Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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State Auditor Barton Make Report
' of Examination of Order.
fr, B. ManrhrKrr, Saprrme
(iurdlii, and other Siprrmc
Officer. Arr rharaed wltfc
Many Irreaiilarltlra.
fFrom ftaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN". Neb.. Nov. 7. (Special Tel
egram.) That the heads of the. Woodmen
Circle violated their own laws, thut thry
used arbltary power :n the adluttment of
many of their affairs and that they gen
erally disregarded tho precedents of the
order to which they belonged, Is ret out
In a severe censure of Mrs. Emma 11.
Manchester and other officials In a rppirt
made today by Auditor Barton of t:i!s
state, and Auditor Bleakly of Iovra.
The report follows aejjiriK Invest K.Uion
made by these two officials as a result
of complaints by half a dozen member
of the Woodmen Circle who charged that
lax piethods were In vogue under the
present regime. The comp'olnt was made
Just prior to the e:ecllon of officers
which occurred early in September at
Rochester, N. T.
In the report Auditor Barton enys:
"We btB to transmit herewith a copy
f the report on the joint examination
cf your order made by the examiners
of the Insurance departments of our re
spective states and reque.n that the same
he Immediately submitted to the execu
tive council of tho order for their serious
consideration. To the end that the re
forms so undeniably necessary in the
conduct of affairs of the order may be
promptly and efficiently effected.
Payment of Kees to Kxamlnera.
"Charge 1 Inasmuch as the attorney
general of Nebraska has ruled that there
is no special statute governing the pay
ment of examiner's fees, except for the
examination of foreign fraternal societies,
we hold that as the precedent has been
established by the Nebraska depart
ment In past years as to the fee to be
paid for examining this class of associa
tions, which examinations are required
to be made the same as any of other
class of insurance companies or associa
tions, the payment of a fee of ten dol
lars per diem and actual expenses Is not
xcesslve for an association of your class
to pay an Individual of the required abil
ity to direct examinations of this char
acter. "Charge 3 The first matter of Im
portance Is the admission to your so
ciety of seventy-two members over age,
116 under ase, no dispensation, and 216
tinder age with dispensation granted by
the supreme guardian, and we are of the
opinion that the aggregate of similar
tases would be largely Increased If the
period was extended beyond that named
Id the report.
l.mxr of State Violated.
"In these admissions you have not only
violated the law of your state, butythe
law cf your order, and have placed your
selves in a position to be severely crlt
cised by your members, If not actually
Involving question Vs to the legality of
the certificate. Such conduct In the of
fices of a concern which expects their
members to obey its law, Is unexcusable.
We feel that it would be unjust to these
members to Insist upon the cancellation
f their certificates, as they themselves
are Innocent of any wrong-doing, but de
tire to state that any repetition of these
Irregularities on the part of the manage
ment will meet with most drastic treat
ment on the part of your home depart
ment. "Charges 4 and 9 While the evidence
submitted in connection with these
charges would Indicate that In some In
stances the end attained justified the
means, there has evidently been a mant
les disregard of the laws of the order
governing tho respective matters, as well
as a centralization of power In the su
preme guardian, which. In our opinion,
eh6uld be carefully vested in and confined
to the proper departments. Euch practices
should be discontinued In the future, and.
while we recognize that the supr-tme
guardian possesses certain general prerog
atives under the law of the order, the
power Is not given her to set aside the
laws specifically applying to Us various
Swpreine Physician Censored.
"Charge 6 We believo that the su
preme physician Is to be condemned for
her action In accepting the applicant who
had been previously rejeoted by her as a
local examiner, despite the claim that
her action was the result of duress."
Finding- f Kxnraliirra.
Accompanying the findings of the audi
tor's report of the examiners, a volum
inous record which dealt lrst with the
financial condition of the ordor and then
took up-the charges In detail. The order
Is found to be in a flourishing state. Last
year the Income was over 11,000,000, and
the disbursements a little over TiOO.OOO. It
has net assets of nearly 2,O0O,OW.
As to the charge that Mrs. Manchester
paid the state examiners $10 a day and
had repeatedly Informed members that
the mail would arranqo the reports to
her liking, tho evldtince Is stated to dls-
The Quickest Cough Cure
Cheap, But Unequaled
A Whole Pint of It for 50e. 8av You
$2. Does the Work Quickly or
Money Refunded.
For ouiclt and positive results, tbe pint
of cough svrup that you make with a Ml
rent bottle of I'inex, canuot be equalled.
It takes hold instantly and will usually
stop the moit obstinate deep-seated cougn
inside of 4 hours. Even croup and
whooping cough yield to it quickly.
The user of 1'inex mixes it with home
made sugar syrup. This gives you a full
pint family supply of better cough
remedy than you could buy ready mixed
for t-.&O. Easily prepared in 5 minutes
full directions in package.
Pinex soothes and hot Is the inflamed
memhranes with remarkable rapidity.
It stimulates the appetite, is slightly lax
ative, and tastes good children like It.
Excellent for hoarseness, asthma, bron
chitis, and other throat troubles, and lies
wonderful record ia cases of incipient
Iuds trouble.
Ilnei ia a special and high'y concen
trated compound of Norway White Fiue
extract, rich in guaiacol and other natural
healing pine elements. Himply mix with
sugar syrup or strained honey, lo s pint
bottle, and it is ready for use. ITned ia
more homes ja the U. 8. and Canada than
any other cough remedy.
I'inei has often been Imitated, but never
successfully, for nothing else will produce
tbe same results. Tbe genuine is guaran
teed to give absolute satisfaction or money
refunded. Certiorate of guarantee Is
wrapped in each package. Your druggist
has Irex or will gladly get it for you. f
jot. send to The l'inex Co, Ft Wayne,
close only that the fee was a fair and
reasonable one and forms the minimum
basis of charges In most states. The ex
aminer say they found no evidence to
prove the charge that Mrs. Manchester
supptesse.l a leport with objectionable
features In It. They find that the
fuprcnio guardian has admitted persons
over and under ae, some with and aom
without dispensations. They find that
Mrs. Manchester and Clerk Kuhn did
overrule the rejection of some thirty
seven applicants by the action supreme
physician, but that the rcKUlar physician
afterwards approved them.
Sirs. Manchester I sen Order's rands.
A number of tho entries are dismissed
as apparently trtvlul and involving purely
mcttcrs of administrative judgment.
They fnl that notwithstanding three per
sons who sought transfers were black
balled, ths supreme guardian ordered the
cle! k to receive their assessments and
dues; that she also ordered certain re
ports that tho la.vs of the order say
should be sent to the supreme clerk to
be sent to her; that she paid express,
telephone and silverware bills, properly
chargrtble to herself out of the fund of
the order to the amount of I3SS.C7; that
it Is not clear that the bills for repairing
and cleaning Jewelry were not properly
charitable to the order; that the bills
for silverware and namesake cups for
Mrs. Manchester were added to the bills
against the order, but tho amount has
later been returned by the clork who did
tho adding.
Also that the supreme guardian ac
counted properly for all the alleged illegal
payment of large sums to members of
the ord.-r, except in a few Instances spe
cifically given; that she did remove to
her private rooms furniture that had
been used by the order, but this was
given her by a vote of the council; tha
It Is true the supreme banker did receive
per diem In addition to her salary; that,
tho state manager for Minnesota pre
sented an JSI.Ki expense claim that was
held up for a time, tut afterwards paid,
the charge belns that at the time she
was visiting the supremo guardian; that
in msee years l,.T0o was paid for photo
graphs, rrlncipally of the supreme
guardian, at prices ranging as high as
00 a dozen ajid ono with electric fix
tures costing ti,Bt whle erroneous
figures of membership, were given for
Texas, there Is nothing to show It was
deprived of any rights of representation,
the charge being that she tiled to prevent
a large delegation, fearing the vote
thereof In the convention; that there Is
no foundation for the charge that Mrs.
Manchester signed checks tr- io-.l
amounts without tho knowledge or con
sent oi me supreme clerk; that the
printing In connectljn with the h.
seems to have been monopolized by ono
urin (. i. itoot) as Dart of . r,n
agreement, running as high as lauono .
Monopoly In Supplies.
They find that Mrs. Manchester did
bend all of her efforts in
furnishing lodge supplies (the last jear
JlT.000) without particular regard to
whether good stuff could b
other firms. In one letter h.
anyone furnishing a list of groves to a
rival iirm, that was hot after ho.ih...
would be minus a Dosltlon: th.t (..'
of brokers had a practical monopoly of
m uuuu ousiness; that Mrs. Man
chester admitted she had accepted
accepted presents of a parasol, riowers
and a set of furs and that .' nr...n.
she was favored In the purchase of a bond
ior ner pergonal use; that the complaint
with reference to havl
. a sr v-v uuing
printed and never distributed should' bo
properly directed against the supreme
clerk; that the payment of nr t is
Frlzzell Judgment Was laid before tbe
oraer; mat atrrorences arose between
Jennie Colfus, supreme physician .and tun
spreme guardian, and that tbe latter was
paid $7,200 to resign; that there Is no
evidence to prove Mrs. Manchester ml,
stated her age when applying for ad mis;
slon; that both aides were guilty of
looseness In tie wav cf iletlnir tl
gates to the Nc.luaska slate convention;
that while the evidence rhowa the nrrier
to be somewhat autocratic In' government,
airs. Manchester la entitled to much credit
for the splendid showing since she took
Says that Irreaslarl tie Wblrh Ex
ited In Iowa Are Corrected.
Mrs. Manchester, seen at her office in
the Woodmen of the World building, de
nied the charges that there had been Ir
regularities and violations of the law In
the order. She says;
"It you will digest thess charges you
will find that we have committed no ir
regularities nor have we been dishonest.
It Is true that Dr. Rose Rice of Council
Hluffs admitted members under age with
out a dispensation from me. I Issued
dispensations for 118, but they were
nearer the age of 18 (when they can be
legally admitted) than IT. All members
have now attained the legal ago,
"Dr. Rice was dismissed from her posi
tion as supremo physician In June by a
unanimous vote. What she did Is not my
fault, for she was supreme authority In
what she did."
Ir. Charles I. Drown, present supreme
physician, upheld the position taken by
Mrs. Manchester, 'fie said: '
"Commissioners llarton of Nebraska and
niakely of Iowa In their report as ex
amining committee recommended Mrs.
Manchester for the able and honest work
she had done and complimented the
Woodmen of the World upon the success
of the organization."
"In Nebraska," said Mrs. Manchester,
"the legal age for admission Is IS. but in
Kanza It Is 10, and in some placet It Is
Notice has been received at 1'ninn Pa
cific headquarters of the completion of
the new "Hlch Lino" on the Pan Pedro
road. The first train over tho new line
departed from Ealt Lake City Monday.
With the completion of thll lino it makes
It pos.'lble for a passenger to leave the
Omaha Union station on Union Taclfic
No. 7 at 12:45 o'clock p. in. and arrive in
Loa Angeles at 4 p. m. on the second day.
The new "High Llue" l.i In Nevada and
Its construction eljhty miles was
brought about by the numeral's washouts
In tho Meadow Valley "wash." Tlio old
road followed donn the valley and every
ftcod that occurred swept away both
track and roadbed. The new line, which
Is about ten mllei longer than the old.
Is built on the side of the mountains, far
above bUh water and in seenle In every
If you l.ava young children you have
perhaps noticed that disorders of the
stomach ere their most common ailment
To correct this you will find Chamber.
Iain's Stomach and liver Tablets excel
lent. They are easy and pleaaant to
take, and mild and gentle In effect. ybr
sale by all dealers.
To Present Folk Dances to Teachers
M dV s K B r. ... '.a v " . M -l . '. tt, II I V I v
KIND K no A RT K x T i: A f' II K K 3 A N
Instructors Advance Upon Omaha for
Annual Convention.
More Than live Handred Loon I
Members of Association Actively
En guard la Welcoming and
Carlnu for Ylstorn..
The advance guard of the army of
leaoners who will assemble in the city
for the Nebraska association convention,
which begins Wednescjy, arrived In
Omaha Tuesday. J. W. Crabtree. former
state superintendent of Nebraska, now at
Whitewater, Wis., was one of tho first
to come. W. 1 Stephens, superintendent
of the Lincoln schools, came early and
spent the day visaing Oniuha schools.
Miss Charlotte, Uwc, head of the primary
department of the stale normal school at
Kearney, was the first teacher in the
olty and visited several schools. Miss
Pcrley, superintendent of manual training
In the Lincoln schools, Is also In tbe
city and will remain for the entire con
vention. Special arrangements for lodging und
board for the visitors during their stay
have been completed. Hotels and lodgin
houses will be taxed to their full capacity.
he number ot visitors will be lurKr
than was at first expected, as several
towns have decided at the last moment
to b represented by lull teaching stuffs.
Tbe principals of schools in charge of
the Omaiia High school cadets will go
on duty Wednesday morning at C:hO
o'clock and will work until l at night
welcoming the visitors.
Everouo Extends Welcome.
A badge has been Issued Ui every
teacher in Omaha designating them as
members of the reception committee, and
visitors are Invited to meet them and
make any Inquiries regarding the city or
the convention. More than 000 teachers
will be on this reception committee in
addition to the smaller welcoming com
mittees. Omaha will bo represented at the Audi
torum by numerous and varied exhibits.
The manual training department of tho
schools has arranged for extensive
demonstrations and exhibits of tne work
of the department, Including clay models,
wood work such as Inlaid tables, benches
and chairs, which will occupy 240 running
feet of space.
An order has been Issued to keep the
Edward Rosewatert Howard Kennedy
and Vinton schools open Thursday and
Friday for Inspection. The Cass school
will be open Thursday so that visiting
teachers may glean some Information
about the manuul training work in the
Omaha schools.
Ilallronds Will lie Uu.
It begins to look as If the entire school
teaching force of northwest Nebraska will
be at the meeting of the Nebraska
Teachers' association that la to be held
hers this week.
The Northwestern train arriving on
Wednesday afternoon will bring in three
extra Pullman-i and a number of addi
tional day coaches, all filled with teach-
ers. Thrre are five teachers ticketed
from Harrison, the last station In Ne
braska, and almost on tho Wyoming
state line. Reports Indicate that every
town Fremont west will send a
quota of teachers, besides many from the
country districts.
So great was the demand for reserved
rooms Tuesday afternoon that the Young
Men's Christian association, where a
free Information bureau has been estab
lished and rooms are being listed, were
forced to call on the Commercial club for
clerical help.
tauiiltt la the Act
and aiiested by Dr. Kings New Ufe
PlUn, bilious headache uults and liver
and bowo'.e act right. IJc. for salo by
Beaton urur Co.
i t
iZ'X.t A 'V;rl
EA',. ' -'' A -M -1-v'
Eutton. Ntb
0 ' 'Ci '
OMAHA. Vv hi N l-SOA V. NOVi.MUl-.U S,
- A Kl -kUi
1 :
I :
1 M V. M 1 1 K 1 1 S O l1 OMAHA TEACHEUS1
(Formerly of Omaha.)
Scott Promoted
1 on Western Road
John M. Scott, formerly of Omaha, has
been made general passenger agent of
the northern district of the Southern Pa
cific company, with headquarters ot
Portland. He has a great many friends
here who wilt be pleased to learn of his
promotion. Scott has been connected
with the Harrlman lines at Portland for
the last flvo years, and Is very popular
He used to be chief clerk of the pas
senger department of the Union Pacific
In Omaha and went to Chicago as chief
clork to K. O. McCormlck, and then to
Portland as assistant genoral passenger
agent of tho Oregon Railway and Navi
gation company, now the Oregon, Wash
ington Railroad and Navigation company.
General Manager Walters of the North
western is back from lnrllault, Minn.,
where ho went to visit his son, Waltman,
a student in tho Shattuck school, and
who was badly Injured while playing foot
ball a month ago.
In playing the game, the boy Injured
his knee cap and for a time It was feared
that the Injurv would result In a stiffened
Joint. Mr. Walters took bis Bon, to St.
Paul, .where the attending surgeon as
sured the father that there would be no
permanent Injuries.
Natural LaxaUve
Water "
Quickly Relieves.
Sick Headache,
Stomach Disorders,
1 ( b v I
i3 Woman WjpHqq
"l am using Solvay Coke and I would not
return to coal fires for any consideration. What
are my reasons? It is cheaper, almost as impor
tant, it is light women can handle it with case. I
Uco MilwautiQQ
"Tho Fuel without a Fault'0
It is quick to kindle in a very few minutes
you can have a bright fire and an oven as hot as
you like. It is excellent for ironing no danger of
poisoning from gas, and, best of all, there are no
ashes to sift."
2,000 dealers In the Northwest seO Milwaukee Soluag
Coke. Ask your dealer (or folder or write to us.
uoioy-AOOot Building
Central Coal & Coke Co. of Omaha
Horn Phonei liell Ooug. 1221 Ind. A-1003
Opposite Orphcum Theater
V it; . t i
i ,-..t
D.M.Haverly is in
a Serious Condition
County Clerk 13. M. Haverly Is seriously
111 with pneumonia at his home. 1115
North Thirty-third street. Drs. John M.
Henoh and Rodney W. Rllss and a trained
nurse are rtruggtlng to save his lite.
Tuesday afternoon they reported he was
holding his own.
Mr. Havtrly was taken 111 Monday
morning at about 1 o'clock, The serious
ness of the attack was not realised. Itv
Monday night Mr. Haverly was barely
conscious. He Is now passing through
ths oruclal period.
Prise medals for winning floats In the
Ak-Sar-Ren manufacturers' mmlii hav.
been given the winners by the Omatv;
Manufacturers' association. A uruld meita
went to the njornson Sheet Metal works
a silver medal to the Cudahy Packln
company and a bronze medal to Far re:
dt Co. These were for artistic merit. '
For mechanical excellence, first prlr
of $50 went to the Adams A Kelly com
puny, second prise ot 130 to (he Paxtoi
A Vlerllng Iron works and third urlse o:
$20 to the J. V. Uloom company.
Why Wet Shampoos
Are Injurious to Hair
(Quids to Beauty.)
"Avoid wet shampoos, It you would
have soft, lustrous hair and plenty of
It. More or lees 'free' alkali In sham
poo mixtures robs thi scalp of Its neces
sary oil, and this, in a measure, causes
hair to grow dull, brittle, unmanageable
' "The dry shampoo Is rapidly : gaining,
favor because of Its cleansing and In
vigorating effect on both hair and scalp.
If 4 ounces either of orris root or corn
meal and 4 ounces of therox are miked
together ( and a tablespoonful sprinkled
over the scalp, then brushed well through
and out of the hair, all traces of dust
siid dandruff will be removed, and the
hair will take on a silken sheen and
richness of color Impossible by any other
method." Adv.
Only Sober Men Wanted
Kvery line of bustneta la
doors to "Drinking" men. If you are a
drinking man. It may be your time next.
Uetter atop drinking at once. Orrlne, the
atandard remedy for the liquor habit,
will help you. Uy tha aid of Orrlne thou
sands of men have been restored to lives
of sobriety and industry.
we-are so sure that Orrlne will bene,
fit you that we say to you that it after
a trial you fait to net anv tnri r.
Its use, your money will be refunded
ORUINK Is prepared In two forms: No.
I. secret treatment, a powder, absolutely
tasteless and odorless, given secretly In
food or drink: ukkink k,. i ..m
form. Is for those who desire to take
voluntary treatment. OllRlNli costs on
ly $1 a box.. If you are Interested In
someone who drinks you owe It to your
self to come to our store and get free
..wi aim .niomiaiion. tsnerman A Mo
( onneil Irua Co.. corner lKih . n.i
24th and Karnam. 207- N. lilth Ht., Owl
" uu nnrney, umarta.
- - mmu siRur nil oeen
;t'.?LSvi', .MXTY VKAK8I.V MILLlONttof
a the best remedy lor 1I ABKItiKA. Jt is at.
jo utety harmless. lie sure asd ask for "Mrs.
y1"! -oothlng tsyrup' and take so other
watts HOlliafc
Mllwmukoo, Wlm.
To Manufacturers of
Meritorious Products
In preparing your schedule for advertising,
or if you arc contemplating an advertising cam
paign, wc would invite your attention to the
advertising value of
Harper's Magazine
Harper's Weekly
and Ha rper's Baza r
(Full particular regarding rates may be ob
tained from any General Advertising Agent, or
by addressing our Advertising Department.
Harper &
Franklin Square
1 !
When you want an especially good
bottle of rye for your company, buy
v ressjBV
Why not have it for yourself
Distilled 4 times makes it 4
times "purer."
Bottled m Bond
Each bottle is sealed with
the U. S. Government Stamp.
Handsomer and more useful than ever"' '
The Bee Building
On account of changes perfecting the entrance,
the elevators, tho lighting and interior decora
tions. The outward appearance could not bo
improved, hut tho location ia growing better
and belter every day. Think of the advantages
of having an office in a building that is known,
where your clients can easily' find yon, and
every convenience is at your service, then ask
us to show you tho available space. You may
find just the kind of quarters you have been
Light, janitor service, heat and water are ail included
in the rental price of the office.
Booaa 40 Directly cppoBllo the new Court llouia fa Ing Famam Ft
Our front oflicea are much In demand on a.oount of the prominent
location. This roum la U.xl, fu,,t i i. ,.n L VkJ...V.T":
with frame anil lua tartltJon,
prioe, per nit nth
orulacLloii lor
lifiK, per uionin . . .
Koem agou a clioloi corner offlue having a north aid weat eapo-ure.
liiaklna- thU at.ace atiractlve at any .tuwn ot the year" on account
or suoU lihl ai.U veutllallon. VV, will arrange tiiJa suae la"o
auliaole tor tci;uL and there be'.ug a vault in the ruoni. I i atjaj
Coca C40U a su.all well arrxni;el room facing 17th street havln
splendid lht and venUJatiuu. The size of "oo'n Is VslS-k. ""Vln
Itanu per montu . 7. .$hjj
ow" VXlIma. " "ulh nU 'Kt I)our which makes a well linhtad
offUw. Udiltlt feet In al. We are only asking 'c . ,"", Iwi
Uda wticlt U very cheaj. reuu coiiaidViu "oration and
ail cuuvwiAi.ces iunilaauii
Kiom 644 hcea the east and Is ro arranged that by putting In a parti
t on. two deairaLlj rooms could be made. Ther. are 3JI sauire fe"
Kent. :-er " ..".Jaoo:
Bee Business Office.
New York
ox bix. cenerauoos'v
" IaE;
Its age is guaranteed by the
U. S. Government.
Its purity by the Schenley
Distilling Company.
Its quality speaks for itself.
Whn you buy Rye, buy Scnsnlay. At all dealers.
Schenley Distilling Company, Lucesco, Pa.
Hiving two offices In one. Itental
by The liee iiuildinjf. J'ric.
17th aud Farpam S.3.
tts era ww j mwtMsmm&3ii i