Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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-This old proverb is meant to catch the eye of the
1 t Gin) (FT 7
SOD tdliW55
Law . HZ3 f' rV
tizzs Lfll
Not all the teachers know what mUsY bv this1 time be ' Woll known fn innst of rVr rrrmlr ri O
Thomas Kllpatrlck & Company is holding the greatest sale in the store's history. Reason for it-tearing out
walls to add ofie-third more space to. the-nfcsent store, a'nd to'mnvp
I. . . . " , . . . ' . - kw axjiuxxs v ! i wwaa s mw awa Wi WUI MVIIIVI 9
liere are a iew items ior Wednesday s selling, indicators,. as it were, of the hundreds of bountiful
plumbers, painters, otc.
bargains all over our store.
About 800 yards of fancy ftilks reserved ns an
nttrnction for visiting teachers Taffetas,
plaids, stripes, etc., worth up to 7oe Qft
a yard; at one price, per yard OwC
About 1,200 yards left of yard-wide satin lining,
all colors, guaranteed to wear well a large lot
''of ehoieo Foulards, sold in many stores at $1
a line of frtripo MeHsalines and several pieces
of plain nearly every picco worth C Cl
at least $1.00; Wednesday 9-SV
Perhaps GOO yards of choice Silks, odds and ends
of new goods, worth up to $1.25;
Wednesday .......... .v. JG.
colors and you.' won't be robbed because goods
are scarce. There may be no tomorrow on theso
lines. BUY TODAY.
A largo section of West wall is torn out at
this department. Goods had to bo removed;
They are stacked up po high as to make selling
inconvenient. You will help to taove the goods
if we can get you aroused to what is doing.
Urondcloth bargains is most pronounced. Every
yard in stock all colors, fine chiffon finish
. IV-j yards wide, perfect in every particular
sponged ready for the needle, for suits, (Irenes,
opera, reception, etc.; were $2.50 Cfc-fl 90
and $3.00; Wednesday p i
All the Plaids which wcro $1.25 and $1.00; nt,
per yrd , ...79c
All the Plaids which were Sold up to $1.50; jut;
per yard ',.$1.10
Serges, and a vast variety of colored wool goods
. worth up to 75c; at, per yard ,39c
Goods which were $1 and $1.25 will go at G9c
'And some of the finest qualities in stock, sold
' up to $2.25, at .; 9gc
GLOVES-Capc, lamb and,kid, wrist length
worth $1.25, at . . .. . 08c
Woolly Mitts with cords to go around neck for
little tots, at .390
Golf Gloves for motherland smaller one to keep
tho little one's patties warm; cashmere lined
gloves : worth 75c. at 50c
LINENS The low prices quoted on Sunday
will prevail1 all this week. If you cannot pro
cure n Sunday paper, visit the department and
you will not be surprised at the crowd of
Attention is directed to our showing of cot
ton dresses, ages 2 to 14; ginghams; percales,
fancy checks, etc. Heavy weight cotton dresses,
ages G to 10 reps, piques, linens, plain white,
plain blues, prettily and properly trimmed -
Wool Dresses, ages 4 to 17, plain and plaids
. splendid value. Peter Thompsons, 6 to 17 yrs.,
bine serges separable and inseparable blouses;
; Party Dresses, ( to 17, delicate colorings and
materials stylish combinations.
And right here is where another trite say
ing applies that one about "The early bird,
Wednesday, starting at 8 A. M. and enough
to last for perhaps all day; but the early comer
has advantage of PICK.
SUITS Sold formerly up to ftlO 1C
$io.(X), at $ia- 0
The Kilpntrick kind which means proper
in style, proper in quality, properly made, and
clean, mind you. Not junk there's lots of that
shown these days. Intelligent buyers, how
Are you needing a stocking bargain. Wc can
suit you. Silks, usually $1.00, at, pair. . .59c
Ingrain Silk Lisles, black or tans, 50c values
nt, pair .35;
And a big lot worth up to 50c; at, pair 25(3
Out-of-town customer and our home trade will find
much In the Basement Salesroom ot Interest.
Fancy Sateens, were 25c, fine for comforts, 19c
Baby Blankets, Teddy bear designs, etc. . .39c
30x40 Baby Blankets, were $1.25; each 89c
36x50 Baby Blankets, worth $1.75, each, $1.19
$2.75 Comforters, Wednesday, each $1.95
$2.00 Plain White Cotton Blankets at. . .$1.59
$4.50 extra fine White Blankets, at $3.75
Harwood Sheets, 81x90; nt, each 59c
For several days we have been so rushed in
the afternoons that it has been difficult to give
our usual good service. We beg of you when
possible to come in the mornings. Please take
small packages with you our delivery depart
ment is terribly crowded. We will express pur
chases for out-of-town customers.
Governor and Council Accept Correc
1 tioni from Four Towns.
Bxveatlve Will tall Ipicltl tension
f Ltglalatar 16 jlabmll Coaalitai
: tonal ('banco Concerning
' Llojojur Traffic.
At'QUBTA. Ma.. Nov. T.-Maln ra
tatna oomtltutlona) prohibition. ' Oov
crnor PlaUted and his council lata laat
uLsnl derided to accept the correction
In the vote from (our towni cast In the
upeclal election In September, thua re
verilng tha reeutt aa Indicated on tlie
face ot the flral ottlcal returna.
lleturna on election day, September 11,
Indicated a majority of aboilt toe agalnat
tha repeal of tha prohibitory amendment,
but later tha official allowed, a majority
tf only twenty-l for repeal.
It waa found by comparison that In
' four casca tha figures of tha town clerks
were icversed from their early returns,
and In each caa tha clerk claimed the
error to be in the offU-ial flgursa. After
heartnga on the subject tha governor and
council touha .matter under considera
tion, and reeult was the announcement
tonight that Mains retained constitutional
precaution by TM votes.
i Wtlt VesTeke Leatelatare. ' . '
Governor TlaJsted. at tha end of tha
meeting, ' said that at an early data,
probably la February, ha would call a
special session of the legislature to sub
mit aa amendment to the constitution
which will permit the enactment of lawa
coitcernlng tha liquor trafflo whlclk are
capable of honeat enforcement because
auatalned by the sentiment of the seveial
communities to which they will be ap
plied. An aaalyala of tha vote, tha governor
declared, ehowed an overwhelming ma
jority aaainst prohibition In tha cities
and a largt majority fur It In the towns.
'There la no question about tha desire
nf tho cities," the governor concluded,
"to Improve conditions by adopting soma
is the force that keep
the nervea well poised
and controls firm, strong
Men nI womeo who
do the world's work can
void Brain fag and
guard their health by feed
ing brain and body with
Scott's Emulsion
other method of dealing with tha liquor
traffic Aa amendmeqt to the 'constitu
tion hould be submitted to tha people,
to bs voted upon nest September, under
the rims of which oitlee should have tha
right to Invoke and enact local lrglsla
tloa within their own Umlta."
Doctors at Banquet
Tell of Days Agone
and Have Fine Time
Reminiscences of bygone college daya,
addresses by a number of prominent
physicians and a banquet fallowed by
songs and music occupied tha attention
of several score of Nebraska doctors who
are her for the second annual gathering
of tlie alumni of the loiius of Medicine
of the Vnlverslty ot Nebraska, last nltfht
at tha Commerolal club. Tha doctors
tendered a reception to the faculty ot the
medical department.
The address ot Dean Wolodtt waa jr
ha pa the moat Interesting of the svenlng
and his talk was highly appreciated by
the practitioners, lie dwell upon tha
csreers of the rising young doctois while
In college and he predicted much for tha
"latter crop ot medlos."
?rha attention ot the vlalting doctors
il b occupied with a bowling contest
tonight at tho Metrpolltan U. which
have been leased for the evening. Today's
scientific program will be aa foliowa:
-U A. M.
Nos and Throat Clinic
Krank Owen, M. P.
Burglial Clinic. ...Byron H. favis. M. I).
Noonday luncheon, 12:30-1 :W, Hotel Home.
Itound table t-onfrrunces. Hotel Huine.
(Lganuiemaioua (nuiri
Melancholia and Muni
H. M. McClsnshan. M. D.
a. J. M. Aikin, M. I.
Mrs. Lucretia Sargent
Ti.' Tr .
mes iu Kansas uity
Mrs. Lucretia McShane cargent, dauKh
ter of Mrs. K. C. McShane. Ill South
Thirty-third street, and niece of tha late
Count John A. Crelghton. died at her
home in Kansas City Monday afternnon
at I o'clock. I'tath came rather unex
pectedly, though shs had not been In
the best of health for years, and the
details have not yet been received by
rtlativea her.
Mrs. Bargrnt was St years of ag and
had lived la Kansas City eighteen yea is.
going there at the time ot her marriage.
The body will be brought to Omaha for
burial In Holy Bapulcher cemetery, the
service to be held Wednesday morning
In Hi. John's church. Burial will be pri
vate. Mrs. Rsrgent's husband Is John
A. Bargeut. trafto manager of the Cen
tral Coal and Coke company of Kansas
City. tha la survived also by thrr chil
dren. Edaard Hargent. IT; Jaynet Bar
gent, aged 10, aad Jack Bargent. agml T.
Francis Potter, sponsor for the big
mandolin and guitar concert which was
scheduled for Thursday night at the
Young Women's Christian association has
been foroed to change the date to Friday
evening at the eme place. Three of tlw
star ho will apiieur are William Foden,
guitar; Giuseppe l'attlne, mandolin, and
Frederick Itacon, banjj.
Key U the Bituailon-Ue Waat Ada.
Coynoil Patsei Ordinance ' Giving
Ytrda Wtter Franchise.
Martin Jetted Apprnra to' Ask Ue
ronslderntloa of t onipromlae Over
raving- on Thirtieth Street"
C'anuunlan Is Over.
Under suspension, vf the rule at. tt)o
meeting of ' tne city council yesterday
afternoon the ordinance grani:ng per
mission to the Union. Block Yard and
allUd packing houses to lay ana main
tain a Una of water pipe from the reser
voirs at Twelfth and M streets to the
packing district was put upon Its two
final readings and passed unanimously
by U member ot In ctty council.
This expeditious disposal of the Impor
tant ordinance was due tq tha fact that
the question of annexation will b de
elded today. 'While It Is felt by the ad
ministration that the. merger w.l be de
feated at tho" polls there was no Idea
upon the part uf the council of over
looking results of delay In the ev.nt that
tlie unexpected should happen and luw
intuRur tarry.
At tho sums meeting, Martin Jettsr. a
wealthy brewer and property owner, ap.
peared with his attorney, At Hlchie, unj
aiiktd the ctty council to reconsider the
compromise offered by Jetter In regard
to thH question of the special taxes lev
ied for the payment of the paving In
Tldrticlh street from Q to V street.
UlclL. aald h w's pi spared to ffer
coiulhclug figures to the council if i.iey
were of a mind to take action on the
John .'ranek, piesldsnt of the council,
premising that It was out of h. sower
uf the city counicl at this Uine to taku
lh auUon rriusted, stated that an
opinion uf City AUorney , Murphy wns
opposed td tho granting of the relief
tught. "Ma would like to alve rou l..,v-
relief," said tha president of the council.
out we nave uot the power at thie time,
whllo the case 1 silll )u 11). cuuila,"
rianek then read a formal resolutioh re
lUklng the couipi online offered by Jtlr.
Mhen the vote was put Miller Inter
rupted to say that the matter Oouht bo
taken up at a later date. Mayor Tralnor
also luwU'l Umt the council mighi
want lur.iher time- for consideration of
lh jnuuor, but wheu tne clerk called
ilia roll tne ayes wei unanimous, utiU
jetter cuinproini had bvn definitely
ranek, however, requested a publli:
opinion from the city attorney In re
pouse to a stalemeut of lUcliie that tlis
aw allowed tne city council to adjuat
end rearrange tpeclal taxation.
Apparently loath, to begin a discussion,
city Attorney Murphy said he had given
the opinion and recommended the stand
taken by the couueii. "But." continued
lh speaker, "th objection vf the leai
ids of tne matter I nut thu only' one.
It.ere are other and alld objections, and
soma ot them ai peraonah it U a uuts
uoa ot honesty aa well as of law thai U
involved. To take the action eougbt by
the I'ttllioutr would be a aerWus; step
(or the couucll and on not sanctioned
by law. t woind Uke Mr. Jetter and liU
friends to know that Mt recugaise lilin
as on who In th past has sulven for
th upbuilding of the elly, Vut to grant
hl.r.uewt at this cilucal time in tha
iae0f the eltr Would be a urrend;r tftat
l ' will ot 1 countenance. The claim
must stanor as a lieu ugalnyt tlie prop
erty, ior if to live we must buy the
support of Jetter and his friends by tne
cancellation ot taxes, let us rather take
jur carpet bags and walk out, .caving
oeiiluu the iiu,e property tnat Is ouis."
"i'rhaps Mr. llicnle would like iu ...
something," said the mayor at thu con-
ciumon of Murpny a apvecli. iiut itlclile
and metier remained muie. and niter ih.
completion ot aouia routine buslucsa the
council adjourned until next Monday
iiignt, 1
Marphy on Iteoord.
To be annexed br not to be annexed waa
tho itusiiun that vexed tne souls of fi.mih
Oiiiahans lust night, harly in llio even
ing tno amis, led by a band and vstoi ted
by the city flie department, organised
a procession at the city hall and inarcned
to the high school building where a mass
meeting was held.
Henry Murphy and -Uoa" Tanner were
tho chief (speakers of the evening. Mur
phy spoke against th dUloyaity of try
ing tj force . annexation on the Komh
Ouiuha people. r.JJuring his remarks the
speaker wa-interrupied by an Irrepres
sible annexatlonibt,. ito wished to deuatu
ins u,uotlon. .; f i
At Ihe'oiftu luloh"ot Murphy's remarks
Y. li. Clieek avail some editurlul . ..
of Huiaior riuteiison, who in the Kxam
lner 'iiad.. indicated that Omaha was not
very). auu:a concerned whether bouth
Omaha riiertcd or not. Cheek thouoht ,t
ws paihlut to not such a lack ot car-
Uiul llivnath n on the part of Omaha.
'Uoe'1, Tanner reuuusted the ueouu i
forbear any hasty action until such time
as ths legislature had effected material
changes In th charter of Omaha and
made It endurable to contemplate a union
of th two cities.
Over In the annexation quarters tha
brethren gathered In numbers little
greater than Oideon'a band. "We meet
no more aftr tonight, until we meet in
Omana," said Torn O'Nell, real estate
man and leader of the annexationists.
"We aro euro to win," said others In
the nicotinic.
Maaio City Cioaalp.
All bills contracted by Mrs. Ida Cope
will not be seined lor by ma. H. Cope.
CAkNi'.Y COAL, is clean; no clinkers
leva than J per cent ash. 1 liono bouih .
broauwell-itoberU Co.
Iiuy your coul of Gunderson Bros
Cherokee nut U per ton. leil phone South
lut; independent '-lMl.
J ne 1. sulfa aiu MH'iety of the West 0
niliMoii will nuet Thuieday Bfunioon
at the homo of it is. Kay Urlfflth.
For Rent Six-room house, modern ex
cept heat; also lame barn, location. 261S
li. Bt., Kent, JUt). Will sell cheap, i'hon
Bouth low.
Mrs. U Whlto, IMI L street, will en
tertain the "Kensington" of eioutli
uniana Grove, No. cti, woodmen dido,
w ednesday afternoon.
Oscar II. llailgren was pleasantly sur.
prised Saturday evening by a Malt of
thirty-five friends, wno called at his
honiL't 1 ; tli M!ss?yurS sivenue.
MIhs Hose Oustal nf Cedar Haplds, la.,
Is the guest of Mr. and Mm. J'ranlt
Jftlva of this city. iuU lotal will
rcmalu In Bouth Omaha for two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tetlva celebrated
I liu tentu anniversary of their wedding
on Sunuay mghi at tneir home, 111 .on
Twenty-third street. About thirty-five
lilcnus ot thu couple called to offer their
Roy Beadle, who has been the guest
of Mr. and Mrx. J. C. Walker tor some
weeks, li-u last night fur Uusper, I'm.,
whti ho goes to engage In business
with his father, a prominent ndnlng
i-l wiatur vf that place.
Father of Dead Man Sayt Experi
enced Same Sickness.
Kxamlnatlon of Uody of Richard
Smith Indicates that ho Died of
Araenlo I'olaonlntf, Accord
iug to Coroner.
CHICACIO. Nov. 7.-fTwo hew wit
nesBes came forward yesterday to accuse
Mrs. Louise VermUya, the widow arrested
on charges of poisoning Policeman Ar
thur Bisaonette, a roomer at her home,
of having knowledge of tho manner In
which some of the other eight persona
who have died beneath her roof of sim
ilar alimonts came to their, death.
Thoir Identity waa disclosed by Coroner
feter Hoffman after, th widow had been
served with a warrant and had been
taken to tha county Jail.
Acting on the story ot on ot th wit
nesses, the coroner left at one today
to exhume tha body of Frank .rinkamj.
son of Mrs, VermUya'a first husband
and on of the first ot those whose deaths
followed an attack of acute stomach tils
oi dor. The grave is m Waidholm cem
etery, a suburb of Chicago.
Arthu- V. Blssonette, sr., father of the
dead policeman, was one of the new wit
nesses, and he disclosed himself as an
other who had encountered the myste
rious stomach complaint while In the
Vermllya home. From that encounter,
h said, he still suffered.
The other wlthese waa Mlsa Elisabeth.
Nolan, former fiancee of Frank Biin
kamp, who in an affidavit charged that
her Intended husband had made state
ments oi his death bed virtually charg
ing his stepmother with having "done
away" with him.
Smith Died of Arsenic.
Coroner Peter Hoffman said tonight
after scrutinising portions of the body
of Richard Smith, the Illinois Central
railway conductor whose death Is. coupled ,
with that of Blssonette In the charges
agalnt Mis. Vermllya, that he was Butts- ,
fled Smith had died of orsenlo polsonlns
as charged.
"The organs taken from Smlth'i boOy
have the same greenish tinge that was '
noticeable In those of Blssonette,". raid
Mr. Hoffman. V
"I expert to get a report on them from
the chemist Thursday br Friday und
probably on Brink amp at the same time. '
"I may order Mm. VermUya'a last hus
band's body exhumed, but I don't think
it will be necessary to hav any other
corpses examined."
Board of Pharmacy
Examining Students
Th Nebraska State Board of Pharmacy
Is holding its annual meeting her to ex
amine medical students who have applied
tor registration ns pharmacists. The ex
amining board is composed of A. V.
Pease of Falrbury. Herbert Look of Cen
tral City. Frank Kor of Fremont, 3. K.
Harper of Clenrwater, and T. J. Klllen ot
Beatrice. The examinations are Veins
held in th department ot pharmacy, nt
CrelgUton university.
Br Pierce's Health Talks
tl : i-r -t i i . . . . .
inc nuracic ui muuicrnuou is oitcn oversnaaowea oy tne misery ot motherhood, liie great
functional changes which are incident to child bearing leave their mark for life on many a
mother. Some women offer up their lives as a sacrifice on the altar of motherhood. A far
, greater number live on in ceaseless misery. ,Their strength fails, their beauty fades, they have
no ambition and no enjoyment in life. To every woman
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
Offers escape from th pains and perils of motherhood. Taken during
the period of waiting and anticipation this medicine strengthens the
body, nourishes the nerves, and prepares the whole womanly system
for the coming of baby. It also Insures an abundant supply of nourish
ment for the child.
The mind feels bright and buoyant. There is no anxiety, no dread, but In
its place a happy anticipation of the baby's coming, which counts for the
future happiness of the child unborn. The use of "Favorite Presrrintinn"
makes the baby's advent easy, and gives abundant vitality to nursing mothers.
Th ere is no alcohol or habit-formins drucs in "Favorite Prescrintinn " It I a rsnrlf
vegetable medicine. 7
Accept no substitute for "Favorite Prescription." There is nothing " just as good"
for weak and sickly women. All its ingredients printed on its bottle-wrapper.
The larger success of doctor or druggist is never won bj- putting love for the dollar
above duty to the sick. Protecting the sick, giving them what they ask for when Dr.
iierces ravonte Prescription is called for, will enrich him in respect, if it docs not mell
to tht utmost his profits.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
-: I
l ilr j
surrAU), t. -v.
A roodW SmuUmrHim Itk mrtry
mmmt m4 atfcsH mmd m r mstt
oesserwaore1 mmj liiM ItpmtalfU Am
( (raaimeot ut ( most ItltKmlt cues
CAreaic allmtmu wftMser muiriog
Mullet r SurgkMl tnMtmtml Iter their
cunt. -emd ra Brampm to v Mr