Cat lot Receipts: Wheat. 17 cars, with
3 of contract grade. Corn, Sf.l cars, with
42 of contract grade. Oat. 147 cars. To
tal receipts of wheat at Chicago. Minne
apolis and Duluth for two dava were 1.41
uara, compared with 7m cars last week
sod i4i tar the corrlKndlng day
ear ago.
LIversiMl Oral a Market.
MVERItJOU Nov. a.-WHKAT-t:pot
stt-ady; No. 3 Manitoita, 7s u. No. ;
J.I'a. 7a 7d: future steady: Iwirn
inr, is :41, March, 7s 2Vd; 'stay, la 1SX
COriN Hpot quiet; American mixed, A
td; futures ateady; January, 5a 7Sd;
Ftbruary, in d.
qaotatloaa nf Ike Day Varloaa
t ommodlt lea.
NBW TORK. Nov .-KIOfH-Iull;
winter straiKhta. 4 2"4. winter pat
ents. 4 S-'.tr-4 T: apritig clear. 4 i', m0;
Kama straight, $4.iafi4wi. Rye flour,
ateady: fair to good, ." of 2i) choice
to rncy. l.V3'a.Y4rt. Huckwheat flour,
quiet; ZWutti (er 110 lbs.
t "RNM KA I Steady ; fine white and
yellow, llumlH; coarse, l.Wvtl 0; kiln
dried ,T6.
HTE-iiny; No. 2, 9CV. c. I. f. Buffalo
to arrive.
HAltI.ET Kaayj malting, 11.11.25 c.
I. f lluffalo.
U'llKAT-spot mnrket firmer; No. t,
. elevator export baal. and Mr t
i. h. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 1.13
r. n. b. afloat. Future markek was wesk
early on the cables and liberal receipts
rallied sharply on bullish crop news from
Argentine and active buying, but lost
part of the gain on reporta of a alow cah
demand, closing So net higher. Decem
ber, HHiWc, cloned Wc; May, 11 0aS4rlX44.
cloaed IHHV Ilecelpta, 173,900 bu. ; ahlp
ment. 7D.M2 bu.
COUN-Hpot market dull; export No. I
corn, Mi'e f. o. b. afloat. Future mar
ket wa nominal. Receipt, 7.876 bu.;
ahlprnenta, M.078 bu.
OATH Hpot market steady. Future
market was nnmlnsl. Receipts, 44,000 bu. ;
shipments, II. to bu.
MAY Julct ,S prime, ll.KO; No. t W 25ft
1.8"; No. 2, ai ZoVLK; No. 2. 2Uia
HIDKS-jiilet; Central America. 21e;
Ilogota, 22 '4ft 2ft V.
LKATIIKR Klrtti: hemlock first. 2.V8
re; seconds, 22iU24c; thirds, lUUei re
Ject. l.',c.
HOPB Firm: tate common to choice
1911, E3((ir.7c: Psctric coaat 1M1, mv.
I'ROVIHIONH Pork ateady; ma, I19.7S
47I7.; family. tJ0.0fv21.OO; short clesrs,
IA7VU17.M. Beef, steady; tneaa, I2.6041
18 00; family, tU.mi 14.00; beef hama,
29 IVKJ-SLMl. Cut meata. ateady; pickled
belllea 10 to 14 Hi., ln'o'n ll'ii-: pickled
hama, lMrllHc Iard, firm; middle wit
prime, !t 2 uil.80; refined, firm; continent.
ti.To: Houth A merlin, 10 50; compound,
TAlXflW- Rteadv: prima city hhds.,
(TTic; country. ',W7c.
1HJTTKK Firm; rreamerlea, Xio; ex
tras. 22Vc; first, 2l.tlc; creamery held
specials, 8)ifrr.12i;; factory current make
aecond. 2Ii'J1Sc.
ClIrlKKB Firm: aklms, 212c.
KOC1H Firm: fresh gathered extrs. 38
Ojmo; evH-a first, Mu:iV; first, 9j:c;
held fresh, poor to prime, mr&ir, fresh
gathered dirties No. 1. Vjc; No. 2, 18.(1
!;; chicks prime. 17iyi7yi; refrigerator
first season storage charges paid, 21U
4j2Cc; refrigerator first season's local
storage, 20-ullc.
COFKEK No. 7 Rio. IBHc: futures
cloaed steady; December, H.tifc; March,
PuriTRT Alive, weak; western chick
ens, lOVtfllHe; fowls, lOflniSic; turkeys,
Itir; dressed, steady; western chickens, 7
(j17o; fowls, 7TI8Sko; turkeys, loyilo.
Rt. I.oals Oeneral Market.
T. UimS, Nov. a.-'WlllaAT-Cash.
Firm; track No. 2, red, Wtfufio: No. i
hard, ksctuii.Oii Deuainber, UI'Ac; May,
otRNe-stronger: track no. i. 7zve no.
2 white, 7272Se; December, So.
OATH Higher; track No, 2, So; No. 2
white, 4lc; December, 4Sc.
Itm Hteady; soc.
FIOITR Hteady: red winter patents.
t4.au6.O0; extra fancy and stralrhta, 83.86
tja-W: hard winter clears, 23.464 3.0&.
hh-l-.D Timothy, ii.wu Uefco,
bRAN-Uteady; sacked, east track, $1.11
II A i r irm ; iimoiny, iui.wioiw.w; prai
rie, Ill.OxtiU.CO.
PRO VlhlNt Pork, lower: Jobbing,
$i(o, Ijird. lower; prime steam, l.70(i
j Ml. Dry salt meats, unchanged; boxed
extra aborts, ItH;; clear ribs, A,87V4j;
abort clears, l.l!H. Bacon, unchanged;
boxed extra ahorts, 89 87H; clear libs,
89.874; abort clears, $lO,12S4
POULTUV Firm: chickens. 8V4o;
prltiga, c; turkeys, lie; ducki, U'c;
geese, 9c.
MI'TTKR Higher; creamery, 25fS2a.
KOGS-lllgher; 2J2f.
Receipts. Bhipment
Flour, bbla. 7,M"0
Wheat, bu. , 7a,0l0 57,000
Corn, bu. 4H. 31,1100
Oata, bu 6U.0UU 07,000
Available 'applies af Orala.
NEW YORK. Nov. 8.-Cabla and tels-
graph la communications received by
liradstreeta show the following changes
In available supplies as compared with
previous account:
Available supplies:
Wheat I'nlted Hlates, east of Rocktaa,
Inrrewsed 2.814. Ma) bu ; Canuda Increased
t.04i,0b0 bu.; total I'nlted Htatea and Can
ada Increased 7,tiK,(si0 bu. : arluat rur and
In Furope Increased 4,0.W0 bu.; total
American and F.uropean supply luoreascl
12.oS2.OiiO bu. Corn I'nlted xtates and
Canada decreaaed J,(M bu. Oata United
States and Canada decreased fSS.flPO bu.
The leading Increaaes and decreases this
week follow:
Increases Manitoba, 2,377.000 bu.: Cleve
land, IIK.uo bu.; Louisville, 71,000 bu.;
Akron, CxYii bu. ; Minneapolis private ele
vators, WOW bu.
Decrease Fort Worth. 127,000 bu.: IJn-
coin, 93,000 bu,
Kaaaaa City Orala l Pro vlsloaa.
Kleadv: No. 2 hard. lWcii 81.: No. 3.
fc-... t, II ill- X 1-imI SiU-MiMtUf Kfi S 4Ki
9j': DecemlM-r, 9Jo; 4luy. WSe: July, l',io,
CORN I'nchanged to Wc higher; No. 2
mixed, 71Hc; No. a, 71o; No. a white. 71t
71o; No. a, twtrnc; liecember, t(04to;
Mar. tise.
t (ATS Market. litAe t: No. S white.
47SW4at4: No. I mixed, 4li44Sc.
It 1 t-eiIKtc.
HAY Mteady ; choice timothy. tU.SCWl
W.w, choice prsuie, if (vau.ou.
HFCKIPTS What, 104 cats.
UCTTICR-Creamery. sic: firsts. 29c:
fninna, xic; pacsing biock, zuc
KUUrl Kxtraa 2m:; first.
7c; sec-
Otlda, 170. j
Receipts. Bhlpmenta.
Wheat, bu..
Corn. bu....
I'Him 124.0.14
.1.,.. an.o'o 2on
4&.0U0 11.0U0
Oata. bu....
Peoria Market.
PKAtRIA. Nov. 8 CORN Ixwer: No.
8 white new. Hie; No. 4 whits new. Due;
no. yellow new, cm; no. 4 yellow. wi
61V; No. 8 mixed new, 820; No. 4 mixed
new. Mo. sample, 6Mfl,"ic.
OAT.S-Pteady. No. 2 whit. WHfNStAc:
No. 2 nilxvd, 4uSo.
MUvaake firala larkt.
Mlf.WAUKKR Nov. 8.-WHFAT No.
1 northern, ai.WHII.OHlj; No J, northern.
fl.04vil.tH; No. I velvet chaff, tl.04iil.G4:
No. I velvet mart, (1.01(1102; No. I hard
winter, 1 M); December, 9to; May, 99Sc.
uaib otanaara. 1,111 h v,
Mlaneapolla Orala Market.
TVcember. 8103U: May. 8108S: Julv.
tioo No. 1 hard. 81. WS; No. 1.
northern. 8I.041: No. 2 northern. 81 01U
llWi; No. 3 w heat Su' !. ,c.
Metal Market.
Standard cupper, firm: snot and futures.
111! UKi 12 ii. Itndon market firm; spot,
Au 2a l: futurea, A'.'Ji 17s b-l Ijik coo
per, U'VJ'JSc; electrolytic. lt-Swl'io. snd
caatlhg. li'SoUsc Tin. firm: simf. Ill uO
ti4K.;i0; futiSia. 841.Ktj42.15. londop mar
ket firm: spot. Aim bs: future. atlt& is
Lead, quiet; e4.Sxti4.30, New York; 84.1of
4)0, Fast Ht. Ixwjls. lMndon, Ala ids M.
Hpelter, quiet; 8n.s)i.60, New York: 8rl 10
ji, Faat Ht. Louis txtndon, IS.
Antimony, dull; Cookaon'a. fiOotiS.IIV,.
Iron. Cleveland warrants. 4ti td In Lun.
don; locally quiet; No. 1 foundry north
ern, I3UNI1&.U; mo. X. 14.7i(H6.X; No.
1 southern and No. t southern soft.
tl5.tArj 14. ou.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Fralta
APPLK!4-4julet and barely ateady:. on
the spot famcy, louiovac; choJu, t'Jo;
prime. H'deSc.
Dili ED FHUITK-Prunea. unsettled and
tn some cases prices are easier owing to
liquidation on the part of buyera who
had overloaded: quotatlona range from
U-c tor Callormia up to lH,u. Aprl
cuts, dull and unchanged; choice. LjCllbSc
extra cholie. lt-oii,c: fancy, 1,'trlKc.
Peauhea. quiet and steady; choice II4
tlVic; extra choice. HV$il2c:, fancy, llvwtf
UVaC. italslns. Inactive and about steady;
loos muscatels. uHtrtVsc; cliolce to fancy
seeded, 74,eiW: seedless, to7c; London
Uyeis, fltotllta.
Oils a ad Koala.
Firm, en'i.c.
ItAWlM-nrin; trp T. and a, V.tH.
Pricea Fall After More Than Week
of Adrancinf; Qaotationi.
Wall Rtreet Pays Little Atteatlea t
Elect lows, Greater laterrst Urla
Manlfeatea la Xest
V T." tv v r 1 li t.' X'.... v.. n
week of advancing prices the stock
market fell today. Pressure asainat the
speculative Issues wss persistent and ef
fective, men were depressed early in
the day, and the market seemed to be
without the power to rally.
Toward the close the pressure became
more pronounced. Reading and United
Htates Steel fell more then 2 points und
l nlon Pacific, and other active stocks
nearly as much. A few Inactive Indus
trials developed pronounced strength.
ine decision or the court regarding tne
American Tobacco Plan was not msde
known Until after the close of the market.
During the day the pseferred stock wss
heavy, although the common advanceu
10 points luir before the close on the
curb. The decision ahowed that Wall
street's expectations had been largely
Wall street paid little attention to the
elections. Interest Is livelier In the forth
coming session of congress, chiefly be
cause of the expected attempts at im
portant tsrlff change.
The market waa largely one of spe
cialties. National Biscuit rose more than
4 point on reports of a rohsble Increase
In the dividend rate. Hrookiyn L nion
Oaa gained 4S. and Urge advances were
made by a number of other Inactive Is
sue, including Federal Mining, Phila
delphia company and American Can, pre
ferred. Delaware, Urkawinns West
ern gained 6 point sfter the announce
ment of tha per cent extra stocs aivi-
dend. This action, however, has been
Isrgely discounted, the stock having risen
66 points In the last few weeks.
Plseing of a 9L3t.4Sa.rsg) loan by the Na
tional Railways of Mexico and the sale
of I6.OjO.000 bond for a suhsldlsry of the
Union Pacific were announced. j nere
were other indications that the railroads
were going forward more confidently.
The bond market held firm In the early
trading, but later developed a reactionary
tendency in places. ioiri aaies, yr
value, 3,4t,0U0. umtea mates .' ad
vanced Mi on call.
Number of sales and lending quotations
on stocks were as follows:
gals. lllgD. low- -los.
Alllt-Chslnur. pf...
Asialiamales Oipssr .,
44 V,
101 Vi
14 '4
Amarloaa Alcuiiuri..
Amerlrtn Hest fluitr..
American Csa
Amsrtcaa. C. a. P....
Aaiarlnan OUon Oil
A mr ,-n II. a b. pM..
Aatsrlcaa Irs Hscur
Anisrtrail LlnMml
Amsrtcaa locomotive ....
Amertosa S. a R
Ainsrlrsa S. a H td..
Aaxrlcan Steel Kin ...
America lufsr Refining
Anwrlcsa Tsl. a. Tel....
Amartcaa Tulisoce pfd.
Amertasa Woolsa
Aaaoonaa Mlnlag Co ..
Atchison pfil
Atlantis Coast Una., ...
Baltimore Utile
Rathlshsm Rteal
Hrooklrn JlD Tran....
101 Vi
841 VI
87 'I
Canlisa Psfltlo
Central leather
rsntrsl Msthsf ptd
Cntral of Nsw Jsrsay..
l-hSBSuaali V Ohio ....
t'hlraso a Alton
Chicago Oresl wasters..
( hi. Ursst Wait p(4 ...
Chi. A N. W
Mil. a St. P....
C, C. f. a HI. U..
141 V,
t Colorado rTiat a iron...
Colo. aV Soulharo
Conaollasts Uas
Ora Product
Hal. Huosun
IMnrsr a Mlo Oranaa..
D. l. O. pfd
Ktallllanr gscurltls ....
Kris 1st pfd
lorl Id ptd
Uansral Kleotrto
Orsat Northsrs pld ....
Draat Northsra Or etfs..
Illinois Central
InUrborousli-Mst. ptd....
Intarnallotial Kanrsatsr. .
Uiter. Marin pfd
rntsrnallnnal faper
International Pubis ....
lows Central
K. C Routhera
K. '. toiithsra pfd
Irlad tlaa
lAulailllt Naahvllle ..
Mlun. 81. lxiuls
M , St. P. 8. Ht. M.
M., K. a T.
M . K. T.. pfd
Missouri Pacitlo
National Hlacult
National Ucad
N. Ky. of M. 14 pfd....
Nsw York Oantral
N V., O a W
Norfolk Wsatsrs
North Auiarlcau
Nortliaril !cltlo
Pacini! Mall
People's Uas
Pitta., ., a St. L..
Plttaburih fial
Preased ftssl Car
Pulmsn Palsca t'ar
Hallway Ileal Bpilng....
Nrput'llc Stl !!..
Kapublla tal
llock laland Ce.. ........
1:ock Island -
St. u a s. F. Id pfd..
t. U w
St. U . ''
ioH-Sh!fiid a. a I,..-
Southern Pacific ........
outhsrn l'.ailwsr
Southern Hallway pfd..
Tanneaseo "wr
Tesae Psotflc ...
Toi.. at. U w. pf..
Tol.. t. U. a fr
Vnloa Ptclflo
I1 nlon Psctfta ptd
I'nlted tt Rsalty
I'nlted HUlaa Rubltsr ....
t olled Sistaa Stssl pfd..
I'ImI. Cmlter
44 W
300 H14 1S4 1HS
8.S00 iri'4 ViM l!s
1,100 4V
4n iw
14 V
.1.1O0 losv, 107i 10744
too 1IS4 1
IdV 10 10
in" so 10 vi
100 ! 14 44
loo ' 104'4 1o4'i
)) S4 S34 14
ton 1344 UIVs 1H
200 H tlVh 114
1 100 i'-S 41
4,400 104 134
400 4SV4 41
1.IM 1074 101H 107VI
0 SS'4
8.400 101
4.100 1MV 11SH
400 si it
1. too n:'4 i:tv mvt
too louvi 104 j lot
11, too i.',s4 im
ins rV
M, 14HH iv4 ij.
14. soft
t.ioo lias l"H 111
I.100 m s rS
700 11 w 11 1A
. in sn, to4 8t4
400 34 S tl4 I4
J(W 4S4 l 4JS
tuo lvs it'i li
U.snn iiws lt lii
aoo M 88 tivt
1.100 44S 44S 44 S
t.S) 10S 107S lots
t,IU0 4S 44 4SS
4,10 44 4S 47S
too u lis Its
lot MS 4S tts
700 WS tt 41
1. 000 19S IIS 1'S
II rot 171S "S 17S
Vlrslnla-Csrollsa Chsm..
Wastsra Marirlaaa
Wabaah pfd
Weslnhu Slactrl ..
wsi Inton
Whaelln IAS Kris
leMah vallcr
Totsl sals for tn das, 144,400 slisre.
Doatoa Stock Market. "
HOSTON". Nov. 8. Cloalng quotations on
stock were a
4 Mohawk
.... 44
.... II
.. IV,
.... 834
.... 4
.... 41Uj
.... Si
C.) tv
.... M
.... 1U
Anal, t-oppar ..
A Z. U .....
Arts fom
B. C. C a . U
Hutt roslltioa .
Cl. Aria ....
1st. A Haela ...
. MV Katsilt Con ...
, t Mpuslna Mine
. o Noith butt ...
;. H North bsks ...
. 14 Old Itonilslon .
. V4acsola
.74 Parrott (8.
, luQulnif
i't. K. t",
P.sat Hutte fbp..
Krsnklla '
Olreus Cos
Orsnbr Coa ,
llroeffia (Snsnsa
lats Koran )
K.rr 14
Lak t lutpsr
tissue twpper. ..
XJlaml Copper ...
, U ftttannon
, S Snpsrtor
. T Superior aV B. M..
8 I
41 H
rr v. s. s. k
. t d, ptd ...
. 14 t'uk Cos .
, t 1 tab 0ppar
, MHWInoai ....
. IVWsl'arlne ..
a M.
New Yark Moaer Market
NKW YORK. Nov. .-MONKT-On call
steady at Z'4tt lr cent; ruling rate.
tv tier cent: ctoaina I'm. f vr t
ffered at '4 tier cent. Time loans easier;
alxty daa. 8V per cent; ninety oaya,
lis; per cent; six months, SS'uJ1 per cent.
4U. tier cent
MTh.HI.IKI4 tlA.osi rirm. wun
actual business in bankers' bills at 84.WT1
for sixty dava and at tlMM for demand;
commercial bills, 84 83.
HILVFR Bar. 6c; Mexican oonars, 40c.
HONfiStJovernment, firm; rsUlruad,
Closing quotations on bonds today war
aa follows:
U. 8. is rag lfttrSla. It. M. 4S -.. 4
ds rousoa lavSJspsa 4s II
ea Is rg 101 S dv
Ss MUBoa lUISH. .. S 1st SS...T3S
4s r..... lllHU g J.b. 4s 4131 . tlS
rupva ussu. a n. us. 4. . ms
Aiis-raai. m aa.. ass aa , a. at 1 i a as
Aa. AS U 101s V sas. 4S afs
A. T. a t. ev. aaiisi . rarino ts .... to
A star. Tsk, 4 .... MSN. R. at M. 4S US
da 4 HI N V. C. are. I as ts
Armour . 4S t t d dab 4a Si 14
aicaiaea ra. as.. . 1 , rt. it a it.
a. s lots ' 4s Ill
4a cr. Is WtN. W. la coa. 4s ts
At. ('. L, 1st 4s. tS 4 e 4s lo.'V
H 4) O 4 tN Parino 4s liaia.
SHa Slia "w ss as-
4 g. W. IS ... l Or g U r4. 4. . n
Tr. ee.
... 4srna. c. ISs (ISlil t
.. isav do coa. 4 1M
101 11 11
8.MI0 W.44 H4
ino tin IH
1.400 44V, 44
f.M llUj 1"4
t.Mm SIS bo
1. 600 4i 42
"'00 "ii4 'ii'vi
li.'iai 'wis '"vi
"too iiT " lit
4o niH 1I7H
4, M tlti 87
"ioi 'sii, 'ii
3. aoo lot lM't
lis) lu 103
Mw ns l
4, upo io 1014,
1,300 II 0
4,st 1 ' TIV4
L.SUD 84t 141H
i.'too 'n'i iiii
"ioj 144H iiiii
4,404 111 1H
"iiio 'ii'i 'i-j'i
' 1U0 44 4
Iroo ui 134
"iii i'i
lis) l'4 4Si
1UJ 4 .44
. r (la 4a
Osa. sLuaer I
(;,(. i.
. .. PI Rasdlsg gsa. 4s.... ss
a us st. u 4 i, 1 . a n
..It'S in r". Is
.. tJStt. L 8. W con.
.. 10 do 1st X"ld 4a.
.. U
4a 7s
.. ns
do rsf. is....
C. A A. SS .
u, B a o it.
4a MS A. I 4S
SO 14
do sn as
MS So Pc. eel. 41.
" St. tlPl ta M n
.... II
.... M
.... 71
1. ...ISIS
4s 7
1. ...104
4a. . I U
C ,H. I. a P. . 4s JH do lat rsf. 4a
do rfc 4a il. tn n tm ...
'M Ind ta li 01 gen 4s ..
t'olo. Mid 41 .. fnlnn Pacific
C g f e I n rl4 do cv. ....
P. a H. rv. 4s.... PIS do 1st 1
It. A H 0 4s MS 1. g Hnhher I
d ref. ta S74f. g Steel td
Maulers' Is Tlsvs-Csr. ck. U....l''S
Crl pr. Ilsn 4a. . S7S Wsbash lat U I"AS
do (so. 4a 7t4 d 1st A . 4s.. 4S
tt c. 4a ssr. A 1 West. Md. 41 7S
do see. D 77s'Wsst. sM. tr. ta tJ
MO. Klec. ev. ItIM Wla f n 4s tt&
II. C 1st t. 4s.. KS Mo. Psc.' 4
Int. -Mat. Sa HSPanim la lots
Did. offered.
Irondon gloek Market.
london closing stock nnotatlors:
Consols, money
IIS lularllls A
71 Mo., Kin. Ts.. A'4
!tHNi Tork f'atral..ltos
1S Norfolk A Wssttra 111S
til d pfd to
lot Ontario A Wostsrn. 4IS
do acoosnt ..
Anul Cnppsr
Anaconda ......
do pfd
Bait I mors A nhlo..lo4rcnnarl'nt
... MS
'aoiltt Pacific ,.m nana Mines ....
rhesopsak Ohio. 71 ttcadlm
... is
... us
... si
... T!H
... 14 S
... 11
... IS
... It
Tit. Ureal Western. 1 Boulhern Kr ...
Chi., Mil. a et P it So std
Da h
.. IIS Souther Paelfla
Llatirar A
MSlnlon Psclfls
do pfd
.. 10 do pfd ....
.. 84V. 8 Steal.
.. bs'tj 4 pfd ...
... ISrVlhalh
.. ?' d pfd ....
do 1st pfd....
An td pfd...
OrAhd Trunk ..
Illinois 'Cant ml
iw- l.iar,
Steady, at 23 HM pur
MONET-ltt'Slli per cent.
Th rate of illsctiunt In th open mar
ket for abort bill I SV per cent; fur
three months' bills. 3 "14 per cent.
New York Mlnlna stocks.
NKW YORK. Nov. S.-Cioslni; quota-
tlons on mining
Cotn. Tun. stock..
stock were:
154 l.lttls ( bier I
IT . Mcilcsa 130
, 17 Ontario 1"0
71 ripblr II
100 minrlard 100
do bonds
Con. Cil. a Va...
Iron" Silver
1W F...4t
'ladviil caa....
Yellow Jacket 44
CUFFSK Imported Swl. sic; Ameri
can Swiss, 22c, block Hwiss, 18c; twins.
17e; dslles. l,c; triplets, 17c; young
Americas. 18c: blue label brick, l7'4e; 11m
berger, 2-lb., J8c; llmhnrger, 1-lb.. 10!.
HUTTKR-No. 1, 1-lb. tsrton. Mc; No. 1,1
ln t'i0-lh. tubs, 34c; No. t, 82c; packing, 20c
r'JULTRI-Hro era ISc: sor nis. lc:
hens, lie; cocks, l"c; ducks, 18c; geese.
16c; turkeys, 2ic; pigeons, per doz., 81.50.
Alive, brollera. lzitr; bens, ntc: old
roosters and -stag, &c; old ducks, full
foAthered, 11c; gextse, full feathsred, loc;
turkeys, ine; guinea fowls, Jo each;
pigeons, per dos., 7Sc: homers, per doz.,
V W; squab. No. 1, 11.50; No. 2. 60c.
r IBM Pickerel. 11c: wh t. yu.l6c: P ko.
ISc; trout, HtrlSfl; large crapples. IMlKc;
Kpanlsh mackerel, loc; eel, fc: haddocks,
1.1c; flounders, 13c; green catfish, limine;
roe shad, 11. yi each: Shad roe. per pntr.
otic; lalinon. 13c; halibut. lltflSc;
perch, He; buffalo, 8c; bullheads, lie.
I'UUbi'Hl-wro era. ic: springs. 12j:
hens, lie; cocks, 8c; ducks, 18c; geese,
l&o; turkeys, 24c; pigeons, per doz, II. to.
Alive, broilers, 12Vfco; hens, o; oil
roosters and stags, 6c; old ducks, full
feathered, He; geese, full futahered, 10c;
turkeys, ISO; guinea fowls, lao each:
pigeons, pnr dos., 7&c; homers, per doz.,
t2M: squabs. No. 1, IL60; No. 2, 50c.
Bef cut lJrtceKib: No 1, 18cj No.
Urtc; No. 8, 8V4c Loins: No. L lBVsc:
7Vc; No. 2. Pie; No. 3. 5vio. Rounds: No.
lie: no. 8. S7c jso. 8. esc. piates: No.
1, tic; No. 2. 4-sc; No. 3, 4'4o. ,
FKUlTn. Kit;.-Appie: cooking Vari
ties, per bbl., 82. m; Jonathan, per bbbl..
H.00; Ren Davl. per bbl., 2.fi0; California
i;lleflower, per bus, 81. SB; , Colorado- Jon-
athnn, extra fancy, per box, 'l tb; Wash-
i.igton HgitxcnDerg, per box. 2.oO; Wash
ington Red Rea'ity, per box, IJ.W; Wash
Ington Htaman Wlnesaps, per box, 12. i0.
Rsnanas: fancy select, per bunch. 13. ij
t2.D0: Jumbo, per buoch, i.Vo!ui.
Cranberries. Wisconsin fancy, per bbl.,'
It) .00; per box, 31 00. Dates: Anchor
rand, new, 30 1-lb. pkgs. ln boxes, pet
box,' 8125. Figs: California, per case of
)2-o. pkgs., Ntc; per case or so ii-og.
pkgs., 82.(0; per case of 60 6-oz. . pkgs.,
12.00; Ney Turkish, 8-crown In 20-lb.
boxes, per lb., Lie; U-crown ln 20-lb. boxes,
per lb.. 14c; 7-crown In lt lb. boxes, per
ib., 17c. drapes: California Tokay, per
4-bsk. crate, i. zu; oiaiaga grapes, in
bbla., li.Wtft (. Lemons: Llinonelra
brand, extra fancy, 300-50) sixes, ur box.
to 7j; Lonia Llinonelra, fancy, 800-:tW
sixes, per box, .00; 840 and 430 sizes, SOo
per box less, oranges: Niagara Red
lands Valencies, isi-124 sizes, iter box.'
to.ZAi 150-17-2-ot-3s) sires, per box, i.i0.
Peaches: cauiornia ami coiorauo, per
box, 11.00. Pear: California Duchess,
11. Hardy and B. Clartgeau. per &0-1U.
box, la.OO; Lawrence, per box, $3.00.
, IJOUTABLEIt Means: .string and
wax. pormkt. bsk., cabbage:
Wisconsin, per lb., lsifl'jc. Ctlery:
Michigan, per dot., 3jc; Colorado Jumbo,
per U".,.. sue. cucumbers: riot house.
Iier tiox., 4.w, . riant; rancy
''lorlda, per doz., $1.00. Garlic: Extra
fancy. While, per lb., lie Lettuce: Ex
tra fancy leaf, per doz., 40c. Onions:
California, white, per lb., 3c; VVlsconsin,
yellow and - red, in sacks, per lb., 2:4o;
Spanish, per crate, It. 75. . Paralpy- Fancy
home grown, per aos. ouncnes, 4uc. I'o
tatoes: Minnesota Early, Ohio, par bu..
11.00; Wisconsin white stock, per bu
80c; in 10-sack lota, 60 leas. Kweet Po-
tatoek: Virginia.' per DDI., 13. wi; per bu.
bak.. I1.S8. Rutabagas: ln sacks, per lb.,
l'io. Tomatoes: California, per crate.
Mlsi'IiUiANKULD Aimonas: , iarr-
fona. per lb., lsSo; In sack lots, la less,
irasi! Nuts: Per lb.. 14c; In sack lots,
lo less. Cocoanuta: Per sick, 16. 60. Fil
berts; Per lb.. 14c; In ssok lots, lc leas.
Peanuts. Rousted, per lb., 84c; ran, per
lb., 7 Ho. Pecans:. Large, per lb., lbc; in
tack lots, lo lea. Walnuts: New crop,
lull California, tier lb.. 17Sc: In sack
lots, lo les. elder; New Nehalsl, per
15-gal. bbl., $3 09; per so-gai. bin.,;
New York Molt , iper 15-gal. '.j bbl., $;
per 30-gaI. bbl.,' 1CW. ltoney: New, 21
frames, H'X. Kraut: Per 13-gal. keg,
I2.;,1; per.t-gal. keg. $1.10. ,
PhlladelarbtB-Prudaee Market.
Flrm; extra western creamery, Xic;
nearby points, 8H
KtlCifl Firm Ottftsioc per case higher;
Pennavlvanla and . other nearby firsts,
1940 per case; current receipts, t00 per
case; weetern flrstta $8.00 per case; cur
rent. $900 per case.
CHBKSK lllghei'; -ew torn mil
cream fancy, lo'iio'io; iair to gooa.
'," on aa itosia.
SAVANNAH. (In. Nov. $.-Tl'RTEM-
TIMJFlrin at Vj4S'.4c. Sules. 86 bbla.;
receipts, - 4 bhls., shipments, 214 bbl.;
tock. 3t.2Lf! bbls.
K i!IN Firm; ssles, 3.106 bbla. re
ceipt. I.r, bbls.; thlpments, 2.4,sg
UA-; stui'ks, m.4u; tuns. quota
tions: 11. $4,174; ,F. $.?7S)3.0; y. O,
4.6f.L WU, $7.80; WW. $7.00.
t t Dry G4tods Market.
The cotton, good market It quiet and
trading in grcv cloths is being dona at
the sacrifice of values. Jobbers are or
dering goods in a hand to mouth way.
The spring carpet trade has been light
thus far. Knit goods lines for fall are
now open. Worsted yarns are in better
general demand.
Coffee Market.
tures closed firm, net 4 points higher
lo ! points lower; sales, iVOoO bags. De
cember, lt.tiftc; January 14.86c: February.
ItKic' March. 13. 73c; April. 18T0c; Mav.
13.H'tC; June arid July, 13 lie; August, (Sep
tember and October. 13 41c. Boot, quiet:
Hlo No. 7. ):S1lMe; Santo No. 4. liPa,c;
mild, dull ; Cordova. lt5S-i ItiSc, nominal.
' , ' Cattua Market.
NFW TORK." Nov.. 8.-COTTOV Snot
cloaed dull, five volnta lower: inlddllng
uplands, $9 36; middling gulf. $9.1); tales,
Maal Market.
ST. IXCIit. Nov. S-WOOL TTn-
chsnged: terntnrv and western mediums.
17(1?.-; fine mediums, lotu.v; line. Htjiic
t. Jnaepk l.lve,tok Market.
8T. JOBKPU. Mo.. Nov. $ CATTLE
Rocelht. ino head: market steady:
stexrs,-4.(i at); oowo-aiid heifer. $14)
els. calve. uwa' .
HOCS8 Receltta, 4.600 head: market
steady to K"c lower; top, $4 30; bulk ot
aalr. 85 lXt4 30.
ttHKKl' AMI I.AMD3-Receipt. 3.000
head, market iowr;-iamita, -t&ouao.isl.
Pertlsttnt Advertising is 'the' Road
Big Returng. ' . 1
C. A O. 4S .
Cttl Show Very Little Change, Being-
About Steady.
Reeelsta of Sbeep aad l.amlis Larger
Tkaa Last Week, bat Dm!
Is (lood aad Desirable
Klads Hell Ktrad'y
SOtTH OMAHA, Nov. , 1911.
Receipt were. cattle. Hoss. Sheer.
Official Monday 10,n4 3.747 nMlt
Offlrlal Tuesday g.f.n i.2iV 31.4.18
Lstlmitte Wednesday 8.) .tW0 23,014)
Three dai slhls v.iu tr, fit?.
S9 I7
Heme diiys last week. .21.02
Hamo days 2 w'k gg.i.fc.7Pj
Msme dsya 3 w'ks ko.3o.02Q
fams day 4 w'k aKo.3o.."il)0
Same days last year. .14.116
The following table snow the receipts
PI cattle, hogs and sheep at Booth Orrsha
for the year to date, a compared with
laat yean 111 10111 inc. D'.
1,('24.777 1.0o2.06J 25,336
Hog 1.032. 5 (W. IM .147.708
Bheep 2,70K,7'J 2.4M.42J 7i,370
The follnwlnn; tnble chows the average
prices paid for hoks at Oouth Omaha for
the last few days, with comparisons.
Dle. I 1911. 19lO.llO9.lOS.llr07.;iW..!l9O3
Oct. .10.
Oct. SI,
Nov. ...
NOV. a..
Nov. 3.,
-Nov. 4..
Nov. I.
I 7 701 6 m I iO 0 001 4 4
I l-'M 8 01 I t OKI W 0; 4 91
Ocsi 7 871 7 7? 5 bll 05! 4 84
Wi i 7 oftl 6 1S 0S 4 I'M 4 HO
a op! 7 01 c 811
P. 07
4 7
H 07, 7 74! o hill & S?
4 H
7 151 7 70 & 87 U 28 B 98
Nov. ..
I 7 70i 6 7:' 6 l"il 8 fi 4 bi
7 00 I 5 7M 4 Wl W 4 H.1
Nov. 7..
Nov. 8.,
8 02 7 7 I 4 7 6 02 4 81
Receipts and disposition of live stock
at the union Stock yards, flout lv Omaha,
Neb., for twentv-fuur houra endlnir at 3
o'clock. .
Cattle, ll.iiri sheen, ll'r'a.
.. . ac ut . f a
0 (
IS 30 1
4 1..
23 ii
- &. ..
3 1 1
22 li 1
4 ..
91 85 1
Wahash 6
Missouri Pacific 1
union Pacific 89
O. 4 N. W., east... 14
(!. N. W.. west.. .120
C Kt P. M. A o.. 14
C, II. & y., east.. B
C B. Ac (J.. west.. 100
C. It. I. AV P.. east 4
C. R. 1. & P.. wet. 8
C. Q. W ..
Total receipts.... 333
Cattle. IIors. Bherp.
Omaha Packing Co 231 09
nwirt and company. ...i.w l.n9
Cudshy Packing Co 1,320 1,624
Armour & ComDanv 1.084 1.736
Cudahy Packing com
pany, rrom Kenver.... 253
Omaha Packing com-
' pany, from Denver... 25.
Morrell 22
W. 14. Vansant Co 17
Uehton, Vansant 'St L. 14
HDL Ron 17
F. ft. Lewis 13
Huston At Co 45
J. B. Koot ft Co 140
J. II. Bulla 43
U K. lluss a
L. Wolf lflo
McCreafy At Kellogg.... m
Werthelmer ' Degen..'
H. F. JlsjiUlton.......... 203
M. ft KAns.-Catf. Co.. 240
Cllne ,ft Christie 160
Other buyers. ;..v 1.45!) .....
Total 8.094 S 917
CA'i'l'LE Cattle receipts wera. very lib
eral today, showliiK a large gain over
yesterday and making - the total for the
three aaya this week 2v,622. This shows an
increase ,ot Shout 2,tjij head over last
week and ot about 11,000 head over, the
same week a year ago. -
ln spite of the fact that receipts were
so liberal the market was ln very satis
tactory cohditlon., I'hder the influence
of a good buying dHrrtaiul the more desir
able of the beet. cattle changed handa In
rvhsoufsble eeaxon. ;.The prices -paid
showed little or no change as compared
with yesterday, 'unlets. It might be some
thing interior or Utldeatrable.
The, better grade, of cows and heifers
were sought Alter and the demand as a
whole waa good. Prices paid were gen
erally, about the same as prevailed yes
terday .. .
Feeder buyers had a good many cattle
on hand, but still they were not averse
to .taking on a ,fey more, so that the
market so far as the. good feedera were
concerned was steady. There was a little
Inclination shown -to. bear down on the
trasny snd undesirable kinds.
Quotations on native cattle: Good to
choiug beet Jteeia,; fair to guod
beef steers, $."1 0O(5.75; common to lull
beef Steers, 84.40ttf6.00; good to choice heif
er, $4.SOtf6 .30; good to choice cows, $4.2.VJ
4.9S; fair to good oows and heifers, $4.7S
((4.26; common to fair cows and heifer,
t2.1Mrrl.7A; veal .calves, 1W.AI.
Quotation on range cattle: Good to
choice eel' treei , .; fair to good
beef steers, 5.(Xii6.75; common to fair
beef steers, 9t.4uQ11.OO;, good to choice heif
ers. 44.4Ati5.16; good to, choice cows, $4.o.VU
4.10; fair to rood cows) and heifers. I0.76&
4.85-, food to choice stockers and feeders,
$4.806.00; fair to good stacker snd feed
er, its): common to fair stockers
and feeders. f4.40U4.soj stock nelfers,
ti.'J6; bulls,- stags, etc.. $i2ia4.lsX
Representative sales:
A. Pr. No.
.1113.4 14. It
t u
J 71
..1044, I 40 41
.. tii 10 ' '
.iM IH t
. , lit 1 10 il
'.. Itt 8 11
.. M4..3 to . .
.. u a 4o 14.:....
- nElr s.a,
.. IU rt 11 - a
... Tftt
... 177
... 140
... 41
I 40
I 40
I 71
4 1
4 tl
4 44
ran ,u
; BCLt-S.
8 4 1 not 4 M
8 to -
A in f
4M 4 71 t tM 8 to "
, 147 ,1 M ' 1 114 1 04
...... IM 10. 1 170 1 t) I
14 ..
I ..
in 1 40 21 4o 4 is
, 874"
, l4 '
4 11 in t ;
4 4t It 49 t
4 40 14 10 1 8 li
It heifers..; ??S 4 ti 28 leeders.. 873 4 0
W feeders.. l,fc43 IN 24 feeders.. Wl 6 16
63 steers.. ..1023 6 00 63 steers.. ..lo 6 (A)
8 COWS 870 3 C6
- J. W. Itamsev.
U feeders. .104a 4 XR 3 steers.... 83 3 30
II feeders.. 1 (W 11 heifers.. ',23 4 60
1$ heifers.. 1061 6 40
J. la. Evans.
SI steers.. ..1015 4 80 ,
11 COWS....
19 feeders.
10 feeders.
a steers...
18 cows....
17 rows..,.
t'tS 3 ) 1 feeders.. 7A
4 45
4 16
4 36
4 70
4 16
4 00
71 1
4 5
4 26
$ 06
21 feeders., til?
13 feeders.. 'M
t cows 7o4
M steers.. ..ItArt
3 60
3 46
4 10
( 15
U f auders
(1 cows UjO
11 steers. ...1133
3 76
U buils
6 X
6 00
Vi steer. ...IU 6 36 10 teers....lubt)
Poole Bros.
I cows 870 4 JO $7 feeders.. 770
R. H. Homer. .
ISt feeders. 1044 6 36
3. C. Nash.
120 steers... 327 4 60 - (
F F. BaJnworth-iWyomlng.
37 staurs....lU4 t 18 steers.. ,.12i'3
I steers.... 8,3 $ 00 12 steers.... IW4
John t tetcalf Wyomlnr.
4 SO
( 10
4 W
6 00
17 feeders. lm 6 Ot) S3 feeders.-. 1073
83 steers. ...Ills 4 lit feed(rs..uU A 80
steers.. ..1073 4 80 $ eow..... HK 'i 80
11 cow 1044) K IS cows 10JU t 40
C. F. Rdherton Wyomlns. 1
31 stets....U74 6 TO 87 feeders,.. lo
6 SB
$ 00
88 feeders.. 1CW3
i 40
. IS titer.... I5
4 toll 146
It cS ochtrs. SJ2
S cow...
SI cow...
13 cows...
, H'.'t I 46
.0li1 4 40
Christ iananh Wromln.
8 cow
s luO 4 36 10 stert....l0t9
J. B. Kendt'.ck Wyoming.
6 10
t io
4 80
3 43
4 row
$ 1 ii
33 coyvs. .... K90
2l lors....l'ju0
24 teer8....10tS
13 halfeis... (3
43 CoW...
10 heirers.
n feeder
I feeders
810 ( 40
45 4 .
704 1 TS
4) 4 80
Oil) $ 40
10 fee lers.. 710
10 feeder.. 611
Jess Klilolt -South Dakota.
19 heifer. ..KW 4 $5
C. Jefferlee South Dakota.
cows 940 1 6 43 steers. ... 970
17 feeders .1005 4 $0
W..J. Fox 6outh Dakota.
U cows f00 3 CJ
J. FUd-touth Dakota.
U cow 710 30 feeders.. 1000
It) cows 1027 - 4 44 -10 steers.. .1221
4 65
4 J
6 75
33 steer.. ..15 6 75
41 steers.. ..11W? I 00
Z2 cows Uit 4 (0
1st 1 Miff y Montana.
15 cows 9t 4 3S
HOOS- Rcarlsh advices from eastern
hog markets prompted buyers to cheapen
cost locally, bulk selling ar.out g nickel
lower. Recelpta were moderate, but' size
of supply long since ceased to be a very
potent influence In determining prlcxs
and the decline wa forraa without much
difficulty. Packers furnished best atipiiort,
hut demand from shippers, at least in one
division, was fslrly broad. Something
like a -dosen loads of various weight
found s shipping or speculative outlet, a
purchase that comparea favorably with
the total estimate of ninety loads.
Movement st no period of the,seslon
showed very much action, all buyers
nperntlr.g cautiously, and It required two
or three hours to make clearance com
plete. Bulk of sales ranged from $4.00 to $.15.
henvlea getting usual premiums. Popular
price for ordinary butrhers and weighty
stuff settled at $A 10. the heat lard hogs
on sale brltisltig 8rt.I0, a nickel under yes
terday's high price.
Representative sales:
feeder.. lWi 4 76
cows s"l 3 75
73 cows ?St 4 BO
10 feeders.. 73 4 64)
No. At. gti. Pr. No. At.
:o iso to 1 20 11 ;i
17 157 ... 171 tt MO
41 HI ... i 75 U IM
14 11 SO I ft 44 SSt
tt IM W ill 61 n
H Kl ... It! tl 4
st ftfl m I S 47 54
f. 127 40 t M 41 J70
7 lt SO t 00 4S tTO
17 Sll 140 t 00 44 Ill
t Ill ... 00 41 1
31 tta ... ton 4 ss5
42 ?l ISO 4 W 44 rt
th til UO t OS fc 1:1
0 Ml ... t 05 4 J01
71 177 10 I OS tt !17
SO 2.10 4ZO t 04 41. 4
t sol to t on tt :st
in im ... tot to m
11 141 ... 4 05 tt 2C0
U 54 ... 101 71 117
:n 3t too t Ot CI 303
U 110 40 4 05 4 110
X U7 ... tot 70 2(1
64 l; 120 t 03 S 174
45 i7 SO t 45 It tl
41 tl ... I 05 41 SOO
44 2l to t OTH Ct 214
44 f t M I 471 11 117
4t ! ... I 07U, M :0
7ft t?0 40 t74 SO. Sit
f. ISO 4 07H M
72 tn jno M 14j M Jt
tr, 11 1R0 t 071 74 2S2
T: 2::S 2u0 I 07 V, H 14S
12 t::t ... t 07S 2 ll
11 302 ... 1071. II -20
HlS-l' 'ti8 AND ' N'
40 .154 ... 4 86 Si. ......140
IS ... 00 ' 28....:.. 12S
104 130 ... ISO I 101
Sh. Pr.
MO t 0714
tro I 071
240 10
ISO t 10
... 110
240 4 lo
... 4 10 '
IM 4 lo
140 t 1
SO 4 10
124 4 10
40 4 lo
40 t 10
10 4 1
200 t 10
10 t 14
SO I 10
... t l
... t 10
10 I 10
400 t 10
410 4 10
10 4 19
10 4 10
10 I HVt
... 4 1SH
t'iO 4 ItH
S20 4 12H
...' ll'i
... Ill
120 8 IS
1!0 4 15
SO 4 II .
40 t 15
10 4 15
. i . 4 50
SO 4 24
... 8 ft
... 3 00
... 6 tsl
81IEKP-More fed and warmed-up stock
was Included In the fresh supply, of sheep
snd lambs than appeared on any. previous
day this weclc. but the demand from
packers had plenty of tone and generally
steady prices prevailed, trlrlngs that were
obviously more or less on the "scenery
fed'' order met with unfavorable dis
crimination, but offering that carried
fair to good corn finish acted well. Total
receipts amounted to about 22,000 head,
about half of this estimate being suit
able for slaughter. ' ,
There was nothing strictly prime avail
able in the way of fat lambs, but some
rangers that were pretty good landed
early at $5.40, indicating a top quota
tion of $5.73. Contrary to buying tactic
a week' or so ago, killers worked down
Into the weighty feeder classes now and
then, paying less than $6.00 for weights
under 70 pounds that were not. very at
tractive. Matured muttons cleared well, a scarcity
of good to choice quality serving to
strengthen preference for dwaliable
dresaers. Hales showed a wide range, due
to lack of uniformity In condition of
wethers, ewes nd yearlings, but most of
the gtuff moved In yesterday'' notches.
Fed yearlings made a creditable top of
$4.i5, while high-grade fed wrestern swes
reached $3.35 Canner ewes landed under
$2.00, selling around $l.lWfl.68.
In feeders, the situation remained un
changed, the main features -of trade be
ing a dwindling supply and an- equally
shortened demand. Almost everything
had to be cashed at recent bargain rates,
feeder ewes, ranging from $i.70 down to
about $1.25. for cull clacses. The better
kinds of feeder lambs found an outlet at
and near $4.36, anything weighing lets
than fifty-five pounds getting a quiet de
mand' from $4.85 downward. Two days
purchase of- feeders on country account,
M.M head.
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lamb,
good to choice, $5.40ft5.75; lambs, fair to
good, $5.1595.40; lambs, feeders, $a.2D1i4.50;
yearlings, good to choice, $3.lO"rl4.23: year
lings, feeders, HlMfS.Sft; wethers, good to
choice, $3.40ti3.80; wethera, -.fair' to good,
$3.154t3.40; wethera, feedera, $2.90 3.2b;
ewes, good to - choice. $3.003.36; ewes,
fair to good, $2.66i3.00; ewes, breeders,
$3.2633.75; 'ewes, feeders, $2.XKi32.70; ewes,
culls. Il.irsfil.75. .....
Representative sales:
No. Av. Pr.
6S0 Wyoming ewes, feeders.... S 3 55
228 Wyoming ewes, feeders .. 5 8 50
3it0 Wyoming lambs, feexlers.. 60 4 00
354 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 43 4 30
294 Wypming lambs, feeders... ta 4 00
It Wyoming lambs 79 6 60
400 Wyoming lambs 66 4 80
46 native ewes 118 8 00
140 native ewes, cull 82 1 25
11.S2 Wyoming lambs, feeders.. 67 4"45
1400 Wyoming lambs, feeders.. 62 4 16
2eW Wyoming lambs, fdrs., els. 41 3 60
Wyoming ewes, feeders.... 78 2 2o
(S Wyoming ewes, fdrs., els.. 71 1 la
109 native lambs 77 6 76
79 Wyoming yearlings 8'- 4 00
87 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 64 3 86
101 Wyoming ewes - &
ri3 South Dakota, lambs 6i 3
1S9 South Dakota ewea. fdrs.... W 2 JO
135 t'tan ewes; feeder..-. ..1.. .. Ki g 60.
8S1 Wyoming ewes, feeder.... 83 2 3t
$ Wyoming ewes, feeders 81 2 30
175 riah W ethers 97 3 00
t 8011th Dakota ewes. .,..! 3
1 Wvsmlng ewe..' n W
!' Wyoming ewe 4.... 91 3 00
$20 Utah yearlings S3 4 26
579 Utgh famba Jl 4 "
IW Wyoming lamb.' feeders.... 60 4 3o
2S2 Wyoming lambs feeders.... 59 . 4 3i
340 Wyoming lambs, fdrs., culls 47 3 8..
823 Utah lambs, feeders 61 4 00
60S Utah lambs, feeders... 63 4 04)
234 Utah lambs, feeder, cull.. 49 S 60
373 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... D2 4 00
3T4) Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 64 . 4 00
30 Wyoming wetherg Tin 3 5
yt Wyoming wethers 119 3 55
- .-. . OerterS.... H3 2 63
19$ Wyoming ewes. feeders.... S9 2 55
.. ' iY 1 - 1 r 11 a
' 'lino, ,T9
s'll' rif-r- -
A Cold
may turn-up ": at any time now and find you unprepared.
A Gas Heating: Stove
will ithrow out sufficient heat to make any room cozy and
comfortable. Simply strike a match light the Gas jets
and heat is instantly available. Specially needed in .
Nursery, Bath and Invalids' rooms. We sell only approved
makes in various styles, including
Rezrior Gas Heating Stoves
Prices from $3.00 up
The regular retail prices include delivery and connec
tion with iron pipe from existing outlet.
. .. Complete Display, at our Office. '
.. - - - . ' ,
Omaha Gas Company
3 7.-1
4 35
a 1
4 ))
t ()
1 15
Densaad for Cattle and Sheep Weak
Host Slow.
CIIICAao, Nov. 8.-CATTLT5-R4celpt!.
22.0OJ head; mnrket weak; beeves, $4.75'tS
9.10; Tessa steers, 14 11436. &."; western
steers. 84.36if7.26; stockers and feeders,
$3 25iii6.75; cows And heifers, fl.OCiiti.OO;
calve. $5.54V, 30.
HOGS Receipts. 37,000 head; market
Slow; light, fcYtVVtf&SS; mixed, ,"t.7,'l't)l.37U.;
heavy, $. TVi' 6. 35 ; rough. $5.7.v;j6.ii.i: gmul
to choice heavy, $Ti.!v;M.35; pigs, $3.755.30;
bulk of sales, $6.0f.'fii ji.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4000
head; market weak; native, 2."tvri.l8.",;
western, $2.76je 90; yearlings. S. 70i 4 4o;
lambs, native, $4.0005.90; western, H.W'oi
St. I.oals Live Stock Market.
ST. IX)UI8, Nov. g.-CATTLE Receipts,
d.l0 head, Including OH) Tcxans; market,
steady to strong: native shipping and ex
port steers. $7.Mii'B.oo; dressed and butcher
steer 8S.0iWrr.50; eteers under 1.000 lbs..
$4.(?i3.O0; stockers and feeders, $.l.0tawi.00;
cows and helfors. $;i.0trg'7.0i': canne-s. $UJ
.TOO; bulls, $3.758'.'i.25; calves, $4.((i-S;io;
Tcsa and Indiai steers, S4.00tfT.0O; cows,
and heifers, $4.50(y"7.0O.
HOOS Receipts. Iil.900 head: market. To
to lOo lower; plus and light. 4.BXxg3.25;
packers. $r. Iv,i(.25; butchers and best
heavy, $H.1M(.35.
HIEE1' AND LAMBS Receipts. 4.4
head; market, weak; native muttons, $.100
fl3.0; Jamba, U.Vvq 5.85; culls and hucln,
ILSt-gSOO; Blockers and feeders, $1.25tf3.;ii.
Knsiaaa City Live Stock Market.
Receipt. 12.000 head. including 1.400
southerns: market, stendv to 10c lower.
Dressed beef . and export steers, $i;.7.V.JI
9.00; fair to good, $5.(ftj4.ti); western
steers. 4.00W'7.EO; stockers and feeders,
$3.7,V6!.Ori; southern steers. $3.7ifi5.2o;
southern cows. $:!.7.VfN.:6; native co,
$2.76-5.2S; nattvo heifers, $3.(siip7.O0; bulls,
$3.40fo4.5O; calves. $4.00?('7.00.
HOUS Receipts. lo,tK) head; market, 5
10c lower; bulk of sales. $j.70'i'6.nO;
heavy. 30.25W!.36: packers and butchers,
$6.1(vy6.30; lights, r,.v.vfia .15; pigs, $4.25ti.6i).
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 13.000
heed; market, steady to 15c lower; lambs,
$4 154116.60; yearlings, J3.5tHjt4.50; wethers,
$3.rsU4.00; ewes. $i7S2.0; atockeis nnd
feeders, $2.00S3.76.
Stock la Slifht.
Receipts of live stock at the flv prin
cipal markets yesterday:
cattlo. Hogs. Sheen.
South Omaha
St. Joseph
Kansas City ,
St. Louis
... 8.2410
... !.00)
... fi.HJO
..60,300 $17,400 83,400
2S4 Wyoming veartlngs, fdrs... 70
Wyoming yearlings, fdrs,... 70
118 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 61
31 Wytiming ewea and weths..lt4
23 Wyoming ewes.. 85
IU Wyoming yearlings s3
24l ft. D. ewea, feeders 74
237 S. V. ewes, feedera. curls.. M
Savar Market.
' NEW TORK, Nov. 8 . SUGAR Raw,
nominal: muscovado, 89 test, 4.7ic; centri
fugal, 9t! test, ' 5.25c; molasses, 89 test,
4.6oc; refined, easy.
CHEYENNE. Wyo., Nov. 8. (Special.)
Charles Anderson and William F. Cof
felt,1 pickets, were attacked by railroad
watchmen near the Evans street entrance
to the shop etockade at an early hour
this morning. Warrants have been sworn
out . for W. H. Woodruff and John
Boone, watchmen, who have given bonds
for their appearance. The striking car
men asBert that the pickets were not on
railroad property and were attending to
their own business when attacked, and
that they offered no resistance. The.
strikers may ask for aa injunction re
straining special officers of tha railroad
company and- others front Interfering
with strikers, pickets or others when
they are In no manner trespassing; upon
railroad property or Interfering in any
way with the business of tho railroad.
The strike leaders believe tney have in
this assault upon pickets, a strong case
against the railroad company.
CHEYENNE. Wyo., Nov. 8.-(Speclat.)-Tho'
Wyoming Life Insuranoe company
waa organised here today with the elec
tion "of W. R. Schnltger, ex-secretary of
state, as president; A. H. Hlgbee of
Basin. ,vlce president, and F. J. Nis
wander, Cheyenne, secretary. The office
of treasurer was not filled. The executive
boafd and directors are mode up of prom
inent citizens from all parts of the state.
The company expects to qualify for and
begla writing insurance on January L
A Pleasant Surprise
follows the first dose of Dr. King's New
Life Pills, the painless regulators that
strengtheh you. Guaranteed. 25c. For :
(Ate by Beaton Drug Co.
Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads.
Another Coack (or Missouri.
COLUMBUS, Mo., Nov. 7 Edale Klein
of St. Loul. former member of the Mis
souri State university foot ball team ar
rived here today to help coach the state
university team. Klein came after be had
received an urgont appeal from the ath
letic committee. He played a wonderful
game at quarter last year.
al'u ami S sWfS SjMSfW
st -r