Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1911, Image 7

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lllh lhl.: UAIAILV. iliJh,M.U, M ) v hr.K
Hcadad-i, Colds, Indigestion,
Pains, C: nshpation, Sour Stomach,
Dizzines-f If you are not, the most
effective,, prompt and pleasant
method -of getting rid of them is to
take, ikiw and then, a desertspoon
ful of tlj e ever refreshing and truly
bencficiil laxative remedySyrup
of Figs and Elixir of Senna. It is
well kjiown throughout tins world
as the best of family laxative reme
dies, bscause it acts so gently and
strengthens naturally without irri
tating the system in any way.
To. get its beneficial effects it is
ftlwaju necessary to buy the genu
ine, irwnufacturxl by the California
Fig JJvtud Co.. bearillfr tKr mm.
fc sj-Mtaaw
of li t '. Company, plainly printed on
the i ont of every package
see JU Frist It.
J.gyptUn CfeocoUtee 80c, Mj ers-Dlllon.
Jas, Site, rixtures. Burjess-Oranden.
Oia. Kadi. Wki, Mach. deslgn're, fcldra.
Johneton Sells Houi Ed Johnston has
fold to Jeremiah Van nen&selacr, for
A7.E00, the kouth tlghty frrt ot lot t,
ibloi'k It, Oakland park, with house.
Arrested for sHeallng- Metal John
Cain, a negro, wua arrested by fipeolal
Officer Yltzuid of tho Union Pacific
Monday morning for th theft of brass
from the Union Pacific storerooms. It
Is alleged that Cain stole several hun
dred pounds of the metal.
Promotion far Umtom Jelin O, Lin
ton, city passenger and ticket agent of
the Illinois Central Itallroad company in
Omaha, has been transferred to BlmilDf
ham, Ala., where he will fill a similar
position, at an increase in salary, Mr.
Linton has been with the Illinois Central
six years, most of the time In this city.
He leaves for his new field iiiuriday.
His successor has not been named.
Sird C Wakeley Funeral Wednesday
The body of the late Ulnl C. Wftkeley,
. M ho died in California, wltl arrive in
Omaha Wednesday morning and be taken
dlroct to the residence of Ms parents, Mr.
And Mrs. E. Wakeley, Nineteenth and
California streets. The funeral, which will
toe held from there Wednesday afternoon
At 2 o'clock, will be private. Interment
will be in the family lot in Prospect Hill
Mancuso Counters
on Tom flynn's
Printed Story
famuel Mancusco cornea back at Tom
Flynn's exception to the unanimous ao
Uon ot the Central Improvement club as
"Tom Flynn does 'not arlve the people
the. facts. He deliberately lies when he
says I asked him, to give my father a
job sweeping the streets. For the last
six years, during which time Mr, flynn
baa been the street commissioner, I have
bad nothing to do with him or his de
partment. My father is In pretty fair
circumstances, and although advanced lQ
years Is quite capable of taxing care of
himself, and If he were not I am abun
dantly able and willing to care fur him.
I will pay SOOO toward Mr, Flynn's earn,
paign expenses If he can satisfy any fair
minded man from any evidence in his
possession that I ever asked him to give
employment to my father.
"The facts are just as stated In the
resolution of tbe Central Improvement
club. I did not Introduce the motion. It
was made by a man from the floor. The
motion was unanimously carried, Mr.
Flynn's ears must have burned during
tbe meeting, for if ever any man was se
verely criticized in public Mr. Flypn was;
not by one alone, but by everybody who
bad property on Twenty-first street, and
who had to contribute to the expense ot
removing the earth placed upon the street
by Mr. Flynn.
"Mr. Flynn says he has been thirty
six years in Omaha, I have been In
Omaha about twenty-five years, and in
that time have earned, my own way and
have never held a public office. In fact,
I think probably I have paid more In
taxes than Mr. Flynn has earned during
Ms entire thirty-six years' residence In
Omaha outside of politics."
Key to the situation Bee Want Ads.
How to Prepare
Your Own Shampoo
"A bountiful growth of soft, luxuriant
hair can be every womau's legacy -hair
vhoae bhlmiii iiy, silky strands respond
to the tinner ecu lie touch and go In
I' I am as If oy magic," writes .Mrs. Mae
Jlarljn in the New York pally Kecord
".No great effort is required, but the
tight sort of treatment should be given
It. Shampooing with hurtful prepara
tions must be avoided In fact, the only
rafe shump u to isu Is plain ranthrox.
a teaspoonful of which dlsaolved In a
cup of hot water s enough for a satis-,
factory shainyoo.
"The caiil'irox mixture creates a
wealth of rich, cleanhlng lather that
gently penetrates ai.d looxeu all dead
tissue, stops irritation and neutralises
excess oil. When the head Is rltuted, the
s alu and hair are suutlesaly clean, and
the hair taken mi a rich tone und mystic
rl.un. occasional shampoos with c
tl'.roxiwill induce tho hair to grow ahiin
duntlt and taUa on an even color thict
treutly a!ls to jer.onal charm." Adv.
Whooping: Cough
esraeueMco r
A simple, w7 aa cdciit (icaiatat fat arsa
cbitl trouble. Idini draf. V pris4 CrM
liu M ik piuixyut l VVLeeping Coak uU
Mm Clou M . It I S to unf
tomm Anhm. Tk sir mdcr rafl uiixp
lic, iupueS lth rry tucMb., tk bntikiitf
cut i tootkn tt Mf throw u4 it cek,
uiU teutitl nigbuv It w isMiwul u Boiua
wuS pubg ckildrsa.
cu pMtl fa 4ckcImIt eoeklrt.
sii not iry.iT
Try Cr'WM AniiktuU
i ..... r. ... I.. mr n'ui- j.
iiituis ttiroM. Tkr
MS 1
s ir Jr a i
a w j
si naipta,jtutia ace ' yJWfZK
is ip i f z&'rS
Vspo Cresofea Ca. 13 f y
al Cartlsasi & N. . ai.
Many Not Eiitd in Work Will
Attend Convention.
"prrlnl Tralaa Will lie Hum frost
Mnrola tYedacolar and
1 ha rday Afomnf
tlatc Teachers.
Omaha is supposed to have 500 teachers,
but Miss Belle M. nvan, assistant super
intendent, bat enrolled MS for the Ne
braska association convention which
opena here Wednesday. AH the teachers
In the city, many of whom ure not actu
ally engaged now, will attcna the general
and many ot the special sessions ot the
Tbo Omaha schools will ba inspected
Wednesday by the visiting srhoolma'ams
and schoolmasters. The rgu1ar routine
work will be dune In all the gradee.
Thursday and Friday the srhools will be
dismissed and the teachers will spend the
two days attending the convention.
A special train from Lincoln Tuesday
will bring the superintendent of schools
and It of his staff to tbe convention.
Another special train will be ruu Thurs
day for the remainder ot the Uncpln
Twelve workers began decorating the
Auditorium Monday morning. They are
confining their efforts to the decoration
of the spaces near the floor. Two sailors,
accustomed la hanging in the higher al
titudes, are decorating the building near
the roof.
The decorating committee dissevered
the bunting was not wide enough and so
a vorpe of teachers were pressed Into ser
vice as seamstresses und with needle and
thread are sewing the strips ot green to
gether. Dnelhs Betas; Arraaard.
Miss Anna V. Day Is superintending
the erection ot the booths at the Audi
torium. The work will be complete for
the first session. There will be 700 run
ning feet of booths. Frank Keogh,
member of the publicity bureau of the
Commercial club, Is assisting Miss Pay in
the work of preparaing the Auditorium
for the advent ot the teachers.
Schuyler has notified the local arrange
ments committee that the schools will
be closed Ihere and the full teaching
force will spend Thursday In Omaha.
W. M. Pavldson, - formerly superinten
dent of Omaha schools, nuw superinten
dent at Washington. P. C, will arrive
Tuesday and Will spend the remainder ot
the week ki the city.
Carol .O. Peerse, superintendent of the
schools of Milwaukee, , former Omaha
man, now president ot the National Edu
cational association, will arrive Tuesday
or Wednesday to attend the convention.
Beisel and Furay
Vouch for Ure
I. I Belsel, deputy county treasurer,
and last July Mr. W. Q. Ure's principal
competitor for the republican nomination
for county treasurer, said Monday morn
ing. "I have been deputy county and city
treasurer for the last eight years and am
familiar with all the affair of the treas
urer's office. 1 know who the lax buyers
are and I want to say that Mr. W, Q, Ure
is not now a tax buyer and has nat been
during my connection with the office.
"Under and by virtue of the provisions
of the scavenger law, Mr. Ure redeemed
soma of his own lots and some lots for
clients from total loea occasioned by the
excessive taxes of tbo nineties. It was
done In his own name. It was done undeT
the ean and wise provision of the scav
enger law a law whose operation cashed
tn probably $1,JOQ,000 of otherwise unool
lectable taxes,
"I know Mr. Ure very well. I am tor
him and my friends are for him. The
man does not live in Douglas county
who could make a better county treas
urer." Frank A. Furay, our present efficient
county and elty treasurer, asked if W, Q,
Ure was tax buyer, said: "During my
term I think not a single tax sale or
scavenger sale has . been purchased by
W. O. Ura "
Refused advertising space In all ot the
Omaha papers, the "miraculous doctor"
D. N. Veno la still getting some business
by advertising In the Council Wuffa Non
pareil, though his patients are few In
number compared to two weeks ago, be
fore Tbe See exposed his fake testi
monials and told the public that be had
been here before under other names.
Tha World-Herald took the hint and
eliminated "Doctor" Veno from Its adver
tising columns when The Bee exposed
his methods, and now the "doctor" can't
buy newspaper advertising space in
In his Council Bluffs ad, "Poc-tor"
Veno saya ho sends minions of volts of
tolevlio" current through the most deli
cate Infant or tbe strongest man, saturat
ing the body so completely that a gas Jet
can be lighted from the tongue. The
"doctor" is operating contrary to law.
Colonel Cody's Indians passed through
Missouri Valley Sunday, on their way to
their homes on tha Kosebud and Tine
nidge reservation!, having finished ho
sho-.v season. Therj were shout 1'JO tn
the party. M Missouri Valley the In
dlana were met by Colonel Bill McCune
of tho Buffalo BUI company and take
liable of the Northwestern. At Bush
vllle, Monday, the Indians were paid off
and with the money laid In a supply of
clothing and provisions fur themselves
end families. When the train reached
Jturbvllle, there were nearly 1,000 Indians
present from the reservation, they being
there at the nouie-ooming of their people,
Following Is the program the Omaha
High School Glee elub lll present at
the University of Nebraska alumni ban
uuet at the Hotel Home Thursday noon
during the gtate Teachers' association
(s) Comrades In Arms Adam
(b) bcsrlet ana Cream 1 roiu Unl.
of Netirasks) ,
(c) Peor Ned , ,. Krner
d Hill of Fare Zollnr
te) jubi a uiri bum
UMtir rriaBt '
poFsesis sufferers from lung troub'e til
they learn Dr. King's New plscovery wll
help them, toe end 1 4u. i'uy sale by
ilwR WiU Tell You
Wi Vw7A cous aPPezn2 flavor of
I Illf Pabst ' W
I BhieRildboii fl
AY'MZ Tko Beer of Quality H"M.
J(W Vv Patst exclusive 8-aay malt and trie Palst Qbjm
A V. exclusive process of brewing; make it GhwW,
JTr a ceall, wKolesome beverage f wzW'
Sv ' j tbat creates a Kearry appetite fiMfk I
Mm' s case t0P
Pioneer Nebraskan
Dies at Long Pine
William C, Bishop, 60 years old, for
merly In the drug business In Omaha and
well known in the state, died Sunday at
his home In Long Tine, Neb., where he
had been conducting a hotel during the
last five years. The body wfll be brought
here for burial In Forest Pawn cemetery
and services will be conducted Wednes
day, lie died of erysipelas and a com
plication ot aliments and had been seri
ously III for about a week.
Mr. ptshop was a native ot Oreen Lake,
Wis., nd came west thirty-nine years
ago, settling in York county, where he
engaged In farming. In 1890 he came to
Omaha and engaged In the drug business
with his brother, Pr. J. C, Bishop, first
at Thirteenth and Center and later at
Sixteenth and Locust. After nine yean
he went to Bouldef, Colo., where he con
tinued In the drug1 business. From Colo
rado he went to Long Pine five years ago
and engaged In the hotel business.
He Is survived by his wife and two
children, and the following sisters and
brothers: Mrs. J. C. ranter of Chicago,
Mrs. Ellen Bcheedla of Boulder, Mrs.
George W. Sprague of Omaha, John
Bishop of Council Bluffs and Pr. Blahop
Of Omaha.
And Cuticura Ointment. The use
of these jiure, sweet and gentle
emollients affords immediate relief
nd rruaits rest and sleep even in
the mobt dititresMng forma of itch
ing, burning, scaly eczemas, rashes,
irritutions and thafings. May be
used from the hour of birth.
Altkouh Cutloer Ross tad Olstmaas M eaU
e drose iu d4 4:Ha .er)a.t.
tpl. ul .uh. m,lh ii-a IkSI tkm o,
UMtuaiit of ,t and km. mil w Ml um.
tiw,vaH'iWuVt:ui1i,u, Im.'.U.
! OJiLlWJ J. LV.ff ' a. f V.
VhyYe Can
IXery business nis.ii hi Omaha
he buys goods governs the jirlce
frlcvs. He known that if he toiiIJ
buy lower thorofoie aell lower.
trade enablluR him to boy and aell Hill lower. It's the uolvrreal
law of buRlnesc "Operating"' enable the big buyer to underbuy nnd
lllldprsoll Must I'vprv man Vnnua lht u Imv cloth I ni- In n tiant It leu.
far larger than nny other Omaha store. It la, therefore, evident that
we both underbuy and undersell. The big leading makers are eager
to secure our lnrte orders so eager that they eroAd extrn values Into
every garment innde for us they can afford to give us better valutj
etru at lower prices beratus tney rc selling In larger quantities
nd we tan ufford to give jou better values for lower prices because
we both buy and soil In Inrgett quantities.
Just now we're offering an extraordinary value tn
Mens Overcoats at $15 and S20.
$., Vou can't roalir.0 until you examine our
1 line "t 515.00 and $20.00 the full advant- )) flR
mo of our big buying Rbundnnt styles for M r if 1 1
j a y every need ulsterettee. Kugllsh bti over- 0
Or costs, belted backs, raghins and Chester- GZ3 Jr
Omaha's Largest and Beat
,,, , - r- i hi " r TiiliilifM r " t 1
Doesn't decide his own lefai questions
Doesn't try to cure his own fevers
Doesn't pull his own teeth
Doesn't build his own house.
And yet though his koowl.
edge of technical advertising be
as limited as hi information
regarding DlscVitone. there,
peutic, molars or architecture
he often subjects his business
to the dangers that always
attend an operation when at
tempted by one not skilled.
No, Dear Sir, w do not
olaim to know more about your
businci than you know, but
we do claim to know something
about the most effective meth
od of presenting your business
to the publie.
Darlow Advertising Company
828-40 City National Dank DUg.
Cures Dandruff, Stops the Hair
from Falling Out 'and
Makes It Grow,
There I nothing new about the IJ'-a
of lining suge fur ii-storlng the color ot
the liulr. our grest-grsndmutht'is kept
their lucks soft, dark sod gluhsy by
using a "rage (." Vlivnevr.r their
hair (ell out or took on a dull, farted or
streaked appearance tlivy made u bri w
ot suge leaves and Hpplled It to their
huir, with tvondd fully UeuefUial effect.
Nowaday we don't have to r-.rt to
old-time, tiresome methods of galharlim
tha herbs and making the Ua. This U
done by skillful (herniate hitter Hum we
The B
ee for
JMH - Jt'ay.t'.TWLBJ J U1A. Jl 'WUI,IBHI I
ktiowa that tho quantity In which
larxost quantities pctuiiiiK lowest
buy In larger Quantities lie could
This In turn would ultriut mora
Equipped Clothing Store
In this work w have ipcclal
ized, and our general agency
equipment is back of a Local
Service for Omaha advertisers
in the developing and consum
mation of plans made to fit the
csae in hand.
We'll be glad to tslk with
you shout your publicity prob
lems, including newspaper ad
vertiaing, booklets, catalogues,
circulsrs, letters, or any other j
part of your selling campaign.
Write ua a line, or telephone,
and we'll meet ycu at the time
and place you ehooae.
Telephones Douglas 716
find. A-I5T6
could do It ourcelvcs, and all we have to
do la to call for tho ready-made produ'-t,
Wy uth's Hase a"J Hulphur Hair ltom
edy, eontalnlng sni;e In tho proper
strength, with tbe addition of sulphur,
another old tlmo nslp remedy.
Tha ,? it ii nf ;i nf II r ru rif fhia rmnixlLf
authorize druggUu to Kell It under guar
antee thut the money will be refunded
If It falls to do exactly as represented.
I Jon't neglect your hair. let a buttle
of Wytlh's t-ue unl Hulphur today, and
notice the difference after a few days'
ThiM preparation 1 offered to the public
at fifty cents a bottle, and Is recom
mended and hold by druggists.
Sherman ii Mci'imncll I)rug Co., Cor.
Pith und 1)im1k, Cor pllh asd Harney,
Cjr '.'Itli and I'SJiiuiij, JU7-( NortU titb
ft., Lrfal Hotel.
All the lews
(Closes ,
Hovember 11
Booklover Contestants
Have Plenty of Time
for Sending in Answers
Many Are Entering Now!
A, 1 - Acre
In Tehama County, Cal.
In a climate shown by the gov
ernment chart to be the same as
that of Los Angeles, Fresno, etc.,
lies Tehama county, California, It
is within two hundred and fifty
miles of San Francisco, and therejs
situated the famous Lutheran
colony which has had so much dis
cussion in Omaha by reason of a
local clergyman taking the initiative
in its formation. The Bee offers
this 10-acrc ranch as second prize
in its Booklovers contest. Here
is a livelihood for man, wife arid
children for the rest of time. Here
is $1,250 in land, carrying free
water, waiting only for the plow
share and intelligence to cultivate
it and produce almost any variety
of fruit.
Full information concerning this
land may be had at the office of
City National
- Bolster Co.
Bank Building
1 ts
Beaton Pru( Co.