ii US BOYS" why Dowr Youse Kit6 j Of CHARtlrT ( THAT'S All. KKjmT ME SON I KNOW AtXir ME SHOC iJPlMfe) HE'i euFFAtoto. eur i etcher a miuiom Quck i A'-slT" AFRAID Of HIM IF He WAS ABOUND MS Re RKeHf N0N. I'D WALK RichT Ms alu bunted i i- L J i - .--Tr ati-. r a .a -. UMPERS' VAnhf VJILlC .tOW TRYiAlfcTo rv-iAJuiui-c- fr ui JTT16KIDS roTAKF: PART" N yiHF Of. :W1Ut:. fHbt,?tM ;0WHAHAPR0USE BACK maha'i Fait . Captila and Right Half in Game Ajain. UT OF TWO FAST COUTESTS laljnck Rotir Anln with thr HlKk ) SrheMtl Tram Aflr Hoah j. In It In WIIU of ;Voot bait 1(x-k at -Ilia Oinalut JllKh Jiool rca BTcral lnU Munday and a Tight fulura 1yr tha piiriia and hlt ia braun lo loom up. "ta" Jjowmun, Umaha'a (aft little ptaln and ilghl. half, rturni(l to ichool donday afivr ati,l.;ncs ovur two vrrk and will cot Into the sne at unco. inwnia.it not In tUn Dloux tlty or ha Iratrli o khiiici and m tiadly tntd mm lha llntiup. JIallrck ntno, Irft nd on tlio toam at bob "Kin and on of Omoliaa tiuwt rack nihlclt, rrturnnl from Cunada axt K(irJy nni hm dfrliicd to H) on I .or th tfnm llil wark. Itoviao hna ten ouitilnc It In the wllda of Canada on a loir.i'Ntrad of Mi own and la In tha try bout of condition to play. lie la ion of tha FlfT. Ir. Fradnrlck T. rtnuna it tha Tint Concregltlonal church. Omaha lioipltnl l:at la now a thlnn -f tha past with tha taetptlon of VItkH te'tor. tha purpla and wh!t alar full rk. who wbi Injurod tn tha licatrloe ;ama Saturday. Rrctor la In ichool thla werk, but It la not Vat known If hla In. ury la aerloua rnnugh to kaap biro out ' t tha nam. Itaohman and Carlaon, tha ha tickle who wera Injurad In tba Da ii v.l run khu.c, ai back In tha llnaup ittd'Pa 1-amaira, left half and aub quar- er, la U lack. Iiimmin, rlln suard, wo Injured Halurday, waa out for ilBhal ptaeCto Monday nfternoon and will ba abla t" piny Saturday egalnet 8L Joeph, Hastings Preparing i For Decisive Game With Wesleyan r HASTINGS. Neb., Nuv. T.-Spaclal.)-Aftr threa daya' rest, followlns their vic tory, tha llronchni ut ' Uat ng oolleife rreumed traln'.nK today for tha Wee.eyan am of November 17, which will decide tha foot ball chatnplonahlp of tha "Uii Four," eompil.ilnir llatUnge, Poana, Wa. leyan and Ucllevue. Ai lloetlngi ha nq lnirenlng furr.o icheduled tha practice from now on will " be dlractod for thli r.ontret. noj.l Weeleyan and Haitlngi h'ua defroted Poana and liellevua and ' i euKotne of tha Haatlnsa-Weileyan 4 teat t.IIJ therefora decide tha eham ' ifnehlp beyond all j'etlon. Aceordlnf ! I (ha record thua far mada Haatln- . Jiar to have a alight advantage over Wealeyan, having mada larger cor . agiUntt botb Doene and Bell ua than did . U aaleyan. but thla may ba partially ac 'counted for by reason of tba faot that both llaeilnge' game wera played on the home urounda. It ta realised her, how : ever, that 'f aleyan haa a f ormiuabls rr.t ' rhlne and no overconfldenca la rnanltvet ! In tha Htmti camp. Ames Expects Easy . Victory Over Iowa l AMCX, la.. Nov. 8. (bpoclal.) Amea la i Confident of a victory over Iowa lnce Ue end of the Rtruggl with Netrka Puturdvy. No one dvnle that the Ne- tirka-Anie game wa una of the gieut S rt gamr of foot ball. It nut tha greut- at, tliat the atate. of Iowa will wltnn j thi year. It d:Vcloicd two thiiifc. flmt ,' :h4t Ann w lo have a good ritikit to U Mihourl valley title, and, ecu,id, that , il wouldn't b much Irtl vt Io'a It . tfc vuatalned it fuulln blillity il!i- tically evirur,o Mho iu any money at a 11 ulll Invalu Iowa City lu lt i.vk. ATHLETICS AGAIM TIE , MONMOUTH PAK! TEAM The i.thletlc nu il, M iinio nh l urk rmnor t plitytJ t.uir enund I t tamu the trui n at Huieiiiu l aik ly . o .ur ef S to I. The in tm.ic bo I .v ecu tlu to tvaue endtd It to v. Tin U the fit at Ornulm tm lb civ the Au Unu' u l line In 11. lut two bcajo .is. Tui- Atlk (KU aie very dtaliou of b.u.iu a t"t vith tte l ark on any iouiu. vulriaj of Ihcir own. Kirlrr Uefeal Uwrckwelrr. POKCHtrtTKIt. Neb.. No.. . tSueclal.) -'I iii- fcgeiar ll.gli ei hoiii 1-Ul.i tliu Ijri lit.ifr HIkii kliuol ore taiuiday la k tat-t atiii: if baikt'l ball by the cor 1 1 l? lu 1 tie tiri Iik.I i au .m ir:i. h and kioud to In ir,B i..uU In vih.iuin i aii,c but k hard and by their tirrln.ru uain work r able lo laii'J frt-u to tl-r'r rpponrtit . l ineup; lHJIU'llj'.'l.lt tii.li u r ,-r . V i moeil C ijiuii , -U. o ".d K. 0 Kimberalii U Mliauu JrUhlU K Wilaun Ijl-tut frvcl'1 tjial ii i.suu iS), hunlKrii'V i-i. JciikiiiA. Uiaul i i..i. 11. Hull. (.), II. Wliiuit. II I Vui ciuaiK II. Wilson. 11. Freldell I lleatrlee trl-Urates victory. llEATKli i:. Neb , Nov. .-(.S. :al ) The foul bi.ll turn reiibratrd U victoi ci i-1- in tint a nil a Ii k borl i i n the I.IkI. fiiool csinpu Haturtlny nlfchl. Mole tlmn iM per'... (..l.J In Die i cioOreiKnt. 'i ii .ru'AU lr.un-!.cd duwu biatb stieet u Ain't it Lucky e-like mi i afwaio) OCT" ALL OU UP AJf - WELL iAYS HELL CRACK US IN TUB eye ir we don r oo WHAT Ht SAYS A(NO 'M XOUIl L6CTiHUNjy THE COMNfe iLfJCTlOAl IN IOUt.H Kip HIS PUNCH GIVES HIM A CLAIM ONT FAME. - Sis AI Kaufman, who I aaeaylna a "coma fcfeck" ptunt, havlna; ohallangad Jim riynn, f Peieblo fireman, for an other encounter. Kaufman, who wa knocied cold by Mynn t their lat meeting, advance tha alibi that he wa alck on that orcialnn and he take oatn that ha can lay out the conqueror of Carl Morrlt If ho ean aaer hook up w'.th him again. front of tha Beatrice club room, where w. i:ooa, ii. . jalby, Ir. U. II. Brenh. Hon. 1'eter Jansen, u. II. Vale and olliera made brief addreaee. Creighton Classes Play Basket Ball Creighton Unlvetilly freahmen humbled the aenlor In a game of baiket ball ye, terday afternoon which teaulted In the noor of 13 to t Till I th flrt-cla game plaied cn the outdoor court, which naa tieen erected owing to th lack of tillable Indoor quarter Itoth 'leom were made up of experienced player, but th freahmen had a had th better of the argument on each position. Mur phy and Watera of the Freahmen, far outc)ed th forward for their oppo nent a a icoiing machine, but tin wai partly reionllil owlna to the itruni oppoKltlon of Hoy Hum and Huanlon, at guaru. The gam wa rather roughly played at time, but both team beimr about equal -at thla atyle. It proved th tnor interevtlng. Th Fiehmen will now tk on the Huphoinore. Tb lineup: PREIIHMKN. Poiitlo. gKNIOR. R F. It. r y.nn.r fttrpii u K.U r Htmum "'"" - ., ,,...,.... ..I'M' COUII.II FlK)irt It II I u ,& eala -..UO.lL.tl.".'..'.'..'.l.!'.,.i"gele President Deispain Denies Sale Story tFrom a Htaff L'oi respondent ) LINCOLN. Neb., Nov. 7. (Special.) Ae. cording to the reiurt given out In varlou clil- of the Wetrn league, McCormlck, Htratton and Ha(iernian of th local bate ba I club have been old to Pcnver. Word given out by t'reddent Peanaln a. urea local fan that the tale I purely mythical, and that It oituln 1 not from au thing tliat l.o ha done with regard to dlbioMng of the player named. Tho tale acrordng to th filoux CMtv Journal tame direct from President Tip O'Neill. Another oarh far Mloaeerl. lV,.'A";1 H; Mu" Nov' '--Kddi Klein of hi, I.oul. former member of th M la bour I Hl.tle iiiilwislty foot ball team ar rivtd here today to lieln coacli trie state unlveiKity team. Kluin came fter he had rwrm.,1 an uigvnt ai.p.,i from the th l.tlt cuiiniiKico. lu. puyed a woiiar(ui gamu at mm iter lant year. MANAGER SCOTT IS HOME FROM TOUR OF INSPECTION Oei.irul Manager Boott of th Vnlon 1 acl.'ic 1 lu from an Inspection of the company liius as far . west us Green liner, Wyo, the first trip that he has i:ia:e slnue assuming his nw position. As to crop conditions, Uaneral Mana ger Scott found them well advanced. In Hie torn olsflcts most of the cereal 1 limkul und cribbed and whar winter heat is raised, the acreage la large, th giaiii looking well. The range, owing to heavy rains recently. Is fine and cattle and sheep are going ntv winter will) plenty of feed In sight. MOYBKXHta Or OCSAW BTEAMKKS. i "it Rinnq. eslld NEW YOltK Cluil.is I.DVKH Vs4rls. Bin i.iv..- lia. ) 1 1 Ml I uuult- I Ii Jf ' , .9 WLtmj.i ?UU. .Al.M-,ll.LK.nul Anns 11 It t- M K N rnii Ixr i;i.h. I Htltll"! H-J Kn W.lbtlui 11 .il, WssdlB-to. IILAMI'J' I slllarnis M It W' It'll .... roe Ull.ltAl.TAK H.ouuts t nitiriANSAM Oetsr IL si'.Vtl'kAl.... M.t.utlc tjl KHKi .bartllitiaa V(t tbtO userii , THE m:E: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER fl, 1011. the Cop Just happened to be (I I f CHEESE iTi MPRP l f COME. IVnii IFAVP ,' I AAMT V HE COME b AiOVNi (rA)H..,.. ME ALONE TO (TALK J a 7 V V V r- ,T ,. "V UU r I (NO MORE DAISY M 1 uuw.c uvt -,v-. . V ) 15 V 7 Sy J ' r X. TMlSACr BOXiwE PEELS SOIRY. N ' ) MM&r ??v SV ' HA6 ro MuSS it" al. QuT i OOnT AVAA. r I rAJf,B,fc5hFFvn,R,fcHM m a S3 r?!) f J CLr3 ) ME0 CAULIFLOWER EARED, A I' ia ion: ANO TOij OAn) riie ilim-K CHER S .3 rr 7 ?y v;-5k Wraidof rzrs ' i&Fk that A ( 5niffm WkEUP,r ) cn' I igjy-- . jEi .. P, C;J . 3 m; Yamaha. TkAr"vMiLL ag APtour alw HERRICK TAffi ROAD RACE Annual Lot Any elej-Phoenix Contest Wor by National Car. HAMLIN SECURES SECOND PLACE Midland far, Conaldarad Oataldrr, I'rvbably Will lie Avirdrr Third llnnur .Acrlileiit Mark tha Ilacr, rHOENlX. Aria, Nov. 7.-Harvey Her- rtak, holder of the American road race record, today won tb annual Loo An- gulee-Phoenlx road race with lila Na tional car. Ilerrtck' running time wa 21 hour t minute for the M inllr. Ilerrlc.k waa lb winner of laet year' race aino. Tha Franklin car, driven by Ralph Hamlin, won aaoond place, and the Mid land, ooneldered an outalder. In all like lihood will b awardod third honor. Tha Franklin' running time waa 21 hour and 31 minute and the Midland' It hour and W minute. At 7 o'clock tonight only Mcven earn had flnlvhed. Of the original Mxteen entrant, the Flat, Mercer and Maxwell met with erloua mishap anil could not flnlith. Teddy Tetilaff, driver of the Flut, auffercd evar Injury, lie la now in a hospital at Han Diego, a 1 hi mechanician) aufferlng from aevere In ternal Injuria received when their car araahed into a telephone pole Juat a?.ir leaving Ban Diego Monday night. Clarnoe Smith, driving the Maxwell, waa badly hurt and hi mechanician gut tered two rib broken when their car kidded and turned over twice at nearly the name place where th Flat met with dlaaater. I j G. SALISBURY OF OMAHA IS DEAD AT EVANSVILLE EVANSVILLE. Ind., Nov. 7.-(Bpclal Telegram.) J. O. Sallabury, aged 61 year, auperlntendrnt of the construction work In th million dollar Kendrlsh cigar factory here, died of pneumonia at Ht. MarV'a hospital thl morning. He wa resident of Omaha. Mr. Salisbury be came 111 flv day ago, and hi sun and daughter were summoned. He came her two month ago from Omaha to represent th Mureh Pi'oa.' Construction company. Mrs. L. M. Vanllrunt, lha only' daughter, will take the body on Tuesday mornlns tu Mollne, 111., for Interment. DIHTHS AMD D HATHA. Ulrths William and Hasel Wood- worlli, lit Bouth Twenty-fifth aveoue, boy: Joseph and Mary ttwoboda, l'.iil houth Ihirlaentti atreet. boyi Jacob and i n Llnarr. llMI North Twentieth tri. girl; Frank and Maria Raul, Ids Popple- ton avenue, uuy; nava ana Karen I'av- lltWi , lliMVE.rui Wl, Hvll 0. C. and bertha Low. 101 Houth Thirty- louun tr(, uoy; ineater ana bdltn liiniie, i4 tavenort street, boy; Frank K. and Jennie K. Urlfflu, Methodist hos pital, boy; Fred and Mary Festelo, 10.0 Mouth Twentieth stieet, girl; Feter and Kmm Cramer, Bpaldlng, boy; Alfla and Mariunna Qatonla, 111 ttouth tSeventii street, girl. IathsMr. taroiine Tromler, U years. U1 Spalding; Arthur I'uul V. Sumin. 1 monili. 321 North Thtrty-alxth avenue; Frank F, Kallander, 19 year, WS Twentieth atreet; Herman Hchmml. U vear. tail Lcsvenworth; Mrs. Chrtatlana J. Peterson, a& year. 2HU7 Ohio; Mrs. Mary fc. Mion, ts year. 2.U1 Iluit: Hobert Kelley, - months, Ull North Eighteenth street; Howard lilgler, i months, X Miami street: Mrs, Lidla M. Ooldwt, U yeais, tH North Slgteentb stret-t. JUSTICE EASTMAN GOES EAST FOR HIS BRIDE Judge W. W. Eastman will start tor New Tork state tonight and when he, return will bring a bride with Ii m. it I 78 or 74 years old. but feel lik a kid. The Judge declined to (Ive tha name of the bride, as he wanted to get out of town without letting all hla acquaintance know of th approaching wedding. larrtnare Licenses. The followlna marriage license w iseuea; Nam and Residence. ' All, ..rt Ani.tM I'litlf IIIV. Nh. A Mary Ituulrd. Malvern, Iowa Fmll Olsen. Ctnlar BlufTs, Neb hophl richlcr. Cedar Hluffs, Neb. ... Harry P. Mayhew, VlUUca. Iowa ... Trtresa U Lsuides, Nodaway, Iowa ... Hert Coleman. Omaha Uiace ball, Oinoba Fied W. llenxen, Omaha Minnie J. Loetcner. Urand Island, Neb. Charles W. Miller, Umiiha Cecils C. Cuonred. Omaha Roger T. Vaughan, Chicago Fiances U Lord, Omaha Kerrl II. Rtewart. Omaha Hose E. Mlspatrlca, umana Angeio Milone, Onisba Muiusa NotUa, Omaha Fians lAiiian. Dmaha Mule tehelrtKin. Omaha Ham C llargreaveit, Mlnnespoll .... Klla W . McMurray, tlacraineiilo llarlaa Only Wanted Hla. Of 0upiem Court Justice John Mar shall Harlan, who was a rai Kentucky fceuiiemau in every sense ot th word, lvol friend told this story at th Man ttatiun club last night: "The Jusllco was traveling to the tvest He entered the emuklng coinpartnien'. of the Pullman to Ret tlrlna of water. As hs lifted the glass he sniffed ausptcioualy. Turning to the three men In th ruom, In said, 'It seems to me tliat someone has been drinking lltiuor out of this g'ass ' " 'Yes r lr," stammered a little n-Sn In the coiner; 'I used the glass for that purpose.' -4 'Raising bis voice, the Justlci I asked : "'VelL where did yovi hid ' le bot tler Nw (org world. I WARTS TO GET A TEAM IN A BIG LEAGUE. rflN' ' -.-.' V I .::cy., ( . -.y v Jo MeQInnlty, former "Iron man" of th National Isagu and manager ot the Newark Eastern leaguer the laat few sesson. who I sulci to hsve sold out hi Interest In the club, retired a it man ager and Is looking for a berth in the big arena, ft. Louis Americans, Boston American nd Cincinnati National ar mentioned aa possible berth for th one time great pitcher. The Ruhmor Hport took three straight from the W. O. W. on th Basement alleys. Pohler had hitch total 'r the tiport with M7; Jaoubseak was high fur th W. O. W. with 44'J. Kcore; KCHAlUltS HFOKTS. 1st. 2d. M. Total. Condon ir.l lt".2 !' 4W Fouler l ' 217 i:m Dl? Milk H7 144 177 4iH Totale 0x m Ta 1.431 LuODMUN OF iUK W0HL.O- 1st. 21. d. Total. Padrosky Uu 177 V 11 JHCUUIlStrtlk 1"' )4 ivl Lngleinan l9 M2 102 4J3 Total M3 SUO 1.85)7 Jetter Uold Top took lure lu a row alter two strike out iimsh. ivlaiiun enui big game oi (ut ana iuu total oi eo lor inu nrtwnin, Pi'iiiKwater usual gut Utah same ot am and nign luiui oi utu tut I'vtt) iOVII. Tuesday, November 7. game postpuned. ' iiuri)tity, tNoveuioer V. Cuiiiiueiciai ieagu smoaer, A weiity-socond ana Cunt littiu:. jeriKH UUL.U juris. Ihi. til. M. Total. golomun tiinncK O. touuwagar Kiaiica Itarp .......... ...HO ...lw ...l7 ...IDU 1k7 lut) IM 161 Jit Hug lot 1) 4 1 8 ai au M ...J4 Totals a7 & m S.7U rh.Jn, AuCIla. ' lHt. id. ad. Total. MoMarttn 1D HH 1L M ivuury WJ JM iM ' eiti Uliilium Jit Jo i"4 fit itolser 1'J Ji 1,M - uniiawaver l( i4 iwj l TotRl" U ll.tvl In trio Mercantile Ieagu tn A. I. Howl Fig. Cu. Mull tine tiom Ino CotUiiioia rilg Luderwiitei. j-lui. and tviaiiua wtii tna siars, ti getung a ana .'vai, I'Mpecitveiy. Jlta ounaw and Corey at McKlnale haa tin ue cioka batile, ine uuliawk utuu ii.a iwu game out ot iniee. rt. hiut-tt-il aut man tlai witn uoi. iw. ennui waa me star lot the t.riitcr, gotlu.h Liiw it siuala gitiiio anu man totat, Vt.tu iv ana h. . .i axo won two frjiti (no tpauid.ntts liuio ol lugil eotst tot t lie a.1 t tt-u. with W- y.echiiiisier high total for ill cpauluii.k. witn uj.s. A. u. 1 , V., isu. 1,, itM.K two tiom tli Uls Liuwcrs, ttaitui aettiii hifeU total wuu Uii. Bciiuiu ier nigh aiua-u '.i''. with ncun. A. O. C. W.. No. 17. ii.t, -it. IM. Toinl. Sthlndltr I u8 bui'psoii i- lu l 4U Jiauiti l.J 1 J Totala b2t i& I,U MIDLAND ULArid JJLOWJCKS. t let. in. .in. t'otal. Kolanchuch 147 las 1& Ci.rietensoa I) u 4 Jutiuauii lu t im t Totala fl 47S bPAl'LOlNO. i-t. atl. lloffer Ii) ITS) 11. .ft lmHster lo, 1, It. ectiinlster Ill) lii 4T4 1.3U Totala 4T t3S 1CL FAXO. in. id. !: IM ItA) luu laL lu 5tM "5j OCTLAWB. Uengston 311 aw ... Laino ... Hot I . l.-l. d. J. C Stock ell l.a K. Mtt;ekwell IN Wreen IS Kernel 144 SJ4 1J0 Total M- 497 m 1 517 CORKY A McKENSlB PKINT1NO CO. 1st. 1. :M. Total I.. Smith r.r II" 14? 4. K. hmllh Ii4 Hi) Kd 4Ti John.en 1 1 l. o Totals V M 4W 1 til COLUMBIA FIRE L'NDKRWRITKRS isi. tl. s.1 total Moreau C bw 1 4M Nelson I- IIS 1 4k.' Bower HI 1 1H 4.4 Totals 4i 4S 44 1.4J4 A. I. KOOT PUINTINO CO. 1st Id. W Total Kranda 1-4 tv 1X7 MO Jsroa o I1 If I MJ Mukry 1) 11 147 4.1 f9 With the Bowlers i M. Total Ui 471 1.4 ki lii o 4j l.j Stl. Total 144 1 ItKl iM) W tti Tl 1.413 3d Total. 147 Jul u.4 1 '.J IS HI Ii) LU Around rifH Cute BARBERS WINJJLOSING FIGHT After Lony Struggle Matters Mast Submit to Airtight Ordinance. JOURNEYMEN STORM COUNCIL Dr. t'unncll, lefprv Committee of Whole, Deeloree Hotel Men Not Obnerrlnsj l.sn end faggestn License to Cover Ineoectlon. Two hundred barber, led by C, M. Felder, appeared befur th council, lt tlng aa a committee of th whole, and demanded that the ordinance for Sunday closing be amended so that no loophole remain and that action be taken at once. J. L. Garrison, F.d. Light. Adam Morrall, Pater Elrasser and Homer Kirk supported Mr. Fleder In Impanclonrd speeches, which were loudly cheered by the assembled barbers. Stanley Hosewatrr, attorney for th barber In favor of the open hop on Sunday, also spoke. The speeches by the opponent of Sunday closing were greeted by prolonged bteses. AI Fardun, John Konvlin and Attorney rtoaewster declared that the council had acted once on the matter and that the amendment to th present ordinance were the am thing they hd voted down three week ago. Tho arguments became personal when Mr. Felder declared that the opponent of the Sunday clocing were Insincere and called the name of several union and non-union barbers present who were op posing the plan. Hi speech waa warmly responded to and for a time a wild com motion obtained, but th chairman finally secured order. Councilman Berka thought the quentloa ought to be a matter for slate etatut to settle and read letters from th city clerk ot St. Paul, Minneapolis and Kan sn City, saying that no city ordinance could cover the Issue unless a state law wa In force. Councilman Hug el favored the ordinance and moved that It b rec ommended for passage Tuesday night. Mr. Berka promised hi support It an amendment exempting charitable Institu tion be added, and to this th Sunday closing; advocate agreed, and th motion to recommend It for final passage wa carried. Dr. R. W. Connell, health commissioner, declared that lodging house and hotel pro prietor In Omaha are not living up to th state law, which require a certain status of cleanliness and nine-foot bed sheet. The assertion waa made follow. Ing- a question by Councilman Hummel and the doctor continued by declaring that inspection of lodging house had been mado during the last year only when complaints were made, th fund In th health department being too low to allow regular Inspection. "The health department will be mora than two behind at the end ot tha year, unlc an appropriation I mad." void the health Inspector. "Th milk inspector haa been laid off and tb dairy inspector probably will b." running from Slat to 1178 per month. The oouncll appropriated S33,0u0 or the health department at tb beginning of th year. The monthly payroll ha exceeded I1.3U0, and (her 1 now left In th fund KWa.07, I17.461.INI having been expended, and war rants allowed and unpaid exist In the iure of tss.ai. Vr. Connell asked for more money and hi request waa backed by Councilman Hummel, who pointed but that the city ot Atlanta, Oa., which was visited a year ago by a committee from the Omaha council, expends yearly SlSO.uuO on its health department. Councilman Ilurnieeter moved that the city phylciun and the legal department draft an ordinance which will requir all Induing house and hotels to pay a license, or secure, a permit, annually, and that this permit money be used In pro viding proper Inspection, of lodging liouao and hotels, o that a large per cent ot tho fund appropriated for the health department could be utlllied for other purpose. Th motion, approved by ut, ttmncil, carried. The dance hall ordinance wa again dis cussed and waa referred without Instruc tions lo th judiciary committee. The propujiilun of granting the Missouri Pacific right cf way fur a switch track off the belt line In tha neighborhood of Thlro -f.mt btreet .and lioyd was de ferred until Hie next meeting. Lue Star Tips. As a guneral thintt women who nurse poodle can t tot any other company wncn it can gi away. Generally (peaking, a aallant Is a man' who would rather dv ail J lenses la s. dosen wointn than buy amuses fpr one ot tnenu Our idea of an egotist U a man who thinks there is a woman In the world who would enjoy comuitig hi whiskers with her finger. When it cornea to husband, they are divided Into two main vlajMcav those wh ar henpecked and thuse who never go horn. On ot th strangest thing In this world Is why a man will psy to hear a lecture downtown when he could go bum and get on free. You mav have noticed also that the cost of living wa lower whan mother and th girls ataytd at hum and knitted souks iiuilead of going to th matinee. Don't vmlle at the way tba ladle Wobble In the moving street ear. How would you like to try to stand straight In shoes whoa heel are under th mid dle uf your leeif Dallas New. lajarvd la a Fire or bruised by a fail, apply bucklen's Ar nica bolv. Cures burna. wounds, sores, ocsema. pllea. Guaranteed. Sc. Fur sal by Leatva Drug Co. turn rttmt orv. ... . - - ,i . . r AINT DOVE A OOfN&S DQVM IM DFPT lCAV w YOU SOCIAL BLIGHTS DISCUSSED While Needles and Shuttles Ely Women Give Ear to Problems. STRONG SHOULD SUCCOR WEAK Dr. Jenkins Tells Tlienl Hearncra tloii Most Come About by Other Than Morris Chair Method of Social Effort. With their embroidery needles, tatting shuttles and crochet hooks busily mov ing, women of tha aocial science de partment of the Woman's club heard discussions of the problem of the defec tive member of aoclely at Monday' meeting at the Metropolitan building. Ilev, J, A. Jenkins of Et. Mary's Con giegatlonal church considered the prob lem of the defective, not from the stand point of the hard philosophy ot Nlctsche, which leave the weakling behind In the struggle for existence, but in the Ub;u of th family philosophy of Lord Sliafts bury. which holds It th duty of the strong to alleviate the weak In the Inter est of perfect human society, which Is the Ideal of the new social conscious nee. Dr. Jenkins said that the defective was an ever present problem in the field of Industry, education, charity and cor rection, and even In war; that it. is the duty of the trained physician to diagnose the situation. Incidentally, Dr. Jenkins specified th kind of phvslcian needed not tho "Incompetent ones ent out to practice on a long-suffering humanity, but physician with sensitive souls." To th conscientious economist Dr. Jenkins designated the duty of legislat ing to prevent condition which beget de fective member of society and of reduo Ing defectiveness as we go along by segregating th unfit. Ministry 1 Too Content. To th ministry, which, according to Dr. Jenkins, "ha too long been content to fold Its hand and place 'responsibility on ancestor and too much stress on the Importance of the parable of the prodi gal ion and not enough on tho parable of the good Samaritan, was assigned the duty ot supplying the supreme motive in th work of regenerating seclcty by suggestion. Thl should be done not In "tha Morris chair style," but by brother llness, optimism and dally living accord ing to the example of Christ. It. L. Slgler, head of th Union Gospel mission, emphasised hi belief In en vironment a stronger than heredity dealing with defectives. Miss Ida JonU. secretary of th Associated Charities, emphasixed the Importance of legisla tion tha passing of laws against th so cial evil, th liquor traffic and also more stringent marriage law. Mr. C. 8. Loblngler of Manila. P. I.. formerly leader of th soda! science de partment ot th Omaha club, gav a hort addres. a did also Mrs. Hester T. Griffith of Los Angelas, president of th Southern California Woman' Chris tian Temperance union. Mr. Draper Smith and Mr. C. W, Hay pok urging th woman to work in th inter est of Mi Elisabeth McCartney, who I running for th offlco of Justic of the peace. Key to in tniuaiion ee want Acs. That Awlal thanae. Connl Mack, manasrur nf ih Ainut. le,- wa discussing in Philadelphia a pitcher who had gone back. Tou a never believe he was the same man," he sa d. "It's Ilk th lust mem ory case. Am t It stranae?' said a rnnulm. horken woman to her huebauU, as she looked up from the liulletln. 'Here's a gent who. after a fit of illness, can't re member his wife, ami refunes to believ she's the woman he married.' The Lotikholiockeii mun grun'ed. " 'Well, he ain't the first man.' he said. 'that can't reuhse his wife In the same woman he once went c'azy over.' "New York Press. Lire la Ksir Mates at Once. When Fred Terron. a stockman, regis tered at a Hutchinson hotel the other night he had lo stop and scratch hU head snd think a moment befur he could tell exactly whether he is from Colorado, New Mexico, Ansuna or I'tah, So he registered from Kaisai City. Mr. Ttr ron's isni li lies In all four mte. and his ranch bouse stands exactly on the point where the four slaws come toirether. He tists hi meals In Colorado, he sleeps in L ts.li his "best ruom Is In New Mexico ami his kitchen extends over Into Arl-sor.a- Kansas City Journal. , A TRIUMPH IN THE ART OF BREWING THE HADING BEER family ira IN THE MIDDLE WEST 'lias. ltur, 1 4411 ludo4Mtudr.il I iUlM By Tom McNamara i 1 . s. naw ssnt a. a. riK EOARDSKS FOR PLAYGROUND Council Will Ee Asked to Donate Four Lots Fronting on Harney. JANITORS' WAGES INCREASED Hoard of Iiducatlon, In Regular Ses sion Monday Mht, Wade ThroBKh Men of Routine, The Board of Education at a meeting Monday night passed a resolution by unanimous vote requesting the city council to convert four lot fronting on Harney street, on Twenty-ninth, near the Farnam school into a publlo play ground. Upon recommendation by committee It was decided that hereafter all school children must purchase their book from the custodian of public supplies at tho warehouse Instead of depositing money and taking them home to study. The purchase price will be th full value of the books. The statement cf Comptroller Fred II. Costjrove of balance of cash on hand was read and showed, city funds, 11,141, -793.63;' school funds, STiO.S74.0n; total. II, 469.lti7.iH; police relief fund, $1,800,96; special fund, SI, 471,777.59; cash In drawer, S7.08o.S7; checks for deposit, I9.1S9.90; total, $16,225,57; . treasurer's balivnce, SL 4Mi.O03.ie. The Standard Electric company being the lowest bidder on the electrical work, at the Edward Kosewater school the eon tract was let to them. Bridges ft Hoyo were given the contract for connecting the steam boiler at Monmouth park school. It was recommended by the buildings and grounds committee that James Hen derson be employed ae assistant engineer at the high school and the recommenda tion was adopted. Mr. Henderson' salary to be 160 per month. Salaries Are Ralsod. Upon the advice of the chairman of the buildings and grounds committee the rulos were ruspendod and the salaries of the Janitors at the Edward Rosewator and Howard Kennedy schools were fixed at $1,584 and $1,704 per year respectively. A motion wa carried to Increase the salary of Loul Peterson. Janitor of the Mason school, $10 per month during the time the manual training classes meet. Frank Hammond was given $5 per month additional so long as Ht. James' Guild hall Is used as the annex to the Long chool. Janitor J. L. Benson of th Mil ler Park school was Instructed to us the tore building at Thlrtlth and Fort as annex to the Miller Park school hence forth. It was moved and carried that the city authorities be requested to abate the nuisance that has arisen over converting vacant lots In the vicinity of the Sara ttga and Druid Hill schools into dump ing grounds, A motion waa made and carried by a vote of seven to six to place th Califor nia site between Klghtecnth and Nine teenth on California, and the old shop site, 915 Pacific avenue, on th market. The superintendent of building wa instructed to repair tha Bancroft, Bsals, Farnam, Lake, Leavenworth, J-athrop, Mason and the Shop and high schools. Rare I'rraesc of Mind. It was th Hprnnd annua! concert of the Blowcombe rhilhurmonlu society, and the young man who cam from th city was obviously bored. At last one bingcr tried him mors than usuul. Ltnea of pain showed on his face us ho leaned forward to ax press himself audibly to his siderly neighbor, lor th young man, being mu sical, felt the need of sympathy. "Did you ever hear. In the whole course of your experience," he whis pered In disgust, "suoh horribly discord ant, eav-Hplltting " The old Kcntlemnu frowned. "That's my daughter, sir. and If " But the young man waved aside the In terruption, and "lii scarcely a tremor went on: "Much ear-splltt.n; clatter as these Idiots behind us are making! Keally, I can scarcely catch one word of the song." London Answers. Pointed I'arnarapbs. Pessimism la the undigested fruit of experience. Kvery tim you meet a grouch hand it a lemon. A piactlcal Jolto is never what It cracked up to be. There are still a few legitimate way ot acquiring wealth. Even the pruilw hni occasional thoughts that she lilies to think. The wife of th man who know it all s-ets back at 1dm occasionally by say ing. "1 told you so!" Chicago New. aupptieu u FUooc Webster Tula' I