TIIK BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMHK1. 8. 1 ! 1 1 . 11 Little Philip, Rosamond's Schoolboy Brohter, in Effort to Baffle Gomgotz, Changes Places With Him By Hershf ield moj vcaa Cjc tt1 (jit. MAh-e "TV'S" 'THIS UKAAjCrl t r But now CAV , Boy TDoq4'. L KOOK LET ,, HE WILL. rVvLt-' ovj v.rr i rj'U itfvi4-i II idu if f".".- iW-. er i '' ,;'.',,'( ' . ,' r f .,.1 1 " y-... - . . -. -. - : yKt - y -p- -A t rw-. - " - -n. ef i, j. ' st . I lT 1 VL-VTr "V J J 1 'WSI MOXKV TO LOAN OKFKKKH Ft) It KKXT Ol KUKI KOH SAI.K j UlJAIi I1MTATK P JV S nsiary and i uaitru, i tlouea mid (oltatFa, I MONEY loaned salaried people, womon Kri'l'Uii; flours tnd utliers; ttltnout o lurtly; may iimiu. office In ? prio- i'jii tum, ImnMn. W imna .ai i I'oK a daintv (Usarrt lalzv'ls iie oi-ftini. 1( ItiT.ry H. Afidcigon, :'v.'l iir. t I, will come to '1 he tire olllce within three oays we will Klve hnn an order lor a ii:art hrirk vt Ihm fine l e Lienni . ott-i.ubi' nm HtXT ijuwru uuu Huoiuai K hu, truiiKs. 1). 6H. A-?1H, Wt-LL. tulliusheU heutetl louin.l, Willi buuiu, in leia i iub u.i-ir.ci; it.ii tuieM leunetl. 'lei. tiainey UH. Kuu.il .Hid buurd ior Kenileiiirn, mua rrlureiiccH, in innate hu.ise una in ex viunlve tieisnoornoou. la. I Wiuster parlor loom wirn u.-.e p.n.ui'. a1j I'ui. t, James i lotel Bieaui Ileal, liaih. biirne cooking; w.nter rates to tew couplea ut IiiU per iiiu. ; Uauy i..n. .Star all thtai ers. lAHiiK trout riioin, nuiiable tor two or Xor wlih or without board. IHiutj. M3. LAIWH Kunny room lor two gentitnien, with board II desired. Harney bito ii 'ainani. KnrnUlied Hooma. QOOll roomy, reun'ii.ntile. 1202 t)ougla. 4i il ui r ! 11A.M. U is. iniu. lunubiiau iiwii.i tot inu HOuM. in auiio luniuy, waiKing uia Wdck, jUatant, waim, plemy ui not vater. ieieonoue. can liauie u.'u8 oi &M KAKNAM-tyatm, cieaii aim vTj leaaoiiabia rooina. Ut.SiKABL.lii flout rJom, homo to nam car. l.il N. illt Ave. xlM Liongla, room tor rent. Louj. m-j. 'UM LiLiLtjrL.An, hoiitn troiii room; Uii'tly modern; buauitKH people pietentni. south trout room; private luiif Uy. Cap.tol Ave. Harney 626. 31t BOL'lll Zoiti, two Kleep.iiK rooma, aultabio tor three or lour gentlemen. Gil I'AKK AVii., finely tarnished room, with board, tor particular people. l.W Houge. cxna wiuru loom?; cieart and we!i tuinlshrd. aN1c.l.v luriiineu i uuu) tor gentlemen. COUvi S. 1:1th Ut. HoiiKlaa 6M4. 'i vy u rooinH. cua.i uuu cneap; tiiove lieat. 30U H. Jth St. AN excellent opportunity to secure rooms at ZMt Douglas Btieet, at reaBoii aula prices. ( all or phone immediately, j-lioiie Heil 4735. 1X14 CMlCAt.0 barge trout room, all modern, suitable tor two or (our gentle men. m N. MTU Nicely lurnished Ironl rebm, strictly moutiiu, suitable tot two Dien. I urllUu itunirUFCplug Hovuia. The Manuel and Howard, 21 A Howard, 2 and 4-im. hup-, apis.. i to M-J. liwi Liouec, iib.iHetieei.iiia rooma. TWO, three or four n.ceiy turmsoed housekeepins; rooms, win Davenport. 31ft SOU l it iui'H, furnished rooms tor light houaekeplng. i.u io. xi in, una block irom postolilue, modern. FurulaOeil lluuaes. Nicely furnished mouarc :iouse. D. 477. MIX'-hooM iiuuoe, completely fur nished? rent reasonable, lii'li California. Hotels sail A partmeuta. NICELY FUKNiojiED ROOMS for (en tieiueo. i'HE CHAIiiaiiI. liw i. IJtn el. PALM HU 1 lu 14u lougiaa. iiewiy fuiu.eiicd iwunia, wu coxiui, weuaiy, i uv. s-ieuiu heat. , nuu iiui.i, mini neaied, iua uouaf. DoDOai rtUXEL, Utn and Dodge, svi coui ooiiiut lunula , apuu.ai vveea rata, Excellent meals, aoj Is. .ui. bu. uruaiia. Howard Hotel, eleani rs. Iiw riowaid. HUiEL Ai.BA.N I ; moet eiefuin rooms; l,oi and cola waicr; ilrepiooi; pricoa iuaonable; bjth puonc.-i. 11U Douglas. 1 1 rand Hotel, rooms iic up. uu H. Uui. u.XKOHU and Arcaue, spocial w kly rate. N EW YOxtK. hotel, iuim, jOc. 1018 i toZg.i Hotel Antler, el-gdiil looms, fitii-s t). listn. Oo-rlfin FInfpl council Hiuifs. Hooma P - w to Vi m per week. llui.inbion. nice rooms. 1 block to depot. - CAis not Eu, nice rooma. 17, ,8 Cass St. Wl N I &61h O I E L- i looms oucTio" l.6oT Ayartiutnts aud Flala. THREQ and slx-ioora flat. Mxrtls bluca. loih and Webster. i-ioom flat on Snerman Ave. Web. b7i. 1'i-i. i Uiouein, o-rooi.i neaied apari inint in the exclusive West amam uia- tricl; very cnoice. JOHN W. RObUl.VB, 1WI2 FARNAM PT. Very complete 5-room pressed brick flats at lUd and Vinton Su., modern ex cept heat. J. II. SHERWOOD. 1117-18 City Natl. Hank BiUK. EVEHlbOLiY enjoys aa eten.og with the Woodward StocK company, it Frank J. Haskell, WU N. Eigiiteeutii street, wl.l come to The Pee oit.ee within three oaya we will give him an oiuer fur pair of tickets. lulsruiaUi .1 itooiaa. 1069 PARK AVE"! large unfurnished front parlor;. modern; housekeeping. Hai- . ney 3'.!l . 3 luce basement ruoins. modeiu ex cept heat. Cass. FIVE rooms, modern, uiiturnisned, up BtaliM. 17. tilfl Dodge. llouaea Bad Cutlauea. AV AT Tl 4TFIif1 niinK. paper hanf nig. giaJ.ng, picture framlnK- Monson. SC3 1 ark Ave. il. a.'M. A 6-KXM cottage, $CtH, 8-rouui col lage. l)i Ajiply i'Mi H. IM Si. Phone Douglas 673u. I IVE-K00.M, an muotrn cottage. ZauJ Mi-redith Ave. MOD 6-ruom cutiiige. f .ne rep r. 1. 4644 lioLsbhOL.11 owt'J pac-aed. tor waiued; cneap freigut lates; ino.iug and storing tiimijuinii Delivery Co. 'let. Dojg. 8S4. City office :u a. l.iL. t., Lsj bldg. Houses. Hi-. K,ngva,t. Hiandeis l'h. Bld 7-ruom bouse, $.'4; k-iouui house. $32. Hanscum park district. All modern, plione Harney l.r,6. i-iva-i 00111 collage, uiodsrn but heat, warm, fine itifr Harney 3o44. lif)I1CD9 n " 4""' of tne my. Cre.gj FOH RENT mx loom house ai im Caldwell St. Modern except furnace. Good callar. liatern pump in kitciit sink. Near car line and clooe to school. Key next door. Tel phone Harney 4tuJ ur enuulrs al 3218 Webster Ft. 424ii FARNAM St.. 2-atory, (-room, modern house, with good yard, $-f.iu. liA 8. 2!itli St., 7 rooma, modern, for $3t. Corner 4kth and liurdette, 5-room brick cottage, with poultry bouso and room (or garden, $1D. HARRISON t; MORTON. 1 Omaha Nat. Hank. MODEL. h 1001.1 1, mi. ......i.j 1'aik. n Kt.1 1 a'U Ave. FIVF-P.imjM cotiaee. water aud gaa. $li South 17th SU SIX-RoOJs hour rini $!. U buuia d ftreeL FOIl HKXT (NllltTll.) i 3'lXi Two nx.tns, 1;I i lark tt. 12.6i Three-roont uuidein britK flat. 2Clt N. Xli-t Kl. fJO.Ons-rni. mod. cottaxe, 1M1 N. tlst Pt. .i 10-rtn. mod brick, M.S N. Mil ft. UDItlNMON Wtll.K, 'l'bone Imiix. L'in. 1'axton Hlork. l'Oll ltKXT-Jfc"J lillANU AVH. I1S.I1 G looms, modern except heat; has Kits, poicelain tilth, city Water; il blocks (rum car. t-KnlJM house, iU.U A. inlh St JOHN V. KonBlMS, lHVi KAKNAM ST. KENT FKEE TO NOV. 1U. ij Hut. tol, inoucin a-iooR. and bath ionic, ovei louHiny; boulevard; ilu N. Ave.; 1 blocks tiom Harney or Walnut ilill car lines. Present occupant le.vv.n. unexpectedly, permits mo to Hive liousv rent tree to-Nov. io to prompt tenant. Home open to Inspection; aey ai my resi lience, io,;t Liuit, tmeu uoors north ut house to rent 11. U. I.OVLoC-f, Roy'.rs Colleue. Tioth telepiione. lMh and Harney. FOli HCNi. Large modern dwculnn No. 110' South itd bt IM-00 Sevtn-room modern dwelling, No. 2013 Grace St C7.60 Se en-room modern dwelling, No. :HJ1 Pacific Ft ?i.00 ALFRED C. KENNEDY, :09 First National iiank Building. Telephone Douglas .'. EUllli-HUOM hotife at North Hth street. O. r. RKDirK. 1.M7 Farnnrn street. bii io. i-t.. K looms, completely modern, JCO.OO. Hall, 433 Hauije. V. 740U. A-4'U. liilD ELM ft., 5-r., mod. ex. heat, with barn, only t-'O. U2 N. 3'd St., 7-r. house mod., $25. 14th and Ohio. 3-r. citta(re, I0. BOOMS AND KL-VTlS. 2423 Cumins t., 6-r., 112.6-J. ZSI.1 Dewey Ave., 4-r.. mod. ex. heal, J13. Wii Dewey Ave., 3-r., semi-basement, t, li'il 13th Mt.. 3-r.. 7. hmall store, 713 H. J7th St.. $12.51). 7tr.i 8. 2a h Ht., 3 small room's. $7. N. P. IHJIKJK & CO., lfith and Harney. Oiii. Van jt murage Co., pavas, movu Itores nudsenold a'ouda. Flreprvot slur act. m4 a ltith. liiancb. iw b litii. Tel. D. 4163. A liSS. OMAHA KM', CO., movin vans und stoiatie. 'lruuks, baggage uel. L. HM. 41rt N. 17th. FOK HEN l Modern Htiai'tment, i looms, two batn looms, apartment 4. ' 1 ' 1. .. 1 I .. 1 .1 ul .. .. I.' j lie v mi iiiuu, sin iiu . n. iibiii 1jM I A k k ni l l l' .Viii.. fimm liii.k houfce. . A ppiy Hotel Loyal office,. b l .v ana buitifiuiii ii.wuu.n. 4iai, nul wain liiM'. ior !. la. l timiee HS. TENANTS I AM) It AT TM IS; HALF AlONJ'H DlaCOl NT f-r., new, select, wo to. Central Dlvd., 13&.W. k-r., modern, 2J04 Maple. $J0.('0. -r., modem, i franttlin. KUCO. -r., modern, X)U i'alowell, -.tai. 8-r., city water. 724 Bancroft, III). 6-r., modern, lots N. 31t, $H.tfi. 6-r., inouein, 1U3 Locust, i.tA. 4-r., city water, 43ih MuiUette, (13.60. AlbO nine otht-r m up. OouKiaa 657. RUSSELL & M KITKiCi, 432 RaniKe niun., loth and Harney. lkl .lu..l.k U. .... ..!... u..,... fumace. tM. Hall, 4J4 Kamge. D i-too; A. 4-K FOK RENT 8-room modern hou, 40 Capitol Avenue, Dundee. Ham. Posses sion November 16, W. L. Scluy, 1W3 Far nain St. Phone D. 1511). BEM1S Park, lul4 A. 334 St, J-room modern. Tel. D. (triy4. A 6-room collage, uaiking uialuncs. fit. lied bM. ii.ui nnjliim lull vv EST OF HIGH SCHOOL. New furnace, etc. Only M-t.vu. xelenolle X'oUglaS 1214. Elltllx-KOOM modeiu noime, choice neianuui nuod. Hmuii s K0V N. SUiu bi. iiaiutiy 17S. i-A.wiU iiiii.a, titoumii tAtcvi iinai; t,oou lie. ciioi uood. xel. VV Ikj. 311U Hurt St., i-iooin modern collage, burn tor cnickens, jii, I113 rian..i.n, h.ige rooms, $10. itii I'laniiiin, 4-room cottage, lois Maple St., ti-iooni, all uiouern flat, Inducing ueai, $40. 2H bu. 1:6 hi Ayr. 6-rooni modern cot tage, lS. Mii Pacific, large all modern house with Lam, 44d. 4n Cielghton Ave., 6-room modern cot laae. i. t ressed brick, 6-room flats, modern ex cept tlcai, iia and Villioll ms., 11. 4. IL biln,Kvy ouu, lLi-lo Cay Natl. Uauk Hldg. tiul I'AKiVau, a looms; mod.; ju. -iib Cnicago, 8 ioouin; i iod.; Our.l, $40. tJt N. bd, 8 rooms; nioui-in, S4u. apuol Ave., i ruunia; iiKU ; $30. an xxaiiiniou, rooma; fli. ua ciaia, 6 rooms; iJ. KINOWaLT x)HOS., Bianoeis i neater xiiug. $16 7 rooms, 3M8 N. 27tli. $218 rooma, 34itf N. Mm. 1U1 Paia ah., uiuuhiii, mki. xui. Web. 1077. IiuJ but 1 it loth street, l,ve louiiia. 413. ALL modern, b-room nouac, bo. Hilh at.; best luriiace; 4La.M. x-'liune, wobbler I1S0. LvLitf person Knows wiio D. J. O xnen is ixn-ausa tie has maue Omaha laiiioi-a wall nia canny, if siiex. nciiaa, Mi bo. LKih St., wnl come 10 'The iaee otiice wuiiin inree oays we will give liim an o.der ior a bv-ceui box ot o Liieu a candy tree. 1 fciwres) aoi unities. OFFICE in rent, luuuigan, 214 H. 13ta l a oiEo. wi6 Cuniii.g bl., Z 11. co large store rooms, bl.CK Uli.lUillg; pel' I11UI1UI I'SCII. Awk, a. Alii ot., uu inca alula ruoins ana L.a3..i.ins. space t4xiAi win ivnt cucap. luiAUiie. 10 itn, axiM. nice utora room, wili lu vaciu 111 len days. HoiHNrfo.s c WOLF, 1.'.", Paxton rj.mi.. ' j-iifliie imuglaa 241S. o.ui.i. ai Jb Cuming strueU Mure at imi cuming aireet. btore at ml bouin ltli i-lieet. oioia at narney btrewt. otitca ana aaieaiooiu ai i-lh and liar 110 y aireeta. i-our-i 00111 office suite at 1617 Fa main street. o. C. REIHCK. 1M7 Farnam Street. isu lo auuiei suna ui i.ve luuiua 111 City .uuoni i-ana uiug. v-ali u. txto. BioittitLMjii, isu. cu itiin bi. (coi ner iviu,uio. Ai'pi Liulut i-uyai u- LARUb stoie room, Willi new 11 out, Fivi .tonn Mtn 'lei. Weo. 1.1. UAMJI uiiiiu cneap. n4 Itce mug. Jlalls. W ASHINGTO:." ItAlX-Lodges, dances. t,anu.uts. c C ooieusctt. U. .Ja. a-h. Orrfc-Ul-.D KOH bALK Fairulturv. FURNITL'TtE of tiva-room hoate fat sale, aoj rsrnam. 1 OAi. uu,,-, t nep. itarney tMl. r t it.MiLiU. ior robins, ail ur b places; mosl sail by Friday. iyier Lou. Maslcal Inslromeats. PIANO slightly used, at a hi-rgaln. Segeiatrom Piano laig. Co . Utb and Far nam sts. VloLiN lepiunng; all work promptly done and guaranteed. aJ4 So. J4ih St. oNK liano Call Douglas 6n6l. "" Tisewrlltn, LIGHT TCR'CH MONARCH VISIBLB for rent. THE MoNARlTI TVPE WniTLn CO., 4U & llh. PUuu D. tun T sn-M rilers. j TIIK HOT A lj Is klnx of tj prwrltei-s $ HM rni"lKAiTEU mo1eis No."T"or NoT 4. In excellent condition, rented three months for $.'. SMITH PHKMlElt TV I'F.WIUTEK CO . pith and Dougian. w'kTiav k a "com i i. k i k "T.'ink r ALL MAKES OF TV I'EWKIT Kits, KACTOKY KKM'ILT. l'KK'ES UlUHI. IT WILL PA V VOL' TO SEK 18 HE FOKK lU'YING. TVPEWHll'Ml INSPECTION A SIP PLY CO. l.M KAKNAM ST. Miat'ellaueuns, Pinu: to $ wool sweater -JON N llilh. coats, worth up KlndlliiK, $1 lono. H. OroHH. W 2oi FOU Ai.h-.v and -.ecoiid-i.niiU rnroin etui pocket Mlliaid tiiblcH and IiowIItir alleys anil ai'vt'H.ioi U , bar I x imth of all kiudi, u-y paynieiim. i lie ti iinswicK-Kalkv-Collii(iL-r Co., 407-iuj boutu lilth SI. frjxv u.a iiifiniiitHim who hi-.4iuii-iiaiiu Mtfes. ail Sike-i and itiaiteii. liai uuin-v. MlHlMnn Supply to., llln I'ftinain St. "31.X-A 1.U1 OOWKKtHpCl t.t', .., IV 1,11- ish, lor rn.lv hi M. Appl, Ueoruu ) Wilxht. Fee Pulmsliina l-o. KOK Cirt t.i. i o Miioiaiviups in tlio Omaha Cuir.mercial collcae and one In Hoylis coiicw. bumnru mini, iiiiahu Pee. 1 KI.I.UV. 111.. ID Al.liOl ; laika llll.l nhlftiee, Kitut iict. Iaipi cukc; puce 4o Yellow canary, brass cage, 12. M. HM Ave. A, l 11111,1 il limns. A SNAP-One computing i lieese cutter; 1J If taken at once; nt food as hew. Herxey l'lano Co.. linv:d City ? Neb. bon Ma uE attr puei' wasmii nm chlne, )ractically new. tel. Web. 4-Un. 1 nave one l uiicuei, une aup, one eieo tric machine, two ihiihiu boxes, one for tune teller machine, all pluced and work ing; will be sold this week. illlM lA'HVeu worth Harnev S43. Indp. A nit. oest treat lor wile and b.iby la a dish of Oalseli s Ice cream, if P. Dnhl. HUM, estei tiold Ave., will come to The Hee ottice within three days w will give him an order tor a quart brick of thia fine Ice crenm. I'KHSO.XAIi UK. MAXWELL CLHES PILES. 4U Cm. Nat. ik. H:a. PAV WHEN ct KEu. 03-DAY HLOOD HEMEDY. Oladdish Pharmacy, lin and nodKo. KAHSTON TONSETH, bwedisn uiove inent and massage: ttraatiate of Dr. Kell bcrg; lnat., stoiknoini, ijwcilcn; day phone D. 71; mlil, D. aim; 4.1 Oui. .sat. Hank hldK. Automatic f none llus a, -. lesiucnce, It FOit" flTECTRKTcATtPErT I'HONE D. 63. PRICKS REA10NAU LE. Massaae, Hltienuouse. Dos Old nosion Hid. Mrs. Pierce, snampuo, hairaressuig and manicuring. 1'Jtil Farnam. H. oiki, ,v-i4.. YOUNO WOMEN couiing to Omaha as Htiai.Sers are invited lo v. sit tne Voiuu Women's Christian asocianon building at Svenloeiith bl. and Si. Marys Ave., where tney will be lilricted 1.1 suitable boaiuing places ur oilier ise assisted. Look to.' our travelers aid al thv Uniuu Miuion. HINDOO TABLETS will builu, blact, slrengihen, 6uc. HELL I'rtl'U t'O. WE mil and lepaii; an ainua of kvwuig machines. I nd. A-ivoJ, Doug. as lHni. MEttUAbKA CYClui CO., loin add Harney sts. M ASM itment. Mrs. Steels, iil.iO0VJJiilu, b- imi. id nuor, 1111. . TILL, SAL V Al ION ARM X aolio.ts caal ott cmtuuig, ia fact, ajiyining you du not Hoed. Wu co.iecl, lupair and sell, at 131 N. 11th' St., loi cost ux collection, to tue worthy poi. can pnonw Liougias 4Lo and wagonu wnl call.' AllcLioni nair toud grows hair. Mme. Flayer, iwegeaui sta. Co., xuih ac Farnam. M ASSA(lH,buul- ta'1 K'ow arumatic U-ix-JJ-XVJXJ ,..a.mi .,.1 .lima Allen ol Chicugo. ivH b. Fin pi.. 1st Hoor. P. mm. MAsfiAuii-AntuiJiii inuv luiciii ; iioilmig beilwr lor ineuiuai,.bin. Lo.ea. si; geniie men, ll.bu. Apu 3, lwJ farnam. i-i. tJki. Dill Ua ai cui puces, xitiaiu paid uu Hu 01 uel a, catalogue Hoe. iiiieiuiau at AicConneil Drug lj.. On, ana, ixeO, Dr. Huike, women a uiaiMses. 4i ooug. Hik. SUA iV I 1 '1 neatiu is, lia. atuele, x oxaxiux v-'cpc,l , tl Wl 0 11, a li. -f - Ella uuiiLiiWiyiti liaa upeiied new huiruiessiug paiioia ai 3oj .avuie. U. a&4. Miss Lano Manicui nig aud v.oiatory massage iieaimunia, 1.00111 1, -u Hour, Iiam Duuge St." Mrs. Biiyuei, owcoibn mahaago, Lalua, tuuiator una Vibiaiur lieaiiuetii. ills uuuaauy, 1 lut 3, i-iin unu I'.ei-ce. D. 4m. UAZEL-LEAF PILE CONES Heat reuie.il tur iicutng, bleeding ur protrud ing piles. Uu pual paid, baiup.o tie. Shuriuaii At MCCoiineli uiug Co., Omaha. oii.uiLAIh iiuish irom 4 Inid banigs insinuie would like position as nuiao n.aio. Coll Webster 4Sil. M A( i k'i '1( ! tivaiintUL u.. mutt, i iUVULiXXVy Bi ,blu- -u flool- Ui (0W ALL Lniu cunuacied by Mia. Ida Caiu Win uui Lo beilitu fui by tne. li. I'AFE. li;ibics iioarded La, I Wen. MJu. 11OD1J nO.,11.. 11' iui, cvinlok ua.ico unu ttouiu iiw vO Knotv hot,- oa ttm leceive aoiuu ', ai uabie 'inlui iiiution 0 staiin- u uu a i.imt caid to K ti M, lire HaHiES to care for. Webster 6t. MFotiil caie, small enndren. Vv. b4iu. 1'ULLlKV AXO PICT STOCK FLOOR stveepiiigs, good cnicsau letd, $l.txi per huiiuivu. Wasner. sul .. loth. RuLP easily cured by Hon While's Roup cure, ,ivc box. if your dialer Can not euppiy jou, write us direst, sending uee.li r s name. Hob White Ci., Jijol .No Uitn nt., On. unu. Web. nei.lf. Ti b git excellent show al the American theater, if A. O. Aiunru, lu S. ilurty liltn street, will coins to Tne Liee ullice wuiiin tinea uuys we will givw linn an oiuer for a pair of tickets. ltliAL ESTATK AUHil.il l o 'lllLt;. Frank J. Norton, Zli 8. 17th. lie Bldg. '"I Iii-ib s a ReiiBon.'' T ininiinixa your titie tiouolcs." Roth phone. 11 10 Unu Uuar. & li ust eu., 1,U Far. il II. Neuio, pr ; J. l.'am beii, s,-c. D. itx,. Petfd- jesaeh. jr., L.o., lei ixiag. "Idi. ltred Abstract Co., uidtai uoanaut uf flte In Neutaaka. tuandeis 1 heater. olAIIA.tltl. AboiilACT CO., luuui 7, 1'atteiaon Lllk. Absiiacts, M 1. liiennur, Rrandeis in Ut II. Delta' I.MrOl.jiAHOA. niectrlc, gas fixtuiay. Omaha Silver Co. loeai 1 mel t Moi.e t.u,, liin and Coming Aluei, bui. Co., loot g. paints, Hus Ntcu. lui:i,a. bon A. xji.iai. pauiiig devuiaiiug, MAniku 't liiii. LIST your city property for sale wllh Vogel. Wi Karbacn 11 log. CITY IMttll'UUrk lull I1LK. 4738 N. JiiTH BT Dandy nearly new 5 room modern cottage, jo-foot east front lot; niusl l sold, IJ.lio. $l,r0 cash. 1114 N. i.7th Ave., k rooms, rlne repair, city water, sewer, trees, gas, ciaiein. burn owner's moving to Florida. l-ieu cut to $).7uU. $100 cah, balance 117.50 per month. These aro both great baigams. See them today. J. W. HAHI' CO.. Rr.irulels Hldg. ,.ti.i v, billed ur plaetica. paintwi uuu geueral house repair tut-O. C, L40, Ue.m t nllfornla. POOR HOUSES ARp FULL Of men v!ii tii jilecird to provide for old use. TliouMaiu'. of mm now In want at one time drew ood salaries anil held Rood niiltlons, but they fulled to protect themselves twalnst the day of want. 5 ACRES IN CALIFORNIA Will, If tropci'ly mken mre of, Klve you an i.Von.w tor life. It will also prove- "i nplcndid lnhii Itatico for the chelation that Is to follow you. IN) you rcAlUr that on a small farm In Cnliroi nla-"i, 10 or K. ncrcs- you ran moke a splendid llvtn? Yoii cn lay by money, or you run rent the land f ir sufficient to keen ou In com parative comfort. Near Patterson, where we ur selllnn; Ihoiinim a of acres of the finest lrrlaate.1 land m the San .Ica-jiun alley, and Hint inr.um In CnllfornU. thera aro mm rent ing as hlnh n T-O uucs ut $.'0 to $:. an acre. Perhaps ou may wonder how they can pay such enormous rcntj. That Is exactly the point we want you to ante us nhmit. i ome in s:i, n o us an 1 let us talk thlnRs over. We can furnish you with hooKlets and folders tles.-riMtin In particular tlte method of mnkln-f a ltinif on a small tract of land In California. We can how run photographs of Patterson. A PARADISE OF PLAIN PEOPLE Pome r disposed to look upon California ri a place for the rich. Such It urmt the ca?s. A little nullify judiciously Independent Inside of ten years. v be love II will do It In five years. ' We will not trade Patterson laud f,r any city property, hut we have a good force of talesmen who Ul fell your propel ty for you If you put on It the rlKht YOUR CITY PROPERTY We wr.uld llko to dlavuss the facta with you. anil If you cannot come an 1 see us hut will tell us you are Interested, we Will send some, one to talk California with you. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY tieneral Salts AmuiIs for l'atlersoh. CITY PHOPEI1TY I'Olt R ALU WALK IN O DISTANCE Xtl,"l, el K III roouin, inr'u,,i 'i -- lor, liming room, all llnialied In oak nd kitchen first floor, four bedrooms und hath upsuurs an unisiieu 111 nniu pun-, plenty of c.o'iet room, flouted attic. Full . ... , . I ... 1 .. i. I .. A In... I.nttni-V linseineill, nuooi v mru in. i - - ra table and furnace room. !ot iiOxHO, south front, shade trees, paved street, paving all paid. House less than three years old. asy terms. OALLAOIIER & NELSON 490 llrandela Hldg. Omnha, Neb. SEVEX-IU)0aI square HOUSE $4,vj00 Strictly modem in eny way; three bed rooms and bath on second floor: gas stove In basement; front porch iTneo; nice lawn; lot MixlFi. Lticaled on Silen cer St., east ot lotn. In a good neigh horlioud. Part cash, balance less than lent. SCOTT & HILL, 307 McCuguu llidg. Doug. tiKl,". lnd. A-1762. NEW 11 UNU A LOW AND TWO ACHES Only 6 blocks from the car at 87th and Newport, one of the aweilest bungalows anywhere around, magnificent location, In view of the river. Considerable Iruu on Hie place; will bs bearing next year. ve consider the property worth H,VU0. The owner Is leaving the city, however, and will Id It go at $1,100. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., CLOSE To NEW CATHEDRAL. 7 tooms, recep. hall, modern, oak finish; rholt-j location; only sinuil cash payment, bui. any lime desired; ownur says sell. Tho 111 ice is rlgm. Tel. Doug. HI. UEO. MARSHALL, 213 Hoard of 'Hade lndg. UV OWNER. SU'lctly mom-rii i.h-iuiii cottage, two Hid one-half blocks from Farnuni Su; inly U minutes' walk from lutli ami I- ai nam. blan s leading up to second tory; enougn apace lor two large looms and ciciseia. I uu oa.n, uoino, nation nx lures; cemented basement; newly painled, also new waik aud steps; hardwood tin uh throughout. House is on:y three years uid and a peneci gem insioa. ao it you want an ideal home drop out aim luvit 11 uver. Items tur J2.j0. At capiiul Ave. oniy t.4ow, part aati 011 icruia w kUll. LOOK, ITS A. HAROAIN. Seven rooms, full two morles, thor oughly modern, cement cclla;- under whole house, uuwnsiaiiH finlsned n oak, five Closets, baili loom t'0nlnV'le. hewing loom, biggest bargain in th city, within walking distance, of the postotiicc, 1 ion nelKhburhoon, Rood location. Just com pleted ou 7th street near CulUornla, jw) caMi, balance, jo it nioniii. iet us siiuvv It to you, $3,9S' HENJAMIN REAL F.8TATK COMPANY, 477 P.randeU Hldg , Douglas 7. I-'Oit SALE. A fine corner business mt In Henson, on the main u trout. Call on owner fur particulars. vl L.ty Nat I flank Hldg. ivvr-tti piummr is not a roubti ; if any thing hurl" IK I'hune Doug, lids, Good I'luinbing i.'o. W EST FA It NAM. For Bale '1 he new modern 10-room resi dence, 1-1 8. ltith Ave.; Iininedlate pusss slon if desired, i'lione Harney 1.,-j.t. JN VESTM ENT OPPORTI'MTY. 18 ROOMS, ALL MODERN. We have a t wo-apai tmenl house, con taining 13 rooms, two bath rooms, seven bed rooms, it it It parlor, dining room am kitchen 111 ach apartment, with inw plumbing and good lu sting plant. This pioperly is too large lor personal owner anil II Is a splendid ptoposittun for some une who will by 11 and divide It Into four 1 line room apart men'-. Owing lo the arrangement of tho uousa this work can bu dune ut a very small ex pense mid when completed tho apart ments will lint for $.'i each. The buyer can live in .one apartment, rent the les( inu lest und make a good laveairueui out uf your home. The building ia well built and in good condition, only tillrteen minutes ride to the center of the city; une block from the Dougu an l et cur line and In gaud rl Ueneo dlbtlict. THE NUMBER I sB 2513. N. 20T1I 6t. It Is just north of Oluu on the Flor ence lilvd. A k'ood six or seven-room modern house wlii be taken la exehaugs at fin right price. This proposition ,j certainly worm looking at. NOrtRIS & MARTIN. 4o0 Ree H'dST. Douglas V'0. A. 427. $10 CASH balance by the month; fane east front lut, 'HI, on car line In desirable nelghbur hood; fin Improvements tn ndjolnlns property; will grow In value. Prlre $7xi. I5ENS0N & CAUMICIIAEL, Ui Pajttvm Cluc-lt, Invested now at Patterson will make jou Omaha, Neb. CITY PHOI'KHTY KM RAI.H FOR SALII ot a biirgaln, new H-room modern home; small cash puvinent and rest on easy terms. Call Houth l'U4. 1'OR BALE Chtap, Lot 1, lllock 1. Pop Place, new 7-rooin dwellinfi, modern except furnace. Address 14 tils, rnro llee. Foil SALE Hy owner, Dundee, room, strictly modem, new home; full cement t-ellar; floored utile; good terms. Harney 4ai. HKAL KSTATI2 FARM ItvMil I.4.MI FOIl tl,l-; 4 aiiHila. MILD CMMAIb-NO ICXTr.EMF.8. Land clook to splcnuid mak- KE'IS. in li' 1J the uHaNII TRUNK PACIFIC IIAILWai win be cumpleted, upamiig up inu 1 uu agnculturai uiatiiota of Ca.N l HAL RR1T18U COLUMM1A. ThoiisaudH aru now buying land in the Hilile valleys uf the Kuril' UEOROE OlaiRlCi, 111 NEauOCO VALLEY aud ne UbLKLht VAEEeY. Tilts laud wnl uudbiu anu iiebie In vaiuu us soon as Hie URAND TRUNK PACIFIC pruvlues iianspuitatiun iaoillties. Write today ior 000 met describing this wundertul country, u. MEVEL, ulSiltlCl' HAL.E AUb.Nl1, tilv-11 I'AAW.V Li-UCik, OMAHA, NfcH. Culoradu-. FRUIT land burgains. - Intermountala Land Co., km Fsinani. Phoua u. sua. lal gl.lie a 1 u.l lanu. uoc l.ia.iuti. uiug. roil sale An ideal ten-acre fuli beaaiug uicnaid taanuy luami in the beat collimuicial Vaueiiea 01 apples and peait; located in the irrigated section 01 tne laniuua Oianu vuney null Leu ui vieste, 11 Loioiauo, 3vs nines irom Grand auiiet...ii, on uu uievauuit uverluuaing Hit! City. '1 ins piace. piuperiy tuieu 101, wnl iieid 1111 an uvvievge i,vw pen annum over ami ubuvu tixpuiisea; elegani real uince, j acKing bouse and atauies, etc. oil lue piuce; Jiruo ,0va). '1 11, a 01 chain IB lite anu c.ear 0. ail ei.tullibialn.es ami no tiaues will bu coiisiuei tu. Apiny lu Hia ut.nr, 'aonn C. aiiiiie, boa itu, tii unu a unction, Colo. Uriirgla, UliEAT soimi OEOKULV Tiavvised liy thy A T L A N T 1 C, li 1 R M 1 N ( I HAM & A 1 LA N '1 1U RAILROAD Laitua in.af.uuie to tnu w ideal lunge of ciopn. An the money crops of illu noiiln pli iitlftilly In 00 men. Fur llieintuie iral ihg nitu ti..a eu.ii.iig cooiiiry, us soli, Cli mate, church ami achuul advuuiagwa, W. It. LEAHY, DEPT. K. oeiiuiai pu-aneiiger Agent, A 11. A. NT A, HA. Jowa. THE easiest way tu find a buyer for your 1111 111 ia to inseit a small want ad in the Hf.i Monies Capital. l.ari-at cir cu.atioii 111 inu stale ut luwa, 4.1, io uaiiy. i he Capual u rc.au oy und oeaeved in uy the siariupattei a ui lua, who utmpiy rj lusu lu pciin.i any oiliur paii- in ineir nuiuea. Raius, 1 cunl u wo. u a day; i.i per lino per inoiull, eouiu a.x u.uiinuy worua to tne nne. Audiuas, kos iHoiii. j I Ui-ilai, PtM .VJo.li, ia. Nebraaka. Free list of Improved Howard, areley. Valley, biisnnaii anal Cuatai' uwuiity taiuis, fur ptupta uf iiuiilbtl means Maui lug uuuiea 011 vluy tciina. v.. 4lai, Wuibacn. Neo H OM ES'l'EA li acres lor inJabuul 20 niiiea out, riCi, Laiiu lanil, not land, ttas an old ciuiy Hjw cuuoviled. Viuiiu tJ.otii. J. A. iracy. Kimball, Nbh. lMtuOVt.il lo-ucie truck larm. lieu. 'lekamau, iU. Addiuss Joe joioari, ls kau.ali, Neb, MoulU liakuta. HO. DAKOTA fiuarter aectlon for sale. Oood Improvements. 65 pr acre, 'leu inilea Horn college town. is iinieg from laku. Will give poi-session uny lime. AU uress E. J. Palmer, it. F. u. 1, lirook ligs, S. D. HEAL LSTAU; LOANS WANIED-Cliy loans and warrants. W. Fsriiain Smith At Co. 1..ZJ Farnam m. OMAHA piopeiiy ami Nebrunka Lands. O ivi.Ei ii REAL. I'.STAIE CO., ) ' I ;e.. iiiimmi iSsl'l lisnn Hiiliilin;'. MONK) 'DJ LoA .n- Pitvne Inv. Co. WAN 1 l.u vl.y loans. IVieis I'rust Co. $lou to HO.uuu mails pioinpliy. F. Wead, Wi nd Hldg., ISih mid I'm nam. D. t. A.'ii'.ii-FARM LOANS. Klolie in- xesimenl Lompany. Omahu. Lo tv KATES. lir.Mltv-i .AilLliiRij CO , I'lu-.dJ lii-iiiiiisls Tliealer Hldg. FARM LoA.n; liu commlaMon; optional ,s ineni t . chtap money; ipnck service, orln S. Merrill, l-'li city Nat I Hk. Hmg. EiliST iST X). MONKV to loan on btis.ntbs or reSi dome piopi-rilen. ti.fi to 8O1O0O. W. It. 'I HUM A S M First Nat. li.tnk lildg. VJ Jl v iOHUOO nihil Nat. Runic IAHUK LOANS, municipal bonu-xr mort gages ooiigni ami sold S i L I. I. IHtO.4. EVERY person knows who D. J. O'lirien Is hei ause he ha made Omaha famous with his tuudv. If J. II. llama. Mil No. 41bt St.. will come to The lies of flee whhm three days we will give him an elder for a Ml-cent box of O lirleii a candy fiee. If you have anything to sell or exchange advertise it lo the V sjit Ad Columns of Til lie and get iuiiuediap rvsoJls, m:Aii kstati: waxtku A Si. I.Ol IS ! LA 11 Wo npai lllieht. with lltliK and diniiiK room aim kitciien on Hi st Hoot , pie. piiit rooms on einnd, must be new and vsorth then in ,nev Will tin tip to fill mi) Address N i,aj. Hie. Pl i'j or six-room niodi-rn lealdence on monthly payniel.ts. tiive pi ice, location and full terms Address M all, I'ee. A hi'. l.tt IS I'li.VI- io npai imiiilx, with 1 1 I n k and dnnnx loom and Kitchen on flrt lioor, slceinnvi looms on neond, must be new and mm It the money win ko up to lli.in. Addicts N ul.', Ileo. hOH WALK Oil KXCIIAXt.i: I I I; u.r. ui h..vi. iia.Miii.-A.ialia land In tne lamous Aikaiihas valley to ft chunto for slot II of uoods or necuntles, I and S per cent first niort unites Tor sule on nood Improved properly, solicit to (ipciatniti ot aiti-nts. Address Cooit 4u o Neil llox X'.', Lamar. I'olo. 1: oiii:.CHANiil? iriaYre. eTr"lmp. far.n, 40 miles west (f llrntul Forks, N. li. ; I mllu from Rood town; price $.vi; want koiiiii ken. mdso. stock up to f.H.ttrj In rente.1 lll . ; hal. on t.irin at U per cent. Also a.'9-aore, tld. Fks. Co., tor an $,v,uoj Stock. F. 8. Ttslar, Drayton, N. D. FOK SALE or trade, fine stock and tiaiti faim; 3.'0 acriN, miles Irom Ottawa, la.; Shcrioiiu Nolsoti, ownvr, .W 1'ieica St.. Sioux City. la. lO Hade lot geueru. moi clutlttliae. 3J0 acres of land witu ur wltlioui i-.M) In ciimhrahce Ixirk llox 41, Cliurwnier, Neb. I IIANDLK excuaitges every here. For 1e'iiHs see me. Ivan, tW llee lbda. D I!. WK exchange (iioperlles of merit. C. W. Welsh. Ma-la O. N. Hit Hldk Dong. 7bV Exeltnni.es lewell, lid ot liarte, D K'7. CON illoLLINTriN V EHES'l- In wvifea tablishiKi ImalneHS. Int oi ponitcd. h'or ipili k acuoii write K-.:ti. nea. Ol.l nisn owns electric light plant do ing $l.i.ti business a nioi.th wants to rlesl haiC iiitetest for Iowa land, a money maker. Address J. Teiinaiil, Rockwell City, la. ARE you a tradei'T 1 trade anything where or time.. KelL"V. 2tt Neville Itlk. FOR a dainty dessert use Dahtcll s Ice cream, ir mis. 1. j. Mica, liin i.nnu St.. will come to Tho lteo offlrn within three days wo will give her an order for a quart brick of this fine loo rream. STEAMSHIPS Anchor Line Steamships Na Yoik, Londonderry and Ulusgow. New York, Palermo and Naplea. Attractive rates for tickets between New York and all Scotch, alngusn, Irisn, Continental and Mediterranean points. Superior Accommodations, Exueilent cut sine, Efficlenl Serviov. Apply promptly lor Riservauon lo local again ui Aiiuuof Line or' Hoiiderson Uluiosrs, Uuaaiai Agviita. Chicago, Ui. WANTICl) TO I1UY ld-l.aad goous. iiear, itau e.lili. Dtmai. 1 WAN'i' some oil liarreis. pint Harney. Oooli biaca vtanioi dining loom labia Harney 43AL - WANiKD to buy second baud Anvil. State weight and price. Address, It i care Liee. WANTKI) SITUATIONS FOR a first class pracln.ui uurso, vail Mra. Hoyntou. 11. 1474, A-il874. P0HITIO1N uy expel leiiced uuukKeeper. Aduress Y 21, Rea. bUrvlJL.li. waaiiiiig wauiau. Liar. Mil, WASHlktt alio v-tltiauia uona. I. tl EAl EKiu..Cb.li paily xauis position in liana witn view to in veiiinsni. Address t M. care Hee. Willi E woman uehires day wurk; neat and clean, pnone D. Hi40. Yol.'NO man warns position as bar tender, experienced. S-810, Heu. bl 1 I -A I KJ.'l WAMbo-A manager ui general stole, cuuniry tuwn. Experienced. ei-iiilf, ilee. POSITION by inTrd-year high rcliool boy; will work Hum 18 to t:8u If. in, M 4 83, lieu. - - lV lilgn scnool gisdiiaiu, Mleiiogi a pile r, Clerical or buultkueping; uncxpci leucud. L. 810 Ilee. AN educated wunitut dushea work In Omaha or eisuwhcre. In Institution ur lumlly to nsslsi in seeplnii and taking care of chl drcu. Wehater 3177. Sl'iT'A'l'ioN wanted byTxperleilced tvaitrras, or would do second ork; ref erences Address E. A. E., aO Nil, Mill. MAN and witu In private family; ox peneiiuod look; man tan work inside or outside. Call Webster K7tfJ. coiioiiEu gin wants uiiion. i'hone fiouth kioi. SEE Miss Lung in "The Uieut Comeiiy of Hilly at the American theater, if Mlko 1 legally, Pairiuk Ave., will tome to Tnu lie oiflce. wmiiiii three days we will give lniu an order lor a pair of ticket. OMAHA TIIK MAHkUT TOWN W i-i.i. . 1, it a, et'., gium niui cnahia, cunslgniuenis solid lud. iJ.'J tlrandois. CA VERS ELE VATolt To.r Vv'holesuli dealers in giam, liuy, ouup feed. i41 iiianmls Rktg Nebi .iska-IoWa Lit Kill 1:0. 7U Hraudeis CO., giatn uuuaiga Incuts auiiuiiau, giaia uougi. i lu acr.vsy i.s itraniluis. 'iTl a, LVDliYfci OKA IN cJ! vjousigaT Ruins caruitniy hauuieo. Omaha, Nau. I.I VK STOCK MAHKK'f OK WEST Whip your stook to South Omaha; aave tuusaga aua antinaagai youi- coasigu u.suts receive pruuipx and careful atiea- viuu. Livi; STOC K COMMISSION MKlt. CHANTS. Ryera Hros. A Co strt.nx an I reap inilble. VV t)6i ililio.t." M4-i I ixciiange J' -dg.'- Oreat VVi'st. Com. Co., Omshd D.-nver WI.l.AVr'T .StJN'sniaTdTe-slieep. W.K.I E.N NY & T )-,i" Kxch RliTgT JfAOO ilROS. hnndlA YattleVhogs. siieep. i.Eirio.s i-.iiii. lo.. iLxunanae i'ltig" i'onshus a. i.am.aii t .. Jui Kxoh. lildg. (lay. I.uolnao" aa t.o.. iw i-.xcli. l-lidg. ititeraute t.u, ii.-uei 1 eau1 la. i-iiip to ua. iinvi.--i.it kLi lu , ju; Excn. Ulag. l-.Xi ti. i.iug cm , aenoa oin. lu,, bunco ui buatlsi. raiineis E. b. Loin. Co.. sis r.xcuaiitoa. Lispub.k l loeeeua ol au.piuaius 111 bloc Yams Nat I Fans. Only 0111, K at yard-. W i.x rv onoa, at CO.. l-xcliauga ll.tlg. LAV Eit 1 Hill n . iJ 4u U.X0U. nHlu .viaiiui l l us. n e u.. -tx exen. Iiu.g Aiax t ouclianuil at mil. 1,4-t. e.x Hug. I'sxtoil ivciiiaii t.iieiu. e.u ai a, lennuiea Laiitmi r oil- lita ""oca num. .nr UAILWAV TIMK CAUU U.MON a l A HON Teatsi A Mason. talon Pacific Depart, a 8 4m am a 4,0u pm all 3,1 pm ,al2.4J pm .a 7.U4 am all m pm .a 3 38 put Ul.u0 pm a k .tu am a 6:3i put bU.ll put Arrlva. a I:4D pin a 6 ij pm a 6:40 am a 6.10 pui ID pm a 7 il am al3.2j am a 4 . jO pm a 6.2u pm a 4 pui lg.8)aui b lv pu fan Fran. Oyerl'd L. , China it Japan F. U., Allan lie Express Orrgun Expleaa Los Angeles IJiud... Deliver special I enien'sl Mine Sp'e'l, I oloiudo Exursoa I Oi cue n-VV asn. Liin t d I Norih l'lattu Local I Ijiaod lidaud Local.... I buuuisburg Local HA 1 1. WAV TIMK I'AIM) , , Nirnia Omaha St. Louis Ex...a O.."0 pm Mali it lid Exprera a 7:01 am bianb y L. tiioinC. U.ib6.wnpMi LMteaau Jv .tui'iaittklri-UM Mli.n.-bt. Paul Fx....b 7:0U am Mlnu.-Sl. lam l.'l d . a w pin NOH'l uliOUNLi. Twin City Expiass..,.a 1 :4 ain Sioux City Ducal a pin Minn. 4a Dakota ex. .a i.wpm Twin City Limited. .a 8. 4t pm a J.lj am a 11 :1a pin UIU.U m.j 8.w am a 10 20 pm a :a pm a :iu am a i .JO aci all .ou aui a 6. in pm alo:o pm a J.m pm a 3:ji put a il ia am a a. ai pm alJiw pm a s.l.) am aiv.uu am a J.aw pm a 8:U pin 11:18 pm allrOO ant aio.15 pm a 6 to pm b 6:v pm a 6: jo pm all :00 pm Minnesota Kx pleas EASl UOUND. Carro:l Lexal a 7.00 am Dayl.ghl cnicogo i.inmii Ihttaso Local aUlvpui C0I01 atio-Ciucugo ....a 6.10pm Chicago bptcial u t O- pin Pne. Coahi-Chifago...l .3.,piu lxis Angeles l.itiuted.a :(xi pin Ovi-rlanu Limited i.mihii t arroll Local a 4.J.1 11111 Fast Mall a 8.0 pin Cellar Rapids, Sioux t Omat.a Centennial State Lint. 1.' loam w ES I llOL'NIJ. j .ens 1 in-.i . . . , .a s:oo am .a k:oo am Norfolk-Dallas Lotnl Plne-Llncoln ...t Mjpm UasaS.igs-Superior ... b Mj im Deadwood-Hot Sp'gs. .a : pm C ssper-Landor a 3.63 put l..-... .... A II. Inn 1. P. - 'lit 1 , , 1 u i:m yiu luiiaini, Hock laianU .V. -ueiiie . - .u i- ' Hocky Mountain 1.1a al.':.1v am Chicago Fay Ex a t. li am Chicago Local l aas..MO:jo am Chicag.i I'.xprei-s . . . .a 4 :m pm Dis Nitiiiiis Local P.. a 4;ii pm ClUcagu-Neb. Ltd . . a U;Ub jun MTF-STi Chi -Neb. Lmd to Un- coln 8 01 am Colo.-Cal. Express ...alMSpm io:sr. pm 4 :m pm oioiiu pm a l iu pm au:u pin V:4f aia 6:.H pm a 4 ou pra urn, eA. iaj.... ,.Kni aii:ea4ti itocky Mountain Ltd. .alu.la pm au.vatit 11 nrl I'aclflO ui :o ain K. C. St. L. l'x....a :J0 am a 7:40 am K. C. & St. L. Ex. ...all. 16 pm a 6:60pm Inleann, Mllakr. gt. Ianl Overland IJmlted a 7:60 pm l.llmi 11:00 p, 1:26 put Man. n.Mpui Piprw luteal .a u;:w am Colorado Express a 8:00pm Colorado Special. ......a 7:43 am Perry I-ocal b$:16pru iiiiiiniii rniraiw Chicago Kxpi-es a 7:08 am a 1:48 pm Limiagu AiinniH a e:w pm a s .1X1 a 04 tliituuo ureal Westera Chicago Limited... ....a 8:85 pm ) Twin City Limited. ...a 8:83 pm a 7.43 am 'I'a-in fHv Exurjtaa....a 8:4) am a k-.vii r,n Chloago V.xpreaa a 8:46 pm Lrfycai tassenaar ..a 8:18 put UurHagtnii Station. urllugton - r..lirn.nl. -Teat a A Mason. Depart. .a 4 .10 pm ,a 4:1(1 pin .a 8:80 uni .a 4 .10 pm ,b Lut) pm .all put .a 8:iu am .a 8:1a am b V l poi .a $.13 am aU:llo pin .a 7:16 am .a 11 :3b pm .a 4:20 put a 8.80 pm .a 8:16 am .b 8:3o pin .a 4:3u pm .alV:4j pu, .a $:ii am .a 4. JO pui Arrive, a 8:46 pm a 3:46 pm a 8:ii pm a 3:46 pm al2:16 pill a 7 :oo am u 8:10 pm a 8:10 pm b l:oa am bl0:34lam b 6:08 am a 8:60 ant a 2:40 piu all .16 pui a 7:00 pm a 3:66 pm a 6:00 am alu:3oain bl0:46 am aii:iu aui a :ia aui a :ii)pm 1 ponvei iv- t.Hiuw, mi. Puget Sound Expresa. iveuranna j,uinw . . . .. 11 lack Hills Lincoln Mall Northwest Express... Nebraska points Nebraska Express.... Lincoln loeal bchuyler-I'lattsmouth Lincoln Local Plattsmouth-lowa ... Rellevue-Plattsihouth Chicago Special Denver Spocial Chicago lExpresa Chicago Fssi Expresa Iowa Local Creslon (,1a.) Local... St, liuls Express.... K. C. A St. Joseph... K. C. at St. Josepn.. K. C 4s kit. Joseph... Webster tatlou glssuarl l'aotf,. -IStU aa Webster. Arrive. Depart, b$:oupin bll:66ani Pant, Aitxtueatioiia as Auburn Local.. LstieutfO, t. Umaba Arrlve. Depart ...b 8:28 pm bl2:06pm 0 8.36 pm - 0 8:84 pm ...b 8:46am ,,t ...b 6:66 put b:iem Sunday. (0 Suuuay Blou City F.xpreea Omaha Loral Sioux City Pas.... Twin City Pass., ., Emerson Lotl.... lb) dally, except only, ia) daUy- fiOVKUNMKNT XOTICKH I'ROIOSALS FOR LF.OOINOS CHIKF ijuarterniaster's Office Federal Building, Chicago, Illinois, October 7th. 1811. Healed proposals, In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at" this oiflce until 12 o'clock m., January 3d,'1 1812, and then opened, for furnishing and ' delivering at either the Ronton, New' York, Philadelphia., St. Louis or Chicago, depot of the y uurtrrmuster'a Depart-' ment: 260.OUO pairs Leggings; subject to Increase of not to exceed 60. if de-j sired by this Department. Right II re-, served to reject or accept any nr all,, proposals or any part thereof. Preference, will be given to article of domestic man ufacture, ctiudilluna of quality and price., including In live prlrm of foreign produc-, tlona or manufactures tb duty thereon) being equal. Standard sample can bat seen, and specifications, blaiiaa fur pro-r positls and full Information will be fur-, hlshed upon upplloatlon at this office. Envelopes containing proposals to txt Itw dorsrtl "Prnpnsala for ICgglngs to Imj opened January 3d, 1913." Colonel Jnu, L. Clem, Chief Wnarlei-mastar. NT-8-lS-22-29-D-13-2u-n. n Aviator Rodgers : Still at Pasadena: PASADENA, Cal.. Nov. 7.-Cultialta P. Itodgers put In his first day on the . Faciflo coast turning corner In a big luclug automobile at a r.peod which many., peraulis declared was equal tu that mad by lila aeroplane from Yuma to Imperial Willi the wind at hi buck. Rodgcrs aald ' lie felt In condition to stult back on tin-, other traiiHcoutlnenta! trip If lie had a machine. This remark was made as ho glanced at the famous aeroplane that car ried him acros tint continent or to ba cornet at parts of the machine, for It la admlttid thil barring a drip pan and on upright rudder, nothing of the orig inal ueroplana that Rodger started with from Sheooshead Hay 011 September 16 remains. "I am working hard," said Rodger, "to get my nfuchln In order so 1 can uiuk the last leg of my trip the leg that technically finishes the transcontinental flight. I must go to the surf, and I will do this Jiiht ai soon us 1 can get my motor fixed, probuldy on Wednesday." i.oi.g i cttcii, .-an l'H-i,,! and r-uula liar bura aro bidding fur Rodger' "finish." EL PASO, Tex., Nov. 8.-tuck In tha luavy aand at sMastodon, N. M., four teen ntlles west of here, where the aviator was forced to ullght yesterday after noun, the aeroplane of Hubert Q. Fuwler refused to he budged. Fowler and Ids mechanicians worked most ot tire day in an unsuccessful attempt to get the ma-v chne In the air. They will renew tuetr efforts tomorrow. MRS. MARY GATES WILL WED ITALIAN MERCHANT NEW YORK. Nov. 7. -Mary AVhsdon Cues, 33 year ot age, who was divorced, from Charles U. Gate, son of the lata John W. Gate, last August, today was granted a liconre to marry Romeo Mlgl lella, .n year old, who lealdea In Flor. eiice, Italy, and who ia cngugeU lit t8 uil busLDcaa. . .