'Jili-: ItKK: Ai I A. 1 1 .jvsAV. M)v 'is si , jwli. Whole Nickel to Do This to Jeff By "Bud" Fisher tlJL-j ill fiSlllt M-Jflpi r.j . x ADTOISTS TOJALK BUSINESS State Association Will Plan to Co Operate to Suppress Joy Riding. WILL MEET HERE IN DECEMBER Learlslatlre Program (or Next Gen eral Aurmblr Will Be Outlined ' Aatomoblle Parade Will f' Be a Feat are. ' The Nebraska State Automobile asso ciation will hold Us annual convention In Omaha, beginning December 4 and com tlnulng two or three days, depending on Uie progress of business. Each county represented In the asso : elation Is entitled to one delegate for ! each twenty-five members, and as the : nembershjp is now 3,000 about 120 dele ' gates ale expected. A banquet will bo - fceM. and If the weather Is favorable therwlll be a parade with about 200 I utog In line. One matter of business for the conven ; tlon will be the outline of a plan for a : committee In each county to Investigate automobile accidents. By this means Jt la expected that the association can as sist in the prosecution of , Irresponsible joyriders, whose misdeeds are aften per petrated with rented or stolen cars, and at the same time help In the protection of automobile owners who are Innocent f blame in case of accidents. LearlslatlTe Program. A legislative program for the next ses sion of the legislature also Is to be de cided upon. Delegates probably will be appointed to a national meeting of auto mobile men in Washington January 16 and 17, its purpose being to interest con gress In giving federal aid for state high ways. Nine directors of the association will be elected. Secretary D. K. Watklns says that fifty-eight counties are now represented Id the state association. He assisted in the organization of a club last week at PapilUon and will go this week to or ganize clubs at Ord, Loup City, Nellgh and Stanton. The Sarpy County Automobile associa tion was organized last Friday at Fa pllllon with these temporary officers: President, E. G. Fase, PapilUon; secretary-treasurer, G. P. Miller, PapilUon. Women who bear children and re main healthy are those who prepare their systems in advance of baby's coming. Unless the mother aids nature in its pre-natal work the crisis finds her system unequal to the de ynands made upon it, and she is often left with weakened health or chronio ailments. No remedy is so truly a help to nature as Mother's Friend, and no expectant mother should fail to use it. It relieves the pain and discomfort caused by the strain on the ligaments, makes pliant and elas tic those fibres and muscles which nature la expanding, prevents numb ness of limbs, and soothes the inflam mation of breast glands. The system being thus prepared by Mother's ' Friend dispels the fear that the crisis may not be safely met. Mother's Friend assures a 6peedy and complete recovery for the .mother, and she is left a healthy woman to enjoy the rearing of her child. Mother's T f AtTPlVC Friend is sold at IliiiKO Writffor our free FRJEKD book for expect ant mothers which contains much Valuable information, and many sug gestions of a helpful nature. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta. C T rojNTAINa. HOTELS. ON CLSC WHCftk' Original and Genuine ounces MALTED MI LIC The Food Drink forAHAea JCH UUX. HALT ClAilf EXTIACT, IN rowi. Not in any Milk Trust t3 Insist on "IIORLICK'S - Take package borne How to Change Your Face (From Fashion Review.) The painful, dangerous and expensive operation known as "face-peeling" Is not necessary to accomplish the results sought. Ono can gradually and safely remove the old and unbeautiful cuticle from her face without pain, danger or detention Indoors. Simply use ordinary mercollzed wax, which can be obtained at any drug store. Apply it for a few nights like cold cream and wash it off each morning. The mercollde In the wax slowly absorbs the half-dead outer skin, which flakes off day by day in fine, ln visible particles. The fresh young skin underneath aoon blooms forth radiantly making the face look years younger and much prettier. Employment of this pro cess is not noticeable to others, except that your complexion Improves rapidly. Of course, the removal of the surface skin in 4hla pleasant n.nner, takes with it all facial blemishes, such as chaps, freckles, moth patches, liver spots, fine wrinkles, pimples, etc Mercollzed wax has been known for yeare to many so clety women r.oted for their beautiful and lasting complexion Adv. A meeting for permanent organization will be held at Springfield next Saturday. Winter Wheat Will Have Large Acreage Beginning early in the spring and con tinuing during the growing season, the Burlington, each week, receives crop re ports from all over Nebraska, gathered by agents and crop reports. The last report for the season of 19U was received Monday morning and summed up the entire situation so far as the west two thirds of the state is concerned. In dealing with the corn crop, 75 per cent of a full crop Is estimated. In most sections husking is progressing rapidly and In many places more than half fin ished. N Everywhere the winter wheat acreago Is fully up to the average and the grain looks well. Potatoes are all dug, and while the yield Is below the average, owing to the high price the crop will net the farmers fully as much as usual. In some sections of the state, particularly In the north west, the yield Is fully up to that of former years. Sugar beets, wherever planted, have done well, the yield being better than an average. This crop Is not entirely har vested, but all beets will be pulled before the ground freeres. Apples are abundant, but are selling at rather low prices. Owing to recent heavy rains, pastures are In excellent condition, with fall and winter range the best In many years. Creighton Alumni Attends Clinics About one-hundred alumnui of the col lege of medicine of the University of Nebraska gathered at the Rome hotel Monday morning to attend the Second annual meeting of the college. The delegation was taken t the Wise hospital, and fro? H to 9:?) Dr. James S. Goetz conducted a medical clinic. A viHlt was made at the Douglas county hospital, where Dr. Rodney W. Bliss held a medical clinic and Dr. R. R. Ilolllster a surgical clinic. A luncheon was served at noon, after which the alumni association held a meeting. Dr. B. B. Armstrong of PapilUon, president of the association, Dr. A. P. Overgaard of Fremont, Dr. A. lane of Wyoming and Dr. I. 8. TroBtler of Chicago, addressed the meeting. A reception to the faculty will be held this evening at 8 o'clock at the Commer cial club. Prominent among the guests will be Acting Dean Robert 11. Wolcott and Chancellor Samuel Avery. STATE YERITABLE GOLD MINE Products Eoual Nation's Gold, Cop per, Iron, Lead and Then Some. GUYE ISSUES SOME STATISTICS Compares Wraith of Nebraska oll rrllh the Products of Mines and Exrrllrnt Showing . la Made. Bulletin No. 22 of the Nebraska bureau of labor and Industrial statistics has been Issued, by Deputy Commissioner Ouye. Values of some of the state's products, as compared with the production of the United States in various lines, are given as follows: Nebraska's alfalfa, hay, .dairy products and food 100,9(,a8 United states and Alaska, total -gold mines 99,232,200 Balance In favor of Nebraska...! 1.678,0)8 Nebraska's ?ggs and poultry....! 42. SS4.274 United States, silver mines, total i7.733.312 Balance In favor of Nebraska...! 15,160,9t2 Nebraska's live stock ..164,9S4,OiO United States, copper . mines, total 145,451,207 Balance In favor of Nebraska...! 9,632,343 Nebraska's corn crop SS7.RT7.M6 United States. iron ore.... 91,5o6,3i'4 Balance in favor of U. 8 ! 7,678,81S Nebraska's manufactured prod ucts $150.IT,?0 United States, crude petroleum.. 114.3iH),lX)0 Balance In favor of Nebraska...! 35,718,620 Nebraska's wheat, oats, rye, and barley ) 60,191,361 United States, sugar, total out put 62.696.3S9 Balance in favor of Nebraska..! 7,494,972 Nebraska's packing Industry ! 97.7M.702 United States, tobacco crop, total 95.719,305 Balance in favor of Nebraska..! 2,040,337 Grand total for Nebraska !6!4,713.S51 Grand total for United States.. U30,615,b36 Coal Men Profit by Basket Sales John Urftiit P8K, city Inspector of weiKhts and measures. Is on the trail of fuel pedlers who have reaped big re turns by selling coal to the poorer people of the city by tlio basket. A tun of coal will bring twice as much when sold In baskets, at 20 to 30 cents each than Is realised when it is sold by weUht. City License InspectoV Schneider is with Pegg In his fight to prevent this robbery of the poorer people. They will Inspect the occupation tax records of all retail coal dealers and will force them to take out pedlers' licenses, which may be done for !30 each. If they persist In dispensing fuel by the basket. r B 3 SSsSEBSSND K3,S3EinBS8BaSlssfr. B Rowdy-Dowdy Boys Pummel an Off icer Officer Dudley appeared In police court Monday morning with a beautifully tinted eye, presented to him In a scuffle ensuing when he attempted to make an arrest In the Unique chop suey Joint on Fourteen street, which has been raided twice iilnce It opened a few weeks ago. Kd FlUger ald, a South Omaha rowdy-dowdy boy, went Into the Joint all sharpened up Sat urday night. He created a disturbance and officer Dudley appeared. Several of Fltr-gerald's friends rushed the police man and decorated his eye. Fltigerald failed to appear in court Monday," for feiting a J10 bond. Balance in favor of Nebraska, grand total 63,935,014 Which equals he total produc tion of both lead and cine 60,S75,563 Balance In favor of Nebraska..! 3,059,451 In other words, Nebraska produced in wealth In 1910 products In value' equal to the United States, total production of gold, silver, copper. Iron, crudo petrollum, tobacco, lead and sine, with !3,059,451 bal ance In favor of Nebraska. MALICIOUS ATTACKS ON JUDGES BY LITIGANTS The political campaign Just closing re veals the fact that there still remain a few persons who are so selfish and nar row minded that they will attack Judges who fall to rule In their favor, even though they would have to Ignore the laws in order to so rule. A newspaper repeatedly has attacked Judge Iee 8. Estelle because when Its in terests were at stake he committed the crime of refusing to set at naught and nullify the laws of the commonwealth in order that It might win. A dentist named Whiteside has pub lished an advertisement attacking Judge Howard Kennedy because Judge Kennedy was the presiding Judge in a case which Mr. Whiteside was interested and Mr. Whlleslda lost. In the thousands of cases which have been tried In the district court half the litigants have lost. It Is a gratifying comment on the Intelligence, unselfish ness and breadth of mind of litigants that only two of them try to defeat the Judges because they happen to be beaten In lawsuits. PASSENGERS IN PANIC WHEN CAR IS DERAILED Sixty Council Bluus passengers, riding to their work in Omaha, were given a scare at Fourteenth and Douglas streets af o'clock Monday morning when the car In which they were riding was derailed. While rounding the corner the rails .spread and the trucks went off the track. The car toppled to a dangerous angle and the passengers were panic stricken. The car again lurched and righted itself, but ike passengers scrambled out as fast as they could. A wrecking crew cleared llio track in a short time. The Yellow Peril. Jaundice malaria biliousness, vanishes when Dr. King's New Life Pills are taken. Guaranteed. 5c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. TI T 11 Bad enough, to be sure. But 1 6W V0CfSold co,ds are worse. Better stop your fresh cold at once. Never hesitate to ask your doctor about AVer's Cherry rectorai. use it or not, as he says. He knows. J. O. Aw Co., FEDERAL OFFICIALS LOOK INTO BLACK HAND LETTER A black hand letter threatening death if he doesn't stop cutting food prices and advertising the cuts In the newspapers has been received by Manager A. King of Ilayden Bros.' grocery department. The letter was mailed at Seventeenth and Vinton streets. Here Is a copy of the letter: This letter Is send to you through us people we are Gfto of us all over And We are looking for you these days to shoot you because we were told by people that yous drive out every men out of business In Omaha. You won't leave somebody else make a living at all bo you better iook out tor your live right know before to late Toil stop cutln prices in your store If you dont you will get It qu.ck enought I am in the yous store every day behind you. Bo please pay attention to this here and atop your cutlng prices In your store at once. I am la a hury to close myleter Irnnt put your ads In the paper any more. The letter has been turned over to United Btates District At'orney F. ti. Howell. Hayden Bros, have offered a reward of !5O0 for the arrest and conviction of the writer of th eetter. Illrths sad Deaths. Births Colt O. and Vivian Campbell, 135 North Thirty-filth street, boy; H. c. and Daisy Doughtlt, Omaha General hos pital, girl; Hoy and Edith liarnian, M. th. fdist hosptal. girl; Kruest and Fern Itobey, 27U5 North Kighteenth street, boy; Amos and Hannah TilloUon, 43J5 buward, boy. Iath Paul W. Wentworth, J5 years 21 Hurt street; C. K Chapman. 41 years' HL Jojeph hospital; Mrs. Minnie Feigner) W years, Fourteenth and Cijiltol avenue' Ltllle U Carry, years, 37U tioutb Twenty-first street. Persistent Advertising to lag luturos. is the Koad Robertson Uses Axe to Settle Quarrel An old quarrel resulted Sunday In an attack upon William Klin of 719 Pacific street when he was struck over the hesd with an axo" by AlBert Robertson. A scalp wound five Inches long was Inflicted, but a serious turn is not anticipated By Dr. Peppers, who has the patient . In charge. Kiln tells the police that he was walking along the Burlington tracks at Third and Hickory streets with .a friend, Charles McCarthy, when Robertson assaulted him unexpectedly. Kiln is reported to be doing well. Dundee Water Case is Again in Court Mrs. Jennie R. Brown, C110 Burt street. Dundee, tn district court Monday peti tioned for a writ of mandamus command ing the Omaha Water company to furnish her water connections. She says the com pany has cut off her water supply with out Just reason, she having offered to pay 'all rentals and any costs incidental to the furnishing of water for her home. Judge Sutton issued an alternative man damus writ commanding the company to either make the connections or appear in court Thursday and shov cause why it should not bo compelled to do so. ARRESTED FOR STEALING CATTLE FROM GOVERNMENT Jessie LaPolnt, a Eantee Indian from the Eantee reservation in South Dakota, who was Indicted there fur selling govern ment cuttle from the Indian reservation and who Jumped his bond, was ar rested Sunday at Niobrara, Neb., by the United Slates marshal and brought to Omaha. Lal'oint Is said to have sold several hundred dollars worth of cattle and when Indicted, he disappeared. He will be taken back to the Santee reserva tion In South Dakota by Marshal Hayes. The government officials are seeking the purchaser of the cattle, but thus far have failed. Marriage Licenses. The foil iwlng marriage licenses have been granted: Name ami Residence. Agn. Charles Oliver. Huxton. Ia , Bessie Junes, Huxton, la 24 Louis Paces, Omaha 't Carrie Vhk, Omaha JH Frank W. McCanon, Des Moines II Bertha K. Query, Des Mo lies 0 Peter O. Peterson, Bed Oak, Ia 64 Una bvedin, lied Oak, Ia 45 J oys suits, Overcoats asi - Furnishings We have never shown such winter clothes for boys, nor such great varieties as are ready at this store now. The good things you've come to know about this store is only magni fied by the immense showing of fall and winter garments. The standard of quality and value-giving are higher than ever before, assortments greater and varieties better than at any previous time. If you have not already done so, "give us your boy to clothe." , SUITS or OVERCOATS, , 2.50, $3.50, 84.50 and up to 12 2 0 If i i XL .: r a Has TO OPEN BRIDGE NEXT WEEK Big Celebration at Plattsmouth nt a Good Roads Meeting-, - -' CROSSES PLATTE AT LA TLATTE m " . Omaha-Kansas VHrf Ant Read As sorlatlon to lie Orsmalaed at (Us Merlins; to Hoost Road for West Side of Illver. . . November 15 has been set as the date for the good roads meeting- at'Flatts mouth, to formally celebrate the complo tlon of the Duff-Pollock bridge across the Flatte river at I.a Flatte a part of the newly projected Omaha-Kansas t'lty auto route down the west side of the diver. The bridge Is culled the Duff-Pollock bridge because ltulph Duff of Nebraska City and Tom . Pollock of ' Plattsmouth raised the money for It by popular sub scrlpllon, contributing a goodly share themselves. I . The Omuha-Kansas City Auto Road association will be organized at this meeting, which probably will he held In tho afternoon. Plattsmouth business men promise lively entertainment for tho roads boosters In the1 evening. It Is expected that a large number of Omaha automobile men will attend the meeting. The Omaha Commercial club will bo represented by delegates. COURT IS ENTERTAINED BY A QUEER CHARACTER William Barnes gave the spectators In police court several minutes of entertain ment when he was arraigned before Judge Crawford on a charge of being In toxlcated Monday morning, liarnes In a loud voice told the court that lie never touched a drop of liquor In his Life, liarnes then gave his life's history, say lug the queen of England wus his sister. He said he was In Omaha to put on a few sketches in the various opera houses in the city and that ho Is the best singer in the world. When he attempted to give an exhibition of his vocal powers Judg. Crawford ordered him back to the mourn ers' bench. He will be tuken before the insanity commission. PLATTE RIVER IS HIGHER THAN FOR SOME YEARS ltallrood men In the city from Brady Island, Maxwell and points farther west and along the line of the Union l'aclflo in Nebraska, state that I Aids Nature The great success of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery in curing weak stomachs, wssted bodies, weak lungs, and obstinate and lingering coughs, is hated oa the recognition of tbe fundamental truth thst "tioldeo Medical Discovery" supplies Nature with body-building, tissue-repairing, muscle-making materials, in con densed and concentrated form. With this help Nature supplies the necessary strength to the stomach to digest food, build up lbs body and thereby throw off lingering obstinate coughs. Tbe "Discovery" re-establishes the digestive aad nutritive organs in sound health, purifies and eoriches the blood, and nourishes the nerves in short establishes sound vigorous health. It your dernier often aomttblat "art mm iomd,' It la probmbly better FOR HIM It pmym better. Hut you mrm thinking mt the core not tho profit, em there's aottilui "lumt mm good" tor you. Sty mo. Dr. Pierce's Common Scoso Medical Adviser, In Plain Foglisli; or. MsoV toit e Simplified, 1008 paes, over 500 illustrations, newly revised up-to-dat lidition, cloth-bound, scat for 31 one-cent stsinps, to cover cost 4 wrappiad, sad mailing . AddrcMl Dr, It. V, Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y P the stage of water in the Platte river Is greater now than at any corre sponding date In years. , Instead of being Aryt there Is a Strong flow of water In the Channel of the stream, and In many localities It has covered the bars. Throughout western Nebraska there have hoes a number of heavy rains dur ing the last few weeks, but the stage of water In the Platte, la attributed to th. fact that most of he reservoirs farther up the river are full and the natural flow Is no longer Impeded. While there Is plenty of water In the Platte, there .are also plenty of ducks all along the streuin from Kearney west. Hunters coming In have the limit, most of the birds being mallards, ' which have taken tho place of ' the teal and the smaller varieties, which have gone far ther south. FORT TALKS TO HOTEL MEN AT DEVER MEETING Besides pledging the Union Pacific tot a contribution of $2,000 In tbe event Den ver Is able to land the two big political conventions next year, Oerrit Fort, pas senger trafflo manager of "ie toad, de livered an address at a meeting of the Northwestern Hotel Men's association, while he was In Denver, speaking upon the effect that tho "Yellowstone National Park Has Upon Hotel Trade." At the Denver meeting Uoma Miller ot Omaha was also one of the speakers, hla subject being a discussion of the "Hotel Men's Protective Association." lioth ol the addresses were well received and loudly applauded by the So0 hotel men in attendance, Have Your Ticket Read Burlington Three Great Trains for Chicago.... Morning 7:15 A. M. Afternoon 4:20 P. M. Evening 6:30 P. M. llllllflltsflilil lite : tmmmmmwmmmmmwm?mmmmmmmwwimmmmmmwmBwm Daylight, Sun Parlor, Lounge Car Traint or rives Chicago 8:45 P. M., connecting with nigbt tmin3 for tho East, Atlantic Seaboard nnd New England. Famous No. Six. Mid-Afternoon Train, arrives Cliicago at 7 A, M., connecting with early morning trains to New York and New England. Chair cars, standard and Tourist sleepers and dining cars. Electric lighted train. Chicago Limited; best train for all classes ol travel; sleeper and dining car service available at (J P. M., arrives Cliicago 8:09 A. M., dining car serves breakfast enroute to Chicago; con nects with the nine and ten o'clock morning trains to tho East and Southeast. Electric lighted train of chair cars, diners, sleepers and library observation cars. Ask about the Tourist Rates to tbe South applying one way via Chicago. J. II. lSi;VNOIJS, C. 1. A., 130a Far nam St. liell I'hone, I). Intl. A-332;!. TiP 1 III v-r brei I I r-r , Dread... Good Bread Aids DysDSDSIa Tki I a " u cure ror dyspepsia la pure o. wen made. Properly baked Tin Tn bread 1. perfect bread mad. of th. t,t flour Reasoned just rirht. . O.orourhly kueaded ana baked to perfection. Try It. 5c at all grocers V. r. BTKAM BAKISTQ COMPANY i