u THK V.V.K: OMAHA. WKDN'KSDAV. NOVKMHKH 8. 1011. "V ,ilf.!!rTT3P I 1 X X 1 I i i Hi II ment. , .. ....... mora. Make Brandeis Stores Your Meeting: Place. Cordial Welcome to Nebraska Teachers We jnvite you to make use of the many Free Ad vantages this great store offers to out-of-town people. Free Rest Rooms and Waiting Rooms with Maid in At tendance. Free Writing Desks and Stationery for Cor respondence. Your baggage and parcels checked free of charge. Free use of Telephones Checks on All Banks Cashed Free. Free Delivery of Packages to Any Depot in Omaha. Branch Station No. 17 U. S. Post office. TAKE LUNCHEON HERE THE BEST. MODER ATE PRICED RESTAURANT AND LUNCH ROOM IN OMAHA. Omaha's Greatest Attraction is Brandeis Stores Four immense buildings connected under the street by the three famous Brandeis Tunnels. Nearly Ten Acres of Floor Space 1,000 Clerks. The Pompeian Room is the Most Beautiful Room of Its Kind in Amer ica. See the Free Nursery. Hundreds of Children Checked Daily. YOU CAN EASILY SAVE THE EXPENSES OF YOUR TRIP BY BUYING YOUR WINTER GOODS AT BRANDEIS LOWER PRICES. I ednesday in Our Basement All the Women's Skirts FROM THE BARNES & CO. STOCK , mm f I V ' i l 11 1 IrTVi V f j I 1 B P ' if' Worth Up to $7.50, at Thcsn , tailored . dross nd walking bkhtH nre in the new est styles for fall and winter. Smart blue and black Berges, fancy mixtures, novelty cloths, white corclnrnvn ctrir-,1 r.. J ' J''v-v nvi- ft? steds, panamas, etc., made with 3 new panel eifects, silk baud, ft braid or button trimminira 4 -tho cleverest styles and leadincr .'1 r.,i...:n 1 Ul lllltj ISfllHOH, All the Skirts, worth up to 55.C0, at..... All the Skirts worth up to $7.50, at....'. $2.50 3.50 BASEMENT CLOAK DEPT. THURSDAY ' in the Basement we will sell All the Wo- $093 $r $93 men's Cloaks. ..)-"," 0 YARM WINTER UNDERWEAR 49c Women's flue IMbbrU Cotton 1'litx-jr Lined I'nion Hull all sizes, at a garment - Women' (Vilon I'nion Hulta Hoary lined and heavy ribbed; white and cream; worth up to 11.60, m at a earment VC Women's Itlhtl fmrt Wool VeU and rant r g natural an -reara; 1 values, at UVC Children's "M" Walut I nloa Hutu fleecy lined, all alxea;' regular DOc quality, at each. . ......29c BRANDEIS STORES To Attain Success as a Stenographer Tho typewriter operator who thinks one thing and does one thing secures a better result than ifjher thoughts are divided. ' A keyboard with a key for every character and tho keys arranged in straight lines so simplifies the operation of typewriting that accuracy is se cured without mental strain. On the SMITH PREMIER keyboard there is a key for every capital letter, a key for every small letter, and a key for every character. To print any letter or any character the operator strikes no key' once. Nothing could be simpler; therefore anything moro difficult is a handicap. You are invited to call at the offices at 19th and Douglas streets where, if you desire, the machine will bo demonstrated. "We assure you, too, that your interest in the machine will not result in "canvasBers" making your life miserable until you buy. The Smith Premier Typewriter Co. Branches in SIOUX CITY, LINCOLN, EES HOINES. 19th and Douglas Streets 0IIAHA, NEB. n ! l M a s W S. & H. Green Trading Stamps Free With All Purchases. The Teacher 8 of Nebraska are invited to Supply Their Wants From the Largest Book Store- In either Nebraska or Iowa. They are alno Ir.vlted to lnsiert the new est appareling for men and women; to learn of the now styles In all of tho various lines of merohandlBe In Nebraska's Urgent DAYLIGHT STORK. You are welcome welcome to everything this store can give to make your visit to Omaha a delightful one. A nent A.vvare1ina fh Three Specially Interesting Paragraphs J x for Visiting Teuchers Whenever looking at a nennett gar- - ment you mum always consider the qual lty In connection with the price. It Is an cstahliKhrd and known fact that, In this city, HenrnUt's present the biggest values and tho niont stylish clothes at whatever price you wish to pay. come In and loo, around a bit, even though you d not wish to buy. Vim will imr!l ulnrly notli-x a won lot r t rrvemltil ami tlall la dorfcil roan. iwd.it, ii'iviii rivir. irjiiRtvi llling urimu ciiHin, eic, or rment quality lin- I'orteU anil dmnmtlu material, at 1.60, 'it.hO, f23.r0und up. There ara nml-riltaii inixUU with vnlvt ami plain broadcloth trlmmlnKn, coats with oena in m liar, anverely coata for general una ami tailored a great variety or coats aduptalils to anv drrna nrheine mi lady wlalici.. All nlzos and colora at each price repreacated. STORM AND RAIN COAT SPECIAL 100 Btorm and rain coats of i famed English rain-proof materials, stylishly ariu thoroughly well made; 5g? choice of gry,navj and brown in all sizes; $13, $20 and $23 values, Wednesday, j . while they last . . . J J, ) 15.00 TAFFETA WAISTS for 2.33 240 In the lot and all of a splendid quality black chiffon taffeta.' There are two styles for yOU to Choose from, ciurh hivlni, ,n broidery work on the yoke and down the front AU sixes In the assortment. and short sleeves. u. vVVl , I 'I 'I ill ' n U .1 A Special Purchase Makes Silk Valour Hat Prices Lower Than Ever $10.00 Silk Velour Hats at $1.98 s This Jot of Imported vsllk velonr hats comes In aW of the season's most popular colorings and small, medium and large shapes. With a very little trimming, they can be made very beautiful and becoming for either street or dres3 wear. Every hat Is positively worth not less than $10.00. Wednesday only you choose at 1 9 8B Guaranteed Willow Plumes at $3.98 Each Thla number Is our popular $1.8 seller. Only a umall lot of them to sell at this price, so come early. Every one guaranteed. Sale of American Carbon Pictures in Sepia Tones Each picture is fitted with glass ami back in a haud some 2-inch oak frame 10x20. inches in size. The scenes consist of "The Forum," "Coliseum," "Sir Galahad," "(lood Shepherd," and dozen of others equally as popular. Our regular $1.00 pictures, for Wednesday only, Extra Values for Morn ing Shoppers Only.. 8:30 a. m. to, 1:00 p. m. $1.98 Velvet and P ush Hoods. at 59c Each Lot eonnlHts of velvet and pl.ih rioodu In ulack and color. A variety of Hhapca inrludlnir the popular rolled aailor. Millinery Uurfc-aln Kguare. 49c Wednesday Notions 6c nickel plated safety pins, all sixes, 3 cards for ,V 10c. 100-yard spools machine silk In black only, at 4c Women's and children's 16c pin-on hose supporters, all colors, the pair ' 8c 10c bolts of 6 yards of black mer cerised skirt braids, 2 bolts lti he papers of 380 dressmaker's pins, 2 papers for ftc 6c cards hooks and eyes, black irnd white, 3 for tic Wire hair pins, pkg., each le Ironing wax, each ic Bulletin Do. 4; ;4 3 No Offer Like This Elsewhere . Order a ton of CAPITOL coal at 6.60-or, even a sack of the nut at 30c. Try it. If you are de lighted over this flue coal from the Zelgler mines we will trade you our $8.00 grade of coal for It c&rrroi, a.icur) .coal, ttt cn lump and Hut . . wUiOU DomUloa Auiap atid Vat-A hUrh oraaion ABtHraAlt .11 auea SI0.50 weir wity aod Caerokee A nn Slaok for eteam punts tf&sUO 13 lbs. Granulated Sugar for $1.00 Also Some Other Speaa) Pricing for Wednesday and Thursdav J-lti. pkK. Ut'. Wheat and 10 ,i'J inZ ''l!- Li- C four a" a ?S 11 Iba .;UAM LATl.l) fl ilAH at da 1 lb. ttiiiii-tt'a apltol coffca.... 3oo 1 botlla Outllard'a olive oil ss 1-lb. can U. C. taklnic powdur... I lka. li. .'. a.tiue moat Saa AU ef the above for . ai- 1 lb. -itennett a Capttol coffee and no atampa soe Aaaortfid tsaa and tO alainiia. lb, ao 'laa Utlii(a and li etainiw. It.., 1 Ma -lb. ran Lmre pppr and k at'pa, 10o Cialllard a pure olive ollapeclal of a pint can for eOe I vaaa thl ka with hulled beaiia and 94 alanine. . . , ate But a,iaKua and ltt at'pa. can Soo I "tf bt-imett'e t apltol n.lnce meitt ana III atainpa S5e Snidare t'hile eaut-e and 10 ataiiii', the bottle.. BS i-lu. ran-ii. C. Laklna powder and li tamp v 13e Vtalkara Oille eon oarue and li Uuiik, the ran ISe 'alar'a tanialwa A 10 et'pa.' can lOe Kwauoiiown riliiali A b ai'ia, pkk'. lAo Ulaiiiond rpil table tail and li ataiupa, tne aack 10c at iaiii it. i-ib. pkir li. V. l(U buckwheat anil' lu niSretar.f''". Soa b.. Boo lb.. Boo and 3t 1--UI1 cream hreae & 10 at'pa. lb ;'.Url','r 'nw I', lb. iacht v'lib aalad drepalnc . ... uvi nvi ...... . esA Feeded ralaina li) mfpa, pa,., 0o Jar prea.rved fla" . .T.' .9lJ . ..u, u JV St pa, bot, a J Wednesday Meat Birjains 3.000 Jbs. No. 1 Bklnned Hams. -th lc Hamburger. 3 pounds for 23c bhoulder Steak. 3 pounds for Sc Pot Koaat 7yit Practical Boots for Women are those made of gun metal calfskin. It's tho cleanest, nicest stock used in women's hoots. It does not scuff up, it does not burn tlie foot, it cleans and shines easily. "We have thein in button or lace. P $3, $150 $4 and $5 Fry Shoe Co. t it i: s ii o i: n s JUtii and DoiikIus Ms. . . f s Sunkist California Wines , Angelica, Port, Sherry, Muscatel,' Tokay, full quart ' 50' Its purity and quality is appar ent to all. Jackdaw Kye, bottled in bond, full quart ;. :$1.25 Maryland Rye, full quart. . .75 Maryland Rye, gallon .... $2,50 TennesKee White Corn (moon shine) full quart 75 Tennessee Corn, full qt. .$2.50 Most any Standard Bottled-in- lome Made Grape Wine, white or red. gallon $1.00 We give green trading ' stamps. CACKLE Y BROS. : " WINK MERCHANTS 121 No. 16th St. Opp. P. O. Mali Orders Promptly Filled L J. OAUIS HEAVY MAULING Safe Hoisting a . Specialty i 1818 Farnam Street I Tel. Doug. 353 H Coma in and select a pair of tan or black shoes $3.50 $5 Latest Styles 1 snoALMtioes LB.filcGOUfjCo. South End 16th St. VIADUCT "Homo off tho Long Ton" AMI SKliKNT, AMERICAN THEATER Tonlffht Matin Today UISS JtiVa lARvf and th , WOOOWAsU STOCK COKPAITT Is Xiinau W altar's fit) of "HILLY" N e uk "th : r ksk u t k u lMmAi'm Pn run., as Vfrjg4Jjg llT tt., 15-85-59 I.at SJtua r.fcord llolderM. dV.r15 Love Makers EXTSAAOAli A AUDET1XI.E. ill Aguullo ..lyalery, "O'Uevio; fraiirt Clemeiib' iHf r Team, I-uuey Moor &. 1) J. Iiavty. "HbUIi Hallu. KillUn A Mourn. Itljr Keautv C'liuruii. X.dl' Xtlma MUn Erary Wk Say. r 1 fas ii Id voroiiAa pbiceo mat. Tooar ..in Tim TWU KUSICAI. COMEDY SUCCS3S THE RED ROSE Starting- Sunday OtO. CTAM1 MIHBTBELS Spotl Matin Tudy KBOQ THE ATER Matin Today 8:30 J Tonirht, Sa Bt Skt Mo. ka nlv ax Taaa Doodle Oirla and Bill itraaaaa. tit Voyln. Darfydlll week, frizu for boat Iaffr dlll. Turady iilntii eleitioa reluru will hm rrail from lha (uk. ' Matlnea Every !; 3:15: t Fboaaai Dour. 1:1a AilvaiucJ Vauilavill Holf and Ilia Holf .:ili,s, lelro Madaiua brwuu, . tile (Sale, i unnelly and VS ebh, Iimora And Adair. Mac Kaa an. I lvrrinK. Kin Muui Oruaun. concert Orcliaaira. 'rim 10c, 4i)c lie; Miuuh luc, Ht eaU J5-; iv.ei 4 tint au4 tiunvta. Closes Hovember' 11 Booklover Contestants Have Plenty of Time for Sending in Answers Many Are Entering Now! COUPONS AND CATALOGUE MAY BE HAD AT BUSINESS OFFICE OF THE BEE. COUPONS SELL FOR ONE CENT EACH, SET 75 CENTS. THE TITLE CATA LOGUE, CONTAINING ANSWERS TO ALL THE PUZZLES, SELLS FOR 25 CENTS; 30 CENTS BY MAIL. ALL ORDERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY REMITTANCES. e ECOND PRIZE A 1 - A cire In Tehama County, Cat . . ft A In a climate shown by the gov ernment chart to be the same as that of Los Angeles, Fresno, etc., lies Tehama county, California. It is within two hundred and fifty miles of San Francisco, and there is situated the famous Lutheran colony which has had so much dis cussion in Omaha by reason of a local clergyman taking the initiative in its formation. The Bee offers this 10-acre ranch as second prize in its Booklovers' contest. Here is a livelihood for man, wife and children for the rest of time. Here is $1,250 in land, carrying free water, waiting only for the plow share and intelligence to cultivate it and produce almost any variety of fruit. Full information concerning this land may be had at the office of Trovjbridge-Bolster Go. City National Bank Building 4, I A